Daddy and His Boy Jason

By moc.liamtoh@1revolb

Published on Dec 20, 2009


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit submission in a Daddy/boy relationship between adult males, including watersports, scat and other graphic scenes of sex. It contains no truth, partial truth, or half truth, only fantasy. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. If such content is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, please leave now and read no further. This story is the property of the author only. Please do not copy or reprint without permission from the author. If you wish to contact the author for comments, please do so at

DADDY AND HIS BOY JASON -"Uncle Jack" Part Two

Uncle Jack, who had been Daddy's brother when they had both been boys in training to Granddaddy in Amsterdam, had finally returned to the states six months ago and had taken up living with them. They had become a nice family unit.

It was a Friday night, just before midnight. Jason lay on the floor in front of the television, watching an old sci-fi movie. His Daddy, Granddaddy and Uncle had all gone to sleep. Jason stretched and flexed his arms. He reached down between his legs, moved his balls aside and felt the plug Daddy had put into him earlier that night, after he and Granddaddy had taken turns stuffing their shit into him with the re-loader. Jason could feel the loads inside him. He turned the plug once, twice, pushed it deeper into place and then stretched again. As he looked up he saw his Uncle Jack standing there watching him. "Nice. Thank you, nephew. Feeling full?" asked Uncle Jack as he scratched his nut sack and yawned. "Um, yes, I do and you're welcome, Uncle Jack," stammered Jason. "What are you doing up?" "Woke up, couldn't go back to sleep. What are you watching?" "The original "The Day The Earth Stood Still," replied Jason. "Ever seen it? Michael Ramey? It's great." Uncle Jack stretched, rubbed his muscled belly. "Yea, okay...move over, Jas." Jason scooted over to the couch, grabbed a cushion and threw it on the floor for his Uncle. Jack lowered himself to the floor, scooted down onto the cushion and put his arm around his nephew. Jason lay his head on his Uncle's chest and together they watched the screen. When the movie ended, Jack stretched, reached down and tosseled Jason's hair. "Not bad, nephew, not bad." "Glad you enjoyed it, Uncle Jack." The two sat there for awhile talking about the movie. Then Uncle Jack stood up and walked towards the bathroom. "Come with me, boy," he commanded, turning around at Jason and gesturing to him with his curled finger. "Yes, Sir," replied Jason as he rose from the floor. Jason followed his uncle into the bathroom. Uncle Jack sat down on the toilet, opened his legs, and then gestured to Jason to get between them. Jason dropped to his knees and scooted over towards his Uncle and the bowl. He sat down, moving his legs around until he was straddling the toilet.

"That's a good boy," praised Uncle Jack as he ran his hands through Jason's hair.

"Just sit there just like that, Jason, and lean in and suck your Uncle's cock while he takes a shit."

Jason scooted closer towards the toilet and took his Uncle Jack's cock into his mouth and began to suck on it. Uncle Jack's cockhead was huge, like swallowing a golf ball. He sucked on the head, allowing it to open his mouth and his throat. He let his Uncle slowly feed him his cock. When Uncle Jack had his cock halfway down Jason's throat, he stopped. He looked at Jason, smiled. "Drink me, baby."

Jason began feeling the first drops of his Uncle's piss as it began to flow into his mouth and down his throat. He tasted and then smelled the piss as it flowed from his his Uncle's large cock. He gulped the first mouthful, and the second and drank, not allowing even a drop to escape his mouth and keeping his Uncle's cock safely in his throat. Jason continued to drink until the flow finally began to slow. He continued to suck slowly on his Uncle's cock, flicking his tongue along the shaft, draining the last drops.

"Thank you, boy," sighed Uncle Jack. "You keep sucking while I'm shittin'."

Jason continued to suck on his Uncle's cock. He felt his Uncle stiffen, could feel him push. "Here it comes, nephew.". With that he pushed and a large, solid log of shit emerged and slowly dropped to the water below. Jason inhaled the smell. Uncle jack pushed again and another log emerged, slowly making its way downward, splashing into the water. Another log pushed out and dropped and landed half across the two logs already floating. Jason could smell the strong odor of his Uncle's shit and taste his piss. His dick grew hard. He clenched the plug, feeling his Daddy's and Granddaddy's shit inside of him. "Ah, yea, thank you there, boy. That was good," sighed Uncle Jack. He rubbed Jason across the head and along his cheek. He slowly withdrew his glistening cock from Jason's mouth. He pulled Jason's face up to look at him. Jason sat back slightly as his Uncle stood up. "Clean me up, nephew." "Yes, Uncle Jack," replied Jason.

Uncle Jack turned himself around, placed his hands on the wall, and leaned forward while thrusting his ass into Jason's face. Jason parted his Uncle's ass cheeks and peered at the brown coating around the dark pucker in the center.

"Clean me up, Jason. Slide that nice tongue of yours all over your Uncle's asshole like you do so well and make him nice and clean like you do for Daddy and Granddaddy. Do that for me Jason."

Jason leaned in closer, stuck out his tongue and slid it across his Uncle's dirty asshole. He tasted the shit, a strong flavor; he let it lie across his tongue and then swallowed. He flattened his tongue and licked across his Uncle's ass again, sliding off the shit that had been coating the puckered hole.

"Hmmmmm, that feels so nice, nephew. I love it when you do that to me. Just as I know your Daddy and Granddaddy do. You are one fine boy," praised Uncle Jack.

Jason finished licking and sucking his Uncle's hole until it was clean. He kissed his Uncle's ass hole and then each butt cheek and then leaned back. Uncle Jack turned himself back around.

"Thank you, Uncle Jack," said Jason.

"More than welcome, and thank you, boy. Now, let's hit the hay."

Both men walked out of the bathroom and towards the bedrooms. Uncle Jack grabbed Jason's but, pushed on the plug.

"Have a nice night, nephew."

"Thank you, Uncle. You also."

Uncle Jack walked into the room he shared with Granddaddy and Jason proceeded to his and Daddy's room. When he opened the door, there was Daddy, sitting up in bed with a smile on his face and a hard cock looking directly at Jason. Jason closed the door and smiled.

"Come here, boy," smiled Daddy. "I think it's time we do something with that stuff inside you."

Jason crawled onto the bed and into his Daddy's arms.

"I may never get to sleep tonight," he thought to himself. "But then, who cares," he smiled.

Jason crawled up between his Daddy's legs and eased his way up to until his face was resting nicely at his Daddy's cock and balls. He looked up at his Daddy for a moment and flicked out his tongue and began to lick his Daddy's balls. He bent forward and kissed the head of his Daddy's dick. He flicked out his tongue and began to slide it up and down the shaft, sucking it deeper and deeper into his throat. He held it there, sliding his tongue around the shaft and then slowly slid his mouth back off. He slid his tongue down the outside of the shaft of his Daddy's cock, moving towards his balls. Jason licked his Daddy's balls over and over. He first circled his tongue around one ball and sucked it into his mouth. Then he slowly used his tongue to slide the other ball inside as well. He licked the sack over and over with his tongue as it lay lodged in his mouth and throat.

Daddy moaned in pleasure and patted Jason's head.

"Good boy, baby. Good boy."

Jason let first one ball slide from his mouth and then the other. He began to lick up his Daddy's shaft once more, heading towards the top. He kissed the head and sucked it into his mouth and swallowed it down into his throat. He closed his throat around the shaft and sucked and tongued his Daddy's cock the way Jason knew Daddy loved it. Over and over he swirled his tongue, using his throat to milk his Daddy's cock. Jason felt his Daddy began to stiffen, hold his head more firmly.

"Oh yea, boy, here we go. Suck Daddy's cock, baby, suck that cum out of me, boy."

Jason continued to use his tongue and throat.

"Awwwwww, babbbbby...mmmmmmmm yea!" yelled Daddy as he shot hot ropes of cum down Jason's throat. He held Jason's head in place and face fucked him while Jason swallowed the sweet, hot load of cum from his Daddy. Slowly the face fucking stopped. Daddy held his cock deep in Jason's mouth and then began to piss. Jason quickly began to swallow the hot liquid as quickly as his Daddy was letting it loose. Gulp after gulp slurped down Jason's throat. He sucked on Daddy's cock, draining the piss from his Daddy.

"Hmmmmm, yea. Thank you, baby. That was real nice," said Daddy, rubbing Jason across the head. "Now, I think it's time we take care of that packing inside of you, boy."

Jason pulled back off his Daddy's cock and looked up at his Daddy.

"Lie on your back, boy, and then pull your legs up and let Daddy see that pretty hole of yours."

Jason did as his Daddy instructed, flipping onto his back and reaching his hands behind his knees and pulling his legs up to his chest, opening up his butt and plugged hole to his Daddy.

"Okay, son, I want to watch you give birth to Daddy's and Granddaddy's children, so to speak," laughed Daddy.

Jason held his legs up while his Daddy slowly pulled out the plug. It slid out easily, and was caked on one side in his Daddy's and Granddad's shit. Daddy held up it up for Jason to see.

"Open up, boy, and suck on this for Daddy while he watches you push those out for me. Go on, boy. Push."

Daddy knelt in front of Jason's open legs and ass and began to stroke his cock. Jason felt the load inside him begin to merge free of his sphincter. He pushed.

"Oh, yea, baby. I see it coming. Hmmmmm it's a monster, boy," said Daddy as he watched Jason push out the first inches of the logs of shit he and Granddaddy had re-loaded into Jason earlier that evening. "Push, baby, come on. All the way."

Jason pushed more and the shit began to snake its way out of Jason's hole until all nine inches of the combined shit log spilled from his gaping hole. Daddy picked up the large log, dropped across Jason's erect cock and full balls, and then slid his erect cock into Jason's open hole before it could close.

`Ahhhhhhhh," exclaimed Jason, as he felt his Daddy's cock refill the emptiness left by the evacuated shit.

"Use the shit to beat off, baby, while Daddy fucks you."

Jason reached between his legs and grasped his hard cock and the log of shit at the same time and squeezed. The shit slid around Jason's cock, into his hands and through his fingers. He began to pump his dick up and down as his Daddy began to fuck him. Their tempos soon matched and began to increase.

"Awww, `a'y," mumbled Jason through his plugged mouth as he felt the orgasm build from his balls and move up his dick.

"Shoot for me, Jason, shoot for Daddy," encouraged Daddy as he pumped harder and harder into his boy's ass. He pulled the plug from Jason's mouth.

"I'm cumming, Daddy, aw, god," cried Jason as he shot spurts of cum into the air, across his Daddy's chest, his own and down his shit covered hand.

"Yea, baby," exclaimed Daddy as he too began to shoot ropes of cum up Jason's ass. Jason squeezed his ass muscles, milking his Daddy.

"Oh, thank you, Daddy," panted Jason.

`You're welcome, boy, and thank you," replied Daddy.

"Come here, son."

Jason let his legs drop and leaned up and into his Daddy's arms. Daddy kissed him tenderly and wrapped his arms around the man. "Think we need to jump in the shower, boy," laughed Daddy, looking down at the mess between them. "Let's go."

End Section 1

Very quickly, Granddaddy, Daddy, Uncle Jack and Jason fell into a leather family routine. Months continued to pass, and life was good for them. Uncle Jack had gained more and more privileges with Jason, and he and Daddy had become very inventive, with great encouragement from Granddaddy.

"How much puppy training has he had, little brother?" asked Uncle Jack one morning at the breakfast table.

"Did basic puppy training with him when we first got together. He responded really well. Why?"

"Thinking of getting me a puppy to join the family. No one in mind, but thinking about it and would like to practice up my skills for awhile on our boy here. Mind?" asked Uncle Jack.

"Actually, I think that's a great idea, Jack. You can start tonight when Jason gets home. It's Friday night. We'll have a nice long, weekend training session."

"What's going on?" asked Granddaddy, sauntering into the room.

"Jack's going to start puppy-training Jason this weekend. That was one of your favorite activities, Pops, if I remember. Want to help?" asked Daddy.

"Damn straight," exclaimed Granddaddy. "How are we going to start?"

Jason walked into the house that night and was met at the door with his Daddy, Granddaddy, and Uncle Jack all standing at attention in full leather. Daddy held a collar in one hand. Uncle Jack held a leash, and Granddaddy held a butt plug with a puppy dog tail at the end. Jason knew what that meant and immediately closed the door behind him and dropped to the floor.

"Strip, boy," commanded Granddaddy. "Now. Fold up them clothes on the table and then resume the position."

Jason immediately began to strip out of his clothes, carefully folding each article up as he removed it. Finally naked, he carried the neatly piled of clothes to the table, crawled back over to the middle of the floor and assumed his position.

Daddy walked over to Jason and fastened the collar around his neck.

"Remember when I put this on you before, boy?" asked Daddy.

"Yes, Daddy, I do."

"And remember the training I put you through, boy?" quizzed Daddy.

"Yes, Sir. You trained me to be your puppy, Sir."

`That's right. We'll we're going to spend the weekend training you to be an even better puppy and bitch, boy. You understand me?"

"Yes, Daddy," replied Jason, his head down to the ground, arms clasped behind him.

"From this point on, your are our pup. We'll train you to be a bitch, boy. You'll learn to service as a dogbitch. Understand me, Jason?"

"Daddy reached down and held Jason's chin in his hand and turned his face up to him. He looked Jason in the eyes.

"You understand me, boy?"

"Yes, Daddy," replied Jason.

"Good. Granddaddy..prep him."

Granddaddy slapped his hands on his thigh toward's Jason as a Master would to his pet.

"Come here, boy" urged Granddaddy.

Jason scurried over on his hands and knees to his Granddaddy.

"Turn around, pup," commanded Granddaddy.

Jason turned around and presented his ass to his Granddaddy. He felt his Granddaddy's fingers begin to probe his asshole, sliding first one in and then another and then another, opening him up more and more. Then he felt the fingers withdrawn and be replaced with a cold, hard feeling. Jason gasped as the head of the dog tail plug pushed up his ass. Granddaddy held Jason's hips close as he slowly slid the 7 inch plug up into his grandson's ass. With an audible "plop" the plug slid in, the nice doggy tail wagging outside.

"He's all yours, Jack," said Granddaddy.

"Come here boy, now," commanded Uncle Jack.

Jason quickly crawled over to his Uncle. Uncle Jack bent down and fastened the leash to the collar.

"Come on, bitch. Time to start your training."

Next: Chapter 7

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