Daniels Magic

By Eric Rangel

Published on Jul 14, 2006


Legal Disclaimer:

I do not know or claim to know Daniel Radcliffe and I don't mean to imply any knowledge of his personal live or sexual preferences. This is FICTION and nothing more. If your under 18 or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state or province, or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story.

The author retains all rights to this story, and should not be published without authorization.


When we finally broke apart the night had exploded into its full glory. Dan turned to look out across the incredible Mexico City nightscape; the endless sea of lights mirroring the stars in the sky. He silently drew in a deep breath as he slowly leaned into me, gently bringing his lips to mine with a kiss as gentle as a memory, before bringing his head to rest on my chest. I could hardly breathe: the last moments were so intense that they blocked out all conscious thought, for that moment my entire world was centered on the emotions flowing between me and Daniel; as I rubbed my cheek over Dan's hair I experienced that particular scent that is Daniel, I knew from that moment on Daniel's scent would always bring me back to this very moment, my eyes closed, our individual scents combined and infused with this perfect summer night.

For the first time in my life I became aware that every moment I spent with Daniel, was like an instant and an eternity combined, time simply seemed to not exist, just Daniel. I have no idea how much time passed on the balcony; we just stood there holding each other. Slowly I took a small step back so I could look into Dan's eyes, I took his hand and without exchanging a word we turned and he followed my back inside.

We walked past the living room and into the main hallway, Daniel's hand in mine the entire time as I draped my arm across his shoulder, he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, our sides so close together it would be impossible to tell where one ended and the other began; we continued down the hall that led to the Master bedroom.

He silently entered the room walking very calmly over to sit on the edge of the king sized bed. As I stood by the door I watched as Dan scanned the room, as his eyes finally focused on the two walls of floor to ceiling windows, which gave us the feeling of floating above the breath taking Mexico City skyline. Daniel slowly stood and walked to one of the huge window that formed one entire wall of my room, and we gazed out at the cityscape he was quickly coming familiar with. He turned to look at me standing against the wall, he slowly came to me and our lips met in one fluid motion, as if it was as natural to us as taking our next breath. As our lips parted Dan whispered into my ear, -I think I will enjoy being here with you- after a brief pause, he continued with a twinkle in his eyes, as his right hand was playing with my shirt buttons, -I was wondering what's hiding behind this...- a hint of a mischievous grin barely flickered in the corners of his mouth.

Dan slowly started to undo the upper button of my shirt.

-There's something else I want to show you that you may want to explore, - now I was the one with the mischievous grin!

As I took his hand and guided him playfully across to the other side of the Master Suite we came to another set of french doors that had been partially hidden behind two large potted palm trees. I opened the doors and watched Daniels face just light-up as he scanned an entirely different view, this one including an expansive patio with a 8 person Jacuzzi in the center, surrounded by beautifully cushioned chairs, two marble topped garden tables and several matching lounge chairs that would allow you to take the sun from virtually any angle.

I turned to look at Daniel as I said, using the most innocent expression I could muster, -I was thinking that it'd be a pity if we waste this wonderful warm night not spending some time relaxing in the Jacuzzi! -

Daniels cheeks quickly turned a bright red as a smile slowly spread across his face. Looking directly into his dazzling azure blue eyes, I couldn't help but smile as the glow from his cheeks became a seductive twinkle in his eyes.

I guided him over to one of the double lounges, thoughtfully situated next to the Jacuzzi.

I smiled and suggested, -Get yourself comfortable, I'll prepare everything- those preparations starting with a slow kiss that I was finding myself becoming more and more addicted to.

Just before I entered the house stopped at a panel housing the control switches for the patio, hitting the first seemed to magically bring a glow to the patio without a single visible light fixture being seen, the second switch brought the Jacuzzi to life with an incredible turquoise glow shining up from the surface of the gently shimmering water. I haven't yet tried this new Jacuzzi, it came specially equipped with an option to produce either the powerful blasts of hot water we usually associate with a Jacuzzi or hundreds of thousands on micro bubbles that are supposed to gently roll up your body, the advertisement said it was like relaxing in a warm bath of champagne with endless bubbles, that was the plan for this evening, especially, now that I have the perfect person to share the experience with. The third switch brought the state of the art sound system to life; instead of just music it was also programmed with soft jungle sounds, including gentle waves. Amazingly this system was calibrated and infused with white noise to actually block out all of the background city noise, the moment I hit the switch Daniel looked up at me as the all of the city noise seemed to evaporate and we felt like we were transported to our on private island, we exchanged an approving smile and he continued to remove his shoes. Unsure of just what to wear, I quickly decided on a t-shirt and my favorite surfer swimming suit, I found one pack of cigarettes, my lighter and finally I grabbed a couple of white towels.

When I went back out to the patio, the site of Daniel casually lying with his arms resting outstretched above his head on the lounge just enjoying the night, took my breath away. My heart jumped again when I noticed he had rearranged the pillows and stacked them on top of each other, his head resting over to one side of the pillow silently inviting me to take my place next to him on the oversized lounge chair. I continued over towards Dan and deposited everything I was carrying on an adjacent table. I leaned down and kissed the top of Dan's head as I asked him what he'd like to drink.

-Mmm, surprise me...-

I heard him say as I moved to the bar located just 15 feet from where Daniel was relaxing. As I moved behind the bar I decided to prepare Tequila Sunrises for us both. Unsure as to how much drinking Daniel had ever done, I thought I'd use a very light hand with the Tequila; this was one of those drinks that could sneak up on you if you weren't careful.

As I came around the bar heading back to Daniel with our drinks, they almost went flying from my hands: Dan had taken off his shirt, shoes and socks leaving only his deep blue jeans on. I was absolutely breathless, for me there is nothing sexier than a guy wearing only jeans. Daniel had returned his arms to the back of his head, closed his eyes for a moment while he stretched out very relaxed, he slowly opened his eyes looking up at the stars; I blushed to myself thankful that he hadn't witnessed my reaction and his effect on me.

I pulled myself together, and walked back over handing Dan his drink before I settled in beside him. I could tell by the smile of Daniels face as I passed him his drink that he approved and I had made the right choice.

We smiled at each other as we touched glasses each making a silent wish for the evening and took our first sip of my colorful, tropical, icy concoctions.

-Hmmm, this is delicious, what's in this? - he asked to me then returned the straw to his mouth and taking a bigger sip of the drink

-This is called 'Tequila Sunrise' it has Tequila, Orange Juice and a just a little dash of grenadine syrup to add the incredible color, - I explained to him as I took a sip of mine.

-I decided to not make yours very strong, otherwise it could be a very short night, - we both laughed and agreed we were in no hurry to see the evening shortened. I took out my t-shirt and sat quietly for several minutes, each lost in his own thoughts, but both overjoyed to be here with the other. Some moments after I felt Dan's hand caressing my chest skin, and gently breaking the silence Dan nudged me and asked, -By the way, you still haven't told me yet what do you do for living! -

He set his drink on one of the small tables located on either side of the lounge and turned slightly so our eyes could meet.

-Hey that's true! -

-Well I'm the Foreign Business Director for an international communications company, - I started to explain to him as I took a bit more of my drink and lighted one cigarette as I relaxed back onto the lounge, his hand was on my stomach while his eyes were fixed on mines.

-It's not as exciting as being on a movie set, fighting werewolves, death-eaters and learning enchantments all the while half of the planet dreams of the meeting cutest wizard ever- and with a smirk I added, -And getting to check out his wand! -

Just as I started laughing, Dan launched himself on top of me from his side of the lounge chair we were on. What started off as a payback tickling match, quickly became something much more passionate.

We started kissing, but this time with intensity that took the breath away from both of us; now add in this time the amazing sensation of his lips, the touch of his unbelievably smooth skin over mine. While my hands were trying to memorize every inch of his angel soft skin, his hands were roaming through my hair and massaging my shoulders; soon he was kissing my chin and my neck, making me moan with sensation overload. He slowly moved so we were pressed against each other from head to toe, both of us now feeling the urgent need of our hard manhood's pressing together. His still encased in his jeans rubbing against my leg, and mine fighting for release from my swimming suit, both of us hard as stone. Daniel continued to kiss and caress my chest with his tongue; at the moment he reach my belly button I grabbed his shoulders and brought his face back up to mine and started kissing him, consumed with more passion then I've ever felt in my life.

Soon I felt his warm tongue in my mouth in its quest to locate mine, as my tongue met his they started to dance with such abandon I knew at that very instant that my life had been transformed forever.

Our hands were exploring each other's bodies learning, possessing, teasing, and caressing every inch of the other person. After several minutes of constant physical and emotional stimulation we both just collapsed in exhaustion needing a few minutes to calm down and get our strength back. I felt like my available energy for the next week had been used in those few moments, the most erotic in my life. Neither of us had climaxed, nevertheless, we were covered in sweat and panting like if we had climbed Mount Everest.

He laid over me, with his head on my chest. I was stroking his hair, his hands where playing with the waist band of my shorts, I hadn't added underwear when I changed, so even though we were resting, both of our bulges were still working overtime, for now, by silent agreement, we both needed to regain our strength, so Dan contented himself with not exploring beyond my waistband.

Sometime later I heard him say, -Eric, I've never felt anything like this for someone, ever- He said in a husky voice as his blue eyes found mine.

There was just one phrase echoing in my mind, -Neither have I, I mean, really...- Our lips met, and we caressed each other as if this was our final moment on the Earth,

It took just a moment for me to realize that I had said it out loud.

The very moment I uttered the words...our lips met again. This time with the same intensity, but much less frantic, these were the type of kisses that you will remember for a lifetime.

Daniel looked into my eyes, -The few times when I started feeling something for someone, I was never sure if that person want me for the person I am or for the person the world thinks me to be, not for me, but because of my fame. But from the first moment we met, before you even knew who I was, you treated me as a human being, not like a movie star. For the first time in my life I can believe that without question or hesitation...-

As Dan spoke these last words his eyes began to fill with tears, in that moment, a bond had been forged between us and a weight had been lifted from him, he wasn't alone. I didn't know exactly where our relationship would go, but I knew absolutely without question or hesitation, that we would be a part of each other's lives for the rest of time.

I knew that these were tears of joy and release, every tear washed away a sad memory, every tear brought healing, every tear made him stronger. While I hated to see him in tears, I was thankful that he felt comfortable and safe enough in my arms to let it all go and begin to heal.

-I'm here for you Dan, it's you that I care about, I'm here for you, just let it all go, let it out, - even as I whispered this to him my own voice begun to shake.

-Dan you have an immense power of your own, I'm not talking about your "The boy who lived" stuff, - he smiled broadly- I'm only interested in you Daniel, not in what you do or have, certainly not in the Hollywood sense, I don't care about the star, I care about you, the one lying next to me right now-

We both seemed out let out a great sigh at exactly the same moment, it was like clearing the last of the bad things out of the way, preparing for us to go forward. We melted again in a kiss, this time both of us were gently crying. In my case I was trying to understand what I was feeling, these feelings are so strong so, clearly both of us were exploring new levels of emotion.

-I'm thinking that if we keep this up we could get dehydrated and I can think of a great way to get re-hydrated- I said smiling to him nodding to the Jacuzzi.

-Great idea! - he said as he stood up and helped me to get to my feet. We walked to the Jacuzzi and as he sat in the edge as he immerse his naked feet in the warm bubbling water; he doesn't seem to care that his jeans were getting wet. I got into the Jacuzzi and kneeled in front of him letting the bubbles run trough my legs and hips, I leaned to him and kissed his stomach through his spread legs that let me get into. I felt his hands softly massaging my shoulders and neck, with that incredible sensation I rest my head on his lap abandoning myself to his hands. He leaned and kissed the base of my neck sending shivers down my spine while his hands were working the rest of my back and my ribs, I was thinking that it wasn't possible that there was a human being touching my skin: the sensation was extremely strong and overwhelming. Then his hand took my chin and lifted my head so our lips met again, it seems that every kiss was of a different nature: this was filled with a very sweet and tender sensation, like if this was the first kiss in my life. I put my arms around Dan's neck and gently pulled him to me so he entered very slowly into the warm water, I leaned back so he laid over me with only his shoulders out of the turquoise water; we were kissing very softly when a memory hit my mind,

-Dan! YOU HAVEN'T CALLED YOUR PARENTS YET!!!- he looked at me for a second and sprung out of the Jacuzzi, -Oh my God, they must be so worried,,, they don't know anything about me, they must think I'm dead by now!!!- he shouted as he ran to the lounge chairs where the towels were, and when he noticed that his jeans where dripping and no towel in the world would dry him, he turned at me with a look asking for my permission to enter the house that wet, by that time I was out of the bubbling water too and walked to the bar to pick up the wireless phone that I were stretching to him. He started to dry his hands,

-Don't worry bud, it's splash-proof - I told him as I sat on one of the lounge chairs and sip a little of my drink.

With a very alarmed look in his face he turned on the phone but freeze the next minute, -Right!!!, you don't how to dial from here,,, sorry pal, let me...- I told him before he can say anything, I took the phone and dialed the Long Distance Assistance Service and asked the woman for the dialing procedure for London, he gave me the numbers, I thanked her and dialed the first numbers and I turned the phone back to Dan's hand,

-There you go buddy, just dial your area code number, and your house number - he thanked me very quickly and dial the rest of the numbers; he was getting very nervous as the ring tones were by... suddenly he jumped a little and I knew that someone had picked up in the other side; he immediately started walking to the verge of the patio where you can admire another view of the city. I leaned back in my lounge chair and lighted another cigarette and leaved him talk in privacy in the other side of the patio, nevertheless some words reached my ears like, "Mexico City", "a very nice guy", "so kind", "perfectly fine" and some very hard sobs along all the talk; suddenly he turned back to me still talking:

-Can I have your house number so they can call me when they arrive? - he asked me as he cover the phone with one hand, -Sure boy, - and I dictated him the number and instructed him how to dial it from out of Mexico, and from the city; he repeated the instructions to the phone, thanked me with a gesture and went back to the spot where he was talking. Some minutes later he came back drying some tears with the back of his hand, that vision of him only in that dripping jeans with his tears confusing with drops of water falling from is soaked hair overwhelmed me, he look so fragile again that I almost run to him and hugged him so hard trying to get a little of his feeling into me to free him of them, he lay his head in my bare chest and started crying softly, I took the phone out of his hand and launched it to the lounge chairs; with his hands free of it he pulled me even closer and continued crying letting his tears run down my skin. I kissed his hair saying nothing letting him to take all this out; when he started to calm down he looked up and met my lips, we started again kissing so long until I felt that he started to shake because the perfect warm night, is just a perfect night by now. I broke the kiss very softly and turned to take a towel and wrapped him in it he smiled me very warmly and kiss me softly in the chest as he put his head against it.

-I think you can use a warm bath and a good sleep don't you? - I asked him after some time, when I felt my bare back freezing in the very fresh night wind. He nodded without moving an inch away from me, I put my arm around him and conduced him back into the house, by the moment I reached the door I turned off the patio facilities leaving only the moon to shine over the calming water as we entered the warm house.

We reached my bedroom and I lead him to my bathroom door beside the little table at the end of the room, I entered with him and opened the shower; I kissed him very softly on his left cheek and go out of the room to gave him a T-shirt and my favorite boxers, I kissed him again, this time on his incredibly soft lips and smile at him while I shut the door closed.

I went to another bathroom and took my shower, and when I came back to my bedroom the bathroom was still closed, so I got myself inside my sheets and turned on my TV, I was watching the news when the bathroom door opened and preceded by a cloud of mist Dan walked out looking far more relaxed and wearing only the boxers, he look so damn sexy that I turned of the TV set immediately and contemplated him arouse from the mist heading to my bed. I opened the sheets by my side inviting him in, he slowly came to me but before he climbed up he reached my T-shirt and pulled out of me, leaving just like him: just in my underwear. He entered the sheets and I immediately felt his amazing warmth enhanced by the recent bath; we put our heads in the pillows looking into each other eyes, I pulled him to me and felt all his skin warming my entire body, we started kissing long and slowly and the moment turned so harmonious that I didn't know who felt asleep first but our bodies stayed so close all night long, as the stars and moon send some silver light that project some faint shadows all the room, and cut our slept figures hugged in the most calmed night of my life.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey you all!!!, I'm again very sorry for the bigger delay on this delivery, but the times became very short between my job, my family not to mention the Presidential Elections held on past days in my country, and the FIFA World Cup,,, LOL... Well but I hope you like this Chapter and I'll try to get the next on time!, I SWEAR!!!. Please keep writing at danielsmagic@gmail.com see ya!!!

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