Danny and Lance

By Danny Planter

Published on Oct 23, 2000


Hey everyone!! It's been a while since I posted a new chapter to this story up here. To be honest, I forgot about it!!! My bad. But anyway, here's chapter 3. It's kinda short, and kinda slow, but the next few chapters will get more exciting, I promise. Email me! dlwb21@yahoo.com

So enjoy! -Danny-

This is a fictional story. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC, I wish I did. This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of Lance, Joey, JC, Justin or Chris, however, we can always wish right??!


About a week had passed since I had left LA. I had been very busy, but still thought of Lance every day. I e-mailed him a couple of days afterwards, but had not heard back from him. I figured that he was busy, but I also thought that we had started something special, something wonderful. What was I thinking? I was just getting my hopes up for something that could never work out. He's always traveling, and why would he want someone like me anyway? It was millions of peoples' fantasies to fall in love with a member of NSYNC and pretend that everything would be wonderful. I guess I just got caught up in that.

I was chillin' at home after a long day at work when my phone rang.


"Hey Danny!! It's Lance!"

"HEY!" I shouted into the phone, probably a little too loud, but I was really excited. "What's up? How've you been doing!?"

"I've been doing better actually. I'm sorry I haven't called or e-mailed you, this tour has been kickin' our asses. I don't think we were prepared for how much energy it was going to take. No rehearsal can prepare you for an actual concert, you know?"

I laughed. "No, actually I wouldn't! But everything's going well? The guys are doing well?"

"Yeah, they've really been great this week. I tell you, coming out to them was the scariest thing that I have ever done, but it feels like a huge ton of bricks has been lifted from my shoulders. If they had rejected me, I don't know what I would have done. Chris and Joey are determined to find out who I think is cute. Every guy we see it's 'Hey Lance, you wanna do that guy? What about this guy?" It's kinda funny. It's like they want to hook me up with someone or something."

"Haha. I bet they just want to help you get some action. It's like a game for them!"

"Yeah no kidding. But I'm not about to hook up with just anyone! Whoever it is will be special."

I could hear him blushing through the phone. "Awww, that's so sweet."

"Hehe, yeah.......I miss you Danny. I know we only spent a day together, but..."

"LANCE!" I interrupted him, "You've said that like a million times!! I feel the same way. I miss you too.....I've thought about you a lot this past week."

"You have?"

"Yeah. Why, does that surprise you?"

"No, it's just....that I've been thinking about you a lot this week too."

I almost melted into my seat right then. "Really?"

"Now you're sounding like me!" He said. We both laughed.

We talked for about an hour before he said he had to go to sleep. He was on the east coast, so it was three hours later for him than it was for me. We said our goodbyes, and hung up. Over the next few weeks, we e-mailed each other and talked some more, each time learning a bit more about each other and becoming closer to each other. It was weird. It was as if even though we never saw each other, we were becoming good friends really fast.

One day while we were on the phone he told me that they were going have a few days off and that he wanted to see me. I asked if he wanted to come over to San Diego, and he agreed! He was going to arrive on Friday and stay through Sunday, so that week I was running around doing everything I could make his stay more comfortable. I got my haircut, I got time off work, I cleaned my apartment, I stocked the refrigerator, etc. I even went to the gym! (I didn't make it there that often).

Finally the day was here. I went to the airport to pick him up. As I approached the gate, I saw the plane just pulling up. About 10 people had gotten off, as I was looking for him, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Lance, his messy hair covered in a black baseball cap and wearing glasses. He did not look like himself, it was such a good disguise.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and gave him a hug. "I didn't even see you get off the plane!"

"Yeah you'd be surprised how much different someone can look with just a hat and glasses! How are you?"

"Better than ever now that you're here! Come on, let's go get your bags."

We went to the baggage claim and made it to my car without anyone recognizing him, which surprised me. I was preparing to run from screaming fans. But it was on a Friday morning so I guess a lot of teenagers who would have recognized him were probably in school.

We talked all the way back to my apartment and I pointed out some of the more important San Diego sites as we passed them. He said he hadn't really been able to spend time here before, so he was excited for the weekend. We got into my apartment and put his bags down. As soon as we did that he pulled me into a tight hug, which I of course returned.

"I missed you," he said.

"I missed you too, Lance," I replied, still in his embrace. He let go, and looked at me. We stared at each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I slowly leaned in and pressed my lips to his. I heard his short intake of breath as our lips made contact. I closed my eyes and reveled in the moment. I pulled away after a few moments and opened my eyes. He was smiling back at me. He pulled me back into a hug.

This was going to be a good weekend.

Next: Chapter 4: Danny and Lance 4 5

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