Dark Vengeance

By Arthur

Published on Apr 24, 2013






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James Crowley Junior; or JJ to his few friends and family, sat on the wrought iron park seat alone in the late afternoon, the faint damp smell of distant rain was heavy in the air as JJ let his thoughts once gain go through his day and the impending return home.

The many questions running through his head had brought only more confusion to what he thought would be a new freedom to his spirit, he was now sixteen as of a few days ago, and could at last admit his darkest secret to his family, he was of legal age and there was little that could be done now but, had he gone too far?

JJ's day had started well, at home everything was even better than it had been leading up to his birthday last Monday, it was now Wednesday and everything was looking up until his fateful meeting earlier.

School had gone well, his few friends had been in a good mood as in one more week they would have their mid term break and have two whole weeks to play around before returning to the constant burden of homework, over expectant teachers and the pressure of his sporting afternoons.

JJ had decided to pick today to tell his parents about his preferences now that he was of legal age but first he had decided to sound it all out with the family priest, Father Bryant, JJ's Mother had been the religious one in the family, his Father, James senior, had little to do with his Mothers rapacious need for the church but had let here take a very young James Junior through all the usual parts of boyhood religion, it would do him no harm and would allow the boy too get some other values.

JJ had, at a very early age, been able too see through the churches teachings, by the age of ten he was only going to church with his Mother for the three masses each week to keep the peace, he had long lost the desire to follow in his Mothers footsteps as far as that went.

Father Bryant had always been a good man, he had visited the family each Sunday after mass and sat with JJ and his Mother as they went through the days sermon, JJ would have preferred to be outside with his friends playing than sitting inside with the grown ups, his Father never joined them and could always be found out in his garage working on something or other.

JJ had decided the previous night to come out into the open to his family, they had always treated him well and would understand, after all it was not 1950, it was 2013 and the world was a new place with tolerance and understanding, he had decided to go too Father Bryant and tell him everything and ask for help in how to approach his family with his revelation, it had not gone well.

JJ never thought father Bryant would be like he was, the tightly pursed lips, the sour look on his face and the wide angry staring eyes as the priest had slammed his open bible shut and told JJ to leave and take his heathen ways with him, he was never too enter the sanctity of the church again, JJ could only look open mouthed at the man he had known all his life as a supporting and understanding man, the fear in JJ's throat began to rise as he realised what this man would now do.

JJ had risen and walked out of the church with a numbness he had never felt before, his dark good looks were now marred by a pale faced fear as tears began to slowly fall down his young cheeks, suddenly the future did not look so bright, JJ had walked until he was close to the park and found this old bench by the small lake to sit and ponder what he had just done, of all the people in the world, JJ thought the priest would understand his plight and feelings, you only had to read the daily papers to know what went on in the Catholic church and how they protected their gay priests, to be turned aside because he was like those same priests was something JJ could not fully understand.

From the shadow of a nearby tree, the forty something, well dressed man watched the young teen sit and worry, it was plain too see the boy had a big problem and the man could feel for the boy, it was not an unusual sight for the young now days, not like when he was a young teen so long ago.

The dark stranger could smell the scent of rain in the air, he had inside information that it would rain just after midnight; he only hoped the boy would find his answers before then. He looked the boy over again as he had done for the last five years when the first signs had shown, it appeared he would be needed sooner rather than later.

As the man looked at the boy closely, he could see the ancestral back ground, his Father had been of Polish descent, his Mother of Nordic stock and both showed up in the boy, the dark glossy hair and thin black eyebrows the slender build of the Poles was well evident in the boy, from his Mother he had got the high cheek bones and startling blue eyes that were almost almond shaped, much like the boys of the Slavic nations.

The stranger watched the boy and, when he saw the boy take a deep breath, as though to steady his young nerves, he stepped from under the tree and approached quietly, the man stood silently waiting until he was noticed, he did not want to open the conversation but let the boy do it.

JJ got the feeling of someone close to him, he lifted his eyes and saw not five feet away from him, a tall man who may have been anywhere from forty to fifty, he was dressed in an expensive suit and wore a wide brimmed old fashioned hat, his eyes were protected by reading glasses that had transition lenses as they showed a faint yellowish tint when the fading sun light hit them under the hat.

JJ, being a polite young man and having been well versed in manners with adults, smiled at the man and said.

"Hello, I'm sorry if I have your seat, I was just about to leave."

"Hello young man, no you have not taken my seat, I was just watching you as I walked past and saw a look of sadness on your face, are you alright, do you need any help?"

JJ was quite taken by the strange accent of the mans very formal English, it took a few minutes before he realised it as a very British accent, a strange place for such a well dressed man from Britain to be walking.

"Ah, no, I'm ok thank you, just something that I have to do and am not looking forward to."

JJ watched as the man reached inside his smart suit jacket and produced a small white card, offering it to JJ, the man said.

"Well young man, this is my card, if you ever need any help or are in trouble just call that number, it's my personal number and you can get me at any time of the day or night, now are you sure you are alright?"

JJ took the offered card and looked at it, it was a heavily embossed card of very high quality, there was a strange coat of arms in the centre and the mans name was printed in gold with a telephone number in black ink below it, it read, P.J. Brakenburg Esq. And then the phone number, JJ smiled at the man as he placed it in his shirt pocket out of courtesy, he knew he would never actually need it, it was not a good thing these days to accept help from strangers.

"Well young man, I will leave you to your thinking, remember, anything at all and you can call me."

With those words said, P.J. Brakenburg turned and walked away, his back straight as thought he was from the military, JJ saw that there was almost a slight swagger in the mans walk as he disappeared into the late afternoon shadows, it had been an interesting meeting but he had no intentions of taking the strange man up on his offer, after all, what could ever make him want to call a stranger for help.

JJ had come to his final decision, it was time to go home and face the music, his Father would stand by him even if his Mother would take a little more convincing, it was the one draw back of being an only child, the Mother always seemed to want to over protect a single child more than when there were two or three, this was going to be the hardest day of his young life.

JJ turned into his driveway and walked towards the front door, as he lifted his head he stopped in confusion, standing on the stoop with arms akimbo, stood his Mother, her Sister and Father Bryant, the priest was holding his bible in one hand and his rosary in the other, of his own Father there was no sign, JJ suddenly got a sinking feeling, this did not look good.

As he got closer he saw his small wheeled weekend bag on the pathway at the bottom of the steps, the import of that suddenly made his blood run cold, they couldn't, they wouldn't especially without his Father present, his sudden hope was dashed as his Mothers narrow lipped mouth spat out the words he was hoping not too hear.

"Get your bag and get off my property you disgusting little queer, I'll not have you soiling this good Christian home with your vile ways, now get out and never set foot on this property again."

JJ could only stand and stare at the Mother he thought loved him, what he now saw was a very bitter and angry woman, it was not the loving Mother that had watched over him when he was sick or frightened in the dark, this was some other harpy, this was more like her Sister, his aunt who had never liked JJ.

Father Bryant stood silently as he ran his rosary through his large fingers, a look of satisfaction forming on his angry face, his right hand almost shaking as he gripped his bible tighter, JJ could only look with shock at the trio lined up against him, he had not even been allowed to say a word or ask for an explanation, he was being dismissed like some bag of garbage his Mother no longer wanted, JJ frantically looked around for his Father, he would understand, he had too, but he was nowhere in sight, JJ watched as the trio turned their backs and went inside slamming the front door behind them.

JJ sank to his knees as the darkness of night surrounded him, his life had just ended, he had nowhere to go and nowhere to live, he had been dismissed like a piece of dog shit on someone's shoes, tears began to fall as he realised he had not even said one word in his own defence, he had never been given the chance.

With resignation plainly on his young face, JJ rose to his feet and moved to take up the small bag, his school backpack was still on his shoulders, as he pulled the long handle out and turned towards the front gate, a figure stepped from the shadows of the large oak tree in the front yard, JJ immediately recognised the large frame of his Father through his tears.

Slowly his Father walked towards him, in his hands he held a large manila envelope, his hand was shaking slightly and JJ saw that his father also had a tear in his eye.

"JJ." His Father began; the sound of sadness could be heard in his voice. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop them, I don't want this but, if it's you or your Mother, as much as I know she is wrong, I have to stick with her, find somewhere you can stay for a couple of weeks and then call me, I should be able to calm her down by then, it's that blasted high minded sister of hers along with that bigot priest she seems to like."

JJ could only look at his Father and let the tears flow, even his stalwart could not save him, JJ's Father reached out his hand with the envelope.

"This is yours, it has your passport, birth certificate and all of your ID cards for school, I've put in as much cash as I had here, its not much but it should get you through the night, tomorrow on the way to work I will transfer some money from my bank into your savings account, your cash cards is in there with your other stuff, I...I don't know what to say, I..."

JJ stepped towards his Father as the man reached out with his open arms to hug his only son, suddenly, before they could connect a loud angry voice came from the now open and dark doorway.


James senior shook his head and looked at his only son with guilt in his eyes, he knew that what was being done in the name of religion was wrong but there was little he could do at this stage, given time he would change his wife's mind and his son could return and the home would return to normal, James senior sniffed back a tightness in his throat as he watched his boy turn and leave, his young shoulders heaving as the tears flowed from his eyes, little did James senior know that this would be the last time he saw his son as he now was.

JJ was in a quandary, he had nowhere to go and didn't even know which way to turn, unseen behind him a slim dark figure followed in his footsteps, the dark figure moved with total silence and seemed to skip from shadow to shadow with little effort as he followed the young slumped shouldered figure in front of him, it was easy to see the boy was silently sobbing as the soft rumble of the bags wheels echoed in the darkness.

It seemed like hours before JJ found himself at the same bench in the park, his face was flushed from his sobbing and the feeling of total loss and rejection, what did he do now, his life was over, his young shoulders shook again as a new fit of sobbing shook his slender frame, the small figure in the darkness kept his distance and watched silently.

JJ had no idea how long he had been sitting on the bench but, as the first few heavy drops of rain fell on his shoulders, he suddenly realised he had no cover and the dark and threatening clouds overhead told of a vicious storm headed his way, now what did he do, as he crossed his arms over his chest to keep a little warmth in his fast cooling body he felt the hard stiffness of the card in his shirt pocket, with cold unsteady fingers, JJ pulled the card from his pocket, looking around he saw a telephone booth across the park, with his bag behind him and the large envelope still in his hand, he made his way towards the phone booth, what option did he have, he had to make the call, the rain began to get heavier.

JJ dialled the number on the card, it had barely rung once before the very precise voice answered, it was as though the man was expecting it.

"Hello, is that you JJ?"

"Uhm, yes Mr. Brakenburg, how did you know?"

"Call it intuition, do you need help?"

"Uhm, yes, I don't have a home anymore, I don't know what to do and a storm is coming, I...I had no one else to call."

"It's alright JJ, that's why I gave you my card, now where are you?"

"In the park where we met."

"Stay right there in the phone booth, one of my drivers will be with you in a few minutes, he will bring you too my house, we can talk more then, I want you to remember that there is no obligations to my help so you have nothing to be afraid of from me or my staff."

"Thank...thank you Mr. Brakenburg, I don't know how I will be able to repay you but I promise I will find a way."

"I'm sure you will JJ, now my driver should almost be there, I will see you shortly."

As JJ hung up the phone, a long black limousine pulled up close to the booth, from the front door the driver appeared and opened the rear door with a smile in his direction.

"Mr. Brakenburg is waiting for you young sir."

As JJ was about to lift his small bag into the car, the driver reached out and took it from him saying he would put it in the trunk until they got to the house and that JJ should sit back and relax. As the driver got back into the car, JJ saw through the tinted glass that separated the driver from the passenger, a slim figure appear out of the night and slide into the front seat alongside the driver, JJ wondered what all that was about but the sudden loud pounding of the rain drowned out his thoughts and he sat back, for some reason he felt safe alone in the back of the large car.

The limousine seemed to speed through the dark rain swept streets with little regard for other motorists and even less care for danger as the driver twisted and turned the large car through the dark streets as lightening flashed and thunder crashed overhead, JJ, even with the mad speed of the limo, still felt completely safe in the back, he had no idea where they were going but something told him he was safe.

It was some time later, JJ was not sure how long they had been driving but they were well outside the city, it had not occurred to JJ that it was strange the car took so little time to get to him and yet it had taken such a long time to get to Mr. Brakenburg's home, he just had too much on his young mind to even think of something so strange.

Finally the limousine pulled up to the large stone steps of a huge mansion, standing at the top of the steps was the ever impeccably dressed Mr. Brakenburg although this time without the hat, the mans long black hair was tied in a pony tail that JJ had not seen during the afternoon meeting, at Mr. Brakenburg's temples the hair was showing a tint of grey, as he got ready to leave the back of the limo, JJ saw a short thin figure jump from the front seat and almost glide to the mans side, something was said and then the small figure seemed to just disappear into the darkness as though he had been made of nothing more than mist.

JJ stepped from the limo and saw the wide and open smile of Mr. Brakenburg, it was an open invitation to join him, JJ turned and saw the driver with his bag in his hand, at that moment his stomach began to tell him he had not eaten since earlier in the day and his eyes were now growing heavy, he had not realised how late it was, slowly he made his way up the steps and stood before the tall man who had offered to save him.

JJ heard at that moment what sounded like a very powerful motor bike start up at the back of the mansion and, with less than ten seconds passing, it roared off into the darkness, JJ did not even get to see it as his hand was taken by the older man and shaken in welcome.

"Come inside JJ, we have a room ready for you and you must be starving as well as tired."

To JJ it was as though the man was reading his mind, it was at that exact moment that his stomach let out aloud cry for nourishment, Mr. Brakenburg smiled at the sound and led JJ into the huge house, the foyer was large as was the rest of the house, Brakenburg led JJ through to the large dining room, the twelve seater table was set for one and a young looking African teen was standing beside the chair waiting.

Brakenburg led JJ to the chair and then took a seat opposite him, as JJ sat the African boy who was dressed in some sort of old style clothes which were a white shirt, baggy white trousers and red sash wearing what looked like a red Fez on his head, he was also wearing spotless white gloves, the teen pulled out the chair for JJ to sit down, he then opened and laid a white linen serviette on his lap and disappeared through a door behind him.

Minutes later and the African teen reappeared with a large silver platter with a high top lid, he carefully placed the silver platter in front of JJ and then disappeared as Brakenburg gestured for JJ to eat as he sat and drank a red wine from a tall crystal glass, nothing was said while JJ was eating.

Even though he was almost starving, JJ could not finish the huge platter, he was finally so full and now also tired that he was nearly asleep at the table; it was then that Brakenburg first spoke to him.

"Do you feel better now JJ?"

"Yes, thank you Sir."

"No need to call me Sir JJ, you can call me Phineas or as my few friends are wont to do, just Phin, we are friends after all, now, I'm not going to go into everything right now, you must be really tired after the day you've had, I'll get Tana to show you to your room so you can get some rest, don't worry about your school tomorrow, I'll sort it out for you, you need to sleep in and rest."

"I don't know how to thank you; I don't know what I would have done without your help."

"Nonsense, now here's Tana, go with him and he will get you settled and I will see you in the morning."

JJ did not realise how tired he was as the African boy reappeared beside him and, with a smile on his young face, led JJ from the room as Brakenburg sat and watched them go, he had other things to do and the boy would need all the rest he could get for what was too come.

JJ was shown to a large bedroom, he was so tired he barely looked further than the queen size bed before he collapsed on top of the covers and was asleep before his head hit the many pillows plumped up at the head of the bed, he was well into sleep as Tana began to undress him and pull the covers over his sleeping body, Tana smiled at the newcomer, he really liked what he saw of the semi naked body as he tucked the comforter around the new boy.

Brakenburg went to the panelled wall and opened a hidden cupboard, inside was nothing but a small touch pad, Brakenburg punched in a seven number code and waited for the secret door to slide open, he then went in closing the door behind him, after walking down the metal lined passageway, Brakenburg came to a halt outside another thick metal door, using a different code he entered it, inside was a large black stone alter in front of which was a heavy carved throne like chair, Brakenburg sat in the chair and closed his eyes, from deep inside him came the sound of a soft voice.

"Is the boy secure?"

"Yes Master."

"Have you given him the elixir?"

"Yes Master, it was in his food, he will sleep for the required five days."

"What arrangements have you made for his family?"

"It is being taken care of as we speak, Master."

"And you are positive he is the one?"

"Beyond any doubt at all, Master."

"Good, you have done well; make sure he is ready before the six months are up."

"It will be as you have ordered, Master."

Brakenburg left the hidden chamber and, as he stepped into the study where the door was hidden, he saw one of his minions waiting for him, it was the slender figure of the young Asian boy he had sent to finish off the plan, glancing at the boy he got a quick nod in reply and the boy clothed in black, left the room as silently as he had appeared, Brakenburg smiled to himself and went to make the rest of the arrangements, it was going to be a long day but he very rarely slept anymore, he had given up that bad habit of wasting time many years ago.

Brakenburg's eyes turned a golden colour for a few seconds, within a minute the brother of Tana stood before him.

"Poma you will serve the young master with your life, if I once see him unhappy or hurt it will be yours and your brothers head on my wall, is that clearly understood?"

"It shall be as you ask Sir." The boy, Poma, bowed low and left the room, he had been in this mans employ for many years which his young age belied, it was one of the advantages of working for such a man that he and his brother never aged as it will be for the new young man asleep upstairs.

When he finally awoke, JJ had the uncomfortable feeling of being asleep for far too long, the bed underneath him felt lumpy and he wanted to get up to ease his aching bones, as he lifted his eyes to look around the room he saw two African boys that were mirror images of each other, Tana he knew but the other boy he had not seen but the name Poma came instantly to his mind, he could even tell which was which, JJ felt an itch in the middle of his back and wanted to go and shower he had that dirty feeling of not washing for some time and his mouth felt as though he had been eating something that was not nice and was covered in fur.

As he began to get out of the bed, both boys walked up to him with a long white robe, they seemed to know exactly what he wanted, as he slipped the robe on he saw that he was dressed only in his satin boxers, he could not remember undressing before going to bed last night, he also felt as though his hair was longer than it should have been.

Tana and Poma led him through to the bathroom where a hot shower was already going, the two boys gestured for him to enter and they would join him to help him wash, now it was JJ's turn to feel out of place, he had never been naked in front of anyone in his life and now he had two very good looking boys wanting to see him and even wash him, he wasn't sure he was ready for that yet, with a sheepish gesture he indicated he wanted to shower alone.

The two boys just nodded, bowed and left the bathroom, JJ sighed with relief and slid his boxers to the floor and stepped out of them and into the hot running shower, the first blast of water felt so good on his skin that he just stood under the spray and let if pummel his young body, it felt so good he didn't even want to start rubbing soap into his skin.

JJ stood under the shower for what seemed hours and yet the water stayed hot, there seemed to be an endless supply of hot water in this house, not like at home where if you were not first you could end up with luke warm water for your shower, both his Mother and Father had liked long hot showers, it was not until he was a teenager that he got to beat them into the bathroom for the first of the hot water.

At last JJ had had enough, his stomach was once again complaining about not being fed, he felt as though he had not eaten for a week, this thought was only pushed aside as his back itched again, he had definitely spent too long in bed and his circulation had been deadened, it was the only explanation.

JJ went back to the bedroom and found the two boys with new clothes for him, they looked like black silk, both the shirt and trousers were a shimmering type of cloth, on the bed were a pair of black boxers and black socks with a divide where his big toe would fit, on the floor were a pair of what looked like black slippers similar to those worn by Asians in the movies.

JJ slipped the boxers on under his damp robe, once they were on he did not feel so exposed as he pulled on the trousers and then the shirt, both fit him like a glove, next came the thin cotton socks followed by the soft slippers, it felt strange for him to have his big toe separated by the socks and specially made shoes but it gave him a better feeling of balance as he was to find out.

Waiting for him at the large dining table was the smartly dressed figure of Phin, his smile was as welcoming as it had been when JJ had arrived, on the table was a large meal all spread out, to JJ's eyes it looked as though there was enough food for ten people and yet there were only the two settings, JJ took the seat opposite Phin, Tana and Poma immediately began to fill the large plate in front of him as again, Phin sipped from a glass of wine, this time it was a light white wine, the man never seemed to eat but this did not stop JJ from filling his mouth, it appeared that everything on the table was a favourite of his.

It was quite a feast for JJ but, finally, after half an hour, he was full, even if he had had the bad manners to keep eating, he would not have been able to force one more fork full into his mouth, all the time Phin had been sipping his wine and smiling at the voracious appetite of the teen, it was a good sign, a sign that the Elixir had taken hold, it would now be only a matter of time and not much of that remained.

JJ sat back in the large chair, his belly was full and his body clean, he felt well rested and everything around him appeared with much more clarity, even the two African boys seemed to be larger than life, JJ smiled back at Phin, the gentleman seemed happy with what he saw.

JJ was the first too speak.

"I want to thank you; I don't really know what I would have done."

"There's no need for thanks, you have already done more than you know; now I have something to ask of you."

"Anything, it is I who owe you so much; I will try to do anything you ask."

"Well thank you JJ but it is I who have to make you the offer, as you are not aware, you have been asleep for five days, this also means you have been away from school for the same period, however we have made certain arrangements that make it appear as though you no longer exist, I will explain this more fully when we leave the table but, for now let us say you are free to go and do what you like."

JJ sat in his chair stunned by this new information, it came as a total shock and yet there was the timber of truth in what Phin said, at this point his shoulders began to really itch, he though he had washed properly and got rid of it until suddenly, without warning, he felt the most painful tearing of muscle he had ever known, not even a bad cramp during football had felt like this, he let out a loud scream as his body slid off the chair and onto the floor, immediately Phin was kneeling beside him and holding his hand as the throbbing pain shot through him again.

"It's going to be ok, just try to relax JJ, let it happen, don't fight it, it will be easier that way, it is almost over."

The soft whispered words of Phin filled his ears as the throbbing in his shoulders began to recede and, from somewhere behind him he heard a rustling sound like falling leaves but softer, Phin spoke again but this time to the two African boys Tana and Poma.

"You know what to do, get too work and take care of your Master."

With Phin still holding his hand and the two boys seemingly brushing something on his back, JJ began to calm down, he could feel a stickiness dripping down his back which was now being washed away by the two boys, had he injured himself some how, he had no memory of hitting anything sharp, slowly he began to feel different and yet safe, the two boys soothing hands were caressing his back and shoulders as Phin let go of his hand and sat back on his haunches.

"Well JJ that was a little sooner than I thought it would be; it's time to meet someone that will tell you all."

Slowly JJ rose to his feet, he suddenly felt a little top heavy and had to adjust his stance, as he did so he saw a movement from the corner of his eye and turned towards it, it was an image in a mirror, but what an image, it was a young dark haired teen dressed all in black but that was not what surprised him, what really caught his eye were the large pair of wings sprouting from the teens shoulders, they were huge and the top of them were slightly above his head and the lower tips were below his knees, with something akin to fear, JJ recognised himself, the next thing he knew was blackness as his body sank to the floor in a faint.

A calm familiar voice woke him from the faint, it was Phin, the two African boys were holding a hand each and rubbing his wrists with their fingers, slowly JJ came too, the shock of seeing a pair of imaginary wings on his back slowly receding as he tried to regain his feet, it was then he felt the weight behind him and he then knew it was real, he had a pair of very large wings attached to his back, JJ had never been one to swear or cures but this was a time when it would be ideal.

"Fuck me." Was all he could say as he looked at the smiling face of Phin and the two boys.

"I don't think that would be a good idea JJ, I'm sorry, had I known this was going to happen this early I would have taken time to tell you everything, now we don't have any time, come with me and you will find out everything you need to know."

Slowly JJ stood and followed Phin towards the far wall, Phin opened a panel and punched in some numbers that made the panel open and a passageway was exposed to him, Phin led the way through, the two boys staying in the dining room.

At the end of the passage, Phin punched in some numbers on another pad, the metal door swished open almost silently, inside JJ saw the large black stone block and a very ancient looking chair much like a throne, as JJ followed Phin into the room the door closed with a hiss.

JJ watched as Phin sat in the large chair and closed his eyes, seconds later JJ saw the black stone begin to glow in an unearthly light, something between a blue and a purple glow shimmered into being, JJ was awe struck as, from the centre of the stone came the figure of a large bearded man and, most unlikely, he held what looked an awful lot like a lightening bolt in his hand, JJ shook his head to clear away the strange vision, the room suddenly became full of sound as the shimmering figure filled the space with his voice.

"Is the time passed already loyal servant?"

"It has not Master, this has happened most unexpectedly and I brought him into your presence at first sign."

"You have done well, I will take him into the realms so he may learn, for your service I will fulfil your desire whatever it may be, what is your wish?"

"To serve the one, Master."

"Then it shall be, go now and await his return."

Phin rose from the chair and left JJ standing alone in the room, the shimmering figure looked down at him and, for the first time a large smile broke out on the figures lips.

"Come, defender, I will take you too the realms where you will learn all you must learn."

JJ felt himself pulled towards the stone alter block by some unseen power, as soon as he was beside it, the room shimmered and he was suddenly standing in a green field, the heady smell of fresh wild flowers filled his nostrils, beside him stood the larger figure he had seen in the room, the giant of a man still held the sparkling lightening bolt, JJ started to hyperventilate as he tried to take in everything around him.

"Do not fear young one, this is your realm, here you are safe from all and everything that could offer you harm, and that, I must tell you, is very little."

JJ took in a few deep breaths, suddenly he felt at peace even with his mind in turmoil; he turned to look up at the man.

"You are not wrong young one, I am Zeus and you, well you are of many parts, well two to be exact, in you runs the spirit of Icarus the seeker of flight, as well as the spirit of the illegitimate son of Thor, a demi god called Magni, for this reason your wings are fully white from those of Athena for her purity and the black tips are from Magni, you young one are from this time to be called Perisone, defender of the good and slayer of all that is dark."

JJ stood open mouthed as the fabled god told him all about his history and the work that lay ahead, after an hour of talk, Zeus knelt down beside where JJ had sat on the fresh grass.

"Now that you know who you are and what your calling truly is, I will give to you some items to aide you on your quest to return the world to its former goodness."

As JJ sat and still tried to take in and understand all he had been told, on the grass in front of him appeared a sword of shining silver metal, along the centre of the blade was an engraving of a lightening bolt.

"This is the sword made by Hephaestus armourer to the Gods and weilded by Damocles, it is infused with the power of my lightening, anything you strike with this sword will be split asunder be it evil or magical."

Next to the sword there then appeared a square hammer with a black wood handle, the head of the hammer was tied to the shaft with a gold rope.

"This is the hammer of Thor, it will smite those who would tear the fabric of the realms and release unto the world of man all manner of things best left locked in the darkness."

Next came a breast plate and grieves of black shiny metal embossed with scenes of ancient battles.

"This is the armour of my son Achilles, it will protect you from all manner of magic's both of the realms and the normal world"

Lastly came a golden shield, it glowed in the fresh sun light and even JJ could feel the power emanating from the large oval shape.

"This is the shield of Perseus, taken from the dead hands of the Gorgon Medusa, it will protect you from all manner of projectiles as well as strong magic's, when not in use you can place them here in the realm and when in need you only have to call them too your hand, as you take up each of these gifts, their power will infuse in you and you will understand how to use them as they carry the souls of their owners."

JJ could only ogle the items on the grass before him, each called to him and, one by one he lifted them up, as he touched each one he felt he knew exactly how to use them.

"Now young Perisone, it is time for you to take wing and for this I have one of the old ones to help you, he will be here very soon, you may have known of him, his name is Aether the god of the upper air, he will be your guide as you learn to use your wings, learn well young Perisone for there is much work for you to do when you return to your realm."

JJ sat with an open mouth, everything he had just been told ran through his mind in a rush, suddenly there was a lightening of the air around him and a figure shimmered into being, it looked to be no older than himself although the youth was very blonde and had the first beginnings of a fine beard forming on his chin.

"Come Perisone, it is time for you to fly to the heavens, let us make play of the winds, come, come."

JJ could only watch in stunned silence as the young man before him rose as though levitating on thin air, with a feeling of being mesmerised, JJ stood up and, for the first time allowed his new wings to open wide, it was as though he had been doing this all his life as the wings took over and he was suddenly a hundred feet in the air, his wings working with a smooth symmetry that he had no idea of how it was happening.

Up and up they went, Aether turning circles around him as he swooped and turned on the air currents, JJ did his best to follow him but he was just not skilled enough as yet but he gamely tried as best he could, it seemed to JJ that they spent the whole of the long warm afternoon flying, as each minute passed he got better and better until he could fly along with Aether in all manner of intricate manoeuvres , soon he was soaring higher than he had ever thought was possible, diving, twisting and turning as he chased the elusive Aether around in the currents, at last he felt as though he was home in the air, at this realisation he headed back to earth, Aether close beside him.

When they landed Aether grasped JJ by the shoulders and kissed him hard on the lips then, with a smile as wide as a canyon, Aether took to the air calling out as he disappeared into the heavens.

"You have sweet lips, Defender Perisone, one day you will find love and he will be the luckiest of all men."

JJ could only stand still with his mouth open, it was his first kiss, not only that, it had been from a mythical god, as he thought about the kiss and the adventure of the afternoon, JJ felt something form beside him, in an instant he was once again in the presence of Zeus.

"Well you have stolen another heart young Perisone, I never thought the time would come when Aether would part with a kiss, now, we must get you back to your realm, there is much for you too do, your servants await you."

JJ suddenly found himself back in the room with the black stone alter, without a thought he waved his hand at the closed door and watched as it slid open, somehow he knew he did not need codes or anything else to open even the most stubborn of locked doors, his was an all encompassing power and it flowed through him with little effort on his part, he also knew what was right and what was wrong, it was as though everything in the world stood out in a clarity he had never known before.

JJ walked down the passage and emerged in the dining room, it looked as though the others knew he was coming, on the table was laid a huge meal and, for the first time in what seemed like ages, JJ felt a hunger he could never describe, as he sat at the head of the table, the two African boys smiled at him and began to pile food on the large silver platter in front of him, Phin sat at his right hand side smiling as JJ dug into the food.

"Tell me My Lord Perisone, was you trip to the realms an interesting one?" Phin asked.

JJ with his mouth full could only nod and try to smile around the food in his mouth, he had no idea how he could be so hungry after just a few hours with the gods, from somewhere deep in his mind came the answer, in mortal terms he had been in the realm for more than six months, hence his hunger, a small shiver went through his body as he realised how long he had been away, it had seemed like only a few hours.

Finally, as JJ chewed the last of his mouth full, he asked Phin.

"Who are you really Phin, I know you are more than what you seem?"

As Phin smiled at him the answer swept into his mind, Phin was in fact a reincarnation of Hermes, messenger of the gods among other things and not forgetting his aptitude as a trickster or deceiver of those who would want more power than they could handle, JJ just nodded as he looked at the smiling man.

"You see My Lord Perisone, you have no need to ask, everything known by the gods is at your command as you have now found out, it is now your duty to bring back the true belief in the gods and not let the iniquities and delusions of the modern religions to fog the minds of men, it is the time for the return of the true gods, however, this will also mean the attempted return of those who should not be in this realm as you now well know."

JJ nodded his head in understanding as he spooned another mouthful of strawberries and cream into his mouth, it almost felt as though the more he ate the more he wanted, this went on for almost an hour before he felt full once again, looking down he expected to see his narrow waist protruding out in a large bulge but he saw only the normal thin waist he had always had, where the food had gone he had no idea, but he was now full and ready to see what was next.



Next: Chapter 2

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