Daveys Story

Published on Aug 2, 2022


Davey's Story - The 2012 Rewrite Chapter 12.htm


The 2012 Re-write

Copyright © 1998 by JD

Rewrite Copyright © 2011 by JD

Warning: The story you are about to read contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. The following is evil, illegal, should be banned, and all that other blah, blah, blah. If reading a coming of age story of self-discovery about pre-adolescent and adolescent boys that wet their beds, wear diapers, and explore their awakening sexuality with each other does not tickle your pickle (or if the law in your area says that pickle tickling is illegal) then don't read it.

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Authors Note: This is the final installment of the 2012 Re-write of Davey's Story. I hope you have enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please email me and let me know what you think of it, you do not know how much it helps to hear from a fan.

Chapter 12: The Last Battle

I could hear my Monster as he attacked whoever stopped him from hurting me. I tried to see who it was but couldn't. Somehow, now with my Monster preoccupied, I was able to move again and move I did! With the Monster elsewhere, the minions began their attacks on me. I tried to fight them off and as I did this, something strange started to happen. It was as if the surrounding images, including the place I was in, were dissolving around me. The dream was starting to lose its cohesion as my mind began to wake up. I could feel someone trying to hold me still as I flailed my arms and legs. Trying to get away from the remnants of my dream and what I thought were the Monster's minions.

"Davey! Wake up son!" I heard a familiar worried voice. "Davey wake up and stop fighting me. I am here and I won't let anyone hurt you!"

The dream now faded completely. I was able to see that I was back in the hotel room still in bed with Dad. Still the memory of the dream and what it meant was with me and in some sense was scaring me to death!

"I... I... Can't... Breath..." I wheezed.

I was in the middle of a huge panic attack. I knew I was safe but still I could see my Monster doing what he did, in my mind.

"Davey! I want you to do as I tell you. I want you to hold your breath then when I tell you, take a deep long breath."


And I took a breath like I was told.


Again I took a breath.


And again I took a breath.


This went on for several minutes and soon I was starting to feel better as the panic started to leave me. Dad had pulled me up into his arms which were lightly around my chest to allow me to breathe easily. My back was lying against his chest and I quickly started breathing as Dad breathed.

Now calm and breathing normally, I found that the dream had helped me make a decision. I was scared yes but I was more determined than ever before.

"Dad... I made a decision!" I then bent my head back against his chest so I could look up at him.

"I see," Dad gave me a light squeeze. "Does this mean you decided that you won't testify?"

Right before I had fully awakened, another memory came forward and it wasn't until I had calmed down enough, before I was able to realize its importance. This memory gave me what I needed to hopefully protect my mother. Still it wasn't this memory that made my decision. It was what happened in the dream which I realized was an actual memory, one that I have been trying to bury! One that I knew I could no longer bury as it was doing someone an injustice.

"No Dad, I am ready to tell! I am ready to tell everything, but I don't think I can do it alone."

I remembered when I tried to take the stand and before. I ended up vomiting from the fear and stress that was put on me. Still, I had to get back on the stand and this time, do what I should have done the first time. Even though I knew what had to be done, I couldn't help wondering if it would only result in a repeat of the last time.

"Davey, I am glad that you are ready to testify but I am not sure what you mean by help." Dad sounded puzzled.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I just know I can't do it on my own. Maybe Doctor Brice can come up with something." I suggested.

"Well, how about we change that smelly diaper of yours than give her a call." I gave Dad a stern look before getting into the diaper position. I laid there and watched as he gathered a clean diaper and other supplies.

It didn't take Dad long to get what he needed and since I was only in my diaper, he was able to get right to business changing me.

As Dad pulled back the front of my diaper, he chuckled a little. "Boy squirt, I swear that there is more in that diaper than your little stomach can hold!" He then tickled me a little on my belly which made me giggle.

He got right back to business though. I watched as he used one diaper wipe after another. He kept this up until he was satisfied that I was at least clean enough to go to the shower without leaving a mess trailing behind me.

"Okay buddy, please go get in the shower, I will join you in a minute or two.

For some reason I had completely missed it, but now I could see that Dad's pajamas were wet. This made me remember how my diaper started leaking in my dream. "It must have really leaked when I was dreaming it." I thought to myself. His bed was also wet, which I guess was why we got up instead of going back to sleep. I found out later that I woke up about twenty minutes before the alarm went off.

I had just got into the shower and wetted myself down, when Dad joined me. Now this wasn't the first time I had showered with Dad, but it wasn't something that he did often.

Dad had me change places with him and as the soap was rinsed from his body, he began to wash me. He started with my hair which was the thing that I usually forgot to wash. I could feel him work the shampoo into a lather as he scrubbed my head. Once he was sure it was completely clean, Dad took the hose attachment to the shower and washed all the soap from my head. Making sure to keep the soap from going into my eyes.

He then soaped up a wash cloth and began to scrub me clean. He started at my face and went down to the tips of my toes. He did such a thorough job of washing me that I figured I was the cleanest I had been in over a month. It also felt like he might have scrubbed away a layer of dead skin.

As a youth, I spent a lot of time outside in the dry desert heat growing up. So I had a pretty good tan all over my body, except for my waist area as it was normally covered by a diaper and shorts. Anyway, if you had seen me get out of the shower that morning; you might have found it hard to believe, that the pinkish little boy that stepped out of the shower, was normally a golden brown. It was as if Dad had scrubbed away my tan!

As soon as Dad had me washed, we once again changed places. While I let the water rinse away the soap from my body, I watched Dad quickly wash himself. Once he was ready to rinse himself off, he ushered me out of the shower.

"Okay Davey, you're done. Go dry off and I will be out in a moment to help you with your diaper."

I did as I was told and as I got out of the shower, I grabbed one of the big fluffy hotel bath towels to dry myself off with. Once I was fully dry I hung the now damp towel back up on its bar and went out to the room. The sweat that had drenched my bed last night was now dry, so I picked that one to sit on and wait for Dad as his bed was definitely wet still from my leaking diaper.

As I waited for Dad, I thought about the dreams I had last night and once again I felt fear prickle up on my skin. "Was I doing the right thing? What if my Monster and his minions were telling the truth and there was no way to escape them?" These questions floated through my brain and I was again considering changing my mind and declining to testify. A small voice in the back of my head stated that I owed it to tell the truth. And the more I thought about things, the more confused I became.

I looked up as Dad came out of the bathroom. I watched as he headed over to the dresser that was included with our room and took out a t-shirt and a pair of underwear for himself.

"Dad..." I started and he turned and looked at me as he put on his underclothes. "...I think I might change my mind again."

"What do you mean Davey?"

"I'm scared Dad, I'm afraid he will come after me and kill me! I dreamt that my Monster came back for me again!"

Dad walked over to me and picked me up and as he sat down on the bed, he sat me in his lap. "Davey, I promise you that I will not allow that Monster of yours to ever hurt you again." Dad hugged me tightly.

"Thanks Dad, I love you a lot." I felt relieved as I felt Dad's strong arms protectively around me.

"Now we better get a diaper on you before your little fire hose decides it needs to put out a fire somewhere." I giggled as Dad said this. It was rare when Dad called my thingy `my little fire hose'. Normally he doesn't call it anything by name.

As Dad got up, he laid my naked body down on the foot of my bed. I then watched as he transferred my changing supplies from his bed to my own. He set the diaper and other things next to me before getting my diaper ready to put under me. It was one of my thick night time diapers which he placed under me. He did this as he lifted my butt up in the air by picking me up by my ankles. Once lowered my butt back onto the diaper, he proceeded to butter and powder it. He made sure to get my whole diaper area before taping me into my diaper.

My diaper now securely on, Dad helped me into that awful suit that made me itch every time I got near it. When he got to the dress shoes, I pleaded with him to not make me wear them as they hurt my feet too much.

"Now Davey, we can't have you in a suit and tennis shoes. That just wouldn't look right. Also, as soon as you break these shoes in they won't hurt as bad." Dad tried to explain. In the end all that mattered was that I would have to wear them. If there was one thing nice about living with Mom, I could wear whatever I wanted for the most part and she didn't say a thing about it.

Now dressed, I sat in a chair and watched as Dad got ready. It was amazing to see how fast my father could put on a suit and tie (A tie, that was one thing he didn't make me wear thank god!).

Dad then brushed mine and his hair. Now done with getting ready, he picked up the phone receiver and dialed Doctor Brice's room. Now I knew she was staying somewhere here in the same hotel as us, but so far I had not yet been to her room. So I didn't know exactly where it was. Since Dad was actually the one paying for her services while here, he set it up so that we would all be in the same hotel. I knew that it was most likely costing him a bundle to do this.

Normally Doctor Brice was an early riser and is up doing her personal morning regiment by this time. This was something during our talks that she had told me about. This morning though, Dad was lucky to catch her still in her room when he called her.

"Hello Doctor Brice." Dad spoke into the phone.

Since I couldn't hear Doctor Brice's side of the conversation, all I was able to get out of what they were saying was from Dad's side of it.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about." Dad replied.

"Yes" As Dad said this I couldn't help but wonder what Doctor Brice was saying to him.

Boy I was going nuts trying to figure out what they were talking about. It is something that is hard to do, listening to only one half of the conversation. I continued to listen to the one-sided conversation and kept trying to figure out what Doctor Brice was saying to Dad.

"Yes he says he had another nightmare last night."


"Yes that's right."

"No he is not sure."

"Could you?"

"Yes, very much so. Oh, before I forget, we would love to have you join us for breakfast this morning."

"Yes we will meet you there."

At this Dad hung up the phone. "Well sport, we are going to go have breakfast down in the hotel restaurant and Doctor Brice will be joining us."

"What about Uncle Justin, Dad?"

"Your Uncle was out late again last night and won't be joining us until later at court."

Now I found this odd as this was something that was happening more and more and Dad never gave me a reason for it. Oh well, one problem at a time.

"Okay buddy, let's go downstairs. Your doctor said she would meet us down there shortly."

Knowing that we would come back to the room after breakfast, I left my diaper bag behind and followed Dad out of the room and down to the restaurant.


        I was disappointed that morning when I found out that the hotel restaurant did not serve ice cream for breakfast. I also found out that the manager we met did not work until later in the day. Another manger did the early shift. I ended up getting French Toast that morning and it was the best I ever had. I ate every bit of my breakfast that morning. Doctor Brice and Dad could see how much I was enjoying breakfast so they decided to let me eat first and wait until I was done to talk to me. In the meantime she and Dad talked about grown-up stuff that I could care less about. Doctor Brice would later explain that it was her way of making me feel more comfortable in her presence.

Since they only had coffee and buttered toast, they were both done with their breakfast long before me. Besides I wanted to take my time and enjoy every bite of my French toast which had real Walnut Maple syrup on it. I told that it was made from thick slices of Texas Toast bread. That they put powder sugar on each piece just like they do in those fancy places you see on television. Since they brought the syrup out to me, I was able to pour as much as I wanted on my French Toast. Normally someone else pours on my syrup.

I don't understand how Dad and Doctor Brice could only eat buttered toast and be full? If it was an adult thing then count me out! I could never be satisfied with drinking coffee which I found out tasted terrible, and just eating buttered toast.

One thing about not being disturbed while eating, I was able to come up with an idea to hopefully help my mom, but it involved Doctor Brice's help. I decided to ask her about it when I was done eating.

Once I shoved the last bite into my mouth and drank both my milk and orange juice, Doctor Brice turned her attention towards me. It was almost as if she had been watching me the whole time while she and Dad talked, and I ate. You know it wouldn't surprise me at all! She seemed to spend a lot of time just studying how I did things and interacted with my surroundings.

"Davey, your father says you had another nightmare last night. Would you like to talk to me about it?" Doctor Brice asked.

My first instinct was to say no but I remembered that I needed my doctor's help. "I guess." And I nodded my head as well.

So I went ahead and told her pretty much everything that happened in my dream. I didn't forget to leave out the way I was going to help my mother either. When I was done telling her and Dad my dreams I had the night before, Doctor Brice clasped her hands in front of her face and looked as if she was in deep thought. Finally she spoke.

"Tell me Davey, who do you think stopped the Monster from hurting you in your dream?"

I shrugged my shoulders and Doctor Brice gave me a look as if she weren't buying it.

Deep down I knew who it was in my dream, I just wasn't ready to face it yet. "I promise I will tell you everything I can but I just want to wait until court..." I started to explain. "...this way I only have to do it once and then hopefully I can put it all behind me. Even that, I knew, would most likely not happen. This memory was going to stay with me for the rest of my life and I knew it!

"So does that mean you are going to tell all of this today in court?" Doctor Brice continued to question me.

I nodded my head. "Yes, but I think I am going to need some help as I'm still scared."

Doctor Brice was quiet for a moment, and then she snapped her fingers. "Davey, would it help if I were the one questioning you? I know that you dislike ADA Green. Maybe it will help you if he steps aside and let me question you?"

I actually liked this idea. I knew that Mr. Green scared me a little (Okay a lot.) and I felt like I was the one in trouble when I was around him. This idea sounded exactly like what I needed.

I smiled at Doctor Brice and nodded my head vigorously. "Can you really do that?" I asked, full of hope.

"Well, I don't see why not."

I then gave Doctor Brice a serious look. "Can you do me one more favor?"

"What is it Davey?"

"Can you speak on my mother's behalf? I need someone to say that she isn't guilty. I don't think they will believe me."

Doctor Brice frowned. "You know Davey; she should have said something or done something to protect you!"

"But she was a victim just like me!" I cried. "She was afraid just like I was. I didn't tell either! So should I be sent to jail too?"

Doctor Brice took a moment to consider what I said. "I can see your point, of course Davey, I will do this for you." And Doctor Brice got up and came over to me and kissed me on the top of my head. "I am sorry but I need to get going. I will see you both later in court."

"Thank you Doctor Brice. I am so glad that we found you. You have been so much help for Davey!" Dad said as he stood up and took Doctor Brice's hand and kissed the back of it just like they do in those old black and white movies. Doctor Brice smiled than left the dining room, heading back I suppose to her hotel room.

"Well kiddo, we need to go back up and get a few things before we leave for court this morning." He then looked at me and chuckled to himself. "I think we need to get you cleaned up a little. I probably should have waited until after breakfast to get you in your suit. We are going to have to clean up the syrup you got on it."

"I'm sorry Dad, I didn't mean too!" I apologized.

"Don't worry kiddo; we will get you cleaned up in a jiffy." Dad said as he started to head out of the restaurant."

I followed Dad to the empty elevator and once inside Dad turned to me and asked a familiar question. "Do you need changed before we go?"

That was one nice thing about Dad. He waited until we were alone to ask me this question. Grandmother would have just asked it in the restaurant. She would have also said it loud enough so that everyone in the dining room would have heard her. That of course was all part of Grandmother's plan to embarrass me into using the toilet. She never could understand that I wasn't doing it on purpose.

Anyway, I knew I was wet but I was sure that I would be okay for a few more hours; I was after all in one of my night diapers.

"I am okay Dad." I then hugged him.

Dad smiled and asked, "What was that for?"

"Nothing, just love you is all." And I hugged him again.

I felt more than ever like I was ready. I knew this time would be different. I would get up on that stand and I would make sure that Tony paid for what he did! For now though, I drew strength from my dad and his close presence.


 "The court calls David William Brown to the bench." Hearing my full name called, Doctor Brice and I got up from our front row seats.

As Doctor Brice escorted me to the bench, Mr. Green explained that he would not be questioning me. "Your Honor, as we discussed in your chambers earlier, Doctor Brice will be questioning this witness."

"Your Honor, we again want to protest against this!" The defense lawyer called out.

"Objection noted." The Judge answered. He then nodded at Mr. Green. "Please go ahead."

As I passed the defense and prosecution tables, I did my best not to look in Tony's direction. I did glance at my mom and smiled at her. I was relieved to see her return the smile. I was afraid though that I may never see it again after today!

I was once again sworn in and sat down at the small desk next to the Judge. The Judge covered his microphone and looked down at me and smiled. "Davey, I hope you are feeling better today. Please don't be afraid to let me know if you need a break or if you can't go any further."

I smiled back at the Judge and nodded my head. "Okay, I will." And as if as an afterthought I added. "I am doing fine this morning too."

The judge smiled at me and turned his attention back to the court. He uncovered the mic and addressed the court. "You may begin."

Doctor Brice walked up to me and gave me a warm smile. Even though I was feeling a little queasy and nervous, I didn't feel like I was going to throw up this time. I felt that I could do it this time; that I could tell what Mr. Green wanted me to.

"Good morning Davey. How are you feeling today?" Doctor Brice asked kindly.

"Okay but I am a little scared." I said this clearly into the microphone in front of me as I was coached.

"We will take this slow and hopefully you won't feel so scared." Doctor Brice smiled again. "Davey, do you know why you are here today?"

I nodded my head.

"I am sorry Davey, but can you please speak your answers into the microphone?"

"I'm sorry..." I apologize. "...I forgot. Yes I know why I am here."

"No need to apologize Davey." Doctor Brice than proceeded with questioning me. "Davey, do you have any friends?" She asked.

I started to nod my head then remembered that I was to speak my answers. "Yes I do, his name is Billy."

As I mentioned Billy's name, I heard a shout in the back of the courtroom. Impulsively, I looked in the direction of where the shout came from. When I saw who made it, I smiled and almost forgot where I was. I had been about to jump out of my seat and run to the person I recognized, but luckily I remembered where I was. For now though, I felt better than ever as I looked into Billy's happy face. I waved back at him as he waved at me. I also recognized his dad who was sitting next to him. I could see that he was trying to get Billy to sit down.

I heard the Judge chuckle a little as he banged his gavel. "Order in the courtroom!" He shouted, though from his chuckle, I think he really didn't mind the interruption.

Doctor Brice went on with her questioning as if she and I had never been interrupted. "Davey, did you use to have another friend as well?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"Was this friend's name, Thomas Stevens?"

Mrs. Jackson the defense lawyer stood up suddenly. "I object, leading your Honor!" She shouted out.

"Objection noted and over ruled!" The judge answered back. "He is only eleven years old, is nervous, and I find the questioning technique in my opinion helpful. I think it is the best way to get to the truth and I find it not leading at all!"

Mrs. Jackson did not look happy as she retook her seat.

"You may proceed Doctor Brice." The Judge nodded at her.

"Thank you your Honor..." and Doctor Brice repeated her question. "Was your friend's name, Thomas Stevens?"

"No ma'am..." I don't think Doctor Brice expected that answer. "His name was Tommy." I corrected her and Doctor Brice had to suppress a chuckle as I said this.

"Okay, Tommy then." I nodded my head and she continued. "So how long were you and Tommy friends?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I met him sometime after, not the last Christmas but the Christmas before that."

"Would you say that you and he were friends for over 6 months?"

"Yes" This was one of the questions I had been prepared for so I gave the answer that they told me to give. Now it wasn't a lie, I just didn't really know long it was.

"Were you and Tommy good friends?"

"We were great friends!"

"Davey, can you tell the court in your own words about the friendship you and Tommy had?"

Again Mrs. Jackson abruptly stood up. "Your Honor! Where is this going? What does it matter what type of friendship the witness had with Thomas Stevens?"

The Judge didn't say anything right away but after a few seconds he looked at Doctor Brice. "I have to agree Doctor Brice. What does this relationship have to do with the case before us?"

"Your Honor, I am just trying to ask some questions that will help Davey get comfortable and make it easier for him to proceed to the harder questions." Doctor Brice responded.

Again the judge took a few seconds before responding. "Okay Doctor Brice, but please get to the point quickly. He then turned to Mrs. Jackson. "Objection over ruled. Please continue Doctor Brice."

Again Mrs. Jackson sat down in a huff. I could tell that she was completely against this whole thing. You know, originally she was just Mom's lawyer but she took on Tony when it turned out that they would be tried together. Tony had no lawyer to represent him other than a court appointed lawyer. She figured that since she could not win the argument to try each of them separately, that it would be in her best interest to take on Tony's defense as well. I am also sure Mom had something to do with it too.

Thinking about this disturbed me. After knowing everything Tony was accused of doing, Mom still faithfully stood next to him. "How could she show me so much love and still stand next to him so faithfully?" I thought to myself. Then I remembered that Mom was also a victim of Tony and had been conned by him and therefor was not able to see past the con to his faults.

"Davey!" Doctor Brice called my name for the second time before I realized that I had spaced out for a minute or so.

"I'm sorry Doctor Brice." I again apologized to her. "What did you want to know again?"

Doctor Brice had to repeat her last question to me. "Can you please tell the court about the friendship you and Tommy had in your own words?"

"Well... I guess Tommy and I were a lot alike. We both had to wear... well... you know." I stuttered.

"Davey, we understand if you want to keep that to yourself. The court actually already knows what you are trying to say here. Please continue." Boy I felt relieved when Doctor Brice said this.

The reason the court knew this already was because we spent most of the morning in the Judge's chambers. Mr. Green and Doctor Brice were trying to explain to the judge how they wanted to question me. Mrs. Jackson unfortunately was also there, and she of course objected to the whole thing. Doctor Brice didn't actually give a list of questions she was going to ask me as this had been a last minute decision, she did though go ahead and tell the Judge and everyone else in the room a general idea of what she was going to ask and because of this, mine and Tommy's needs for diapers came up at one point.

It was also here that Doctor Brice offered Mrs. Jackson her expert testimony for my mom as well. Of course Mrs. Jackson had no problem with this since it would help at least one of her clients. The only reason I was present in this meeting was because the Judge wanted to make sure I was okay with all of this. Dad was also there as well and held me in his lap through the whole thing. Once the Judge made his decision we all went back into the courtroom. Boy was I glad that he decided in our favor.

"Please Davey; tell us more about Tommy's and your friendship." Doctor Brice encouraged me.

Like I was asked, I continued. "Tommy lived with his dad who like Tony and my mom, drank a lot. I don't think his dad did drugs like my mom and Tony did, but he was always drunk it seemed. He would come back home in the early morning and then for no reason, he would drag Tommy out of bed and beat him badly. There were many times Tommy and I would play together and when he showed up would be sporting new bruises. I tried to get Tommy to tell someone but he was afraid of his father and what he might do. Plus even though his dad beat him, Tommy still loved him and wanted to protect him. In fact, he told me several times that he deserved the beating his father gave him." I couldn't believe how easy I found these words.

"I hope you realize that Tommy was not at fault and that his father was sick and in the wrong for hurting his son." Doctor Brice asked me out of concern.

"Yes I know, but I made a promise you see."

Doctor Brice looked at me with eyes full of emotion. "Davey, what was the promise you made Tommy exactly?"

"I promised Tommy that I would never tell on his dad and in exchange, Tommy promised never to tell anyone about the Monster that was hurting me. I guess that was another reason why we were alike. We both had something or someone beating us up and hurting us. Neither of us had any other friends so we only had each other. So we did what we could to help one another and keep each other's secret." I explained.

"Davey, do you remember the dream you had last night? The one you told me and your father this morning? The dream in where you called 911, so that you could help Tommy?" Doctor Brice tried to make sure she had specifically reminded me of the right dream.

"Yes" I responded.

"Can you tell us about that dream?"

I nodded my head and began. "I was at the park playing and hoping that Tommy would show up. I had gone by his apartment but no one answered and the door was locked. So I decided to go to the Park and play. It was afternoon when Tommy finally found me there and when I saw him having trouble walking to me, I ran over to him and helped him to a nearby bench. Once we were sitting I became concerned for Tommy because I could see he was in pain. He told me his father had dragged him out of bed early that morning and beat him. He showed me the bruises and they were really dark and looked painful. Even though Tommy didn't want me too, I decided to break our agreement because I was afraid that he might die. I told him that I was going to call 911 and he begged me not to. In the end I came up with an idea that I thought would allow us to call 911 without Tommy or I having to tell on his dad. In the end though the police didn't believe me on how Tommy got hurt and tried to get me to tell them the truth. I was afraid of making Tommy mad at me so I decided to tell them nothing. I just said that I didn't know how he got hurt as I was not there. I felt this was the only way..." I stopped here as a single tear fell down my right cheek.

"You cared a lot for your friend Tommy didn't you?" Doctor Brice asked and I could hear the sorrow in her voice.

I nodded my head and wiped the tear from my cheek with my hand. "He was more than a friend; he was like a brother to me." I explained.

More tears fell from my eyes as I remembered how close I was with Tommy and how much he meant to me.

"Your Honor, can I?" Doctor Brice asked as she took out a handkerchief and when he nodded she handed it to me. She then gave me a moment to recompose myself before pressing on. "Davey, do you think that if you told the truth to the police that Tommy may still be alive?"

I nodded my head as Doctor Brice asked this. "If I had told the truth, Tommy would not have been there the day he was killed." I cried.

"I know this hurts, but please tell the court what happened the day Tommy died?" Doctor Brice gave me a look of confidence.

I looked out in the crowd and found Uncle Justin and Dad's faces and could feel their compassion for me. I then looked to the front and saw that my mom was looking sad as she watched me cry. Finally I looked to Billy and drew strength from his support and friendship. I knew I was now ready to finally tell what happened the day that Tommy died.

"Tommy had been in the hospital for a while because his father had hurt him pretty bad. He had only gotten home a few days before he was killed. Social services tried to stop that from happening but since they had no proof that Tommy's father was the one to hurt him, they had to let him go back to his dad." I tried my best to explain to everyone. I couldn't help remembering how they had questioned me several times trying to get me to tell them the truth. If only I had done just that...

"Davey, please go on." Doctor Brice prodded me.

I sighed and continued. "Tommy was shocked when he found out that I had moved into another apartment with my mom and Tony. He hadn't known yet that Tony had come back into our lives. He begged me to try and get away from Tony. He said that I should insist that I continue to live with my Grandmother instead of living with them."

I stopped for a moment, taking a deep slow breath and letting it out before continuing.

"He was happy for me when he learned that I had found out recently that my dad was actually alive. I had told him like everyone else that my dad was supposedly killed long ago. So he was about as shocked as I was to hear that my Dad was alive and well. I told him about the investigator that Dad hired. And how he had finally located me over at Grandmothers. I also told him that because of some stupid mix up, he was not able to take me to my dad that day. In the meantime Mom, with Mrs. Jackson's help, did everything she could to keep my dad away from me. So while the courts were deciding whose kid I was; Mom and I, had moved in with Tony."

As I told the court this, I looked over again to my mom and saw that she was crying and I felt so bad that I wanted to just go to her and apologize for what I was about to say. It took every bit of my strength to continue.

"Tommy was afraid for me because he knew that Tony would beat on me like his dad did to him. Anyway Tony was real nice in the beginning and I wondered if he had changed like Mom had told me. But all too soon, I found out that he was no different." And as I said this I dared to look over at Tony and gave him my meanest look.

Tony returned my look with an evil smile and suddenly I felt a shiver of fear run through me and I, at that moment, almost lost whatever nerve I had left. I looked out and saw Billy smiling at me and I amazingly found the strength to go forward. This time though, I decided to not look at Tony anymore as I was sure if I did, I would no longer be able to continue.

 "Everything started getting real bad again and soon the nightmares and attacks started to happen again. That is when my Monster came back and started to attack me. Like before, it was first only at night after Mom had passed out. Most likely from whatever she was taking or that Tony had given her. This was when the Monster would come for me at first. Then it started in the daytime as well. Since Tommy was in the hospital at first and when he did get home he couldn't go out, I was all alone most of the time for my Monster to attack me."

At this point I broke down and started to cry loudly. I could once again see what the Monster did to me in my mind and the fear it was causing me was too much for me to handle at that moment.

The Judge, seeing that I needed a moment, decided to give me a break. "This court is adjourned and because of the time, we will call it lunch. Court will resume in two hours." He then banged his gavel and excused the Jury.


Once the judge left, the noise from the crowd of spectators grew. Doctor Brice helped me down from the stand and I rushed over and into Dad's arms. He picked me up and hugged me tightly to him.

"Davey, I am so proud of you!" Dad declared. "You were so brave and you did so well."

I wasn't so sure about what Dad had said as I felt like I failed as I once again broke down on the stand. In fact I was still crying and wrapped my arms around Dad's neck and cried all my tears out as he stroked my back right there still in the courtroom.

Once my tears ended and I felt better, I noticed that some of the spectators were staring at me and I found that I really didn't like all of the attention.

"Dad, can we get out of here?" I asked or was it more like begging, I am not really sure what the difference is.

Dad smiled at me warmly and I drew on his strength from that smile. "Anything for my little boy!" Dad happily announced.

And as we started to make our way to the back of the still crowded courtroom, I remembered about Billy. I looked around me as Dad carried me but I was finding it hard to spot him in all of the people who were now standing and talking to one another about the case.

"Dad, do you see Billy or his father?" I asked.

Dad himself looked around. "Maybe they went out into the lobby." Dad suggested. He then whispered into my ear. "I really think we should get your diaper changed, it feels pretty bloated and like it might burst at any second."

My face flushed red in embarrassment. I tried my best to not let it bother me and continued to look for Billy as Dad carried me the rest of the way out of the courtroom. I still wasn't able to see him anywhere and I noticed that he wasn't no longer in the seat I saw him in earlier. He may have been somewhere in the crowd of people that were huddling around and talking to each other, but I didn't spot him or his father. I guess maybe Dad was right and they were out in the lobby.

It wasn't until we left the courtroom that I heard a familiar voice shout over the crowd. "Davey! We are over here!" I heard Billy shout excitedly.

I saw that Billy and his dad were just right outside the courtroom. Dad had also spotted them and he changed direction and headed towards them. As we got closer to Billy, Dad stood me back on my feet so that I could talk to him, but he did keep hold of my hand. Dad had explained earlier that he didn't want me out of sight and because of the crowd he felt it necessary to hold my hand until we were outside and away from the crowd of people. Several of them worked for the news affiliates and wanted to get some quote from me or my Dad and he wanted to protect me from them.

Billy didn't wait until we came to him he rushed over and hugged me. I could tell from his enthusiasm that he had missed me as much as I missed him.

"Billy! You don't know how surprised I am to see you here! No one told me you were coming!" I shouted happily with glee.

For the next few minutes Billy and I talked about this or that; neither of us brought up the diaper thing as our dads were too close and might over hear us.

Billy did surprise me and gave me a quick peck on the lips when he thought no one was paying attention. Mine and his dad were talking and so there was no one looking our way as he kissed me.

"Davey, I'm so glad that you are okay now." Then after making sure again that no one was still paying attention, Billy kissed me again on the lips but longer this time. "It is great seeing you again. I would have wrote you and told you we were coming but I didn't know about it. Dad surprised me last night and said we would be flying out here today. We had to get up real early so we could catch an early flight. It was the first time I have ever been in an airplane and it was cool!" Billy excitedly explained.

"Billy, you don't know how much better I felt when I saw you in the courtroom. I am not sure if I would been able to get as far as I did if you hadn't come." I told him truthfully.

"That was the whole point." Billy stated. "Dad said that your dad and Doctor Brice called him. Doctor Brice had told him that she felt that I would help out a lot if I were here today. I think if it hadn't been for that, I think Dad would have said no."

"He isn't upset with me is he?" I asked, a little scared what the answer would be.

"Well... He wasn't happy that you went on a rampage, if that is what you mean. But he understands that you were not yourself and has forgiven you." At this point, Billy smiled as he told me about his stepbrother. "As for Scotty, I don't think he is ever going to forgive you." Billy chuckled. "He was pretty upset that he didn't have his CD player to listen to on the drive home. He was pretty cranky and because of it Dad finally got tired of it and spanked him good on his bare butt!"

As I heard this I couldn't help joining in on Billy's laughter. No matter what I had done, I still didn't think it made Scotty and I even. In fact I think I despised him even more.

I suddenly felt my bladder give way and I became afraid that my diaper was about to leak. As much as I wanted to stay and talk with Billy I knew that I needed to take care of this before I got my suit wet. I was sure that Dad wouldn't be too happy if I did.

"Billy, it is great seeing you too and I want to talk to you..." I then lowered my voice. "...but I really really need to get a diaper change now."

I hoped that Billy understood that I wasn't `not wanting' to talk to him. I wanted him to understand that I was afraid that my diaper was about to leak and I didn't want to get Dad upset if my suit got wet.

"Dad!" I tried to get his attention by calling out to him. "Dad, I need to go to the bathroom now." Dad looked at me and I could see that he understood the desperation that I was feeling as I said this.

"I am sorry. Can we talk in a few minutes? I need to take care of Davey real quick." Dad explained to Billy's father politely.

"I understand, we can talk as soon as you are done. Maybe we can get lunch together. I know the boys would love to talk and play. Maybe we can go to McDonalds, my treat?" Billy's Dad offered.

"Can we meet you there?" Asked my Dad. Then he and Billy's dad discussed the McDonalds location that was nearest to the court house before we both went our separate ways.

The bathroom was in use when we got there so we had to wait a few minutes before we could use it. As soon as the man who was inside was done we went inside and Dad locked the door behind us.

"Okay Davey, since your changing matt still needs to be cleaned, I brought a towel from the hotel for you to lie on." Dad said this as he pulled the towel out of my diaper bag and laid it on the floor for me.

Dad stopped me before I was able to lie down on the towel.

"Davey, do me a favor please. Please undress; since I know you will want to play at McDonalds I want you to change your clothes while we are there. We will get the suit back on you before we have to go back to court. Okay Buddy?"

I did as Dad asked and stripped down to my diaper which looked like it was about to leak any moment. "Boy Dad, I think we caught this one just in time." I commented.

"Do I need the gloves?" Dad asked before un-taping the diaper.

"I don't think so." I said but was not too sure of myself. To be honest, I hadn't thought about my bathroom needs since we arrived at the court house.

I guess Dad decided to trust me as he went ahead and untapped my diaper because he didn't put on any gloves. This time though I was wrong and I watched as Dad stopped and pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on before beginning to clean me. It turned out that it was only a small brown turd and if it hadn't been for all the pee the diaper tried to absorb, my butt would have probably not been that messy. Still it didn't take long for dad to have me cleaned up and re-diapered.

"Okay buddy..." And dad took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my bag and handed them to me. "...here you go. Please get dressed and I will take care of this stuff."

So as I pulled on the clothes Dad gathered up my changing supplies and my suit which he threw over his arm neatly so that it wouldn't get wrinkled. We then both washed our hands and then headed out to meet Billy and his Dad at McDonalds.


"Boy Davey, you scared me quite a bit the day we left. I didn't know what was wrong with you."

Billy and I had been playing in the playland fort. At one point I found myself in deep thought. I was thinking about the last time I had seen Billy before today. I knew that he and his family understood and that they had forgiven me, well maybe not Scotty. Still the memory of how I acted was a painful one. I knew I needed to talk about it and so I had asked Billy about that day. We sat and talked about it for a while. He was now telling me about what he was thinking and feeling that day.

"Then when you tried to kill yourself, I really thought you were going to die! I even peed myself because I was so scared." Billy continued. "Boy was I lucky that you had gotten me that diaper! I would have been terribly embarrassed if I had wet pants in front of all those people."

I had totally forgotten all about the diaper I snuck into this very fort and helped Billy into. Now reminded of it, I started to wonder if Billy had gotten away with wearing it.

"Hey, did you get in trouble over the diaper?" I asked cautiously.

"No thank god! Though it was nice because as I said, I would have peed my pants and I don't know what I would have said to my parents if that had happened. Instead the diaper absorbed it all and the first rest stop we came to on our way home, I took it off." He then winked at me. "By then it was getting pretty full and I was afraid that if I didn't take it off soon, it was going to leak."

"Wow! You're lucky that your brother didn't notice!" I declared with surprise. "The last thing you want him doing is exposing your love of diapers."

"Yeah, I know. But he luckily didn't notice and I even used wet paper towels and soap to clean away the pee that was on me from the used wet diaper. It wasn't the best cleaning job but it worked well enough to keep anyone from finding out." Billy explained to me.

"You know Billy; I never meant to scare you so bad. I'm real sorry that I did and I hope that you can forgive me." I apologized.

"Davey, don't worry about it. My mom and dad explained it all to us. They told us that you were not yourself and that you would have never acted that way if you weren't sick. I am just glad that you are better now."

I felt a burst of emotion explode from inside me! I hugged Billy tightly to me and cried silently on his shoulder. I was so happy that Billy was still my friend even after all what I did.

"Davey you can let me go anytime! I promise, I am not going anywhere right now." I finally released my tight grip I had on him and once we parted Billy was able to see that I had been crying.

I guess he didn't notice the tears that fell on his shoulder. Billy seeing my pain leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. Unlike at the courthouse earlier, he kissed me long and hard. When he finally moved his lips from mine, I actually found myself missing them and so I initiated another kiss. This time we kissed even longer. Unfortunately some little kid who had come up behind us in the fort, saw us and started giggling. We were both embarrassed at being caught and broke apart immediately.

The little kid continued to giggle at us and we decided that it was better to leave than get into it with the kid. Besides, we were too embarrassed and wanted to get out of there before our Dad's found out what we had been doing. As we left the fort we decided to ask if we could go to the park and play for a while. We figured we would have it mostly to ourselves as the kids would all be in school right now.

"Hey Dad!" I called out to him as Billy and I ran over to the table our fathers were sitting at. "Billy and I want to know if we can go to the park for a while?" I pleaded with him.

"Yeah Dad can we?" Billy joined in the begging, turning his attention to his own father.

"We have to be back in court in about an hour." Dad said hesitantly. "I don't know, we should think about getting back soon."

"Da-a-a-a-d-d-d-d-d!" I whined. "You said we have almost an hour! We want to play for a while." I continued to whine.

"I thought you guys wanted to play here?" Billy's dad asked us.

"Na, we decided wanted to go to the park for a while. Pleeeeaaaseeeeee!" Billy begged.

I could see it in Billy's dad's eyes. He was about to break and I knew if he did, my dad would follow. At least I was sure he would.

"You know, these two are not going to leave us alone until they wear us down." Billy's dad said to mine. I could see though that he was joking around as he was smiling as he said it.

Dad looked at me and I knew from his look that I had him beat. "Okay, but we can only stay for a half hour and half hour only." Dad really wanted me to understand that he wasn't going to give another inch on this. "We need to get back to the court house in time to get you back in your suit and change your `you know what'." Dad had said this instead of diaper as there were other people now in the Playland area where we had been eating.

I decided to take what I could get. I was still afraid that the little kid who had spotted me and Billy kissing, might come over and say something about what he saw us doing. So far though, he seemed to be content to play in the fort but I wasn't going to test that theory.

I grabbed my dad's arm and tried to pull him out of his seat. "Come on Dad let's go now so we will have more time to play at the park." I knew there was no way I could move my dad but it didn't stop me from trying.

"Okay... okay... squirt!" Dad joked.

Of course I wasn't too happy about the squirt remark especially since he did it in front of Billy and his dad but I decided at this point it was more important to get to the park then start an argument with my Dad. I guess this attitude was partly due to my recent stay at the wacky farm. Doctor Brice did help me quite a lot at controlling my anger.

I continued to pull on Dad's arm and finally he decided to play like I was actually able to move him. "Boy kid, you are getting pretty strong there. Someday you're going to be able to take your old father." Dad joked around as he acted like I was really pulling him from his seat. I of course knew better but it was fun to pretend that I was really that strong.

We quickly helped our fathers clean up the table and then hurried out to the cars. This time though, Billy rode with me and my dad and his father followed behind us in his rental car.

Once we arrived at the park our dads decided to sit on one of the benches and talk while we played. We decided to go to the swing where we could swing and talk for a while. Also, like we had hoped, the park was deserted as the kids were all still in school for the day.

While we were just lazily swinging I asked Billy if he got caught up at school yet.

"Yeah, I got caught back up the second week we were back. I don't think my parents would have allowed me to come if I hadn't."

"I am glad you got caught up in school and I am happy that you were able to come. You don't know how much I missed you."

"Really?" Billy asked in surprise. "You missed me that much?"

"Yeah, you are about the only friend I have now. No one else our age wants to have anything to do with a diaper wearing baby!" I stated dramatically.

"There is got to be someone you can be friends with." Billy insisted. "You just got to try harder is all. You know you are a great friend and I don't see why anyone would dislike you. Plus if you don't let them upset you about the diaper thing you would be surprise at how many friends you make."

"I guess you might be right." I sighed.

"Of course I'm right!" Billy asserted. "You made friends with Tommy and me didn't you?"

"Yeah, but that was different." I argued. "Both you and Tommy sought to be my friend and neither of you really took no for an answer. I would have never had the bravery to do it myself." I claimed.

"Didn't you make friends at the... you know... hospital?" Billy tiptoed around this as much as he could as he didn't want to upset me.

"Are you talking about the Funny Farm where all the nuts are sent?" I asked him, showing that it didn't bother me if he wanted to bring it up.

"Yeah, that place." Billy still was being careful and I guess after seeing me go nuts like I did, it was pretty understandable. "So did you have any friends there?" He repeated.

"Not at first but we had group therapies and I eventually made friends with a couple other kids there. But they weren't good friends like you and Tommy. They were more like... um... what do they call people that are not quite like friends?" My mind had gone blank and for the life of me I couldn't remember what the word was that I was trying to remember.

"Do you mean acquaintances?" Billy asked

"Yeah that is what I meant!" I stated. "I also will be going back home with my dad as soon as the case is over and from what I have been told that could be as early as next week. Mr. Green says that the defense doesn't have many witnesses so they should have their side done within a few days, then it goes to the jury." I explained. "When we get back to Michigan I won't have any friends there and since school already started, I will be the new kid and once they find out about my problems, I will be the butt of everyone's joke!"

"Davey, I am sure if you try, you can make some good friends. I do wish we lived next door to each other. It sucks that we live so far apart but we can talk online. Well, that's if your father will let you. We can also talk on the phone and we might even be able to get together during school vacations." Billy explained trying to be upbeat.

"I hope you're right." I sighed and hung my head. "It is just hard for me to trust people. Also..." At this I looked directly at Billy. "...I think I like you more than just a friend." I practically whispered that last part."

Billy smiled, "I like you also more than a friend. I especially like kissing you."

And at this Billy got off his swing and after looking at our fathers to make sure they weren't looking, he kissed me again and this time it was different as I felt Billy's tongue against my lips. I didn't know what I was supposed to do but as I felt the pressure of Billy's tongue, I finally parted my lips enough for his tongue to enter my mouth.

Then Billy did something unexpected. He slipped his hand beneath my shorts and into my wet diaper. I felt it find my little fire hose and grab it. Billy's touch made it quickly respond and my little fire hose grew and stiffened in his hand. Suddenly, even though I was truly enjoying what was happening, my mind reminded me that what we were doing was very wrong. I was afraid as I knew that this wasn't right and I thought I was becoming a bad person by doing these things. So I got off my swing and pushed Billy away from me.

"Billy Stop!" I demanded. "This isn't right! We are not supposed to do this!" I added. "Please don't do that again or we can't be friends anymore."

Billy looked at me in confusion and to be honest, I felt as confused as he looked. "But I thought you said that you liked me better than a friend? I thought you liked what we were doing?" Billy looked like he might actually cry as he asked this.

Afraid that I might have upset him to the point of losing him as a friend, I attempted to try and explain. "I am sorry Billy, it is hard to explain but I just don't want to do these things. I wish I could explain it better but I am just really confused right now and I just don't know the right words to explain it."

"Does that mean you don't want to kiss either?" Billy asked me and I saw the hope in his eyes.

"Well, I guess we can kiss still but I don't want to tongue kiss." Even though I actually liked the kiss he had just gave me, it made me feel uncomfortable and wrong.

Billy looked a little happier though I could see that he was disappointed that I didn't want to do the other stuff. That didn't stop him though. He once again looked in the direction of our dads and then gave me another peck on my lips.

Tired of the swings, we headed over to the teeter totters and each got on a side. As we went up and down we continued to talk.

"How long are your dad and you, able to stay?" I asked hoping that they would be there for at least through the end of the trial. Though I could tell right away by Billy's expression that it wasn't going to be the case.

"I am sorry Davey, but Dad says we have to go back tomorrow. He only allowed me to come so that you wouldn't be alone when you testified." Billy explained. "By the way, your dad was the one who paid for our plane tickets out here. Did you know that?"

Now this surprised me as no one had told me this. Of course I did suddenly remember that Doctor Brice had said there would be a surprise for me today. I guess this was it. I decided that I needed to remember to thank Dad, and also Doctor Brice because I was sure she also had played a part in this arrangement.

The next thing that Billy said was unexpected. So are you wearing a diaper now?

I found this question kind of weird as he not only heard Dad talk about my diaper, but he just had his hands inside of it and I was sure he got my pee on his hand.

"Um... yah... Duh!" I said being a smart ass. "I mean, you just had your hand inside of it. You tell me you really couldn't tell?

Billy looked a little embarrassed as I said this to him. "I just wanted to ask you something and I guess I wasn't thinking?" He tried to explain; of course I was lost to how he could forget so quickly.

"So what did you want to ask?" I asked Billy and I think I knew what it was he wanted and why he was getting so confused. His face had turned beat red and he looked like he might pass out any minute from all the blood in his brain.

"I... well... um... I mean... Do you think there is... well you know." I almost laughed as Billy tried to ask me about whether or not he could get one of my diapers.

"Billy, do you want to wear one of my diapers." I asked him.

Billy nodded his head yes and looked relieved that I knew what he wanted. "Yeah, so can I?"

"Well, you will have to wait until on our way back to court. I guess I could slip one out of my bag and give it to you while we are in the car. But how will you be able to sneak it inside the courthouse and put it on?" I asked him because I didn't want to get in trouble if Billy got caught.

"I can hide it under my shirt. It's long enough that no one will be able to see it. I just want to wear one so bad!" Billy admitted. "I will also use the excuse that I need to use the bathroom after my dad and I get our seats. He let me use the bathroom this morning while you guys were back in the Judge's chambers."

Now this surprised me as I didn't know that Billy and his dad had been there that early. "Wow, I didn't see you guys this morning! I didn't know you were even there until you let me know."

Billy laughed, "Yeah, my dad wasn't too happy with me this morning when I did that."

Shortly after this we were called by our dads, as it was time to head back. While in the car Billy carefully slipped one of my diapers out of my bag and hid it under his shirt, using the waistband of his shorts to hold it in place.

Unfortunately I was not able to see if Billy was successful in putting on the diaper as Dad wanted to get me back into my suit and also change my wet diaper before getting back into court. Of course I tried to convince him to forget the suit but he wouldn't hear of it and I soon found myself back into that hateful itchy thing!


"Davey, you understand that you are still under oath, right?" The Judge asked me this as I took my seat next to him.

"Yes sir!" I replied and nodded my head as well.

"Davey, please also remember, if you need a moment or feel like you can't continue; just let me know and I will give you a break or finish this, whatever you wish, okay?" As the Judge reminded me of this, I nodded my head.

Doctor Brice then came forward and began her questioning. "Davey, you were last telling us of a Monster that was attacking you, Can you tell the court exactly what this Monster was doing to you?

"Your Honor, again I object to this ridicules charade!" Mrs. Jackson stood up and shouted.

The Judge quickly answered her objection. "Over ruled!" He then banged his gavel and looked towards Doctor Brice. "Please proceed Doctor Brice."

Doctor Brice had to repeat her question even though it didn't make any difference as I was scared of answering the question before me.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I could answer this one. I once again searched out those faces in the crowd that I knew. I spotted Uncle Justin's face and remembered that due to the excitement of seeing Billy that I totally forgot about him and wondered what he did for lunch. Dad was sitting next to him and I could tell that he was trying to give me his strength and support through this hard question. Finally my eyes found Billy who was now seated between mine and his dad. Actually there was an empty seat between him and my dad, the seat that I just vacated a few moments before. As I looked at Billy I felt as if he was almost standing next to me and cheering me on. And with a strength that I never knew I had, I answered Doctor Brice's questions.

"Sometimes Harold would protect me from my Monster but then there were times he couldn't. But I never blamed Harold for this as he tried his best. As for the time Harold couldn't help me, my Monster would come to me and try to hurt me. It would take its claws and act if it was going to cut me or stab me with them, Sometimes it would even make small cuts on my skin just to scare me even more. It would scare me so much I would have an accident."

Now when I said that last part of me having an accident, I didn't even think twice; as I was now reliving the attacks in my mind. I had temporarily forgotten that I was telling this in front of a courtroom full of people I didn't know.

"In the beginning I found out that the Monster didn't like when I had an accident. He hated it even worse if I pooped my pants. So that stopped my Monster from attacking me. But then after a while my Monster didn't seem as bothered when I had an accident. Instead it would punish me severely when I did, but it would still also have its fun. Sometimes to punish me it would rub my dirty underwear in my face. It also would tell me every time it came that maybe the next time it would kill me if I had another accident!"

It was at this point that I was once again interrupted by Mrs. Jackson. "Your Honor please! See reason! What is with all of this Monster nonsense! So far, all we have learned is that the boy has a very over active imagination and in no way even covers the points of this case. Please stop this ridicules line of questioning and get back to the facts of this case!"

The Judge didn't respond as quickly to this objection as he had the last. As I waited for the Judge to respond, I found myself becoming angry, angrier than ever before! At least this time I didn't get up from my seat and start throwing things. No, what I did was turn onto Mrs. Jackson in full rage.

"WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM LADY?!" I shouted out before the Judge was able to rule on her objection. "THAT FUCKING MONSTER DID THINGS TO ME THAT ARE UNSPEAKABLE!"

It was about now that I realized that I had stood up in my rage and was staring Mrs. Jackson down, all while the Judge was banging his gavel and trying to get order back in the courtroom. Still angry, I sat down and refrained from saying anything else until I was asked too.

The Judge now having order returned, gave Mrs. Jackson his answer on her objection. "Mrs. Jackson, please remember that you will also be given great latitude when it comes to your cross-examining of this witness. For now, objection over ruled." And again he banged his gavel before asking Doctor Brice to continue.

"Davey, you started to tell us what this Monster was doing to you. Can you please continue?" Doctor Brice gave me a wink that made it sound like she was happy that I stood up for myself.

"He would come to me..." I started "...he would make me get undressed while he held up one of his sharp claws to my throat, threatening to cut it if I didn't do as he said. I didn't want to get cut, so I did what I was told. After stripping out of my pajamas and underwear, he would then stick my dirty things back in my face and would threaten to make me eat it if I didn't learn to control my bowels."

Doctor Brice hearing this part for the first time looked concerned. "Davey, did the Monster ever make you eat it?" She almost looked sick as she asked me this.

"No, but he tried a couple times. I just kept my mouth closed as he rubbed it in my face."

As I said this, you could actually hear the shock from the spectators and the jury. Doctor Brice decided to move on at this point. "Davey, what did the Monster do next?"

"He would use my pajamas or a towel or something to clean my bottom. Then he would put his big Monster thing into me... into my butthole. He would keep shoving it into me until I started to bleed and hollered in pain. I am sure other people in nearby apartments heard me scream but not one of them would help me." I tried to explain to Doctor Brice.

Doctor Brice questioned me further about what the Monster did to me and I explained all the torture and sexual acts that it performed on me. If the Jury was shocked before, by the time I got done telling them all of this, they were really shocked.

"Davey, you were telling us that the Monster was attacking you on the day that Tommy died, was that correct?" Doctor Brice questioned me.

I nodded my head. "Yes that is correct!"

"Can you tell us what all happened that day?"

If I had thought that the last question was bad, I knew that this question was downright awful. Still I was able to draw from the strength of those who were special to me and finally tell of that horrible day!


"It was Thanksgiving break and I was out of school until the following Monday. I was bored and I didn't have anything to do. My mom was getting ready for work and Tony was passed out. Mom wanted me to be quiet so that Tony could sleep. She finally told me to just go out and play. I really didn't want to upset my mom. Ever since the investigator had showed up, she was trying her best to stay clean. Anyway, I decided to go down and see if Tommy felt like doing anything. He was starting to feel better but he still wasn't able to do anything real strenuous. His Dad's beating that had put him in the hospital a few months before was still not 100% healed yet. I figured we could at least talk for a while."

I cleared my throat a little before continuing. I did find it kind of weird feeling that it was so quiet. So many people were there listening to what I was saying.

"Where was I... Oh... that's right. I had gone over to Tommy's apartment but no one answered the door and so I decided to go to our secret place and stay down there for a while. I knew that sooner or later that Tony would get up and probably leave. I knew he liked to go out when Mom was working and that he would show up again before she got home. Once I thought I had waited long enough, I headed back to the apartment. I was relieved to find that Tony had indeed stepped out and since I had the apartment to myself I decided to watch the TV for a while. I rarely was allowed to watch the stuff I liked on TV so I watched every program I wanted."

Again I stopped and cleared my throat.

The Judge looked down at me concerned. "Davey, would you like some water to drink? He asked politely.

I nodded, "Yes please."

Doctor Brice herself went over to the prosecution table and filled a glass with water and brought it back to me. I quickly emptied the glass and Doctor Brice refilled it for me. Feeling better and with my thirst quenched, I continued where I left off.

"I never heard anyone enter the apartment. I was watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon when suddenly one of the Monster's claws was against my throat."

At this, I started to panic and I thought I was going to hyperventilate. Doctor Brice saw what was happening and came to my rescue.

She came up to me and held me. "Davey, you are now safe. The Monster can no longer hurt you." She then talked me through my panicked state.

The Judge was worried about me and asked me if I needed a break. But I shook my head no. I just wanted to get this over with. And now!

"The Monster grabbed me and made me undress down to my diaper. He then called me all kinds of names and made fun of my need for having to wear diapers. He then forced me to go back to my room and made me lay on my bed. He then got on me and started to lick me with his horrible tongue as if I tasted good to him. I was afraid as the Monster had threatened to eat me on several occasions. He at some point ripped off my diaper and then started to do things to me."

At this point, I then went into detail of how the Monster raped me and made me do things to him as well on that day in question. By the time I had finished, I was crying tears of fear and humiliation. Still I continued.

"I am not sure when Mom came home but she tried to get the Monster off of me. The Monster just threw her up against the wall and Mom dropped to the floor. I tried to go to her but the Monster stopped me. It didn't look like she was alive and I was afraid that my Monster had killed her. My fear quickly refocused though as the Monster came after me; more fierce than ever."

By now my tears were falling continuously from my eyes and down my cheek. I knew the next part was going to be the hardest thing I ever had to say. Somehow though, I needed to find the strength to tell it. I again looked out into the crowd and when I saw Billy's smile, I felt it light up every dark place inside of me.

Finally I was ready to tell the end!

"Mom must have left the front door open when she came in and heard the commotion coming from my room. It turned out that she got off early from work that day and therefor made it home earlier than expected. Because she left the door open, anyone walking by the apartment would have heard my screams as the Monster tried to kill my mom. I will never know for sure why he came; all I know was that he did. In fact I heard Tommy's voice before I saw him. I heard him cry out to the Monster and demand that he leave me alone. As the Monster let go of me to go after Tommy, I saw Tommy run for it, yelling that he was going to call 911 for me like I did for him. I was afraid that the Monster would kill Tommy, so I went after them."

My body was suddenly wracked with sobs as I remembered the next few moments, which were the last of Tommy's life.

"I got out to the living room just in time to see the Monster grab Tommy and throw him to the floor. I watched helplessly as he got on top of Tommy and strangled him at the same time beating the back of his head on the floor. I could see that Tommy was barely breathing when the Monster stripped him of his clothes and diaper. I watched in agony as it did the things to Tommy that it did to me. When it was all over... Tommy was dead! The Monster then told me that if I ever told, that it would be me that would be dead. He then took Tommy out of the apartment. Later I found out that Tommy was found dead in his own apartment and that his dad's DNA had been found on Tommy's body. They said that he had beat Tommy to death. I knew that wasn't what happened but Tommy was dead and there was nothing I could do to help him now. Besides, I was afraid that the Monster would come back and kill me next!"

The story finally out of me, I found that I was starting to feel a little better. Doctor Brice was right again, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me, now that I have told of that day. Of course I could only relish this fact for a moment before Mrs. Jackson once again addressed the court.

"Objection your Honor, it is fine and dandy to have heard this fantastical tale of Monsters with claws and such, killing little boys. The question remains, how does this pertain to my clients? I would like to point out that it was Tommy's father's blood that we found on Tommy and vice-versa. My client claims that he did not kill this boy and my other client has now been excused from any criminal activity by her own son's testimony. That's if we believe this boy who has obvious issues."

"Mrs. Jackson! I have already ruled on this objection. I suggest that you take your seat and wait your turn. I am sure that Doctor Brice is about done with the witness." The Judge stated sternly as he pointed his gavel at her.

Doctor Brice than looked at me and smiled. "Davey, you don't know how proud I am that you have finally got this off your chest. There is just one more question and then we will be all done. Will that be okay Davey?"

I wiped what was left of my tears from my face before answering. "Yes it is okay." I said in a small voice.

"Davey, do you see the Monster in the courtroom today?"

I nodded my head.

"Davey, please remember to speak your answers for the court. I know how hard this has been but I promise you that it is almost over with."

"Yes, I see him in the courtroom." I then pointed directly at Tony and looked at him for the second time that day. I was surprised when I saw his rage falter for a moment and briefly replaced with fear; but the moment was over quickly and the rage returned.

Doctor Brice than looked at the Judge and then at Mr. Green then back over at the Judge. "Your Honor, we are now done questioning this witness." Doctor Brice said this as she took her seat.

I saw Mrs. Jackson smile as she got up from behind the defense table. I pretty much knew what to expect as I had been coached on this as well. Still I couldn't help feeling a little intimidated by Mrs. Jackson.

"Davey, is it true that you use to have a teddy bear named Harold?"

"Yes ma'am."

Mrs. Jackson's smile got bigger. "In fact you talked earlier of how he protected you from the monster did you not?"

"Yes ma'am." I repeated once again.

"And is it also true that up to the age of ten, you talked to this bear and you believed he talked back to you."

Again I told the truth. "Yes ma'am I did, and I don't care what anyone says. He did talk to me!"

"I see. Some would call that an active imagination, wouldn't they?"

I actually found myself getting angry, the last thing I wanted was to have someone tell me that they knew I was nuts because I talked to my teddy bear! I just wasn't ready for someone to attack me over my deep belief in this.

"I don't know what they would call it but I know all I need to know about Harold and I don't care what you think!" I almost shouted this at her.

I guess I must have hit a nerve as she continued on to something else. "Davey you first claim that a Monster has for years been coming into your room and doing unspeakable things to you, but you are now saying that the Monster is my client here?" At this, Mrs. Jackson pointed to Tony. "Can you even say his name?"

I was starting to get pissed off again but was doing everything to try and not go ballistic. Still I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold it off.

I guess Mrs. Jackson took my silence as meaning she was right. She smiled even bigger yet and continued. "Davey, is it true that you don't like Tony Bernelli very much?" Without even waiting for me to answer, Mrs. Jackson asked another question. "Davey isn't it more likely that your imagination dreamt up the Monster and that just like your talking bear, he is not real? Isn't it more likely that you feel you let down your friend and that you are trying to punish my client now for his death because he and you bumped heads a little?"


As I said this I looked over at my mom and I could see her crying but also nodding her head yes. At that moment, I finally felt like I reached her. And this made me happy. Even though I was still angry I was now able to talk a little calmer and repeated the essential facts.

"Tony raped me! He then almost killed my mommy! Then while rapping me again, Tommy showed up and tried to help me. ...if I had just gone ahead and told the truth when his father hurt him, Tommy would have been taken away from his Dad." At this I gave Mrs. Jackson an angry stare as I knew what she would say next. "And that doesn't mean his dad killed him. It means that he would not have been living in the apartment any longer, and would not have been there the day that Tony killed him! I might have lost him as a friend, but he would have still at least been alive. I blamed myself for a very long time for his death but it wasn't my fault at all, it was your client TONY BERNELLI! HE KILLED MY FRIEND AND HE ALSO MOLESTED HIM TOO! I WANT HIM TO PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!" I had gotten upset again but now being able to vent I was starting to feel better.

Mrs. Jackson I think was shocked. I think she had truly believed she was going to be able to break me and get me to go against what I had already said. Instead all she managed to do was make me dig in even further and go hog wild. She knew that keeping me on stand for even one more minute, would only make things worse.

"Your Honor... No more questions for this witness."

Boy was she sounding a little unsure of herself! She watched me get down from the stand and head straight to my Dad and Billy. In fact she waited until I had sat back down before taking a breath and calling her next witness.

I wasn't really happy about the next few witnesses as they turned out to be several people who either stated I had recently been locked up at the funny farm or that they had seen me have a complete conversation with my teddy bear, Harold. Basically Mrs. Jackson was trying to show the jury that I was not a reliable witness; at least that is what Dad explained to me later. I was just glad when the Judge finally excused everyone for the day.


Everyone had been so proud of me because I was finally able to purge myself of that horrible secret on that equally horrible day. Dad decided we needed to celebrate. So, when we got back to the hotel, he ordered pizza and told them to deliver to the pool area. He had also invited Billy and his dad to join us, but because neither of them brought any swim suits, his dad at first declined the invitation.

I of course knew that Billy could always wear one of my swim diapers, but I didn't have a clue what his dad could do for a swimsuit.

"Mr. Kenton; if it is okay with you and Billy, I can let him wear one of my swim diapers." I offered.

"It's okay with me." Billy quickly replied. I of course knew that Billy would be all in for this idea.

"Alright, I guess I could see if any of the nearby stores sells swimsuits and I will pick one up from the store if they do." Mr. Kenton then turned to my dad. "Do you mind looking after Billy until I get back?"

"Sure, no problem. You will find us at the pool." My dad replied and walked Mr. Kenton to the door of our room.

While Dad was talking to Billy's father at the door Billy whispered to me. "Davey, I have to get this diaper off before your father sees it."

Once again I had totally forgotten all about Billy's diaper. I guess that Billy had found a chance to put the diaper I had given him earlier on after all. Of course that got me wondering as I was curious how he managed to put the diaper on all by himself. The problem was that there was not enough time now to ask him. Instead I whispered for him to go into the bathroom and quickly remove it while in there.

By the time Dad had ended his conversation with Billy's dad and returned his attention to us. Billy had managed to get the diaper off and was now naked next to me. I too had undressed, that is, down to my diaper. Dad had me lay down on one of the bed and went to work removing it. Luckily I was only wet so it didn't take long to get me cleaned up. He then handed me and Billy both a swim diaper before getting ready himself.

A few minutes later we found ourselves down at the pool, both Billy and I, wearing swim diapers. There were a few other people there but after everything else today, I decided not to let them bother me. And so, I was able to put them out of my mind.

At some point Billy's dad returned. Both Billy and I started giggling like crazy when we saw him in a fluorescent orange set of trunks. Mr. Kenton explained that it was all he could find in his size in the nearby shops.

By the time the pizza showed up I had learned how to do the side stroke. If it wasn't for the fact of how hungry I was, I would have still been in the pool learning new swimming strokes. But I was hungry so I quickly pulled myself out of the pool and followed Billy to where our dads were sitting with the pizza.

We ate our meal at the poolside and once we were done, we went back to swimming. We all had a lot of fun and when our dads said it was time to think about getting out, neither of us wanted to do so. Grumbling, we got out of the pool and started to head back up to our rooms. It wasn't until we were in the elevator, that we were told we could stay the night together. Both Billy and I hooted with joy.

Like before, we both were staying in mine and Dad's room. But because Billy needed to get his things, we first stopped at Billy's and his dad's room. While there, his dad got one of his night diapers and stuck it in Billy's overnight bag that contained his clothes. We then headed back towards our room.

Once we got into the room, Dad changed me out of my swim diaper and like the other times, once again swimming made me poop. Dad cleaned me all up and got me quickly tapped into another diaper. When he sent me to get ready for bed he noticed that Billy was standing there quietly next to him, still in his swim diaper.

"Billy, why don't you take the swim diaper off and I will get you into your night diaper." He suggested.

"Um... Well sir... I might have had an accident." Billy shyly stated this. "I pooped in my swim diaper as well." He clarified for my dad.

I had overheard this conversation and was in disbelief that Billy had done this. I was suddenly scared that my dad would get angry with him for doing this. I was relieved though when Dad had him lie down where I had been cleaned up just a few minutes before.

I walked over as I pulled on my pajama top to see what was going on. I watched as Dad ripped the sides of Billy's swim diaper and pulled the front back exposing the load that he had deposited into the diaper. I was quite mesmerized as I watched Dad clean him up, and then put him into his diaper. Once he was finished, he then told Billy to get ready for bed as well.

"Okay you little munchkins, I want you to go to bed now. You can talk quietly for a while, but I want you asleep before I get back." And like our last sleepover, Dad left us alone for a while so that we could talk.

We were talking about some silly thing when Billy stopped talking and looked at me as if he had something on his mind but was too afraid to ask me.

"Billy, is there something wrong?" I asked him, hoping that whatever it was, that it wasn't something that I had done or said to make him upset.

"Uh... Well... You see Davey, I was wondering something?" I nodded my head for him to continue. "Well I was wondering if what Tony did to you is the reason why you don't want to do things with me?"

I thought about this for a moment as I wanted to answer the question without hurting Billy's feelings. "I have to be honest Billy. I am really confused right now about all of that, can we just be friends for now?" I pleaded.

"I could tell that it wasn't exactly what Billy had wanted me to say, but he smiled at me anyway. "Okay, we will be friends, though I hope someday, that we can be more than that." Billy agreed.

Billy then asked another question. "So what happened after Tommy was killed?" He asked cautiously.

"Well, Tony was arrested not long after because of an outstanding warrant. I am sure that the investigator Mr. Franklin had something to do with that. That meant that Mom and I were alone again and for a while I felt better. Somehow after being locked up for a few months Tony was let out on bail and came back to live with us again. Of course my life became a living hell once again. Then in April of this year, both my mom and Tony were picked up on new drug charges."

I stopped and looked at Billy. "The rest is just stuff I was told and I am not sure what is or isn't true." I explained to him.

Billy nodded his head. "I can understand that." He stated.

"Okay." I smiled as I went on with the events that had supposedly occurred. Well, at some point my mom let it slip that she might have known something about Tommy's murder. She and Tony were being questioned about this because they recently traced Tony's DNA that was inside of Tommy, back to him. This led the police to charge both of them for the murder of Tommy. Still there was not any real evidence to prove that Tony had killed him. Somehow they came up with the idea that I might know or even seen who killed Tommy. They figured by the evidence of Tony's sperm being inside of Tommy that he might have a thing for young pre-pubescent boys. They figured correctly that Tony was probably molesting me as well. They did some test on me and found evidence that I had indeed been molested. For the last several months they have been trying to get me to tell them what happened. I did break early on and told them I had witnessed Tommy being killed but I just couldn't get myself to be brave enough to tell them anything more about it or who did it. In late May, My father finally got custody of me and took me back to Michigan with him. He decided that I should talk to someone, so he hired Doctor Brice to help me through all of this. I have stayed with my dad for the summer than we recently came back here when the court case against my mom and Tony had finally started."

"Wow, I am so sorry that you had to see him kill Tommy. I wish I could have travel back in time and helped you." Billy stated with deep sorrow in his voice.

"You and me both." I replied.

We of course talked for a little longer until we started to get tired and soon we were both asleep. Neither one of us woke up until the next morning. Both of our diapers were wet and poopy, which I was shocked that Billy had pooped his as well. According to what he said to my dad, it was a complete accident as he didn't remember pooping last night. Dad decided that it was easier to have us take a shower again. Except this time had us do it separately. Billy went in first and once he was done, I was sent in to take mine. By the time I was done, Billy was already dressed and waiting to say goodbye to me. I was sad to see him leave but we promised to call each other every week and keep in touch.

Once Billy left, Dad got me into a new diaper and since I wasn't expected to testify today, he allowed me to wear my normal clothes. About the only thing to report from today's session in court was that Mr. Green read new charges against Tony and unfortunately my mom as well.

"Your Honor, we would like to, as already discussed, read more charges against the defendants. Besides The drug charges against both defendants; we would also like to change the charge of 2nd Degree Murder against Tony Bernelli to Capital Murder since the murder was that of a child and committed in order to hide the fact that he was caught by that child committing another crime. Which was the crime of Aggravated sexual abuse of a child in the 1st Degree. In fact we are including two charges of Aggravated sexual abuse of a child in the 1st Degree. Once for Davey Brown and once for Tommy Stevens. I have also filed 2 charges of Sodomy on a child in the 1st Degree, again once for Davey Brown and the second for Tommy Stevens. Because of the severity of these crimes we are now seeking the death penalty for Tony Bernelli. As for Mrs. Debbie Long, after talking it over with Doctor Brice who has already stated that she is going to talk on the behalf of her, we decided to drop the murder charges altogether. We are still charging her with the drug charges and we are also adding 1 charge of Child Endangerment of the 2nd Degree." Mr. Green concluded and sat back down.

"So noted" Responded the Judge.

After that the Defense continued where they had left off from the day before. All I can say was that I was happy when the day was over with. I was also happy that Mr. Green had finally decided to drop the nonsense charges of murder on my mother. I know she never went forward with the truth but still, she was just as much afraid of Tony as I was. I just hope that now she would get the help she needs in order to be well and stop using drugs. I knew if convicted my mother could spend several years in prison but at least it was not as bad as it could have been.

That day, I went away from court with a real feeling of hope for the future. Hope that my mother would be better and let off easily. Hope that now Dad and I could build an even closer relationship. And hope that soon Tony would get what was coming to him with no mercy at all. For now though, the biggest hope was that I would never have to suffer another nightmare over this. I was hopefully now finally at peace.



In case you were interested on how the case turned out, the Defense only took a week to present their case. Mrs. Jackson brought in supposed experts to contradict the prosecution's evidence. She tried her best to paint a picture of how Tommy's Dad killed him in cold blood and how her client could not have possibly done it. In the end over her wishes, she put Tony on the stand. She had to after he demanded it in open court.

I listened as Mrs. Jackson asked Tony simple questions. I was aggravated at the lies that Tony came up with. So many times while listening to the crap that Tony was spewing, I wanted to shout out and tell the court how much of a lying bastard he was! That paled though to what he said in response to Mr. Green's questions!

"Mr. Bernelli, you have stated to the court that you did not kill Tommy Stevens. Is this correct?" Mr. Green had started.

"YES!" Tony snapped, but after a stern look from Mrs. Jackson calmed down. "How many times do I have to repeat myself?" He asked more calmly than before.

"Do you admit having any contact whatsoever with Tommy Stevens?" Mr. Green ignored Tony's question as he asked his own.

"No! I did not have any contact with that snot nose kid!" Tony was sounding irritated again. I could tell he did not like to be questioned in this manner. I also could see Mr. Green grinning and knew he was happy to see Tony cracking.

"I see," Mr. Green shuffled some papers he had in his hand before looking back up at Tony. "Tell me this, if you have never had any contact with the boy, then how did your DNA not only get on the boy, but inside him as well?"

Tony's lips curled into a smile. "It was planted by the Fuzz!" Tony snorted; his smile was almost an evil gleeful look.

"Are you telling this court that the police planted evidence that not only made you look guilty for the boy's murder but also to make it look like you molested the child as well?"

"Yep!" Tony snorted again while still grinning that evil smile.

"So... You are saying that you do not molest children?" Mr. Green was putting on a pretty good show as he asked these questions. He made it look like he was confused and all the while, he was reeling Tony in on a hook.

"Hell No! I'm not no child molester! I love women and they love me. I am all man!" Tony was again sounding angry as he said this.

"Please Mr. Bernelli; you will refrain from using vulgar language in the court room. Do you understand?" The Judge reprimanded Tony.

"Yes sir!" Tony did not look very happy at this moment and from past experiences with him, I knew he was about to blow. And it would not be a pretty site!

"So... You are calling Davey Brown a liar then?" Mr. Green continued after the Judge nodded at him.

"All that boy does, is lie his mouth off and cause a bunch of trouble! I never wanted him around to begin with!" He answered angrily.

I could no longer hold my temper. I stood up and shouted across the room at him. "You're the liar Tony! You know damn well you molested me and Tommy and you might have done it with others too!"

That hit Tony in just the right spot. He too stood up and shouted back at me. It didn't matter that the judge was demanding that the court come to order. I had pissed him off and he was now so angry that he was no longer listening to anyone. "I AM NO CHILD MOLESTER! YOU... YOU'RE THE ONE THAT WAS AT FAULT! YOU WOULD COME ON TO ME AND MAKE ME WANT YOU TO DO THOSE THINGS! I LOVE WOMEN; I AM NOT A CHILD MOLESTER! IF YOU HAD NOT CAME ON TO ME LIKE YOU DID, I WOULD NOT HAVE FINALLY GIVEN IN AND DID THOSE THINGS! YOU, YOU'RE THE ONE AT FAULT! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YO..." At this point Tony was physically forced to the ground by a couple officers. They handcuffed him while the Judge managed to get control back over the courtroom.

"Am I safe to say that you are done with questioning this witness?" The Judge asked Mr. Green, once everything was once again quieted down.

Mr. Green smiled. "Yes your honor, I believe I made my point to the Jury. Unless Mr. Bernelli would like to continue to help the prosecution win this case"

The Judge looked over at Mrs. Jackson who shook her head no. She of course didn't look to happy herself. The Judge then looked down to where the officers had Tony on the floor and pointed his gavel at him.

"If you make one more peep in this room, I will slap you with contempt so fast you will still be spinning after your long gone in your grave. I will also throw you out of this courtroom! Do you understand?" Tony was about to speak when the judge stopped him. "What did I say? Not one peep!" Tony, still obviously angry, nodded his head and was then pulled up by the officers who escorted him back to his seat at the defense table. They then took positions behind him.

"Your Honor, the defense rest." Mrs. Jackson called out as soon as Tony had been seated. As for me, Dad had pulled me back down into my seat after Tony was taken down.


The following day the closing arguments were given. Again, Mr. Green wove the tale of how the evidence points at Tony and my mother's guilt. He reminded the Jury all of what I said and of the other witnesses. He finished with a demand that the Jury find the defendants guilty and bring back the sentence of death for Tony and the maximum sentence for my mother's charge. The very last thing he did was play back the last portion of Tony's questioning by Mr. Green. It turned out that the whole court proceeding was being videotaped. The part he played was when he admitted to molesting me and the fact that he wanted to kill me. Even I was able to see how moved the Jury was by Mr. Green's closing statement.

As for Mrs. Jackson's closing arguments, she attempted to muddy the waters and made claims that Tony was under a lot of stress when he said those things on stand. She again tried to convince the Jury that I was mentally unstable and what I said could not be taken as absolute truth. When she was done, the Jury was excused for deliberation.

Mr. Green walked over to us and smiled. "I bet we have a guilty verdict by the end of the day." He predicted.

Mr. Green was right. The Jury was not even out for an hour when they announced they had made a decision. Dad had taken me to get my diaper changed and had just finished up doing so when Mr. Green came and found us to let us know that we needed to get back into the courtroom. When he explained that the Jury had made a decision we hurried back. I can't tell you how anxious I was as I waited to hear that decision. Finally, court was resumed and the Jury entered the room and took their seats.

"Has the Jury come to a decision?" The Judge inquired.

The Jury Foreman stood. "We have your Honor." He then handed a slip of paper to the Bailiff which was then given to the judge.

The Judge took a moment to look over the paper before handing it back to the Bailiff who handed it to another lady. "Will the defendants please rise?" Once everyone at the defense table rose, the Judge then nodded his head at the lady. "Please read the verdict to the court."

"In the case of the State of Utah vs. Tony Bernelli and Debbie Long, we the Jury find that both Tony Bernelli and Debbie Long... Guilty for the charge of Drug Possession. We also find Mrs. Debbie Long... guilty of 1 charge of Child Endangerment of the 2nd Degree and ask that she be given the maximum sentence. As for the other charges against Tony Bernelli, we the Jury find him... guilty for two charges of Aggravated sexual abuse of a child in the 1st Degree and 2 charges of Sodomy on a child in the 1st Degree. Finally, for the charge of Capital Murder, we find the defendant Tony Bernelli guilty as charged. The jury also after deliberation is recommending the sentence of death be carried out against Mr. Bernelli."

I don't think it was any surprise when the Jury came back with guilty verdicts; even Mrs. Jackson seemed to expect it. Still, it didn't stop her from polling each individual jury member to see if any may actually not agree with the verdict as read. As expected though, every member of the Jury stuck to their decision. I personally was happy that Tony was found guilty and I was sure he would get the death penalty, but I was still worried about my mother as well. I was hoping they would go easy on her and it didn't sound like they would. The Judge again excused himself to deliberate in his chambers and gave the court a twenty minute break. We decided to just wait in the courtroom for the Judge's return which was as expected, twenty minutes later.


"I have sat here and listened to all the evidence that has been brought out in this case. I am repulsed at not only what to Tommy Stevens but also what he had to go through. I also feel deeply for Davey Brown as well. It is sad that children have to fear their parents or guardians so much, that they can't even let someone know that they are being hurt. What also is upsetting is that there were so many people who looked the other way because they were too afraid to get involved. Just think, if one of them had intervened, just maybe, they would have saved this young boy's life!"

The Judge paused. He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes. I couldn't help wondering if he was actually crying or if it was the heat in the courtroom that was bothering him. After a moment though, he replaced his glasses on his face and continued.

"Will the defendants please rise." I watched as both my mom and Tony rose to their feet along with Mrs. Jackson. I actually silently cheered for my mom when she gave Tony a mean look and tried to put more space between them. "Mrs. Debbie Long, the Jury has found you guilty. For the charge of Drug Possession; I sentence you to 3 years, 2 of which will be suspended. For the charge of Child Endangerment in the 2nd degree; I sentence you to the maximum of 15 years and suspend 8 years. These sentences will run congruently."

When I heard that he was giving Mom 15 years I started to cry. I didn't understand at the time that the Judge had actually only sentenced Mom to 7 years which if she kept out of trouble, she could get out even sooner. Dad explained this to me later. At that moment though, I was crying and because of this I missed hearing what the judge said to the first few charges against Tony. Luckily Dad was able to calm me down in time to hear the final charge sentence.

"For the charge of Capital Murder, I agree with the Jury's recommendation. I sentence you to die by Lethal Injection." The Judge than cleared his throat. "Mr. Bernelli, if it were up to me, I would have you hung or sent before a firing squad!"

The Judge then excused the court. As we left that courtroom for the final time, Dad took a moment to explain all the sentencing stuff and I felt better knowing that Mom could be out in a few years. I was also happy that Tony was going to die but when Dad explained what Lethal Injection was, I agreed with the Judge. Tony definitely deserved a worse punishment!

Before we left the court house I asked Dad if it was possible to see my mom one last time. I really wanted a chance to talk to her as I hadn't been able to do so since this whole mess had started.

After talking it over with Mr. Green, Dad was able to arrange for a few minutes for me to spend with my mom. It turned out that she had also requested to see me as well. Knowing this made me feel better.

I was taken to a room where an officer was standing on one side and Mom was next to her. Dad came in and took up a position directly behind me. We were then given five minutes to talk and say our goodbyes.

"Davey... Honey I am so sorry for everything that I did and allowed you to go through. I hope you can find it in your heart to someday forgive me." Mom started.

Tears started to pour out of my eyes as I cried out, "Mommy!" I ran to her and threw my arms around her. "I love you Mommy and I forgive you."

We spent the next few minutes talking and once the time was over, I cried as I watched the officer handcuff my mom. Just before they left with her, I once again threw my arms around her. I did not want to lose her again and I refused to let go. Dad tried to pull me away but I still clung tightly to my mom. It wasn't until she leaned down and kissed me on the top of my head and told me she would see me soon, that Dad was able to break my hold on my mother.

On the way back to the hotel, I continued to cry. Dad tried to calm me down and sooth me. In fact once we arrived, he took me out of the car and picked me up and held me. My head resting on his shoulder and his hand rubbing my back. When the tears finally came to an end Dad suggested that I call Billy.

Boy when Dad suggested that, I was instantly up for it. We headed up to our room where Dad first changed my diaper which was soaked. He quickly cleaned my diaper area and got me re-diapered into a clean dry diaper. It wasn't until I had my shorts back on before he made the call to Billy's house for me.

Billy and I talked for a while. I told him about everything that had happened since he had left last week. When I told him that Tony was getting the death penalty he hollered with joy. We talked about some other things including a possible visit in the near future. After talking to Billy I was feeling much better.

That last night in the Hotel Dad, Uncle Justin, and I had dinner at the hotel restaurant. Of course I got Ice cream for dessert and it was absolutely delicious! Dad allowed me to stay up a little later and so I watched a couple movies before falling asleep at some point during the second movie. That night, I dreamt of going back to my new home with my dad.


I was anxious now that court was over with and now we could go home. I was looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Now that all our bags were packed all we had to do was go down to the lobby and check out.

I was lost in my own little world as we rode the elevator down to the lobby and walked up to the front desk to check out. Still spaced out I didn't notice one of the waiters from the hotel's fancy restaurant right away. Something about that waiter did finally bring me back to the present. I wasn't sure why he caught my attention. As I watched him go to the front desk, I noticed that he was carrying something brown in his hand.

"Hey can you put this in the lost and found? Someone left it on a chair in the restaurant." The waiter asked the clerk at the desk.

When the waiter put that brown thing up on the counter I gasped, "Could it be... was I dreaming... It has to be!" I said out loud, not only getting Dad's attention but the waiter and the counter clerk's attention as well. I was sure that it was who I thought it was, especially when I noticed the missing ear. "HAROLD!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I was about to pick him up when the clerk asked me, "Is this yours little guy."

I was so happy to see Harold there that I didn't even mind that the clerk was talking to me as if I were some little kid. "Yes it's Harold" I said in enthusiment.

I have no idea how Harold found his way to me, It must have been a miracle. I didn't waste any more time, I grabbed Harold into my arms and hugged him tightly. I was bothered a little at how clean he smelled, as I was use to him smelling like he did when I was 10. Still, I didn't think about it too much as I happily squeezed him to me. The only thing about him other than the smell was, I noticed someone had stitched up Harold's remaining ear from where I had chewed on it. And as if I were 10 years old again, I started to talk to Harold.

"Harold I missed you so much!" I said out loud.

"Davey, I missed you as well." Harold told me. Of course no one other than me could hear him, so it sounded to everyone else like I was having a one way conversation.

As I held Harold to me I noticed a little girl crying and what looked like her mother, holding her hand as they approached the front desk. "Mommy I am sure I left Bear in the restaurant."

"Don't worry Jenny; I am sure we are going to find him." The woman assured Jenny.

As they got nearer to the desk the little girl noticed Harold in my hands and cried out, "Mommy, look it's Bear!"

Now that Harold was back in my life, I didn't I have any intention of letting him go again. I don't know why I was acting like a little kid, but I did at that moment. "Harold's mine!" I said in a lost little boy's voice.

"I am sorry but this boy already said it was his. Can someone please tell me who the bear belongs too?" asked the clerk.

"Harold I promise I will not let you go again." this time I said it inside my head.

"I am sorry Davey I really wish I could be with both of you." Harold replied.

I noticed the little girl's mother apologized to her daughter as she must have seen the determination in my eyes to never let Harold go again. As I watched the little girl cry, I was saddened by the way Jenny felt. It wasn't that long ago when I felt the exact same way. With this memory I knew what I had to do.

As I walked over to the little girl, tears started to run down my cheeks. "Harold, I am so sorry but I can't keep you. This little girl needs you more than I do." I silently told him.

"Davey you are a brave little boy and I will never forget you." Harold answered. "You are so much stronger now."

When I got in front of the girl, I bent down on my knees. "Jenny, can I tell you something?"

The little girl was still crying but she nodded her head yes.

"I have had this bear as long as I could remember; I want you to know how much he protected me as I grew up." I explained. "You see the missing ear; well this bear protected me from a big mean dog and gave the dog his ear so he wouldn't take mine. I took him to bed every night and carried him with me whenever I went somewhere." I smiled and hope she understood. "When I was 10 years old I lost Harold, by the way that is what I called him." I took a breath for the next part as it was going to be very hard for me. "Jenny I know how it feels to lose him and I don't want anyone else feel the way I did." as I said this I handed Harold to the little girl. "Please take real good care of him for me. But you have to make a promise to me, is that okay?" By now the little girl was no longer crying but I sure was, as I was truly having a hard time with this.

"I promise." Jenny told me.

"Okay, when you no longer need Harold, I am sorry Bear that is; please give him to another little kid."

"Thank you for giving Bear back to me, I love him so much and I promise to give him to someone else when I am older.

With that said, I could no longer hold off my bawling. So to keep everyone from seeing, I rushed out doors and sat down in the grass where I finally let out my sobs.

I don't know how long I was out there, before I noticed Dad and even Uncle Justin waiting for me to get it all out. When I saw them, I quickly got up and ran to my Daddy and bawled into his waist.

"Davey, you don't know how proud I am of you at this moment." He then picked me up and tickled me. Boy I was glad that Dad had insisted that I wear a diaper, as I flooded it while laughing. He then hugged me. For some reason I now knew that I didn't need Harold anymore and I was glad that he was now helping another child out.

"Dad can we go home now?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, I too miss being home." And with another hug we got into a taxi. We were now on our way back home. Feeling very grateful with having such an understanding Dad, I knew he had replaced Harold as my protector. As I smiled, I was happily thinking that tonight, I would be sleeping in my own bed.


6 Months Later

~What follows is an article in the local Salt Lake City paper~

Today, while being taken back to the County Jail after another appearance in court for a new charge; Tony Bernelli was able to somehow escape from the guard escorting him. Mr. Bernelli who was charged 6 months ago for the death of young Tommy Stevens and given the death penalty, was back in court today on a new charge of sodomy of a minor. The identity of the minor in question is being held at this time. Somehow while being transferred back to jail, Mr. Bernelli over powered the guard. He has yet to be found and the search has been expanded. We will keep you in touch on further developments.

The End

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