Deer Lake

By Warren Greene

Published on May 16, 2000


When I was fifteen my parents informed me that I would be attending camp in rural Pennsylvania whether I wanted too or not. The camp was called Deer Lake Camp for Boys and was situated somewhere far away that I didn't want to go to.

I didn't like the idea of having to live with a bunch of other guys my age. I just didn't feel comfortable with other guys especially living with them; I always felt self conscious about the way I secretly lusted after them. Not that I was a freak or anything. I was fifteen and was fairly attractive, with light brown hair and brown eyes. From what I gathered, I was on track as far as puberty and all that shit was concerned. Generally smooth body, but a nice crop of pubic hair. I wasn't big into sports or outdoor shit or anything like that. I just wanted to relax over the summer, and watch the cute guys walking in the park.

I really didn't want to go to camp. Not that I had much to do at home but I really didn't want to go to some remote place filled with mosquitoes and boys I didn't know.

But my parents were determined. Actually, I did put up such a fight that they relented on one point: I would only have to go for one month. The camp ran for two months. Campers could attend for the whole two months, or pick month 1 or 2. I chose month 2 (which started in late July).

I didn't really have much to do for the beginning of the summer, but I made the most of it, since I had Deer Lake hanging over my head. All too soon late July arrived and I was packed onto a bus. The camp had actually chartered an entire bus leaving from Washington, DC. I lived in Baltimore, so my parents drove me to DC and watched as the bus departed for the north.

The bus ride was tiring and annoying. There were a lot of little kids, so I slept most of the time. Eventually we pulled off the interstate in northern Pennsylvania and wound our way among the back roads until we finally pulled in to Camp Deer Lake. Complete with a lake and everything. How charming. Some counselor got on the bus and started telling us some useless information and then read what cabins we were in. The counselors from each cabin were waiting outside the bus.

There were two cabins for fifteen-year-olds: Cabins 12 and 13. It turned out that I was in 13. Two nice, enthusiastic and attractive counselors (Greg and Stuart) greeted me and helped me get my trunk from the storage compartment underneath the bus. Then they started leading me to the cabin.

"Isn't there anyone else to wait for," I asked.

"Actually, no," said Greg, "you're the only new camper in the cabin for the second month. Everyone else has been here since the beginning of the summer...." Then he added, "don't worry, I think you'll fit in just fine." And then we kept walking.

It turned out that Cabins 12 and 13 were the last two cabins and housed only 15-year-old boys -- once campers turned 16 they either had to return as counselors-in-training or do something else with their summers. The only advantage to being in 12 and 13 was that they were built last, when the camp had run out of space where the rest of the cabins were, so they were off in their own little patch of wood, separate from the younger kids. "Oh well," I thought, "at least it will be quiet."

Nine of my twelve new cabin-mates were there when Greg and Stuart and I walked in.

"Hey guys, this is Ricky," said Stuart. After brief introductions the two counselors went off to play basketball. They politely asked me if I wanted to join, but the truth is I lack any sort of athletic ability. (Why I was at a summer camp is beyond me). So I declined.

I quickly learned that the leader of the cabin was a well-built boy named Dan. Dan was gorgeous, with dirty blond hair and piercing brown eyes. I really wanted to just stare at him and drool, so in order to look busy I started unpacking my stuff and making my bed.

Dan came over and grinned at me.

"You ready for initiation," he asked. I couldn't believe it, I was supposed to go through some stupid game? I didn't care about gaining these guys' respect. But I didn't want to piss everyone off too soon...

"Fine," I said, hoping it wouldn't be too painful.

"Oh well," said Dan, "I'm not ready, so you'll just have to wait," And then he laughed and walked out with a few of the other boys. Everyone else just looked at me and smirked. Not the friendliest bunch, but, oh well, I was the only newcomer, so I figured I would have to be patient.

I wandered around for the rest of the day and met plenty of nice campers and counselors, but the guys in my cabin remained aloof and said little to me. Several of them mentioned some kind of initiation, but I just figured out they were trying to scare me, since none of them tried to make me do anything.

That night, as lights-out was approaching, Greg came in to the cabin.

"Tomorrow is my day off," said Greg, "I'm leaving now so I can spend the whole day in New York city." It turned out that Stuart was already gone, leading some kind of horse- riding trip. "If you need anything, ask the counselors in Cabin 12," he said. But, I soon found out that one of the counselors in Cabin 12 was also on a day off, and the other one was preparing to sneak out so he could spend the night with his girlfriend, who was a counselor at a girls camp down the road.

"This place doesn't seem very organized," I thought to myself, "but at least we have some kind of freedom around here." Although I didn't know what I was going to do with this freedom since I couldn't seem to make friends with anyone in my cabin.

When I took off my jeans to get in bed, another guy, Sam, snickered at me.

"Nice tighty-whities," he sneered, as I stood there in my white Fruit-of-the-Loom briefs, "what, does your mommy still buy your clothes for you?" A few other guys in the cabin laughed at his taunting.

"No," I said sheepishly, and laughed nervously. I had already noticed that all the other guys in the cabin wore boxers, and I felt a little juvenile, but what the hell, no one was going to judge me on what kind of underwear I wore. Some other guys giggled and I took off my t- shirt and got in bed. To hell with them.

The lights went out at 9:30, and I quickly fell asleep, since the bus ride had made me tired.

Sometime later, it must have been around midnight, I was awoken by a bright flashlight shining in my face from about 2-inches away.

"Get the fuck up," I heard Dan say, "it's time for initiation!" And with that someone ripped the sheets of my bed, and I laid there in only my underwear. I mumbled something in confusion, since I had been awoken from a deep sleep.

"Shut up, asshole," Dan said, slapping me on the face. Then two guys -- Sam and Billy -- grabbed me by the arms and dragged me out of bed, into the middle of the cabin. Dan got a metal folding chair from the corner and put it in front of me.

"I think you're going to like this," he said, "I know I'm looking forward to it." And then he grinned at me in the sinister way he had perfected. I was standing behind the chair and Sam bent me over the chair and Billy brought out a roll of duct tape and taped my wrists and ankles to the legs of the chair.

"Crap," I thought as I realized I was totally restrained from moving, "what the hell is going on?" My chin was resting on the edge of the seat, and I craned my head so I could survey the room. Everyone was out of bed and looking at me as I was defenselessly bound to the chair in the middle of the room.

"Well," said Dan, "We might as well get down to business, Ricky. See what I made in woodshop," and he brandished a wooden paddle in front of me. "This is the first time I've gotten to use it." With that he walked behind me. I tried to decide if he was really going to spank me or if this was some kind of joke. Then he smacked my ass. Hard. I gasped: the pain was intense, and it was quickly followed by another. And another. Then Dan stopped. I was relieved, thinking that maybe it was over, but no such luck. Sure enough, Dan had just stopped long enough to pull my briefs down to my knees, and then he continued with his assault on my bare ass.

Now I had two problems: the pain and the fact that I was getting very turned on. I could feel my cock beginning to get hard. I realized that this was possibly the worst thing that could happen in front of all these guys, so I focused all my concentration on not getting an erection. But the hormones in my body were overpowering. My dick gradually came to full attention and the other guys started to notice.

Sam hooted, "Welllll, it looks like we've got some kind of fag on our hands, he's really getting turned on." Dan laughed and I could feel my hard cock flopping around each time he hit my sore ass.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Other guys started to jeer and comment on my stiff rod. I lost count of how many times Dan hit my ass, but after a while the pain became to intense to bear. I realized that I shouldn't display any weakness, but it was just too hard: practically naked in a room full of unfamiliar kids, being savagely paddled. I started to cry.

"Uh, oh," said Billy, "our little faggot is crying." He knelt down and put his face inches away from mine, "You don't like it any more? Well too bad, cry all you want to you pathetic piece of shit! You have to prove that you're worthy enough to live here."

I could feel the tears running down my hot red face (which was probably just as red as my ass) and I hoped that something would stop the beating. I could only enjoy it for so long. Then mercifully, Dan stopped his attack.

"You want me to stop," he asked from behind me.

"P-p-please," I stammered, in between sobs.

"OK, but we're going to have to finish the initiation somehow," he said.

"Anything," I pleaded. "Really, anything except this. I can't take it any more."

"OK, I have an idea." I heard him go into the bathroom and when he came out a few of the other boys laughed, but I couldn't see what was happening. Then I felt Dan's hands parting my ass cheeks and rubbing something cool around my hole. I suddenly realized it was Vaseline! What the hell...

But I couldn't even protest before Dan's hard cock started working it's way into my ass.

"Oh my god" I gasped.

"Shut up," said Dan, "You wanted something else and this is what you get" he said gruffly. By now the other boys were howling with laughter. They were shouting "do him good, Danny" and "ride him hard."

I hadn't seen Dan's cock, but I could feel that it was quite large for his age, and he soon had its head probing my asshole. Before I knew it his penis was shoving its way up my rectum. I relaxed for one second and then Dan proceeded to start rhythmically pumping my ass. He would pull his dick out almost the whole way and then ram it back inside of me as fast as he could. Even though I was thoroughly humiliated -- being fucked hard while a roomful of guys watched -- I couldn't believe how good it felt. My dick was harder than it had ever been before, it felt like it was going to burst. Dan continued slamming his rod up my ass, and I could hear his balls slapping against mine as he worked his tool as far into me as possible.

I kept groaning as Dan worked my ass. He was using me purely to get off and I doubt he even cared whether I was enjoying it or not. Luckily I was getting incredibly turned on, although I really wanted to cum. Suddenly Sam came over and slapped me.

"Shut the fuck up," he yelled at me, "when we want to hear from your stupid faggot-mouth, we'll tell you! For now, all we're going to do is fuck you like a girl while you keep your miserable mouth shut."

His yelling at me strangely made me even hornier. By this time I really wanted to cum, but I couldn't move my hands, let alone jack myself off. My dick strained to do something, but all it could do was flop around while Dan reamed me. Eventually I felt a change in Dan's body as his breathing became deeper and he neared his orgasm. He was definitely going for the gold now and soon he went rigid and I could feel his cock contract and then his jism started shooting into me. It kept coming for longer than I expected. He finally took his dick out and wiped it on my ass.

"That was good," he said to the other guys who had been watching, "he may not be a chick, but he'll do for the rest of the summer. Anyone else want a round?"

Several boys answered, and I realized that my night was far from over.

Sam was next. He pulled his pants down in front of my face and let his hard cock escape through the fly in his boxers.

"Hope you're ready," he said and he started slapping my face with his dick. I opened my mouth, hoping I would get a taste of his rod, but he just teased my lips with the head of his cock and slapped my face a few more times, spreading his precum on my cheek. He saw me desperately trying to get a taste of his cock.

"You're really pathetic, you know? I never knew anyone could be such a slave to cock," he looked at me while I looked up at him with longing. With a nasty look, he spit on my face and then walked around behind me and rammed his entire cock up my ass in one swoop, literally taking my breath away.

"Thanks Dan," he said, "you really loosened him up!" Then he started pounding my ass relentlessly. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the fact that 12 other guys were watching me being fucked hard. I could hear them taunting me, but I concentrated on the sensation of Sam's meat ramming in and out of my butt.

At one point I opened my eyes and saw Billy lightly stroking his cock while watching Sam go to town on me. Billy walked over and spit in my face, "I don't remember saying that you could watch!" and he slapped my with his cock before going back to sit on his bed. Sam ended up taking a while to cum, but by the time he did, the river of his juice was seemingly endless. It pumped into my body and then he took his dick out and sprayed my back with the remaining milky liquid.

When he finally walked away I could feel the cum running down my leg and collecting in my underwear which was still bunched around my knees.

"I'm next," said a slim brown-haired boy named Stan. Stan didn't even bother getting naked. He kept his T-shirt on and just stuck his hard cock out the fly of his boxers. He was a bit more gentle than Sam but by the time he got into his rhythm I finally felt myself starting to cum. If Sam had had a lot of jism when he came, I had at least twice as much that had been building up. Unfortunately, the other boys noticed and started cheering and counting each time another stream of white juice spurted from my dick. I was entirely helpless to stop it from coming, but then again I didn't really care by that point.

One of them quickly put a cup up to my dick and collected most of the cum that spurted out. Sam came over with a spoon and instructed me to open up. I didn't like where this was headed, so I kept my mouth shut, but he pried it open with his hand and then spoon-fed me my own cum. I thought the other guys were going to die laughing as they watched me being utterly humiliated as Sam force fed me my own jism and made to swallow each spoonful.

"If you're lucky," Stan said, "we'll let you eat our cum. You'd like that wouldn't you faggot?"

All I could do to respond was nod my head and gasp for air.

By the end of the ordeal, 10 boys had fucked my ass. Somewhere in the middle I had lost track of which cock was whose. I just concentrated on one teenage stud after another slipping his meat in my ass and going to town on me.

The last one to go, David, had a pretty easy time of it since my ass was so loose, and the ample cum from his friends had lubed my ass better than anything else could have. By the time David finished cum was pouring out of my ass, and dripping off my balls in stringy globs. Dave didn't pull out when I expected him to, and I wondered if he was going to try fuck me a second time.

But I soon felt a warm sensation and I couldn't figure out what was happening. All of a sudden I realized that he was pissing in me! The other guys realized what was happening too, and they all broke out into a chorus of laughter.

"Bet you didn't also realize that you were going to be our toilet," Sam sneered at me. Then Dan came around and untaped my wrists and ankles from the chair.

I was so tired after the workout I got, that I wasn't sure if I could stand up and walk.

"Come on!" said Dan, "Get up." I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom (so I could clean up). The mixture of cum and piss started really pouring out of my asshole as I stumbled toward the toilet. I could hear everyone laughing at me.

"Oh no you don't," said Sam, pushing me away from the bathroom. "You aren't staying in this cabin until you clean up first, you dirty little slut." With that, he pushed me out the front door of the cabin. I tried to get back in, but they had jammed something on the other side so I couldn't open the door.

"Shit," I thought, not quite believing what had happened. I pulled up my underwear and started walking. Through the darkness I found my way to the showerhouse, located between Cabins 12 and 13 and the rest of the cabins. When I got there I began to worry that someone might hear the water running and come to see who was in the showerhouse at 3 in the morning. But I thought that after the events that had already happened this evening, how much more trouble could I get into.

My briefs were soaked with other guys' cum and piss, so I didn't even bother taking them off. I figured the shower would clean them. I turned on the water and stood under the comforting hot stream. My ass was still sore from the paddling I had gotten and my asshole was sore from the ten teenage cocks that had been fucking it. Nonetheless, this was the most exciting and erotic night I had ever had.

When I had rinsed the cum from my body and could no longer smell David's piss, I turned off the water and returned to my cabin. I knocked on the door and Dan answered. He looked at me.

"OK, you can come back in Ricky." I walked in the cabin while everyone stared at me.

"You've finished the initiation, but you're not done with your service to us," he said. "We'll let you live here this summer and we'll make sure no one bothers you, but you have to do anything we ask you to, and we're quite a demanding group."

These words were enough to excite my cock which quickly bulged in my wet jockey shorts. Dan noticed and grabbed the bulge.

"I take it you're OK with this arrangement?" he asked. I simply nodded and walked over to my bed where I passed out. The night had been amazing for me, and the summer was only going to get wilder.

Next: Chapter 2

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