Degree My Love

By Daniel M

Published on Jan 12, 2003


Hey Gang, new year, new story, new games, new players... let's get this party started.

DISCLAIMER: Over a year off and I still hate this part... alright here we go. If you are under 18 (or 21 depends on your local legal system) please avoid this as I accept no responsibilty should ya mama walk in and catch you chokin' the chicken to this. If you are offended by M/M concepts I think ya in the wrong place! Why not go to I claim no knowledge of the personal lives of mentioned celebrities within this fictional piece. I am not associated with Univeral records (or any other record company for that matter). No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

AUTHOR'S CHAT: Alright guys, I'm back and weirder than ever. I must say, it's been quite a year hasn't it. 2002 has brought many new things into many lives. I just want to catch up and say hello to everyone. I hope that I can continue to earn the respect that I earnt with 'JC Dreams', 'Garden of Song', 'Hearts of Ash' and 'Yesterdays Child'. I must say thank you also for the BBSA I recieved in the 7th awards. It was a great compliment. Thank you to the readers of 'JC Dreams' who nominated me. Also, anyone with any news on what 98 Degrees is currently up to (recording new album or anything... please let me know). Oh yeah and congratulations to Nick and Jessica Lachey who have recently tied the knot.

AUTHOR'S THANKS: Thank you to Nifty for allowing me to post on this wonderful site along with so many other talented writers. Thank you to Danny. You are my twin man... love you! Steve... you've been there for me through the hardest times and through the best times. You are an angel in disguise. I don't care what you do for a job... I still love you. Darren... thanks for the shoot the shit conversations, they help me more than you will ever know. Sprout... thank you for your story 'The Gift'. It is a gift and I want to thank you for it again.


The Gift - (boy bands) - Drew Lachey and another Drew... I think he was running short of names! I love this story, I'm just waiting for an update.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) - JC Chasez story. JC is paired with Matt Hunter. I love the story... again WAITING FOR AN UPDATE... I tend to think it'll take a while though! It always does.

My Everything - (boy bands) - charming story with Nick Lachey. Very fast paced... just the way I like it. Stories that is... now go fetch your minds from the gutter!

FEEDBACK: - messenger attatched to this email so feel free to add me. If you email me, can you please note in the subject that you are writing in relation to this story.

I think that's it... alright alright I'm gonna start the story now... happy?

Degree my Love


Sun Child

Mark stretched his tired limbs and looked back at the computer screen and watched as lines of text flicked by on the screen. Sighing he rested his chin on his desk and waited for someone vaguely interesting to sign into the chat room. sighing again he reached for his coffee only to discover the mug empty. Grumbling, he rose to his feet and padded into the kitchen. Flipping the kettle on, he wandered back into the lounge room and picked up a CD and put it into the player without paying a great deal of attention to what it was. Walking back into the kitchen, he heard the first strains of 'Give Me Just One Night' by 98 Degrees float through the house. Shrugging, he couldn't be bothered changing it and returned to his computer.

Sitting down infront of the monitor he noticed a small flashing message at the bottom. Clicking on it, a message arose:

Mark, got two tickets to 98 concert tomorrow. You and I... big party, good music, and plent of boys.

Arching an eyebrow he tried to work out who the message was from when his cell phone screeched beside him. Looking at the caller ID and then lifted it to his ear.

"Yes Anita."

"Damn your caller ID." She moaned.

"Yeah yeah, rah rah... what's up?" Asked Mark.

"Was wanting to know if you got my message?" Asked Anita.

"That was you about 98 degrees?" He asked.

"No... I was the one about the Dixie Chicks. Of course it was me! It starts at eight so I'll be by your place at five. No excuses you're coming."

"Fine Anita. Why do you assume I like boy bands? First Nsync, then Backstreet, now 98 Degrees?"

"Mainly because you're what we girls know as gay and all gay guys like boy bands." Anita grined.

"Uh huh. Sure Anita. When you taking me to Linkin Park again?" Mark asked.

"Im not. Anyways, I have to go now talk to you later."


"Sexual." giggled Anita as she hung up. Mark shook his head. Another boy band concert. Sighing he shrugged and contemplated the irony that he was listening to 98 degrees as he was informed of his impending musical experience. Deciding to actually find out something more about the band, he logged out of the chat room and went to a search engine and hunted down 98 Degrees information.

Three hours later, Mark shook his head and closed down his computer and looked at his watch.

'Great, 4 hours and I have to be at work.' He thought. 'Might as well get some sleep I guess.' Wandering down to his room he turned off all the lights and pulled back the covers. Collapsing on top of them he thought about the guys of 98 Degrees. They were all pretty hot, but .. oh what was his name... Jeff? ... he was definately something.

Mark groaned as his alarm went off. Reaching over he slapped at the snooze button. All he managed to hit was the radio button.

"... morning and welcome to another fun filled day here in sunny California. It's a Friday and tonight is the night when we shall be invaded by another boy band. This time we have the guys from 98 Degrees with us. Sitting here in the studio with me is members Drew Lachey and Jeff Timmons, morning guys."

"Hey." The boys replied in unison. The interview dragged along and Mark got bored and clicked the radio off. Sighing, Mark dragged himself out of bed and wandered to the bathroom and went about his morning routine.

Sitting in his office, Mark could hear squeals coming from the front of the store. Sighing, he stood up and walked out into the store to see what the commotion was. Rachel was leaning on the store counter oggling at several guys up the front of the store.

"Rachel, what's with all the noise?" He asked. Rachel just pointed. Mark shook his head.

"Yeah several guys at front of store... and big deal starts where?" Rachel exhaled exasperated.

"That's Drew, Nick, Justin and Jeff from 98 Degrees." Mark's head flicked up.

"Really? Oops." Mark felt himself blush slightly.

"You call yourself a gay man." Rachel threw over her shoulder as she disappeared into the store room. Mark didn't say anything then caught onto what she'd said.

"Hey... Rach, that wasn't fa..." He called only to be interrupted.

"Excuse me, I was looking for a certain album please?" A polite voice asked form behind him. Turning, Mark found himself face-to-face with Jeff Timmons and Nick Lachey. Surprised he nodded.

"Sure what one guys?" He asked smiling. Jeff smiled at him.

" 'Celebrity' by Nsync." He asked blushing slightly. Mark smiled.

"Sure, no worries." With that he walked out from behind the counter and walked to a section of the store and flicked through it slightly and pulled a case up and returned to the counter. Holding it up for Jeff to see,

"This one?" He asked. Jeff blushed again and nodded. Smiling, Mark ran it through the scanner and looked at Jeff to see how he wanted to pay for it. Jeff was talking to Nick, who turned and walked away shaking his head, an annoyed look on his face. Jeff turned back and smiled and handed over his credit card. Mark swipped it through the machine. When it was all approved Jeff looked at Mark,

"You coming to our concert tonight?" Mark sighed and nodded.

"Yeah Anita's dragging me along." Jeff laughed.

"Anita's your girlfriend?" Mark just about laughed.

"Hardly, she's not my type." Jeff raised an eyebrow.

"She's a gir... uh... she's just not my type. Just a good friend." Jeff nodded.

"Well would you like to bring your friend backstage afterwards?" He asked. Mark looked at him questioningly. Jeff smiled sheepishly.

"I was going to offer you two backstage passes if you did." That smile. Mark's stomach did flip flops.

"Uh yeah sure. Only if I can take you for a coffee afterwards?" Flirted Mark.

'Hey he made the first move.' Mark thought. Jeff stopped for a moment.

"Yeah sure, sounds good." He said and Mark smiled brightly. Jeff reached into his wallet and pulled out two backstage passes and handed them to Mark. Mark took them and smiled.

"Thank you." Jeff winked at him and nodded. Nick and the other three suddenly appeared at his side.

"Ready to go yet Mr Smooth?" Asked Drew. Jeff blushed and nodded. Mark thought quickly and spoke up.

"Excuse me, look, I know you probably aren't meant to do this and I shouldn't ask, but would you sign a couple of CDs for us and maybe our 'Revelations' stand?" The guys all looked at each other and shrugged. Nick didn't look overtly impressed but spoke up.

"Yeah sure. You got a pen?" Mark nodded and bashed on the store room wall.

"Rachel can you come and serve while I do a few things?" He heard Rachel curse as she walked out and stopped dead in her tracks at the four men standing at the counter. Her jaw dropped open and she stood there, motionless. Mark sighed and spoke to her. Not getting any response he waved his hand infront of her face. Rachel shook her head and blushed.

"Sorry, yeah, on it." Mark sighed and shook his head smiling. Fetching the pen and CDs he returned to the guys.

"Sorry about that." The guys smiled and told him not to worry about it. When they had finished they shook his hand and said their goodbyes. Jeff shook his hand last as the others were walking out of the store.

"See you later tonight." He smiled. Mark smiled back and waved. With that he collected the signed CDs and walked into his office and slumped into his chair, a happy smile glowing across his face. Moments later Rachel appeared at his doorway.

"You were flirting with Jeff!" She squealed.

"Was not!" Mark retorted.

"Yes you were. You were flirting with Jeff Timmons." Mark smiled cheekily.

"He flirted first!" Rachel giggled.

"Going BACKstage tonight are we?" She asked. Mark laughed and threw a pen at her.

"Get back to work." Moments later, Rachel returned with a cell phone in her hand.

"This was on the counter." She said. Mark nodded and placed it on his desk.

"If the owner comes back, come and let me know." He told her. Rachel nodded and walked back out to the store.

Mark was still sitting at his desk writing out his store order forms when a cell phone screeched. He reached for his and realised that it wasn't his. Confused, he sat back then remembered the cell that Rachel had brought in. Reaching over he answered it.


"Hi, this is Jeff... I was wondering where my phone is."

"Mr Timmons, it would appear you happened to leave something behind in my store. It's Mark here."

"Hi Mark. Oh you're the music store guy." Mark heard whispering on the other end of the phone.

"Um, we're at the arena, do you think you could bring my phone with you tonight?" He asked. Mark smiled.

"Yeah sure I could. Anita and I will be getting there about six, so I'll bring it around when we go backstage." Mark told him.

"Thanks Mark. While you're at it, do you want to put your number into it?" Jeff asked sweetly. Mark grinned.

"I'll think about it. Jeff, I hate to be rude, but if I want to get to your concert, I've got a pile of paperwork to finish." Jeff apologised and hung up the phone. Mark rocked back into his chair. Now was leaving the phone there an accident or on purpose? He guessed he'd find out later. Sighing to himself, he went back to work.

Mark was sitting on his lounge chair watching TV when there was a belting on his front door. Getting up, he went and opened the front door. There was Anita waiting for him.

"You ready to go?" She bubbled bouncing into his apartment. Mark nodded.

"Oh Anita, I was thinking about tonight at work today. I decided I'd get you back for dragging me to yet ANOTHER boy band concert." Anita looked over at him.

"Oh? And how are YOU going to get my back?" She asked. Mark reached over to the coffee table and pulled up a small bag.

"It took me a while to think of it, but how about a signed 98 degrees CD and backstage pass?" Anita's mouth dropped open.

"I'm not even asking how you scored them... I seriously don't want to know hey." Mark smiled as Anita wrapped him up in a big hug. Smiling, Mark grabbed his cell phone and then remebered Jeff's and grabbed it as well.

"You have two cell phones now?" She asked.

"No, this is someone else's that I have to drop off to them tonight."

"Oh, who?" Anita asked curiously.


"Ooooooh... who's Jeff?" Anita digged.

"Jeff Timmons." Mark said smiling at his encounter with stardom. Anita looked at him.

"You're shitting me? How did you meet him."

"How do you think I got the passes and signed CD?"

"Ooooh! Are we taking one of two cars?" Anita asked.

"Two. Jeff and I are going for coffee after the backstage trip." Mark told her.

"Take one. I'll play chaperone." Mark shook his head.

"Hardly will you play chaperone." He told her.

"Fine, chauffer. I'll drop you where you need to go then head on home." Mark sighed. He wasn't getting out of this one.

"Alright, alright." Anita cheered in triumph and Mark shook his head as they walked out the door.

Walking into the stadium, Jeff's phone started to ring and Mark pulled it out and answered it.

"Yes Jeff?"

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Educated guess."

"Fine, whatever. Look, you and Anita... you guys want to watch the show from the side of the stage?" Jeff asked.

"I'll let you ask her that yourself." He told Jeff. Nudging Anita, he handed the phone to her.

"Hello?... EEEEEEEEEK!!!... You mean it? ... Yes yes oh yes." She shrieked over the phone. Mark felt sorry for Jeff sitting on the other end of the phone. Looking over, Mark took the phone off Anita who protested and pouted at him.

"Hello? Jeff? sorry about that."

"All good. Just let me get my hearing back."

"That's what'll be standing at the side of the stage, we do know this don't we? Are you sure you're game enough for this?" Jeff laughed and Mark heard him walk away from the group.

"I don't mind as long as I get a kiss for luck from a certain store manager." Jeff smiled over the phone. Mark didn't know how to respond.

"Sure, why not." Mark smiled back. Jeff gave a small hoot of triumph and then remembered himself.

"Look, walk out of the arena and walk around back. I'll be waiting there." Jeff instructed. Mark confirmed and hung up. Mark grabbed Anita's hand and dragged her towards the exit.

"We can't go this way, we'll lose our spot." Anita complained.

"Yes we will, but we'll get a better one." Mark suggested. Anita caught on and ended up dragging Mark out the front. Mark shook his head and smiled, then led Anita around the back. Standing there at the door was Jeff with two other big guys who looked rather intimidating. Jeff smiled and grabbed Mark for a hug. Mark smiled and hugged him back. Jeff released Mark and looked over.

"You must be Anita. Lovely to meet you." He smiled as he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Anita almost melted. Both men laughed and were ushered inside by security. Anita walked slightly ahead of them, looking around in wonder and awe. Mark leant over and to Jeff and spoke softly.

"Where was my kiss Mr Timmons?" He asked.

"Waiting for you in my dressing room." Mark nodded and kept walking. Jeff led Mark and Anita into the group's common room where Drew and Nick were sitting. Jeff glanced around.

"Where's Justin?"

"Moving slow. Hey Mark." Drew smiled, recognising Mark. His gaze shifted to see the little bundle of energy clinging to Mark's arm looking around in wonderment.

"Drew, Nick, this is Anita. The one who forced me to come here tonight." Drew feigned hurt.

"You had to be forced to come here? Here I was thinking you loved us and all." Mark laughed.

"Sorry, didn't mean that the way it sounded. I was going to stay home and relax but someone keeps dragging me to every last boy band concert that comes through here." He laughed. Drew smiled and Anita turned bright red. Nick had been sitting back and keeping quiet, suddenly spoke up.

"What do you want with Jeff? Are you another gold digger?"

"NICK!" Drew and Jeff scolded at once. Mark arched an eyebrow.

"Gold digger. That's a new one... all the things I've been called in my life and now I'm a gold digger. Please, I don't care about money."

"What's that meant to mean?" Nick started to get fiery and Mark started to bristle.

"Lemme see, I've been called a shit shoveller, poo pusher, donut puncher, rump ranger, know gobbler, freak, poof, fag, cunt, waste of space, roadkill... want more? Well how about this... I'm not after cash, I'm not even after a fuck... all I ever look for is friends. You ask me if I'm a gold digger... no friend finder is more me. Besides if I get that desperate for cash I'll start whoring myself." Nick only got angrier and so did Mark. Drew and Jeff looked at each other. Jeff grabbed Mark and Drew grabbed Nick and led them to seperate rooms. Anita looked at the two seperating groups, sighed and sat down.

Jeff finally got Mark into his dressing room and looked at him.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's wrong with him. He's just protective of me I guess." Mark settled down slightly.

"That's ok, but he could have gotten to know me before labelling me a gold digger." Jeff sighed.

"Yeah he could have, but he doesn't think before opening his mouth. Jeff reached out and hugged Mark to him. Mark rested his head on Jeff's chest and sighed slightly. Then pulled back slightly and reached into his pocket and produced a cell phone and handed it to Jeff.

"Dare I ask how it was this was left in my store?" Mark asked. Jeff blushed.

"I left it there so I would have a chance to talk to you again before tonight." Mark chuckled slightly to himself and shook his head and went back to resting against Jeff's chest. Jeff rested his chin on Mark's head, only to lift it as Mark stood up and looked Jeff dead in the eye. He started to lean in and close his eyes. He felt Jeff's mouth meet his own and felt his knees go weak. This guy certainly knew how to kiss. When they came apart Mark had to sit back down. Jeff smiled.

"Thanks, I've been dreaming of that all afternoon." He smiled.

"Oh, so have I." Giggled Mark. They both smiled then Mark remembered

"Oh shit..." Mark swore... it appeared Jeff had remembered the same thing. They looked at each other

"Anita" the said together and bailed outta the dressing room.

Arriving in the common room, the found Anita sitting there, curled up against Justin. Nick and Drew entered moments later. Nick and Mark went to opposite ends of the room. Justin looked at the situation.

"What went on with those two?" He quietly asked Drew.

"Bad first impressions." Drew told him just as quietly. Justin nodded his head and went back to paying Anita attention and talking to her. A knock came on the door.

"Five minutes guys." Came a voice. Jeff walked over to where Mark was sitting on a stool. Pushing his legs apart, Jeff got in even closer.

"See you after the show." He whispered.

"Break a leg." Mark whispered back. Jeff smiled and rested his head against Mark's and smiled. He then kissed Mark quickly on the lips and left. Anita wandered down to where Mark was sitting.

"Well someone seem so to be getting very comfortable with Mr Timmons." She remarked. Mark poked his tongue at her and then nodded his head.

"Come on, let's go and get those seats we were offered." Smiling they linked arms and walked out of the dressing room.

---- Well that is part one. Was it any good. Please, anyone with 98 degrees news... email me. -= brissyboi1982@hotmail.c =- Love lots SC.

Next: Chapter 2

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