
By Edward Dufresne

Published on Oct 18, 2007


Deklan Chapter Three

As always you should read here only if you are of age and it is legal for you to do so.

Chapter Two ended with Todd leaving Deklan's hospital room. Todd had come to apologize to Deklan for not stopping Brock from hurting him.

After Todd left, Deklan lay in his bed thinking about everything that Todd had said to him.

"Maybe Todd is right about Mom, and I don't really want to be away from Dad."

Deklan closed his eyes and began to pray for the first time since his mom's death.

"God I'm sorry I have been so mad at you. It is just that I miss my mom so much. God please give me strength so that I won't be so scared, and please help me to accept Todd's offer of friendship. Oh, yes and please can you give me a few pubes, just enough so that I'm not bald anymore. In Jesus's name, I love you God!"

When Todd got home, his dad was drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.

"So how did your visit go?"

"At first it was really tense, but then as we began to talk. We both relaxed, and then everything was okay. I invited him to come to youth group. Since his mom died of cancer, he and his dad haven't been going to church. He is mad that God let his mom die. So I talked to him about Grandma's death, and how you had helped me to understand that it wasn't God's fault that the drunk driver killed her. When I told him that Brock won't be at school anymore he was relieved. However, he still may move back to Boston."

Todd changed his clothes and headed to Krogers.

When Todd got to work, Adam was already there. Adam was Todd's closest male friend. They had met on the cross country team their freshman year and had become great pals. Todd's best friend was a girl named Tia. Adam was attracted to her, but as Todd's bro he would never try to break them up.

"So how is everything with you and Tia?"

Todd thought for a moment and decided to tell Adam the truth about relationship with Tia.

"Adam, Tia and I aren't real boyfriend/girlfriend. We act like a couple,but are just best buddies. I know you like Tia, and I think she likes you, too. Why don't you ask her out? I won't be mad or jealous!"

"You mean she might go out with me! But, everyone will think that I broke the two of you up!"

"Don't worry! If she says yes I will make sure that everyone knows that we are still great friends. I promise! I went to the hospital to see Deklan today after school. He is the freshman that got the broken arm in gym yesterday."

"Why would you do that, Todd?"

"Because, if I had just stood up for Deklan when Brock was trying to belittle him in the locker room there is a good chance he wouldn't now have a broken arm. His arm was injured so badly that the Doctors had to operate and put in a pin and screws. Did you see who he is? The boy is really small for his age! Brock would make three of him! It's no wonder his arm got broken! Deklan was lucky that is all that happened when Brock tackled him!"

"Why should you worry about a freshman getting picked on in the locker room? We did!"

"I know that! But, I didn't like it! And, sometimes what was said was real mean and demeaning! Do you remember the time that idiot Sonny Mackay told Justin that his dick was so small he should pee like a girl sitting down! Poor Justin was so embarrassed that he started to cry and left the locker room! Kidding is ok as long as it isn't demeaning, especially about a guys dick and balls! You must recall Coach Jon's lecture as well as I do."

"OK!... No one could forget that lecture!... But, what did Brock say?"

"He said that Deklan was a wimpy pretty boy and should be changing in the girls locker room! Everyone laughed when he said that! Just think how it made him feel! Brock had already forced Deklan to change seats in homeroom, and then he insults him in the locker room! Yesterday was his first day at our school. He just moved here from the big city and didn't know anyone, and BAM he gets bullied the very first

day! The signs on the outskirts of town say 'Welcome to Whiting! The friendliest people in the world!'. We didn't act like that to Deklan! I'm tired of going along with things that I know are wrong just to fit in. Dad and I talked about this. A real man does what is right even if it doesn't make him popular. I want to make my dad and God proud of me. I think when I get married that my wife will want me to be that kind of man."

"You are right! Todd, my dad has told me the same thing. So from now on I am going to be a real man, too. I can't thank you enough for the heads up about Tia! I know when she finds out about what happened she will be livid! I have never met anyone who hates bullies and bigoted people as much as she does!"

"Are you two going to talk all day or are you here to work?!" asked the front end manager?

Both boys clocked in and headed up front to pack groceries.

The next afternoon Roger went to the hospital to see Deklan. Roger was determined to convince his son that he must stay here in Whiting. Roger was going to tell him about what happened in the chapel the previous night in the hope that it would help Deklan to understand his decision.

"Hey sport how is your arm feeling tonight?"

"It's ok!... The pain medicine works well, but makes me sleepy. Guess who came to see me today dad?!"

Roger racked his brain to see if he could think who might come and see Deklan.

"I bet it was Mrs. Olsen, your principle, right?!"

Deklan gave a little giggle and said,

"WRONG! It was Todd the boy who told the truth about what happened to me and got in the fight with Brock on the field. He came to see me to apologize for laughing at what Brock said in the locker room, and for not stopping him from hurting me. He was really sorry. Dad, he was in tears, he felt so bad! His dad is the pastor of the Methodist church. I don't think any of my friends from Boston would have ever come and said something like that to me. He told me some things about the school and promised to make sure I don't get hurt anymore. I'm still scared, but I think he means what he said. He wants to be a friend. I think I should give him a chance to prove it. Dad! I don't want to go back to Boston! I just want to be safe and happy! But, we have to make some changes!

I need a haircut and some new clothes that will help me fit in better. And, I want the school to do something about bulling."

Roger was so happy to hear what Deklan had said that he reached down, hugged him and kissed his head.

"I love you so much Deklan, I can't loose you! I will make sure you are safe at school even if I have to hire a bodyguard! But, I don't think that will be necessary. The school board and principal are well aware of how bad your being hurt makes them look. I've already had several emails from people in the company who were planning to transfer here questioning whether it is safe to move their families here. I am going to present the emails to the principal tomorrow, if the town wants to keep the factory here, they must make the schools safe for all students not just those born here."

"Wow!! Dad you really mean business, don't you!"

Just then Dr. Forster came into the room.

"Well Deklan how is your arm feeling tonight?"

"It's OK. The nurses give me pain medicine when it hurts. When am I going to be able to go home?"

"Let me change that bandage and see how your arm looks. Then I will let you know."

Dr. Forster unwrapped Deklan's arm and checked the wound. After examining the incision the doctor bandaged Deklan's arm, and stated

"Your arm looks good, I will check it tomorrow morning, and if it continues to heal you can go home in the afternoon."

"How soon can I go back to school?"

"Deklan, you should be able to go back on Monday. But, you will have to wear a sling until we put on the permanent cast. When you take a shower wrap your arm in plastic and tape it. After we put the cast on, you can shower with it. I will give you a note for school. I don't want you in PE class until I am sure your arm has completely healed. After a break like you have, it is important to make sure that you protect the arm from accidental injury that might prolong the healing process. I will see you in the morning."

Just then an announcement came over the hospital PA system,

"Visiting hours are now over."

Roger gave Deklan a hug.

"I'll call around noon tomorrow and see if you will be permitted to come home. If you are able to, I'll take the rest of the day off and come to get you."

Deklan turned on the TV and found a Red Sox game. He was soon engrossed in the game. An hour later the bedside phone rang.


"Hey Deklan! It's Todd! I promised to call, and I just got home from work. How is your arm doing?!"

"I didn't think you were really going to call! My arm is doing better. The doctor said I can probable go home tomorrow."

"That's great! Have you ever been to a bonfire? The reason I ask is our youth group is having one on Saturday night at Peter's grandfather's farm. The bonfire will start at seven o'clock, and finish about ten PM at night. There will be hot dogs and marshmallows to roast, and we will sing songs. Then Pastor Ed, our youth leader, will give a short message. I was wondering if you might want to go with me. It will be a good way to meet some nice kids, and I promise to stay by your side the whole time."

"I've never been to a bonfire, but it sounds like fun. I will have to ask my dad. May I call you tomorrow evening and let you know?"

"Yeah! That would be great! I will be at the youth group meeting from seven until ten PM. But, I will have my cell turned on so call anytime. If you go, you can meet my friends Tia and Adam. I think Adam is going to ask Tia to go with him. Adam and I had a long talk at work last night, and he is going to help me make sure you are safe and get to meet new friends."

"Todd, after you left yesterday, I prayed and decided to stay here. My dad and I talked about my moving back to Boston last night, and we decided that I should give Whiting another chance. I told him all about what you said, and he wants to meet you. He said he would keep me safe even if he had to hire a bodyguard! Can you see me walking around school with a bodyguard! Talk about social death! I might just as well put a sign on my back saying "Super Nerd'!"

"I won't let your dad turn you into a super nerd! My friends and I will make sure you are safe. The word out at school is that Mrs. Olsen is on the warpath about your being hurt. The mayor came to see her today. I think he is worried that your dad will tell outsiders that Whiting isn't a safe place for employees to move to. Believe me!... You will be the safest kid in any high school, anywhere in the country when you come back! Well,... I better go. I still have to finish my homework!"

"Thanks for calling me Todd! And, for the invitation to the bonfire! I'm really glad you came to see me yesterday! I hope my arm is OK, so that my dad will let me go to the bonfire. I'll call you as soon as I ask my dad. Have fun with your homework, NOT! I hope the teachers don't expect me to catch up in one day. I won't be able to write with my

left hand. You should see me trying to eat with my left hand! I spill more food than I eat! Talk to you tomorrow."

Deklan had just fallen asleep at eleven that night when his door opened and Justin came into the room wheeling a blood pressure machine.

"I'm going to be your aid tonight, I just need to take your vitals." After recording Deklan's blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels, Justin asked,

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"I kind of would like to ask you a question, but I'm afraid you might get mad."

"Deklan, you can ask me anything, I won't get angry. However, I might choose not to answer your question."

"Well the other day when you were telling me about meeting Billy, I thought you started to say that he is your boyfriend. Then you corrected yourself and said he is your best friend. I am wondering is Billy both?"

"WOW! You ask the hard ones don't you! Why do you want to know??"

"I'm hoping that you and Billy are boyfriends so I can ask you some questions about being gay." Deklan whispered.

"I'll answer your questions as long as you promise to keep what we say to yourself and not share it with others. Do we have a deal?"


"Billy and I are boyfriends! We have been together since we meet our freshman year."

"Do your families know about you and Billy?"

"Yes! My older brother, Dean, caught us kissing in my bedroom. He wasn't supposed to just walk in! Everyone knocked before going into somebody's room in our house. As soon as he saw us, he ran out and told my mom. We were both so scared. My mom sent Billy home and called my dad. Mom told me to stay in my room. When Dad got home, I could hear Mom and Dad screaming at each other. It got real quiet for a while then I heard a car pull in our driveway. I looked out my bedroom window and saw Billy and his parents getting out of their car. Brenda, my older sister, came to my room, and told me to go to the living room. When I got there, Billy was sitting on our couch. I sat by him. At first no one said anything, but then my dad spoke up."

"'All right we have a major problem here, I want to know why you let your son Billy, turn my son Justin into a homo."

"Billy didn't do anything. It was your son who corrupted my son, yelled Billy's dad."

"My dad and Billy's dad were yelling at each other. Billy and I were so scared we just sat there holding each others hand."

"Shut up, shut the fuck up!! screamed my sister Brenda."

"Mom!... Dad!... Do you love Justin?... Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, do you love Billy?! Because, if you do, and you keep up like this, you may be sending them to their own deaths! The suicide rate for gay teens is the highest of all teen males! Up until this afternoon, Mom and Dad, you thought that Billy was the best thing that ever happened to Justin! You are always saying how Justin's grades have improved, and how much better he behaves since he met Billy! How about you Mr. and Mrs. Stevens! Until this afternoon how have you felt about Justin?! I'll bet you thought a lot of him, didn't you?! Just because Justin and Billy love each other, doesn't make them bad! All the evidence points to the fact that being gay isn't something that is a choice. But it is more like being left handed, rather than right handed. Dean if you breath one word of this to anyone, you will be ruining Justin's and Billy's lives. They will be picked on and maybe even beaten at school. Do you want to see your brother a bloody mess or dead?! Why can't all of you just love and support Billy and Justin? Their lives are going to be hard enough without the loss of their families support!"

"Then, she walked over to Billy and me and pulled us into a hug! There wasn't a sound in the room! Next, Dean stood up and walked to us and said,"

"Please forgive me, I won't ever say anything, and I will do my best to protect the two of you."

"We looked at Dean and nodded."

"He than reached out and said,"

"Welcome to the family Billy."

"That was all it took, both our parents joined in the group hug and we have had their support ever since then!"

"WOW! That is quite a story. I think I might be gay. No one knows, and I'm afraid that if my dad finds out he will hate me!" replied Deklan in tears.

"I was already called a pussy boy at school! What if they find out that I am gay?! Todd says he wants to be my friend, but he is the Pastor's son! He will hate me if I am gay!"

"Do you mean Todd Hartland?! He wouldn't hate you! We go to his dads church! I'm sure he knows about Billy and me!"

"I can't take a chance of anyone finding out! You have to promise to never say anything to anyone!... Please!"

"Deklan!... I will never say anything! but if you ever want to talk, I'll be there for you! I am going to leave my number with you. Call me anytime, day or night!"

"I don't know how to thank you Justin! I have been so scared that someone will find out."

"Well,... you need to get some sleep. Just remember, call if you ever need me. Here is my cell phone number. I always have my phone with me."

The next morning Dr Forster came and checked on Deklan.

"Your arm is healing nicely, so I will write up your discharge papers, and you may go home. I will need to see you next week to check on the stitches and the swelling. The nurse will set up the appointment. If you have any problems at all be sure to call my office even if it is after hours. My answering service can always reach me."

Roger called and asked,

"Deklan, did Dr. Forster come and see you yet?"

"Yes Dad, and he said I can go home. He is doing the paperwork now so please come and get me."

"I am going to leave in a few minutes, Deklan, I should be there in a half an hour. What do you want me to bring you for clothes to wear home?"

"Would you bring me a pair of sweats and my Bruins jersey? It is hanging in my closet?"

Deklan's dad picked up his clothing and drove to the hospital. Roger stopped at the nurses' station and signed Deklan's release papers. He also was given instructions and a prescription for pain medicine. Then Roger went to Deklan's room and helped him to get dressed. An aid brought a wheelchair into the room and wheeled the boy out to the car.

After arriving home Deklan watched TV until supper, and then went to his room to use his computer.

Now that Deklan had admitted to himself that he was gay, he needed to find out more about gay teens. He did a google search and found way more information than he could ever go through. Deklan even found a free site with pictures of naked teens.

For the first time since being hurt he needed to jerk off. Locking his door Deklan pulled his sweats and boxers down, his cock was already hard as a nail. Deklan had never tried to jerk off with his left hand, and discovered it was awkward. He was used to using his left hand to caress his balls and rub his butt. Even though the boy was looking at the pictures he couldn't seem to get his nut. His arm became tired, and his dick began to hurt.

"Shit, I can't even jerk off because of that ape Brock."

Deklan pulled up his boxers and sweats and closed down the computer. He lay on his bed totally frustrated.

"Deklan! I am going to put 'October Sky' on and make popcorn, do you want to come and watch with me?!"

Deklan loved 'October Sky'. Jake was so hot.

"Sure Dad! I'll be right there!... I have to pee first."

As he sat watching the movie, Deklan pulled a throw pillow over his lap, because he started getting hard looking at Jake.

"OH Dad!... I almost forgot! Todd invited me to go to a bonfire on Saturday night with his youth group. He will take me and promised to stay by my side the whole time. I really want to go! I told him I would call him tonight and let him know what you said."

"You may go as long as I get to meet Todd first, and your arm is feeling okay." Deklan called Todd.

"Hi Todd, this is Deklan. My dad stated I can go to the bonfire as long as he meets you first, and my arm isn't hurting."

The two boys talked for twenty minutes and then said their good byes. By the time the video was over and the popcorn all eaten Deklan was ready for bed.

"Good night Dad!"

The teen went to brush his teeth and pee. While in the bathroom he found a jar of vaseline and took it to his bedroom. Deklan tried to take his jersey off but couldn't. He hid the vaseline under his pillow and called his dad to help him. Once he was undressed his dad gave him a hug, kissed him on the head and said,

"I love you! If you need anything just call me. I'll leave the door open a crack to make sure I can hear you. I have an hour or so of paperwork to do before I go to bed, I'll check on you when I come back upstairs."

"Thanks Dad! I love you, too!"

As soon as Deklan heard his dad downstairs he slid his boxers down and popped off the cover to the vaseline jar. The teen took a glob and rubbed it onto his dick. As the boy stroked his cock he thought about the guys in the pictures he had seen earlier. Deklan recalled the images of a brown haired slender teen.

Deklan imagined he was kissing the guy and stroking the teen's prick. As he went faster, Deklan felt the beginning of his orgasm. He kept jerking, and then it happened! As Deklan came, he imagined the teen he was playing with was Todd.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW", Deklan moaned.

He lay back and began to emerge from his orgasmic high.

Suddenly Deklan felt something wet on his stomach. His first thought was that it must be blood. The teen turned on his bedside light and lifted the covers. On the boy's stomach, were three tiny pearls of fluid,

"OH My God!!!... I Came!!!!"

Deklan lay back happier than he had been in a long time. The teen knew that he had finally started puberty! He realized pubic hair would soon follow.

As Deklan drifted off to sleep he thoughts were on his new found sexual maturity.

Well that is it for Chapter three. How will Deklan's and Todd's first time together work out? Is it possible that Todd is also gay?

You will all have to wait to find out. Ha! Ha! Ed I want to thank Baruch for editing my story. (

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