Denny Comes Out

By Steve Thomas

Published on Jun 18, 2003


This is a fictional story. It is based on many experiences and fantasies of the author. If you are really into graphic sex, it may not satisfy your purpose for coming here. If you like to hear of real love and real teen angst, with a little sex thrown in, you are in the right place. There may be some amount of graphic sex between males. If this is objectionable to you, or you are legally too young to be here, you are cordially invited to press your back button.


Denny (Dennis Andrew Miggs), 20 Garth Roth, 22

Randy Small, 24 Bob, Denny's Brother 3 years older

Gail, Bob's wife Jack, Denny's oldest brother, 9 years older

Jack's son's, Jacky, Bobby and DennyToo Denny's dad, James

Denny's mom, Carol Ray, Deputy D.A. friend

Randy's mom and step dad .Roddy, Flight Attendant

Rollie, Garth's dad Rob, Garth's cousin

Tad, the new room mate

From Chapter 13:

When Randy came back, he said, "Tad -- so are you ready for a hug?"

"I'm not sure."

"I won't hug you -- you just hug me -- first."

Tad looked unsure of himself and then slowly edged closer to Randy and put his arms around his shoulders. I could see his body was as stiff as a board. Randy slowly, gradually enclosed him in his own arms. Tad stiffened a little more, then relaxed a little. Then Randy started to rub his back. Tadrelaxed some more, then took Randy's head and hugged it to his chest. With out asking, I slowly came up behind Tad. "I feel so left out!" I said as I wrapped my arms around them both.

Tad stiffened again, then relaxed again. We stood there for a full three minutes, and then Tad took his hand and put it on my head, as he lay his head back on my chest. He let out a long sigh and a little moan. I squeezed them even harder and Tad turned his head and put his cheek against my own. He seemed to be purring. I lightly kissed his cheek. He giggled.

"I didn't pray for this." Tad said. "Maybe God knows what we SHOULD have prayed for!"

Chapter 14

Tad was beaming! What a transformation! The night before, he was this shy, scared little boy -- afraid of even being touched -- still wetting the bed! This morning he was flushed with confidence -- he showed it! And DRY! This had to be huge for him. Remove the threat -- his stepfather -- and he is a changed boy. Not that everything could be cured by a prayer, a hug and a change in location, but he was on a new path of discovery. I wondered where this would take him. Horny me! I could not help sneaking looks at his cute face, and remember those tented boxer briefs last night. He may have more to learn than he knows!

But he is only 17! I wonder - - - "Tad -- when's your birthday?"

"Who cares?"

"I do, for one! What an answer! `Who cares'?"

"Nobody ever did anything for my birthday! Not since I was 12."

"Well, maybe that should change. When is it?"

He looked at the floor. "It's next week."

"Really?!!" I exulted. "Next week you will be 18?"

"Yeah. March 22nd"

"and so next week," Randy said, "you will leave the realm of childhood forever! On the 22nd, you WILL-BE-A-MAN!"

"I don't get birthdays. I don't change from one day to the next!" Tad said.

"That's because you've never done it right!" Randy said. "Next week, on the 22nd, you WILL feel differently! We are going to celebrate!"

"What? You gonna take me to a gay bar or something?"

"Actually," I piped in, "neither of us has ever been to a gay bar!"

"Uh -- I have." Randy said.

I was stunned! "You have? When? Two months ago you didn't know you were gay!"

"I'm still not sure! I like what we have done, but I also like girls. And when I went to the gay bar -- about three years ago -- I went there to just see. Maybe even to get a good laugh -- to make fun of them."

"Is that what you did?" I asked, disappointed.

"No. Actually once I got there, and saw for myself, I came away kind of sad. I felt sorry for them."

"That's -- weird." I said, bewildered. I had never been to one -- yet -- but I was -- intrigued. But now, I was perplexed. "Why did you feel sorry for them?"

"The bar I was in was the only gay bar in town. It was small -- much too small for the amount of people there. They were like sardines in a can. They looked pathetic. Mostly young, they were just dancing by themselves, I guess hoping someone would hit on them. There were a few couples, but mostly just a bunch of very lonely looking boys."

"Hm." I mused. "Pretty much the same as the straight bars, huh?"

"How's that?"

"It's about the same. A lot of lonely people looking for love -- most not finding it. Well, at least at the `hook-up bars'."

"Never thought about it that way. So -- probably most of the gays who really are gay (meaning happy!) probably aren't found out at the bars!"

"Still, I wouldn't mind seeing for myself!"

"Are there any around here?" Tad said, obviously trying to sound uninterested!

Both Randy and I looked at him and said, "Duh!"

"So it's settled, then? You guys are going to drag me out to a gay bar on my birthday?"

"Hey, you may be almost 18, but you gotta be 21 to go into a bar!" Randy said.

"I guess that lets me out too!" I answered.

"That's right!" Randy quipped. "You both are such children! I must make a note of that!"

"Like before you sleep with Denny tonight?" Tad said, grinning.

Randy and I looked at each other, apparently inspired by the same idea. "Get him!" I hollered. We tackled him and threw him on the big bed. We tickled him and gave him noogies. He was giggling and laughing and squirming. Then it hit me. Last night he could not even be touched!

"Hey, STOP!" I commanded. We were all out of breath on the bed. "Tad -- last night you reacted almost violently when Randy tried to touch you. Even this morning -- the hug? You were pretty stiff in the beginning, and stiffened up again as I joined it. But just now, - you were amazing!"

"Wow!" He responded. "I have not played like that since I was about 11 or 12! I didn't even give it a thought! I guess the dean was right about this being a good place for me!"

"Hey!" Randy said. "Denny and I don't have classes til 11 this morning. Wanna go out for breakfast?"

"Naw. I have a class at 9:00. DAMN! I wish I didn't!"

"It's okay -- there will be other breakfasts -- and other fun times! 9:00!!?? You better get hoppin'! That's in 15 minutes!"

Well, obviously Tad fits in like he belonged there all along. It is great how the universe brings people together sometimes.

Then there are the other times - - -.

The week flew by until Tad's birthday. The day before, Rod called. He called Randy's phone, but Randy was in the bathroom. Tad answered it.

"Hello? This is Randy's phone."

"Heh! I guess this isn't Randy!"

"Nope! I'll get him, just a minute."

"This isn't Denny, is it?"

"Strike two!"

"Well, this is Roddy."

"I'll give the phone to Randy."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tad. I've heard them talk about you. Just a minute"

"Really? They talked about me?"

"Nothing bad. Actually nothing significant that I can remember. I have to go, I'll take this to Randy."

"Why, isn't he in the room with you?"

"Nope! See yah!" Tad knocked at the bathroom door.

"Wait! How do you know Randy?"

"I'm his new room mate."


"Wassup?" hollered Randy from the bathroom.

"Phone -- for you!"

"Tell `em I'll call back. I'm takin' a crap!"

"You want me to tell him that?"

"Who is it?"


"Okay. Well, tell him -- no! Hey, just toss me the phone!"

I had to laugh at the sight of Tad opening the bathroom door, holding his nose, and backing in so he would not be looking at Randy on the pot. He came back out and closed the door, then let out his held breath. He saw I was amused.

"So?" he said defensively.

"So what?" I laughed.

"So, now you are going to ridicule me because I don't like to barge in on a guy taking a crap?"

"Dude! What would you do if your school didn't have doors in the toilets?"

"My school DIDN'T have any!"

"So what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I just did that at home. And when I had to pee, I didn't look."

"Wow!" I was continually amazed at how "sheltered" a life this boy lived. "Well, tomorrow, you are a man. And men don't act like that. At lease among roomies!"

"Randy shut the door in the first place!"

"That was just courtesy. But if I had to go in to take a shower, that would not stop me!"

"Yeah, and if you had to pee, you'd prolly just do it between his legs!" He was laughing by this time.

"Naw, I'm not that good of an aim! The first shot would probably get him in the face!" I laughed.

"Hrmph! Probably not the worst thing you've shot in his face!" he was still laughing. I stopped cold.

"What?" he said.

"Tad, have you ever seen us do anything like -- that?"

"No, but -- er -- you do sleep together -- nude! Are you going to tell me you never did any more than what I have seen?"

"Nope! I'm not telling you anything. Except you can't be making statements like that. It's assuming to much. You don't wanna make an ass out of both of us!"


"You've never heard that?"


"That when you assume -- think about how it's spelled -- When you assume' you make an ass' out of u' and me! Ass/u/me/! Get it?"

"Sorry. I guess what you do is none of my business." He now looked dejected again.

"I just don't quite know how to take you, Tad." I said, concerned. "One minute you seem like you are okay with -- us -- and the next -- well -- does it make you -- uncomfortable -- or creeped out that we sleep together?"


Just then Randy came out of the bathroom. "Rod's going with us tomorrow night!"

"Alright then!" I said. "Then it'll be a double date!" and I winked at Randy. Tads eyes shifted quickly between us several times, looking very nervous.

"You mean," Randy continued, "You and Tad and Rod and me?"

This time it was I who stopped and stared at Randy! He then shook his head. "No! Just kidding! I forgot! You saw Rod first, didn't you. Then it'll have to be you and Rod and me and Tad!" he laughed.

Finally Tad said, "Look I'm just along for the ride!" I decided to spare him by not pointing out his unintended pun.

"Seriously, Rod's just along for the ride, too!" Randy said. "He asked what we were doing tomorrow night and I told him we were taking Tad out to celebrate his birthday. He asked where and I told him we weren't sure. He says there is a juice bar that is not rainbow, but is mostly frequented by a gay crowd anyway. So I said I'd talk to you, but we'd probably go."

"COOL!" Tad said. "I can get into a juice bar!"

"And," I asked, "you aren't uncomfortable that it is mostly gay?"

"Well -- yeah!"


"And - " he smiled big. "I have learned that, so far, when I do something that I feel is uncomfortable -- with you guys -- it turns out pretty good!"

"Uh -- Randy?" I said.

"Uh huh?"

"Did you happen to -- uh -- mention that -- well -- that we -- that is, you and I -- that -- I mean - "

"That Rod won't be with me?"

"Uh -- yeah!"

"No. He'll figure it out."

"Maybe you should tell him up front. It may be a big disappointment. I know it would be for me!"

"Oh." Randy said. I guess I never thought about it that way. You -- your whole family is like that, aren't they?"

"Like what?"

"Always thinking of others -- how they feel."

"I guess. I never thought about that! I guess your right. My parents have always told me to think of what the other guy is feeling."

"That's so cool!" Said Tad. "No one ever told me that I should do that! Umm -- so -- am I this Rod guys date -- for the night?"

"Does that scare you?" I said.

"Not exactly. Maybe scared is not the word. I'm not sure -- or -- that is -- I'm not ready for - " he stammered, "I'm not in to that!"

"Dude, I'm just kidding!" I said.

"You better believe that Roddy will want to meet Tad, after I break the bad news to him -- about us."

"Bad news?" I said.

"Well, bad for him, maybe!" Said Randy

"That all depends," I said, winking at Tad, "on how charming he is with Tad!"

"So, do I call him Rod -- or Roddy? You guys call him both."

"Well, there's a reason for that." I said. "His name is Rodney Stewart."

"Rodney Stewart? What -- OH! Rod Stewart!" Tad said. "But -- he can't hide his identity by changing to Roddy, can he? And - - he's way too old for me anyway!"

"Omigod! You can't be that dense! This is not `THE' Rod Stewart!"

"Well, how was I to know?"

"I guess you're right -- in this town, anything's possible! And if Rod Stewart was gay, he probably WOULD be dating an 18 year-old!" Randy said.

"Or two of them!" I added

As we were getting ready for Tad's big coming out party (no pun intended) he was being ever so much more careful about his appearance than he had any day up til now. "So who are you trying to impress tonight, Tad?" I asked.

"I don't know Rod. I don't know anybody! I just don't want to give anyone any more reason to dis me that necessary!" He said defensively

"By the way, Randy -- how did Roddy take the news -- about us?"

"I -- haven't told him."

"Aw jeez, Randy!" I exclaimed. "Or maybe you would RATHER be with him!??"


"That'll be him." Said Randy. He went to the door. Roddy hugged him and then stepped in and hugged me.

"So!" Roddy said, looking up and down at Tad. "This is my date? Ni --I-I-I-ice!" Tad turned bright red! And before Roddy had a chance, Tad nervously stuck out his right hand. "Hi! I'm Tad -- and I'm not your date." We all laughed. Tad looked pleased.

"It's okay!" Roddy said. "There will be lots of loose boys at the juice bar!"

"Loose?" I said.

"Well not -- well -- hopefully -- that too!" And he grinned.

"What're we gonna DO with you?" I asked.

"I dunno! Whaddaya WANNA do with me?" And Roddy grinned again, and drilled Tad with his eyes. Tad smiled demurely.

"Let's get going!" Roddy said. "This crowd usually has to be in early. Parents rules, you know!"

"Wait a minute!" I said, "You mean all the guys there will be underaged?"

"Naw, but they are usually under 21, shy and living at home. If they were any different, they would be lying about their age and going into the big boys bar!"

"You got it all figured out, huh?" I remarked, sarcastically.

"Hey, I like `em young!"

"You still look like a teenager!" Tad said. Roddy flashed him a very winning smile. Tad blushed.

"I know!" he answered. "That makes it easier. An older looking guy often scares the young guys off. But with me, they're comfortable until they learn to `appreciate' my experience!"

"Wow!" Randy said. "You are a regular stalker, huh?"

"Aw, give me a break! I just like to have fun! And I ALWAYS make sure they are not jail-bait!"

"Unless they lie, huh?"

"That's their problem."

"Unless you get caught -- then it becomes your problem." I added.

"I'm pretty careful! We better go." And he flashed another smile at Tad. Tad smiled back.

I was going to have to watch this. Already I liked Tad a lot. I wasn't sure I wanted him getting mixed up -- or hooked up -- with someone who was "pretty careful" -- AND pretty experienced!. Tad thinks he's straight, but from what I've seen -- I'm not so sure.

We went again in my car, since Rod's was too small. Rod was sure to point it out to Tad though, and Tads eyes got big! As they were admiring the Z-3, Randy said to me, "What are we gonna do?"

"About what?" I answered.

"About those two! I don't like it!"

"So I wasn't the only one who thinks that!"

"Duh!" he said. "Tad doesn't know he's gay! He is in peril, I think!"

"Um -- I have an idea." I said.


"I'll stick close to Tad. You put the hit on Roddy."

"I can't do that! I'm already too attracted to him!"

"What's the worst that could happen? You gonna let him fuck your brains out?"

"NO!" he said. "But I may be too -- oh, their coming back,! Okay! I'll do my best!"

"If you screw up -- be careful! I wanted him first -- but he seems to be more attracted to you!"


"So, what are you guys whispering about?" Roddy queried.

"Nothin'. Let's go.

We arrived at the juice bar at full swing. Loud music, and a lot of people out on the floor dancing -- including a lot of male couples - also a few guys dancing by themselves. NO straight guy does that! I had never been to one of these places. About half the music played was disco! A few ballads and some hard stuff, and some pop-rock. I didn't recognize anyone, so I relaxed a little.

"There's a girl over at the bar -- kinda cute -- let's go over and see if we can get you a dance!" I said to Tad, loud enough for Rod to hear.

"Oh! I don't know." He started. "I really didn't come here to hook up with anyone. I jus - "

"We came here to celebrate your birthday, Dude!" I answered. "What did you have in mind?"

Hey, guys," Roddy said, "I gotta hit the head. Want me to show you where it is?" Oh My God! He directed this directly to Tad!

I pushed Tad toward the girl, and Randy grabbed Rod, and said, "I need to go too! I'll come with you." That was the last I saw of them until we left. I was really curious -- worried would have been to strong a word -- to know how they entertained themselves. By the time Tad and I got to the girl, her boyfriend came back. We stood and watched for a time, and then another girl came up and asked us if we wanted to dance.

"Both of us? I asked.

"Sure!" she said and pointed to a group all dancing together.

I pushed Tad toward the floor and said, "I'm with someone. He'll go!"

Tad looked scared as hell, but followed her to the floor. Turned out she didn't care if she was with him -- she was just getting more people in the circle. It also turned out that Tad was a good dancer! I watched intently. Soon the girl was talking to someone else as she danced. A guy leaned over and said something to Tad. Tad answered back. Probably exchanging names. As they talked and danced, they increasingly turned toward each other, until it looked like they were dancing together, leaning in as they yelled at each other over the music. Tad smiled and shook his head, and they again were just part of the group.

The song ended and Tad came back. He was giggling so hard, it was difficult for him to talk! "I can't believe it!" he tittered. "This guy actually hit on me!"

"Did that offend you?" I asked.

"No! It was funny!" he answered and then he giggled some more.

"You kind of liked it, didn't you?" I said.

"I -- er -- well sure! Would you?"

"Yeah -- but I'm gay!"

He looked stunned, then turned scarlet! "I -- er -- I mean - "

"Tad? Did you -- enjoy the feeling of being -- uh -- hit on by a guy?"

He said something to the floor. "What?" I yelled. Another song was blaring.

Tad put his mouth close to me ear and said, "I -- I think - maybe -- yeah. Maybe." And he smirked and again looked at the floor.

Damn! He was turning ME on now! He was so damned cute!

Just then a really fem-looking guy swished his way over to us. AS he was half way across the room -- completely nailing Tad the whole time-- I looked at Tad's face. He blanched white -- looked panicky! I pulled him in to a close hug. "Just go with this, Dude!" I said in his ear. I then kissed him on the mouth.

It shocked me when he opened his mouth! My tongue went in without me even thinking! All of a sudden his hands -- one on my back and the other on my butt, began to massage furiously, and he moaned! I caught a glimpse of the swishy guy as he turned around. Guess it worked!

I let him go, but he was securely attached! I pushed him away. "He's gone, Dude!"

"Wha = oh!" he said. and he nearly jumped back! "That -- that -- that was -- " he exclaimed. "Does it always feel like that?" He was actually unconsciously pushing the front of his pants down.

"Kissing? I don't know -- I don't know what you felt, Tad."

"Incredible! If that's what it feels like -!"

"Who knows what you felt. Kissing is nice. It's - "

"Incredible!" He repeated. "Kissing you is- -"

"Who else have you kissed?"

"My mom."

"On the lips?"

"Maybe six years ago."

"I think you need some more experience!" I said.

"Right now?" He said, brightening.

"With someone else!" I said, drolly.


Damn! I was glad we didn't let him go with Roddy!

Roddy! Where did they go?

"Yesterday" Tad said, "Yesterday -- you asked me a question I -- never answered."

"What was that?"

"You asked if I was creeped out that you guys sleep together."


"Yesterday, I would have said -- yes.."


"Tonight -- I want to - " I could almost HEAR his heart beating! This was a real stretch for him! I just shut up and let him finish.

"I want to sleep with you!"

"Heh! Randy may have something to say about that!"

"I meant with you both."

"Well, we can't always have what we want." I said. I didn't even DARE say what I was thinking!

"I mean what's the big deal? It's not as if one of us might get pregnant."

"Well, I may only be a couple years older than you -- but I have learned -- the hard way -- to not be so casual with my sex. I felt the same as you two years ago. I wanted to hump anything with two legs. Well -- if it also had a dick! Unlike yourself, I was not attracted to both -- er -- I mean girls like you are."

"You think I am?"

"What? You said you were!"

"I thought I was! But seeing you two -- now I'm not so sure!"

"Hey! You can't blame this on US!"

"I'm not! I just never had any experience with anyone before, so I assumed - "

"There you go again with that word!" I warned Tad. "And if you are so inexperienced with both -- you should try girls! I told Randy the same. I would rather be attracted to girls -- but it's just not happening!"

He looked disappointed. Like I had just slapped his hands -- or face! "Okay. Boy! It feels like I'm back home!"

"Hey, I'm not your mommy. You do as you please. But I just like you enough to tell you the truth -- as I see it..

"I know. Thanks."

"So how's the birthday boy??" Roddy and Randy were back. Roddy continued, "Did you get him laid yet?"

"We didn't bring him here to get him laid! He just wanted to see."

"The way he looks, I KNOW lots of guys were scoping him out!"

"He was with me." I said cooly.

"Well, he ain't now! C'mon kid!" Roddy beckoned Tad to follow. He started to follow. I stepped in his way.

"Leave him be, Rod. He's just observing tonight."

"You're not his mommy!"

I stepped in front of Rod, looking down with scorn. "No but I am his room mate, and I care what happens to him. Do you?"

Roddy backed down. We had school the next day, so I suggested we get back. We piled into my car, and drove the 10 minutes or so back to the dorm. We said goodbye to Roddy and went in.

"Where did you guys go?" I immediately asked.

"We walked outside and he led me to the park about a block away. He tried to get me into a threesome, and when I wouldn't, he grabbed some other guy, and they went to the toilet."

"What did they do" Tad said, grinning ear to ear.

"I don't know -- and I don't want to know. He came back with a stupid grin on his mouth. And there was some other white stuff around it that I won't mention. He had unprotected sex with those guys! I asked if he knew them. He said no. So if you wondered why he was so quiet on the way back here, now you know. We had it out before we got to back to the juice bar."

"Wow!" Tad said

"Yeah." I said. "Ya have to be careful!"

"But you guys are clean -- I know you are!"

"Yeah," I said, shaking my head, "so what's your point?"

"I just don't see what the problem is?"

"There's no problem. What problem?" I acted ignorant.

"Why can't we - you and me and Randy -- why can't we play around a little? I just wanna know what it's like."

"Look, we already talked about this earlier."

"Den, can I talk to you in the bathroom?" Randy said.

He went in and I followed. He whispered, "What's the deal? If he wants to have some fun, what's the harm? It's his birthday, for crying out loud!"

"What!??" I resounded, then lowered my voice to a whisper. "Randy, what are you saying? You want to do him -- all three of us?"

"We don't have to do that much. Just give him something to remember his 18th. Something nice."

"Randy -- if you're horny, I can take care of that for you. But Tad deserves our respect! Let's not just assume he's gay and set a pattern for him that he'll be sure to repeat. I really like the kid - "

"Ha! You call him a kid, and you're barely two years older. Let's at least give him some energy. He'll like that."

"Now that sounds good." I said.

We came back out of the bathroom. Tad was standing there looking defeated. "So what's the verdict?"

"Just this." I said and I wrapped my arms around him, and Randy got on his back. As we were standing there, the three of us in a warm and wonderful hug, Tad moaned a little. I looked over tad's shoulder into Randy's eyes. He winked at me. I smiled and closed my eyes. Then I felt lips on mine. My lips parted and a tongue came in. It was such a warm passionate kiss. I was taken somewhere else for a moment. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw the blissfully closed eyes of Tad, as he slowly ground his groin into my own, and moaned some more. Then I looked past him and Randy was looking directly into that eye, with a mischievious "HA! I gotcha!" look in his eye.

I closed my eyes and broke the kiss. "You're pretty sneaky, aren't you, Tad?"

Tad's eyes were still closed. "Mmm?" He looked like he was somewhere in heaven.

"Tad!" I said, more emphatically.

He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled. "I MUST be gay!" He said, dreamily. "I didn't EVEN expect it to be that good!"

"Tad," I said, cautiously, "I have kind of committed myself to Randy." Randy was still behind Tad. I looked deeply into Randy's eyes. He looked cautiously expectant. "I -- just -- don't want -- to hurt either of you."

Randy said, "I'm open to anything tonight."

"Well," I continued," I don't want to give Tad too much -- um -- encouragement -- or hope. I like you Tad, but -- I don't want you to -- that is -- I'm afraid you might get -- too attached to me -- or -- us. I don't want you to be hurt."

"I promise I won't. It's my birthday. If it's okay with you -- both -- I'd like to -- do something -- with you -- guys!"

I looked dubious. Randy said, "It can't hurt anything, can it. Just this once? For Tad's birthday?"

I probably shouldn't have given in. Randy was 4 years older than I was, but his family was so screwed up, that he had no point of reference -- like I did. All he knew was that this young kid was hurting -- like he himself did -- and probably still was -- and he wanted to apply some salve to Tad's wounds. I gave in. We had a three-some , none of us knowing what to do exactly. But we did it. We all ended up sucking on each other and finally each getting off by another's hand. As we showered together, there was complete silence.

We went to bed, Tad in his, and Randy and I together. As we cuddled together, we heard sniffling and then some sighs and so Randy whispered to me, "I'm gonna just go hop in with him." I was okay with it, but I felt very lonely that night.

Notes: What's going on with Randy and Tad? Where is Rob??? I don't know all the answers, but time will tell. Any comments to cheer up a depressed author: Steve at Thanks

Next: Chapter 15

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