Deputy's Dilemma

By Lael Stalnaker

Published on Mar 13, 2004


A tape, alcohol and his partner turn things upside down. "Deputy's 2nd Dilemma"

Deputy Hall wasn't sure what to do with himself. It was several weeks since his crash course in man-on-man sex. His mind kept returning to his memories of his eventful and eye-opening first plunge into unknown territory. The memories both disturbed and excited him. Everything he thought about himself and his sexuality was coming apart at the seams.

He had considered himself to be a no doubt about it, honest to God, certified straight guy. Now... he was very unsure of anything. He still found himself second and third glancing at women. They still made him hornier than a mare in heat... er... bad analogy. Now, he also found himself speculating about certain men as well. That is what really got under his skin now. He was ready to curse at Jared for opening this particular Pandora's Box of forbidden delights. Not that it would do much good since Jared was gone, released back out into the world.

His unease with the new thoughts and stirrings made him a hard person to be around now. He tended to snap at people for the slightest nonsense. His fellow deputies knew something was clearly up, but he wouldn't confide in any them. His concern was that it would get around and the men and women both would run with the gossip. Gossip that could get him fired... not for the fact that it was a guy, but because it was during work hours and with an inmate. One breath of that and he could kiss his career goodbye.

His new dilemma came to a head when his work buddies decided that they had had enough of his shit. They all were concerned that if he didn't get things back in control he might blow it badly at work. One smartass remark from an inmate and he might just blow fuse that could end up with someone seriously hurt. They liked him enough that they didn't want to let things get to that point. He was also starting to mess up his playing in the team sports that many of them were all involved with. Hall was an anchor player for many of their games.

After considering the options and consulting everyone concerned, the group decision was to go out as a group and get Hall smashed to the point that he would let off some steam. After being cornered repeatedly by different friends, Deputy Hall gave in and agreed to a group night out. About ten people in all decided to go bar hopping on the designated night.

Things didn't go as they all planned. The more Hall drank, the quieter he got. His obvious depression was beginning to get on their nerves since he still wouldn't budge on telling anyone what was bothering him. Most shrugged it off as a bad job and tried to enjoy the rest of the night instead. All but one. Deputy Ramirez was one of Hall's oldest friends in the Sheriff's Department. He stubbornly made it his mission to get to the bottom of the mystery.

At closing time of the last bar they landed in, Hall and Ramirez were the only two left out of the original group. They were steadily drinking in at a back table and had done nothing but drink for the last two hours. Ramirez was determined not to be the one to break the silence first. His eyes were blurring now and he knew there was no way he could drive. Shrugging, he downed his beer and smacked the bottle down on the table. Hall jumped and looked up guiltily.

"What?" asked Hall.

"Well, let's see... you've been a prick for a month now, you won't talk to anyone about whatever the hell is stuck up your ass and you have got me so drunk that I can't drive. How's that for starters?" grumbled Ramirez.

Ramirez's words made Hall blush a deep red that reached his ears. His eyes widened and he wondered if Ramirez somehow knew what had happened. His mind raced with possibilities. One thing he had overlooked that night with Jared was the security cameras. The blood now drained from his heat scorched face. The camera! There was a camera in each Quiet Room. All cameras in the facility were set up with a video tape to record every area, at every minute. He had forgotten it.

"The tape!" Hall muttered to himself.

"Ahhh, I think we have a breakthrough here!" Ramirez said with sudden insight.

"What?!" Hall's heart throbbed painfully with sudden horror.

"Well, things have finally made sense. I couldn't figure out why Parker gave me one of the security tapes and said to give it to you. That was maybe four weeks ago. I threw it in my gym bag and forgot about it." Explained Ramirez.

"Parker gave a tape to you to give to me?" stammered Hall.

"Yeah. Funny, I thought you didn't like Parker. You know, the whole being out thing. You said he gave you the creeps. Why would he give you a tape? I know he was working the control booth that night and monitoring the cameras." Mused Ramirez. The solving of Hall's mood, or so he thought, only made more questions.

"Is your gym bag in the car now?" asked Hall.

"Yeah, think so. I had it in a side pocket. Forgot about it until now. Didn't even notice it when I took stuff out or put anything in."

"Come on, let's go get it now," Hall said as he stood up. The chair scraped along the wood floor with a low-toned screech.

"Ok, I think I can make it to the car. Good thing neither of us has to be in for a couple of days. It'll take that long just to sweat out the booze from tonight, I mean this morning," he corrected himself as he peered with his blurry eyes at the two, no, one watch on his wrist.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Hall found himself fully sober after his fright about the tape. The urgency to claim it and get rid of it was nearly unbearable.

Ramirez carefully scooted his chair back and hung onto the table to steady himself as he rose to his wobbly feet. Hall came around the table and hooked an arm under Ramirez's armpit and up over his neck. The two swayed in place as Hall suddenly found all of the weight of two bodies suddenly relying on just his own uncertain legs. His brain might be sober, but his body was still in the clutches of the alcohol from the entire evening.

Once he was reasonably certain of being able to keep both of them upright, if not moving, Hall began the tortuous process of getting them out to the cars. The weight on and against him varied from moment to moment as Ramirez tried to do his share of the walking sporadically. Hall grunted and lugged Ramirez out the door, much to the closing crew's relief. They hurried over and locked up once the pair was out of sight.

Hall was nervously going back over that night with Jared in his head. It now dawned on him that Ramirez had been his partner that night. It had slipped his mind in his obsession with his own inner turmoil. Ramirez was the one closest to having a clue and now he knew that Parker knew for sure. Why else send the tape at all. The thought of Parker watching all of that night's raw action whirled through Hall's head in a blizzard. Yet, Parker had said nothing to anyone about it, including Hall. Why?

Shaking his head, he decided to deal with one thing at a time. Right now he needed to get his hands on that tape and make sure it was safely disposed of. A lone errant thought came and faded about maybe keeping the tape... sort of a memento of Jared. He would decide later, after he got the tape and got rid of Ramirez.

They reached Ramirez's car after a few near misadventures that Hall barely managed to prevent. Being sprawled on the ground with a drunk Ramirez in the middle of a bar parking lot was not an experience he felt up to this night. He let go of Ramirez and leaned the intoxicated man against his car. Ramirez fished his keys out of his pockets and promptly dropped them onto the gravel of the lot. Hall sighed in resignation and bent to pick them up. Unfortunately, so did Ramirez. Their heads collided and Ramirez slid down the car to land full-length on the ground. Hall fell over backward and sat with a painful thud right on his tailbone. The pain was instant and blinding.

"What the fuck, Ramirez? Let me get them, ok?" growled Hall as he got back to his feet with the keys in his hand. He blinked rapidly as headlights nearly blinded him. The last of the bar crew still there had pulled up next to them and stopped.

"You guys ok? Looks like one of you should definitely not be driving. Want me to call a cab?" the driver through his open window.

"Naw. I'm ok for it. He ain't driving anywhere. We'll pick up his car later. Thanks for asking though." Hall responded hurriedly.

"Well, ok, if you boys are sure. Be careful now and take things slow," came the doubtful reply back. The driver slowly backed up and then went around the pair of inebriated deputies.

"Alright, dickwad, let's get you back on your feet," Hall gritted through his teeth as he grabbed an arm and pulled Ramirez back to his feet.

Shifting through the keys, Hall found the right one and unlocked the car. He dumped Ramirez on the seat and went around to the trunk. Popping it open, he blinked again as the trunk light flashed on in his face. Once he could see clearly again, the gym bag was right in front of him. He felt the side pockets and found the tape. He held it up to the light and looked at it. The numbered code was for Quiet Room 6 and the date penciled on it was the right one.

Hall felt his breath coming in short gasps now. Panic nearly overwhelmed him and he had to grip the edge of the trunk to keep on his feet. Realizing that he was hyperventilating, he fought to regain control of himself. The fear was powerful and brutal. This tape could crucify him in the wrong hands. He hoped to God there wasn't a copy of it floating around.

"Come on Hall, whast keepin' ya? Let's get outta here. I don't want to sit around here all damn night," grumbled Ramirez from the car's interior.

"Just a sec, bud. We'll drive you to my house to crash. It's no that far from here. We'll come back and get my car later," Hall called back as he slammed the trunk shut. He could see Ramirez flinch at the loud bang.

Hall came around to the driver's side and got in. He reached across Ramirez and pulled the passenger door shut. After a second's thought, he also buckled Ramirez in. He started the engine and let it idle to warm up. Fortunately, Hall's house was less than a mile from the bar. It was one of the reason's he had picked it for the last stop of the night. He had a fairly good idea that they would be in no condition for any long drives by the end of the night. Even so, he felt really uncomfortable with just the short drive as it was. The bar employee's advice to take it slow seemed good now.

Putting the car into gear, Hall drove home at about 10 miles an hour. The relief at pulling into his own driveway without incident was immense. Turning off the engine, Hall discovered that Ramirez had passed out. Sighing, Hall hit the parking brake and got out. He came around to the passenger's side and popped open the door. He was tempted briefly to just leave Ramirez there for the night but couldn't bring himself to do it. After all, Ramirez had poured Hall into his own house on more than one occasion. Fair is fair.

After a whole new set of Keystone Coplike comedy, he got them both into the house. He tossed Ramirez on the couch and shut the door. Ramirez was breathing deeply now, clearly asleep. Hall debated waiting to look at the tape until he was alone. The suspense was killing him and he popped the tape into the VCR. Turning the volume to mute, he sat on his heels in front of the big screen plasma TV. It had been one of his few splurges and worth every penny.

The tape began to play and Hall was frozen in place now. He watched as Jared finished cleaning the room and moved the mop with bucket out the door. He watched as Jared cleaned up the dust and plaster from the sink and cot. He watched as Jared found the duct tape and sat on the cot staring at it. Then Jared set down the tape. He reached into his pants and began to grope himself. Within seconds his body was laid out on the metal cot and he was now masturbating. Hall watched as he came into the room.

He found himself fascinated with the scene unveiling before his eyes. The way Jared continued to stroke himself brazenly as they talked. At how he walked forward so agonizingly slowly and Jared touched him. He watched as his clothes fell away and the belt and items went into the sink. He felt the stirring in his groin again as he watched Jared go down on him. He felt a further tightening as he watched himself swallowing all of Jared into his mouth and throat.

He sat back on his abused tailbone as Jared lifted up the duct tape and convinced Hall to go along with it. He felt his face and neck gather heat and radiate it intensely as his ass was suddenly unprotected and bare for the entire world to see, if it knew where to look. Just like Parker knew. The heat spread to his groin and his erection in his pants was now painful as he watched Jared's loving attention to detail with Hall's virgin backside.

Hall watched in awe as Jared impaled him on the screen. He had no idea that it be just as hot watching it as it was to have actually experienced it. Jared's expert moves and timing was beyond description. Hall felt his breath coming in short gasps now as he watched it all. He was further astonished as he watched Jared impale himself, seemingly without effort or pain. So different to watch it, yet to re- live and re-feel that moment. The tape was awaking the memory even stronger now.

"Holy shit, Hall!" came a voice from behind him.

Hall tried to hit the stop button on the remote but instead nailed the pause button. The screen froze with Jared halfway down Hall's shaft and stayed there. Hall scooted around on his backside and found Ramirez with his eyes wide open and glued to the screen. Hall could tell that Ramirez was still wasted, but clearly wide awake now. Hall wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. He bereted himself for not waiting to look at the tape. Too late now.

"I had no idea you were that big!" said Ramirez in admiration.

"What?!" yelped Hall.

"Dude, you have a huge one. Look at him ride it!"

"Wait a minute, are you saying you..." stammered Hall.

"What?" Ramirez asked absently, obviously mesmerized by the image on the TV screen.

"Are you into guys, Ramirez? I thought you were only into women?" Hall was utterly confused now. The current situation had gone into the realm of the Twilight Zone as far as he was concerned.

"Naw, not really. I mean I messed around as a kid with some friends, but nothing like that," Ramirez waved a hand at the screen.

"Oh, shit, oh shit, oh shit," Hall's panic now hit the over-ride button in his brain.

"That looks kinda hot, bud."

Hall stared at Ramirez in complete confusion now. The absolute strangeness of it was paralyzing him. Enough time passed and the VCR automatically began to play again. Hall could tell by the sound of the little wheels in the tape turning and the flicker of light on Ramirez's face. Ramirez's utterly captivated face. Hall blinked in surprised shock. His friend was far from appalled. In fact, as Ramirez sat up, Hall could see the straining bulge in Ramirez's jeans.

Hall only now really looked at Ramirez with sexual eyes. The Latino was maybe five foot six inches. Buff and dark complected. His hair was buzz cut into a flat- top of pure black hair. Hall knew that Ramirez worked out a lot more than he did. He was into hiking, biking, weight-lifting and other stuff. The effort showed dividends in the Latino's physique. Hall was astonished at the flood of thoughts he was now having. Part of his angst was at still being incredibly horny and still no real outlet other than his own hand. Now it seemed that another opportunity was landing at his feet.

"Does it?" Hall finally asked as the silence tortuously expanded while Ramirez watched the screen raptly.

"Well, yeah, actually. Not normally my thing, but hey, I'll try anything once," Ramirez answered.

"Is this just because your drunk?" Hall couldn't help asking.

"Probably. Hey, there's enough booze in me to float the Titanic. So, what the hell, want to get down and dirty?" Ramirez finally pulled his gaze from the screen to look Hall in the face.

Hall was too floored to answer. He wasn't sure what the hell to do. Ramirez was a buddy and completely plastered. Things happen when a guy's three sheets to the wind, but this? It seemed too weird for Hall to really trust the situation. He never had so much as a hint that Ramirez would be remotely interested in guys for anything other than playing sports. Hall found his eyes glued to Ramirez's face.

"I don't know," stammered Hall.

"Why not? Pretty obvious that your turned on already." Ramirez said pointedly as his eyes dropped to Hall's groin.

Hall's brain froze. Was Ramirez seducing him?!? Hall scooted back from the couch on his rear. His back came up against the TV and he could feel the hairs on his neck raised by the static from the screen. Ramirez looked puzzled and then amused.

"You scared of something, bud?" asked Ramirez with a hint of a smile.

"Wha...?" Hall couldn't get his throat to unlock enough to get any words out. Ramirez looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing.

"Well, I'm drunk enough not to really care right now. You know me. Do I go around talking about my sex life at work? Or do you think I can't handle it? Or are you worried about when I sober up?" Ramirez tossed out his questions rapid fire.

"Uh...I'm not like that," Hall had no idea where to go with this conversation.

"Not like what? That?" Ramirez pointed at the screen behind Hall with his chin. Then he laughed. "Looks like you are from here. If you're not interested in me, no prob. Forget about it then." Ramirez looked disappointed.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, hell, that was my first time doing anything like that. I never intended to do it again." Hall was nearly pleading and more to himself than to Ramirez.

"Ok, so? Here's another chance to see if you like it. I've never gone all the way with a guy before now. The stuff as a kid was mostly just jacking off, ya know? I'm curious and that looked hot. `Sides, we can always stop if either of us wants to right? I doubt this is going to change my mind about chicks. You keep your mouth shut about this and so will I," countered Ramirez.

Hall was spun by the whole situation. Ramirez was being damn aggressive and it was just a complete shock. He wasn't sure what he wanted, though he was horny and it was kinda nice to be wanted, even if only on a one time experimental basis. The irony of it was not lost on him. It was almost the reverse of his first time and nearly the same. He found himself in the position that Jared had been in yet Ramirez was the one making the proposition.

"Oh, what the hell! I'm for it if you really want," Hall finally said as he made up his mind. His groin was demanding something be done, even if he took care of it himself.

"Cool by me then," agreed Ramirez.

Ramirez slide off the couch so he was sitting across from Hall. He pulled his shirt out of his pants and then over and off his head. His chiseled body was sharply defined and heavily muscled. Faint tan marks could be seen where his biceps came out of his shirt normally. His washboard stomach was ripped. He waited for Hall to make a move.

Deciding to just follow Ramirez's lead for a bit, Hall pulled his own shirt off. His body was not as hard as Ramirez's, but he didn't do nearly as much weigh training. He inched closer and put his hand on Ramirez's chest. The solidness of the muscles under his hand surprised him. He could feel the heat of Ramirez's body under his fingertips. Moving his hand slowly, he placed his palm over Ramirez's heart. The beat beneath his hand was slow and steady. Ramirez placed his own hand on Hall's bicep and squeezed.

Hall looked up and saw that Ramirez was smiling. Ramirez put a hand on the couch behind him and pushed himself upright to his feet. Since he didn't let go of Hall, he ended up hauling him up too. With both of them on their feet, Ramirez took the remote form Hall's hand. He hit the off button and the screen went instantly black. The tape still ran in the VCR but that hardly mattered.

Ramirez kept the initiative as he pulled Hall toward the bedroom by his bicep. The firm grip on his arm was nearly maddening. As aroused as he was, the physical contact, though basically benign was fanning Hall's desire even higher. He went where Ramirez led without protest. Ramirez tossed the remote on to the couch just before they left the room. Hall was giddy with his flaring thoughts of what might come next. Their somewhat erratic course down the hallway to the bedroom including some fairly jarring bumps into the walls, only to impel them further on their course.

They reached the doorway and blundered their way on in. Ramirez was so busy watching Hall that he fell on the bed, pulling Hall down on top of him. Their combined `Ooophhh' as the air went out of them was loud in the night silence of the house. They both laughed once they could breathe again. The laughter relaxed away some of Hall's reservations about the whole thing.

Once his laughter settled into short gasps for new air, Hall became very aware of the body under him. Ramirez was lying still, simply watching him with a faint smile. Hall was turned on more as the length of their slightly sweaty bodies tingled between them. The hard muscles of Ramirez easily supported Hall's weight. Even more reassuring was a specific hardness lower down their length. Ramirez was definitely interested in the session to come.

They lay with Ramirez mostly on the bed, though his knees trailed off and his feet were still on the floor. Hall was nose to nose with him but his own weight had separated Ramirez's legs and his own were straight out behind him. Hall couldn't help but be impressed as Ramirez breathing effortlessly lifted him and fell again without any trouble. Neither spoke, waiting for the first move from the other. Ramirez finally let go of Hall's arm and used the now free hand to trace a line down Hall's side.

Hall shivered with the touch and wiggled a little further down Ramirez. Then he lowered his head and gently touched the tip of his tongue into the hollow of throat he could now reach. Ramirez now had his turn to shiver as Hall licked slow circles there. He reached up and ran both hands down Hall's spine, feeling each bump from the vertebrae beneath his moving fingers. The smooth skin was pleasantly warm Ramirez ran his fingers back up while Hall worked on his throat.

Changing his method, Hall now nibbled along Ramirez's collar bone. When he reached the edge, he shifted to the sensitive sides to continue nibbling. Shifting his weight, he moved further down the hard body under him. He ended up on his knees, between Ramirez's legs. Feeling bold, he gripped the edge of Ramirez's button-down jeans with his teeth. Ramirez let his hands play with Hall's ears and hair without comment on the position change.

Teeth clenched tightly on the edge of the fabric, Hall suddenly yanked his entire head to the side. The button popped out the hole. He moved down the line of buttons, yanking each out with sharp twist. To his surprise he found that Ramirez didn't have any underwear on. Due to the position of his hard-on, it was still covered partly by the denim. In the faint light coming in from the living room, Hall could just barely make out the shape of stiffened flesh. It was not inconsiderable. He left it alone and sat back to pull off Ramirez's shoes without bothering to untie them. Then he began to pull off the jeans from the cuffs. Ramirez obliged by lifting his rear from the bed and letting them come off. Once past the well muscled thighs, the jeans flew off into Hall's hands. He promptly dropped them and leaned forward again.

Now nude but for his socks, Ramirez watched as Hall now stared at his unhidden erection. It pointed parallel to his body but twitched occasionally. Ramirez waited to see what would happen next. Hall seemed to make up his mind. He reached and lifted Ramirez's erection upright. His hand was firm and warm, but barely able to encompass it entirely. Ramirez was very turned on as he watched Hall lean forward to engulf him with his mouth.

Slowly, Hall brought his head down, sucking and running his tongue as far around as he could as he descended. Remembering his trouble with his first time, he was able this time to keep going without any problem. With a slow steady motion, Hall ended up with his nose buried into Ramirez's pubic hair. He waited a moment and then came back up the length swiftly. He did it twice more and released his prize from his oral embrace. He ran his tongue up and down the underside of the head as he pumped the bottom of the shaft. Ramirez was enthralled with the sensations and sight before his eyes.

Going back down on him, Hall found it easier. His free hand massaged the thigh it rested on. The tight iron muscle beneath his hand was turning him on now too. Not that he wasn't already: it just heightened it even more. He paused as hands lifted him up from his spit slickened toy.

"Whoa boy, slow down or you'll get a mouth full of surprise," warned Ramirez.

Hall nodded and then went to work on Ramirez's scrotum. He tongue bathed the soft wrinkled skin over and over. He could feel the twin orbs shifting and sliding under his efforts. Ramirez was panting now, his breath deep and harsh. Hall decided to move up and leave the lower region alone for a while. They had plenty of time to take things slow.

He nipped his way from the inner thigh, over the crease at the groin and onto Ramirez's stomach. His nips and nibbles were just short of real pain. Ramirez's skin was tingling and felt electrical from the teeth. His back arched a little and he gasped as his erection brushed Hall's chest. Hall's hands were now on either side of Ramirez's waist and he was steadily moving up the prone body of his friend. Ramirez found himself scooting further up onto the bed so that his whole body was now stretched out more comfortably. Hall was straddling his waist by that point and he was bent in half as he nibbled under Ramirez's jaw.

Having Hall straddle him that way made Ramirez very aware of the points of contact between them. He felt the burning skin against his. This was turning out to be hotter than he had imagined. His hands stroked Hall's thighs and he let them wander to the firm muscled backside atop him. He kneaded the soft silky skin and marveled. This was amazing, that a guy could cause all of this turmoil within his body and mind. He kneaded his way to Hall's waist and gripped him firmly. Then he suddenly twisted and pushed up with his whole body. Hall went over sideways and now found himself under Ramirez when they came to a stop.

Hall was stunned by the change of venue. Ramirez ground their hips together and reveled in the feeling of their erections rubbing against each other. He then latched onto the hollow of Hall's neck and sucked hard. The skin attempted to lift into his mouth but could only give so far. Hall moaned as Ramirez worked on giving him a hell of a hickey. When the skin began to hurt, Hall reached up and pushed Ramirez away. Shrugging, Ramirez found that they were now positioned with him between Hall's legs. They had sort of fallen naturally to the sides during their focus on other things.

"Can I fuck you?" breathed Ramirez into Hall's ear.

Speechless, Hall nodded. He wasn't all that sure he wanted to go there, what with Ramirez's enormous girth, but decided to try it anyway. Jared hadn't been exactly as big around, but not small either. Hall reached over to the pillows at the head of the bed and pulled out a tube of K-Y. He had left it there after his last jerk off session. Ramirez saw the movement and nodded.

Remembering what he saw from the tape, he squeezed out a hugely generous amount into his palm. The cold sticky liquid slid around and he rolled his fingers in it. Using his free hand, he lifted Hall's legs up onto his shoulders. That put him in the right position for easy access. Ramirez first gave himself a couple of strokes to get good and slick. Then he pressed his index finger to Hall's waiting entrance. The finger slid in smoothly after some initial resistance. Hall gasped as it slid home. When Ramirez couldn't get any further in, he began to finger fuck Hall.

Hall threw his head back and closed his eyes as Ramirez hit his prostate repeatedly. He hardly noticed when Ramirez added a second and then a third finger to the hand pummeling. The third addition did cause some reflexive clenching that hurt, but it faded into the background of other better sensations. Ramirez was enthralled with Hall's reaction to his invasion of such a private place. He was getting so worked up that he knew it was time to move onto the next round.

He withdrew his fingers and grabbed his throbbing erection. He pumped it again a few more times and then aimed it for the expectant target. Hall stayed stock still as Ramirez's erection pushed and pushed on his skin. He yelped as it finally popped past the muscles blocking the way. The size was still much greater than any three fingers. His hands flew up and latched onto Ramirez's waist. He locked his grip and forced Ramirez to wait. After an eon where he thought he would never adjust to the monster invading him, Hall felt the painful tightness give just the slightest bit. Then he pulled Ramirez a micro-inch closer. Just a bit moved in and the pain doubled. Again he stopped the forward motion. Ramirez could plainly tell that something was very wrong.

"Maybe we should stop," he said with deep regret. He could tell that this experience with Hall had the potential to be the fuck of his life. Still, he didn't count it worth it if his bud wasn't going to enjoy it too.

Just as he was starting to pull back out, Hall pulled him forward sharply. An inch slid in, with far less resistance now. Hall's breath hissed out from his clenched teeth. Then he pulled on Ramirez's waist again, resulting in another inch in. Ramirez was shocked at the hot tightness engulfing him. Then he felt a majority of the near painful grip on his shaft shift. It was still tight as hell, but now he could tell that Hall was no longer suffering. Ramirez now began to slip in at an unhurried pace.

Hall felt every last second draw out into a blur as Ramirez finally made it all the way in. both men were breathing deep and heavy now. He moaned as he felt the shaft impaling him slowly pull away. On the in thrust, he bucked his hips to try and speed things up a notch. Ramirez took the hint and went at it more freely. He did something with his hips and Hall felt the flesh made stone twist inside him.

Hall bit his lower lip and grabbed his bedspread to either side. Without intending to, he had stabilized them both to a point that Ramirez found himself able to get creative. Now he lifted Hall by his thighs as he pushed home. The lift ground them together with each thrust. Ramirez was in bliss. The hot, wet grip on him was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He placed his arm over both thighs against his chest. This freed one hand to begin to stroke Hall's erection. He matched his stroking with his thrusting and abandoned himself to his rising tide of electric ecstasy.

"Oh... Oh my God!" cried Hall at the waves of pure sexual euphoria crashing through his senses.

Ramirez picked up his pace and was now slamming into Hall's backside at full force. The sound of the skin smacking together barely registered with either man. Neither knew how long it lasted, but eventually their fevered frenzy reached its crest. Hall could no longer hold back the intense pressure built up in his balls and they were tightly lodged against the shaft now. Ramirez was pumping his shaft so completely with each of his own thrusts now that Hall thought his shaft would explode from friction. Arching his back sharply, Hall bashed his backside into Ramirez's groin as hard as he could. With that final fierce jab to his prostate, Hall blew his pent up fluids explosively. Streamers white liquid blasted onto Ramirez's face and chest.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh!"

Ramirez was taken by surprise when Hall ejaculated. Just as it happened, the muscles encircling him at his erection's base clamped down hard. Then they convulsed and clenched over and over. That brought him finally to his own ultimately intense orgasm. Hall felt hot fluid flood through his lower insides. Gush after gush rushed out. There was so much that, with Ramirez's size, there was literally nowhere for it to go but out. He could feel warm stickiness escaping down his buttocks as Ramirez began to finally slow his pounding rhythm to a slow crawl. Then he stopped, collapsing onto Hall's torso as his strength fled and gave out.

"Holy shit, bud! That was the most intense fuck I ever had!" Ramirez whispered into Hall's ear.

"Me too," answered Hall. He kind of liked the fact that Ramirez had not pulled out.

"I'm worn out. You drained me dry."

"Me too," Hall said again with a laugh. He felt incredible. Alive, tingling and sleepy as all hell.

They were so exhausted that they fell asleep without realizing it. After a couple of hours, Hall woke up to find that Ramirez still had not withdrawn. He was hard again and wanted to do something about it. Ramirez showed no sign of waking up anytime soon. Hall carefully rolled them both over slowly, without waking Ramirez so that their positions were reversed. Hall was now straddling Ramirez, who was now flat on his back, one arm thrown wide to the side. Hall lifted up a little to see what would happen.

As he hoped, the movement was enough to start Ramirez's erection to growth. Carefully and very slowly he lifted and dropped his hips. Within minutes, Ramirez was at full size and hardness, yet still not conscious. Hall now began to rock. Being on top, the experience was different than the other times. He could feel the control he had and how it made him want as much of Ramirez in him as he could manage. His own shaft was hard up against his stomach now.

Lifting as high as he could, Hall slid himself back down agonizingly slowly. He reveled in the wash of feeling that jagged through his aroused senses. Minute by minute his excitement climbed and jolted. He could not believe how good this felt. He rotated his hips, using the movement to grind the impaling shaft in every direction.

More time passed that was immeasurable to the sexually driven deputy. He made sure to keep his motions smooth and even so that he would not wake his friend. Still, Ramirez was moaning in his sleep. Hall hoped that what he was doing translated into whatever Ramirez was dreaming about. He was pretty sure it was since the hips under him were twitching in time with his rise and descent.

Hall's breath was coming in gasps now as he neared orgasm. He couldn't help getting rougher as he rode. He looked down to find Ramirez awake and looking up at him hands grabbed his waist and upped the pace. Hall moaned as his backside began to pound into Ramirez's groin. Both were in a state of near bliss again. Hall lost control and sprayed all over his chest and as the first spasms faded, onto Ramirez's stomach. All without ever touching himself. Ramirez grunted and kept slamming home until he too reached orgasm.

Carefully, Hall lifted himself from Ramirez's spent erection. He felt exhausted again as he flopped himself onto his side next to an equally worn out Ramirez. Reaching under his pillows again, he groped around for the towel he normally kept there for clean up duty. Once he had it, he wiped them both down and tossed it onto the floor beside the bed.

"That was one hell of a session," murmured Ramirez.

"Yup," was all Hall had the strength to respond.

:"I don't think I will ever forget it. Probably won't do it again, but I am glad we did it at all." Said Ramirez.

"Well, I don't plan on making it a regular thing myself. Nice to know that it is there though, ya know? In case I can't find a woman I am into," said Hall

"Parts of it are a bit blurry, guess the booze was still kickin' and all."

"Do me a favor though, Ramirez. Keep this between us, ok?"

"You mean the tape? I wondered about that last night," replied Ramirez.

"Well, yeah, that too. I guess I better talk to Parker," Hall mumbled as his eyes began to drift shut again.

"No prob, bro. Just between us. We better sleep; it's only 4 in the morning."

Ramirez shifted around until he could grab a pillow. He rolled onto his side and pulled Hall to him. They both were wiped out now and barely awake. Hall was surprised as Ramirez spooned up against his back. He kind of liked having the hard muscled deputy in close contact. He was further surprised when Ramirez threw an arm over him and clutched him tight. Within moments both were asleep for the duration this time.

There may be one more story with Hall and then he is retiring to explore his life in private. I have appreciated all the mail about him and his sexual explorations into new vistas. I am sure that he will have a long happy life screwing anyone that doesn't get out of his way fast enough! His world has broadened a bit and I was happy to share it with you all. His last tale will take me some time to come up with, since I had the first two in mind from the beginning. Be patient and be rewarded. Thanks ;)

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