Destinys Child

By Chris Johns

Published on Dec 22, 2011


Destiny's Child

Chapter 7

Yoshi's father called to confirm New York for the half term and to tell Martin the flight Yoshi would take. Martin talked to Yoshi and they arranged to meet at check in on the appointed day. The excitement level climbed. Martin hadn't told Yoshi that they would be at school together the next term, he was going to keep that secret until the day he arrived at the college, or the day they left New York to fly home.

Before all that, Martin had Jack for a week. Loads of very good sex with Jack continuing Martin's sex education.

"Oh my God, Jack, that was amazing, where on earth did you learn to do that?"

Comments like that were common place as Jack drew on all his previous experience. Mostly he had to adapt what he had learned because before it had been done to him out of pure lust as he went through his early teens, just being a sex toy for the older boys and men who had taken advantage of him in his East End community. Small and pretty had driven Jack into the world of gay sex early, and not always happily, but he had garnered much knowledge of what felt good, and now he showed Martin that with love.

The day after Jack went off to college Martin met Yoshi at check in for their New York flight. Martin didn't think he had ever seen anything so beautiful as Yoshi walked towards him with a grin plastered across his face.

"Oh Yoshi, you are more beautiful than I remembered."

Martin so wanted to take Yoshi in his arms and never stop kissing him, but instead he held out his hand for a very formal looking greeting, but their eyes told each other that their thoughts were the same.

Business class seats, where they were sat, gave them a measure of privacy so that when the cabin crew were seated for takeoff the two boys were able to feel the joy of each other's lips. Most of their news they had already imparted but they still went through a seven hour flight hardly taking breath they had so much to say to each other.

New York, and a little apprehension moved in on them. How would Yoshi's parents handle sleeping arrangements? Would Ian allow them to sleep in the same bed, or even the same bedroom? Neither boy could imagine a week in the same home, but not being allowed to sleep together. Richard was working through the same dilemma, allowing the two boys to flaunt their love was not something he felt he could countenance openly. How he eventually solved it on his wife's advice was to put full size single beds in one bedroom. They were wide enough for two small boys to sleep in one, particularly as close as he thought his son and Martin would sleep. That would solve the decorum side of things and he would make it clear that no one would enter the boys room without knocking. Privacy assured and parents conscience assuaged. Everybody happy, particularly one little minx who thought it was fantastic that her little brother had a lover.

Two young men absolutely glowed with happiness every morning at breakfast causing some raised eyebrows from parents. Yoshi had always been a happy boy, but with this new friend around him, he just glowed with it, and Martin was the same.

Richard and Suki talked about it. If this relationship faltered, one or both of these boys was going to be heartbroken. That worried Richard, for both of them. Yoshi would have the love of his family to help him through any trauma, but Martin would have no one.

"We will just have to keep our fingers crossed that this relationship doesn't cool on a one sided basis."

Suki agreed but couldn't see it cooling at all, both boys eyes showed their feelings completely every time they looked at one another.

Martin had to field a lot of questions about his intentions after Yoshi went back to school. It all became too much for him to keep bottled up and on the day before they were due to leave he let it all out while the family were relaxing after dinner.

"I'm going to Malvern for 1 ½ terms to revise my GCSEs, and then I'm going to do my A Levels there as well. I hope you don't mind, Sir, I promise I won't distract Yoshi from his studies, but I do so want to be with him more often."

Richard was surprised, Yoshi was delighted as was Annabel, this was real romantic stuff. Suki didn't know what to think, she could see pros and cons to this straight away.

"There is no way I could object Martin, but I will be disappointed if Yoshi's standards fall."

Martin grinned at Yoshi before replying to Richard.

"Oh, they won't, Sir, I'll be with him for assignments every day making sure he works hard."

In bed that night Yoshi burst in to tears when Martin had confirmed his arrangements.

"I missed you so much after you went back to England, even sailing in the BVIs couldn't shake off my depression, so, I came home and with Robert's help we got Jack into nautical college and me into Malvern. I am just going to get myself up to speed until the end of the school year so that I can slide into A Levels next year. I was going to do them anyway, but I would have done them by correspondence course on the yacht. Now I can do them with you."

"I love you so much Martin, I'm afraid my grades slipped last half term, but now that you are going to be with me I promise they will get better again."

The flight home was more of the same as the flight out, only this time the boys were full of all the fun they were going to have for the next two years. Both of them determined that they would work hard so that Yoshi's parents were satisfied with the arrangement.

"When your parents are free during our holidays we can fly out to the yacht, I'm sure they will love it and we can have the yacht positioned anywhere we like on the planet."

Arrival at school gave both boys a huge surprise, lighting them both up like Christmas trees almost. Someone, (like Robert), had been at work while Martin was in New York. The housemaster was the one to tell them the news.

"We understand that Martin is a special friend of yours Fallon, so the headmaster thought you would be able to help him prepare for his `A' Levels by working with him for the remainder of the year, so we are moving you into a two man dorm together."

They couldn't believe their luck, this was so much more than Martin had dared hope for, but now he would be able to make love to Yoshi every day.

Yoshi's grades started climbing back to where they had been, and then surpassed them. Martin helped him study every night, bringing himself up to speed as well. By Easter Richard and Suki were delighted with Yoshi's school report. It was obvious that he would get first class results in his exams next term. Richard spoke to Martin about holiday arrangements.

"Easter this year has made it possible for us to keep Yoshi with us to race in the Heineken Regatta in St. Martin, so my brother and I are taking the race boat from Antigua, the remainder of the family will fly and we will book into a hotel for the week."

Martin quickly checked the programme for Thermopylae and found she was not in charter so he went back to Richard and asked if the family would like to be his guests on the yacht.

"She can birth in the super yacht terminal in Simpsons Bay Lagoon, Sir."

That suited the family completely because the race boat would be in the marina close by. Martin called David telling him his intentions and being as nice as he could be.

"The yacht isn't on charter David, and I know Captain Samuels likes to get into St. Martin because of the quality of maintenance there so us using it as a hotel will disrupt nothing."

David was going to complain about so many guests food bills but thought better of it knowing Martin would not countenance them paying, plus, he was so pleased the boy was back in education he didn't want to upset him.

"Very well Martin. Are we going to see you at all this holiday?

"I don't think so Uncle. Oh, and I would like the company jet to take us out to St. Martin and bring us home ready to go back to school."

That was too much for David, he wanted Martin to go scheduled. Of course, he lost that argument. He was getting used to losing against Martin but it still made him seethe. The boy was becoming all together too independent.

Jack would be on holiday as well so Martin gave him a choice.

"You can fly out with us Jack and work as a cadet on the yacht, or you can go home to your family."

No choice really, Jack guessed he would not be making love to Martin but it would be nice to be around him.

"I would very much like to come with you Martin."

Arrangements made, Richard would fly scheduled to Antigua and bring the yacht up to St. Martin with Ian, and the remainder of the family plus Jack would join Martin for the trip in the company jet. Once again Jack was goggle eyed at the luxury he was subjected to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Next: Chapter 8

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