Diamond City Dickfest

By Matt H

Published on Nov 29, 2020


This is a work of fiction set in the world of the video game `Fallout 4' and features explicit behaviour between men. Consider donating to Nifty to encourage stories like these.

If you enjoy this tale or just enjoy this type of RP, drop me a line at mhejls@gmail.com


Porter stands next to you in his apartment in Fizztop Mountain, looking out the window at Nuka Town USA, the main hub of Nuka World. He's having difficulty believing it, but you've done it - you've managed to get the Disciples, Operators, and the Pack to call a truce. He would've thought it impossible until you showed up.

"I'd like to show you my appreciation with a gift," he says, and you feel like you might have some idea what kind of gift he has in mind.

But you're wrong - he goes behind the bar and pours two drinks, one for you and one for him. He hands you yours.

"To Nuka World," he says, "and it's new Overboss."

You clink glasses and drink a bit of what tastes like whiskey.

You don't remember much after that.

You wake up in the monorail station where you first entered the park. You realize, with dread, what awaits you - either a long ride back to Boston from Nuka World via the monorail, or another run through the Gauntlet, the deadliest obstacle course known to man.

You hear a squeak as the intercom clicks on.

"Now I know what you're thinking," Gage's deep southern drawl says via the intercom, "yes, you're going to have to go through the Gauntlet again."

You sigh. And here you thought you'd actually accomplished something with all your time and hard work in Nuka World.

"But I've made some modifications," Gage continues. "I think you'll find the conditions of the Gauntlet much more favourable this time around." The intercom clicks off.

You walk through a doorway in the station and slowly descend the concrete staircase to a door with a red light over it. You think: here we go.

You open the door and enter a room that, before, was filled with turrets mounted to the ceiling, floors, and various bits of furniture and decoration, but now as filled with...

You blink a few times. You can't believe it.

Standing about six feet apart and facing each other, creating a small walkway between them, were two rows of Disciples, wearing their famous bladed masks and helmets, which just barely covered their filthy beards and mustaches, and absolutely nothing else. Naked. Hairy muscular arms folded across hairy muscular chests, arms at sides, arms held behind backs like soldiers.

The intercom clicks on. "As you can see, I've replaced the turrets," Gage says, "this time with something even harder to get past." He clicks off.

He's right. You walk up to the two rows of naked Disciples - eight men in total - and stop at the first guy on the right. You don't know his name but he's got hairy thighs, a hairy cock, and a chest covered in fur. Just like you like it.

But no erection. That's a problem. You kneel down in front of him and take his soft dick in your mouth, sucking on it until it's hard, which it is in almost no time. You put both hands on his ass cheeks as you suck. Eventually he cums in your mouth and you immediately turn to the guy standing across from the first one. The second Disciple is already erect, after hearing the moans of the first. You suck him off as efficiently as the other guy, swallowing wave after wave of his cum.

You work your way to the third, then fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth guys, getting a belly full of their semen for your efforts. You stand up and wipe your mouth.

The intercom clicks on. "Jesus, man," Gage says, "I thought you'd pick one, maybe two. This is going to take a lot longer than I thought." He clicks off.

You exit the room and turn a corner where there used to be a flame thrower blocking your way forward. This time, instead of the flamethrower, it's another helmeted Disciple, but it's a redhead with a massive cock: Savoy.

Now between your first meeting with Savoy and now, you'd spent many sessions in his makeshift jail cell, sucking his dick through the bars, getting fucked by his dick through the bars, getting fucked by another "prisoner" in the cell as Savoy watched and jerked off. You've had incredible difficulty ever saying no to that dick.

"Hello, boss," he says, lifting up his helmet. He motions to the room around him. "No bars, unfortunately."

"What are we going to do?" you say.

He shrugs and pulls out a length of rope."Improvise, I guess," he says. He approaches you, rips off your clothes, and ties you to a nearby wooden post, your back to him, your ass out in the air.

Your turn your head to see him as best you can, and you catch a glimpse of him fellating the handle of a screwdriver. "I'm going to see if my tools fit up that ass of yours," he says.

And then you feel the handle of the screwdriver push into your rectum. Savoy fucks you with it for a minute or two. "How's that boss?" he says. "I love it," you say, and you do.

He pulls the screwdriver out and you turn to see him licking the handle of a hammer. "It's tool time, boss," he says, putting the wet polished-wood handle of the hammer up your ass, fucking you with it. "This is called a ball-peen hammer," he says, "which is a name I always liked."

After a while he pulls the hammer out. "Now I got a wrench," he says, "or a bowling pin, your choice, boss."

You think about it. "Bowling pin," you say.

"As you wish," he says, covering the top with spit and jamming it in your ass maybe five inches or so, the furthest it'll go. It's bigger than you expected, about the size of Savoy's cock. "You ever bowl, boss?" he asks as he fucks you with the pin. "No," you said. "This is my first time." He continues to slide it in and out. "How do you like it?" he says. "I'd do it again," you grunt.

The intercom clicks on. "Alright, alright," Gage says. "No more playing with your toys, Savoy, or we're going to be here all day." He clicks off.

Savoy pulls the bowling pin out. "Onto the next one," he says.

You go to pick up your clothes and Savoy kicks them away from you. "Unh-uh," he says, waving a finger in your face.

You walk, your ass pleasantly sore, and climb a wooden staircase. You turn and cross a rickety wooden bridge made out of boards. It collapses as you jump off of it onto the other side.

You eventually make it to a room with three adjacent wooden doors. Your first time through the gauntlet, these contained explosives. You wonder what they'll contain this time. You open the one furthest to the right.

Inside is a young man, maybe eighteen or nineteen, naked.

The intercom clicks on. "This here is Zip," says Gage. "Zip's a newcomer to our fair community, and as luck would have it, he's a virgin. He's wondering if an older, experienced gentleman like yourself would be willing to relieve him of that burden." Gage clicks off.

You enter the small closet-sized room and close the door behind you.

"Is that true, what he said?" you ask the kid.

He blushes and looks at the ground. "Uh, yeah," he says. "Is that alright?"

"Sure," you say. You see he's glancing at your body. You pick up his hands and put them to your chest. "Feel free to touch me."

He rubs his hands through the hair on your chest, then your shoulders, the muscles on your arms. He looks down at your dick. "Can I touch that?" he asks. "Sure," you say, smiling.

He feels your balls and, after a moment, works up the courage to touch the shaft. He starts stroking your cock.

"How's that?" he asks.

"Feels great," you say. "Have you ever kissed a guy before?"


You lean forward and kiss Zip softly on the lips. He closes his eyes. Then you turn your head sideways and open your mouth, putting your tongue into his mouth, moving it against his tongue. Zip moans a little. He wraps his arms around your neck and you wrap your arms around his waste, pulling him close. You can feel his erection pressing against your bare skin.

You pull away from him. "Now how about you kiss me down there?" you say, looking at your dick then back up at him.

He nods, then lowers himself to his knees. He starts sucking your cock, quite inexpertly.

"Put your lips over your teeth so just the lips touch my cock," you say. He does so and suddenly the blow job gets a million times better. "Now wrap your hand around the shaft and jerk me as you suck," you say. He does so.

You let him suck you for a few minutes and then you say, "Do you think you're a top or a bottom, son?"

He pulls your dick out of his mouth. "Bottom?"

"You sure?"

He nods, enthusiastically. "Yes."

You pick him up off his knees and turn him around. You gently push him forward so that he's leaning against the opposite wall, his ass out to you. You cover your index finger in saliva and slowly push it into Zip's asshole. You finger fuck Zip for a moment.

"Ohhhh," Zip moans.

"If you like that, you're going to love this," you say, wetting your middle finger and inserting two fingers into Zip's tight hole. He moans even louder. "Should I go for a third?" you ask.

"Yes," Zip moans.

You lick your ring finger and stick all three fingers into Zip's puckered little hole.

You can barely hear anything for all the moaning.

"Alright," you say after a while. "Time for the real deal. You ready for a cock in your ass, Zip?"

"Yes," he says, stroking his own dick.

You put the head of your dick into his hole and then grab his hips and slowly push all the way in.

"Ohhhhhhh!" he screams.

"I realize that's a little tight, but you'll loosen up the more I fuck you," you say, and boy does he.

By the end of it, he's begging you to cum in his ass. You oblige him.

You leave him in the small closet-shaped room, where he's collapsed on the floor out of exhaustion and no small amount of pleasure, and make your way to the middle door.

In it is another young man, naked, standing, waiting. "You also a virgin?" you say.

"Yeah," he says, looking bashfully at you.

"Top or bottom?" you ask.

"Uh," he says, looking uncertain. "Top, I think?"

You pull him by the arm and lead him to the door on the right, where Zip is stroking himself with his eyes closed.

"Zip here is a bottom," you say. "Zip, here's another top for you." You gently push the second young man toward Zip and close the door behind him. You stand waiting for a few moments until you hear the telltale sounds of a dick being sucked, then make your way to the door on the left. Just like before, it leads to a hallway.

You make your way through the hallway down a ramp to a room that used to be filled with radioactive barrels but now stood empty. You exit through a door and emerge onto a collapsed parking garage floor, which slopes gently downward to another door.

You enter a large room that's filled with walls, metal sheeting, and various other implements to create a maze. You make you way through the maze where you get to the end and find life-size version of Nuka World's mascots, Cappy and Bottle.

Cappy and Bottle are cartoon characters, but today, it would seem, they're two six-foot tall foam and plastic costumes with human legs and holes cut through the costumes to allow the legs' owners' dicks to poke through.

The intercom clicks on. "Ever been fucked by a mascot before?" Gage says. "Well now's your chance. For once Cappy and Bottle want to give you something other than the refreshing taste of the world's most popular caffeinated beverage, Nuka Cola. Please see to it that they do." Gage clicks off.

You shrug. It's weird, but whatever. You kneel down in front of Cappy and take his dick into your mouth. A moment later, Bottle steps up and you start sucking on him as you jerk Cappy with your other hand. You go back and forth between the two until Bottle walks behind you and lifts your ass into the air. As you enthusiastically gobble Cappy's knob, Bottle presses his dick to your ass and pushes it in. Suddenly a cartoon mascot is fucking you while you blow another cartoon mascot. The men inside the costumes make no sound.

You suck and get fucked by the cartoons, until Cappy pulls his dick from your mouth and jerks his load off onto your face. Shortly afterward, Bottle pulls his dick out, spins you around, and then also jerks off onto your face. After he's done, he takes his off his big cartoon Bottle gloves and wipes some cum from your face, sticking his fingers into your mouth so you can lick it off. He keeps wiping and you keeping drinking it until all the cum is gone.

He and Cappy walk off into the maze and you wonder if you'll ever know who was under those costumes.

The intercom clicks on. "Excellent work, Overboss. That's an official Nuka World welcome if I've ever seen one" Gage clicks off.

You make your way through a water-filled garage, up some stairs, and into a room where old decommissioned rides are stored.

The intercom clicks on. "Now I call this ride `The Train,'" Gage says. "Please see the handsome Operator bent over the bench on the far side of the room."

You walk a few steps and see a dark-haired, mustached man you recognize from the Parlor in Nuka Town USA. The Operator's headquarters. You can't remember how you know him, but you have a strong feeling you're going to get to know him much better pretty soon.

"Now you're going to stick your dick in that handsome Operator's backside," Gage says. "And then another Operator is going to stick his dick in your backside. And another Operator's dick in his backside, and so on and so forth. Let's see how long of a train we can make." Gage clicks off.

You step up to the mustached Operator and rub the head of your dick against his hole. He moans slightly. He looks back at you and smiles and you like his enthusiasm. You push your dick in and he moans louder, then you plunge it all the way in and he makes a sort of hmmm sound.

You hear someone step up behind you and before you know it, you're bent over the mustached Operator, pressed against his back, the hair of your chest and belly against the smoothness of his skin, all the way inside him, as someone pushes their dick into your hole. You look behind you and it's a bearded Operator, reddish brown hair, a bit thicker than the average Operator you've seen. You groan as he slides into you, then you feel the hair on his chest and belly press against the smoothness of your back. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck.

This keeps happening until a twelve-man fuck train has formed in the room, every man fully locked into the man in front of him. You all work as a group to coordinate your thrusts so that nobody slides out, so that everybody is properly fucking or being fucked without interruption.

You lick your hand and reach around the mustached man in front of you and start stroking his cock to match the group's thrusts.

The intercom clicks on. "Choo choo," Gage says. "Now, one rule: no blowing your load until the guy in front of you does." He clicks off.

The fuck train keeps pounding and pounding. So many groans and grunts. The sound of skin slapping against skin over and over. It's your new favourite ride at Nuka World, no doubt about that.

Eventually the mustached man cums all over the bench in front of him and says, "I'm done." Then you inject your baby batter into his asshole and you say, "I'm done." Then the guy behind you follows suit, the guy behind him, and so on.

You look at the other eleven members of the train as you leave. All Operators. All sweaty and exhausted. You make a mental note to stop by the Parlor one of these days and see if you can't make an even bigger train.

You walk through the door of the warehouse.

You're now in an outdoor area, walking through a makeshift tunnel with a roofing made of metal grates.

The intercom clicks on. "Now after all that hard work, Overboss," Gage says, "I'd say it's time for a shower." He clicks off.

You hear footsteps on the grates and see a member of the Pack standing above you. He's hard and jerking it and after what feels like a few seconds, his load is raining down through the grate onto you, landing on your hair, your shoulders, your chest.

You walk forward a bit and another Pack member appears, also hard, also jerking it, and after a few seconds, he shoots his semen through the grate onto your face. You lick some of his cum off your cheek.

You keep walking through the tunnel as Pack members appear, blowing their loads and absolutely drenching you in cum. You taste some of it, you rub some of it into your skin. A shower indeed.

You go through the final door, into the Cola Wars Arena, where you fought Overboss Colter so many weeks ago to become the new Overboss. There's a roaring crowd on all sides in the stands, but instead of Colter standing in the middle of the arena wearing a full suit of armor there's a...bed.

The intercom clicks on. "And finally we're to the end, Overboss." You walk toward the bed and look at it. Nothing unusual about it, except that it's in the middle of what was formerly a bumper car arena.

"Now this is for the audience," he says. "You're going to lay on that bed and anybody from the audience who wants to is going to climb onto that bed with you and fuck you." You look to the arena's exit and see a long line of people waiting to be let onto the arena floor.

Shit, you think. How many is that? You start counting, but stop at sixty. "Oh man," you say.

"Now if you get through all of them," Gage says, "you get the grand prize."

You stand there, waiting to hear what the grand prize is.

"And that grand prize would be something you've wanted for a long time, far as I can tell. Probably since the moment you got here: my dick. Overboss, I'm finally going to let you have the honour of taking my dick up your ass."

He's right - you have wanted that since the moment you got here.

A buzzer goes off and the first audience member walks onto the arena floor, headed straight for the bed in the middle of the room.

You look at that long lineup again, then think about Porter, then think about Porter fucking you.

You climb onto the bed, lay on your back, and pull your legs into the air.

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