Diamond Dreams

By Douglas DD

Published on May 26, 2013


Welcome back. All of the Chapter One disclaimers apply as they will throughout the story. The request you donate to Nifty also applies. It's easy and important. Always be safe.

In this chapter the Mayfield Mustangs get an interim head coach. Kraig, Kevin, Noah, and Eric ride to Sherman's house to get advice on how to deal with the Lars issue.

Please, do write. thehakaanen@hotmail.com


<Friday, February 20. Mayfield High School>

Of course, the talk all day at the high school was Coach Gardner being suspended from teaching. The baseball team was concerned about who would be coaching them. This was the main topic at lunch where many members of the team co-opted a group of tables so they could gossip and speculate. The players sitting there ran the gamut from freshmen to seniors. Not all of the players were together since the school had two lunch periods, but a decent cross section was represented.

"What a dumb shit," Connor said. "I mean we all knew Coach was dipping the wick into Sara Collins, but damn, making out with her at school is the mark of a true dumb shit. Even we don't do sex at school."

"Speak for yourself," Rodney said.

"Huh? Are you calling me a dumb shit?"

"No, I mean you're saying all of us don't have sex at school."

"Jeez, Rodney, don't you have any pride at all?" Trey Mullen, a junior, asked. "I can tell you're a frosh."

"Sometimes you just gotta take advantage of the situation."

"You said you guys knew that the coach was fucking Sara?" Mike the Donkey asked. Mike was now a senior.

"We were pretty sure." Vince said.

"How did you figure that out?" Zach, another senior and a friend of Mike, asked.

Rodney was the one who told the seniors about their detective work and about how they had planned to take advantage of their knowledge.

"So, who's the coach going to be?" Nolan asked.

"My bet it's Coach Sanders," Jerome said.

"Yeah, I mean he applied for it and everything," Connor said.

"What about Coach Hart, the new JV coach?" Cody, a senior and another friend of Mike asked. "Wouldn't he be the next guy in line?"

"Coach Hart is just out of college. This is his first year teaching," the Donkey said. "I don't see him ready to coach varsity baseball."

"Just remember that Coach Sanders is a faggot," Ralph, a senior, piped up.

That statement got Marty to stand up. He had been sitting with Rich at a table away from the heat of the discussion, saying nothing, feeling shunned by his freshmen peers. "That's such bullshit," he said. "Who cares what he is? He's a good coach, and that's all that should count."

"We have a queer frosh standing up for a queer coach," Ralph said. He pointed at the Donkey. "Are you letting the queer senior fuck your ass?" he asked Marty.

Marty never got the chance to respond as both Zach and Cody stood up and glared at Ralph. "That's enough, you douche bag," Zach said. Zach had been the starting catcher on the varsity as a junior, playing ahead of Ralph. There wasn't much doubt that he would be playing ahead of Ralph this year as well. "Ain't nobody going to say I'm gay," he stated.

That statement was only partially true as Zach had had no problem messing around boys since he first discovered sex. But he was also not a virgin, with more than one female conquest. "The Donkey and the Dawg are gay and we all know it. They are also two of my best friends. Coach Sanders is the best baseball coach in this town. And I don't know if Marty is gay or not, and I don't give a shit. I play with the best and play for the best and am friends with the best. That's all I care about." He took a couple of steps toward Ralph as he talked.

The lunchroom suddenly became silent as the other students looked over toward the table to see what the commotion was, some of them hoping to see a fight beak out.

"Come on over and hit me," Ralph said with an evil grin. "I'd love to see your ass suspended for awhile." The lunch monitor took some steps toward the table and both boys prudently sat down. The atmosphere became calmer, but it was obvious that there was bad blood between the two boys.

Not long after lunch the players got word that there would be a meeting for those planning to turn out for baseball. Those who had not yet turned in their paperwork were reminded to bring it as soon as possible in order to be eligible to participate in the first practice.

It wasn't until they entered Coach Fitzgerald's classroom and saw Coach Sanders sitting on the counter by the window that they knew who their new coach was going to be. The excitement was palpable. Coach Fitzgerald was in the room, along with Coach Hart. As the boys who had played for Coach Sanders or Coach Fitzgerald expected, the meeting started on time.

Coach Fitzgerald commented on the "unfortunate circumstances" surrounding Coach Gardner being suspended from teaching and coaching, then introduced Coach Sanders as the interim coach. All of the ball players knew him, but having him stand before them as their varsity high school coach was a new experience.

Coach Sanders told them that he was sorry to meet with them under the current conditions. He kept that part short and went directly into his expectations of all of the players, whether they were varsity or JV players. He told them that there would be an emphasis on fundamentals, respect for their teammates, sportsmanship, and playing hard every inning of every game. He said that Coach Hart would remain the JV coach. When asked who was going to take Coach Sanders's place at the middle school, Coach Sanders told them that Coach Ecklund, Coach Fitzgerald, and Coach Drake, the middle school athletic director, would probably try to find a summer league coach who had the time to help.

When the athletic contracts were handed out, Coach Sanders walked around the classroom, making eye contact with many of the players as he let them know his expectations regarding the dreaded contract.

"Not to belittle the previous coach, but I know there were some things that were overlooked during the past few seasons. One of those is the alumni drinking party. Quite a few high school players seem to end up there. Everybody had fun and kept on playing like nothing happened. Well, gentlemen, that ends now. That contract will be enforced to the letter, and anyone ending up at that party or any other party where alcohol is served to minors will be done for the year. The same goes for any use of alcohol or illicit drugs." At the same time he finished his lecture he ended up at the front of the room looking over his new charges.

"Any questions?" There were none. Everybody knew Coach Sanders was a person who backed up what he said. The team left the room with some of the seniors wishing Coach Gardner would have kept his hands out of Sara Bennett's pants. They weren't prepared to actually have to work hard to play baseball. That was what football was for.

"Do you really want to play for that faggot?" Steve asked Connor as they entered the hall. Steve, a sophomore, used to be good friends with Connor, but they had drifted apart some when Steve started high school. They had had a couple of physical confrontations over the past year.

"You've already played for him. You know he's a good coach, so don't give me that bullshit," Connor said.

"What, are you a queer lover or something?"

"Yeah, or something," Connor said. "Now go talk to Ralph and your buddy Crawford and see if you assholes can say something intelligent."

"I won't forget this," Steve said.

"Suck my dick," Connor retorted. Connor was not the type to be intimidated by anybody, especially Steve, his former friend and current rival.

"Nice job," Marty told Connor after Steve walked away.

"He's a stupid redneck dickhead," Connor said.

"I thought you said you were a redneck."

"I am, but I'm not stupid and I'm not a dickhead, and that makes a big difference. It means I can hang with guys like you."

"What do you mean guys like me?"

"You know, gay guys. And don't go getting all pissed off at me, because I don't give a shit. You're my friend and any good redneck stands up for his buds."

Marty nodded, happy that he had a friend like Connor, as weird as he was at times.

<Monday, March 2, Mayfield High School>

After six practices the Mayfield Mustang baseball players had a pretty good idea of what was expected of them, if they hadn't figured it out already. Coach Sanders had practices that were crisp and well- organized. There was very little down time. Players from the varsity and JV were expected to be involved in something all the time, even if it was shagging fly balls. Coach Hart was impressed. He and Coach Gardner had laid out a practice format, but it was nothing near the complexity and stress on fundamentals that Coach Sanders laid out in his practice outlines.

While Coach Sanders's coaching experience consisted solely of his being a middle school junior varsity coach, there was no question that he was more than ready to take control of a high school baseball program. The first week went smoothly, with minimal griping about the pace of the practices and the expectations of the coach.

The amount of griping changed when Coach Sanders posted the team roster. When Steve saw that he would be on the JV team, he went ballistic. "Coach Gardner promised me I'd be on the varsity," he said vehemently to Coach Sanders before Monday practice started. Of course, he didn't mention that the promise was made provided he shoved Marty under the bus. Coach Sanders suspected that was the case, however, since he'd heard all about Steve saying he'd been drinking with Marty at a party. He knew Steve wouldn't confess to adults that he'd been drinking unless there was a big reward to be had. The more he learned about the webs Coach Gardner had spun, the more disgusted he became with the man.

"Do I look like Coach Gardner to you?" Coach Sanders asked the angry sophomore. "If you want to play varsity on this team, you earn the spot, not make deals with the coach."

"What, are you out of your fucking mind? What do you mean make fucking deals? You know I can really fuck you over if I want!" Steve shouted loudly enough for the ten or so players close by to hear. He became aware of the close proximity of his teammates and lowered his voice some. "All I have to say is you came on to me and you get to follow Gardner out the door. At least he went after a girl."

"I think it's time for you to run your laps," Coach Sanders said coolly.

"I don't have laps to run."

"Oh, yes you do. I just assigned them. Start with twenty times around the field. I'll decide then if you ran them hard enough or if you need to run more. I won't have a player using that language on my team and on my ball field, let alone have it directed to me. Come see me after your twenty laps are up." Coach Sanders wanted to make it clear that his punishment was for his being disrespectful and not for his stupid threat in front of the whole team.

Coach Sanders had never been impressed with Steve's brainpower, or lack thereof. But one thing that did impress him is that Steve took off running his laps without complaint. Coach Sanders had one of his two equipment managers count Steve's laps. When Steve reported back to Coach Sanders, he was panting heavily. The coach knew he'd run all twenty laps and had run them hard.

"Okay, good job. Now get into the line at third for the drill." As for Coach Sanders, that was the end of the confrontation. He knew kids and knew how to work with them. He understood that holding grudges was not the way to educate anyone. For him the incident was over, but he also knew kids well enough that he was certain it was not over for Steve.

<Saturday, March 7>

The practices went as well as they could for the remainder of the week considering that spring rains had come. Two practices had to go indoors, while one other had the players dodging scattered puddles on the field. There was a four team jamboree on Saturday. It was a modified round robin, with each team matching up in a three inning game. That gave each team three abbreviated games. The Mayfield Mustangs were pleased to win two of the three. They were even more pleased to finish the last game before the rains started up again. Next week, the games would be starting up for real.

But not everything that weekend concerned the high school players. Some of the middle school players had issues as well, and four of them decided to bicycle out of town to visit a man that they had gotten to know, one of them rather well.

They could have used Highway 12 and arrived at their destination more quickly. But, although the main highway had wide shoulders, the thought of cars whizzing by at 60 miles per hour made the boys and their parents nervous. So they stuck to the back road, remembering that Bobby had had his accident on a back road. On the other hand, he hadn't worn his helmet. All four of the bicycling boys were properly helmeted.

As they peddled towards their destination, each of the boys had his own thoughts. Kevin's went back to the day in August that he met Sherman, the man they were riding to visit. Kevin's adult friend, Mark, had introduced him to the locomotive engineer, and, after a slow start, the two had hit it off as friends.

Kevin knew from Mark that Sherman was gay and liked boys. Mark had had an affair with Sherman when he was Kevin's age. Mark also knew that Kevin had a thing about wanting sex with an adult, so he saw it as a perfect match.

Kevin soon found himself visiting Sherman frequently. Sherm, as he liked to be called, had his own exercise equipment. It didn't take long for the two of them to take turns riding the stationary bike. Sherm also started Kevin working on a steady program with his weights.

"Ask your coach what is appropriate for a boy your age and we'll go from there." Kevin went to Coach Kennedy, the middle school football coach, for advice. He gave Kevin some pointers on weight training for a boy who played football and played catcher on his baseball team.

Sherm also yanked Kevin away from video games by teaching him to play chess. Kevin then learned how to lose, until he found himself able to pick up some occasional victories over his mentor. Sherman told him that playing chess would help him to be able to think and plot ahead, a skill that a good catcher should master. He also helped Kevin deal with the world of being a gay teen, something he'd had experience with when he was growing up. The two often just sat and had long talks.

Ironically, even though Kevin was now with a man who was willing to have some kind of sexual contact with him, and Sherman was with a boy who was eager to try sex with an adult male, it took a long time for the inevitable to happen. Kevin had felt an immediate affinity to Mark in sixth grade when they met during a Mayfield middle school game that Mark had umpired. It took Kevin and Sherman longer to develop a relationship. Part of it was that Kevin had been more physically attracted to Mark, who had been in his mid-twenties at the time, than he had been to Sherman, who was in his late thirties.

The inevitable happened on a Sunday afternoon in early December. Because of a steady rainfall, Sherman picked Kevin up. Kevin had already introduced Sherman to his parents, not wanting to keep the friendship a secret. He had learned from the lessons of his older brother, Keith, that his parents would accept a lot, but lying and keeping major secrets was not on that list.

After working out in Sherman's exercise room they were both hot and sweaty. They each were wearing baggy gym shorts and no shirts. One of the things that impressed Kevin about Sherman was how he kept himself in shape. The teen was finding the adult's toned body more and more attractive. Kevin liked looking at the fine hairs on his chest, the treasure trail disappearing into his shorts, the thicker hair on his muscular legs. Sherman had told him that since he had a job that had him sitting all day, he needed to do all he could to keep his body in shape. Kevin could see that the man was successful in that endeavor.

Usually, after they exercised, Kevin showered first and Sherman went into the shower after Kevin finished. They both had seen each other naked during the process. Kevin had not felt the least bit self- conscious about stripping in front of Sherman. After all he'd blown his wad twice with Mark watching. But he didn't feel sexual around Sherman. Getting naked in front of him was like being naked in front of his father—it was just being naked, nothing else.

Sherman, on the other hand, was enamored with Kevin's thirteen year old body. He loved the smooth look of it, the athletic sleekness it had. The only hairs he saw were those on Kevin's head along with a slight golden sheen of tiny hairs on the boy's arms and legs, and a small patch of pubic hair.

"Your body is developing nicely," he remarked on this occasion. "Those weights are doing their job." Kevin grinned and proudly flexed his bicep.

Kevin's dedication saw him building some definite muscle mass, making him somewhat bulkier than his twin brother, Kraig. It was the first time in their lives that their growing progress differed. Kraig, the soccer player and outfielder, was more dedicated to running and to building up agility and endurance. Kevin, the football player and catcher, was more interested in building strength.

On this occasion, Sherman's phone rang just as Sherman and Kevin entered his bedroom to get ready to shower. Sherman answered it, said a few words, and hung up.

"No really big hurry," Sherman said, "but I have to get you home quicker than we'd planned. Somebody called in sick and they want me to take the Sunday grain train out to the harbor this evening."

"Okay, no problem," Kevin said.

"We might squeeze some cribbage in if we shower quickly." Sherman had taught Kevin to play cribbage as well as chess, and the two loved playing each other.

"Sounds good." Then Kevin thought of what he and his friends so often did. "We could shower together," he said casually. "I mean we have seen each other naked and stuff and it would be faster."

Sherm was surprised and pleased by Kevin's suggestion. "Sure, why not? You're right it would be quicker."

The two stripped. Kevin admired Sherm's thick pubic patch, his long hanging dick, his big, low slung ball sac. He didn't find it as attractive as what Lars had to offer, but he did find it sexy and stimulating. For some reason he found it even more so as the two entered the bathroom off the master bedroom. It was a walk-in shower with plenty of room for the two of them. Kevin was surprised to be half hard by the time they got under the water, while Sherman was amused to see Kevin's developing tumescence.

They were soon both wet from hair to toe. Kevin's young adolescent cock was now completely boned up to its four and three-quarter inch length. Sherm noted its curving beauty, along with the smoothness of Kevin's ball sac, and the patch of pubic hair curled at the base of his young adolescent cock.

"Wash my back." Kevin said. He was not at all ashamed of his boner; in fact he was almost glad he'd popped one in front of his new friend. Sherman washed him gladly, now admiring the beauty of his hard, smooth, athletic ass, its white skin glistening with wetness. He washed the boy's back and let his hands drop to the boy's ass cheeks, washing them as well. Kevin let out a coo of pleasure, spreading his legs slightly. Sherm took the hint and let his soapy hand enter the cleft of the boy's butt.

"Thanks, that feels nice," Kevin said.

Sherman stopped what he was doing and asked Kevin to wash his back. When Kevin turned around he saw that Sherm's man tool had grown to a thick, hard seven inches, poking up slightly. It was the biggest hard-on he had ever seen and without thinking he tried to wrap his hand around it. He found it difficult to close his fingers around the chunky shaft.

He pulled his hand back, quickly apologizing for his audacity. "It's okay, Kevin," Sherm said. "We both knew this moment was going to come sometime. It was just a matter of both of us being ready."

When Kevin looked back at that afternoon, the events were a blur. He suddenly found himself being dried off by Sherm, who paid close attention to his teen pecker, his smooth balls, his bubble butt. He found himself in bed next to the big engineer, trying to get his mouth around the substantial girth of his big cock, as he licked the length, sucked the head. He licked and sucked until the man loudly emptied his balls into the eagerly waiting mouth of the thirteen year old. He found Sherman's man cum different from the teen cum of Lars, or Kraig, the many friends he had given blow jobs to. It was thicker, stronger tasting—good, but not as good as the seed of his peers.

Sherman tried to return the favor, but he barely got his tongue on the base of Kevin's cock when it blew its load of teen seed, spraying it over Kevin's chest, belly, and onto the covers of Sherman's bed.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to cum so fast," Kevin apologized. "I got mega turned on. And I messed up your blankets."

"I'll get them cleaned. And I once had a hair trigger like that. In fact today was actually pretty fast for me."

The two lay quietly for a few minutes when Sherman asked Kevin if he had any bad feelings about what they'd just done.

"Nope. You know I wanted to do it. I was thinking it would never happen because we were having too much fun exercising, playing games, and just plain talking. I guess it's like you said, we had to wait for the right time."

"So it would seem."

"But I do have to say one thing; Lars is my boyfriend."

"Understood. I have no intention of replacing him. I would be happy to continue as your friend and mentor."

Kevin and Sherman had had sex three more times since then, even though they met more often. On some visits they got busy playing games or working out, enjoying each other's company, but not wanting to be sexual. They did shower together each time after they exercised, however. Their sex never went beyond oral sex, which suited them. One thing Kevin discovered was that he enjoyed having Sherman spill his thick cum over his body and then rubbing it all over his torso.

Kevin realized that now Sherman was one of the men he respected most in his life, joining his father, Coach Sanders, Coach Miller, and Mark. These were all men whom he trusted completely and with whom he felt totally at ease.

Kraig went with Kevin to Sherman's house on occasion, but he never had sex with his brother's friend. Kraig didn't have the urge to play around with an adult that his twin brother had, although Kraig did find himself getting turned on by Hunter's father.

Eric and Noah, who'd ridden with Sherman in his locomotive more than once, also visited. There was never any sex. Eric and Noah both found Sherman's advice on growing up gay as invaluable and liked him as an adult friend, but never had any desire for sexual contact with him.

"I can't tell you much about being boyfriends," Sherman told Eric and Noah. "All of my gay relationships have been a bit more casual, but I can tell you about the wonders and pitfalls of being gay." He knew that Noah had been traumatized by the death of his friend, and he knew that Noah and Eric had an old friendship that was budding into something bigger. He told them the same thing he had told Kevin, things would happen when they were ready for them to happen and that they shouldn't worry about making it happen faster. And, like Kevin, they listened to the kindly and wise locomotive engineer.

Noah, too, was thinking about the past, but his thoughts didn't go as far back as Kevin's did. He thought about their talks with Sherman and about how he somehow knew he was ready to go all the way with Eric, not just sexually, but in their relationship. Sherman had told him to trust his instincts, and he had, and it seemed to have worked. If only he could be that successful in purging himself of his dark secret.

He thought about the two of them coming out to Eric's parents and how they'd been loved and accepted. He thought about the evening they'd talked to Noah's parents. Noah had already come out to them with Bobby, so this was more a matter of telling them that he and Eric were now boyfriends. Nicky, Shane, and Lisa were invited to sit in on the discussion.

"That's great news," Seth McCall said. "I can't think of anyone better for you to hook up with. I can see how much happier you are when you are around Eric." Clara McCall gave Eric a huge, loving hug, her eyes moist with tears, some of her worries and fears for her son purged by the knowledge that Noah had a loving, loyal, intelligent boyfriend in Eric.

"Welcome to the family," Shane said. "Noah got himself the best, without a doubt."

The parents soon left the children to themselves. Lisa smiled at Eric. "I guess this means you're never going to fuck me,"

"In your dreams, maybe," Eric said.

"What about me?" nine year old Nicky asked.

"You want me to fuck you?" Eric asked.

"Nobody else will," Nicky said with a slight whine. "Noah keeps promising, but he's never done it."

"I will when you're ready," Noah said.

"What about you, Eric?"

"I will when..."

"...when I'm ready. I know, I know. But will you still give me blow jobs?" Nicky asked.

"Anytime," Eric said, realizing his mistake as soon as he said it.

Nicky got out of his chair and headed for the stairs. "Any time means now, right?"

Noah looked at Eric and laughed. "You just got snagged."

"What should I do?" Eric whispered.

"Let's head to my room and suck his little thingie. We'll work to tone him down later."

That was how Eric and Noah came out, got naked with Noah's little brother, and worked together to bring Nicky to three dry cums in a two hour period. Eric would learn that Nicky was going to try to be a frequent participant in the sexual affairs of his brother and his brother's boyfriend.

But he also learned that while Nicky was aggressive about his sexual involvement, even as a sexually immature preteen, he did not have a sense of entitlement. Once he was satisfied, he gave Noah and Eric each a chaste kiss on the lips, picked his clothes up off of the floor, and headed for his room, leaving Noah and his boyfriend to make the kind of love one would expect from older boys, or maybe even young men. This time Eric let Noah top him, which he found as satisfactory as his topping Noah had been. Eric discovered that, unlike with Scott, sex with Noah was always completely fulfilling, no matter who played what role.

The four bicycling boys shook their heads free of the wandering thoughts that drifted through them as they rode into Sherman's driveway. He greeted the tweens at the door, informing them that cups of hot chocolate would be ready as soon as they got their coats and hats and gloves and scarves off. The temperature had been a moist 45 degrees and the boys were all chilled. Sherman also had them remove their wet pants and tossed them into the dryer. Most boys their age would be a little self-conscious about sitting in his house in their underpants, but the four of them knew and trusted Sherm and were perfectly comfortable with him.

After a lot of chit chat about baseball and trains and how everybody was doing at school, the conversation finally got to the purpose of the visit. The boys talked about the concerns they had regarding Lars and his restrictions, about their fears that Hunter's father, who they knew was in frequent contact with Lars's dad, might still restrict Hunter, and of course their general fear that their coming out to the world would be detrimental to their overall well-being.

"My understanding is that Lars got a bit of a break, that his father cracked a little," Sherman said.

"Yeah, he is going to be able to play school ball, but he can't go to any of meetings of the Go to State Team, he can't play summer ball, he can't go to any of our houses, even the straight guys, and we can't go to his," Kevin said.

"You mean there are straight boys in your little group?" Sherman asked. "I'm referring to you eighth graders, of course."

"Danny, Scott, Carl, just to name three," Noah said. "I believe Lars's father is probably under the mistaken impression that Eric and I are straight as well."

"Why are you afraid that Hunter might be restricted? I assume you mean by restricted that he won't be able to play summer ball either."

"You gotta understand Hunter and his dad," Kraig said. "I'm surprised he got totally off the hook on this. His only restriction is him and me not being able to overnight with each other."

"His dad thinks Kraig might turn Hunter gay," Kevin said.

"Does his dad know Kraig is gay?" Sherman asked.

"No, but the way Lars talked about gay stuff when we got caught, Hunter's dad might think I am. And Kraig is my twin brother and he might be, too. I mean Hunter was sucking Kraig's dick when we got caught."

Eric cringed slightly at Kevin talking about sucking dick with an adult. He didn't know that Kevin had had sexual relations with Sherman. Only Kraig knew that. The special, private secrets the twins shared were locked between the two of them.

"Here's what I think, for what it's worth," Sherman said. "First, I don't know the fathers involved. I've never met Hunter, but I have met Lars. I think both fathers are trying to be good fathers, even if Lars's father has probably overreacted." He looked at Kevin as he continued. "I know your father has tried talking to him, with little success. I know Lars's dad is trying to pressure Hunter's father to join him in putting up a fence between his son and you `gay' boys. I don't know if there is much that you can do about it."

The four boys sighed audibly and Sherman went on. "I know the four of you rode out here on a cold, damp day to find some kind of satisfaction, and I apologize that you wasted your trip. But I'm just a locomotive engineer who happens to be a gay man. There really isn't much I can tell you about the dynamics of dealing with fathers. You know that from dealing with your own, as I did from dealing with mine."

They bantered back and forth a while longer until Noah ended the discussion. "I think everybody didn't hear the things they wanted to hear, including me. But I guess we all heard the things we needed to hear, which is there isn't anything we can do about all of this and to quit worrying about it. We should be concentrating on things we can do something about."

"That seems to be the theme of our lives these days," Eric said.

"And a good theme it is," Sherman told them. "That is one of the toughest things to learn at any stage in life."

Sherman then cooked up toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for everybody. They talked some and watched a college basketball game on television while they ate. They didn't bother to don their dry pants until they were ready to leave.

Three of the boys left. They wanted to get home before dinner and before it got dark. Kevin stayed, saying he wanted to do his exercises with Sherman, and that Sherman would drive him and his bike home in his pickup. The only exercise that the two of them got, however, was the kind that happens when a man and a boy get naked and get on a large bed and show how well they understand the workout involved in mutual masturbation and oral sex.

Next: School Baseball Begins

Next: Chapter 25

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