Diary of a Slave

By moc.dnalgne@evals

Published on Feb 19, 2000


Dairy of a Slave -- Part 3

The end of the beginning.

It had been nearly two weeks since I had signed the slavery contract with my new master. I had followed his every instruction and had returned home from my job as a teacher and stayed in my flat each night -- naked apart from the cock and ball harness.

My only contact with my master had been a telephone call from his mobile three days into the first week. I had been instructed to go to the window; assume the St. Andrews position and rub my cock against the glass until I came. When I had finished the phone rang again and my master told me that it had been an excellent display and that I could now finish by cleaning the glass with my tongue. Knowing that my master was watching me made this a very erotic experience and in the days that followed I would think of it while waiting for him to phone again and my cock would ache with stiffness and a desire for release. I was, of course, under strict instructions not to touch it and to come in any way could have lead to a repeat of the beating my cock received last time I showed a lack of control.

Eventually I heard from my master. I was to wait in the bushes -- naked apart from wrist and ankle restraints; cock and ball harness and ring gag -- behind the car park on the edge of Hainault Forest by the pub. He would arrive in his BMW and I was to climb in to the boot. I could wear only the tight high-cut shorts he had given me to jog there and put on the straps in the bushes. This I did and then waited in the bushes. An hour after the time he had arranged his car drew up and he got out and went in the pub. Horror! I had expected that he would park near the bushes but he had parked on the other side -- nearly one hundred feet away. I looked around the car park and waited for some people to get out of their car and walk into the pub. No one seemed to be around and so I made a dash for it. As I sprinted across the car park, my stiff cock waiving in the air, I suddenly spotted a couple sitting in their car. They clearly saw me in all my glory with various straps around my body but I had no alternative but to keep going until I reached the BMW when I just climbed in. Only then did I start to worry and expect the police at any moment. After what seemed like an age I heard the car door opening; someone get in and the car start and move off. I assumed it was my master and not the police.

It took about half an hour to reach my master's flat. After parking the car he got out and came round to the back and opened the boot. My limbs ached with being confined and it was nice to feel the fresh air. He reached in and pinched my nipples.

"Out, slave!"

I scrambled out feeling oddly embarrassed at my nakedness in front of my macho master.

He pulled my arms behind me and padlocked the wrist restraints together and walked out of the garage beckoning me to follow. I padded after him into the mews which was mercifully empty even from the gays who seemed to fill the area. We entered the door to the flats and immediately met the same guy who had brought me off last time. He was chatting to my master about me as if I was not there and when my master casually mentioned that my only problem seemed to be an inability to control my cock he saw his chance to get me in trouble and reached out and started fondling it idly as he continued in conversation. As he gently scratched the underside of my cock it responded by becoming as stiff as iron and 10 days' stored cum wanted to get out. I really did not want to get my cock battered again and I struggled to think of anything but sex. It was almost impossible. I began to perspire and the beginning of an ejaculation started to overwhelm my body. It was only that I was oozing my usual amount of copious pre-cum that saved me for my tormentor stopped touching my cock and lifted his dripping finger to my mouth and pushed it through the ring for me to lick. From then on the stimulation of my cock was relieved by the interruptions as he fed me my juice. Even so I began to think that a beating was going to be inevitable. At last my master bade him farewell and we climbed the stairs to his flat.

As soon as we entered he congratulated me on my self control and told me I would now have my reward. I thought he was going to allow me to cum but instead he pushed me onto my knees; unzipped his jeans and began to enthusiastically face-fuck me. Holding on to my head he obviously enjoyed the stimulation of the ring in my mouth as well as my tongue and it was not long before he started breathing heavily and then shooting into my mouth. My own cock remained stiff and unsatisfied.

My next task was to prepare his evening meal which I did as well as my limited cooking ability allowed. When it was ready he said that he would have it on the sofa. I took it to him on a tray but he told me that I would be the tray. I laid across his lap and the hot plate was balanced on my stomach. In between mouthfuls he would casually but painfully tweak my nipples and as I writhed he would warn me that if one single piece of food fell from the plate I would regret it. The fear and the stimulation of my nipples caused my cock to harden and I realised that it was sticking out over the edge of his plate. Occasionally he would jab at it with his fork making me start and nearly cause a spillage. When he had eaten enough he fed me the rest. He then pushed me to the floor and went and got a beer.

"Would you like a beer, slave?" he barked. I nodded.

"You say "Sir" to me", he retorted and slapped me across the face. I was still wearing the ring gag but I struggled to say: "Sir, Yes, please, Sir." Somehow my distorted speech was more humiliating than anything else that had been done to me.

"Well you can have the beer I had at lunchtime". He unzipped his jeans and again I had his cock in my mouth. This time I was treated to a torrent of piss.

Most of the rest of the evening was spent with me laying on the floor sucking on his toes or fetching beers from the kitchen. He watched the television and used me to change channels, volume etc. As he said why should he waste money on batteries when I could do the work? During commercial breaks I would have to stand in front of him and he would toss my cock threatening me with castration if I should shoot my load over him and that he might never let me cum again anyway.

Eventually it was bedtime. My straps were all removed and I was allowed to take a shower. After that I was shown my bed -- a large plastic dog basket next to my master's bed.. I was to buy one to use at home as well. My master took a shower and then returned naked to the bedroom. I expected some savage sex but in fact all that happened was that he stood over me and tossed himself off. Showering my face with cum. I could get as much off as possible with my fingers and lick them clean but the rest remained all night.

I slept as well as can be expected in a plastic dog basket. In the morning I was awakened by my master's voice. He had tossed himself off and needed me to clean it up with my tongue. I really enjoyed running my tongue over his slime covered belly and sucking the cum out of his navel but, of course, the highlight was draining the last drops from his cock itself.

"I have a surprise for you. We are going out. You can wear these." He pointed to the inevitable brief shorts but at least I was allowed a T-shirt even if I was very skimpy.

We walked a few streets from where my master lived. On the way he went into a coffee shop and told me to say outside resting my backside against the railings along he edge of the road with my arms outstretched along each side. My cock was pressing against the shorts and I attracted some very odd looks. I was sure that someone was going to offer me money for sex. We carried on to a small shop with the sign outside: TATTOOS AND PIERCING. I knew what was to happen.

"Hi, Gavin," my master said, "I want him pierced -- Prince Albert and nipples -- both." And then to me: "Strip!".

I pulled the T-shirt over my head and dropped the shorts. I stood naked in front of my master, the piercer and some other guy who was sitting at the side as if it was the most usual thing in the world. I was told to lay on a couch and once again they talked about me as if I was not there.

"Can't you get a younger slave. This one is a bit past it. Nice cock, though." They all examined my cock as though it were a sausage in a butcher's shop. The piercer pulled back my skin and then lifted it to examine my balls: "Why not have some rings in these?"

"Business bad is it? Well maybe another time."

The piercer went to work. I was expecting the cock piercing to really hurt but in fact the nipples hurt much more even with what I took to be some sort of anaesthetic. As I gasped as the needle went in my master squeezed my hand. The first affection he had shown me. That deadened the pain far more than any anaesthetic.

When the job was done they stood me up and admired the work. As he turned me towards a mirror the piercer fondled my arse and let a finger explore my crack. I looked at my naked body and the rings with admiration. I really felt like a slave and it was wonderful!

"A good job." Said my master, "Perhaps he should walk back to the flat like that so everyone can enjoy the view!"

My heart pounded. I knew deep down that he could not mean that but then anything seemed possible. He laughed at the look of panic on my face and told me to put my clothes on. I slipped into the shorts and T-shirt.

"Well, let them at least have a peep," he added and tore a whole in the T-shirt over my left nipple.

As we walked back to his flat -- my master striding along in front and me running behind like a puppy my nipples began to tingle as the anaesthetic began to wear off with the result that my cock began to stiffen which in turn made me aware of the piercing in it which then made it stiffen more. The feect of my tight T-shirt and shorts, the exposed, pierced nipple and my stiff cock was not lost on the gay men that we passed and there was more than a little body contact with passing strangers.

Eventually we reached the safety of my master's flat and I responded to his casual over-the-shoulder command: "Strip!". He then attached a metal chain between the rings in my nipples and another chain from that down to the ring in my cock so that as I moved about my bouncing cock pulled on my nipples -- an effect that ensured my cock remained rock hard.

My master had lunch and then produced a dog bowl of fruit salad:

"Would you like some cream on this -- my cream?"

"Sir, yes, please, Sir", I replied.

He put the bowl down in front of me and stripped naked: "The quanity of cream depends on the quality of the wank you give me."

I reached out and stroked his soft cock until it was stiff and the tip glistening with his juice. I lend forward and sucked the tip into my mouth. He pulled my mouth away and slapped me round the face: "I told you to wank it, not suck it!" I did not make that mistake again but continued to massage his beautiful dick while fondling his balls with my other hand. It did not take long. Suddenly he grabbed at his cock and pointed it at the bowl and as I continued to rub it he shot his load into the bowl.

"Now eat your lunch!" he snapped and left the room.

Left on my own I bent over and dipped my tongue into his cum and enjoyed the taste again. I did not want to spoil it with the taste of the fruit and so I very carefully licked his cum from the top of the fruit. I thought how lucky I was. All those years wasted before I found what I really needed. Here I was naked in front of a dog bowl licking up another man's cum with my nipples and cock pierced at his wish with no a consideration of what I wanted. What I did want was to cum. Ten day's stored cum with the piercings, sex and humiliation was making my cock ache more than I had known for years.

My master returned with a carrier bag.

"Stand!" he said. I was getting used to the short commands. He removed the chains from my rings and fixed a leather harness around my torso: Straps over my shoulders and round my sides joined to a steel ring at the front. Then a triangular leather device which was covered in metal studes with a steel ring at the bottom was fitted to my loins so that my cock stuck through the ring and straps attached to the top of the triangle were linked behind me holding it in place. Finally I was fitted with riding boots.

My master took hold of the ring in my cock and lead me to his bedroom where he showed me myself in the mirror.

"See how you might look as a Master rather than the pathetic little slave that you are!"

I was truly amazed at the transformation by just a few pieces of leather.

"Come with me, I have a surprise for you."

I followed my master out of his flat and down into his garage. On entering I could not help but gasp! The garage was dark apart from a spotlight shining onto a naked figure whose arms were outstretched sideways and tied by thick ropes to the sides of the garage. This naked figure was boy-slave. I could see that clearly enough even though he was blindfolded, the thick rings though his nipples and cock had gone and all his body hair had been shaved. He looked so vulnerable and so young.

"He's yours to play with! Do what you want with him. Only I want a good show!"

My master stepped back into the darkness and I stepped forward reaching out to fondle the end of boy-slave's cock. What happened next was more of a shock than seeing him there in the first place:

"Oh please don't hurt me again! Just let me go -- I won't tell anyone what you've done!" He pulled away from my hand as much as he was able and started to sob.

I stepped back and my master's voice came from the darkness: "He's been told to put on a good show too!" Now, I fully understood the game we were playing -- only how much more I would like to have been tied and blindfolded!

I slapped him across the face: "If you don't stop blabbing you'll never get out of here at all. You'll leave when I'm finished with you." I twisted his left nipple between my fingers and he screamed. I ducked under his arm and pressed myself up behind him while lewdly fondling the cheeks of his arse. Again he cried out: "Oh please, please not that again. It really hurt. Anything but that!" I thought for a moment and realised that with my freshly pierced cock I could not do "that" at the moment so I went round to the front and pushed my fingers into his mouth. He said nothing but continued to sob quietly and I could feel tears running down his cheeks.

God, he looked so hot and my cock was really aching for release. I ran my hands across his smooth body and twisted both his nipples to make him writhe and struggle more. I slid my finger across the head of his cock and squeezed his balls. I leaned forward and licked and then nibbled his nipples. I found that there was enough slack in the ropes for me to pull him down on his knees although it meant his arms were pulled very tight. I pushed my dripping cock to his lips which he kept tightly closed and so I pinched his nose and waited for him to open his mouth to breathe and then pushed my cock in as he struggled to avoid it. I really did not want to hurt him but I was so wound up I just fucked his face like I had never had sex before. In only a few seconds I exploded with the most earth shuddering orgasm I can remember. My whole body shook and I felt I would never stop shooting into his mouth. As my sweaty body pulled free he opened his mouth and let the cum pour out. I fell to my knees and licked up my cum and forced it back into his mouth while reaching down and squeezing his balls.

I dragged him to his feet and started licking his balls and sucking on his cock alternately.

"Now you just give me a nice load of your cum or you might leave here with no balls," I said as I again squeezed his balls tight before continuing to suck on his dick. He took longer to cum than I had done but with continual work on his cock and balls and the occasional tweak of his nipples he eventually came in my mouth. I stood up, held back his head, pinched his nose closed and as he opened his mouth I let his cum spill from my mouth into his.

As I stood back my master clapped: "That was great but now it's time for you to return to being the slave you really are. Untie him and kneel in front of him." I untied boyslave and knelt as ordered.

"I expect you want to piss, now, don't you?" It was my master's voice but I knew it was directed at boyslave, who took of his blindfold and with a quick "Thank you, Sir," proceeded to hose me down.

Some two hours later we were back in my master's flat. Boyslave had gone and I was On Display wearing leather straps more appropriate to me slave status. My master had been in his study for about an hour and eventually returned to the living room where I was positioned exposed in the window.

"Now, slave, you may have heard that it is the slave who is really in control as he can leave whenever he wants but I want you to know that in your case that is just not true. If you ever disobey me or try to leave then a copy of this will be sent to your head teacher, the head of the PTA and some of your pupils. Now come and watch."

I scurried over to my master and knelt beside him as he put a video tape in the machine. I was stunned! What I saw was me apparently having sex with a young teenager against his will. I was clearly recognisable but boyslave was not. He just looked like a fourteen year old boy tied and blindfolded and forced to have sex with a middle aged man wearing a leather harness and boots and with body piercings. My face was clearly shown and my voice quite recognisable. I knew I was now completely at the mercy of this man to whom I had quite voluntarily given myself. The tape finished.

"Now, come and suck me off. That tape's made me horny!"

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