Dilf Beckham

By Lidon Dyte

Published on Jun 22, 2019


DILF Beckham Part 1

DISCLAIMER - This is a work of pure fiction and fantasy.

Feedback please to lidon.dyte@gmail.com


*** Hunky married alpha and world class DILF David Beckham gets seduced and fucked by one of his son's gay friends. ***


At 20 years old, Brooklyn Beckham was one of the most recognisable media icons. Based in London, he was part of the trendy fashion scene, looking to make his name with his own personal brand of clothing, aftershave or whatever. One afternoon he was hanging out with a few of his fellow fashion students, the most talented of which (everyone recognised) was one Lance Hilton.

Lance was 21, good looking and gay. He had a smooth swimmer's upper body, pale skin and nicely toned. Baby blue eyes and high cheekbones with lucious red beestung lips - a perfect pouty cocksucking mouth. And a full, wide, almost female ghetto booty, something that Lance had always been a little self concious of as a kid but which he had grown to love, particulary the attention it got him.

Brooklyn, Lance and a few others were at the Beckham family's huge place in a leafy suburb of London, just chilling and chatting like boys do. About girls, and fucking.

"Who would I go for, if I could get anyone?"

Andy, a 20 year old hipster type, rolled his eyes. "If? Fuck off. You're Brooklyn Beckham. There's no 'If' and you know it!"

Brooklyn laughed. "Piss off mate. It's not like I just show them my ID and they open up. Classy girls actually make celebrities try harder!"

"Oh so you're a celebrity now are ya?" teased Tommy, a 22 year old fashion senior who Brooklyn had befriended. "I thought you were just related to them."

"Ha, you know what I mean," said Brooklyn. "Like I say, I still have to try."

"Yeah you have to try," said Andy. "So what's your success rate?"

Brooklyn stroked his chin, pretending to think. "Erm.. yeah.. I'd say a hundred fucking percent!"

Tommy gave a mocking laugh. "Fuck off then. Lance, what about you? Who would you go for?"

Lance smiled. "Now that's quite a question, boys. Who indeed."

"Reckon Brook here could tempt you, if he was that way inclined?" teased Andy. "Or would you spoil his perfect record?"

"'Fraid so," Lance said. "Sorry mate, you just ain't my type."

"Yeah right," Brooklyn shook his head, grinning it off. "So gutted."

Lance paused, a mischevious look coming to his eye. He licked his pouty lips. "I'd definitely go for your dad though. He's a total ride."

Andy and Tommy burst out laughing. Brooklyn made an 'eww gross' noise and put his head in his hands.

"You sick fucker!" he laughed.

"He's ancient!" chucked Andy. "You got a fetish for old men then?"

"He's still got it," Lance countered. "And I do like a good DILF."

"Mate, mate," Tommy said. "I know it's just a game but you have to be a bit realistic. As if David fucking Beckham would look twice at you!"

"Guys please!" Brooklyn appealed. "Can we stop talking about Lance and my dad for fucks sake?!"

Lance had first met the Daddy Beckham three months ago. He had seen him before of course on TV and posters - and like all gay men he had found him very attractive. But meeting him in the flesh had been something else. It had only been a very quick encounter .. Beckham was on his way to catch a flight, and had just popped in to say goodbye to Brooklyn. He gave Lance a quick wave hello - "sorry mate, I've got to dash, nice to meet ya" - before heading out, not noticing that the young gay man was simply staring at him, mouth slightly open.

Beckham was famous for his good looks as a soccer star in his prime. Now retired from sport at 44, those looks had aged well. Very well. His strong facial features remained perfect; the bronzed sunkissed skin taking on a slightly more rugged look which only enhanced their hunky alpha manliness. His hair was cut in a neat skin fade, disguising the few hints of grey creeping in at the side. Body wise, he had kept in top shape - his torso was lythe and trim, with no hint of 'middle age spread' around the belly, which was almost as taut and tight as it had been in his twenties. His incredible bubble butt ass remained huge and pert, an amazing sight in the tight denim jeans he usually worse, and his meaty soccer player's thighs remained thick and muscular. In one respect, he was actually much hotter than before, in that his tanned skin was adourned in an array of fashionable inkwork. The famous sleeve and back tatts that had been with him for years had been joined by edgier work on his neck, with the latest additions creeping to the side of his head and even his left ear. Closer and closer to that perfect face. It made him look dangerously sexual, permanently modifying his godlike beauty to give it a dirty, slutty edge.

This was the image Lance had in his mind as he decided in that moment to lay down the challenge. A challenge that would change his life, Brooklyn's and Daddy Beckham's forever.

"I'm serious," he said. "He wouldn't be the first straight dude I've messed around with."

"Sorry, you actually reckon you could seduce the great David Beckham?!" laughed Tommy. "Haha. Bullshit man."

Lance cocked an eyebrow. "Want to bet?"

"Guys, no!" Brooklyn cried. "Lance, seriously man, drop it. I know my dad. There's no way he'd do it even as a laugh."

"Fine. So you won't mind me trying then?"

Brooklyn gave a resigned sigh. "Mate - fuck it. You want to make a dick of yourself, fine."

"Ok," Lance said slowly. "So what's the bet? If I do it?"

"Well when you try and fail," said Tommy, "You'll be our bitch for the rest of the course. Do our assignments, fetch and carry our stuff, be available as our personal butler on call 24/7."

Andy nodded. "Sounds good to me. I'll take a piece of that. But what if he wins?"

"If I win," Lance said, "then I win. I'll have fucked David fucking Beckham. That's the win."

"So it's win-win," laughed Tommy. "Come on Brook. You in?"

Brooklyn shook his head, a tired half-smile on his face. "Guys, really, whatever. Whatever it takes to make this conversation stop."

Lance got his chance sooner than he expected. He was at the Beckham place the following weekend, helping Brooklyn with a photography assignment. Brook's phone blew up with messages from his latest squeeze, a hot waitress from a bar near the college. "Sorry man I hate to do this to ya," Brooklyn said, tapping away at the touchscreen. "But Candice has finished early and ... well ..." he flashed the phone screen in Lance's face.

"Eww, gross," Lance frowned at the lewd pictures and messages. "Go. Go, wet your dick man. Just promise not to show me that again."

Brooklyn was already halfway out of the room. "Cheers man. Laters. You OK to tidy up here?"

"Yeah sure," Lance said.

He started packing away the stuff they'd been working on and heard the door open.

"Back already man?" Lance asked without looking round, adding mockingly, "Wow, that was quick."

He stood up and turned to see not his friend, but the hot Daddy Beckham, standing in the doorway.

"Oh.. shit.. sorry, erm, Mr Beckham," Lance stammered, almost dropping his things. "I thought you were.."

"Yeah," said Beckham, "I thought you were too. Where's he gone?"

"I... er.. he got a message from his, um, girlfriend I think," explained Lance. "He had to dash out. I was just finishing up here.. I'll be out of your way in two minutes. Sorry."

"No worries," Beckham said, a friendly grin spreading over his handsome face. "Actually, as you're here, maybe you can help me out instead. Lewis, isn't it? Call me David." He offered his hand to shake.

Lance stared for a beat. God, the Daddy Beckham was .. just .. stunning ... and here he was, with his beautiful hunky face, stretching out an inked arm and offering a big manly paw.

"Oh.. um.. yeah, sure," he said, shaking the hand as firmly as he could. I'm actually fucking touching David Beckham he thought. I'll be 'Lewis' or whatver. This absolute fucking god can call me whatever he wants.

"Good to meet you properly Lewis," Beckham said. "Right come on. Follow me."

Lance followed the older hunk down the corridor and across a hallway as they made small talk. He stole as many looks at Beckham as he dared. In the flesh, the married stud was a hundred times hotter, his amazing physical features enhanced by his warm and friendly but confident and alpha persona. Lance could feel his own cock begin to plump.

"Just up here," Beckham said, indicating some stairs. They were too narrow for them to ascend together, so Lance followed behind. And was treated to a stunning view that almost made him faint. Just inches away from him, that big chunky bubble butt ass and those thick sporty thighs, flexing and bulging like crazy as they climbed the stairs, the blue denim of the jeans stretched skin tight over them. A slight manly musk from the exertions. Lance was in gay heaven, and this was just the start.

They crossed another hallway and entered a chic underlit room with a polished bartop and an array of drinks and cut glassware. There were plush leather seats and a pool table.

"My personal bar," Beckham explained. "I have my own line of whisky... you seen the adverts, Lewis?"

"Yeah," Lance said.

"Every tried any?"

"Um, no. I don't.. I'm not really a whisky drinker."

"I wasn't before," Beckham smiled. "But this stuff is really smooth. The distillers have sent some new blends and I wanted to get a neutral opinion on them. Can I tempt you?"

"Sure," said Lance, starting too feel easier in the godly hunk's presence. "I'm always up for trying new things." Beckham cocked an eyebrow and grinned in recognition of the slightly risque remark. He was well aware of the effect he had on gay men and was relaxed about a little casual flirting. As long as they always understood who was in charge, and respected the limits. Like all proud straight men, he was never one to say no to admiration and attention.

The two men sat and drank. The expensive whiskies, powerful yet smooth, helped the conversation along nicely. Both having an interest in fashion and the media, they were soon chatting as easily as old friends.

"So .. which one you like best?" asked Beckham as they polished off the final sample.

Lance's head was spinning a little. "I like them all," he said, slurring a little. "They're all good, really great."

Beckham chuckled. "Well you're no help," he said. "I'm supposed to choose the best two to market first."

"Um.. well I guess.. this one," Lance waved a random bottle, "and... hell. This one."

"Great, thanks," said Beckham sarcastic but warmly. "I need this whisky business to go big. I'm getting a bit old to be modelling underwear."

"Oh I don't know about that," Lance grinned flirtatiously. "I'd say you've still got it."


"For a couple of years at least."

"Haha. Fuck off. I'm old enough to be your father."

The effects of the alcohol gave Lance the confidence to hold the older hunk's gaze. "Yeah," he said, pouting his full lips slightly. "You are. Daddy."

Beckham laughed with mock embarrassment. "Nice to know I'm still popular with the teen crowd," he countered.

"Teen? Fuck off!" Lance feigned offence. "I'm nearly 22"

"Oh right," said Beckham. "You're a real man of the world then!"

"I bet I could teach you a thing or two," Lance said. A slightly awkward silence. Fuck, too far he thought.

"Ahh... yeah," said Beckham. He stretched out a beautifully inked arm to look at his Rolex. "Well, I'd better be.."

"Sure, sure," Lance got up, suddenly flustered. "Sorry, I didn't mean... Here, let me help clear up." He started busying himself collecting up their glasses.

"It's fine, you can leave it," Beckham said, rising from his own seat. "The help will get that."

"It's OK, I don't mind.. oh shit," fumbling, Lance dropped the glasses. He bent down to pick them up.

"Honestly don't..." Beckham had moved forward and walked straight into the younger man's big bouncy ass which was sticking out as he bent down. Through the tight denim, his fat soft hetero cock was suddenly pressed into the cleft of those huge soft mounds.

Momentarily stunned by the unexpected sensation, Beckham did not immediately move away. Lance's eyes widened. Fuck he thought is this a chance.. fuck it. Slowly and sensually, he began to grind his ass against the married stud's crotch.

Beckham had not fucked in weeks - his wife was away working and his usual slut was out of town. The drink, combined with the casual power he was exerting over the younger gay man, had begun to warm him up. And suddenly, his cock was pressed against what he had to admit was an impressive ghetto booty. I should move he thought. Then fuck.. what's this.. is he..?

"What..." Beckham said dumbly "what are you, uh, doing?"

Lance said nothing - he just pressed back a little harder and ground away. Still Beckham did not move. Lance smiled as he felt the older married hunk's fat cock begin to plump. He stood and turned to face him.

"Just take a seat now, Mr Beckham," Lance said confidently, placing a hand on the straight stud's proud chest and gently pushing him back. "Let me help you out with that."

"No..." Beckham protested weakly. "This is.. I'm married.. aaahhh.."

Lance could tell that he had the daddy hunk on the ropes. Not missing a beat, his other hand went straight to the bulging Beckham crotch and began sensually messaging the clear outline of that thick, meaty shaft. They were on Lance's home turf now ... he loved to play with cocks and was an expert in maximising pleasure. For Beckham, who had only received routine hand-jobs from women, it was an experience he was not prepared for. The young gay student's teasingly slow, clever manipulation of his huge hetero manhood was having a delrious effect on the straight married hunk.

"Mmmmfff.. what the..." Beckham mumbled.

Lance dropped to his knees and buried his face into that hot crotch, inhaling the manly scent of the horny soccer hunk. He smiled into the bulging denim as he heard the first submissive moans of pleasure escape from his prey. Taking that as his cue, his hands worked quickly to undo Beckham's fly, pull his jeans and boxers down in one move down those colossal meaty thighs and down to his knees. He was rewarded with a hot wet slap in the face as Beckham's now fully erect fucktool bounced up to meet him, pulsing threateningly. A quick push to the hunk's taut stomach had him back in his chair. Lance's sweet tongue had started eagerly exploring the thick column before Beckham's arse was in the seat.

"Jesus.. oh fuck mate, how are you doing th-aaahhh"

Any hope of the straight married hunk resisting what was about to happen was shot. Beckham could only watch in a horny gaze as the young power bottom hungrily devoured his cock, licking aggressively up the shaft, short lapping darts around the crest of the glans, strong noisy sucks at the sizeable meaty bellend itself. Those thick sensual pouty lips were literally designed for cocksucking, Beckham realised, as his control of the situation slipped further away. When Lance brought those huge heavy balls into the action, it was game over. In no more than a minute, the great soccer stud David Beckham had gone from the fully clothed alpha male, completely in charge of the situation, to gasping and horny, his cock out and expensive designer jeans down at his knees, overpowered by pure fucklust.

"Fuck.. oh yeah mate, don't stop.. fuck that's so fucking good" he moaned.

Lance just made a knowing 'uh huh' in reply, his mouth not leaving the hunk's fuckpole for a second.

"God.. fuck yeah..." Beckham was almsot purring now. "Please... I'm almost three.. oh fucking hell.."

Lance licked his way to the fat tip of Beckham's cock and stopped, holding the base firmly with thumb and forefinger circled tightly around it, throwing a playful naughty look directly at the helpless hetero superstud.

"Want me to finish the job, Daddy?" he teased.

"Fuck yes.. please.. shit, I'm horny as fuck mate..."

Lance grinned evilly as he slowly wanked the soccer god's pulsating cock. "Shirt off. Now." he said, now confident and in charge.

Beckham flushed slightly as he realised the power shift from him to the young gay student. Lance was treated to a flurry of ink and lithe muscle as the hunk complied, removing his white T shirt and exposing the gorgeous tanned heaven of his upper torso.

"Hmmmm yeah," Lance grinned widely as he appreciated the sight, and was suddenly forward drawing a long sensual lick up that sexy tight stomach towards the toned inked chest. Beckham's nipples were his next conquest, one being eagerly sucked and lightly nibbled as the other was stroked and pinched. Horny gasps and sighs reverberatad through that world famous chest as Lance devoured it. Beckham was hot as hell and desparate for release.

Of course, Lance wasn't finished playing with the Daddy Beckham's hot physique. Nowhere near. Taking his time, he slowly kissed, sucked and licked his way up the chorded, inked neck, moaning in pleasure as he enjoyed every hot, famous tanned inch of it. Finally he was there - at the impossibly handsome, hunky face of David Beckham. He leaned up over it to look his reluctant new lover in the eyes and was met with a dazed look of pure fucklust.

"Nnnn... nah..." more pathetic protests from Beckham as the lush pouty lips of his young gay conqueror began fixing hot wet kisses across his famous godlike face. Lance was harder then he'd ever been, barely able to believe that this insanely hot married hunk was allowing him to enjoy those chisled features. A long lick down that strong jawline and horny sucks on that proud chin. Eager puppy like laps at those sharp cheeknbones. Finally, Lance helped himself to that stunning, fleshy, strong nose, sucking and nibbling at that perfect iconic feature. He stared straight into the married hunk's eyes as he did so and saw a look of helpless horny defeat.

The kiss was inevitable. Lance reached a thumb up to Beckham's strong chin, teasing the mouth open. The younger man lowered his own mouth, and soon his provocative pouty lips were on it, his sweet tongue probing in to meet the thick manly tongue within. Beckham barely resisted for a second before returning the kiss, first slowly, then with strength and heat. Loud, horny moans from each man as they kissed with animal passion. Lance had re-commenced stroking the pulsating, leaking shaft of the Daddy Beckham and now quickened up the pace. He was in charge of this fuck, and he wanted to make his older lover cum as they were making out. Moments later, he got it, a powerful sexual roar of climax from Beckham's mouth into his. The fat married cock shot white ropes over Beckham's abs and chest. Lance leant out of the kiss and helped himself to the hot Beckham juice, scooping it onto his fingers to taste his prize.

"Hmm, very tasty Mr B," he said casually. "Here, try." He laughed at the adorable confused look on the stud's handsome face as the famous David Beckham tasted his own cum from his new gay lover's fingers.

Lance's mind was spinning - he could not believe that he had actually done it. He had turned the great Daddy Beckham had from untouchable god to slutty sex freak. That stunning face and body, which he had only admired from afar, had now been conquered by his mouth and tongue. That huge hetero cock, once a strictly female-only zone, had given up its horny delights to him.

This was too hot to be a one-off, he realised. He needed to play with the Daddy Beckham again... and again. There was a lot more fun to be had with the stunning married hunk. And he knew he had to make the power move to make sure that happened.

"Well that was fun," Lance said, removing his fingers from Beckham's mouth and casually wiping them on his shirt. "But I gotta go."

"Huh.. erm.."

Lance leant down and gave Beckham a firm kiss on the lips. Just a second or two. Then a final cheeky wet lick across that perfect nose.

"And it's Lance, by the way," he said. "You'll be saying that a lot, trust me."

He smiled, got up, and left.

"Laters, Daddy."

IN THE NEXT PART: Our hero Lance continues his conquest of the hot straight married Daddy Beckham. After all, it's a lot of fucking fun, and there's plenty more of that famous body to explore. And he needs to win the bet of course ... which means full sex ... with proof! And as the boys never specified who would pitch and who would catch - hell, Lance (being versatile) figures he'll need to make it a flip fuck. Maybe Daddy Beckham will need a bit more convincing in order to give up his muscular bubble butt ass to the younger man .... but probably not much more, Lance figures!

Next: Chapter 2

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