Disorder Order

By moc.mid@ggollek

Published on May 6, 2010


Disorder/Order (Part 3) by Mudcub stories@mudcub.com

*************************************************************** Warning: This story contains a lot of raunch and man sex. If you aren't interested, consider this to be a warning. This story should only be interpreted as one man's fantasy, not as a clearance to actually try any of the unsafe practices here. ***************************************************************

Jason turned and went into the dining room. Well, that's what Jason called it. He was sure Dr. Nasus had a different name for it. The doctor was in the room as usual, standing next to the training table. The guard took Jason's arm and led him to the feeding chair. THe guard was dressed in a rubber apron, with elbow-length gloves and a facemask. There was little danger of getting any of Jason's filth on him. Jason sat down in the chair as the guard moved the restraints out of the way to make room for his limbs.

Yes, restraints. Jason prayed for the day when Dr. Nasus would trust him to eat breakfast unrestrained, the way he no longer had to be tied down for his morning cleaning. But that was not yet to happen, and Dr. Nasus gave no hints about how much longer this feeding protocol would remain in place. The chair Jason was being strapped into was made of heavy metal, but dripping with dried shit from all the weeks of practice he had spent learning in this room. Didn't they ever clean the chair between feedings? Of course the answer was no, Jason thought ruefully... the idea was that Jason had to get used to all manner of filth, from everything he touched, to everything that went into his body.

The arm and legs restraints were bad enough, Jason thought. The chest straps constrained his breathing, and the crotch straps would make him very very aware of his nakedness sitting in front of the two clothed medical men. But the head restraints were the worst. The neck board went under Jason's chin, held in place by tight straps around his neck, making it hard for him to swallow and breathe. More straps went around Jason's forehead, holding his head back tight to the back of the chair. The only part of Jason's face that could move was his chin. Oh yes, that was the part that would be exercised this morning.

Dr. Nasus was still fiddling with items on the training table, his back to Jason. Jason couldn't quite see what the doctor was moving around... was that a blender Jason saw? Meanwhile, the guard brought the slop buckets closer to the chair. The guard walked all around the feeding chair, making sure that all the restraints were as tight as they could be, and that Jason couldn't move a muscle. The guard scooped out a huge handful of the sludge the cleaners were painting all over Jason's body. Sure, Jason was covered in the farmed shit, but that was only the outside. There was still the inside to do.

This was the worst part, Jason thought, and he steeled his fear as he prepared what was going to happen next. The assistant took the full hand of slop and mashed it into Jason's face, making sure it fully covered his nose and mouth. Jason held his breath for as long as he could, but soon had to take a rasping sputtering breath, trying to suck badly-needed air around the mass of shit pressed into his face.

The guard took advantage of this moment to slip four well, greased fingers into Jason's mouth with a practiced motion. They had played this game before, and every time it was the same. The nurse had to coat every part of the inside of Jason's mouth: under his tongue, inside of each cheek, over his front teeth. Jason hated it when the man's rubber fingers smeared shit as far back down Jason's throat as they would go. It made Jason gag. But he knew that anything he threw up would just be massaged back down into his stomach, or rubbed all over his lips and face. So puking wasn't desirable.

Jason liked to think that after a while, his mouth and tongue were so coated in filth that he ceased to taste anything. But that wasn't true. The constant flavor of the morning shit just meant that his taste buds would react strongly whenever the stimulus was changed. And it would change soon enough.

The guard shoved gobs of cold cooling shit up Jason's nose, one pinkie working its way up each nostril. Even the inside of Jason's ears received a glob of shit, making it hard for Jason to hear - like a feces earplug. Only when Jason was a uniform brown all over his face and inside all his orifices did the assistant connect the final straps and step away from the chair.

The final restraint is a gag that holds Jason's mouth open wide. Pieces of padded rubber go under Jason's tongue, and two flaps go inside each cheek. With a tight strap around the back of Jason's head, the gag forms a sort of funnel that Jason can't spit out. He could still work his tongue up and down a little, but he couldn't close his teeth to chew or stop the incoming flow into his mouth in any way. The best he could do was try to mash whatever foodstuff with the back of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, hopefully turning it into a paste before swallowing, swallowing. Always swallowing. Morning feeding could often take several hours. More, if Jason kept puking, and the food had to be collected and placed into the funnel a second time. Or a third time, before it all went down.

Jason suddenly felt a warmth spread across his groin and thighs, and realized without looking down that he was pissing himself. Oh well, jason had long ago gotten used to he idea of pissing and shitting himself throughout the day. There were several long weeks of diaper training when Dr. Nasus forced him to wear diapers or rubber pants for days at a time - Jason's own feces piling up on itself until he was waddling around all day with pounds of shit in his diaper. That was nothing compared to the endless hours of service as the facility's toilet, with all sorts of guards, nurses, and handymen, who piss and shit on (or in) him the whole day long while Jason was chained under a rimchair.

So, Jason was used to piss and shit. Piss and shit, and even puke and blood and snot he could deal with. What could be next?

Dr. Nasus finally turned to Jason, smiling. He was wearing rubber gloves again, and held a thermos in his left hand.

"Dr. Narium was very impressed with your progress," Dr. Nasus said.

Jason tried to respond, but with the gag in place, the only words that came out were, "Ble-yaaank yoooooo thirrrrrr."

Dr. Nasus paid him no mind. "I thought we could go onto the next stage of your training. Since you've gratefully swallowed everything I've ever come up with, I still want to find something that you won't swallow."

The doctor smiled at the patient again. "Or can't swallow."

Jason thought about the garbage training. Whole days spent in heavy restraints, his head tied to a slop bucket full of rotten fishheads and rancid cooking oil. Jason slept many nights in the kitchen dumpster, waking up covered in unidentifiable goo with paper towels stuck to his face and body. Jason had been forced to eat maggots, live worms, and many many bugs, from cockroaches to caterpillars. What could be worse than that?

Dr. Nasus approached the feeding chair with the the thermos raised. "I think we've discovered something that will give us a lot of new interesting data."

The doctor kept talking while the guard adjusted Jason's head so it tilted back at a more severe angle - his mouth and throat forming a straight line directly into Jason's stomach. "What I have here is pure liquified roots from the ipecacuanha plant. You do know what that is, don't you?"

Jason would have shook his head if he could move. Instead, he just started at the ceiling light directly shining down on him.

"It's commonly used to make syrup of ipecac. Surely you've heard of that." The doctor explained, "It makes the patient vomit uncontrollably."

He continued, "Syrup of ipecac is just a tenth of the active ingredient, watered down with glycerin and sugar to make it come up easier." Dr. Nasus shook the thermos and Jason could heard something thick and heavy slosh around inside. "This is the real thing."

The guard held the gag tight against Jason's mouth and jaws, while Dr. Nasus started to pour the glutenous mass into the funnel. "I'm not sure how long you will be able to keep any of this in your stomach, if at all," he said.

"Don't worry, we have the usual videocameras recording you this morning." The doctor gestured at the hidden cameras Jason knew were implanted into every wall of this room. Then he picked up the thermos and pour more into Jason's mouth, kindly allowing him to swallow in huge gulps when the funnel backed up.

For his part, Jason wasn't disgusted by the taste. Though the texture was revolting. It reminded Jason of poi, the Polynesian "delicacy". It was like a bland, slightly bitter pudding that coated Jason's tongue as it went down his throat. Jason kept gulping, but wondered how big that thermos really was.

Finally it was all down, and Jason felt better. Or rather, he felt glad that he didn't have to swallow any more. Some of the doctor's force-feeding sessions of oatmeal or baby food had taken hours to complete. This was done in minutes.

"As you may notice," the doctor lectured, "Your head is at a rather novel angle for this feeding." The doctor rubbed Jason's shit-covered throat, almost lovingly. "What is going to happen is that you will eventually puke up the ipecac root, which will refill the funnel."

All of a sudden, the new horror of his situation dawn on Jason, just as the doctor explained. "You will be forced to swallow the pulverized root again due to gravity and the gag. At which point the cycle will restart."

The doctor brought his face down close to Jason's and the patient saw the sadism in the doctor's eyes. "Over and over," the doctor said, "like a yo-yo, swallowing and puking, swallowing and puking."

The doctor motioned for the guard, and the two of them started cleaning up the remaining implements on the training table. The doctor continued, sounding slightly bored, "You will probably shit yourself when it starts coming out of both ends. We'll add that to the funnel later."

The guard exited the room with the equipment, leaving Dr. Nasus looking at the patient, who was starting to strain, his stomach heaving. "Let's start with a half hour for this first session, shall we?" The doctor said rhetorically, as he turned to the exit door, pushing the bars aside before locking it behind him. "I'll be back to check on you later with another half gallon of the ipecac root."

At that moment, Jason's stomach heaved and the slimy root exploded out of the upturned funnel like a fountain. It also shot out of Jason's nose from the pressure, and Jason swore he could feel it coating his eyes from squirting up through his tears ducts. Again and again Jason's stomach contracted violently, but just as fast as the slop puked out, it slid back down Jason's throat to join the remaining mixture roiling his guts.

It was going to be a long morning, and the day had barely started...

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