Doctor Feels Great

By Sub Boy

Published on Jun 12, 2023


I sat there stunned, overwhelmed -- and still horny as fuck for the men that had just used me. Abused me, really. But my little dick wanted attention bad! I could still smell them and the scene was so fresh in my head...I thought if I just could cum quick like last time I'd then get to work cleaning. I pulled out my little cock and began stroking but oh crap my balls hurt from the abuse and my chest and nips were burning. I realized I might not be able to cum from the pain (without one of them there) but suddenly the door opened and in walked Alpha again.

He shook his head and said, "Boy, you were told to clean, not play with yourself. Display!" and I dropped my cock and knelt and spread my arms for him. He walked right by into the locker room and returned with my cell phone and wallet. "You won't need these when you're cleaning, and I'll either come get you after I'm done with the guys at the bar or you can sleep here and I'll retrieve you tomorrow. Make me proud." And with that he locked me back in the gym. I sagged, almost in tears again, and began cleaning as thoroughly as I could.

My emotions were all over the place -- devotion, lust, despair, frustration. I had paid a lot for tonight's "training" - and it was definitely worth it! - but not knowing when or even if I'd be going home tonight was pissing me off. It must have been three hours I was there cleaning thoroughly when the dark-headed guy from the locker room walked in. He was just as hot as I remembered and clearly a little drunk. "Hey boy!" he grinned and I stopped what I was doing (putting away cleaning supplies) and hit my knees without being told. He walked over and shoved his bulging crotch in my face (I recalled that huge thick soft meat from before!) and rubbed my face in it. I was in heaven, smelling the sweat and piss from his crotch, the heat rolling off of it. I looked up at him when he released me and he spit right in my open mouth. My dick was again hard and leaking, the previous precum stains getting wet again.

"Alpha told me to get you your stuff back boy," he said as he handed me my wallet and phone. I had no good place to put them and was hoping for more of this god's attention when my phone dinged with a new text. "Shawn is pretty drunk; I dropped him off -- you drive him home in his car then jog back to get yours. You are allowed to put on the clothes he provides." Alpha giving me more instructions made my little dick leak even more! The dark-haired god Shawn grinned and said "what's the word, boy?" I shared the text with him and he said "Cool, let me get you some clothes" and walked back to the locker room. He came back carrying the clothes I wore in and put them in the desk drawer at the front where I had first seen Matt, pulling out a pair of very sheer shorts which I knew would be see-through and a light shirt that had a big rainbow on it. I couldn't wear that -- I'd be totally humiliated! I told Shawn as much and he laughed and said, "Suit yourself but you'll probably attract more attention running around in a jockstrap in the middle of the night."

They had me, again. I put on the new clothes and he snapped a picture before I knew what was happening, sending it to Alpha. He handed me his keys and we walked out to the car which I unlocked with the fob then reached for the driver's side door handle. "Faggot!" he barked. I just looked at him, confused, then realized he expected me to open his door. I hurriedly did so, taking the opportunity to check out his muscles, bulge and scent again before getting in the car. He gave me directions as we went, and I tried to ask about Alpha and how they knew each other etc. He just provided vague answers like "we're buds" and it was too dark for me to see his crotch in the car so the ride was over too soon. "'Night fag!" he said as he got the keys back, spit in my face then turned to show off that sexy big ass on the way inside.

I slowly started jogging back to the gym when my phone dinged and Alpha texted, "You can come here if you're back to your car in the next 15 minutes." FUCK. He meant his house! I knew I was 2 or 3 miles away but started sprinting anyway. Sweat was pouring off me, soaking my clothes and making the outer layer see-through. "5 minutes boy" came through 10 minutes later and I was almost spent but gave it everything I had. "Oh well" he texted when the time was up and I slowed, dejected, to walk the rest of the way then drive home depressed. "You're not in chastity yet but no jacking off boy" was the final text as I arrived. What a night -- I just needed to pass out and assess this...whatever it the morning.

Around 8 my phone dinged, waking me up. "Morning, faggot! I need milk, juice, bagels and fresh fruit for a work meeting at 9:30. Hurry!" What the fuck? Didn't the doctors office have a caterer? Apparently it was me! I jumped in the shower, sore and tired, then rushed to the store. Another message came through, "You better acknowledge me, boy"' and I quickly apologized, saying I was at the store then leaving for his office. "What did you get to go on the bagels boy?" he asked and I realized I hadn't gotten anything so I spent the next 30-40 minutes texting him questions, pictures and suggestions before he told me I needed to get a move on or there wouldn't be breakfast for the meeting. I rushed out and over to his office and arrived at 9:25 feeling foolish, hoping people assumed I was a delivery guy instead of a owned boy.

He met me in the foyer, dressed perfectly and exuding power. He made a show of looking through what I had brought and making me feel small and embarrassed then said "Good boy, wait here if you want a treat." I watched his sexy ass walk away and sat down to rest -- it had already been a stressful tiring day! About 30 minutes later a text came through from him, "meet me in the restroom at the end of the hall, last stall." Oh boy! I was going to get a treat from my owner! Excitedly I went and entered the restroom then the last stall and waited for him. I had it locked against anyone coming in and put my phone on vibrate, hoping he would text when he was coming in. Instead I heard the door open and his sexy voice flatly say "boy" and I opened the stall door for him and knelt immediately.

He stepped close to me like Shawn did the night before, rubbing his smoldering crotch in my face and working his fingers through my hair. "You need to grow this out boy so I have something to hold onto," he said as he grabbed what he could and jerked to get my head up. He spit right in my mouth then leaned over and kissed me full on the lips! I about fell over I was so surprised and happy! That kiss lasted only a quick second but I would have given him anything right then and there. "Up" he said softly as he pulled back and I rushed to my feet facing him. "Let me feel that ass boy" he said deeply, and I turned and released my shorts, dropping them around my ankles as he started rubbing my ass (I had worn his jockstrap from the first night and that definitely pleased him).

"You need to shave this boy, understood?" "Yes sir," I said, my ass moving of its own accord against his warm hand. He grabbed a little of the hair in my crack and pulled HARD, making me stifle a yip. He whispered right behind me "you did good today faggot but I need to get to work. I do need to piss first," and started pushing me to the floor. He unzipped and showed me his big dick almost fully hard which he pointed at the toilet right next to where I was kneeling. His huge stream started flowing and he said "you can use your tongue to get some but I better not have any splash on my shoes or clothes!" So there I knelt, slurping out of his stream of piss carefully, until the final dribbles left his big cockhead and he shook it twice right next to my face. I wanted to lick the last drop! I looked up at him but he shook his head, smiled and put his huge cock away.

I finally noticed he had brought a bag with him, and he said, "Dry cleaned, light starch, I want it back on Thursday." "Yes sir!" I barked, pleased I'd get to see him again in two days even if I had to do his bidding. I saw the effect it had on his crotch and his arrogance and knew it was all worth it. With that he strode out of the stall, leaving me trying to gain my composure.

I stopped by the dry cleaner on the way home and just sat there a little stunned and tired and happy and of course horny. I wanted to talk to Alpha, wanted his attention. I thought through how I could please him and came up with a crazy idea! Before I could reconsider, I stripped down and went to the bathroom and shaved my ass - all of it. I had never done anything like that but got both cheeks and the crack all the way up and down including right over the hole. My little dick was throbbing, engorged, and I used the taut skin to shave all the hair off the shaft and balls. It felt really good and I really really wanted - needed - to cum but knew better.

Next I dressed in the clothes from last night, embarrassingly sheer and gay. Then I drove to the local sex store and shopped for "chastity" - Alpha had said something about that and I thought I'd proactively try to please him. So I looked through the selection, getting a lot of looks (not really caring because to be honest it turned me on now thinking of pleasing my god) and finally choosing a clear plastic cock cage. In the extra small size. I snapped some selfie-type pics to send to Alpha. showing him I was humiliating myself for him, but didn't send them quite yet, deciding about an in-person surprise instead.

I rushed home and struggled to get the cage on - it was very small, even for my tiny cock, which would not go down. Several hairs snagged painfully and I realized my shave job wasn't perfect, but finally it was on. God I looked pathetic, and that made me really happy, thinking Alpha would approve. I took more pics but was still indecisive about sending them. I decided to sleep on it and took a nap, only to be awoken by a message from Alpha telling me he'd be at the gym around 8pm again and I needed to bring him a small cooler with dinner - lean protein and seasoned vegetables. Crap, I needed to hurry!

So I busted my ass getting everything ready then headed to the gym in my new chastity cage, the red jockstrap he had given me and the sheer shorts from the night before - but I couldn't force myself into the rainbow shirt again so threw on an old gym shirt. I pulled into the parking lot at 8:01 and immediately received a text "I said 8pm boy get here in 5 minutes or don't bother." Shit, was he really mad about one minute?! But when I walked in I saw he was and I apologized profusely. "You want Matt to train you again boy?" I didn't hesitate at all and said "I'd rather have you train me sir but I will do whatever makes you happy." That was the right answer because his sexy grin widened and he yelled out "Shawn!" and then said to me, "Shawn owes you for the lift last night and I've seen you checking him out. He'll train you tonight."

Shawn jogged over, his big cock flopping around in his shorts and his sexy hairy legs snagging my attention. "Train the boy on legs and ass tonight," Alpha told Shawn. He grinned and motioned me to follow but I suddenly realized the cock cage would make leg work difficult. Alpha stopped in mid-motion turning away and said, "What the fuck is the problem, boy?"

"Alpha I wanted to surprise you and think that working legs would be super uncomfortable," I mumbled, suddenly embarrassed and nervous. "Show me" he growled and I looked towards the locker room, hoping for some privacy as the gym was busier tonight, but it wasn't to be. He stood his ground waiting impatiently, and I felt defeated as I moved aside the sheer shorts so he could see the big wet spot in the jock and the outline of the cage.

His grin lit up the room and he said, "Good boy! Show me." "Here, sir?" I pleaded. "Now," was the only answer I got so I pulled aside the wet jock pouch showing my shaved little dick straining at the cage. I expected laughter and derision but instead he looked very lustfully at me and said in his deep voice, "that's a good faggot" as he rubbed the cage and inspected it closer right there in the middle of the gym.

Shawn asked Alpha, "So, legs then?" and Alpha said "just ass today" and my cock twitched - what did that mean? Alpha spoke directly to me "Boy, I won't tolerate anything in your hole except a tongue unless or until I am ready to use it." I was shocked - he might want to fuck me?! "But pain tolerance and keeping your hole interested in being used are always trainable, and Shawn is the master. BUT - you need to tell him - or whoever is training you IMMEDIATELY if you are close to cumming. Can't waste that fun new cage!" And with that he sauntered off for his workout.

Shawn grinned and said, "We'll need to do this in the locker room - it'll be too loud and distracting out here. Heel!" I turned and followed his sexy wrestler's build to the locker room which was thankfully empty. Shawn was about 26 and thickly built, about 5'8" and powerful yet sleek. He was definitely someone I would lust after but I kept thinking of Alpha and his power and control - he was even more sexy than this stud.

As soon as we were in the locker room, I was told to strip to the jock strap and mount one of the long benches where people could sit to change. The bare wood was a little cold on my bare chest, and the cock cage made a dull clunk as I obeyed. Before I knew what was happening, Shawn had grabbed my wrists and fastened them with rope under the bench. He pushed me back so my knees were on the floor off one end, my ass open and exposed! I felt his hand exploring my ass everywhere, and he asked, "did you shave? For Alpha?" "Yes sir!" I replied. He laughed and said "Alpha does get what he wants. Let's get started."

Suddenly, his big strong hand SMACKED my exposed ass HARD. I yelped and thrashed, startled by the sudden pain. His hand had connected right in the meatiest part of my ass, catching both cheeks somewhat and it hurt like hell! I was just recovering a little when SMACK - right on the left cheek. I yelped again and he flatly stated, "Quiet, faggot. This is pain tolerance training. Shut your faggot hole and take it like a man. Except you're not one!" and laughing hard, he struck me again, this time on the right cheek. He abused that one for the next 20 or 30 minutes as the tears rolled down my face and I stifled my cries of pain as well as I could. Guys were using the locker room to change and shower and chat, some coming over to watch and comment while others just took it in stride.

My cheek was on fire and I wondered if it was bruising already. It felt like blood was flowing but I assumed that was sweat. Hoped it was sweat. This hurt so much more than I expected! Shawn took a break and stripped down to his jock, showing his huge cock rock hard. He liked my pain! Before I could celebrate seeing his glory too much, he slapped my right cheek again and I couldn't stop from crying out. Immediately he started in on the left cheek and stayed there much too long - another 20 or 30 minutes - then started hitting both at once using both hands! Oh my god I wanted to pass out but realized I was sliding around the bench in a puddle of sweat and precum.

I was hoping it would end and it felt good when he moved off those abused cheeks - but only for a second as I realized how much more the lower back and upper thighs hurt when abused! I was squirming and trying to be quiet when all of a sudden I felt something at my hole. Shawn was breathing hard from his exertions and his face was an inch from my hole! I was still squirming and in serious pain when suddenly that big strong stud licked my little hole! Oh my god, I almost flew off the bench but was still securely tied down. His tongue started penetrating me and his blows got more vicious at the same time. Already my dazed mind connected the two sensations - glorious sexual energy in my hole and severe pain to my ass!

The torture just wouldn't end though - his big strong hands smacking all over my backside and his tongue just barely inside my hole - I was trying to push back but he didn't relent and I was getting in a frezny. I was trying to get more of his tongue in me!! Suddenly I realized - fuck! I was close!!! "Shit sir I'm close!" I bellowed and everything stopped all at once. Nothing touched my ass and he withdrew completely. It took me what seemed like a long time to calm down and come off the brink. As I was nearly coherent again and thought I wouldn't cum, Alpha walked in and my emotioned ramped back up immediately.

"Everything ok in here?" he asked, and I could feel his eyes on me, assessing my state. "Yes Alpha," Shawn and I chimed in chorus somehow. Alpha laughed and said "That is one red ass boy! It turns me on." And with that, he shucked off all his clothes, gloriously naked and proudly strong. His big cock wasn't hard and he was sweating from his workout, but then he started caressing my ass and his dick shot up to fully hard in seconds! "Goddamn that destroyed ass is pouring off heat - must hurt like fuck - good job Shawn. He didn't pass out?" "No Alpha, but we did have to stop because he almost shot." Alpha smiled hugely, liking the implication that I'd get off from the torture.

As his hand roamed my blazing ass, he apparently found some hairs I missed while shaving and he yanked them out painfully! I was so stunned - and maybe trained well enough - that a small grunt was my only reaction. He plucked out a couple little spots and told me I needed to be more accurate when shaving - and that I needed to stay shaved for him.

"OK boy, we're done with you," Alpha said and I wanted to cry. That was it? That was hot as fuck but I wanted them - wanted their cocks, their seed! As Shawn untied my hands and helped me up, I almost fell down in exhaustion and disappointment. Alpha continued, "That meal was shit, you need more practice. But you still probably deserve a reward for shaving and the cock cage at least, so if you want to stick around you can clean us off." I nodded as vigorously as my pain and exhaustion would allow and they both smiled big and headed to the showers.

The showers were the stuff of jerk off fantasies - 8 shower heads around the perimeter of a 12x12' tiled room. One sexy stud was just leaving but I only had eyes for Alpha and Shawn. They didn't turn on the showers and Alpha snapped, "Tongue bath and massage from shoulders to toes boy, make it quick!" I jumped at the chance and inhaled his scent, licking his pits, his muscular lightly hairy chest and torso down his abs past his huge hard dick and to his hairy legs, while massaging his biceps and triceps and chest. I was tiring fast but enjoyed it so much! I was on all fours licking his feet and massaging his calves when Shawn smacked my ass again! It was to get my attention as Alpha turned on the shower and started getting wet while I turned and gave Shawn the tongue and massage treatment.

As I was again on all fours, Alpha smacked my ass hard and handed me soap to lather them both up! I took my time and had no energy to go faster. Alpha rinsed while I lathered up Shawn then he turned and told me to lick his hole! I dove in and got my tongue in so fast - he was amazing and his moaning and squirming made me forget temporarily my aches and pains. Shawn rinsed off and got on his knees, sucking on Alpha's big thick tool with abandon. Alpha's groans got louder and deeper, and suddenly his tight hole spasmed on my tongue and Shawn was cumming on the floor, swallowing Alpha's big load.

Alpha recovered quickly and barked at me (tongue still in his hole!), "Roll in it, boy!" I was shocked but obeyed, rolling in Shawn's cum. They laughed, standing above me mostly still hard, then both began pissing on me. I was covered in cum and piss and was loving it. "Open wide faggot," Alpha ordered and the last of their piss went into my mouth along with a big was of spit each, then they left laughing to get dressed. I showered as quick as my sore exhausted body would allow, but putting on the jock and shorts hurt like hell and they were gone when I came out; only Matt was left, sitting like a god at the front desk. "Goodnight, fag!" he laughed and he got up to lock up and follow me out. I was glad not to have to clean up, and Matt handed me a small brown bag and said, "Alpha will send instructions." And with that he headed to his car and I painfully shuffled to mine.

Before I could get in, I got a text from Alpha saying, "Use the salve on your ass ASAP boy, it won't numb the pain much but will help heal it quicker. You did good today. Be at the gym at 4am to clean again, I left a spare key under the bush by the door." I groaned, exhausted and hurting, knowing I'd only get a few hours sleep at best before I was back to my slave chores.

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