Dom Stepbrother

By D Smith

Published on Apr 9, 2022



I woke up the next morning and instantly remembered I had been spanked as my ass was still sore. Wylie was already up and must have been downstairs. I brushed my teeth, dressed and headed down as well. Wylie was in the kitchen and seemed to e in a good mood.

He said as I walked in, "There you are little bro. Hope you slept okay with your sore ass. I decided today you and I would go on a bike ride, and I can show you our side of town."

The last thing my ass wanted to do was sit on a bike seat, but I knew better to complain so I just said, "Okay"

I ate breakfast then we got our helmets, water bottles and headed out.

When I sat on the seat, I was tender and Wylie noticed, "Guess that little paddling I gave you still hurts doesn't it little bro"

I just said, "Yeah."

The bike ride turned out to be fun. Wylie was in a great mood and showed me all over. We stopped for a donut and later for lunch. It was cool and he was actually fun to hang out with. I was beginning to relax. When we got back to the house around one, we were both sweating, and Wylie said we should jump in the pool. I started to head to the house, but he said, "Dude it's just me and you strip down and jump in."

He was already naked and so I just stripped and jumped in. I looked in the house and saw that the cleaning lady, Emile was inside looking at us. She is around 20 and hot. I liked her around but now she saw I was a little guy.

Wylie swam over to me and started rough housing. Grabbing me. Pushing my head under the water and generally showing me he was strong. It didn't last to look so I got through it. After 15 minutes of so he told me to go in the shallow end so he could look at my ass. He examined it and said, "Not bad little bro, you got off easy this time. Let's go inside and dress for the gym."

I was still sore from the workout the day before but knew I could not disagree, so I walked in the house naked just like Wylie to go change. He walked right by Emile naked and proud, and I had to follow like a little puppy. She giggled when I walked past her.

We went to our room, put on shorts and tee shirts and headed to the basement gym. When we got there Wylie said, "So little bro how do you feel after the workout yesterday." "My arms and upper body is pretty sore."

"Well, that is why we don't work out the same area two days in a row. You did good yesterday and today we focus on legs."

Wylie then explained each of the leg machines and demonstrated how they worked. He was very knowledgeable, and I could tell he loved teaching me about them. The confusing thing was I really liked the Wylie I had been with today. He was fun and seemed to care that I liked this area of town and knew about working out. But my sore butt was a constant reminder of the Wylie I hated last night.

We went through the leg workout. I did a few reps and Wylie would then increase the weight and do his reps. We worked out on legs for about an hour. Then Wylie wanted to review what he had taught me about wrestling. He asked me questions about the rules and scoring. I got most of them right and he was impressed.

Then he said, "Let's go a few rounds and see how you do."

I already knew how I would do. Wylie was 8 inches taller and outweighed me. We walked over to the mat and Wylie took off his shirt and told me to do the same. So I guess we were always going to wrestle shirtless.

I noticed something terrifying right away. The minute Wylie got on the wrestling mat he became aggressive and demanding. It was like a whole different side of him emerged. I am a pretty fit boy just don't have big muscles but wow every time I seriously look at Wylie, he is a big boy.

Once we got on the mat, he threw me down hard a few times. He would tell me to stand up and go again. We went a couple round with him doing whatever he wanted. He kept yelling at me, "try harder" and "show me you are a man", stuff like that.

Then I stood up and he grabbed me and pulled my pants and underwear down. He said "you wrestle naked till you can score a point against me."

I was scared by his aggression. He grabbed my cock and balls and pulled me close to him. I felt his hard cock and realized he was naked also. The next thing I know Wylie has me on my back on the floor and he was kneeling on top of me. He was straddling my chest with his butt in my face. I tried to move my head to keep his ass away from his mouth, but he was too strong and his butt cheeks were spread across my face. His asshole was on my mouth.

He then said, "Lick my ass little bro." I refused to open my mouth but was having a hard time breathing. He leaned forward and grabbed my balls and squeezed. When he did, I screamed "I don't want to lick your butt you pervert!"

He grabbed my balls and squeezed so hard I thought I would pass out. Then he said, "If you don't want to lick my ass then make me stop but if you can't make me stop you lick. I will rip your little balls off if you speak again."

He then leaned back on my face. His sweaty bare asshole at my mouth. I needed to breath and my balls were hurting so bad. I almost puked but finally opened my mouth and started to lick his disgusting asshole.

Wylie laughed and said, "Very good little bro. Get use to the taste you will be licking it often." He leaned forward a bit and I could breath but any time I stopped licking then he would sit back on my face. It felt like I licked him for hours. Eventually he turned around and straddled me the other way. He cock was in my face. I was crying.

"Please Wylie, please let me go. I am not gay. I like girls and don't want to do this." I was desperate.

Wylie reached forward and rubbed my hair gently. He then said, "I don't care if you are gay or straight or bi. This is not about you little bro. I like getting off and I don't want to jack off. So I have agreed to be responsible for you and train you. You are going to suck my cock anytime I want and swallow all my juice. If you don't try hard then I am going to spank you till you cant sit down. That little butt warming I gave you last night will be nothing compared to what you will get. If you don't like this or don't want to do it all you have to do is make me stop. This doesn't have to happen the hard way, but it is happening. You can learn to take care of me like a good little bro and it can make us closer. Its not about gay or straight but about taking care of your big bro. Now open your mouth and let me in."

What could I do? His cock was touching my lips. I tried to keep my lips closed and shake my head no, but he slapped me hard. When I yelled out, Wylie rammed his cock in my mouth. I was squirming. But he kept pumping in my mouth.

Then he said," Watch the teeth little bro and you better fucking swallow every drop. My cum in your gut is going to make us real brothers."

I was crying and thought I would gag but tried to keep my teeth out of the way and let him finish so I could be free. His cock is big and filled my mouth. I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I had another boy's cock in my mouth.

Wylie was clearly enjoying it and very horny. He kept saying things like, "This is awesome and feels so good!!", "Little bro you are making me so happy" and shouting the word "Fuck" a lot. When he was ready to cum, he announced, "Ok little bro I am going to cum, do your job and swallow every fucking drop!" Then he unloaded a huge load of cum in my mouth, I wanted to spit it out, but his cock was in very deep. Finally, I just swallowed all his disgusting load. I started crying again.

Wylie was so happy. He loved using my mouth and kept talking about how awesome it was. Then he said, "Little bro you did pretty good. I know you didn't like that but maybe in time you will. Like it or not I will be using your mouth to get off and to get my ass licked daily. So you better accept it."

"You fucking raped me. You are bigger and overpowered me. I am telling my mom she will have you arrested you shit." I was pissed.

Wylie was calm but said, "I told you not to swear so now another mouth soaping and spanking for you. You will learn this time little bro. Now about your mom, I told you we had a meeting with her but did not tell you everything."

"You can talk to her all you want but she knows this was going to happen" he continued. "She agreed to it. Your mom was in bad shape financially and you were about to get evicted from the apartment you lived in. She also had been fired from her job at the country club but didn't want to tell you. That's when my dad called her after she got fired."

"It all started when, I told my dad last year that I liked dudes and not girls. At first he was pissed and beat my bare butt so hard I thought it would never heal."

"But a few days later, he sat me down and said, "Wylie I don't think your interest in being a fag is going to go away. Seems like it just gets stronger. I don't want to see your life fucked up while trying to get through school and get into a good university. So, I have decided to find us both sex toys to play with. I fuck a lot of women in this town. Most of them want to marry me because my status, the house and my career. I am going to look for a woman who has a son near your age that you can use for to get off and have sex with. It may take a little while but don't fuck around with any boys at school. It will get out and ruin your life." So that started the search. "

"When we met with your mom it was so I could see pics of you to see if I wanted you for my little bro sex toy. She had lots of pics and even a couple of you naked that she took when you were in the shower. They were not great pics, but I could tell you were cute. We met with two other women and they had sons your age as well but I picked you to be my little bro."

I was in shocked and said, "You're lying she would never agree to this."

Wylie got off me finally and said, "Go talk to her yourself little bro." He grabbed his clothes then left.

I was in shock and dazed from the mouth raping and the lies he told about my mom. It took me a few minutes to get up and dress. I found mom in kitchen. She was sitting at the table. She looked up and could tell I was upset right away.

I screamed out, "Mom, Wylie just abused me and made me do stuff. He said you knew about it. What the hell mom??"

She looked at me for a few seconds then said, "Jacob, I had to make hard choices. We were about to lose our apt. Your dad is long gone. We have no family and I got fired. Cal offered me a proposition that gave us a nice home, financial security and you the chance to have a good life. So, I took it."

I was shocked. "You mean you offered me up as a play toy for Wylie so you could have a nice house??"

"Jacob we all have to make choices." She replied.

"But he rammed his dick in my mouth and made me suck him and swallow his stuff. Its sick."

Mom snapped back quickly, "You spoiled little shit. You have no idea how many men I had to suck and do disgusting things with to pay our bills. I got fired from that country club when one of the wives caught Cal fucking me in the ass and reported me. I was basically a whore to rich men to keep you alive. So don't tell me about doing stuff you don't want to do. All you have to do is please one teenage boy's cock. So, stop complaining."

"Mom, what the hell? I don't want to be Wylie's sex toy. I am not gay. I like girls. It will ruin my life." I was crying and scared. My mom wasn't the nurturing type but had never been this mean.

"Grow up, Jacob. Your life can be good if you follow the deal and stay in line. The deal is I marry Cal who I don't love, and he can have sex with me anytime and anyway he wants. Cal likes it rough and loves to make me hurt, but it is one asshole I have to please and not the entire country club. You have to do the same with Wylie. Cal said he would make sure you had a great future and that I was taken care of. The deal depends on you though. If you don't follow through and please Wylie, then we are out. Let me be clear we will be living on the streets. No one will hire me after the country club disaster, but Cal's reputation means no one will treat me bad. He plans to adopt you, so you are his real son. It's better than we can get anywhere. Sorry Jacob but this is real life."

I responded, "But Wylie paddles me real hard and I think it turns him on to do it."

Mom responded, "Just like his dad. Trust me I get spanked a lot as well. So, we are not going to talk about this further. You need to go to Wylie and tell him you want to be his little bro and do anything he wants." Mom got up and left the room.

I was dumbstruck. I could barely move my mom was my pimp and. Now I had to accept it. I sat there for a few minutes and cry some more then walked to our room.

Wylie was sitting there waiting and smiling. He said, "So tough guy did you get straightened out by your mom about all this?"

"Yeah, looks like I am screwed. I have to do what you say. But I hate it. Why do you want to use someone who hates it so much?" I responded.

Wylie replied, "Two reasons, I like to get off in your mouth and I like to dominate you and make you obey me. You not liking it turns me on. Knowing I can make you do whatever I want. You will get use to my cock but I will constantly be thinking of things to do to you that you hate."

"Now little bro, you have punishment coming and you are going to get it. Strip."

Shit, I had forgotten about the spanking. I cried out, "Please Wylie haven't I had enough. I don't want a spanking. I am begging you."

Wylie responded, "So little bro, nobody ever wants a spanking. That is the point. You are getting a spanking and it's going to be a hard one. I'm gonna count to five and if you have not started stripping by then, I am going to strip you and give you twice as hard a spanking plus another one just as hard tomorrow. You better fucking start stripping. One, TwoÉ"

I panicked but by three I had my tee shirt off and was ripping my pants down. I was also already crying hard which I hated. I put my hands over my penis, but Wylie said, "Hands to your side little bro"

I obeyed. Then he said, "I am going to ask you a question little bro and you better think hard before you give me some smart-ass answer. Now why are you getting a spanking?"

I was crying and didn't want to answer but forced myself to say, "Because I was mad and used bad words."

"What do you know little dude you can be obedient. Now come get over my knee. This is going to be harder than yesterday."

I laid over his lap and he took a long time rubbing my ass and messing with my butthole. It felt different like he owned me even more. Then he grabbed the fucking paddle and laid into my ass SOOO HARD. He was holding me tight so I couldn't move. I was yelling and begging and promising to obey and be good. The spanking lasted forever, and I was exhausted over his knee. I just laid there unable to move. He was stroking my back and ass and let me cry.

After a few minutes Wylie said, "Get on your knees." I obeyed and he walked over to his desk and opened his laptop. Then he said, Corner time is going to be different today. You are going to kneel under the desk suck me till I cum then hold my cock in your mouth for 30 minutes while I play a game on the computer. If my cock comes out of your mouth you get 10 more licks. If I get hard a second time, then you suck and swallow again. Don't fight me on this little bro. You need to get used to my cock in your mouth cause it will be there a lot."

I was still crying but I crawled under the desk it was a little cramped, but I fit okay. Wylie pulled his pants and underwear off and sat down with his big, hard cock in my face. He had not showered after the workout so I could smell the sweat. I hesitated for a minute but then slid it in my mouth and started sucking. The sweat tasted bad, but I kept going. It was more degrading this time. The first time I sucked he forced me, and I could not move or resist but this time I just took it in my mouth on my own. I could tell he was horny, and he loaded up my mouth fast. I swallowed but choked and his cock fell out of my mouth.

Wylie said, "Well that's 10 licks cocksucker. You better pay attention." So, I sat there with another boys cock in my mouth for 30 minutes. It seemed like days. He would reach down and grab the back of my head to pull me closer. I sat down on my butt which was a mistake but, on my knees, they got sore too. When the time was up and a time went off on Wylie's phone. He stood up, told me to bend over the desk and gave me 10 more licks.

I cried again and was jumping around. Unfortunately, that caused him to hit my thighs once and that really hurt. Wylie picked up his underwear and shorts and put them on. I headed to my clothes to do the same by Wylie stopped me and said, "no clothes for you for the rest of the day."

That shocked me. I begged, "Come on Wylie, my mom will see me and Cal and maybe even Emile. I don't want them to see me naked. Please I will obey you just not that."

Wylie responded, "Little bro is cute how you think you can change my mind by begging and I do like you to beg but nothing changes. You are naked the rest of the day. Now let's shower and go down to dinner."

I walked to the shower and got in. I was surprised when Wylie got in with me. He told me to soap his body and wash him. I washed him while he washed me. He of course spent a lot of time washing between my legs and my butt. Even though I was sore it felt nice to have him rub it. At one point he pulled me close and said, "This is nice little bro. We will do this a lot." I hated how good it felt when he hugged me.

We rinsed off and dried. He got dressed. I tried one more time, "Please Wylie can I at least wear underwear???"

One word answer, "NO"

He pointed for me to lead the way and head downstairs. I felt sick but had no choice. I walked totally naked down the stairs to the living room where Cal was sitting. My mom looked across from the kitchen and saw me and had a sad look on her face. She went back to cooking. My mom had not seen me naked since I was a kid. I was so embarrassed.

Cal had a big smile on his face and was starting at me. He said, "So Wylie, I assume you had to paddle little Jacob's bare butt. What did he do?"

Wylie responded, "I told him yesterday he could not swear, and the little shit said "fucking" and called me a "shit". So I had to wash his mouth out with soap and paddle his bare butt. He gets no clothes for the rest of today."

Cal smiled and said, "I am proud of you son. Sounds like you handled it well. Little Jacob is lucky to have you in charge of him.' He looked at me and said, "Jacob come over here and show me your butt." I obeyed and he spent time touching me and admiring Wylie's work on my ass. They were talking about me like I was a pet and not able to understand them.

Then Cal said, "I had to spank Tracy today also. I felt teeth when she was giving me my morning blowjob. Tracy come in here."

Mom walked in. She was wearing a casual dress which she had been doing a lot since we moved in. Cal looked at her and said, "Pull your skirt up and show Wylie your ass."

I could tell mom was pissed but she didn't say anything she just pulled her skirt up and bent over a chair. I was shocked that she was not wearing any panties under her skirt. I wanted to look away but could not take my eyes off mom's bruised, black and blue butt.

Wylie casually walked over to mom and started to touch her as. He said, "Looks like she got a good one dad. Little bro see what happens if I feel teeth?"

"Answer me little bro. What happens if I feel teeth when you blow me?"

I responded, "I get a hard spanking"

Wylie laughed and said, "Exactly, better be careful."

Before we sat down for dinner Cal made me get a towel to sit on cause," He didn't want my stinky butt on his chair."

We ate then Wylie and I went back to our room.

Wylie was in a great mood. He wanted to play video games for a while, so we did. It was kind of fun and I beat him a lot which felt good. He was actually cool about losing. It was weird at first being naked but I kind of got over it. He would touch me a lot. Usually grab my sore ass but sometimes he would put his arm around me like he was proud of me. It is weird I hate him but then think he is not so bad. I am very confused.

When it got close to bedtime, he grabbed lotion to rub on my ass. He had caused the pain and now he was making it feel better. When he finished, he told me to roll over and he started to put lotion on my dick. I got hard right away. Since I had moved into this house, I had not had a moment alone to jack off. I have only been shooting seed for about 3 months and loved to play with my cock and make it feel good.

Before we moved in here, I was jacking off 2-3 times day. I was really horny now. Wylie loved my cock getting hard.

As he rubbed it, he said, "Little bro it looks like you enjoy having your big bro play with your cock. Well at least your dick likes it. From now on you only get to cum when I jack you off. I will find out if you try to jack otherwise and you will regret it. When you want to cum you will say, "Big bro will you please jack off my little dick till I cum? Then I will say yes or no. You can ask once a week. I may do it more, but you can only ask once. Now let me hear you practice."

Ugh, I thought another way to degrade me. I said, "Big bro will you please jack off my dick till I cum?"

He squeezed my balls hard and said, "my little dick".

So, I said, "Big bro will you please jack off my little dick till I cum?"

"Yes I will" He told me to get up and come over to the large chair in the room. He sat in the chair then had me sit on his lap. I leaned back into his chest, and he started to stroke my cock. He rubbed my balls a lot then moved to my cock. I am not gonna lie, it felt amazing. He could tell I was getting close and said, "ask me before you cum little bro."

It was almost too late, but I shouted, "Can I cum Wylie?"

He had barely said yes before I flooded my stomach and chest with built up seed. I still was amazed how great that felt every time. I was laying on him and he scooped up a lot of my seed and moved his hand to my mouth. The fucker wanted me to eat it. I wanted to resist but didn't want a spanking so opened my mouth and he fed me my own seed. He kept scooping and feeding till I had eaten it all.

"You will always eat yours and mine little bro. Now let's go to sleep." He said.

We went to the bed he pulled me close to him and we both fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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