Downloading Grindr

By Danny Writer

Published on Jul 18, 2018


Hello everyone. I'm new to writing stories, at least ones that are read by other people, so any feedback would be appreciated. You can email me at and I've set up a tumblr as well at (I noticed a lot of people have been doing that recently so I hope you enjoy the content there too).

All the usual disclaimers stand - the characters and events of this story are entirely fictional and ever part is played by an actor over the age of 18 (or 21, whatever it is where you are). Don't read this story if you are offended by the idea of a 17-year-old boy discovering his sexuality with other teens and men.

Thank you so much for all the emails and messages on tumblr about the first chapter. It's so motivating to hear how much you've enjoyed my first post and how you want me to continue and it definitely encouraged me to get this chapter out quicker. Please enjoy

Chapter 3 of Downloading Grindr

I love showering. That might sound like an odd thing to say but there is something about standing in a quiet room, the feel of the cool tile against your bare feet and the warm water pouring over you that is just so... serene. When my parents converted the loft into a room for me, I begged them to add an ensuite. It cut a decent chunk out of my room but gave me my own private space and a really lovely and powerful shower. More than worth it, I'm sure you'd agree.

I know lots of people wank in the shower but, for me, that's never really been something I've done. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it'd be hot and I definitely want to have some fun with someone else in the shower eventually but, when I wank, I prefer to spread out on the bed and really be able to relax into it.

Coming back from sucking off Jack, there was a fairly large part of me that felt like a slut. I'd just met a boy I didn't know, taken his cock all the way down to the root and had him pump my tummy full with his teen load. To be truthful with you, I'm not quite sure how I was feeling about that. On the one hand, I really liked the attention I'd got, the fun I'd had and both Ethan and Jack had been absolutely stunning examples of everything that is right with British twinks. That being said, I didn't want to get a reputation and risk everyone finding out about who I am or worse, finding out about everything I'd been getting up to as part of who I am.

My mind alternated between these two ideas as the water fell over me and washed away the scent of teenage spunk and sex from my body. By the time the shower was over, my body was clean but my mind has decided that I was going to be a dirty boy from now on: I was continuing with the adventures I'd had so far.

However, there was nothing more I could do today. My parents had arrived home as I emerged from my ensuite and so I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with them and then the evening catching up on work for sixth form. I may have decided that I didn't mind the idea of becoming a slut but I was certainly going to be a high achieving one!

As I settled down into bed - naked of course - I went back onto my phone and started looking through the nearby profiles. There were quite a few very attractive guys but I didn't have the courage to message any of them. Despite the successes of my first couple of meets, I still didn't know quite how to approach someone else: you saw how I gushed over Jack! There's no way I could be the one to make the first move. Besides, I didn't have to wait long for someone to message me.

The profile was completely blank and I mean completely. There was no display name, no stats, no picture, no location, nothing. He hadn't even put much energy into that first message with a 'Hi' being all that was sent. To be honest, I might have skipped over his message, or just replied with a 'No thank you' if I'd been talking to anyone else but, as it was, I was totally and utterly bored.

Callum: Hey, how are you? I'm Cal, you?

I wasn't about to start demanding pictures, especially since I was a blank profile myself, but I figured that I had to at least know the guy's name before I started talking to him properly and getting invested. Luckily, he replied quickly and identified himself as Aaron.

Callum: Nice to meet you Aaron. Up to much? Aaron: Nah, just had a relaxed evening at home mate. Just laid in bed right now. Callum: Yeah, I'm the same. Aaron: I'm horny as fuck though mate. Been hard as rock for the last 30 minutes.

Wow, straight to the point. This was starting to get interesting.

Callum: Oh yeah? What's got you so horny then? Aaron: Haha! I'm always horny mate. Wake up horny, stay horny all day and end the day so horny it feels like my balls are about to explode. That's what it's like when you're our age.

Hmm... 'our age' so he must be a teenager then.

Callum: Yeah, I know what you mean. I met up with a guy earlier and I'm still really horny now. By the way, how old are you? Aaron: 17, that alright mate? Callum: Yeah that's cool - I'm 17 too. Aaron: Great! So, what happened with this guy then?

I spent the next few minutes telling Aaron everything that had happened with Jack. He kept on asking questions and encouraging me to tell him more so I could tell he was getting into it. Hell, he was probably wanking the whole time. Of course, I embellished a little bit - don't we all? I told him Jack had been much rougher than he actually was but I thought it made me sound more experienced and skilled as a cocksucker. For some reason, I was quite keen to impress this other 17-year-old boy.

Aaron: So, you took it all the way to the base? Callum: Yeah. I didn't have a choice really. He was forcing my head up and down on his cock. Aaron: Shit, that's hot mate. Were you choking? It proper turns me on in porn when guys choke. Callum: Yeah! It was really big! I couldn't stop myself from choking.

This led to Aaron telling me about what he had done. He seemed to be a lot more experienced than I was but, let's be honest, that isn't difficult. Apparently, he'd started a year ago and had been meeting up with a few guys since then. He was more of a top and loved to get his cock sucked, which worked for me given how much I was coming to love sucking cock. Hearing him talk about everything he'd done was sending signals directly to my cock.

Callum: Fuck, I'm so hard right now. Aaron: Show me. Callum: What? Aaron: Show me your dick. Right now. Take a picture of it right now.

There was something almost... dominant in the way he'd typed that. I actually felt a little stirring inside myself and an urge to comply with his instruction. I was far too horny to fight it so I did as he'd asked and snapped a picture of my hard cock with my right hand holding it at the base. It was looking down my body with part of my abs and my legs and feet all in view. I uploaded it and sent it on to him.

Aaron: Fuck that's nice. Not as big as me but still nice. Callum: How big are you?

His response came only in the form of a picture. One which showed a huge cock buried in a thick bush of dark pubes. This boy clearly didn't trim but he had started puberty very early for him to have a dick of that size at 17. He had at least an inch on me and I won't say that I wasn't jealous of the beautiful piece of meat I was seeing in front of me. It was near perfectly straight too which just made it all the nicer.

Callum: Wow! That's huge! Aaron: Yeah. I've just taken that right now. Wish you were here so you could suck on it. Callum: Me too! I'd love to suck your dick. Aaron: We'll have to hook up sometime. Callum: Definitely!

That's when it all changed. Aaron asked me to send him a photo of my face so I took a quick one and sent it on. I'm sure you've all experienced the 'send pic / instant block' on Grindr. Well, he clearly took one look at me and decided that everything we'd been talking about for the last 20 or 30 minutes was rubbish and something he wouldn't want to do with a guy who looked like me.

Don't you just hate it when that happens? I mean, if you're not someone's type, shouldn't they just say instead of blocking you and vanishing without a word. It's just rude and, to be honest, left me feeling really shit. I don't want you to misunderstand: in no way do I think I'm stunning. In fact, I don't even think I'm hot but I know I deserve better than to be treated like that. It just made me feel really down on myself and like I must be really ugly for him to feel that I should just be blocked without another word.

The mood of the night had changed for me and, at that moment, I honestly didn't want to even look at my phone again. I tucked it away on the nightstand and went to sleep.

My dreams that night were uneventful - a sharp contrast to those of the previous night. It was probably due to my shitty mood going to sleep but, by the time I woke, I'd forgotten all about that and was just focused on my day at sixth form.

So, schools here in the UK have uniform - at least, the majority do - and it normally consists of a white shirt, particular tie, black trousers and a dark blazer with a badge on it. I still have my old one from when I left Year 11 last year. Some schools carry that uniform on into sixth form but, luckily, mine didn't. You still had to look relatively presentable though so it wasn't like I could just turn up in trackies and a vest top. I slipped on a pair of fitted black CK boxers, a pair of smart grey shorts and a polo shirt. I never wear full socks with shorts so put on some white trainer socks before putting on my grey vans. I looked pretty good when I looked in the mirror and the insulting memory from the night before had pretty much faded in its entirety.

I walk to sixth form. It isn't too far from my house and, to be honest, I like not having to rely on anyone else to get me where I need to be. It's one of the reasons that I'm going to learn to drive as soon as I can now that I'm 17. I was checking out some of the sexy chavy lads as I walked into the building. I go to school with some pretty fit guys and often stare on a morning at some of the ones I see arriving. Although I try to be subtle, I'm sure I've been caught a couple of times but, like I said, I don't come across as camp so it's pretty unlikely that my stares were even registered.

I'm not going to bore you by walking you through each of my classes. We both know that that isn't what you're interested in here. Suffice it to say that they were pretty boring, as most school days are, and we'll pick up the story after lunch during the last lesson of the day. Now, when you're in sixth form, you don't always have a full day of lessons. On a Monday, for example, my last period of the day is designated as 'free study time'. I have to stay on site (so no early finishes) but I don't actually have a lesson. These sessions are supposed to help you keep on top of homework and revision but, in practice, most of us just spend the hour chatting with our mates. I was no different and was sat in the common room having a bit of banter with some of my friends when I got the urge to use the toilet.

When I was lower down in school, you had to ask to go to the toilet and the vast majority of teachers wouldn't let you go. In sixth form, there is no long the ritual humiliation of having to ask to go for a piss when your body decides that you need to. There are even specific toilets that can only be used by sixth formers; they tend to be cleaner and less busy.

Today was no exception and, when I pulled out my cock and started to use the urinal, there was no-one in the room. It wasn't until I put my dick away, turned and started to wash my hands that I noticed that another lad had joined me in the toilets.

I didn't know this boy well. He'd started at our sixth form a couple of months ago and had fallen into a different crowd. That being said, I had admired him from afar as he was a very good-looking lad. Six-foot-tall, styled black hair and a strong jawline meant that he had immediately been drawn in by the popular people and, to be honest, I didn't even know his name.

"Hey," he said to me in a confident and clear voice, "You're Callum, right?" "Err... yeah," I responded, unsure as to where he was going with this. His angled face broke out into a smile that started to turn into a sneer. "On your knees." His voice was commanding and I had to resist the urge to simply comply immediately. "What?" I asked, hoping a puzzled look would stop whatever stupid game he was playing. But it didn't. In fact, everything became so much worse... or better, depending on how you look at it.

The boy raised up his phone and there, on the screen, was the picture of me that I'd taken and sent to Aaron last night. Shit. This wasn't just some random boy - this was Aaron.

"I know what you've been up to," he stated, "And I figured I'd help myself to some."

He had me. There was nothing I could do. If I didn't do what he wanted them he'd obviously out me to everyone at school - something I wasn't ready for. But if I obeyed him, I'd be proving myself to be nothing but a slut. Worse, a slut who sucks off guys in the bathrooms of his school! I did wrestle with it - honestly, I did - but in the end, you know which side won out. I got down onto my knees. He pulled down his pants and revealed that huge cock I'd been staring at the night before. It looked even thicker in person and I knew I'd made the right decision as soon as I saw it.

"Crawl to me," That single command produced such a powerful reaction in me. I crawled, my rock-hard cock tenting out in front of me, until I was within centimetres of his big beautiful teen cock. The thick bush of pubes at the base smelt delicious: giving off a scent which I definitely needed more of.

Aaron wasn't gentle at all. Both Jack and Ethan had been considerate of how I felt and the impact of what they were doing on me. Aaron wasn't like this. It was clear from his actions that he really didn't care about me in any which way. I was just a tool for him to use to get his rocks off. From the moment my soft lips touched the silky head of his cock, he was determined to get as much into my throat as possible. His strong hands took a tight grip of my head and, before I'd even taken him into my mouth properly, he started to piston his cock in and out of my open lips. He was fucking my face - there is no other word for it - and I was both loving it and hating it at the same time.

I was gagging... a lot. Every time he forced several inches down my throat as roughly as he could, more and more saliva would come trickling and bubbling out. My face was becoming covered in the slime from my throat as he drove in more and more of his thick uncut teen meat into me. How the rest of the students walking the hallways, or even those sat learning in classrooms, didn't hear how much I was choking on his cock is truly beyond me.

He continued like this for a few moments, whispering nasty and dirty comments to me as he did so. "You're a filthy slut," he told me, "Look how much you love this cock." He was right, of course. I was really beginning to love how his cock was making my throat feel. Yes, it was sore. Yes, it hurt. Yes, it caused my face to become covered in saliva. But none of these things mattered when compared to how good it felt knowing that my throat was causing such a reaction in Aaron. His moans and grunts were like the sweetest music and made me feel so dirty and sexy as he used my face for his own pleasure.

Then came the best moment of it all. Aaron used his powerful grip to hold me in place as he slowly and confidently slid his cock all the way down until my nose was buried in his thick bush of dark pubes. The scent was truly indescribable. Aaron might have been just 17 like me but he was a true man. The smell coming from him was enough to put me over the edge without even touching my own dick. It started to throb in my pants and pumped rope after rope of my teen spunk into my boxers.

With this, I began to moan around his cock which, in turn, sent vibrations all the way down it. Aaron let out a huge grunt and managed to pull his cock back about halfway before he started to flood my mouth with his delicious teen spunk. As I had with both Jack and Ethan, I swallowed every single drop. I was beginning to learn the first lesson about being a slut: never waste a single drop of cum.

After dumping a load into me, Aaron didn't really say much else to me. Simply, he closed his pants and left the toilets. He did have one parting comment though. He said that, if we'd had more time, he'd have wanted to use my arse like he used my throat.

That idea echoed within my mind as I cleaned myself up. It was still there on the walk home and became even more prominent as, just before bed, I took hold of my cock and emptied another huge load all over myself. Getting fucked, eh? Something to definitely think about.

Thank you for reading my story. I'd really love to hear any feedback or ideas that you have so please send me an email at

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Next: Chapter 4

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