Dumb Jock

By Demitiri Symone

Published on Aug 22, 2013


Disclaimer - The usual warnings apply here, don't read if you're underage or squeamish. Sex is definitely involved here and please don't try to pass this off as your own.

If you have any questions, comments or just want to talk feel free to email me at demitirik@yahoo.com. And donate to Nifty! Your contributions keep the archive free.

What in the fuck? I woke up in Ronnie's bed, with him fast asleep right next to me, and I just quickly went over last nights events. I was pretty much dragged out the closet and lost my virginity to two smoking hot twins. My entire persona was shattered on my first night in college but I feel so much better now. There's this massive weight that's no longer holding me down, I feel like I could just do whatever I want. There are no more inhibitions for me since I'm no longer hiding anything. Well I technically still am hiding it from everyone except the twins and I was dreading coming out to anyone else but now it's just like... so fucking what? None of these people knew me before yesterday so why should it be a big deal?

I panned the room to see if Stephen was up and to my surprise he was in bed watching the television with both hands covering his groin in these ultra tight grey briefs. There was absolutely no part of me that didn't want to jet over to that bed and suck him dry but, sadly, I was still completely worn out from the number he and his brother pulled on me last night. Like they wore me the hell out. Stephen and I were almost identical body wise, which means Ronnie and I were almost identical as well, but I'd say his abs were far more impressive than mine. I have the flat washboard abs while Stephen has those abs that look like they're bulging... or on top of a belly. I don't know, I can't explain it. Let's just say he's a little thicker than me but still super muscular and toned. He has smooth white skin, the pinkest, juiciest lips I've ever seen, and it was all tied together by that curly brown mane on top of his head. He is all man.

But that was enough daydreaming. I needed to go back to my room and make sure Daniel wasn't freaking out or something, he seemed like the type to do that anyway. I slowly crawled my way out the bed, picked my clothes up off the floor and made my way to the door. It was weird though, Stephen was clearly awake yet he couldn't even give me a "good morning" or something? I mean dude, you are the first guy to put his dick in my ass and you won't say anything to me as I'm walking out of your dorm. That's so fucking rude.

"Okay, well... I'm going to my room now," I blurted out anxious for his response.

"See ya." I really don't think he even took his eyes off the television.

"I don't get a 'how are you feeling?', 'is everything okay?' or just anything in relation to last night?"

"Wow you are such a girl. Get out."

"How is that being a girl? It's called courtesy you fucking ass. You took my virginity Stephen, okay? You fucked me before anyone else on this entire planet got the chance to and you don't even greet me as I'm getting out of bed?"

"You weren't getting out of my bed so why do I care?"

I just had to stop for a little and think. I met this guy yesterday, had a great time with him and his brother and some others, he fucked me later that night. I have an peculiar attraction to him but now he's pretty much treating me like shit. I'm not saying I'm in love or whatever but just.. be nice.

"That question wasn't a serious one, I assume."

"It certainly was."

"I don't get it though. You more than likely saw me collapse on that damn bed last night, I barely had any energy to get out of it this morning so what are you talking about?"

"I took your virginity but you didn't sleep with me."

"Are you jealous? Or are you just fucking stupid? I've never been in a relationship before but I've seen enough episodes of Girls to know that your entire side of this conversation is seriously the most idiotic thing in history."

"Go to your room, Bryan."

"Can I get a hug before I go at least?"


Oh forget it. I don't know what in the hell was happening but I guess he wanted me to come to him instead so I just made my way to his bed, opened my arms and he didn't even move. His hands were still on his crotch and his eyes were fixated on the tv. Part of me wanted to just lean in and give him the hug anyway but another part of me thought he was just being a jackass and thankfully the latter won out. If he wanted to ignore me I'd just ignore him back.

"I thought you were gonna hug me before you left?"

I bit my tongue, and just closed the door behind me. I don't enjoy being mean to people but if you want to treat me like shit I'll just do the same to you regardless of how much it hurts for me. However! Now it's time to deal with Daniel. I'm not sure if I'll just come out to him instantly or make my way into it but either way I'm doing it today. I hope I see that cute redhead Jake today too so I can tell him.

"Did you sleep well, Daniel?" I said while getting comfortable in my bed.

"Ehh," he mumbled with his face still in the pillow. I guess he was a late sleeper. "I wish you were here though."

"Oh sorry about that buddy but don't worry it won't happen again."

"Yeah it better not." This time his voice was a lot sharper.

"Well anyway, what'd you do? Just sleep?"

"It wasn't anything else to do. Get over here."

Okay now who is this little dork talking to like this? This is the same guy that was about to blow out a lung trying to move luggage and now he's getting bossy with me? I mean is there some kind of gas being pumped in this building that's changing people's personalities? I threw my clothes into the hamper and then crawled under my covers. It was still really early so I wasn't in any rush to go do campus activities. I just wanted to relax in my own bed for a little.



"Didn't I tell you to get over here?"

"Hmm yep you did."

"So why are you in your bed?"

"Because I want to be in my bed. If you have a problem I encourage you to put your thinking cap on and solve it."

"Oh you're a real feisty bottom," he said while making his way into my bed, "I get real turned on by that. But just so you know, don't ever fucking talk to me like that or I'll seriously rip your ass in two okay? You look surprised? Don't be. I walked over to the twins' room last night and heard your faggot ass screaming like some deranged mad man. I'm kinda bummed that they got first entry but it's no big deal. I'll just break you in some more tonight."

"We're not having sex."

"Like hell, I'm getting in that ass."

"You won't."

With a tight grip around my throat, Daniel looked me dead in the eye and asserted his place over me, "I know you think what you're doing is cute but you're gonna learn some damn respect, got it? I'm fucking you tonight regardless of if you want me to or not little bitch."

"It's not happening." I wasn't sure if he was being serious or just acting but I meant everything I said.

"Why can't I fuck you?"

"I don't want you to!"

"But what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, I just don't have any sexual attraction to you."

He dropped his head on my chest and began rubbing my abs. I wasn't buying that little dominant top thing he tried just now so I guess, or hope, it was just an act. It was far more creepy than it was arousing.

"Daniel, are you really like that in bed?"

"Like what? What I just did?"


"Oh heavens no, I was watching porn on my phone before you came in and the top was talking like that and I just wanted to see if you'd like it too."

"I don't know what I like, I'm brand new to this gay thing."

"Same for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I came out to my family and friends on graduation day."

"How'd it go?"

"Let's just say it's a good thing I have quick reflexes because if not I'd probably still have my dad's fist in my mouth."

"Yikes, I guess it was bad."

"Angry dad, crying mom, hateful friends. I have not spoken or seen any of them since that day."

"So how'd you get all your clothes and stuff?"

"Well I lived with this guy for the summer and he gave me a shit ton of money."

"Wait... were you like a whore or something?"

"Oh god no! We met at a gay center, I told him what happened and he just asked me if I wanted to live with him. He visited the center a lot and the people that worked there only had good things to say about him so I just went with it. I don't know exactly what to call him though... we had sex a lot and he's my only financial supporter but I don't think we were in a relationship because he would have other boys come over sometimes. I don't want to say sugar daddy either because he showed some slight signs of caring about me. It's a weird situation but at least he never forced me into doing something I didn't want to do."

"How old is he?"

"Oh not that old, he's 28. He plays golf too so I just assume that he must have money to blow because who the fuck plays golf unless they just want to do something with their money?"

"Good point."

Is this bonding? I've only known Daniel for 24 hours but I already feel more comfortable with him than I do with anyone else. I don't have to put on a show for him or have any kind of guard up. God this is so liberating.

"Now tell me, how'd losing your virginity go?" He asked while still laying on my chest and poking at my abs.

"Well to start they caught me staring at them in like their underwear or whatever. And then they were all 'we're gonna fuck you' blah blah blah.

"Who went in first?"

"Stephen did. Oh and funny thing is I fell asleep in Ronnie's bed because that's where we did it at and I was fucking exhausted. So when I get up this morning Stephen's all grouchy and like 'well you didn't sleep with me even though I'm the one who took your virginity so fuck you' and just being a total jerk. So I got my stuff and walked out."

"You know he likes you right?"

"No! Does he?"

"Yesterday, duh. How did you not pick up on all the obvious signs?"

"Obvious signs like?"

"How he was always right next to you, how he gave you damn near all his attention and never took his eyes off you? Oh and my favorite is how when we were walking back to the dorms he just whispered in my ear that I should pretend to be tired so that could be the excuse to getting you into their room."

"Shut the fuck up, you're lying."

"I am so serious. Did you have sex with both twins?"


"Oh you're such a skank."

"But what if I had turned out to actually be straight? That plan doesn't seem fool proof."

"We all just kind of... thought you were just a closet bunny."

"What in the world gave that assumption?"

"You seriously need to work on how you check out guys for one. You turn into a damn deer in the headlights and you make it obvious you're staring. I caught you staring at Jake's butt at least 5 times yesterday too."

"Oh this is just tragic."

"It wasn't obvious until we were all out on campus though. When I first met you I instantly thought you were straight."

"I feel like we're having such a terrible conversation now." I said, gently tugging on his thick locks.

"Why's that?"

"Well not terrible, I don't know why I said that.. but weird. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone like this and of course I fucking couldn't because I didn't want to admit to what I am."

"Don't worry about it, we're pretty much on the same wavelength then."

"You know what we should do? Let's go to the movies tonight."

"And see what?"

"We can see that Conjuring movie that everyone is talking about."

"Fine, are we inviting your soon to be boyfriend and his cute brother who is my soon to be boyfriend?"

"Yeah, let's invite Jake too?"

"Aw, your other crush. I'll text him now to see if he's up."

Whatever, at this point I really didn't care for Stephen after that shit he pulled when I was in that dorm. It was just so petty and I couldn't understand why he would get upset over something so damn juvenile. I kinda wanted to go back over there and talk to him about it like two people with sense but ehh. I'll see him when I see him and if he wants to talk that's fine but I won't lose sleep if he doesn't. Okay that isn't true, I'm actually really bummed out and I desperately want to talk to him but I just hate being the one to cave or something first when the other person should be the one to cave. It makes me feel so weak.


"Do you like my shirt or should I change again?" I asked Daniel even though I knew I was going to change it.

"You look cute please for the love of God don't change."

"I have to, the blue in this shirt doesn't match my sneakers. I look so primitive."

"You've tried 8 different shirts already!"

"I have to look impeccable, Daniel. You don't understand it. I take my fashion very seriously, if I don't feel stylish I will literally vomit until my clothes have been changed."

"You watch Girls way too damn much."

I finally decided on an outfit and it was just a simple white v-neck shirt, cargo shorts, and navy blue sneakers. I was thinking of maybe changing the shorts but by this point Daniel had stolen my room key so I was basically locked out and forced to walk around looking like the wild animal that I truly am. We met Jake outside, this kid just has a certain aura about him. He's always so cheery and being around him seriously is like being around a ball of sunshine. He can brighten up anything. I spotted the twins coming out the dorm but I wasn't exactly in a rush for either of them. Stephen had texted me a little while ago but I thought it would be best to not respond.

Ronnie greeted us all but Stephen sort of hung around in the background and only waved with a half smile. As we walked to Daniel's truck I noticed Stephen had a sort of down look to his face and I'd be lying if I said a small part of me wasn't thrilled to see it. Hopefully it was my ignoring his text that had him feeling like this. Hell if I had to suffer then he could suffer too, right? But of course... before I got in the truck he gave me a quick hug and kiss from behind and hopped inside before I could even say anything, or process what just happened. I hate men, truly do. They're so weird and stupid.

"Jake you're not afraid of scary movies are you?" Ronnie said, striking up a conversation between us all.

"Not really but it depends on the movie. I jump a lot."

"Ol Stephen here is a little pussy too, don't let the tough guy facade fool you."

"I'm not afraid of scary movies at all," Daniel piped in.

"What about you Bryan?" Stephen asked me.

"I get scared easily so whoever is sitting by me is going to have to deal with me gripping their arm for dear life."

"Don't wrinkle my shirt dickhead." Stephen said with a sly smile.

I just looked at Daniel, who looked back at me, and my cheeks just flushed red. He was being all bitchy this morning and now he's all cute and is making my feel a bunch of butterflies in my large intestine.

"Why are you blushing, Bryan?" Daniel asked.

"Oh just thought of this really funny way I'm going to end your life tonight!"

"Don't do that Bryan, I can't let you go to jail so all those dudes can have their way with you," Stephen said.

I just turned my head to the window and kept quiet. I wanted to be mad at him so much but here he is just ruining that.

With a seemingly lifetime supply of candy and food we finally all settled into our theater but I noticed that Stephen made sure that he got a seat right next to me. I had Stephen on one side and Jake on the other so if I needed to squeeze someone I was glad that my two main choices were right there. I usually avoid scary movies because well.. I just turn into a little kid really. I jump at damn everything, I cover my eyes with my fingers, and I scream. Scream as if a dick is being pushed in me for the first time kind of thing.

And accordingly, with every slight fright that popped up I would instantly latch myself to Stephen but he'd just chuckle a bit and tell me to stop freaking out and that it isn't real life. I mean I know it isn't but shit it just creeps me out. I wanted to leave but everyone else was really enjoying it so there wasn't much I could do. Perhaps Stephen could sense my apprehension since he wrapped his strong arm around my neck and pulled me in close to his embrace. Just earlier today I thought he was the biggest asswipe on the planet and now he's being all cute but it's so confusing. Is this how boys are? Like... this flip flop bipolar behavior can't be normal, right?

"Finally this damn movie is over," I said bursting out of my seat as soon as the screen went to black.

"I had no idea you were such a screamer!" Jake said laughing.

"I knew you were," Stephen whispered in my ear.

"What are we gonna do now?" Ronnie asked.

"You guys want to just head back to campus and see what's going on there?" I asked out loud.

"Ohh I think there's some kind of concert or party tonight, I don't know who the performer is though," Jake responded.

The walk back to Daniel's truck was quite an adventurous one what with us trying to skirt out the way of all the little kids who were on their way to see whatever dumbass kids movie had just came out. That sounds bad but I just have an unexplained hatred for children movies because I genuinely don't see what's good about them. Even when I was a kid I hated them. To this day I still have not seen a single Toy Story movie but I can recite Frank's speech from Scent of a Woman as if I wrote it myself.

"What's on your mind?" Stephen asked while tugging on my back belt loop, I guess so it'd be just me and him walking.


"Had a good time?"

"Well the movie sucked but yeah I had a good time. Thanks for paying for my ticket and buying me food despite my protests."

"I don't even know why I did it."

"Why's that?"

"I've only known you for 2 days, and even though... we did what we did there's still much I don't know about you. And you don't know that much about me either."

"So why'd you buy the ticket and food? Money isn't an issue for me."

"I was just being a gentleman."

"Oh, I appreciate it." I said while locking my fingers in between his. "Wow your hand is sweaty."

"I'm just nervous."

"Do I make you nervous, Stephen?"

"Just a little."

"How so?"

"I'll tell you later?"

"Okay, and you owe me an explanation for whatever mood you were in this morning!"

"Please don't make me think about that nightmare again."

"Aww look at the little love birds, you two are so cute holding hands and smiling all hard at each other. It's adorable!" Jake said before getting into the truck.

"So are you just gonna hang out in your room with Daniel?" Stephen asked while walking with me to my dorm.

"No there's that concert tonight, it started like fifteen minutes ago and Daniel's just changing his shirt then we're leaving."

"All done!" Daniel said swinging the door open and sporting a somewhat updated look.

"Wait, you look really cute tonight. I love how you brushed your hair back and ditched the glasses, this feels like the first time I'm actually seeing your face," I said to him in all sincerity.

"Thanks Bryan, I am so amped up for this man."

When we finally reached the hall for the concert it was a bit shocking because none of us recognized this band but hey the music was great and the crowd was fun so we just went in guns blazing. They were playing a real thumper with a deep bass, futuristic synths, hand claps and ugh it was just a perfect song to get wild to. Feeling like I had nothing to hide I grabbed Jake by his hips and started to grind my crotch on his ass to beat of the music and luckily for me he didn't fight back. He reached his hands up around my neck then started dancing to perfectly match my rhythm and then we were in unison. The entire hall seemed to fade away while it was just us two dancing on each other, not caring who could see what.

Too bad all that was snatched away when Stephen yanked me by the back of my shirt and started yelling. I couldn't really hear him over the music so I told Jake I'd deal with this guy then we'd get right back from where we left off.

"What the hell did you interrupt us for?"

"No, why the fuck were you dancing with him like that? I don't like that shit."

"Oh man, seriously? Why are you doing this right now Stephen? We're supposed to be having a good time yet you're over here having another little jealousy attack when all I did was fucking dance."

"I don't care, you don't dance with other guys like that."

"And why the hell not?"

"Because I said so! Don't fucking question me asshole."

"Okay well I'm going back in to continue dancing how I want to dance. You can kindly go shove something in your ass and cry about it for all I care."

Before I could even turn around all the way he was already dragging me back to the dorms. I guess the night of fun was over for me. I didn't fight it though because I wanted to see how this would turn out, we ended up just going to my dorm. Stephen being the gentleman he is of course thought it would be best to toss me on my bed as if I'm some kind of play doll only for his amuesment.

"Can you please explain why you just ruined my night?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen like that but I just wanted to be alone with you tonight. Just us for at least like twenty minutes or something."

"You could have just said you wanted to hang out with me before we left for the party though."

"I tried but I never had the right time to bring it up."

"There doesn't need to be a 'right time' for something so meaningless. You just blurt it out! You're really clumsy you know that?"

"I am, and I didn't mean to come across as such a jackass at the party. I don't mind if you dance with other guys like that as long as you don't go home with them y'know?"

"Why does it matter who I go home with? Why are you trying to act like I'm your property and I'm not allowed to do things Stephen?"

Silence. He just fell back into my bed and started running his fingers against my back. I didn't want to push it any farther so I let the back of my head come to rest on his crotch and flipped the television on. He kept trying to slip his fingers in my mouth no matter how many times I pushed his hand away, he would pull on my hair like he was trying to rip it out, throw one of his legs across my chest and then squeeze both of his legs together and just generally being very abusive and dangerous.

"Did you want alone time so we could fight? Is that what this is?" I asked.

"No I just want to hang out."

"Oh and before I forget. Please tell me what happened this morning when I woke up."

"Ugh come on, can we not talk about that?"

"Request denied. Now you tell me what the hell that was or you can just leave right now."

"I have... jealousy issues. First of all you were not supposed to lose your virginity to me and my brother. It was supposed to be just me so that had already pissed me off. Secondly, you were in his bed cuddled up with him instead of me and I was just really annoyed by the whole thing."

"Why would you be jealous?"

"Because I saw you first! You were supposed to be all mine, I didn't want to fucking share!"

"Aww how cute."

"Shut up."

"How about a do over?" I asked while undoing his pants.

"Let's go. But what if Daniel comes in?"

"We'll tell him to go hang out with Ronnie. No big deal."

I yanked his pants off, pulled the shirt over his head, then moved back down to remove his briefs with just my teeth and for a second I just stopped to take in his heavenly aroma. Then I stripped myself so those pesky clothes wouldn't get in the way later. But this is only my second time having sex so I'm a tad confused on what I have to do first? Based on all the porn I've seen there's kissing first then dick sucking and then sex but to be honest I hate kissing. It's nothing but slapping your tongues together and exchanging spit.

"You don't know what to do, do you?" he asked.

"Can you tell?"

"Well you are just standing there staring at the wall so yeah. It was a tad obvious."

"Do I have to kiss you?"

"Do you want to?"

"Nah," I replied in a perky tone.

"Why not?"

"I just don't like kissing, it's gross."

"Then suck my dick."

Oh how I love a man who can give out orders convincingly. I pulled his legs to hang over the side of the bed, got on my knees, opened my mouth and went straight to work. Lord I don't know how this is going to work because Stephen's dick is fucking huge. Not to mention those two extra large eggs he calls his balls sitting comfortably on my bed. Since I was such a beginner to this I didn't really know much and I wasn't entirely sure what could make a guy feel better and what couldn't. Since there was way too much dick for me to get it all in my mouth I just jerked the rest with one hand and then played with his balls in the other.

I swirled my tongue around his mushroom head and slowly started to go down deeper on his dick as the time passed. Every now and then he placed both hands on the back of my head and gently push my head down deeper but each time he'd push me farhter than I had gone on my own and I would always gag a little.


"Yeah? Why'd you stop is something wrong?"

"No, I just want you to be in control and do whatever you want."

"You sure about that? Because once I start there's no stopping. This is your only warning."

"I want it."

In that moment he leaped off the bed, flipped me around so the back of my head was against the bed and jammed his thick cock right in my mouth without any kind of warm up. It was a lot to take at first since his dick is so huge and instead of face fucking me slowly he was just going at my throat like a rabies infested rabbit. I could hardly breathe, I kept gagging, I had saliva all over my face and I felt so fucking disgusting. But I still loved it? There's something about a guy disregarding my feelings and treating me however he wants that just... thrills me a little. I guess it's because this is such a new feeling for me and something that I've only seen in porn.

I gripped his toned butt and just held on for dear life while that big dick disappeared in mouth. His thick brown pubes plugging my nose, his heavy balls slapping against my chin, this was heaven on earth. He then pushed my head all the way down on his cock and plugged my nose with the other and yes I couldn't breathe but holy shit I almost came right there. He'd let me come up for a quick breath but then that dick would get shoved right back down my throat.

For about twenty minutes he just roughly assaulted my mouth but I didn't complain or ask him to stop once. I loved how hard he rammed it down my throat, how he'd make me suck his big balls and slap that thick, covered in saliva cock all over my face during, how I'd tease him by only sucking on the head and tickling that little area between his ass and balls, how I'd bring him right to the edge of cumming then stopping suddenly so we could keep our escapade going. But now I wanted him in my ass. Only him.

"Fuck me."

"You sure? I don't see any lube here and I don't want to run to my room."

"I don't care, fuck me."

"What if it hurts too much and you start crying or something?"

"Don't act like that isn't exactly what you want anyway."

"Alright, don't ask me to stop or slow down though."

He bent me over the bed, parted my ass with his fingers and slowly pushed that thick dick in and lord did I want to cry. Remember this is the 2nd time I'm having sex so I'm not exactly comfortable having a fucking tree branch pushed into my ass. But I know it does get pleasurable eventually so I'm just gonna be quiet and take it until we finally get to that point.

I'm not sure how much he got in but after grinding my teeth and squeezing the absolute life out of my pillows he was going at a slow pace but still good enough for me to feel it. I don't think he was even pushing half of his dick in but this was a nice way for me to get warmed up. We stayed just like this for about 10 minutes and I started to work myself to take in more of him, until I wanted him to throw caution to the wind and ravage me like I wanted.

"Stephen." I said while jumping forward and laying on my back.

"What's the problem?"

"There isn't really a problem, I just want you to dominate me. Fuck me how you wanted to before. As if it was just you taking me for the first time."

"I don't think you can handle all that."

"Then make me handle it. Or I'll just find someone who will."

He didn't say a word. He hopped on the bed, pushed my legs so far up that my knees were touching my ears, and proceeded to make me regret every word I had just said. First off he jammed his entire cock into my ass with no kind of build-up, his pace was some out of the world... jackhammer gone wild, he had one hand squeezing the shit out of my shoulder to maintain his balance, and the other hand covering my mouth to muffle my screams! But boy was I in heaven. Don't get me wrong it was extremely painful but I wanted to get fucked like this. I wanted him to assert his position over me, to make me hurt, to really just... show me who was boss. I always had a sensational urge for men to be really aggressive and domineering with me and Stephen was just perfect. He didn't let me come up for air, he didn't let me take a break or even ask me how I was doing. He was fucking me into next week and I was here for it.

Between the sound of his thighs rapidly colliding with my ass to the incredible feeling of having his huge dick rammed inside of me my dick was hard as stone and my eyes were practically stuck in the back of my head. I was also whimpering like a damn dog because I couldn't work up the energy to scream, moan loudly or just do anything else. This guy was going to town on my ass but I was not going to complain.

"On your stomach now."

"Wait, can I get like 5 minutes to regain consciousness?"

Again he doesn't say anything! He flips me on my stomach and I just bite the pillow bracing myself for what's about to happen. A quick jolt of pain runs through my entire body but it's quickly followed by enormous pleasure as he wraps his arms around my neck and just pounds me for dear life. I had tears in my eyes and yes they were because I was hurting but it was the weird hurt where it's mixed with extreme pleasure.. I felt like... nothing. It was like being in euphoria or whatever. Not wanting to be such a boring fuck I arched my back so my ass was higher in the air which must be code for something because Stephen hopped up, grabbed my hips and then drilled me harder than ever before. I started begging him to slow down, to just take it a little easy on me but every time I did that he'd just nibble on my ear or give me a cute kiss on the neck then push my head into the pillow and continue his assault on my once pristine ass.

Well no more of this. I grabbed my headboard and pulled myself away so I could get at least a few seconds of a break. Boy was that the biggest mistake of my life so far.

"Don't you ever fucking crawl away from me bitch."

"Wait why-"

Oh. My. God. I can't even put into words what happened next. He was like that little energizer bunny, I don't understand how one person can have this much stamina. He was slamming my poor guts into mush, used my pushed-into-pillow head for leverage, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. Poor me just didn't know it was going to happen. I heard him starting to grunt like a caveman, his pace wasn't as rapid but was still just as hard, and I knew what was... coming. He was right on the edge of it. So I used all my energy to squeeze my ass as tight as it could possibly be then he screamed my name and suddenly my ass was flooded with his warm, thick seed. Rope after rope after rope just shooting up in me while I he collapsed on top of me panting like a dog.

"I think I'm gonna be walking with a limp tomorrow."

"Yea well you better be. Or I'll just have to go again."

"Did you have to be so rough?"

"I'll fuck you how I want to fuck you and you'll like it, you understand me Bryan?"

"God I love it when you talk to me like that."

"I bet, now shut up so we can go to sleep."

Next: Chapter 4: Dumb Jock 4

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