Dying Eyes

By Gus Vardas

Published on Nov 30, 2000


Dying Eyes Chapter 1

Author's Note: Wow! What more is there to say. I have to admit, I wasn't planning on releasing anymore chapters of this if the Prelude failed. But boy was I proven wrong. I've had COUNTLESS email's about this story. And it was only the prelude! Thank you so much! Well......due to popular demand, here's Chapter's 1 and 2.

Disclaimer: The following story in no way implies that I truely know the sexual orientation of either of the REAL Backstreet Boys. I don't know them personally, nor do I know anything concrete about them. This story is STIRCTLY fictional.

I walked in to my office and checked with my secretary for messages.

"Good morning Jennifer. Any messages?" I asked smiling.

"Yes Mr. Lindsey. Mr. Thompson called and wishes to speak to you immediately." she said handing me the message.

"Did he say what it was about?" I asked a bit nervous.

"No sir. He didn't. He sounded very aggitated though sir." she warned.

"Ok thank you Jennifer." I said smiling and walking into my office.

I sat down behind my desk and called my boss.

"Thompson here." he said in his usual overpowering tone.

"Good morning sir. This is Mr. Lindsey." I said confidently.

"Ahh...good good you're here. I'll be down in a few minutes to discuss something with you." he said before hanging up.

I just rolled my eyes and put the phone down. He never waited for a good bye, nor did he ever say it.

A few moments later, my boss burst into my office.

"Lindsey! We've got a problem." he said beginning to get aggitated.

"Uh..wh...what's wrong sir?" I asked getting a bit nervous.

"Well you see, head office down in Orlando is having a crisis. The CEO down there walked out on them. They asked me to go down there and take over. But I can't do that. So....You're going in my place." he said in one breath.

"Uh....sir....I just bought a new house...and my family's here and...." I started to protest but stopped when I noticed he was staring me down hard.

"Lindsey. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in our career, and our lives. I'd gladly go. But as you know, my wife and I just had a child. Listen Lindsey. You're the best guy I've got here. That's why I promoted you. Consider this a kind of promotion too. You'll be there at least until April." he said.

"April?!" I started to get upset.

He just gave me a look. I knew I had to go. I didn't really have a choice if I wanted to continue living the lifestyle I'd chosen. I needed the promotion, AND the money. Especially seeing I had just bought the house.

"Alright. When do I leave?" I asked.

He grinned. "In 2 days. Get outta here and get packing. I'll fax over the information. This is going to be tough Lindsey. The company down in Orlando is falling apart quickly. There's a lot of work for you. Don't screw this up."

I looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't plan to sir." He turned and left shouting, "Good luck.".

I just kinda sat there staring into nowhere. I didn't want to go to Orlando. I wanted to be here, in my new home. Then it hit me. Jamie. Kevin....those eyes...

"Mr. Lindsey?" Jennifer waved her hand in front of my face.

I cleared my throat and straightened my tie. "Sorry Jennifer. What can I do for you?" I smiled.

"You're ticket is here sir. I just got it in." she said handing it to me.

"Thanks Jennifer." I looked up at her and smiled. "I guess I won't see you for a while huh?"

"Well.....I'm coming with you." she chuckled.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Well, Mr. Thompson decided that you would feel more comfortable if I came with you. And continued my services to you in Orlando. Since I have no family here, and nothing to tie me down...I didn't think it was such a bad idea." she smiled.

"Wow. Great! I'm glad you're coming. It'll be nice to see a familiar face everyday." I said.

"Mr. Thompson filled me in on where we'd be staying. He's providing us with transportation, and a condo. Our own condo's." she winked.

Jennifer had known about me since day one. I told her the day I hired her. She didn't mind the fact that I was gay at all.

"Great. You can have the next 2 days off Jennifer. So you can pack. I'll pick you up on Thursday morning at..." I stopped and looked at the tickets. Our plane takes off at 11 AM. "I'll pick you up at 9 on Thursday morning." I continued.

"Thank you sir." she smiled and began to leave.

"Oh and Jennifer.." she stopped and turned.

"Please. Call me David. We're going to spending a lot of time together obviously. I'd feel more comfortable." I said smiling.

"Ok..David.." she said making a funny face.

Dying Eyes Chapter 2

I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I looked over.

"Ugh....7 AM." I groaned forcing myself out of bed. Today I would be leaving for Orlando. For at least 3 months. My parents weren't too pleased, but they were happy about the nice raise I would be recieving for going. They were truely proud of me. Which is all I ever wanted from my parents.

I practically crawled to the shower.

When I finished getting dressed, I noticed it was nearing 9 o'clock. So I quickly finished my tea and packed my stuff into the car.

A few moments later...

I set the alarm on the house, and walked out locking the door behind me. I looked up and a tear fell. I hadn't been here long...but this house already meant so much to me. I worked SO hard to get it. I guess this will be a reason for me to hurry up in Orlando. To get back to my beautiful home.

I got into my car and sped off.

Several minutes later...

I pulled up to Jennifer's house and she was waiting outside with all her suitcases. I got out and helped her load them into the car.

"Good morning!" she said overly happy.

"Good morning." I replied smiling. "You ready?"

"Yup! As ready as I've ever be!" she chuckled.

We made our way to the airport.


"Flight 145 to Orlando, Florida now boarding. Would first class passangers please make their way to the gate." the voice came over the PA system.

Jennifer and I walked over to the gate, handed our boarding passes over and made our way to our seats.

"Are you excited sir...I mean David." she blushed at almost calling me sir.

"A bit. Have you ever been to Orlando?" I ask her.

"Nope. Never left Canada." she giggled, "What about you?"

"I have a cousin who lives in Orlando. I've been there once. Went with him when he moved there. Helped him get set up. Just stayed for 2 weeks though." I stated.

"Cool! Maybe you can visit him when we get there. Does he know you're coming?" she excitedly.

"Nope. I'm gonna surprise him. He asked me to come for a visit this summer. So I guess this kind of works out a bit huh?" I said fastening my seatbelt.

Jennifer and I spent the entire flight chatting.

Quite a few hours later.....(Approx. Noon in Orlando)

"Well. That's my last bag." Jennifer said smiling, "Did you go pick up the keys for our car?"

"Yup." I said grinning.

"What? What's so amusing?" she asked confused.

"The boss was pretty generous." I chuckled, "2 2001 Pontiac Aztek's."

"Oh my god!" she looked like she was gonna faint.

We both parted in to our seperate cars and she followed me as I made my way towards our condo's. Once there, we both parked in our seperate driveways and got out.

"Wow!" Jennifer said while looking up at our condo's.

"Nice huh?" I smiled and looked them over as well, "Well...let's get inside and unpack. How about dinner in a few hours? I'm thinking of taking a nap for little while."

"Sure David. How about...6?" she asked.

"Sounds good." I smiled and unlocked the door to my new home for the next 3 months.

I walked in, looked around and sat down on the couch. "I'll grab my bags later." I thought to myself as I began to fall asleep on the couch. As I started to drift off, Kevin's eyes came into focus in my mind. I feel asleep with Kevin's eyes emblazened in my mind.

I awoke to the sound of the doorbell. I squinted at my watch. "Shit! 6 o'clock!" I said out loud. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Jennifer! I'm so sorry! I completely lost track of time." I said frowning.

"Don't worry David! It's alright. I was pretty tired too. I almost didn't make it hahaha." she laughed. I invited her in.

"Just give me about 15 minutes to shower and get ready." I said running out the door to collect a few of my suitcases. I ran back inside and went immediately upstairs to the bathroom just off my bedroom. I jumped into the shower. I was out and ready within 10 minutes. I made my way downstairs.

"You ready Jennifer?" I asked smiling.

"Uh huh." she answered as we made our way out to my car.

"So...where do you want to go?" I asked her.

"Doesn't matter. Why don't we drive around and see if we can't find a place?" she answered with a question.

"Sure." I said as I drove off.

We drove around for a while before we came to this really nice looking restaurant. We decided to stop and eat here.

We were seated at a table and we ordered our food.

Jennifer and I spent the entire time chatting away about things we'd like to do while here.

After we finished, we left and went home.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jennifer." I said smiling and waving.

"Thank David for dinner!" she yelled as she went inside.

I walked over to the couch, flipped on the tv and sat down. Orlando was so beautiful. I was already beginning to enjoy it here.

I flipped through a few channels and came across MTV. We don't get MTV in Canada, so I was kind of looking forward to watching it.

They played a few video's and then the entertainment news came on. I sat and watched not really actually paying attention.

A short while into it, a picture showed up on the screen. I quickly turned up the volume so I could listen clearly.

"It appears Kevin Scott Richardson of Backstreet Boys was missing in action yet again today. This is the 3rd interview this passed week he's missed. MTV News spoke to Brian Littrel, Kevin's cousin who assured us Kevin was fine, and in fact still part of the group. He's just dealing with personal issues. We'll have more for you on the Backstreet Boys as soon as we get it. You have been...." I turned the volume down.

I wonder if Kevin's ok. I decided I'd go surprise my cousin tomorrow morning. For now, I need sleep.

Next morning.

I was already showered and eaten by 10 AM. It was now nearing 11 so I decided to try and figure out where the hell my cousin lives. I decided I'd call my mom.

"Hello?" she said.

"Mom!" I said.

"David honey! Why didn't you call me yesterday when you got there! I was worried sick!" she started yelling at me.

"Whoa mom relax. I was really tired, and I fell asleep. I'm sorry. Hey mom listen, can you give me Jamie's address? I'm gonna go surprise him." I asked.

"Let me take a look in my address book...." I heard the rustling of paper, "hmm......oh! Here it is. 89 Jade Crt."

"Thanks mom! I gotta get going. I love and miss you and I'll call you tomorrow ok?" I said in one breath.

"Ok! Love you too David!" she chuckled. We both hung up, and I ran out to the car. I pulled out a map and started scanning for Jade Crt. Found it. I took off down the street.

Jamie will be so excited! I can't wait. I wonder what Kevin will say. I wonder if Kevin will be alright.

I pulled on to Jade Court and made my way down towards the end, which ended in a big circle of gorgeous houses. I looked to my left and saw the number 89. "WHOA!" I thought to myself as I saw the house. I pulled in, parked and walked up to the door.

I stood there for a minute. Why was I so nervous?

To be continued........

Preview of Chapter 3********

As I held him he trembled. I could feel his tears dripping on my shoulder. I leaned back, put my hand on his chin and looked him in the eyes....and kissed him softly on the lips.

**************************************************************************** E-Mail: gussie@neoncrayon.com IRC: Gussie (irc.altnet.org)

Next: Chapter 3: Dying Eyes 3 4

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