Easter Rugger Tours

By Jo Vincent

Published on Jun 10, 2000



Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome. What follows is a fictionalised account of what might have happened......

Easter Rugger Tours - Before and After (-07)

The Final Chapters

By Joel

Chapter Ten: Continued

Billy drove over to the big flat over the shop and Billy became the dutiful son. Mr Hall was large, red-faced and a bit reserved, just as you would imagine an English yeoman farmer. I must say that as I was now more grown-up I was less in awe of him. He asked how I liked Cambridge and said his brother's farm wasn't far off but in Suffolk. As Billy helped his mother in the kitchen Mr Hall said he didn't know what Billy wanted to do when he left school but he was very proud of what he had achieved. I bet Billy's ears were burning. I said I was very glad to have Billy as a good friend and I expect whatever he chose to do he would do well. Mr Hall nodded at that and looked satisfied with my reply.

Lunch was stupendous. Billy had eaten much more than us at breakfast and now as he polished off two great platefuls of roast lamb, roast potatoes, carrots and a host of other vegetables I thought he would burst. At least he had the grace not to burp!

I wasn't far behind and as the Halls had something on at the Methodist Church that afternoon Billy and I were left to our own devices. I followed him up to his bedroom and we flopped side by side on his double bed and slept. I awoke when Billy prodded me in the ribs.

"Come on, Dreamboat," he said, "It's four o'clock. A brisk walk back to yours and by that time the others will have arrived."

He packed his school togs and kit into a holdall, left a note for his mother saying he would stay over with me Monday night as well and we left feeling rested and ready for `whatever'!

We arrived before the others so I had the boiler stoked up and the place really warm when the bell rang. They too had bags ready for the morning and Gerry had rustled up a very enjoyable supper from the depths of his mum's fridge. Inevitably, by nine o'clock we were in bed, or, rather, across both beds, reliving the occurrences of the night before. As it happened we just reversed all the sequence of who sucked whom and who fucked whom and got through three more ejaculations each for the day before we settled down at midnight for our hard-earned rest. At least I hoped it would be a night of rest as I was in my own bed with Billy and the first thing he did was to make me turn to face him as he hugged me close to him with his meaty legs around my thighs gripping me tight. He was asleep almost immediately and I, taking great comfort in his closeness, also fell asleep rapidly just wishing that I could be with my Paul much more.

My alarm clock woke us all at seven. We all needed a morning piss which, surprisingly, we took in turn without any wrangling. I'd got to the bathroom first and Charley had followed me. I laid Charley on the bed on his return on his side and began to suck his rapidly hardening cock. Next thing I knew was a nuzzling at my own erect penis - it was Gerry and the beds shook as a lumbering Billy took up his position against Gerry with Charley trying his hardest to swallow as much of Billy's thick tool as he could. The first eruption of the day didn't take long. We all came within about five minutes and each swallowed his buddy's spunk and I, for one, savoured Charley's still rather boyish sweetness.

Later that morning at school I showed Dr Jackson my solutions to the problems and he raised his eyebrows at about half the problems and said it would take him ages to solve them, even if he could. He asked if I had used any text books and I said I didn't know of any which would have helped. His eyebrows went up again and he grinned and said I should send them off immediately. In fact, he took me and the sheets of paper to the School Secretary - a fearsome old bird - with the request they be sent through the school's mail.

I had driven the lads to school in the morning so had Mum's car parked in the Staff car park. A couple of the masters raised their eyebrows as they wheeled their bikes out as Billy, Kish and myself got into the car after school. Billy made me stop outside the boys' entrance so he could roundly tell several of the junior kids to get on their bikes and clear off because they were cluttering up the roadway. Luckily for them no child even dared to raise one finger, let alone two!

I had told Kish about the weekend after our maths tutorial and said I was having to restock at his father's shop after the gannets had been at the food. He said he was very sorry not to have been able to join in - he looked a bit sad, so I said that we would arrange another get together before long and he was always welcome. He smiled. Billy had overheard our conversation and was in earnest conversation with Kish after I left the Sixth Form Common Room.

On the way to the Sharma's shop I heard Billy say to Kish that he'd heard that Varun kept him busy. I didn't catch what Kish said but looking back in the mirror I could see him smiling.

We spent some time talking to Mr Sharma, at least Billy did while I went round gathering things and mentally ticking off our needs. While I was hunting on one of the shelves who should appear but Varun with Mee and Smye. I gave them a cheery smile and they all responded very affably. I thought I would try something as the terrible pair disappeared through a back door leaving Varun with me.

"Hey, Varun, I want some of these," pointing to some small packets of biscuits. "Got a paper bag?" As I said that I winked at him. The effect was immediate. Though dark-skinned he blushed tremendously and stared almost open-mouthed. One could see the little cogs rotating `Who'd told the Head Boy about paper bags?' He looked round to see if Smye and Mee were listening but they had closed the back door of the shop so we were alone. I thought I'd better put him out of his misery.

"It's OK, Varun, secret's safe!"

He gave me the most impish grin, rushed off and came back with three paper bags.

"Would these be enough, sir?" he said and winked at me.

I cuffed him lightly on the back of the head and laughed. He picked up my basket of goods and carried them for me to the till.

"Will that be all, sir?" the cheeky monkey said as he sat behind the till in his best shopkeeper mode and rang up the cost.

"I shall see that your brother deals with you appropriately tonight," I said, with heavy emphasis on the `appropriately'.

"I should like that," he said almost sotto voce,"And if you put in a good word for me that would guarantee a ten per cent discount! The paper bags are free anyway!"

We looked at each other and smiled. Varun was a very bright lad and he knew it.

I took the stuff to the car and waited until Kish and Billy appeared. As we drove off I told Kish about what I'd said to Varun.

He laughed. "Little sod, I'll give him what for when I see him again!"

"I thought you did every night," grunted Billy, "I hear that's what young brothers are for anyway, a bit of what for whenever!"

Kish laughed again. "It's OK while it lasts but he's just at that always horny stage."

"Aren't we all?" grunted Billy again, "I have a permanent hardon and the bastard needs attention now. Put your foot on it, James!"

Oh, well that meant as soon as we got indoors Billy was upstairs and dragged a not-unwilling Kish with him. A minute or so later I could hear Kish telling Billy to stand still if he wanted it done properly. I'd put the kettle on and put out some of the packets of biscuits so I scooted up the stairs and found the pair of them, starkers, in the bathroom fisting each others lengths with Billy grunting and swaying around trying to get as much feedback from Kish's flailing right hand. I was just in time to see Billy spray Kish with a liberal coating of spunk right across his chest

"Fuck me!" he said with great emphasis, "I needed that! You do a great job, Kish!"

He redoubled his efforts on Kish's ramrod and soon Kish leaned back and showered Billy's frontage with an equal amount of youthful cream.

I had a hardon, of course, but if I was to get to the early Scout session at six o'clock I would have to have a hurried tea and get changed and I didn't want just a quick wank, I really wanted a good, hard, slow one. Resignedly, I said I would wait until later when Billy quizzed me on my needs. I did say to Kish that was Billy's second for the day and Kish confirmed our information about him and Varun by saying it was his too.

I left them to wash themselves and dress again while I went to my room to get changed into my Scout uniform. They were downstairs before me with Billy preparing a pot of tea and eating a biscuit.

"My, my!" he said as I appeared, resplendent in khaki shirt, with bi-coloured scarf and my prized Queen's Scout insignia and, of course, my neatly pressed shorts and long socks. "Look at him, a real little Baden-Powell." He came and stood by me and looked me up and down. "Gosh, Jamie, I bet you'll have all those little sprogs stroking your lovely hairy thighs and kissing those manly knees of yours tonight, eh? Or do you let them get a bit higher?"

Kish laughed. "I've told Varun to join the Scouts but he says he's too busy. I bet he would if he saw Jamie close up."

I said I would deal with both of them when I had time and, no, I didn't encourage the young'uns in any unseemly activity - that only happened, spontaneously, I added, when they were old enough. Anyway, I was past the quick wank in the bushes stage now as I had my rank and status to uphold.

"Did'ya say `wanking status?" asked a guileless Billy, "'Cause I overheard Tony Field only this morning saying he bet you held the record for the number you've helped!

Is that true?"

Kish laughed. "Come on, Jamie, tell us!"

Of course, Tony Field was one of my original pals in the Scouts so as well as helping each other's urgent needs at times I suppose he'd kept an eye on my progress. Thinking about it, he also had quite a reputation for clocking up a score so I bet he was about level-pegging with me. I said that I didn't really know. I'd made a mental note when I started coming at that summer camp when I was thirteen and a half of the first dozen or so but with twice-weekly meetings, all the camps and weekends away and so on, the numbers soon mounted up and then there were classmates, looking pointedly at Kish who was grinning broadly, and, oh yes, the French lads, and Sean and Aidan etc. etc.... I supposed getting on for fifty now.

Billy whistled. "Christ, Jamie, I must have led a sheltered life... it's only you lot and on the Tours and my own poor thing!" He pondered for a moment. "And what were they all like? You know, anything you remember especially?"

As the great majority were for quick relief of each other's needs I said the one thing that stood out was it didn't matter who they were if they wanted it, bingo, there was no stopping. Also, I pointed out, I didn't always start things off. In fact, when I was younger the older Scouts used to pair us off with them and although we had to toss them off first they always reciprocated. They knew if they didn't they wouldn't get a helping hand next time. There was one thing I had noticed and that was how quickly lads' cocks grew, 'cause I'd noticed that with mine. Both Kish and Billy nodded wisely. Kish said what Gerry had told us, that Varun was getting bigger almost weekly. We all nodded wisely, thinking back, I suppose, to the time of our own newly-expanding cock lengths and the newly experienced but continuing pleasures.

I finished my tea and said I'd be back before eight so I expected a good meal when I got home. They, unsportingly, both gave me a vigorous two-fingered sign and I drove off to collect Gerry to take him to Scouts.

After Scouts Gerry said Charley was waiting for him at home so he wouldn't come back to mine. I drove home carefully as the roads were getting very icy and the gritters were out, parked the car in the drive and went through the backdoor into a darkened kitchen. I thought the worst. What had the crafty sods got planned for me. But no! I went through to the living room and there they sat, sipping glasses of my father's best Tio Pepe sherry, both with pads of paper and scribbling furiously.

"Aha!" said Billy drily, rather like father's sherry, "Back home at last"

I said I was late because of the ice.

Billy nodded and continued. "Your mother rang just after you left and I said that Kish and I were house-sitting while you went off to get your oats. She told me where to find some food and to have a drink so supper's in the oven. You can park your hairy legs next to me 'cause we have been doing some paperwork."

He patted the sofa and I sat down. Kish handed me a glass of sherry.

"Big match on Saturday and you are chosen to play, Kish has deigned to partake as well." He turned a page or two of the pad. "Then there's the Easter Tour. Podger has said he can't chaperone us and the Head Beak has said it's you and me in charge and he expects every man to do his duty! Same schools again and Kish and I have been putting together the squad. Pity Charley isn't here but I'll go through it with him tomorrow. Anyway, Podger suggests because we were a bit tight on replacements last year we can make it five extra this year. He's checked with the Abbey and they can put us all up as usual. We shall just need one more host at the other two schools."

He raised his glass and took another sip. "Must say your father keeps a good cellar! There's a bottle with supper. Hey, can Kish 'phone home to say he'll have to stay the night because of the ice. Eh, Kish?"

Kish said he'd have to ask his dad.

"Come on, Kish," Billy said, "You're over eighteen now, `When your balls weigh half a ton, then you're a man, my son!' Go on, your parents know I'm a good influence on you but you'd better leave a message to tell Varun he'll have to pleasure himself tonight!"

"Go on, Kish," I said, "The phone's in the hall."

Kish put down his glass and went off. Billy looked at me, rubbed his hands and gave me a wicked Billy look. Billy put a hand on my leg above my knee.

"And how many sprogs did you fornicate with this evening. You look rather dusty about the leg area. Been on your knees?"

I laughed. "Nothing so exciting. We had a game of British Bulldog as a finale and I tackled a couple of the more exuberant ones and slid on the mats."

He slapped my leg. "We'll have you sliding on the mat tonight, my boy."

Kish came back in smiling broadly.

"All OK, I spoke to mum and she said OK then Varun wanted a word. I'd promised to help him with his homework tonight so he's not too pleased. Little bastard said he'd sleep in my bed tonight. I know what that'll mean he'll leave spunk stains on the sheets and think I 'll get upset in case they're seen. He did that before so I changed our sheets over and he never knew so I must have a look as soon as I get home tomorrow."

Oh Christ, that reminded me. Our cleaning lady would be in tomorrow. I'd better bundle all the sheets up and start the washer off before leaving for school in the morning. I'd noticed this morning there were several crusty deposits and there were certain to be more before tomorrow.

Billy went to the kitchen and Kish and I chatted on for a few minutes. I was getting hungrier every second so was glad when Billy called us through to the dining-room. Oh God, the sods had got the best cutlery and dinner service out while I was at Scouts and there were lit candles on the table as well. So the crafty buggers had planned the lot, even to Kish staying! They had been busy because we had soup, main course and a pudding, with a good bottle of red wine, in father's best cut-crystal glasses. I dreaded the washing-up!

Not to worry we buckled down and had all cleared away in ten minutes and retired to the drawing-rom where Billy and Kish had a couple of my dad's John Player Special's and, because I didn't smoke, I pointedly coughed and spluttered and waved my arms each time any whiff of cigarette came my way.

"Oh, shit, Kish," Billy said as he stubbed out his fag-end, "The bastard's getting on my nerves. I think we should take it to bed, don't you?"

I was lolling on the sofa so was unprepared for the onslaught. They advanced on me and, big lad though I was, they scooped me up and carried me upstairs as if I were a roll of carpet. I was dumped unceremoniously on my bed and while Billy lay over me Kish tied my hands to the bed head with a couple of my school ties, then they, somehow, tied my ankles down to the bed legs. I was spread-eagled and helpless, mainly with laughter and the effects of the good wine.

"Now, Kish," announced Billy, "I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do. I'm going to undress a Boy Scout before having my evil way with him."

They both laughed and proceeded to take their own clothes off and put them neatly in two piles on the dresser. Oh God, both had hardons up to their eyebrows!

"Bags I help too," said Kish pleadingly, "He looks as if he needs both of us to help, eh Jamie?"

He drew a finger round my chin from ear to ear then stroked me round the neck. A move guaranteed to make me as horny as hell. My cock was also now fully erect and bulging out the front of my khaki shorts. Billy was now stroking the inside of my thigh and I was going to shoot a load if I wasn't careful. Oh fuck, it's something you can't be careful about. If it's going to happen it will!

Kish gingerly took my scarf off and balanced my leather woggle on the tip of his cock.

"It won't fit round that," Billy said with a laugh, "Did he tell you he could fit five of those on his skinny young dong when he was fourteen?"

Oh God, I'd forgotten that and also forgotten telling Billy about the episode which happened at one of my Scout camps. My cock, even then, was about the longest in the tent so I had managed five, with a squeeze, when the others could only fit four.

Kish opened my shirt and caressed my nipples. I felt even nearer to firing a wad. He lent down and gently licked each in turn. I squirmed and shut my eyes and held on for dear life knowing I was drooling copiously. Billy's hands moved up over my erection and tugged my shirt free from my shorts. He slowly undid the top button and unzipped my fly.

"Look at that!" he exclaimed, "Jamie's wet himself! Not with fright, I hope."

In my position I couldn't see properly but noted that at my cockhead was a sizeable wet patch.

"Better have a closer look," he said inquisitively.

He eased the elastic of my briefs down and flipped them over my knob-end. I could see a thin strand of silvery, viscous liquid about to drip back onto my belly.

"Let's get them right off him, shall we?"

"That'll be a bit difficult," Kish said markedly, "With his hands and feet tied how can we get everything off him?"

"Let's tickle the bastard then he won't know what's happening to him."

With that Billy began to massage my ribs with his thick fingers. I was sooo... ticklish and they knew it. As I bounced around my shorts and briefs were lowered to my ankles and I was almost screaming out for them to stop. Kish put a hand over my mouth as he tickled my nipples. Billy undid my feet but I was thrashing around so much I didn't realise they were free so off came shorts, briefs and socks. As Kish played scales on my nipples Billy ran his saliva drenched tongue up and down my shaft. Then, quickly he lubricated his pucker with Vaseline, sat over me, held my prick end against him and sat. I thought my dick would snap in two as it pressed against his tight rosebud. He relaxed and I went in. In one plunge Billy took my whole length in and sat grinning like a huge ape, transfixed by my shaft.

"You can undo him now, Kish. I don't think he'll want to shift much now, eh, Jamie. It's my turn first, then I'll set Kish loose on you. You know, Jamie, we arranged all this while you were chatting up Varun this afternoon. In fact, Kish only rang home to see that Varun had done his homework."

The bastards, so they had set it all up! I screwed my nose up at him and said I would give them both something to remember. Kish shut me up by giving me a kiss and untied my hands and manoeuvred my shirt off. My clothes were also piled neatly on the dresser. Billy was sitting quite still on me while all this happened.

"How would you like it, Jamie, nice and slow, eh?"

With that he raised himself slightly on his knees and I felt his internal muscles suctioning my dick. I groaned. He would have to be very, very slow, I wasn't far off coming already and I wanted it to last.

"Slow, please, Billy, as slow as possible," I pleaded, interspersing almost every word with a groan of pleasure and he sat back then raised himself again.

"I'll try, but I want it bad too!" he said and began to keep the slow rhythm going.

Kish was now bending over me licking my nipples in turn. I grabbed his head and we tongue-fucked as I very slowly fucked Billy. My climax built up and up until, thrusting my tongue somewhere deep into Kish's mouth, my reflex actions took over and I flooded Billy's insides with so much cum there was a great squelching noise as he continued to slowly lift and lower himself on my cock.

"God, the bastard wanted that didn't he," Billy said lifting Kish's head away from mine. "He's still hard up there so sit over his chest and he can suck you and then I'll feed him some more."

Kish straddled my chest and put a pillow behind my head to raise me as he bent his cock down and I took the circumcised head between my lips. Billy was still squeezing my shaft with his internal muscles so I remained hard as I took more of Kish's brown rod in and licked and sucked it until with a shout he shot his load over the roof of my mouth.

I clamped my lips round him to stop anything escaping and swallowed his salty sweetness. My own shaft was still being massaged by Billy and I felt quite bereft as he lifted himself off me and quickly went to the bathroom. Kish moved his knees down my sides and next thing I knew my cock was positioned against his well-lubricated hole. He must have prepared himself during Billy's bout.

My cock was also well-lubricated as it entered Kish's entrance and as he slid down my greasy pole Billy came back with a great grin on his face.

"Had to clean up a bit," he mouthed at me over Kish's shoulder. He cupped his hand under my balls. "Still got plenty, eh?"

Kish also began a slow, long fuck, riding my cock as if he were a champion jockey. It was only about ten minutes since I'd shot my previous load so he was going to have to ride me for some time, the Grand National without the jumps!. Billy had other ideas. He moved to my side and began the most erotic dance with his tongue and his fingers over my lips, my chin, my neck my nipples. Every second the intense feelings moved from one part of me to another except for the relentless pounding I could feel beginning to rise from deep between my legs. Kish was calling out softly a whole repeated sequence of "OOOOOO.... AAAAAAAAAH..... AHHHHHHHHH....". My hips began to buck convulsively, I couldn't stop them and I didn't want to. I shot a second load, as far as I knew as much as the first as the pounding in my groin went on and on. Kish shot a load almost simultaneously which showered over Billy's hair.

He raised his head from the nipple his tongue was just touching. "Fuck me," he growled, "Now I've got a load of Indian Brylcreem all over my hair!

They collapsed over me and the three of us laughed and giggled until Kish eased himself off my deflating shaft and I grabbed Billy's thick dong and pulled him so that he straddled my chest. I sucked on him very hard and within thirty seconds he was yelling out thanksgivings for such a cocksucking friend as he fired a tremendous wad into my waiting throat. He pulled his still dripping cock from my mouth and slid it and his body down me putting his hands under my shoulders and hugging me tight to him.

"Oh God, Jamie!" What did'ya do to me, I've never come like that, wonderful, wonderful!"

He'd come like that before, I'd sucked him off many times and he always thought it was the best ever. Kish returned from a trip to the bathroom and got onto the bed beside us.

"You'd better go and clean up, Jamie, then we can rest a bit."

When I returned the two of them were under the covers looking out at me and smiling. Brown and white, my two love-brothers. I got in beside them and we hugged each other and talked for ages about all sorts of things and then we fell silent. I reached out and switched the light off and we were asleep.

As usual, I and the others were awakened by my alarm. It was seven o'clock and after each had a pee we got rid of the overnight replenishment of spunk by sucking each other off. I lined up with Kish as he took in Billy's cock while Billy pressed my foreskin back with his lips and gave me another climax to remember.

I did remember to set the washer off. When Billy and I returned after rugger practice, held in the gym because the pitch was icy, the house was pristine and there was a note from Mrs Beckett our cleaner saying she hadn't expected the place to be so tidy when she started! I warned Billy he wasn't to make a mess as my parents would be home tomorrow. He just playfully punched me on the arm and said he'd make sure he didn't spill anything that night.

Neither of us spilled anything. As soon as we were in bed we were sixty-nining and swallowed each other's offerings without any trouble. Later we fucked each other slowly and sensuously and our second comings were contained successfully until the morning when we showered and just tossed each other off.

My mother 'phoned as soon as I got home on Wednesday. They'd decided to stay until the weekend. Gran was still very poorly and Dad could travel up to London each day from that end. Did I mind? Get plenty of food, there was a cheque in the post. And don't forget it's your birthday in a fortnight's time! I was a bit annoyed, I had come to rely on Billy to keep me company the last few nights but I consoled myself with the memory of what I and my friends had done over the past few days and wanked myself to sleep on Wednesday and Thursday thinking of them. Gerry came to the rescue on Friday and I stayed overnight with him but only indulged ourselves once because of the next day's match.

That match was hell. We all came off the pitch bruised and battered. It was a casualty- strewn draw, both the teams had been bad-tempered and even Billy had lost his temper and said he'd whacked his opposing number in the scrum a couple of times. He had a cut eyebrow and I drove him to casualty to have a couple of stitches put in it, plus a tetanus injection which the young doctor insisted upon. I had the most horrendous bruise on my cheek and another on my thigh and poor Charley said he'd got a couple of loose teeth after one tackle and maul. I drove Billy back to his parents' flat and was invited to stay for a meal. I agreed and we retired, first of all, to Billy's attic room to rub ourselves liberally with Sloane's Liniment. Of course, we had a quick wank together which lightened our mood a bit and Billy's mum filled us with good food which made us even happier.

I surveyed myself next morning when I rolled out of bed. It wasn't only my face and thigh which were colourful but I'd also got bruises across my ribs and a purple patch on my left buttock where some foul fucker had booted me when I was on the ground. Sod this, I thought, I liked the game but playing that school was a bit rough. I jacked off in front of the mirror just to see that some part of me still felt functional. I liked watching myself beating my meat and it was a pretty good display with plenty of pearly come squirting out when I climaxed. Then I remembered the letters.

When I got home the previous evening there were three letters on the mat. One was the late arriving cheque from Mum and the other two had Cambridge postmarks. I recognised Dr Bell's neat handwriting on a re-used envelope which looked as if it had been dragged through the mud. The note was short and to the point. All the solutions were correct, two could have been tackled with more elegance, but he didn't say how, and he hoped I would do well in the entrance exams. There was a PS "You have a future".

The other letter was from Jacob. He said Paul was well and was working hard - why hadn't Paul written? - but the main part of the letter was to ask what he should do. He had received a very abject and remorseful letter from Hendy. He said the letter begged his forgiveness for the dreadful hurt Hendy had done to him and Paulus. What should he do? Ignore it, write a letter back saying he couldn't forgive a shit like Hendy, or forgive him? He said he'd talked it over with Paul who had suggested what he should do but he wanted my opinion as well without me knowing what Paul had said and that was why Paul hadn't written to me. What a conundrum! The silly sod then signed off, "Your loving woolly bear". I had thought about Jacob and his problem when I got to bed that night and wondered what I would have done if a friend had denounced me and my love for Paul. I would have been heart-broken. More than that, I would have been broken. As the Halls had invited me for lunch I thought I would consult Billy who was a real bedrock of friendship as well as of good sense.

I made sure the house was tidy before I left as I didn't know what time my parents would be back. As soon as I arrived at Billy's I went up to his room where he was busy working on an essay. I showed him Jacob's letter and told him the whole story. He was aghast at the perfidy of someone like Hendy and said his first thoughts were that he agreed with Casper, the shit should be exterminated!. But sanity prevailed and we said the same thing as I had thought to myself the previous night, forgive. We concocted a draft of a letter which expressed our ideas which I could send to Jacob. In it we said that he should point out to Hendy that although he was still dreadfully hurt by Hendy's betrayal and the enforced separation from Paulus some good had come out of it. He was at Cambridge, a wonderful place and he had made new, good friends who were seeing him through the crisis and his feelings of despair. If, after he finished his degree course Hendy wanted to meet him it couldn't be in South Africa as he never wanted to return. I knew this as he had told me with so much venom about the situation there which he abhorred. But, he would meet him on neutral ground, but also, it must be with Paulus as well. We copied the draft out neatly and I added a note asking him to give my love to Paul and I would like a letter from him. Billy put a hand out and held mine after I had sealed the envelope.

"I could never do that to a friend of mine," he said with great feeling. "I know you couldn't love me like you love Paul but I value you as a great and faithful friend. I'll probably get married some day but I want you and Paul and Charley and Gerry still to be my friends. You will, won't you?"

I said I couldn't think of anyone I would rather have as a friend than Billy. We sat and just held hands for ages until our thoughts were interrupted by the stentorian tones of Billy's dad calling us down to Sunday lunch.

The next weeks at school passed quickly. Mum and Dad were home, gran was much better. The four of us, Gerry, Kish, Billy and I had a joint eighteenth birthday celebration when we took all our regular Sixth Form pals, plus the terrible two and Varun, out for a stupendous meal at our usual Italian restaurant. I said I didn't want a car as I couldn't have it while I was at Cambridge so Dad said he would pay for a fortnight in Greece for Paul and me and any of the others of my close friends who wanted to go. Although he didn't say anything else, I was fairly certain Dad and Mum knew about Paul and me!

I sat the entrance papers later in the term, by myself, in the Head's study.

Gosh, they seemed very searching but, I hoped I hadn't made a fool of myself. About the same time Billy disappeared for a couple of days without anyone knowing where he'd gone. A week later he announced to the assembled Sixth Form in the Common Room that he'd been for auditions for entry to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and had been awarded a scholarship. Gosh, I don't think I have ever seen so many people so pleased. He said his father had expressed some reservations about having a son on the stage but said he could always fall back on the greengrocery business if times were hard. Gerry said Billy would like that as long as there were plenty of big carrots or cucumbers to fall back on!

I had a congratulatory letter from the College saying I was awarded a particular scholarship as well as the exhibition so I must have done well in those ghastly exams. Another short note appeared from Dr Bell. He hoped I would take up the offer of a place and I would be in his tutor group. Dr Jackson smiled a wry smile and said I don't envy you, he'll work your brain to the bone!

Chapter Eleven: My Final Rugger Tour:

My third and final Easter Rugger Tour was imminent. Billy busied himself sorting out the various pairings. Charley had insisted the terrible pair were included among the reserves as he maintained they would be the backbone of the First Fifteen next year. I agreed as I'd noted how much they'd come on in the last few months. The quieter taller one, Peter Mee, had impressed me with his calm enthusiasm and I decided, if asked, to have him as my first pairing. However, being crafty I suggested to Billy that Peter and the other one, Tony Smye, could be Kish's pairings for the first three nights. Billy grunted and said as Varun had already got them running rings for him the elder brother might as well have his turn. I then, quite casually, said I would have them as well and Kish could have the mouthy one, Tony Smye, for the first two nights. I found from Billy's scribbles he'd got two of the other Fifth Year reserves as his companions of the night and the other one had Charley and one of our over-large lock forwards for his bed-mates. As this Fifth Former was a well-built lad with a good length I thought he shouldn't be outmatched.

As soon as the lists went up the terrible two dogged my footsteps at school, volunteering for all sorts of extra Prefectural duties. The taller, quieter one was obviously overjoyed with his pairings and when we got off the bus at the first school he followed me to Llew's house like a young puppy. I knew Llew wouldn't be there the first night but Mrs Davies said we would be so welcome and she certainly meant it and gave us a splendid supper. Peter was rather apprehensive at first when we arrived but under Mrs Davies's Welsh friendliness he became quite chatty and we also heard all about Llew's exploits from Mrs Davies. Finally, after goodnight cups of cocoa we made our way up to Llew's bedroom.

I took the initiative and quickly stripped off completely while Pete was still in the bathroom. So, when he came in I was busily folding my clothes up and getting my kit ready for tomorrow's game. I also had the beginnings of a hardon. Pete looked me over and fixed his eyes for some seconds on the section below my navel. He was a bit slower than me in undressing but as he did so I noticed he took several glances at my equipment which I deliberately kept in his line of vision. I was having a hard job to not get a sudden, complete erection. As he eventually pulled his underpants down and stepped out of them I saw we matched in both having semi-hardons.

"Usual nightly occurrence," I said as my cock, uncontrollably, sprang to attention.

He went slightly red around the gills as his shaft did the same.

"Better take care of them, hadn't we?" I said, moving over to his side of the bed.

I wasn't prepared for what he did next. As I got close to him, he dropped to his knees, grasped me round the backs of my legs and took half my tool in his open mouth in one go. He sucked and licked me with such frenzy it was all I could do not to shout out. In the end my lengthy rod was almost completely engulfed by his darting head and I couldn't help it but I came so quickly and flooded his mouth with so much cum I made him cough and splutter. I pulled my prick out of his mouth and dropped to my knees as well. I fixed my mouth over his and we tongue-fucked with my spunk until I lifted him up and laid him on the bed. I ran my spunk coated tongue down his whole body as he moaned softly and then took his young, quite lengthy prick into my mouth and soon felt his warm semen squirt into my throat. I licked his sensitive knob and he squealed. I leaned over him and gave him back some of his offering as our tongues met again. Gently, I opened the bed covers and we got in together and lay arms and legs entwined for ages, our tongues lightly darting in and out of each other's mouths.

"That was wonderful, Pete," I murmured in the end, "Thank you."

"I've wanted to do that for a long time and I never thought you would do it to me," he confessed.

We lay with our heads close together and whispered into one another's ears as he told me that he and Tony were so grateful to me for helping them so much. He said they were very friendly now with Varun though he was a cheeky little so-and-so. I asked if they'd practised on each other. He hesitated for a moment and then said all the time' and that meant with Varun too. I said I thought so and then I explained that he'd better not try that tactic tomorrow night as I didn't know if Llew was into cocksucking. He said he would be careful as he knew all his friends wanked together but as far as he knew only he, Tony and Varun were doing anything else. I didn't enquire into what anything else' might encompass but guessed, if Varun was involved, it might be more!

The game next day was very enjoyable - at least for us. We ran in three tries and I managed to convert two of them. Pete had part of a game as one of the wings had cramp during the second half. One of his unkind friends said he expected it was because of too much activity the night before.

Llew was waiting for us when we arrived back at the terraced house after the game. He hadn't grown any more but was still as voluble as ever. He and Pete got on well together I was glad to see. Mrs Davies was on duty that night so disappeared off just before eight o' clock. I looked at the clock just before ten and nodded at it when Llew looked at me in conversation. He took the hint and within ten minutes the three of us were in his bedroom. I stripped off first to lead the way with Llew not far behind. One difference was that over the past year he had sprouted quite a patch of black hair on his chest. I complimented him on that and he reciprocated by saying I was now beating him on hairiness of legs. Pete was a bit slow in casting off his clobber so I grinned at Llew and we advanced on him from either side, upended him and pulled his remaining garments off. He had a hardon like a young stallion. Llew grabbed it and started to toss him off so quickly the poor lad's mouth gaped open and he clutched at the bed clothes. I moistened my fingers on my right hand with spit and began to circle his left nipple as Llew picked up speed pulling the kid's foreskin fully back on each hefty downstroke. Pete was shaking his head from side to side and panting heavily. I reached down with my left hand and caught hold of the nice package below the base of his prick and massaged his bollocks within. He began to make guttural noises in his throat going, "Nuh.. Nuh.. Nuh.. Nuh... Nuh.." These changed suddenly as I felt his balls draw up. I pulled down on his scrotum and he went to a series of full-throated cries, "Oh.. Oh.. Oh..Oh.. Ohhhhh.. Ohhhhh.. Ohhhhh.. Ohhhhhhh!!" The last cries in the sequence were accompanied by four strings of thick, white spunk which leapt out of his piss-slit and landed, each one on top of the other, dead central on his breastbone. The spunk was so thick it almost stood in a pile like whipped cream! Of course, I hadn't seen his spunk the night before as I had swallowed it straight down. I did know it had a good consistency and taste! Even after he had come his whole body was still twitching and his hands were still clenching the bed clothes. He was going "Oh my God, Oh my God," now and quietened down a bit as Llew and I exchanged glances and smiled at each other.

As Pete opened his eyes he must have seen Llew standing directly in front of him, his hardon jutting out at forty-five degrees from his body. Pete sat up, causing a rivulet of cum to start cascading down his stomach to end up in his pubic bush. He opened his legs, grabbed Llew round the buttocks and pulled him towards him and with one go Llew's thick, Welsh dick disappeared into Pete's open mouth. I wondered what Llew would do having warned Pete not to try anything too much. Llew was taken by surprise. I saw this writ large on his face but Pete, very expertly, sucked on him, moving his head back and forth and it was Llew's turn to make strange noises. Whether they were evocations to the Welsh Gods I do not know but vowels and consonants in unknown combinations spilled from his lips. I thought I'd better help so I grabbed his balls and gave them a good squeeze and as I did they rose and stood on either side of the base of his cock like two proud, hard walnuts. Llew's hips now moved in time with Pete's mouth and with wild, Welsh cries he came, and came, and came. Poor Pete. He tried his best but Llew's balls, I knew from past experience, produced a fair bit of gism. Although Pete closed his mouth as tight as possible round Llew's jerking rod a mass of spunk flooded out and dripped down Llew's cock as Pete released it and swallowed hard.

"Oh, Christ," exclaimed Llew with a great deal of emphasis, "I've never had that before. I've heard about it, but, Oh Christ, wonderful!!"

He leaned forward and kissed Pete on the forehead. He turned to me.

"Has he done that to you?"

I nodded and said he had, last night. Llew looked at me and shook his head almost in disbelief that having one's cock sucked could give one such pleasure. He glanced down at my rod which was, as usual, not only rigid up against my belly but drooling copiously. A thin tendril of colourless fluid was almost to the floor. Even though he had only just come Llew went into action. He opened the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulled out the familiar towel. He quickly wiped down Pete's front then chucked the towel on the floor some distance away from me. He told Pete to get off the bed and stand about five or so feet in front of me. I knew what was coming, I was for a start, but Llew had experienced the distance my pent-up come could fly and was going to put it to the test again with young Pete as the target! It certainly was pent-up. My viewing of those two intensive workouts had raised my sexual temperature to boiling-point. Llew stood just behind me and ringed my prick with two fingers and thumb. He had remembered my favourite hold. Ouch! He pulled back so hard on his first stroke I thought he would tear my foreskin off. But no, he managed to keep it as far back as possible as his fingers gripped my shaft and massaged that so, so sensitive point just under the ridge. Thirty or so strokes later I knew I couldn't contain myself any longer. I grunted, gritted my teeth and squinched up my eyes and spunk zoomed out of my knob-end like a missile. It was a homing missile and home was square on Pete's chest where five great globs landed with the accuracy of a Moon landing! Pete gasped and Llew laughed and gave my cock an almighty last tug which made a sixth gobbet fly up to land just at the edge of the towel by Pete's feet. He was staring, first at my prick, still in Llew's hand, then down at the new ribbons of cum rolling down his stomach. I put my hand behind me and clasped them round Llew to support myself as my thigh muscles were still tingling greatly.

Pete whispered, "I've never seen a thing that big and I've never seen anyone shoot as far as that."

Yeah, I had to agree, even if it was me! As soon as Llew had started beating my meat I had stared at the reflection in the mirror on his wardrobe. I must admit that the sight of my seven-incher, foreskin fully back, dark red knob rampant, was formidable. Even more impressive was the quantity of spunk I always produced and the distance I could eject it. If I was really worked up, like today, then, WOW!!

Llew let go of my prick, picked up the towel and wiped young Pete down again.

"You don't do too badly yourself. Is your stuff always as thick as that?"

Pete said it was and he'd always made lots like it.

Llew pointed at Pete's still quite rigid dick. "What's that, about six and a half?"

Yes, that was one thing I'd noted the night before, Pete's cock lengthened considerably from its nascent state.

Pete nodded, looking pleased as Punch. "Yep, just under and Varun says it's still growing 'cause it's over a quarter of an inch longer now than at Christmas."

"Who's Varun?" asked Llew.

I explained he was the brother of Kish who Llew remembered from last year's game and he and Pete were good friends. We decided to get into bed then so, with Pete saying nothing, I told Llew the tale about `the terrible pair' and their conversion to the road of righteousness. As Pete was lying in between Llew and me he put his hand between my legs and held my balls and squeezed them gently each time I magnified their transgressions. In the end the three of us went to sleep with Llew spooned against Pete's back and Pete and me facing each other with my arm loosely round his shoulders.

As we snuggled down Pete whispered in my ear, "Thanks for everything."

We all woke around seven o'clock and very slowly and gently Pete wanked us two older ones off. Then Llew jacked off Pete before he had to get out and go to his lonely bed before his mother arrived home. Llew's last words as he bade us farewell as we walked to the bus were to Pete thanking him for the magnificent new experience he'd had. As we turned the corner out of Llew's sight, Pete nudged my arm, "No one can resist that, eh?" Cheeky sod!

The match that afternoon at the other school was rather scrappy. Whether everyone in our team had worn themselves out the night before, I don't know, but the exhortations to our squad by Billy did little to raise the level of our game. In the end it didn't really seem to matter who had won as the other captain was heard several times to curse at his lot for not getting into the game a bit more. However, everyone was very cheerful in the showers and we were all much entertained by a trio of lads from the other school who knew countless verses of `Four and Twenty Virgins'.

As we came out of the changing-rooms I spotted Duncan and young David, beaming broadly and itching to rush up and greet me. I collected Tony Smye and introduced them. As I knew Tony had a younger brother of David's age I thought they would get on well. In fact, he and Duncan ended up in animated conversation as we rode to their house on the local bus. I found out from David that Frankie was at home holding the fort as both the girls had gone away for Easter. I was looking forward to meeting Frankie again as I'd only spoken to him on the 'phone a couple of times since I'd seen him last Summer and I didn't really know how he and his boyfriend were getting on. I wanted to tell him about Paul and me at New Year and my visit to Cambridge.

Frankie was just the same. He and his mother and the dogs made us very welcome. As usual, the boys were sent off to clean our boots while Mrs Cooke put our dirty rugger kit into the washer. Tony and I offered our help but Mrs Cooke ushered us out of the kitchen and asked if we would like a drink before dinner. This turned out to be a large glass of red wine and by the time the meal was over and we three older lads each had another couple of glasses each I was feeling quite light-headed and exceptionally randy. I had noted that Macbeth's porter probably meant he'd had a bit more to drink when he said although it provoked the desire it took away the performance. With me a couple of glasses both provoked the desire and, I felt, enhanced my performance. But then, I still hadn't experienced being really drunk!

Duncan and David were sent up for their baths and I noticed that Frankie didn't have to supervise. When his mother was out of the room I asked him about them. He said Duncan now insisted on keeping David in order and David and Duncan were inseparable. I went upstairs a bit later to have a pee and went along to their room. They still had the bunks with Duncan on top and David below.

"Thought you would come to say goodnight," said David in his very precise manner. "You've grown even more since last year."

"So have you and Duncan," I said, "It won't be long before you're as tall as Frankie."

"Are you sleeping with Frankie tonight?" David began.

Duncan leaned over and shushed his brother. "Mustn't ask things like that!" he said.

I grinned at him and bent down and said goodnight to David. As on previous occasions he pecked me on the cheek, then said, "See you in the morning."

I tucked the blankets around him and poked Duncan in the side. "Good night, big boy!"

We watched the news at ten on telly and then decided to go to bed. As before, Frankie's four foot bed was accompanied by a put-u-up. As I had peed not long before I went straight to the bedroom and stripped off. Tony came in next and I saw him eying my cock and balls as I folded my clothes. I wondered if he'd had any discussions with Pete during the day. Frankie then came bustling in and cast his clothes off so quickly the room looked as if it was hit by a whirlwind.

"You're a bit slow, lad," he said to Tony.

I guessed he was a bit shy like Pete had been . In fact, although he always seemed the more outgoing of the pair, he was acting rather coy this evening. He was slow. He took his time, eying both Frankie and myself as our cocks began to rise as is natural for boys our age every night! I realised why. Tony's cock was not as developed as Pete's and so he wondered how we would view it! He took his underpants off and stood up. His youthful cock was dangling free at about four inches. Frankie moved over to him.

"D'you want a hand with that, Tony?" he said.

He reached down and drew Tony's foreskin back. Tony flinched but the effect was immediate. A rampant almost six inch cock drew up to attention. It wasn't long but it was thick. I could see a touch of the Billy's there. `Long and thin goes well in, but short and thick does the trick!'

"Has Jamie wanked you yet?" he asked.

Tony looked at me almost pleadingly. "No," he replied quietly.

"Come on then, let me see what you're made of," said Frankie, starting to rub his fingers up and down Tony's thickness.

I picked up the towel which Frankie had put on the dresser and laid it on the floor. Frankie moved behind Tony and began to wank him slowly. Tony's eyes shut and his mouth opened. He leaned right back on Frankie and I could see Frankie pushing his cock down into Tony's arse crack. He didn't seem to mind and pressed back further against Frankie's thighs. Frankie was actively rubbing his own cock somewhere around Tony's ring. I wondered if there would be any developments. Anyway, my speculations were interrupted quite suddenly as a stream of spunk erupted from Tony's knob. It was so quick and sudden I think it took us all by surprise. In fact, instead of Tony looking pleased he looked rather crestfallen.

"I came much too quickly," he murmured, "Can I do it to you next?"

He changed places with Frankie and took hold of Frankie's longer and even thicker tool. He was an expert wanker because very quickly Frankie squirted his load over the spread out towel. I went over to Tony and put an arm round his shoulders.

"It's OK Tony, we've got all night."

He looked up at me with almost sorrowful eyes. "I didn't want it all to happen so quick!"

I took his right hand and put his fingers round my prick.

"I think I'll come pretty quick too this first time."

I did. He slid his hand up and down my rod and within a couple of minutes I was ready to drop a load. Frankie had seen my performance before but it startled young Tony when my five ropes of come emerged like tracer bullets from my slit. Luckily it was a bath towel as I did my usual four to five feet ejaculation.

Later, in bed, we had another wank session when I tossed Tony off slowly, with much writhing and low moaning and, as nobody had commented on the size of his prick he seemed much happier. Frankie then brought me to a very satisfactory conclusion and, as Tony watched again, I pulled Frankie's pudding. As we settled down for the night Frankie slipped out of the bed and got onto the put-u-up which squeaked and creaked with his weight.

I slept very soundly, back to back with young Tony. Then I found myself waking up and thinking to myself `I'm having a wet dream!'. It couldn't be, I'd been tossed off twice the night before and although I'd had a wonderful dream involving Paul I didn't think I'd got to the point of shagging him or him shagging me. Then I realised I'd got a real, warm experience happening to my groin. It was still quite dark but I realised my erect cock was in someone's warm, soft mouth. It couldn't be Tony as I felt his back pressed against mine. Pressed hard against mine and moving backwards and forwards very slightly. I opened my eyes more and peered towards the put-u-up. It certainly wasn't Frankie whose shadowy figure I could see sitting upright on the edge of that bed. I put a hand out and felt a head pressed almost against me, moving slightly up and down my shaft. I thought first of all it was young Duncan then I realised it was his younger brother David. David was very expertly sucking my cock. His young mouth must have been stretched considerably to accommodate both the thickness and the length. I was past caring about such mundane matters. A great throbbing started beneath my balls and the poor kid had a very quick mouthful of my hot, morning cum. He never batted an eyelid. I heard him swallowing hard each time I spurted another instalment and as I finished he very expertly licked my shaft clear of any stickiness and it was only because I lifted his head away that he didn't lick my ever so sensitive knob clean as well.

Almost as soon as I came Tony gave about six convulsive jerks of his buttocks against my arse and I knew he's shot his load as well. I looked over at Frankie and as my eyes had become accustomed to the gloom I could see he was grinning broadly at the endeavours of his young brothers. Young David was still on his knees by the side of the bed so I reached out and very easily lifted him onto the bed. I pulled down the covers exposing both Tony and me and whispered to David that he should lie face up down my front. Seeing what I was doing Duncan scrambled on top of Tony and the pair of us wanked away at the brothers' rigid young cocks. I tried to go as fast as I could because I guessed young David wasn't producing any sperm yet but would enjoy a good hard dry cum. It didn't take long before he was bouncing up and down on me with my hand over his mouth to stop him calling out. As he jerked to a standstill I gave him a few moments then started up again. Three minutes later he had an even bigger orgasm and flailed around on me so much I thought I might come again by spontaneous combustion. In fact, I thought I'd come again as a spray of warm come hit me on the face and on the back of my hand held over young David's mouth. A few moments later an even greater spray of come squirted all over the four of us. The first was young Duncan with his prick bent and directed over his brother and me. The second was Frankie's load as he'd stood up as he saw his young brothers' reach their climaxes and showered us with the results of his own jerk-fest.

Frantic whispering then went on. On questioning the two youngsters we found it had all been planned. David, the youngest, turned out to be the instigator and spokesman! He said he'd decided that we should be dealt with that way. He and Duncan had practised every night for over a week and Frankie confessed the two young tykes had both sucked him off for practice with a bigger cock the night before we turned up. Duncan said they'd tossed a coin to see who would have whom and he'd won and chosen me. Was it good? I turned him over on me and gave him a great big kiss. There was a slight squelching as Duncan turned over on Tony and was rewarded in the same way. I nudged Tony.

"How old's your brother?"

"He's nearly thirteen like David," he giggled, "And I'll have him trained very soon!"

I asked David if he enjoyed being wanked. He said he loved it and he made it a condition every night that if he did Duncan then Duncan had to do him. Duncan then said he often did David twice 'cause he came so quick but he didn't make any stuff yet, a fact I'd already noted. He then said one afternoon when everyone else was out he'd made David come five times in an hour and he'd nearly fainted in the end. Oh God, I wished I'd had a brother to do it to me at that age!

Frankie gave Duncan a towel and told him to wipe us down and then he shooed the two youngsters back to their room. While he was out I whispered to Tony that I hoped he kept young Varun busy as Kish needed his sleep at nights. He sniggered and said Kish had kept him and the lad they'd stayed with the last two nights very busy. As I was facing him in the bed he put his hand down and put his fingers round my semi-hard shaft.

"Do you want it again? I wouldn't mind." he asked.

I said I didn't, thinking I would be rather exhausted if the game at the Abbey school was tough, but I grabbed the towel off the side of the bed and put it between us and found his already erect prick and wanked him fast. Horny sod came almost within seconds, panting and puffing and spraying spunk over me as I'd held his cock at an angle.

As he shot so Frankie sidled silently back into the room and got into his noisy bed as quietly as possible. I made a mental note to ask Tony how many times he tossed off per day as he's already come twice since midnight!

The young boys were especially bubbly over breakfast, so much so I wondered if their mother might ask why. But I assumed they were often like that although David kept surreptitiously putting his hand on my thigh.

As we went upstairs to collect our things he followed me into the bedroom. He looked up at me slyly and said in a whisper, "Your thing is still much bigger than Frankie's!"

I cuffed him lightly round the head then hugged him to me.

"You mustn't say that. Frankie's thing is just right and so will your's be soon."

He grinned up at me. "I like mine now anyway."

He insisted on carrying my bag for me and all three of them said as we parted that we must meet up again.

The journey to the Abbey school went very quickly. I noted a few bleary eyes so assumed others had had interesting nights as well. As we got off the bus I was collared by Sean and he took Billy, Charley and me to meet the Abbot. He was most affable and wished our team well, but not too well, and hoped we would enjoy our stay. We thanked him and went off to have a very substantial but rather stodgy lunch.

Billy and Charley had decided that all the five reserves would play the second half. Charley moved from scrum half onto the wing and the lad who was scrum half in the Junior XV took his place. He was short, about five foot four, but stocky and was an excellent player. I was left at number fifteen but four others came off so the others, including Tony and Pete, could take their places. In the end we won quite easily. Sean was their vice-captain and made the usual excuse that all their best players had gone home for the holidays. Still we had more excitements to come!

The five sixteen-year-olds hadn't been told of the tradition of kissing the cocks of the try scorers or good players so were quite surprised by Billy's little speech and the line-up which was then made. I was in as I'd converted two tries and, best of all, the young scrum half was next to me having scored a try straight from a scrum under the posts. Poor lad, as soon as the first lips touched his short fat dangler, they were mine incidently, he went hard. The short fat cock became a good-sized fat cock with a large knob peeping out of his foreskin. He blushed but quickly realised that three-quarters of the squad were well towards stiffness by the time the rounds had been made. We had just finished this when the lights went out as scheduled. There was a general scramble for the allocated beds and Plan A when into operation.

Unbeknown to the five youngsters Charley had orchestrated their partners for the night. He'd decided that each of them were going to be tossed off five times for a start! I had been told my three were the ones other than Tony and Pete and my first one was the little scrum half. The five had an inkling about what might happen but young Chris Mellor was a bit startled when I got into bed beside him. We lay and chatted for a few moments and I was reminded of my first tour when Brian had lumbered into my bed. However, this time it was my duty, as the older one to toss him off first. He was soon making the usual animal noises which were being echoed elsewhere in the room. I had got him settled into a steady rhythm when I heard the main door open and, as last year, members of their First XV squad crept in and dispersed round the room. One of their lads got partly in the narrow bed with us and was feeling Chris's balls as I wanked him. Chris soon shot his first load of the evening and, after recovering, wanked me at the same time as I jacked off the nameless lad. Chris was left with three loads of spunk on him as we went arm in arm in search of my second victim. We exchanged names and I found he was Dermot O'Neill, in their First Year Sixth.

My next target was Barry Irons, a burly lad who I'd had one or two run-ins with when I first became a Prefect. In fact, Barry was the first boy I had put in detention. I can't remember why, but like the `terrible two' he was also now a Sub-Prefect. Barry was lying very still as Dermot and I appeared on either side of his bed.

"Hi, Barry," I started, "Having a good time?"

He snorted. "Billy Hall's a bit rough, isn't he?" he complained. "I thought he was going to pull it right off."

He glanced at the figure on the other side of him.

"This is Dermot," I said in explanation, "We're working as a team."

I pulled the covers off Barry who instinctively put his hands over his cock and balls.

"Come on, Barry," I said encouragingly, "Surely you know the drill. Anyway, who were you with on the rest of the Tour?"

He brightened up a bit. "Oh, Charley Fawcett and Gerry Simms, it was brill!"

"Plenty of the usual, eh?" I asked, at the same time moving his hand from its position protecting his valuables. He was partially erect and I felt a good-sized dick spring to life under my fingers.

"Oh God," he said, realising he was being wanked off for a second time, "I only came a few minutes ago."

"Too late to say you wouldn't come on the Tour. You've got to keep coming on the Tour, that's the rule, eh, Dermot."

Dermot giggled and I felt his hand also stroking the side of Barry's now erect rod. I let go and Dermot took over.

"Now Dermot, Barry's always been a naughty boy," I said, "I had to put him detention last year and Podger, our rugger master, had to slipper him before that."

"Oh Christ," said Barry, wriggling under Dermot's attention, "Don't tell him about that, I can still feel it!"

"I bet you can."

"What did he do?" asked Dermot leaning over the bed towards me.

"The little bastard hid his pal's rugger shorts just before a Junior XV match and substituted them for a pair of his sister's navy-blue gym knickers. His problem was that Podger heard the row going on and, secondly, laddo here forgot that his sister's name was on a tape sewn inside. Podge grabbed him and as he hadn't got fully changed into kit gave him six of the best on his bare arse with a gym slipper so he had to play with a sore bum to start with."

"God, it hurt," said Barry giggling a bit, "But it was a good jape."

"Yeah, but you were lucky Podge didn't make you wear them."

I could just discern in the almost darkness that Barry was grinning up at me.

"God, this feels better than Podge's slipper," he said and moaned slightly again.

"My turn, Dermot," I said and as Dermot let go of Barry's tool I gripped it.

"Fast or slow, Barry?" I asked.

He groaned. I took that to mean he didn't care so I carried on at the slow rate Dermot had initiated, at the same time listening to the muffled conversations from adjacent beds. I could heard Billy's gruff tones telling someone that he'd better come soon and there were low moans and yelps from other lads who were either on the verge of coming or were firing their sticky wads. I quickened my pace and Barry also began to moan in a monotone. This changed to an insistent variable noise as Dermot rubbed and squeezed his nipples in sequence. There was a silence, then a succession of "OOOOH"'s and "UNHHHH"'s as a stream of spunk spurted from Barry's knob onto Dermot's hand as he was still tweaking Barry's nipples. Barry gasped and gripped my hand to stop me wanking him. I saw Dermot put the back of his hand against Barry's lips and the lad licked off the cum splattered there.

Silently, Dermot and I moved away from the bed and I guided him to my third designated quarry of the night. This was the fifth one of our reserves, John Marshall.

A really big lad who was prop in the Junior XV and, I'd noticed in the showers, had a good thick cock and a massive bush of black hair around it. He also had very hairy legs and tufts of underarm hair which showed even when he had his arms by his sides. Pretty good development for a lad who was only sixteen.

He was lying in bed gasping for breath as we arrived. His previous helper had only just left him and here we were ready to give him his third wank. Like Barry he protested a bit as he said he'd only just come for the second time. I said he musn't grumble and he lay there like a lamb as both Dermot and I felt his hefty young cock. Even though he'd only just come he soon went rigid and between us Dermot and I worked on him steadily for about ten minutes when, with a tremendous heave of his whole body, cum sprayed from his knob up onto his chest. I put a hand up and spread the warm juice across his muscular torso and massaged some into the rings around his nipples. He groaned and twisted about as I did it and I could feel, under my fingers, the beginnings of patches of hair. I guessed by the time he was eighteen he would have a terrific body!

So, I'd done my duty so far. Dermot came back to my bed and tossed me off. He said as I'd done it to him already perhaps he should go off and find someone else. I suggested we went together to see who else needed a pair of helping hands. We soon found a lonely heart in the shape of Micky Nevens, one of my class-mates I hadn't yet had an encounter with. He said he'd just returned from have a good session with Ben Castle our other prop forward and needed a rest. Dermot and I squeezed into the bed on either side of him and we had quite a long discussion about our two schools with Dermot making us laugh about some of the antics the boarders got up to. After some minutes I put my hand onto Micky's thin, long cock which was quite hard. He reached out and held both Dermot's and mine.

"Gosh, Jamie," he said admiringly, "I didn't realise you were so big."

With that we shut up talking. I told him to lie back flat and I jacked him off nice and slowly while Dermot massaged his balls. As it was only his second wank of the evening he came quite quickly and fired off quite a respectable load which Dermot, as I had done with Barry, rubbed into his chest. I then perched precariously on the edge of the bed while Micky pulled Dermot's wire and, although my cock was now feeling quite sore, Micky wanked me off too. I scooped up the few drops of spunk I had produced that time and added them to the drying layer on Micky's chest.

We moved off from Micky's bed after fond and happy farewells and made our way back to my bed. I had done more than my duty and both Dermot and I had had a busy night so far. We lay in my bed facing each other and I said I hadn't seen Sean so far in the room. Dermot explained that Sean and some of the others couldn't risk the threat from a rather officious dorm Prefect who had said he would report anyone leaving the room. Dermot said that he didn't relish being in that lad's shoes on the last night of the Summer Term when he was due to leave the school. What Sean and his mates were going to do to him didn't bear contemplating.

We were lying there, relaxed, just idly toying with each other's balls and pricks and finding out more about each other when we became aware of a slight commotion occurring down the room apparently from adjacent beds. There were a couple of low pitiful cries of "No, not again, please!" and "Oh Christ, no more, no, I can't!" followed by stage-whispers of "Come on, lads, reinforcements needed!"

Several shadowy figures passed our beds and we heard hurried instructions to hold the fucker down' and keep him still'. I realised from the direction of the noise that the two recalcitrants were naughty Barry and John Marshall. I assumed they were about to get their fifth wank of the night and were protesting. Dermot whispered that we should go and investigate. On the way a few more nude bodies joined us and there were two small crowds standing around the two beds with the complaining youngsters in them. I leaned over someone's bare back and could just see a hand gripping Johnny Marshall's cock. He was being held down by three others while the disembodied hand moved steadily up and down his fleshy rod. He must have been in agony as he kept up a litany of "Please, no! no-no-no- NNNO! Oh God, No more, please," The steady beat went on until there was a terrifying gurgle from his throat and a hand was placed over his open mouth to stifle the last sequence of "UUUUUNH, UUUUUNH, UUUUUUNH, UUUUUUUNH!!!" as he shot his load for the fifth time.

In the next bed a similar drama was being played. I moved swiftly to see what I could. I put my arms over two sets of shoulders and craned my neck. Naughty Barry was being held down by about five sets of hands and he was wriggling about as much as he could on the bed under these constraining circumstances, struggling to get away from the hand pulling back and forth on his dong. Not only that but I could see someone's fingers also pinching one of his nipples which probably accounted for some of the squirming. His ignored earlier protests were now confined to guttural sounds caused by the deep breaths he was having to take in as his chest heaved and fell as his abortive flailings had no effect on his captors. As the movements of the hand, which I now saw belonged to big Ben Castle, went on and on, up and down his prick, the lad became even more distraught and began to sob. He managed to whisper out, "Oh God, pleeea....se stop", then produced just three almost silent grunts as his spunk erupted. Even in the almost dark we could see there was a huge amount. He certainly hadn't produced as much as that when I'd wanked him for his second time. There was a general gasp from the audience of fellow wankers. The lad I was holding onto on my right had been fisting himself while watching and another load then joined that glistening on Barry's stomach.

"Can't let the side down, eh Barry?" I heard Ben whisper, "And you certainly haven't. Good lad!"

I stood behind Ben as he stood up. I patted him on his broad backside.

"Haven't lost your skills, eh, Ben?" I said.

He recognised my voice in the almost darkness.

"Crikey, Jamie, we've had a few, eh?"

We certainly had. I had sat next to Ben almost the whole of our Fourth Year after he'd discovered he and I shared one great delight, masturbation. He would keep up an under voice chant of mucky suggestions whenever we were set some work to do in class, together with undercover prods at my genitalia with his pencil or biro. This would culminate in me getting a hardon and him trying not to laugh out loud. I guess we tossed each other off round at his house about every other week during that year. So, I knew Ben's skills very well. Perseverance and persistence!

Dermot and I moved away from the two still panting youths with Ben who prodded me in the stomach, gave a low laugh, and went his own way. I had noticed the two lads seemed too exhausted even to try to wipe up the pools of spunk or to pull the bedclothes back over themselves. I nudged Dermot and we ambled back to them. I went to Barry first, put a hand down and clasped his right hand.

"OK, Barry?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he responded in a half gasp, "But I'm bloody sore."

"You'll be OK in the morning," I replied.

I started to pull up his bedclothes to cover him and Dermot saw what I was doing and between us we tucked him in. I put a hand on Barry's cheek.

"Best ever, eh, Barry? Never been milked like that before?" I asked.

He grunted and closed his eyes.

Johnny Marshall had both hands covering his cock which was still rigid.

"You OK, Johnny?" I asked him

His was a real gasp. "Oh God, no! Oh, my balls ache and the bastard won't go down!"

"Let's have a look," I said and cautiously prised his hands away. I peered down. His usually large, pendulous bollocks were drawn up tight against the base of his still pulsing erection. His cock looked even thicker than when my hand was round it earlier. I had noticed Barry's cock was also still erect but not so much as Johnny's.

"See what it's like in the morning. Have you done it like that before."

"Fuck me," he gasped in a tone of wonderment, "Come five times in less than two hours, never! I didn't know you could, but I did." He paused "And I'd already come once this morning."

He clasped his hands over his aching parts again as Dermot and I pulled up his covers and tucked him in as well. We went back to my bed. Dermot asked if he could bunk in with me and then he would get back to his room before the bell went in the morning. I agreed and we got into the narrow bed together and talked again for ages, listening also to the other conversations going on from joint occupancies around us. In the end we dropped off to sleep holding each other's cocks and I slept very soundly.

It was just getting light when I was awakened by Dermot's steady beat on my prick. His face was close to mine as I opened my eyes and he grinned at me and whispered, "Are you ready for this?" I certainly was and spattered him quite liberally with my first offering of the day. I had been clutching his balls as he wanked me so my hand move naturally up until I encircled his shaft. He too came quite quickly and we exchanged gobbets of spunk and wiped them all over each other's torsos enjoying the stupid boyishness of our actions. He whispered, "Must go now, see you later" and like a will-o-the-wisp he had gone. I heard several more hurried exits over the next few minutes before I dropped off to sleep again to be awakened by the strident noise of the morning bell.

I waited in bed until the first rush of urgent pissers had gone to the bogs.

I crawled out of bed just as Barry and Johnny were emerging further down the line of beds. Oh, crikey, both still had hardons, Johnny's especially looking an angry dark purplish colour. Barry was inspecting his and I heard him swear softly and Johnny turned to look more closely at whatever Barry was indicating. I padded over to where they were standing and was again joined by two or three other interested voyeurs.

"Look at this," said Barry with some feeling, "The bugger won't go down just like his, but I've been skinned!"

He pointed down at the side of his very red dong where there were three distinct tears in the skin, each slightly oozing. I'd had a slight problem like that once after a fairly vigorous bout with Gerry and his answer was to smear some Germolene antiseptic on which certainly soothed the fiery nature of the beast. I looked over to where I thought Gerry's bed was and saw he was still lying there in animated conversation with his bed-companion, Ferdy Goldman. I went over and explained Barry's predicament. He laughed and indicated his wash-bag where he said he always carried the ointment for emergencies. Ferdy said you had to be even more careful if you were like him and didn't have a foreskin, lubrication of some sort was essential. I took the tube over to Barry and squeezed out some of the pungent salve onto one of his fingers and instructed him to dab it carefully on the wounds. His rather disconsolate expression soon changed as the balm took effect. But, his dick still remained erect. I looked over at Johnny who had been surveying the proceedings with interest. His rod was also still rigid.

"I'm going for a shower," I announced, "Why don't you two have one as well. It might have an effect on your predicament!"

Someone said it would have to be a cold shower but they went off and when I went into the washroom they were sharing a hot shower. I was luxuriating under the hot spray next door, washing off the accumulated cum of the previous night, when a cheery voice asked, "Mind if I join you?" It was Ferdy.

Ferdy was the most argumentative person I had ever met. I don't mean that nastily, but Ferdy always had an opinion about everything and what he thought was right and he always argued about it until he had convinced you it was right. At least, until through desperation you agreed with him! Other than that he was a very good lad, I liked him and we'd often discussed matters which were burning issues with him. He had a burning issue now. He and Gerry had obviously not indulged that morning. Probably because of Ferdy arguing about something. Anyway, as we stood under the shower Ferdy's long, whippy circumcised dick went solid. Although it hadn't been more than an hour or so since Dermot had tossed me off so did mine. With one accord after a joint appraisal of our situations we gripped each other's shafts and soon, facing each other and grinning happily, we shot our merry loads. There was a little burst of applause. We hadn't noticed, being quite oblivious to anything else in our surroundings, that we were being watched by a gaggle of grinning team-mates waiting for the shower we were occupying. We both bowed and walked out dripping wet. We were actually confronted by a veritable forest, or perhaps, thicket, of waving rigid dicks as all the lads who had been watching were sporting hardons. I nudged Ferdy and said there would be a few more pints of spunk spilled in the next few minutes if I wasn't mistaken. I wasn't. As we dried ourselves we were entertained by the sight of three couples of hefty lads fisting each other in turn much to the amusement of all. No doubt, this had been the best Tour yet!

Twenty quite weary young men boarded the bus home after breakfast. Sean had apologised profusely because he hadn't been able to join in the fun of the night before and he said their dorm Prefect would be shat on from a great height before he left school. I deliberately sat next to Tony Field as I wanted to find out his score. I counted up in my head - nine more over these four days - with Jacob, that was ten more since New Year! I doubted if Tony could beat that!

Tony was in a really chatty mood and we compared notes. He'd had a very successful Tour too, adding seven to his total as he confessed he'd wanked most of the rest of us before anyway! He said he'd made it a target to go round both Sixth Forms before the end of the Summer Term and he only had six out of the thirty seven lads to go! I just told him I'd beaten him on the Tour but I certainly couldn't reach his level as far as all the others were concerned. He giggled and said he wasn't the only one as there were at least two others on the rampage, but I needn't think I was in danger of being ambushed as they'd both had me in the past. He wouldn't say who they were but as I'd had plenty of experiences around my class-mates it would just need a bit of questioning to elucidate who they were. Something to ponder about and to keep watch. I did notice the five Fifth Formers slept soundly all the way home! Also, Billy was particularly quiet on the way back as well.

Chapter Twelve: The End of School-days:

On arriving home all was quiet on the Western Front. That is, if Mum hadn't announced she and Dad, if I didn't mind, would be going off for a week on Monday to Spain again. She said Mrs Phillips would feed me as necessary. Dad later said it would give me a chance to do some serious studying for my exams and passed over six five pound notes with a wink saying I should take Paul out for a meal with that young South African lad.

I was so worn out with the exertions of the last couple of days, I mean, playing rugby was the exertion which sprang most readily to mind, I had quite forgotten Jacob was spending the Easter vac with Paul. I went to bed early that night so I got up in good time on Saturday morning and sauntered round to next-door saying to Mum I would probably get some breakfast there. I knew Dad and Mr Phillips had gone off early that morning to play golf. Mrs Phillips greeted me like a long-lost prodigal and said she hadn't heard a sound so far that morning from upstairs and she was just going out to the shops but I was to tell the boys to get their own breakfast as she wouldn't be back until much later.. As she went out of the backdoor I crept upstairs and opened Paul's door silently and there they were, in separate beds, like the babes in the woods, fast asleep. I quickly took my clothes off and slid into bed beside Paul and put my arms round him. In his sleep he knew who I was and murmured, "My Jamie, my lovely Jamie." I pressed myself close to him, my prick fully erect in seconds, and there was his massive tool in the same condition. I hugged him close and murmured that I loved him so much, I wanted to be with him for ever and began to dust his lips with light kisses. He woke up.

"I knew you would be here, my lovely Jamie," he whispered, "I waited all night for you."

Our pricks rubbed together as we bucked our hips. Our mouths met, we kissed and tongue- fucked. I felt down and gently drew his foreskin back and wanked him slowly. A wave of hot spunk soon swept across my stomach. He wanked me slowly in the same way and a second tide mingled with the first. We held each other tightly in loving silence. I felt I was in heaven.

I think we lay glued together by the drying viscosity of our combined outpourings for close on an hour just enjoying being together. Jacob slept on, the sleep of the innocent.

I had my eyes closed as I touched Paul's upper lip with the tip of my tongue. A voice came from the other bed.

"Oh, Jamie, you're back! Paul's been waiting for you."

He scrambled out of bed, his short hardon jutting in front of him, looking all golden with his abundance of hair. He kissed me passionately and put his arms round both of us. I reached out and drew him onto the bed between us.

"I think that needs dealing with," I said taking a grip on his stubby prick.

I wanked him slowly just as I had done it to Paul and as I did so Paul stroked him across his furry chest. A gush of morning spunk zoomed out and splashed on both Paul and me. We three then laid huddled together in silence again until Jacob announced he was hungry and he meant food hungry when we looked at him wryly.

We were like one dog with three tails. We were all so happy to see each other and couldn't stop touching each other as we ate breakfast round the kitchen table. I was very taken with the amount of hair on Jacob's head as well. He had let it grow all term and it was almost down to his shoulders in a mass of curls. He looked so beautiful with his roguish smile and his merry manner. However, we got down to serious matters almost straight away and I was glad to hear that Billy's and my advice to him was the same as Paul's; forgive Hendy and try to forget the hurt. Jacob was so overcome with how we had taken him into our hearts he wept soundly and we held him tight and said we would do everything we could to make his enforced exile happy.

They both already knew that Mum and Dad were planning a week away and they laughed when I told them Dad had said it would be a good opportunity for study. They both said it was as they had important exams coming up too. We would use my house as a base and Paul's Mum would feed us. I would tell them about the money later!

That week was bliss. We each made a schedule for study which left afternoons fairly free. I drove Dad and Mum to the airport on Monday morning promising to meet them at ten o'clock the next Monday after their return flight. That first Monday afternoon I fucked Paul first and then Jacob and, after, as I sucked Paul, Jacob fucked me. After Monday night they both moved into my bedroom and when we were not studying we sucked and fucked and enjoyed each other's company and bodies. I thought I would always associate the solutions of certain maths problems with whose cock was in my mouth or whose dick was in my arse at the time the solutions of both kinds came to me. I did make the effort of meeting up with Billy and the others but they were also in the throes of revising so sexual activity with them was zero. The three of us did emerge on the world at large on Friday evening and we spent the money Dad had given me quite easily, supplemented by a donation from Jacob's great-grandmother. That night we had sex continuously for several hours. I thought of the poor lads coming five times in two hours. I know I came five times but it was rather more spread out.

That all ended with the return of my parents and the departure back to Cambridge of Paul and Jacob. Term began and the Tour was dissected and voted to have been the best ever. Discreet enquiries of Johnny Marshall and Barry revealed no lasting damage to their nervous systems but both said they'd had hardons for a couple of days on return.

Examinations loomed and went. The Sixth Form arranged to celebrate the leavers with a giant party. A pub crawl was what was finally organised. Then, about three days before the end of term I was button-holed by a very serious looking Ben Castle who asked if he could ask me something personal. I said yes and we sloped off to a stockroom I knew was very rarely visited. We sat down on a couple of packing cases and Ben told me he was having to get married and would I be his best man. Ben at eighteen getting married! I must have gaped at him as he gave a wry smile and explained that all the happenings on the Tour had made him so horny that when he got back and was with his girlfriend on the Saturday night he had persuaded her to have a fuck. He grinned even more wryly and said it wasn't just one fuck and now Bridget was pregnant and as they were both Catholics they would have to marry. He said the wedding would be on August Bank Holiday Saturday and he wanted me to be his best man. I leaned over and hugged him and said congratulations and I certainly would. He seemed a bit more cheerful but said he didn't want the others to know yet. I said he should tell them because everyone would be so pleased as well as jealous.

It was a known fact that although most of the Sixth Formers had girlfriends the number of virgins amongst us was close on ninety-five per cent - that was, except for those of us who had lost their virginity in a slightly different way! I only knew of two of the other guys, other than Ben, who I could believe with any certainty!

Ben told me he was going to work for his father anyway in their building firm and Bridget, at the High School, didn't want to go to College. I then told him I was as good as married and, I was rather surprised, he didn't look as startled as I expected. In fact he smiled broadly and said he'd heard rumours, so it was true? I nodded and he clasped my hands and said he hoped I would be as happy as he was sure he would be.

The last night of term was a riot. It was the first time I had ever been really drunk. I decided after that night I didn't really like beer as I found as soon as it went down one hole I pissed it out of another and all I was left with was a splitting headache! In the end about a dozen of us kipped down in various stages of drunken stupor in Gerry's basement. Billy was so out of this world two of us, slightly still within the world, had to drag him to the bog where he emptied his stomach and guts noisily at irregular intervals most of the night. I didn't envy Gerry and Charley - now living together permanently - the task of cleaning up. In fact, several of us to salve our consciences made a feeble effort to mop up some of the more obvious stains in the morning.

Dad's promise of a holiday was taken up and other parents chipped in so ten of us ended up in the hotel where Paul and I had stayed before on the Greek island. Apparently Varun kicked up a bit of a fuss when he heard Kish was going. When I saw him next I pacified him by saying when I was at Cambridge he could come and visit me there. Billy, Charley and Gerry were also included in the party together with the Tracey twins who had both got into Oxford. That left someone to find to share with Jacob. I had the bright idea of asking Sean who was coming down anyway to stay with me before we went to France. We were a party of exuberant young lads but we were definitely not lager louts. We had a fortnight of sun, sea and sex. Eight of us knew from the beginning who was having sex and everyone knew anyway by now that Paul and I and Charley and Gerry were definite couples but I found out an interesting fact on an urgent visit to the loo in the early hours of the second morning. I could hear sounds of evident sexual activity coming from the twins' room as I passed their door. The matter of what activity was resolved a couple of days later when the twin I had been helping with maths asked me rather apologetically if I had any spare condoms. I had to admit that Paul and I never used them. Chris raised his eyebrows and said that he and Dick always did but they'd misunderstood who had said would get a good supply in.

We wandered off together along the beach and I found they'd been sucking and fucking each other ever since they'd reached puberty and had never bothered about anyone else. I suggested they made certain they were well lubricated and when we got back to the hotel I gave Chris a spare tube of K-Y jelly. Dick thanked me the next day, his face wreathed in smiles.

Both Sean and Jacob told me independently how great they felt together and that was when I discovered that Sean was aiming for Cambridge for next year. They made a good couple and generally disappeared for what they called `a siesta' most afternoons. Gerry kept us all amused with his wit and little presents he'd brought with him, no more so than when, on the first morning, he produced ten posing pouches for us to wear on the beach. Only he and Charley dared to put them on that morning but by the third day the rest of us were coyly, then blatantly, strutting about with Billy moaning that if he wasn't careful his bollocks would be on full view. He was promptly sat on and buried in the sand and then moaned he'd got sand in all his crevices not noticing until he stood up that his thong had been expertly removed.

So, with the visit to Albert and his grandmother in France with Sean my schooldays came to a close. I was best man at Ben's wedding and Paul was invited as my guest. Although nothing was said openly I was absolutely certain my parents and Paul's parents knew about us. In fact, poor Jacob just about let the cat out of the bag when we were having a barbecue, or `braai' as he called it, in the Phillips garden that last Sunday afternoon at the end of August. I was sitting next to Paul and Jacob started to make a remark that we were a lovely couple. He said this much to the amusement of my elder sister who was visiting us and obviously had cottoned on to our attachment and a stony stare from the humourless prat who was her husband. Luckily their ill-behaved brat at that moment decided to try to catch the Phillips's pedigree cat with the avowed intention of sticking it on the barbecue. At least daddy did tell the little bastard off. I would have tanned his hide, with Podger's slipper for preference, if I'd had half the chance.

Just before she was ready to leave my sister was in her old bedroom. I came out of my room and she, very softly, called me in.

"It's OK, Jamie, I love you both. Be happy. Anyway, from what Richard told me one day when he was drunk he's quite experienced!"

I just whispered I was so happy. She gave me a big hug, a big kiss and a big smile. My big sister!

No need to hide. I made certain as she, Richard the prat and the little horror left, Richard got a good view of me holding Paul's hand!

So, schooldays at an end my friends departed on their separate ways during September. Billy to RADA, Kish to the London School of Economics, Tony Pearce and Mickey Nevens to Bristol, Georgie Phelps all the way to Edinburgh University and, surprise, surprise, Phil Mooney of feathered knob fame, to Kings College in London to read theology. October came and Paul, Jacob and I went off to Cambridge and our lives after that is another droll story.

The End

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