Endless Love

By Mystical

Published on Nov 28, 2000


Whazzup Y'all? First of all, I wanna thank all the readers for the millions of wonderful mails i received especially Danny, Jay, Danielle, Jen and Scott. Glad you all enjoyed them. Also sorry if this installment's posted late... Just that I was terribly busy with my studies and all i barely had any free time. The good news is, I passed with flying colours and got mostly distinction (congratulations to me!) and now that my exam is over, i have a good month of story writing so i can post my story installments more often.

Also, i have been receiving a lot of complains stating there's no tragedy in this story... mostly sappy stuffs. It's just that i hate tragedies but if you people insist, I'll try my best. Anywayzz, enjoy the story

Disclaimer: This is a JC Chasez story. In reality, no members of *Nsync are gay (Well, at least not to my belief but i'm hoping) And this story is Just Fictional... So if you're under-age or such materials are illegal to be viewed in your country or you're a homophobe... well, shooh!! go away!! scram!! Even if you continue to read this, just don't get caught. :>

(p/s: if you see ***, it means the story is told by Fred... Don't worry... you'll get it)


Fred was up early that morning which never happened before. He stared at his sleeping boyfriend dreamily and started the morning by peeing, brushing his teeth and washed his face. He then prepared breakfast for everyone. Lynn was out to work and the others were still sleeping so he was all alone in the kitchen. He made pancakes, toasts and tea.

One by one... the guys woke up. By eight thirty, all the guys are hanging out at the kitchen counter eating pancakes and sipping their tea except for JC who's still sleeping. Fred excused himself and headed upstairs to JC's room. He sat on the bed next to JC and blowed softly on JC's face. He tried and tried until his 20th attempt and gave up. He tried shaking JC but this only made him stir a little and continue his slumber. After that, he gave up and laid next to Josh and stared at JC's face. He then kissed his boyfriend on the mouth. He was so into the kiss, he didn't realize Josh woke up.

"Hey sweetheart... wake me tommorrow the same way." JC said softly.

Fred giggled. "In your dreams." he said as he kissed JC on the cheeks.

"Maybe i'll just wake up late again tommorrow." JC snickered.

"Do that and i'll piss on you." Fred replied sarcastically. He got up and moved downstairs. "Brush your teeth and come down, Josh..." He called up to JC.

"Yergh..." JC said 'yes' muffled by the toothpaste. Fred smiled to himself and entered the kitchen. A few minutes later, JC entered and immediately complained about his drink.

"Where's my coffee?"

"I'm sorry Josh... but i don't drink coffee so i didn't make some." Fred replied.

"Ohh... it's okay!" JC smiled.

"Hey, no fair... when we don't make you coffee... you always go crazy." Lance interrupted.

"I'll treat you like Fred if you let me french kiss you, lancy baby" JC grinned pretending to seduce him.

"Ewww... sorry i asked." he said making a disgusted face along with the rest of the guys. Fred and JC just laughed hysterically.

They discussed their plan for the day while eating their breakfast and decided that they're going to go to the mall and shop. JC backed out and explained he wanted to be lovey-dovey with his boyfriend alone. The rest approved and went upstairs to get their shower and get dressed. This left the couple alone in the kitchen.

"So what do you wanna do baby? we have the whole day to ourselves." JC asked.

"I don't know Josh... i wanna do something romantic. what's your idea of a platonic day?" Fred returned.

"Well, it may sound corny but i'll tell you anyway. I want to be at the beach... not just simply doing cheesy stuff like walking along the shores. I wanna do more than that. I want us to confide in each other until the sunsets. We have to catch up on our childhood days, you know? I missed you so much." JC replied looking sad.

"Awww JC... that was so sweet. I missed you very much too. Come on, why don't we get ready... we'll leave at 2" Fred confirmed.

Joey, Chris, Justin and lance were at the men's department at the mall shopping for new clothes. Justin was rummaging through the wardrobe to look for some khakhis when he started.

"So, what do you think they're doing right now?" Justin asked trying to break the silence.

"We don't know." Lance, Chris and Joey said in unison giving him a nonchalant look.

"Aww... come on guys. Just trying to start a conversation. You're so boring."

"Yeah whatever... Now hurry up or we'll be late for the movie. I musn't even miss one bit of those hot Charlie's Angels." Joey urged.

"Shut up. It doesn't even start in 2 hours." Chris snapped. Joey rolled his eyes in annoyance and sulked at the shop entrance. After a while of shopping, they headed for the movies and got their ticket. They bought themselves some snacks and entered the theatre. They looked for their seats and waited for the movie to start, silently with only the sound of popcorn being eaten being heard.

Meanwhile at the beach, Fred and JC were walking along the shores holding hands since there was no-one around to see them. They talked about each other to get to know better.

"So, you write stories when you're bored, huh?" JC asked.

"Yeah... I'm trying to get some of them published, though. I've written like millions of stories already" Fred said.

"I would love to read them. You write what kind of stories?"

"I write love stories but sometimes, when i'm in the mood... i enjoy suspense or thrillers. I brought some of my stories if you wanna read." answered Fred.

"Cool... let's get our stuffs and sit on that rock. I wanna read." JC suggested.

"Sure." They got their stuffs and moved to a huge rock where the water reache half of the height of the rock. They climbed up and got comfortable. Fred laid on it while JC sat cross-legged next to his lover. He searched Fred's backpack and took out a printed booklet. He positioned himself more comfortably and flipped to the first page of the booklet. He read it softly to himself.

The story's about a girl, who has to move away to pursue her dream of becoming a reporter and has to leave her boyfriend. Her boyfriend makes such a fuss about it and slaps the girl's face. She became so mad and sad... she immediately broke up with him and moved away which made her boyfriend commit suicide. The girl then heard the news and made a promise to herself never to marry anyone else as her heart only belongs to the guy.

"That was so sad and beautiful." JC complimented. He received no answer and realized that Fred was asleep wrapping his arms around JC's waist. He positioned Fred's head onto his hips and stroked Fred's soft hair gently. Before the sun sets, he woke Fred up to let him enjoy the view together. Apparently, they did. They kissed and hugged each other while viewing the sunset.

"Hey, where have you both been? Had sex yet?" Joey snickered. Fred froze by that comment. JC noticed it and defended, "Shut up you horny bastard. No we didn't." Fred walked up to JC's room and called JC too. JC obeyed. He closed the door behind him and sat on the bed next to Fred.

"What's the matter, honey?" JC asked.

"I want to talk to you about what Joey said."

"It's okay if you're not ready, if that's what you wanted to talk about. I can wait forever for you." JC explained.

"Thank you but I'm just not ready for actual, real sex." Fred replied.

"What do you mean?" JC was confused.

"I mean i'm not ready for real sex, but will always be ready for oral." Fred smiled.

"Okay. My ass will remain virgin until you're ready." JC joke.

"Thanks, Josh." Fred said.

"Okay, let's go down. Joey is probably worried about us leaving him so suddenly." JC said.


They walked downstairs holding hands and sat on the couch together.

"I'm sorry, you guys. I should've known better than to say what i said." Joey apologized.

"It's okay, joe..." Fred said.

"Yay... you're the greatest." Joey replied.

"You want me to be greater? I'll tell you something." Fred responded.

"What? tell me?" Joey pleaded.

"Josh is wearing a polka dotted boxer. Haha..." Fred exclaimed. Joey laughed along hysterically with him.

"Hey... It is yours." JC said as he tackled Fred to the floor.

"I know... but i never wear it." Fred giggled.

"Shut up... I am so... not gonna sleep with you tonight." JC threatened playfully.

"Okay... i will not have to cope with your snore then and i can have the whole bed to myself." Fred chuckled.

"I do not snore, hello. You're the one who snored, though it made you cuter." JC replied.

"Why thank you." Fred said as he grinned sheepishly.

"Aww... you're too cute to not sleep with." JC said as he pinched Fred's left cheek.

"Cut it out, you two. You're gonna make me puke." Joey interrupted as he went upstairs. The couple just giggled by themselves and talked.

Just then, Justin walked in the house with Chris and Lance tagging him carrying a dozen shopping bags each. Justin ordered them to place the bags on the floor. He sat next to the stuffs and dug into the bags taking out some shoes, books, accesories and mostly clothes.

"Sheesh... for a guy, you sure do shop a lot. So, how come Joey came back earlier than you three?" JC asked.

"Justin made a bet with Chris and me. He won so we had to accompany him go shopping. Joey was so tired, he came home early." Lance explained.

"That explains it." JC muttered. "Anywayz, it's getting late... I'm checking in early. You coming baby?" He continued.

"Nah, i wanna watch television. You go ahead." Fred replied. JC gave him sad puppy dog eyes. Fred saw him and said, "Alright, alright..." Fred said as he immediately got up and followed JC upstairs.

Joey coincidentally came back down to the living room after the couple went to their room. He straight away jumped onto the beanbag in front of the television and grabbed the remote from the table. He switched to every channel there is and stopped to Nickelodeon.

"Hey, that was so rude, Joe... We were watching first." Chris snapped.

"So? I was watching first before you guys came." Joey retorted.

"Sometimes Joey... I always thought it's a miracle to survive being around you." Chris murmured.

"Yeah whatever... Anyway Justin... Your mom called and said she won't be coming home tonight. She'll be staying at her office." Joey informed.

"Okay..." Justin said as he headed for his room.

Fred took off his clothes including his boxers and revealed an athletic built body with smooth chest and well defined abs. His biceps were also well-shaped. It was clearly shown that Fred shaved his pubic area but not completely. There was a thin light-brown layer of hairs. He immediately jumped into bed and snuggled in. He patted JC's side of the bed as a sign of asking JC to lie down beside him.

"So, you're comfortable sleeping naked with me?" JC asked.

"Why not? You're my lover. There should be no secrets between us especially what's under our boxers." Fred grinned.

"Cool." JC also stripped down to his boxers. He checked himself in the mirror and then pulled his boxers down by the waist band. It revealed a nice uncut dick with a dark pink head. He positioned himself next to Fred and kissed him passionately. They broke off the kiss and Fred immediately went down aiming his mouth on JC's half erection. JC moaned and pushed Fred's head away.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." JC explained.

"Why not? I do want to. We used to do it when we were younger." Fred protested.

"Yeah. We were fooling around last time. Now, we're in a serious relationship." JC said.

"Wow... now that you said it, it does seem different now. Now let's sleep though your dick tasted yummy." Fred grinned.

"Hehe... goodnight sweetie." JC said as he switched off the sidelamp.

*** I woke up at around 2pm that night to get a drink of water. I quietly got out of bed and turned the knob of the door. I slowly tiptoed down the stairs towards the kitchen. While i was digging into the refrigerator, i heard a thud from upstairs. I figured it was probably some of the guys still awake joking around or something so i let it be. I consumed my glass of water and left the glass in the sink. I searched the fridge some more to look for any snacks but failed. I then went upstairs to JC's room to get back to sleep with my sweetheart. When i snuggled into bed, i ran my hand through Josh's silky hair while admiring his child-like, serious face. He's so sweet, handsome, caring, passionate, gentle and kind. Then i heard a rustling sound from the closet. I turned to face it and suddenly the closet door opened. There came out two teenage girls with anger filling their faces.

They headed towards me. One girl held her pistol aiming at me. "You stole our JC, You fucking bastard!" The taller girl said with rage.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with obvious fear trying to wake Josh up.

"It's no use trying to wake him. We knocked him out. And you know what we're talking about. We were meant for JC. Not you... you fag!" The other girl snapped.

I was so frightened i wasn't thinking clearly. "Go away or I'll call the police!!" I spoke up with a soft tone.

"And say what? Help! Two helpless girls are trying to kill me and my boyfriend..?" The taller girl who i remebered her name was Sally laughed.

"Go away! I'm gonna yell so the other guys'll come." I yelled.

"You think we were stupid enough to shout when they're here. They went clubbing, you asshole!" The other girl named Liz said. Sally sat down on the bed next to JC and looked at his penis. Josh probably had a piss erection. Sally traced the veins of Josh's dick with her index finger. She twisted Josh's nipple after that and whispered something to herself.

"Stay away from him. Please, you can have anything you want... just leave him alone." I pleaded.

"That's the problem... He's everything we both want and you told us to stay away!" Sally retorted.

"Please! I'll get you both help. Let me help you both and everything will be like normal." I responded.

"We lived to be with JC, okay. But you stole him away from us, now you must pay and JC will be ours." Sally said.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked. Sally just clicked her finger to Liz in response as the qeue to kill me. Liz immediately poked my chest with the tip of the gun and pulled the trigger. BANG!!!

To be continued...


Cliffhanger!! I know, i know... i hate cliffhangers as well especially when it takes the author a long time to post a new chapter but many people wrote in to me stating that a story without cliffhangers are so dull. I need to put in a little suspense in my story. Anywayzz, enjoyed it? hated it? mail me. So flames, comments, feedbacks, donations, hatemails, ideas bla...bla...bla... are welcome (mystic_ecstasy@hotmail.com). If however, you happen to be JC or Justin... mail me with '*Nsync rocks!!!' as the subject. Okie, Bye... Hope you liked this installment.

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