England Boys

By Magic Man

Published on Sep 24, 2003


This story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that either Michael Owen or James Beattie are gay or that the events portrayed are in any way real or based on knowledge of actual events or people. It is a work of pure fiction. I have no personal knowledge about their private lives.

All comments, good or bad, gratefully received at magicman3649@hotmail.com.


It was the night before England's final group qualifier for Euro 2004, away to Turkey. Sitting at the top of the table, a point ahead of Turkey, England needed just one point from the game to qualify automatically for the competition, so the lads knew just how important the game was. Especially a certain 23-year-old, Michael Owen. Being the leading goalscorer in the current squad, there was a certain amount of pressure on the young star to deliver the goods again tomorrow night against Turkey.

James Beattie, on the other hand, was relatively new to the England squad. He'd been in the starting eleven twice and had come on as a sub twice, but so far the closest he'd come to scoring was in the last game against Liechtenstein when he'd struck the post with a left-foot rocket. He'd scored 23 goals for his league club Southampton in the previous season, so James too had something to prove to Sven, especially as competition for a place in the squad was fiercer than ever.

As the coach from the airport pulled up to the exclusive Istanbul hotel they were staying at, however, there was something else on James' mind, and had been for a while. He was hiding a secret from the rest of his team-mates. James was gay. He had always known it, but he had never let it show, and had never told anyone. Football and homosexuality didn't go together, and James' football career was far too important to him to risk by coming out, so he was happy being in the closet, for now at least. He'd had a couple of girlfriends but nothing serious. He was single at the moment, and his right hand was having to work hard to release his sexual frustration.

The one thing James had to be careful about was when he was in the showers with his team-mates after a game. Getting a hard-on would not be the smartest thing to do in front of them. It wasn't usually much of a problem, as he was usually too pumped up on adrenaline after a game to think about sex. Although he had nearly been caught out a couple of times, most recently a few weeks ago when faced with the sight of team-mate Kevin Phillips bending over to pick up the soap. James had only just managed to summon up enough strength of mind to control his hard-on. He'd had a great wank that evening though...

As they checked in at reception, the lads were paired off into rooms, and James was told that he was sharing with Michael Owen. This made James' heart leap -- if he could have shared with any one person in the squad, it would have been Michael (with David Beckham coming in at a close second). James had a huge crush on Michael. Sometimes just seeing his cute little face made him go weak at the knees, although this was always off the pitch -- on the pitch, his mind was completely focussed on the game, such was James' determination and will power.

"Come on then, mate," smiled Michael, as he sought James out from the crowd, having just learnt that they were room-mates for the night.

James and Michael walked up to the room together, chatting about this and that. James was looking forward to the opportunity to get to know Michael better and, even though he thought there was next to no chance of Michael liking boys, James was happy that he would at least get to see Michael topless, and probably in his undies too.

James got on well with most people, especially the England squad -- they were a good bunch of lads -- but he didn't really know Michael that well. Their conversations had always been directly related to the match they were playing in, or had played in. He'd partnered him up front in the last game against Liechtenstein and they'd worked well together. From what he already knew of Michael, he was a sensible and well-mannered boy. James had never heard him swear. He didn't care much for going out boozing and clubbing like many other footballers James could name, preferring instead to go out for a nice meal, or having a night in with his family, or playing golf or snooker, his two favourite sports besides football. He was down-to-earth and friendly, and although he was fairly quiet, he was easy to talk to. Even without the phwoar factor, James liked him as a person.

Most of the squad were meeting downstairs at the bar for a couple of swift halves before having an early night, but Michael opted to chill out in the room and James was only too happy to keep Michael company. As the two boys unpacked and settled in for the night, they talked about everything and nothing, and found that they got on well with each other. They soon became friends.

They each took a beer from the minibar, and sat on their beds. The conversation had turned towards their love lives it emerged that Michael had recently split up with Louise, his long term girlfriend.

"Shit, I'm sorry, man," said James. "You must be pretty cut up about it."

"I was, yeah," said Michael -- James loved his sexy Chester accent -- "But I'm alright now. We just realised it wasn't working out. We're happier now that we're apart."

"That's good, I suppose," said James.

"Yeah. So what about you?"

Even though he knew Michael was only maintaining conversation, he was flattered that Michael wanted to know about his love life.

"Young, free and single," smiled James proudly. "The best way to be."

"Yeah," agreed Michael. "Back in a sec."

Michael went for a piss and then emerged with a huge grin on his face.

"Come and have a look at this!" he said excitedly.

James jumped up from his bed full of curiosity, and went into the bathroom, to find a swanky looking jacuzzi which was big enough for two.

"How about it?" asked Michael.

"Be rude not to," said James with a smile.

Michael ran the jacuzzi and the boys finished their beers. It was when Michael started to undress that the full realisation of what was about to happen hit James. He was about to see him naked! He thought back to the recent incident in the showers with Kevin Phillips, and a worrying feeling started to come over him. Could he trust his dick to behave when faced with a butt naked Michael Owen?

Michael took off his shirt first, revealing a body to die for -- a hairless, well-toned chest and a perfect six pack of a stomach with a light trail of hair leading down to his soon to be revealed pubes. James' heart skipped a beat, as Michael kicked off his shoes and sat down to pull his socks off.

The thought of being naked in a bathtub with Michael was too tempting to resist, James decided, and he was willing to take the risk. It was going to take a lot of will power but he was determined to face the challenge. He starting undressing, first pulling off his T-shirt first to reveal that his body was just as hot and sexy as Michael's.

Michael stood up and loosened his belt, unaware of just how much he was turning on his room-mate by simply undressing. His trousers fell to the floor to reveal a tight-fitting, black pair of briefs. James was surprised; he didn't have Michael down as a briefs wearer, he had thought he would be more of a boxers guy. They looked damn good on his cute little arse though, and James couldn't wait for them to come off.

Michael turned around and bent down to pick his trousers up off the floor. James swallowed hard at the sight of Michael bent over in his black briefs, hugging his butt cheeks tightly. He wanted to slip his hands underneath them and feel the smooth flesh. Michael folded his trousers neatly, which didn't surprise James, and put them on his bed, before pulling his undies right down, so that James was faced with Michael's naked behind. James absent-mindedly licked his lips, as he surveyed Michael's small, tight butt. Was this really a good idea, he asked himself. Even without yet seeing Michael's dick, he was already feeling horny, so surely it would only be a matter of time before he got hard?

"See you in there," said Michael without turning around, and disappeared into the bathroom. James dropped his boxers to the floor and stepped out of them. He looked down at his loosely dangling and so far well-behaved dick. He'd seen plenty of dicks in plenty of showers, and had observed that his was bigger than most; five inches when limp and nine and a half when hard, although of course he had no idea how big those guys grew to.

"Behave," James quietly ordered his dick, then took a deep breath and headed for the bathroom.

The jacuzzi was run, and Michael was already in, as James entered the bathroom. The water was clear and not very deep so James had an clear full frontal view of a naked Michael. His dick was smaller than he'd imagined, about three inches in its limp state, but that was probably due to being in water, James thought.

He climbed in next to Michael and breathed a deep sigh, as he felt the warm water soothingly caress every inch of his body. It felt good. For a few moments, James forgot all about Michael and his sexy body, and just enjoyed being in the jacuzzi.

"You ready for tomorrow then?" asked Michael. It was the first time they'd mentioned the upcoming game since they'd arrived at the hotel. James was nervous as hell about it. He didn't know yet whether he was going to be in the starting line-up or not, although it was almost a dead cert that Michael would be.

"I'm shitting myself, actually," confessed James.

"Play like you did against Liechtenstein and you'll be fine," Michael said encouragingly.

"Yeah but that was Liechtenstein, this is Turkey," said James. "Big difference."

"It doesn't matter who you're up against, just play the best football you can."

"Yeah -- if the gaffer plays me."

"Well, if that last performance was anything to go by, I think he will."

"D'you reckon?"

"Yeah. You and me up front. Unstoppable combination."

"Yeah," grinned James, flattered by Michael's praise of him, but still looking a bit nervous.

"Come on, relax," said Michael.

"Alright," said James, and took another deep breath, trying not to think of the game. "So what do you do to relax before a match?"

A sheepish grin swept across Michael's face.

"What?" asked James, half-smiling.

"Well... me and Louise, we... uh..." Michael was struggling for words.

James looked at him blankly. What did she have to do with it?

"Sex," said Michael finally.

A look of comprehension dawned on James' face and both boys laughed.

"Yeah, a good night of sex before a game always works for me," said Michael.

"I could help you out there," thought James, but he daren't say it out loud, even as a joke.

"So what happened when you were away, and she wasn't there?" asked James, keen to stay on this hot topic.

Michael looked at James for a moment, seemingly trying to choose his words.

"Use your imagination," he finally said, with a smile.

The thought of Michael beating his meat alone in a foreign hotel room seemed to stir something in James' groin. Perhaps it wasn't a wise idea to carry on with this line of conversation after all. As James tried to think of a change of subject, Michael tilted his head back to relax and closed his eyes. This gave James the perfect opportunity to check him out. He knew he shouldn't, but he just couldn't tear his eyes away from Michael's naked and very sexy body. He wanted to rub his hands all over Michael's smooth, well-defined chest, and then slowly move his hands down his firm stomach, and then lower...

James' eyes came to rest on Michael's small but cute dick. He was sure he could make it bigger. He imagined squeezing it softly, then playing with it, making it grow... and then the inevitable started to happen -- James felt the blood rush to his cock and, completely out of his control, it started getting hard. James panicked but there was nothing he could do, and before long, he was sat there in the water, next to Michael Owen, and with a raging hard-on. James cursed himself under his breath for allowing this to happen. Week after week he had managed to control himself in the showers with a whole team's worth of cocks on display. So why was it so hard (literally) in front of just one? Because Michael's so damn gorgeous, he reminded himself.

Michael opened his eyes, and James prayed that his erection would subside before he noticed. But a nine and a half inch boner was hardly inconspicuous, and Michael saw it straightaway.

"Hello, what's this?" he asked in surprise.

James went pink. He had never been so embarrassed in all his life.

"Er... " he mumbled. "Well... I, er... I was just thinking about my ex-girlfriend, after you... you know, you were talking about sex the night before a game... and it made me think of her, and..."

James pointed at his erection in conclusion to his explanation. He silently congratulated himself for his quick thinking.

"You horny little devil!" laughed Michael, making James feel a lot better about the situation. But Michael continued to stare in awe at James' boner, clearly impressed.

"She's a lucky girl, your ex-girlfriend," he said.

James face turned an even deeper shade of pink. Things were getting better and better. Earlier Michael had praised James' football, and now he was complimenting him on the size of his manhood!

"Yeah, well, some people are just blessed with these things," said James, trying to regain his cool, and looking purposefully at Michael's relatively pathetic three inches. He felt they had reached the stage in their new-found friendship where he could get away with taking the piss out of Michael like this.

"You cheeky bastard!" laughed Michael, when he realised what James meant. It was the first time he'd heard Michael swear. James laughed.

"It does get bigger," said Michael, now looking slightly embarrassed. Michael had always been a little self-conscious about the size of his dick, especially when soft. He'd noticed that most guys had at least an inch on him, if not more. But he also knew that it grew to a more acceptable seven inches when hard, and Louise had certainly never had any complaints.

James, meanwhile, was reflecting on the surrealness of the situation: sitting naked and highly aroused in a jacuzzi, talking about erections with the gorgeous Michael Owen. This turned him on even more, and his rigid cock twitched eagerly for attention.

"How big?" asked James intently.

"I dunno, man, I've never measured," lied Michael, still looking embarrassed.

"This big?" asked James, pointing at his own hard-on again.

"Yeah, probably," lied Michael.

"Yeah, right!" laughed James, playfully splashing Michael with water.

"I'm gonna go and dry off," announced Michael. His smile had faded, and there was a more solemn tone in his voice. He started to climb out of the jacuzzi.

"Look, I'm sorry, mate," said a worried looking James. "I didn't mean to..."

His words trailed off, as Michael stepped out of the jacuzzi, grabbed a towel and went back into the bedroom. While one part of him had been apologising to Michael, worried he had overstepped the mark, another part of him had been hungrily admiring his hot body again, as he walked away, this time dripping wet. James' cock was still rock hard and was threatening to stay that way unless he did something about it. He tried to fight the urge to jack himself off, but it was as strong as ever...

James got out of the water and sat on the edge of the tub for a few moments. He took his cock in his hand and gave it a satisfying squeeze, sighing deeply. He began running his fingers gently up and down its length, sighing even more deeply with the pleasure it gave him. He closed his eyes and continued to softly stroke himself.

"How's this?"

James stopped what he was doing, opened his eyes and looked up at the sudden sound of Michael's voice. He was standing in the doorway, watching him wank, and his question referred to his cock, which had been transformed from three inches to a fully fledged seven inch erection.

"Wow," whispered James after he'd got over the shock. He couldn't take his eyes off Michael's erect cock. He'd never seen another guy's dick hard before and he sure as hell never dreamt he would ever get to see Michael's.

Michael smiled triumphantly at the look of amazement on James' face, walked over and sat down on the edge of the tub, opposite James, hard-on firmly in hand. James was looking at Michael as if he'd gone mad.

"Like I said, if needs must," said Michael, by way of explanation. "It's the next best thing to sex."

And with that, Michael started stroking his own cock, James looking on, still in shock, but also incredibly turned on. Michael was enjoying the look on his face. Still transfixed at the sight of Michael playing with his cock, James tentatively returned to playing with his own.

The two young footballers sat there on opposite edges of the tub, jacking themselves off, their strokes becoming gradually harder and faster, and their sighs and moans becoming more audible. Michael's eyes were closed as he wanked, but James couldn't take his eyes off Michael's manhood, as Michael's hand moved rhythmically up and down its shaft. It was a sight he could never have imagined. He'd never felt this horny before, and he was so horny now that he knew he was nearing the moment...

With one final groan, James erupted. Shots of hot, white cum spurted out of his cock and high up into the air. He continued to wank more and more vigorously as he blew his load. It was the most intense and pleasurable orgasm he'd ever experienced, and he had no idea anything could feel this good, except maybe scoring for England.

Just as James shot his last few loads, Michael, who had up until now, been wanking relatively quietly on his side of the tub, now let out a long, loud moan and jets of similarly hot, creamy cum started shooting out of his cock. Just like James had done, Michael increased the pace of his wank as he erupted. James would never forget that cute, blissful look he had on his face in his moments of climax. He was still having trouble believing he was sat there watching Michael Owen blow his load. It was much more than he'd bargained for.

The two boys sat there for a few minutes afterwards, getting their breaths back. Every now and again they would smile at each other but neither could think of anything to say. Words, it seemed, were both unnecessary and inappropriate.

Michael rose first and headed for the shower, while James just sat there and reflected on his first gay experience. He wouldn't be forgetting it in a hurry. Michael emerged from the shower a few minutes later and dried himself off in silence.

"All yours, mate," he said, before leaving the bathroom.

When James had showered and dried and returned to the bedroom, Michael was already tucked up in bed. James wondered whether he was wearing anything but knew better than to ask.

"How was that then? Relaxed now?" asked Michael with a smile.

"I've never felt more relaxed in my life," replied James, returning the smile warmly.

"Told you. Works every time."

"I'll have to remember that in future," James said, as he got into bed.

Michael turned out the light. "I've got a good feeling about tomorrow. We're gonna beat them."

James' mind suddenly returned to tomorrow's match against Turkey.

"Yeah, we will," he said.

"Night, then," said Michael.

"Night, Michael."

And the boys slowly drifted off to sleep, ready for tomorrow's big game.

Please let me know if you would like to see the series continued, and who else from the England squad you would like to see in the next chapter, and also any scenarios you would like to see. I'm open to ideas and suggestions... magicman3649@hotmail.com

In the mean time if you're into footballers, check out my story 'The Footballer' in the gay athletics section.

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