Eric Rosenblums Fantasy

By moc.loa@48umEcirtcelE

Published on Jan 27, 2006


"Eric Rosenblum's Fantasy" Part 1 by Tagg

Eric Rosenblum got out of bed at 6:00am only to find that his boner still hadn't gone away. Eric was sleeping over at his best friend's house, Ben Hardly, and because he was a guest at someone else's house, he didn't feel comfotable excusing himself to the bathroom to jack off when the urge hit him.

Eric was seventeen; 6'1, lanky guy with a bit of bulk on him. Platinum blonde hair in a longer emo-ish bowl cut. The typical good-looking Jewish boy next door. Eric had dated his fair share of popular girls at school, but what no one knew, and what he hated to even admit to himself, was that his biggest crush was on Ben.

Ben Hardly was seventeen as well; 5'8, wrestler build with a pefectly proportioned body....but he hid it all undet baggy skater clothes; this is what turned Eric on all the more- knowing that a flawless body lay hidden beneath the hoodies and cargo shorts he wore to school everyday.

The other thing most people didn't know about Eric is that he had a wild, kinky fantasy sex life. Not that he ever acted on any of his impulses, but in his mind Eric had just about covered every raunchy base you could imagine with Ben. Eric stared down at his morning wood; the pruple head pokig free throgh his JCrew boxers. He looked over at Ben; thank God the boy was a snorer or Eric wouldn't know if he was really deeply asleep or not. Eric looked back down ay his sleeping bag and was shocked to see the the whole inside lining was spotted with spots and small strings of precum.

"Fuck" Eric muttered under his breath. The bathroom was right next door.

"I'll just hop in the shower and take care of this," he whispered, reassuringly, to himself. He began to collect all his shower stuff when he had a thought. How deep asleep was Ben? He went over and coughed really loudly next to Ben's ear. The lingering scent of Ben's day-old cologne and sweat made Eric's knees go slightly weak. He snapped his fingers a few times...rustled the sheets around. Ben was OUT.

Eric looked down on the floor and noticed Ben's raunchy black DVS sneakers sitting next to the bed. Boldly, but quite skillfully and unobtrusively, Eric picked the sneakers up and headed towards the bathroom. With the bathroom door securely locked behind him, Eric pulled his boxers down and tossed them aside. As to not arouse any suspicion, he turned the water on in the shower, but he had other plans in mind. Eric sat down on the toilet holding his wrestler friend's skater sneaks in his hands. He picked the left one up; the soles were filthy, the insides were falling apart...the small was the manliest, funkiest smell you could imagine. Eric's cock was steadily leaking precum. Eric stuck his tongue out and began to lick the bottom of the sole. He felt his cock violently throbbing. He put the shoe over his mouth and nose and began inhaling the aroma of Ben's sweat and funk while he jacked his cock slowly and mehtodically. He'd done this at home with his own Adidas superstars before...but the thrill of sniffing his straight and unknowing best friend's sneakers was a high to be reckoned with. Eric's cock was hard as hell, but the need to piss came first. He put the shoes down on the floor next to the toilet and stood up to piss.

The fact that his cock was hard didn't seem to be a problem; with a full boner in hand Eric let loose a massive torrent of piss that flooded the toilet. Then, as if all common sense had left his brain (and with the amount of blood flowing away from his head towards his dick, that's a very likely scenario) Eric turned to the left and let his hot stream of golden piss flood Ben's sneakers.

"Fuckin hell..." Eric moaned, his voice cracking as if on the verge of orgasm, "holy fuckin shit...what the fuck am I doin....uhhhhhhhhhhh...." Eric dropped his head back as his cock began to go a bit limper in his hand. The flow of piss had stopped....and now there was his best friend's sneakers...and the entire bathroom floor....covered in piss. Blushing and still rock hard, Eric began to think of how to clean this up.

"Need a hand?" a strong voice behind him snapped him back to reality. It was Ben; standing there wearing only a pair of tighty whities with his impressive package secured tightly infront.

Eric stood; broken and afraid..."Guess I forgot to mention the bathroom lock doesn't work," Ben chuckled.

"So," he sneered, "what have you been up to?"


**What should happen next; send me your ideas...the raunchier the better. I will respond to all emails, so please let me know what you think, or if you have ideas for prt 2"

Next: Chapter 2

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