
Published on May 29, 2002


Europa 10

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. If you are offended, Don't Read the story! There is no effort expended to make this story realistic or depict safe sex practices. This story is a fantasy, not a sex manual.

France Summer 1944

I hate to be thought of as being predictable, so I was slightly offended when Raoul told me he had selected Robert for me. He was sure I would like the young man. He was right. Robert and I saw the world in much the same way. We liked the same things and were just different enough to be interesting. He seemed to have a limitless ability to work and to learn. That first night, keeping watch under the stars, we became friends.

Ever since I met Wolfie, I had screwed first and become friends second. Friendship was an enhancement for the sex. With Robert, I had the opposite experience. We liked each other so much, the friendship was the dominant theme. I was actually a bit afraid the sex wouldn't meet the standards of the friendship. Robert was shy.

He was tall and thin, with a long thin cock. Robert had big, low hanging balls that looked oversized for his slim body. He had a hairy chest and body. He always looked manicured and his hairy body always looked as if he had combed it. At first I thought he wasn't too interested in man sex. That wasn't true at all, he was reserved and it took a while for him to get use to the free and easy attitude of the cave. That was not a problem, as it turned out.

I discovered later Robert had some bad experiences in England and was careful about making friends too quickly. He also seemed to have been brought up under the assumption that sex consisted of one partner using the other for his pleasure. Apparently the concept of mutual gratification wasn't part of his upbringing. He had guilt feelings when he enjoyed himself and was suspicious of men who wanted to have sex with him. His sexual experiences were limited and not very successful. Robert had no idea what he was missing.

I solved the problem for him. I was attracted to him, but hadn't guessed he was all but infatuated with me. I had been hoping he would let me suck him. He was dreaming about sex with me. When we finally got together, the moment my tongue touched his cock, he was drawn to mine. We were cock to tonsils in a second or two and neither of us wanted to stop. He copied my actions, licking the cock head, or deep throating the entire cock.

We shot off together, sucking up each others jiz. Robert was young and had a raging hard-on an hour later. I impaled myself on his cock. Later, I found out Robert hadn't thought fucking could be enjoyable to the bottom. He had tried it at Oxford and his partner didn't like it. He knew better by the time he shot off in my ass. I loved it.

I was the first man he fucked who enjoyed it. When he stopped worrying about his partner's feelings, he relaxed and let loose. It was intensely enjoyable and shy Robert screwed me three more times that night. It was as if his balls were over producing cum and he had to shoot it all in my ass. That was fine with me.

When he was hard, his cock bent down, rather than up. I discovered this the first time he screwed me doggy style. His cock rammed the base of my cock instead of going up the chute. It felt as if his cock was trying to get in mine. It was an incredible sensation.

Robert was shy, except where his balls were concerned. He was proud of them and the man cream they produced. They produced huge amounts of semen and he loved having them played with. He never initiated sex, but once he was aroused he was a great lover. Robert loved for me to roll his balls in my fingers and play with his cock. He leaked at the first touch.

Robert's cock felt great in my ass, but my meat was a size or two, too large for his ass. He was willing enough, but it simply didn't fit. We would work on that.

In some ways, Robert was much like Georges and Jules, but he was much more intellectually mature. He was able to plan and calculate; he could understand the consequences of our actions and anticipate problems. Our district of France was largely untouched by the worst of the war. I wanted to keep it that way.

Robert became my right hand man.

Back in town, General Obermayer was a problem. His bitterness and hatred of all things French were extreme. The disaster that was beginning to befall Germany just increased his rage. He was by nature a destroyer, a hater. He began to proclaim increasingly strict limits on the residents. Our area was free of any organized anti-German activity as far as he knew, but he began confiscation of food and equipment. Automobiles disappeared, as did tractors and the town's buses.

When possible, Wolfie or Max slipped me advance warning of these moves. The farmers of France are a wily lot. They were never particularly pro government even for the Third Republic. Most calculated how much to let the Germans take and saved the rest. They had a sense of what was a seemly confiscation. There was enough, but not too much for the Germans. They disabled much of the equipment, so it was of no value. The hardships of the last few years made the lack of spare parts credible and they saved a good portion of their equipment. They also hid most of their livestock.

One night, Max appeared suddenly at my room. He was in civilian clothes and was scared to death. Wolfie had received a coded message from Berlin. The Count's plot was discovered. Wolfie had some incriminating records at the Chateau, so he had stayed behind to destroy them. He told Max to save himself.

Max didn't know if the entire plot was exposed, or if one or more of the plotters had been captured. We all knew of the Gestapo's interrogation techniques, so there was little hope the entire plot would not be known soon. All the plotters were in imminent danger. I told Max to stay in my room and I went to the Chateau to get Wolfie. I knew he would not be able to keep my secrets under torture.

I got there too late. The place was crawling with Gestapo agents and troops loyal to General Obermayer. There was a lot of confusion and yelling as the Gestapo tried to get in and Wolfie's men tried to delay them. There was a single gunshot. Why, I don't know, but I knew Wolfie committed suicide. We had been friends for years and I realized as a good Prussian aristocrat he couldn't face betraying his friends. He also couldn't face torture. He made the right choice to insure we were safe. I returned to my room.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Max stated. It was a rhetorical question. He knew too. "Did the Gestapo get him?"

"No." I said. "He shot himself."

"That is best." Max said. "He was a good man, too good for these times." I took Max to the cave. The Gestapo was patrolling the streets and it was difficult to avoid them, but we managed. The Mayor had been arrested as was the Prefect of Police. That didn't make any sense to me. Later we found out one of the plotters had talked and the Nazi's knew of the visit to this area. The Count had met the Mayor and local dignitaries and they were arresting anyone who had come into contact with. I guessed the Nazi's were trying to make the plot look as if it were French rather than home grown. I realized I couldn't return to the town.

No one was very happy having a German soldier in the cave, but they relented in their opposition when I told the story. That night, they discovered Max was a sex maniac. Wolfie received some early hints as to the discovery of the plot and Max had been in terror for weeks. He was too frightened to have sex. When he got to the safety of the cave all of his pent up sex drive exploded.

If you want to make friends fast with a bunch of homosexual men, get on your back, open your ass wide and tell everyone the bank is open for deposits. This was Max's approach and it worked like a charm. Even Emile found something to like about the diminutive German. Emile fucked Max hard, no holes barred. Max liked it that way and the rougher Emile got, the better Max liked it. When I woke the next morning, I saw Emile and Max sleeping together.

Max opened an eye and winked at me. He gave his hips a few thrusts. I knew Max's cock was massaging Emile's prostate and all was well with that pair. Emile tended to be selective about who he let in his ass. He had obviously lost his distaste for German cum.

Around noon a messenger came from town and told us they had executed the Mayor and had hung Wolfie's dead body from an electric pole in the town square. The Mayor had nothing to do with the plot and little to do with the Resistance itself. I realized that being safe and careful in war time wouldn't save you. I never thought much of the Mayor, but he died bravely.

Oddly, they let the Prefect of Police go free. He was involved with the Resistance up to his eyeballs. A few days later the Prefect had Wolfie's body cut down and buried in my family's plot, next to my Aunt. I hadn't realized the Prefect knew about my relationship with Wolfie. Clearly he did.

General Obermayer had no restraint on his activities now. He prepared to unleash a reign of terror on the district. The walls were covered in proclamations and new rules. Death by firing squad was to be the punishment for any and all crimes. This was hard on the town, but good for us. We were a conduit for information and people from London to the underground. Obermayer concentrated on the town and left the mountainous areas alone, with only perfunctory patrols.

I hadn't wanted any violence from our men, since the area had been so peaceful. It was no longer peaceful, so I let Raoul, Emile and Group Captain Evans hatch their schemes. They decided killing Obermayer was the most direct approach to solving the problem. All plans went into high gear on June 6. It was late in the day when we found out the Allies invaded Normandy. While our area wasn't scheduled for an uprising to divert German troops away from the front, we knew it would be hard for the Nazi's to respond in force to a problem in our area.

I knew a lot about Obermayer's schedule, since I had been his translator. He lived in the chateau under heavy guard, but Max knew all the passages and cubbyholes of the place.

"If there is any place in the castle big enough for two men to get into and screw like rabbits, I've found it!" Max proclaimed. "I also know who would like to kill him among his own troops. He has many enemies. No tears will be shed when he dies."

"I think an accident would be ideal." I said. Emile brightened at that suggestion. "Our General might fall down the stairs, or out of a window."

"I used to arrange accidents all the time," he said. "It's not sporting in the way our Group Captain likes it, but it does the trick, none the less."

"It was not sporting at Remy sur le Marne, was it?" That was the town that sheltered Evans after he was shot down. The villagers had been machined gunned. "He should die like the dog . . no rat he is." Evans said. "I would not do to a dog what I want to do to him."

"I would like to finish off Father DeMoulin." Georges said, "It would be a great example to traitors in the future."

"No revenge!" I said. "We are doing this for France." It was Georges turn to be on watch, so he left. I was stiff and decided to try the thermal baths. As was typical, everyone else seemed to have the same desire. Evans and Emile were friends as I was with Robert. Jules was the odd man out, but since Georges was on watch, Raoul was available for play. Max was available for anyone who wanted him, of course.

Jules was getting bigger and more muscular as he aged. You could tell he was going to be bald by the time he was 25, but his body hair was growing and thickening.

Robert asked, "Is it required that we have sex every night? I don't mind it, but I can't recall any place I've been that does it. It is a bit odd." I was fondling his balls below the water and I knew he wasn't objecting to sex.

"You know, I think sex is just about the only activity which can drive the thoughts of war from my head." I said. "If I fall asleep with a cock in my mouth after an orgasm, I sleep well. Otherwise, I dream of the war.

"Damn if you're not right." Evans said. He had been listening. "The war, my bad arm and more war were all I thought about until Emile rammed me with his cock. Never was fucked before." he continued, "Afterwards, I slept for the first time in two years."

"I fuck because I like it." Emile added. He smiled ruefully. "When I was younger, men paid to sleep with me. Many men are excited by a brutish looking wrestler. It paid well, a lot better than being a wrestler. I got so bored with it, I thought I had lost my taste for sex. The minute I walked into this cave, I loved man sex again. It was as if I was twenty and sex was still exciting."

"You mean it's not really exciting?" Evans asked. He had a skeptical look on his face. "I can't visualize you as being cool and detached while you are plowing an ass."

"Well, I wasn't as enthusiastic then as I am now." Emile said. "I haven't liked a cock as much as yours in years."

"And you have sampled a good number of cocks?" Jules asked. Emile laughed.

"Half of Paris! Give or take a few hundred." Emile confessed. "I know cocks! Take it from me, this cave is filed with the ^Ñcreme de la creme".

"You have tried them all?" Robert asked.

"All! Except yours." Emil said, with a tinge of sadness. Mans' sexual anatomy is a puzzle. You can lust after a hot stud and find out he is little more than a damp washcloth in bed, yet you take a little troll for a ride out of pure pity and go to the moon, the sex is so good. You never know, unless you try."

"You don't need to try them all." Robert suggested.

"Why not?" Emile retorted. "I'm not looking to have your babies, or live with you for the rest of my life. I'm looking for a little fun, that's all. I don't ask for more . We are all adults, aren't we? I try what I want and if my partner is agreeable, why not?" Raoul was sitting on the other side of Robert and I encountered his hand exploring Robert's genitals. Robert laughed.

"I'm afraid you are right! We might as well help each other out." I said.

"Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." Emile added. "I like to think when the Nazi's get me, my cum will have filled my friends' asses and every time they think of me, they will feel a twinge in their ass! Maybe their cock will twitch a bit." Evans laughed.

"You are a romantic!" he said. "Remember, when you die, you'll take a few pounds of my cum with you. I didn't shoot in you to have it wasted by the Nazis."

"Enough talk about sperm. I'm hungry, who wants to server me some man seed desert?" Raoul asked. Georges and Max both volunteered. Max took Raoul in the ass while Georges fed the distinguished looking officer.

"I know Robert is yours, but I would love to taste his cock." Emile whispered.

"Robert can do want he wants." I said. "He makes so much cum, there is always some left for me. Sometimes his second load of the night is bigger than the first." Robert was listening and glowed. He was proud of his balls and the globs of sperm they produced. He was excited by the chance to demonstrate his sperm making prowess. Emile would be sure to appreciate it too. I had enjoyed sex with Emile and thought Robert would like it too. They paired off.

Evans and I were left over and made the best of it. The Group Captain was reserved until he got hard, then he was a wild man. In contrast to his reserved and somewhat effete manner, his love making was rough and ready. Emile had introduced him to the joys of anal sex several months before. Now he was a confirmed bottom and loved it doggy style and rough. Unfortunately heavy duty man ramming makes it hard for me to hold back and I shoot quickly.

I could hear Robert moaning as he shot off in Emile's mouth, as I rear loaded Evans. Evans collapsed on the floor. He had shot off too. Emile and Robert came over to me and we embraced. Emile kissed me and Robert. He had saved Robert's entire load in his mouth and as we French kissed the sperm drooled out of his mouth.

Robert's cock was semi erect after the climax. As soon as he tasted his own cum in Emile's mouth, he became rock hard. I knew exactly what he wanted, so I turned around and bent over. Emile dropped to his knees to suck Robert and lubricate his cock with spit. Seconds later, Robert's cock head was seven inches in my ass, pounding my prostate.

I don't know if he shot a bigger load in my ass, or in Emile's mouth moments before. Robert shuddered and shivered each time he shot a volley of cum in my ass. I counted twelve ejaculations when I had a second orgasm. That was like a lightening bolt out of nowhere. It was totally unexpected, but extraordinarily satisfying. Emile was still on his knees and intercepted the cum as it shot from my cock.

We all kissed again, this time sharing my cum.

Next: Chapter 11

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