Eurostar Hookup

By Benjamin Pellew

Published on Jul 2, 2023


Will sat with one leg crossed over the other, jiggling his leg up and down on the ball of his foot and gazing out of the window as the French countryside flashed past the window as the Eurostar barrelled towards Paris. Paris, for all its lauded romance and history, had never been one of Will's favourite cities; in fact, he very much doubted he'd ever go there anymore if it weren't for the sport: Roland Garros, biennial Six Nations trips, and the odd occasion that Arsenal drew PSG in the Champion's League. Of course the third of those hadn't happened for a few years now. Still, it gave him a good excuse to visit rural France on his way there and, or, back, which he felt was vastly superior to the capital city in a way that the English countryside had never managed to be, for him at least, when compared with London. He'd just enjoyed a passable falafel baguette with a rather good half bottle of Malbec and was considering a quick forty winks when his phone buzzed.

It was a Grindr notification. Will had almost forgotten that he'd signed back into the app before he left St Pancras. It had been a habit of his for a few years now only ever to use the app when he was travelling. Slipping his index finger into the groove on the back of phone, Will unlocked the slim black device and clicked on the notification to see what delights, or horrors, it had thrown up for him this time.


Will glanced briefly at the message, saw it came from a blank profile without so much as an age and promptly ignored it. Placing his phone on the table in front of him, Will picked up the book he'd been reading, all thought of a nap expunged from his mind. He'd got a couple of paragraphs into the chapter when his phone buzzed again, and again.

Hey xx

It was Grindr; it was the same guy. Except this time he'd also `tapped' Will. With a slight feeling of annoyance, Will replied.

Bugger Off.

Get a photo and some details.

Before closing the app, Will saw that this shadow man was only 5 metres away from him. He gave the carriage a sweep with his eyes, not immediately spotting anyone whose picture he'd be desperate to see, though Grindr distance was pretty far from exact. He was about to block the guy when, annoyingly, he noticed he was sporting a semi in his pants. Will had joined the mile high club a while ago but a train would be a new arena for him and the thought had excited him. The guy had to be on the train even if he wasn't in this carriage.

I saw you when I passed through earlier.

Then I saw you on here.

I couldn't believe my luck.


Will snorted. So not in the carriage, but close.

Would I be as excited by seeing you?

Even as he typed the question, Will had to admit that his cock was pretty damn excited just at the thought, let alone at the actuality. Subtly, or so he hoped, Will rearranged his cock, fast on its way to fully hard, so that it was in a more comfortable position. He tried to focus back on his book but his cock had other ideas, was busy imagining a beautiful Frenchman, rather absurdly wearing a beret, but making it work. Then he imagined a fellow tennis enthusiast, the flop of his hair only outdone by Will's own. Checking Grindr again, Will saw he'd missed a message from his potential hook up. A picture of a human body from neck to waist. It was a slim, toned body. Abs were evident but not overbearing, nipples were hard and dark. There was a delightful hint of the Mediterranean about the torso's colouring, the sort of colouring Will had oftentimes envied when compared with his stubbornly pale skin. Will could occasionally achieve a sun kissed tan that faded with every cloud and so admired those men who could effortlessly maintain a year round tan, even if it was their Spanish, or Italian blood that deserved the credit.

If the quality of the face matches

the quality of the body then we're on

for a good time. Of course, your reluctance

to share suggest otherwise...

People generally prefer my face...

Then why so coy?

I have my reasons...

Will couldn't deny that he was interested in this guy. Most of the blank profiles wasted no time asking for dick pics or arse pics or explaining how their lifelong fantasy was to have someone pour custard over them while they wanked into a pair of their mother's pants. At least this guy could string sentences together.

I'm sure they're good ones.

So what takes you to Paris?

The exchange of my labour for money.

Work. You?


You don't have to wait until Paris for pleasure...

I happen to know pleasure can be found on this

very train.

The entertainment is top quality, that's for

sure. Even the stuff I didn't bring myself

I am far more entertaining than anything else

on here. I promise.

I don't doubt it.

Meet me in the toilet in the carriage one up from

where you are. Five minutes.

Will looked at the last message. His cock demanded attention. What was the worst that could happen? It was a relatively quiet midweek service. If the guy turned out to be a hideous monster then he could back out easily. The guy wouldn't want to make a scene. Will also doubted that hideous monsters set up assignations to begin with. They'd know the reception they got.

Why won't you share a photo?

Work. Hush hush.

Four minutes.

Will smiled. Work. That old chestnut. It didn't matter; he'd already decided to go. Lifting himself out of the seat, Will set off down the aisle and into the next carriage. There was only one toilet; it was in the vestibule and out of sight of the few passengers in the carriage. Will had to admire the guy's planning. He clearly knew his stuff. Slipping in, and locking the door behind him, Will thanked the stars that Eurostar toilets were built big. Standing there, he suddenly felt very silly. He could feel the rock of the train beneath his feet, hear the roar of the engines. Years of riding the tube had given him an excellent set of train legs so there was no risk of him falling over but he was still standing in a toilet, on a train, waiting for a mystery man to arrive and alleviate his throbbing cock. His phone buzzed.

I'm outside. Let me in.

Taking a deep breath, Will opened the door. Before he'd swung it even halfway open, a lithe young figure slipped through the gap and stood facing Will.

Well close the door then', the young man scolded, with a definite trace of a French accent. Will did as he was bid and then took in his new companion. The guy was younger than Will, around 22, perhaps 23 or 24. He was clad in the figure fitting grey shirt, black trousers, and tie of the Eurostar staff. Will remembered him as the boy who had pushed the refreshment cart through his carriage earlier. The boy whose delightful arse Will hadn't failed to notice as it wiggled down the aisle. He had a slim, somewhat pointed, face, dark black hair that framed his face, deep brown eyes, and red lips. You look even better in person', the boy quipped, `do I pass the test?'

`You certainly do', Will whispered, as the boy closed the gap between them so that they were standing chest to chest, cock to cock, and mouth to mouth, only the barest space separating them.

`Bon', replied the boy, closing the gap entirely as he wrapped his arms around Will's waist, cradling the globes of his arse in each hand and pressing his lips firmly against Will's own. Will responded enthusiastically, returning the kiss as he felt his cock jump back up to attention where it had been at half-mast before. The boy's cock was hardening too and Will could feel it through the thin fabric of his trousers. Unable to resist, Will unbuckled he boy's belt, undid his trouser buttons and slipped his hand into the boy's briefs, clasping his left hand around the boy's shaft. Using his other hand to push down the boy's trousers and pants, Will broke off the kiss long enough to get a glimpse of the boy's cock. It was long, a bit thin, and with the most wonderful, thick, bush of pubes. Will kissed the boy on the neck and then returned to his mouth, poking his tongue into the boy's mouth where they duelled for dominance. The boy's tongue forced Will's back into his own mouth before Will rallied and they found a moment of exquisite oral pleasure before breaking apart.

The boy was groping Will's arse with one hand while the other tore the buttons open on Benj's shirt, revealing his own abs, stomach, and chest. `Oooh la la', the boy cooed, in an over the top French accent. Will laughed and kissed the boy's ear, working down to his neck.

`I'm gonna make you cum so hard', Will growled at the boy.

`You had better', the boy growled back, nipping at Will's bottom lip. Will's left hand was still on the boy's cock and he started pumping while they resumed their kiss. The boy's hand had found Will's cock and was also pumping away. They had resumed their kiss, occasionally mumbling words of desire, adoration, threat, and want into the other's mouth. Suddenly, the boy's mouth pulled away from Will's and he started gasping. Will reached around the back of the boy's head, pulling his head onto his shoulder. Will could feel the boy's hot breath on his neck as he gasped with pleasure. Then he felt the boy grip him tight and latch onto his shoulder with his teeth as his lithe body was racked with pleasure. Will felt the cum splatter his hand, his leg, and his shirt. The boy sank into Will's body as the last of the cum drained out of him. Will took his weight and tried to milk the last of the cum out of dick and into his hand.

The boy rested, breathing deeply for a moment, and then continued his downward descent until he was resting on his knees on the floor of the toilet. His soft eyes gazed up into Will's as his hand continued to work Will's rock hard cock with long, slow sweeps of his fine fingered hands. Will smiled down at him; the boy smiled up. Without taking his eyes off Will's the boy licked the tip of Will's cock, licking the precum that was dripping from his slit. In return, Will raised his hands to his face and licked the boy's still warm cum from each of his fingers, tasting the slightly sweet taste that he'd loved since we was a young boy. This display seemed to turn the boy on more than ever. His already drained cock hardening once more, the boy took Will's entire length into his mouth, both Will's hands guiding him further down the shaft, some of the cum Will had missed ending up in its source's hair. The boy whipped his tongue up and down Will's shaft with a deftness that spoke of practice. His warm, wet mouth was exactly what Will's throbbing cock desired most. He started thrusting in and out of the boy's eager mouth, moaning with pleasure each time his cock touched the back of the boy's mouth. Clutching the back of the boy's head, Will held it with his cock all the way in. The boy's nose was buried in the golden bush of Will's pubes and he started humming, the reverberations increasing Will's pleasure tenfold. It was in that position that Will came, shooting his cum down the throat of his eager tempter. Once Will had finished, he released the boy's head, which slowly started to release Will's cock, sucking and slurping all the way as though determined to drain every last drop of cum from his balls.

Once he was satisfied he had it all, the boy stood, hoisted up his trousers, kissed Will had ducked for the door, slipping out as quickly as he'd slipped in. After pulling his trousers back up, Will looked in the mirror, straightened his hair and followed the boy out. No one seemed to have noticed their little rendezvous. Indeed, Will reflected, the whole thing probably hadn't taken more than five minutes and, with the noise of the train all around them, he could probably have fucked the boy and no one would have heard.

Once back in his seat, Will checked his phone. After clicking on the Grindr notification he saw the boy had sent him his number along with a message.

Let me know when you're coming back.

I can normally get on the service I want.

Will smiled to himself and decided that he would fuck the boy on the way home. It wasn't until later, when at dinner with some friends, that he noticed a few cum stains on the bottom of his shirt and smiled to himself.

Next: Chapter 2

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