Father and Son Forced Bonding

By Emmit Miller

Published on Apr 14, 2014


This story contains scat and incest. I don't know how you could've found this story if you weren't into this stuff, but I figure I should warn you anyway. If you are under 18, believe me, I understand, but please go away.

I am always looking to improve so please email me at comicmiller@gmail.com with any comments. Also, feel free to follow my Tumblr weirdgayposts.tumblr.com.

Please note that perspective does switch in this story at the lines.

Thanks and enjoy the show!

"We're going to keep you here for a few days to get used to your new schedule"

"Just remember, we have that whole session on tape,"

"And only our keys or power tools will break your chastity, and I don't think you want those near your junk"

"So you better get used to your new lifestyle"

The two men laughed as they slammed the thick, metallic door behind themselves. They had transferred us to a surprisingly nice room next door to our torture chamber. Who knew why. I could only guess to mock my dad and I.

I was standing just inside the doorway of the room where the brothers had pushed me in. I was completely naked, except for the belted device around my waist that locked my penis and testicles in a cage, and a dildo up my butthole. That was, of course, for Cameron's shit that covered my face, and my own which was all over my legs. My dad stood in a similar state next to me, his face covered in one of Harry's dark brown bogs. The same chastity device was secured around his waste, invading his body.

I didn't want to look at him. Before being kidnapped, waking up in a dungeon and raped, our relationship was totally non-sexual. Just a normal dad and son?well almost. I knew he has a dildo, and I loved fucking my shithole with it. I would be lying if I said I didn't get a boner sneaking a look of him in the shower. He was an amazing looking man. Short, sandy blond hair, and working as a coach meant his body was tight and tanned. Always a ladies man, but somehow also the nicest person I'd ever met. Yea, I was his son, but all the student loved him too.

I looked around the room, trying to avoid my son's shitty face for as long as possible. I loved him more than anything in the world, but always felt so much guilt. I wish I could find a mother for him, there were plenty applying, but I just wasn't interested. To he honest, the rowing and water polo boys interested me a bit more. Gay was never an option where I was bought up, so it wasn't for me now. I never saw my son as anything sexual like some of the guys in the older grades, but after a while I couldn't ignore him. I managed to get him into football and swimming when he was young, and he continued it. His 17 year old body was toned and pretty bulky. He was also eve a bit taller than my 6'3. He had my blond hair, but his mothers deep blue eyes.

I had an idea that he might be gay, but never said anything about it. He has a few girlfriends, but never seemed overly interested, and I caught him looking at the other guys a few times in the locker room. I swear I even caught him spying on me in the shower once.

I looked around the room. It was small, with just a double bed in the middle. No toilet, but I guess we couldn't use it easily anyway. The most striking thing about the room was a painting on the wall, of what appeared to be the twins. One was eating shit from the others ass, while riding who could only be their millionaire dad. I looked up at it, and grinned, realising what it was. On the other side of the room was a cupboard. I walked over and opened it, finding the insides willed with hundreds of different sexual pleasure devices. Dildos large and small, of all colours, some shaped like different animal's cocks and restraints of all types. I picked up one metallic device, which I realised to be for repacking shit into your ass. I would never have guessed in millions of years that the two biggest studs in the school were into this.

"Uh, so, do you want to just go to bed?" my son muttered from the other side of the room. I turned around to look at him. There was a strange tension in the room, as if neither of us could accept what had just happened nor our future was toilet slaves.

"Actually do you mind if I take a look at?er?the thing around you?" I was curious to see what it was made of and couldn't get a good look at my own. Could we break out? Were they lying or was our fate sealed?

"Uh, sure." He said, sounding surprised.

I could still see my boy's impressive cock through the cage as I got on my knees in front of him.

"I'm curious just how impenetrable these devices are."

It was an extreme device. I'd never seen anything like it. Not only did it lock away our penises and testicles, it prevented us from shitting. I took hold of the cage around my sons penis and tugged it slightly, not expecting much.

"Ohhhhh" My son Sam groaned in agony. I realised that the cages were connected, so when you pull the cock cage, it yanks on the testicles painfully.

"Sorry son. These things seem brutal."

I looked up at him, "Would you mind if I, uh, took a look around the back?"

"Go ahead. I was fucked in the ass and you ate my shit off a dildo, before eating the shit of two of my school makes. Lets face it, it can't get any more weird. "

"Huh, you make a good point I guess" I laughed, as he turned around, revealing his 17 year old ass to me. I started examining the plug in my sons ass. We already knew it was a bit unusual, apparently being able to shock out rectums to tighten them. Something else seemed a little off though. There was a strange, patterned metal circle on the outside of where it met with the leather belt that held it in.

"To be honest, I'm not sure if it's the in my butt, but I really need to take a shit. My stomach is starting to really ache, with all the shit forced up in there."

"I'm sorry Sammy it really seems to be locked in there. Maybe we can get them to unlock you if I, who knows what?"

I looked closer at the strange pattern on the base of the plug, when it happened. The spiral markings opened up, retracting into the leather strap somewhere, revealing my sons forced open dark rectum. I jumped away, and it closed up instantly.

I slowly crept closer back. Sam seemed to have not noticed anything changed. Nothing happened, until my mouth was touching the silver plate, and it opened again. I backed up again and it closed. I put my hand up to it, nothing. Poked the plate and tried to force it apart. Nothing.

"You okay back there dad?" Sammy asked.

"Yea, just, try something for me son." I moved my head back it the plate, this time, nothing happened until my lips were firmly wrapped around where the plate attached to the strap. I felt the opening with my tongue. It was metal all the way I could reach inside the whole. The plug must have an opening at the other end. I could taste my sons shit in the air. I pulled back and the whole closed up.

"Try pushing really hard son. Try and push all that shit out."

"But the plug is?"

"I know, but just try"

I wrapped my lips back around the opening, and heard my sons moans as he unknowingly tried to push his shit into my mouth. A tube, about an inch or so across slid into my mouth, compressed from it natural shape. I could tell my son was having to push hard for it to come through.

"Is it coming out the sides?" Sam groaned.

"Nope" I muffled through a mouth full of shit. "Keep pushing though" It kept coming, in a tube into my mouth. The bitter taste wasn't too foul in this batch, but the natural taste of shit still make my throat close up. After a minute of Sam heaving into my mouth, he stopped. Turning around, he saw me, on my hands and knees with his shit in my mouth.


I went to spit the shit out to explain what I had discovered, but as soon as the medium brown mass left my tongue, Sam fell over screaming and contorting. They must have been using the electric dildo in his ass. I knew exactly why. I picked up the shit from where it wad fallen and put it back into my mouth. Sam stopped contorting, berating heavily, looking at me. I slowly closed my mouth, knowing what I had to do. I chewed the mass of poo, as my spit swirled with the brown mess to slowly digest it. I swallowed it bit by bit, my son looking at me the whole time. When I had finally swallowed all my sons feces, I gulped.

"When I put my lips to the bottom of the plug in your ass, it opens up. It seems we can only dedicate into each others mouths, and have the other swallow it."


I stood up off the ground and extended a hand to my dad. He took it and I helped him up. He was a little taller than me, but not by much. I looked into his eyes, and down at his caged penis, which seemed bursting to escape its confines, as mine was. I looked back into his eyes.

"We might just have to help each other out for a while until we figure out how to get out of these things. I don't mind." He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder, pulling my towards him and embracing my in a tight hug. We held onto each other for a moment before he released me. Looking into my eyes, he kissed me deeply on the mouth. This took me by utter surprise, but I didn't resist. I'd always loved my dad in a strange way. Maybe he loved me like that too. After a moment, we separated.

"I will always love you no matter what, and will do anything so you aren't in pain. Any time, and place, I will be there for you Sam".

I'd love to here from you all! Email feedback to comicmiller@gmail.com.

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