First of Many Series

By Douglas E.

Published on Apr 24, 1998


Warning: The following story contains graphic gay sex. If you are offended by this type of material or just don't want to read it then please pass this one up.

First of Many

By: Douglas E.

Mike stirred as the warm sun came through his bedroom window. He stretched, rolled onto his back and looked up to the ceiling. His normal morning wood was laying hard against his stomach. He reached down and touched it. He really had to piss but he knew if he did he would loose his erection and he wanted to enjoy if for awhile. He thought about Stacy. She was so beautiful! They had known each other since Junior High. He really loved her but the only person he had ever told was his friend Rob. He wondered if he would ever find the nerve to tell her how he felt. She was one of his best friends. She probably did not like him the way he liked her but he sure wished she did. He wondered if he was the only virgin left in his senior class. All the guys would brag about their women and what they had done to them, he could not help but wonder why the opportunity had never made itself available to him. He would usually do some bragging too but none of it was true. Maybe the other guys were just making up stories too. Regardless of the validity of the stories he or the other guys had told, he was determined not to be a virgin when he graduated in less than two months.

"Get up Mike, it is time for breakfast," his mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay mom."

Mike's hand still rested on his erection. He wanted to jack off thinking about how he planned to lose his virginity but his mother's call had interrupted his plans. He rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. His floor was cold despite the warm morning sun that still came through his window.

"Damn," he thought to himself, "The wood floors may look good but they are a bitch in the morning."

Mike walked into the bathroom and watched his hard on die as he released his piss. He found his jeans on the bathroom floor where he had left them the night before and slipped them on. He grabbed a white t-shirt as he walked out of his room.

"You need to put your shirt on before you come to the table," his mother complained.

"And you need to let me sleep in on a Saturday Mom," Mike said as he pulled the shirt over his head. "What's for breakfast anyhow?"

"I made eggs and bacon. How many pieces of toast do you want?"

"Just two mom, I don't want to end up looking like dad." His mother gave him a stern look but Mike smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

"Don't let your father hear you talking like that first thing in the morning. We have to live with him the rest of the day you know."

Mike was about two bites into his breakfast when the phone rang. He ran to the phone hoping it was Rob. Rob had been his best friend since the sixth grade. They had made plans to go fishing.


"Hi Mike this is Stacy."

"Oh, hi Stace."

"Well don't sound so excited to hear from me," she said.

"Its not that Stace I just thought you might be Rob calling about our plans for the day."

"Rob is right here. He asked me to call and give you shit, I will put him on."

"Hey asshole," Rob laughed

"Hey dude, look who's calling ME an asshole," Mike joked.

"I can pick you up around 10:00?"

"That will work," Mike said, "I am just finishing my breakfast now."

"Cool bud see ya then," Rob said as he hung up the phone.

Mike went back to his breakfast but it was to cold to eat. He played with his food and thought about the day he was planning to have. Rob's parents had some property on the river about 30 miles from town. They had been planning to go spend a day there since December and the weather had finally warmed up enough to allow it to happen. They had a small cabin on the property too. Actually it was more like a bunk house because there was no plumbing just a large room with several beds in it. An oil lamp sat beside each bed to provide the only light. Mike had hoped his parents would let him spend the night there with Rob but as usual they had said no.

Rob showed up at about 9:30. Mike was in his room throwing some things into a bag for the day when Rob poked his head through the door. "Your mom told me to come up," he said.

"Come in Rob. Do you think I should pack something to swim in?"

"Shit Mike, don't you think it is a little early in the year to be thinking about swimming? I don't think you will need anything this trip."

"It is never to early for me. A dip in the cold river sounds exhilarating don't ya think?"

"Well we will be alone up there so if the mood strikes we won't need to wear anything anyhow." Rob made eye contact with Mike briefly before he looked away.

"Common man the day is slipping away"

Mike threw his last few things into the bag and they ran out the door. Rob had his dad's new truck. They jumped in the cab and drove off. They did not talk much on the way. Mike looked out the window and let his mind wander. He wondered why Rob was at Stacy's house this morning. "Rob knows how I feel about her," he thought to himself. "I cannot believe he would betray me like that!" The more he thought about it, the madder he got.

"There's the cabin Mike."

Mike was surprised the trip was over so fast. His mind was racing with visions of Stacy, of Rob and of Rob and Stacy. He felt a knot of anger in his stomach. He still could not believe that Rob would betray him like that.

"Something on your mind Mike?"

"I was just wondering why you were at Stacy's this morning. What did you do spend the night or something?" Mike said hoping he sounded as pissed as he really was.

"I just went over to her place to make her breakfast Mike"

"I'll bet you did Rob. You know how I feel about her and I cannot believe you would put the moves on her."

"It's not like that Mike. I care about Stacy but I..."

"Fuck you Rob," Mike said as he jumped out of the truck and walked away. Rob got out of the truck and followed him.

"We need to talk about this Mike. It is not what you think."

"Well then what the hell is it Rob, and don't fucking lie to me about it."

"She is like one of my best friends. I have told her things I have not told anyone, even you. We just have a lot in common."

"And you expect me to believe that line of shit."

"No, its true. I could never be interested in Stacy."

"Rob, Stacy is a beautiful girl. You would have to be gay not to want to fuck her."

Rob just looked at Mike. His face started to turn red and he turned his head away so that Mike could not look into them. "Holy shit man that's it isn't it." Again Rob did not answer him. He turned his head back and made eye contact with Mike. "So that's what you have in common Rob? You both like guys, is that it?"

"Yes Mike, that is one of the things we have in common."

"What more could you possibly have in common than that?"

Rob looked at Mike for a long time and said, "How we feel about you." Then he turned and walked away.

"How we feel about you." The words kept echoing in Mike's head. Could that mean that Stacy really does like him? Does that mean that Rob likes him too? The idea of Stacy liking him made him so excited but the idea that Rob did made him want to go home and never speak to him again. "No," Mike thought to himself. "I am not going to let this ruin my day with Rob. At least I know that he has not been messing with her." He walked after his friend. "Rob stop, I am sorry." He was surprised to see that he had tears in his eyes.

"It's okay Mike. I will understand if you want me to take you home right now."

"No, I am still your friend even if you are....even if you are that way. I will never understand it and I don't want to hear about it again but we will always be friends."

"Really? I swore that I would never tell you. I guess now I am glad that I did. Lets get the stuff out of the truck."

They unloaded the supplies from the truck. They packed the heavy cooler together and then leaned the fishing poles against the cabin. Mike's attempt to put the previous conversation out of his mind seemed to be successful and he set his mind to enjoying the rest of the day with his best friend.

After they ate the lunch that Rob had packed the two friends grabbed the fishing poles and headed to the river. Mike threw his line into the water and watched it float away with the current. The fish were not biting but the warm sun felt good and he could feel his body beginning to relax. It was nice to leave the pressures of life behind him and enjoy nature.

"It must be at least 75 degrees out today," Rob said.

"Oh yeah, maybe even 80"

"We might be able to take that swim after all Mike."

"We might," he replied. The conversation he had with Rob when they first arrived at the cabin returned to him mind. There was no way he could let Rob see him nude now.

"I am going to go get a pop," Rob said. "Do you want anything?"

"Sure bring me a soda too." As Rob walked away Mike saw his chance. If he could get his clothes off and get into the water before Rob got back he could hide his naked body in the water and enjoy a swim too. He stripped off his clothes and ran into the water. The cold water took his breath away but he dove in quickly before Rob returned.

When Rob returned he was surprised to see Mike stomach deep in the water. "Shit man that was fast," he said.

"Well the urge struck so I jumped right in," Mike said and immediately wished he had worded it another way.

Rob started undressing and Mike turned away so that he could not see. "Oh god! The water is like ice. How the hell did you get in so fast Mike?"

"I just jumped right in and got it over with."

Rob walked in to his ankles and stopped. "I must be a wimp then because there is no way I am going to jump in this water."

Rob started slowly walking into the water. He would take two steps, then stop to let his body get used to the cold sensation. Mike watched as he inched into the river. He had never noticed how muscular he was. He looked down at his own chest and felt a little self conscious. His eyes wandered down Rob's body lingering on every inch of his rippled stomach. When his eyes finally reached Rob's cock he could not look away. It had to be at least an inch longer than his was. Mike was really beginning to regret the decision to take the swim. His own body and dick were no match for the strong build of his friend.

When Mike finally pulled his eyes away he noticed that Rob had seen him looking. He smiled, but did not say anything. Mike could feel his own shaft beginning to lengthen and harden as he looked at Rob. He was alarmed by his response. He had never gotten hard from looking at a guy before. What was wrong with him?

"I cannot do this Mike the water is just too cold."

Rob turned and started walking out of the water. The sight of his firm rounded ass sent Mike's dick to full extension. Mike reached down and touched it as his mind spun with confusion. He had never wanted anything more than he wanted Rob to see his hard tool. He knew he could not let it happen but the thought made him harder still.

"Are you going to come?"

"What!....ah no, I want to stay in the water for a little longer."

"Okay bud, I am going to the cabin to warm up."

Mike could not believe his luck. When Rob was gone he could sneak out of the water and get dressed. He watched him pick up his clothes and walk away. As soon as he was out of sight Mike ran out of the water and pulled on his jeans. He picked up his shirt and shoes and walked toward the cabin. He was really cold from the water and wanted to warm up too.

When he entered the cabin he saw Rob laying on one of the beds. He had not dressed yet. His perfect body lay on top of the covers and Mike felt his cock stir as he looked at him. Rob was flat on his back with one arm under his head and the other resting over his eyes. Mike's eyes returned to his beautiful cock. Rob moved his arm and watched his friend stare at his tool. The bulge that was growing in Mike's jeans excited him.

"I think I will lay down over here," Mike said.

"What ever you want."

Mike lay down on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling and it reminded him of the position he was in that morning: the hard dick, the desire to jack off and everything. There was no way in hell he was going to let this happen. He glanced over to Rob. He had re-assumed the position he was in before. Mike looked down at his friends cock. It stood up hard and glistening with precum. He looked away quickly.

"Are you going to go to sleep?" Rob said.

"No, I am not really tired."

"What do you want to do then?"

"I thought we were going to warm up and then go fishing again."

"I am warming up Mike."

"Yeah I saw your.........."

"My what?"


"I know you were looking at my dick. I am not blind you know."

"Yeah what does that prove?"

" I have known you wanted me for a long time Mike don't even try to deny it."

"That is bull shit I didn't even know myself until today." Mike gasped and fell back on the bed. He could not believe he just said that. "If Freud was here I would punch him in the face," he though to himself.

"Lets not play games Mike. If you want to do something it is okay. If you don't that is okay too. Just tell me now so I can stop thinking about it okay."


"Okay what Mike? Could you be anymore vague?"

"Okay I want to do something."

Rob could not believe his ears. He had been dreaming about messing with Mike since Junior High School. Could it really be happening. He got up and walked over to Mike's bed. Mike watched his dick bounce with every step. His heart was beating so hard that he was sure that Rob could hear it. Rob sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on his chest. He could feel himself trembling as he touched his lifelong friend.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know.....I have never done this before. I have never done anything."

"That's okay. Lets just let ourselves go and see what happens okay."

Rob started to rub his hand on Mike's chest. He moved to his stomach and then to his dick. Mike's cock jerked when Rob touched it. He let out a quiet moan. Rob bent down and touched his tongue on his cock. It sent shivers through his body. He never thought he would be about to suck his friends cock.

"Oh Rob that feel really good."

"Do you want me to suck it Mike?"

"Yes, suck my dick."

Rob pressed the head of Mike's dick against his lips and let it push through them to enter his mouth. Mike arched his back and pushed his dick farther into Rob's mouth. "Oh God man that feel so good!"

"MMMMMMMM," was all Rob could say. Mike's hand was pushing on the back of his head. Trapping his hard man meat in his mouth.

Mike had no idea that getting his dick sucked would feel so good. He could not think about anything else except how good it felt and how he hoped it would never end. He began to thrust his hips, fucking his friend's mouth as he pushed on the back of his head. His first blow job was better than he ever imagined it could be. He was amazed how much of his cock that Rob could swallow. He knew that he would never get that much of Rob's cock in his mouth. He also knew he could not last long with this attack on his dick.

Rob could feel the cock sliding into his mouth and down his throat. He wanted Mike to fuck him but he knew it was too much to hope for. He could tell that Mike was getting close to shooting his cum. It was now or never. He pushed back against his hands until the cock was free from his mouth.

"Do you want to fuck me Mike?"

"No! I want you to fuck me."

"What?" Rob could not believe his ears. This was more than he could imagine. "Are you sure that is what you want?"

"Yes Rob, I want you to fuck me right here and right now."

"I want to fuck you too. I don't think I have ever wanted anything more. We need some lube. Your virgin butt will never handle me without it."

"What should we use?"

"I am always prepared." He jumped up and dug a tube of lube out of his bag and returned to his lover. "Why don't you get on your hands and knees."

Mike was nervous as he looked at the massive cock. He knew where he planned to put it and it looked very intimidating. "It looks like it is really going to hurt."

"Just try to relax. I will get you ready before I put it in." Rob put some of the lube on his index finger and pushed it against Mike's puckered hole. Mike gasped as the finger pushed past the tight ring of his ass and entered his rectum. Rob slowly worked his finger in and out of his ass. "Is that okay?"

"aahh yeah it feels really good!"

"I am going to put in a second finger now okay." Rob pulled out his finger and replaced it with two.

Mike's head was spinning. Two fingers in his ass hurt him. He was trying to imagine what it was going to be like to have Rob's dick in his butt. He was now convinced it was going to be a painful experience. "I am scared Rob."

"Do you not want to do it? I will understand if you don't."

"No, I mean yes. Oh shit would you just fuck me please."

Mike repositioned himself on his knees so that Rob could enter him. "I will put it in slow Mike." Rob pushed the head of his dick against his ass. He pushed harder but Mike's ass would not open up to let him in. With a desperate shove his cock broke through to tight outer ring.

"Oh fuck Rob it hurts" Mike was not prepared for the intense pain he felt in his ass. He pressed his face into the mattress as he cried out. "Oh god Rob go slow man."

Rob was overcome by the sensation of his friends ass squeezing his cock. All he could think about was pushing it all the way into him. "You are so tight Mike. Oh shit man, I love your tight ass." Rob thrust his hips and eased into his friend another inch.

Mike could feel his ass burning as Rob pushed into him. He thought his ass hole would rip before Rob got his dick inside. He felt liquid oozing out around the hard cock and down the crack of his ass. He reached around and felt his ass. He could feel Rob's cock shoved half way up his rectum. He could not believe that big cock was inside him. He followed the shaft of the dick from Rob's pubic hair until it entered his ass. He was so excited by the feeling of himself impaled on Rob's dick that he began to push his hips back to take more of Rob's cock into himself.

Rob threw his head back and moaned as he felt Mike pushing back against him. "Oh yeah, move your ass man." Rob slowly pulled most of his cock out and then slammed it back in with all his weight. "AAAHHHGGG yeah."

Mike squirmed as Rob's cock hit his prostrate. He could feel his own cock throbbing. "I think I am going to cum."

"Okay man," Rob gasped. "Cum for me now, I want to hear you cum."

Mike was surprised how good it felt to be fucked up the ass. He turned his head as far as he could so he could see the massive prick slide in and out of him. "Oh fuck I'm cumming.......fuck me Rob. aaaaaaaahhhhhhggg yeah ahahahah fuck me!" Wave after wave of cum flowed out of Mike's piss slit and onto the bed.

Rob began to fuck his lover faster and harder. Mike was so exhausted from his own orgasm that he collapsed onto his stomach on the bed. Rob followed him down and laid across his back and did not miss a stroke. " Oh God I'm getting close too."

"Cum in my ass Rob. I want to feel your hot cum inside me."

Rob thrust his cock three more times before his cum began to boil out of him. "AAAahhhggg I'm cumming." He lay across Mike's back as all the muscles in his body contracted to expel his sperm into his friend. He laid their convulsing for what seemed like hours. His cum continued to spill out of him in hot waves.

Rob rolled off of his lover and moved in next to him. Mike pulled him into his chest and held him. The reality of the whole situation had not really struck Mike until this very moment. Not only had he let his friend suck his cock he practically begged him to fuck him in the ass. "Am I gay?" he wondered to himself. "No, I like Stacy remember. How is all of this going to effect my relationship with her?" He felt as though he was on the verge of a panic attack His head spun as he felt a flood of emotions entering his mind. He knew he wanted to be with Rob again but he wanted Stacy too. It was then that a peaceful thought entered his mind. "I won't be a virgin when I graduate." A smile came to his face. "I will have Rob again and I will have Stacy too. If I get real lucky I will have them both at the same time." With this last though his eyes closed in sleep.

Will Mike have Rob again? Will he ever have Stacy? I guess you will have to wait for the next chapter. This is not my first story but I think it is one of my best. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who enjoyed it and those of you that did not enjoy it too. Feel free to contact me at my e-mail address. Thank you!

First of Many By: Douglas E.

Next: Chapter 2: First of Many 2

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