
By Candy Girl

Published on Oct 16, 2000


Title: TIGER BEAT Author: Candy Feedback: Goes to Angelusette@webtv.net, It is REALLY loved... Disclaimer: ........Yeah.... I wish! But if you Really wanna think that I know or even own *Nsync... Don't! I do not wanna get sued! But if your that desperate to believe it..... I didn't put it into your head, you thought it on your own! I also do know anthing about their sexuality, and I'm not implying anything by this story

Article from Tiger Beat.

Tiger Beat: Wendy, you have the job that all teenage girls want, you are the Personal assistant to Nsync, the hottest boy band around, what do you have to say to that?

Wendy: If only you KNEW how messy they are. There is five of them and one of me. I need an assistant!!

TB: Well what exactly do you do as a Personal Assistant?

W: I do stuff. I don't know. They tell me to go buy them some food, I go buy them food. I have a credit card that was given to be buy their management and they pay for it. It's really cool.

La Reina: Wendy fights with them a lot.

W: Do not!

LR: Oh yeah... you about threw a fit when J.C. wore that jacket with the fur on it.

W: He looked like he had a dead animal rapped around him.

TB: Do you help them pick out their clothes?

W: Sometimes, most of the time they wear what they want. I wish I could actually pick out their clothes.

LR: Please. You picked out that blue outfit Lance wore.

W: I liked it.

TB: La Reina, what do you do as a Press secretary?

LR: I announce stuff. I deal with the press. I'm just a small part of their [Personal Relations] team. It's not to hard. I had to take a TON of english classes in College. I have to write stuff, I also have to talk to the guys and see what they want said.

TB: You used to work for the Backstreet Boys, did you not?

LR: [Laughs] Yeah I did but I was just assistant press secretary.

TB: Do do still talk to them at all?

LR: All the time.

TB: Does Nsync know?

LR: Yeah, they think they are trying to still me back.

TB: Was there a difference between working for BSB and Nsync?

LR: Bsb was like a vacation.

TB: How so?

LR: Well, The biggest thing i did with them was announce their engagements. Backstreet didn't do anything big, they never got arrested.

TB: That reminds me, you were with them when they were arrested, what happened?

LR: Well, blame Wendy.

W: There was this VERY pushy guy at a club we went to and they kinda.... well...

LR: Defended her honer. Some how all of us (Justin, Joey, Chris, me, and Wendy) got dragged into it. They seriously saved our butts.

W: La made a new friend in jail.

LR: You could say that.

TB: So let's get down to the dirty stuff. What are the guys REALLY like?

W: Joey really is the flirt of the group. Chris is insane.

LR: Justin is a little devil, and JC and Lance act like an old married couple.

W: They fight about everything. It's really sad to watch them fight because they are both so darn stubborn.

LR: Oh, and they purposely disagree on something just to fight.

TB: So do they ever make up?

W: Yeah, it's sickening to watch......

LR: Its like, "I'm sorry J.C.," And "No Lance, it was my fault," and then they get in a fight over who's to blame and then Lance will say something like "Okay, maybe it was more your fault," and JC will go "Oh, so now we are blaming me." It get's tiering. The take the old saying "Bury the hatchet but leaving the handle sticking out" and rip it to peaces.

TB: Are they that bad?

W: YES!!

LR: But they are still very close friends.

TB: Okay, lets move on. What is happening in their personal relationships?

LR: None of them have girlfriends if that is what you mean.

TB: What happened to Chris and Dani?

W: He... they.... I don't really know.

TB: Witch Nsyncer would you PERSONALLY like to date?

W: .... I'm gonna make J.C. mad, I'm gonna say Lance.

LR: Chris, he is the only one older than me.

TB: Last question: Do you like your job?

LR: Sometimes.

W: I need an assistant.

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