Flips Tale

By Jo Vincent

Published on Apr 6, 2002


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome.

Flip's Tale



The Sequel: Autumn 2000


S15: Dick talking

We were still laughing and joshing each other when we arrived at Simon and Dick's house. I pushed the button on the speaker-phone by the front door and Dick answered and said to push the door when we heard the buzz.

He was alone in the flat when we went upstairs. He was busy working at a desk in the small room off the sitting room which they used as a study. It was full of books, files of paper and a most up-to-date desk-top computer.

"I hope we're not too much of a disturbance for you," I said.

As he had already left school when I arrived at Kinloch and I had only met him at Linnhe Castle I didn't know him very well. I knew Simon idolised him from what he used to say and now, I recognized, they were deeply committed to each other, but being five years older than us, he did seem a rather distant figure.

"God, no," he replied, "Let me find you a drink."

As it was just gone six o'clock we both said we'd like a G and T. I explained that my aunt had weaned us onto them from Coke. He laughed and poured out three very stiff gins and went to the kitchen for ice and tonic water. When we sat down in the sitting-room he wanted to know how we had got on with Will and Geoff. It turned out he'd 'babysat' for them for a couple of years when he first came up to Edinburgh as, of course, there was the link with Kinloch with him and the Prof. In fact, he said it was the Prof and Mr McCrae who had persuaded him to try for a place here and he had enjoyed every minute, even more so when Simon came up as well and joined him.

"I'm glad you came, even if it was because of young Archie's troubles. I'm even more pleased that you'll be here permanently soon. We need some new blood around us pair of oldies. Anyway, you're good company for poor old Simon. I'm afraid I've been neglecting him lately as I've taken on a bit too big a project for part of my finals and I've had to work all over the summer on it. Still..," His face lit up in a big smile. "...he told me about this morning and he's so, so happy now. I don't know whether I can compete after his description of what happened."

"And he's a good cook, too," said Tom, without any expression on his face.

We all fell apart and Dick re-filled our glasses.

"What are you going to specialise in when you qualify?" asked Tom, "Simon said you liked surgery."

"No," Dick replied, "I don't think I'm cut out for that!"

Weak joke, but we did giggle. The gin helped.

"I think I'll do a couple of years in Accident and Emergency, you learn a lot there and then I'll do general practice. Anyway, surgeons are usually tight-arsed little Hitlers and think they're God's gift."

"The Prof isn't," said Tom, "He's very human. I wouldn't mind working with him."

Dick nodded. "There are some exceptions but there's one I can't stand, and I don't think many others can either. He's always after the best-paying private cases and I acted as his dresser a couple of times and he treated me and the other student with me like shit. Surgeons earn the most and this one I'm telling you about is the greediest bastard out."

Tom was looking very intently at him as Dick continued his narrative.

"I was told he was walking his wee Scottie dog to the park one day and he passed a synagogue. He spotted a note on the board saying they wanted a circumciser, experience necessary, apply within. So he went and rapped on the door and the rabbi came out and asked him what he wanted and he said he was a well-known surgeon and he would like the job. How much do you pay? he asked, and the rabbi said, five guineas. Five guineas? says Mister X, I never charge less than two hundred. Ah, said the rabbi, we only pay five guineas, but you can keep the tips!"

Poor Tom. He had been so absorbed in listening to Dick, who was being so serious, he missed the joke. I was in hysterics. Not so much about the awful joke but that Tom had met his match. He did get it and said he would deal with Dick in his own way at some time.

Simon came back as we were having our third G and T which had been pressed upon us, not too unwillingly on our part. He took one look at Tom and me, sprawled somewhat on the very comfortable couch and giggling about reprisals on Dick.

"Oh, my God, Dick!" he said, "I go out for five minutes and you lead these two infants astray. They're as pissed as newts and you're not much better and where are we going for food?"

Going out for food? Neither Tom nor me were sober. Not being used to drink, the three large G and T's had more or less floored both of us. At least we felt relaxed and happy.

It was decided we would have a carry-out Indian. Neither Tom nor I were experts on ethnic food so dear Simon volunteered to get it as long as I was paying! He said the streets of Edinburgh were paved with enough drunks without us three staggering around and letting the Medical School down though that had its share of inebriates. He was in a really righteous mood and said we were not to have any more as we were driving home tomorrow and alcohol remained in the system for longer than people usually imagined. Unfortunately, Dick agreed with him, so my first experience of being drunk as a skunk was sadly curtailed.

After that diatribe Simon said he'd called in to see how Archie was and he was getting on fine. He and the male nurse, Wilf, were discussing the merits of various flies used when fishing and Archie had said that Wilf should come up and visit him and his granddad who was a noted fly-fisher. Simon said he hadn't mentioned his lost ball at all.

"By the way, I bumped into someone you, know," he said, looking at me. "D'ya remember Ollie Pringle, big lad, a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic in Messiter's? He's here doing Agriculture."

Dick laughed. "Hey, Tom, do you know how to recognise an Agric when you see them?"

Tom looked at Dick rather warily, he'd been caught once. "No," he said rather hesitantly.

"Quite easy," said Dick, "They've all got foreheads like Martin Johnson, long hairy arms and wander around with their knuckles dragging on the ground and most of them boast other bits drag on the ground as well."

"Fool!"said Simon forcefully and turned his attention to me, "D'ya remember him? Left school the year before me, he'll be starting his third year here now, but he had to come back early for some viva because I think he must have failed something."

"Oh yeah," I said, "he used to help out coaching the scrums for the Junior sides, didn't he?" I laughed. "Yeah, I remember the day he packed down by the side of me and he's certainly got hairy arms. Do you know what he said? He gave me a great heave and bellowed in my ear 'Come on lad, shove harder, imagine you've got that fat cock of your's up your best friend's arse and push!' Of course, the scrums collapsed after that and some of the bastards keep on at me while I was in the showers later until I threatened to try pushing something large up their arses."

Dick laughed. "That's him alright, and he has a Cro-Magnon forehead but I don't think he's got a cock to match. Doh, doh, doh...."

"Why's he only finishing his Second Year if he left before you?" I asked Simon, interrupting Dick's rather unconvincing imitation of a caveman.

"Oh, he did a gap year in New Zealand. He went there to coach Rugby too, but the rumour is that he also shagged his way through the whole school as well."

"Not surprised. That school he was at is populated by the sons of sheep farmers and we know what their hobby is?" said Dick.

Simon raised his eyebrows in a look of resignation. "You're so fucking crude, as if a good Kinloch lad would do such a thing!"

"Speak for yourself, old dear, but needs must when the devil drives and Ollie is a fucking horny devil. It's well known he's always looked at the world through the eye of his prick." He laughed. "Stories abound about his seduction techniques when he was in the first two years at school. One of the more erudite types said he was like Julius Caesar on the rampage but his motto would be 'vidi, vici, veni'. Get it? 'I saw, I conquered, I came'." He laughed, "True, I heard he'd managed to bed several of the Sixth Formers at CCF camps even when he fourteen, and it was that way round - he made the running and they succumbed, willingly no doubt, but it was they who were the underdogs in more senses than one! He patted my bum more than once in the scrum but I didn't allow him entry. Didn't he go after you?"

Simon sniffed. "Hell, no, I don't suppose I was as pretty as you if he was tapping your posterior and not mine."

"Poor thing, don't be jealous, but you've made up for it since. You've got a nice posterior and it would be even better looking going out of that door with the rest of you in front to get our food. Anyway, don't you remember Simon, I played in that intra-mural match last year against the Agrics?" He turned to Tom. "Didy'a know, Tom, they have to have one intellectual in their team and Ollie's theirs. His job is to check before a match that they have their jockstraps on the right way round otherwise they'll probably run backwards."

Simon gave Dick a good two-fingered salute. Tom and I groaned. I got up, a bit more steadily than I thought I was able, and handed over forty quid as I had no idea what it might cost. Simon said that would more than enough, but, just in case...

"We'll leave you to choose," said Dick, "Better not get anything too hot for these two neonates until they've been weaned properly." He turned Tom. "Know the difference between a candle and a Vindaloo?"

Tom looked even more wary. He shook his head.

"A candle only burns at one end," said Dick.

Both Tom and I groaned again, this time more loudly.

"Your bloody weak jokes, you great fool," said Simon through gritted teeth. "Give them a rest for fuck's sake!"

"Ah," said Dick, "but it's the way I tell 'em. Now you fuck off and get some nice food and Flip'll lay the table because he can stand and Tom's nearly falling off the sofa."

We both fucked off. Simon out of the front door with a shrug of his shoulders and a grin on his face and me into the kitchen-diner where I proceeded to find plates to warm and the cutlery in the drawers. While there I heard Tom talking in a low voice to Dick. I wasn't nosey but I couldn't help overhearing the conversation, could I?

"You've been living together for two years now?" I heard Tom ask, there was a confirmatory murmur from Dick.

"D'ya think Flip and I will be alright?" Tom asked.

"If you're as good friends as Simon and me you'll be OK. That's the important thing, being good friends."

It was Tom's turn to make confirmatory noises and Dick went on.

"You've got to share everything, good things, bad things, rough and the smooth, and really understand each other. Don't keep things back, if you do they'll rankle. Everyone has their bad moments and that's where the love and support come in. Does that make sense?"

"I love Flip so much I couldn't bear losing him," I heard Tom say, "I think we do share things. I know I tell him my worries and he's so kind to me. He might be big but he's so gentle with it."

"You're a lucky lad and so is he," said Dick very quietly and, I knew, sincerely, "And don't forget it's not all the sex, you can have that with anybody, but it's so different when you love someone, isn't it? That was love with Simon this morning, wasn't it? He knew and you both knew. You could get your rocks off in a jiffy with some kid in the lavs down the road any time but that would be no more than blessed relief. I bet it won't ever be like that with Flip, and I bet it's never been like that so far. I've seen the way both of you look at each other. I'm right aren't I? You both knew right from the beginning."

"Oh, yes!" was Tom's even quieter, heartfelt reply.

I'd finished getting the table ready long before so I thought that would be an opportune moment to reappear. I went and knelt down between where they were sitting side by side on the sofa. I took a hand of each of them in mine.

"I couldn't help overhearing that conversation," I said. "Tom means more than anything else to me and I hope I'll live up to what he wants and what he needs. If we ever have a problem can we come to you and Simon?"

"Any time," said Dick, squeezing my hand, "Any time. And I think the four of us are going to get on well, don't you?"

I think we had sobered up quite a lot by then and I sat on the sofa with Dick between us. Tom asked about the course and Dick explained that we had to get used to working through modules and being continuously assessed and there was a lot of work and detailed learning to do. He said his big project was a real bugger, he'd bitten off quite a problem but he was certain all would be well. He explained that groups could do mini-projects as well as part of the course.

He then said one of the lads in the year above him had asked the tutor, when they were dealing with the reproductive system, why a boy's dick had a shaft and a knob when, ergonomically, it would be much more efficient if it was just a cylinder to go in and out and inject just like a hypodermic syringe. The tutor had laughed and said why didn't he search the literature and perhaps do a project.

After a week or so in the library the lad hadn't found any reasons, so, over a beer in the student bar five of them decided they would do some research and write it up. They decided the best way to find out was to fuck five willing females each, make notes afterwards and compare and contrast findings. This they did over the next few weeks. Dick said he'd heard that the totties on the English course would lie back and think of England for two tequilas and as far as knew the lads had concentrated on them. The general consensus of opinion when they compared notes was that the main reason for the particular construction of the penis was that the knob, especially the ridge under it, was there to raise man to the heights of sexual pleasure so it was ergonomically exactly right for that reason.

Of course, Dick went on, five of the girls on the course heard of the project and were miffed because they hadn't been selected to take part so they thought they would also explore the peculiar construction of the male organ for their own project. They set to and managed to get the required twenty-five blokes but it did take them a lot longer and whereas the lads' project cost them the price of fifty tequilas and twenty-five pints of beer the girls had extra expense of five pints each to persuade each lad, then two pints before the act and a further five pints each afterwards to help them forget. Dick whispered that two of them were real dogs and the others had enough hair under their arms to stuff a cushion so all their couplings had to take place in the dark anyway. Well, their conclusion, when they came to write up the results, was that the structure was ergonomically perfect because the knob, and especially the ridge, was there to rub against the clitoris and thus raise a woman to the height of sexual frenzy. Dick said he thought there had been a few fake orgasms on their side but those could be put down to experimental error.

Then, he said, one of the Agrics heard about the two projects after they'd been finished and reported and told his pals in their rugger team about them one Saturday after the match they'd just played. Next afternoon a note was pinned on the Medical School notice board signed by all the fifteen Agrics saying that after intensive trials the previous evening and night their conclusion was that the knob and ridge were ergonomically perfect and were there to stop boys' hands from sliding off the end of their cocks.

Oh, Christ! We both groaned mightily again while Dick chuckled.

"Yeah, you can groan," he said, "but you'll need all the jokes and stories like that to relieve some of the tension you'll get while you're under training. Medics have the reputation for jokes and they're necessary 'cause we have to cope with all sorts of things and situations others would rather not think about. I'm being serious now, but you'll be doing things you never thought you'd be capable of and you'll need a few laughs even if they are crap jokes when you're dealing with all the crap thrown at you."

Tom was rather taken aback at this.

"Do you think we'll be able to cope?" he asked, his mood becoming very serious.

"I've learnt and so has Simon and the rest of us. If you can lighten up when the goings rough, you'll cope. One or two can't and they go pretty fast but the whole training you get here is so interesting and so worthwhile I know you two will cope. Don't forget, we'll be here to hold your hands whenever you want. And my jokes may be crap but have you ever heard a mathematician tell a joke? The only joke they have is the square root of minus one and they repeat that one ad nauseam!"

Well we did hear a few more of Dick's crappy jokes and were having a good giggle when Simon appeared back with two great carrier bags of wonderful smelling goodies. Four sated lads, having also had a lager apiece to cool our palates, were in a very relaxed mood after that meal.

"Can't you keep your bloody hands off him?" Simon said at one point when Dick was in the lav having a much needed piss..

I was sitting next to Tom on the sofa and had my arm round him and was running my hand up and down his thigh. I retaliated to that remark by staggering up, full of food rather than drunk, going over to Simon and plonking a curried kiss on his lips.

"Don't think you're neglected," I said, "I bet Dick's got something tasty for you tonight."

Dick came in at that point.

"Get your hands off him, it's my turn," he said, "And it's early bed tonight!"

S16: Night and morning

It was too, we were all in our rooms by half-nine. Tom was as randy as hell. If that was what ginger in a hot curry did for him we were going to have it every night! Anyway, I almost had my clothes torn off me and we rolled on the bed, licking and holding each other until he suddenly quietened down.

"I want you to fuck me just like that first time," he whispered in my ear.

I was ready and willing but I made sure my Tom was carefully and gently dealt with. Slowly, ever so slowly I found his pucker and slowly, slowly my fingers caressed him there. Slowly, slowly I kissed and nuzzled him while he gently, gently, moaned his pleasure. Slowly, slowly I coated my fingers in the KY jelly I'd filched from my aunt's little consulting room and slowly, slowly, one, then two, then three fingers opened him ready for me. Slowly, slowly, I moved across him and raised his legs. Slowly, slowly he guided my so hard prick until it was touching my fingers. I groaned as he pulled my foreskin back and my so, so sensitive knob brushed my hand. A second groan of pleasure came as my end, now coated in that helpful salve, pushed through his yielding ring. Slowly, slowly my length entered him as he whimpered, his mouth wide open, his eyes tight shut. His arms were round my shoulders holding me firm and secure as I fucked him so slowly, my length moving in and out, probing him so deep at one point and then at the lips of his entrance at another. I was so hyped up I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up for long and my dear, lovely Tom was in the same state. I gave one long, deep thrust and tried to press even further into him, as, with a rush my whole being felt as if I was one with him. My seed spurted, quickly, so quickly and deep, deep within him.

I panted and drew great breaths into my lungs and knew that this was one of the most incredible moments of my life with Tom. My mouth had opened and my neck muscles had tensed but now slowly relaxed. It was his turn now.

I withdrew my still steel-like ramrod very slowly and carefully moved down his body until I could taken his lovely shaft into my mouth. He held my head and whimpered more and more as I moved up and down, licking and sucking on that, oh so hot, swollen, beautiful knob of his. My tongue ran round that mighty ridge, seeking out the join which we had both experienced as the fount of pleasure. I touched it once, twice, three times and his thick, long prick, twitched, pulsed and his warm cream bathed the whole of my mouth. My tongue swirled his lavish gift and slowly, slowly I let his shaft drop from my mouth. Gently, I moved up his still heaving body until our lips met and his token of his love for me was returned to be shared.

There was nothing to say. We held each other, relaxed our hold and went to sleep.

I awoke at about five and went to the bathroom to clean myself. Tom was still fast asleep so I just spooned up against him and put my arm around him and dropped off to sleep again.

We must have woken withing moments of each other. He turned over to face me and found my lips. He rubbed his rough chin against my face and licked my ear lobe.

"That was perfect," he said, very quietly, "I need you, Flip, you're my rock."

We held each other and dozed again. If I was his rock, then he was my salvation!

A knock came on the door at about half-seven. It was Dick. He came in with two mugs of coffee which he put on the bedside table next to Tom. We were still entwined as we opened our eyes. He leant over us and kissed us both gently on our cheeks.

"You've had a wonderful night, I know," he said, "And so have we."

We both put a hand up and round his bare shoulders and gave him two loving and very grateful kisses.

"You may tell crap jokes, ....But I like you!" said Tom in a passable imitation of Dick Emery

In retaliation, and no doubt to check on our accoutrements, Dick pulled off the king- sized duvet and left us floundering in the nude, both sporting healthy nigh-on seven inch hardons.

"Oh, my God," he drawled, "how do you young'uns keep 'em up like that?"

"Have you forgotten how then, grandpa?" Tom riposted and grabbed at Dick's short shorts.

Luckily the waist was elastic because it was quite a tug and they were straight down to his knees exposing a floppy five-inch uncut length.

"It'll take a wee bitty more than willpower to get that up, eh, grandad," Tom went on, "Does Simon splint it for you?"

Dick chuckled and gave a good-natured swipe at Tom's bare bum as he rolled over to me, clutching me as for protection. I shoved him off.

"Fight your own battles," I said poking him in the back then pointing at Dick's appendage, "Looks a nice dick on Dick but I don't see why he was always called Big Dick, do you?"

"Cheeky pair of buggers," Dick said, clutching at his rapidly descending shorts, "I'll have the pair of you!"

"Anytime!" we chorused and gave each other a high-five for spontaneity.

This morning it was Dick's turn as we leapt on him, Tom at his top and me shedding his shorts for him. Moments later he was over our bed with Tom straddling his chest and me his legs. His five inches grew into his own sturdy six plus inches almost as soon as it was engulfed in my mouth. Tom was working on his lips, neck and teasing his nipples as he lay back, mouth and eyes wide open. We worked as a pair because as Tom's head moved downwards so I relinquished Dick's now stiff shaft to his mouth and I took over licking and sucking on his chest and neck. I rubbed my face in the curly mat he had between his prominent pectorals and as I tongued his nipples they hardened and rose, pink and inviting. I sucked on them and heard Dick's moans of pleasure.

He must also have been horny as hell as I heard Tom gasp as he withdraw his head and I received a great gobbet of come on my cheek as Dick fired the rest of his morning load.

"Fuck me!" a voice came from the doorway as the three of us were gasping and trying to get our breath, "I leave the bastard for two minutes while I cook your breakfasts and he's feeding the five thousand already!"

We laughed and scrambled off the bed, leaving a still panting Dick, and chased Simon into the kitchen where he defended himself with the fish slice he'd been turning a mound of sausages over in the frying pan on the stove.

"En garde," he cried and made fencing movements towards our vulnerable, now flopping cocks. "Get that disreputable monstrosity out here to help me, and you," he pointed to me, "Go and wash yourself, you cum-faced wretch! And as for you," It was Tom's turn, "You won't need any breakfast after what old spunk fountain in there just thrust down your throat." All the time he was dancing back and forth keeping us at a distance.

"Get on with your chores, varlet!" said Tom, "We don't want a burnt offering and I only got a half ration just now." He laughed, "He certainly packs a punch!"

We left Simon to his culinary duties and went back to find Dick, now with his shorts on properly, hogging the bathroom. While we waited for him to finish we packed up our clobber and tidied the room. Tom peeled back the duvet and there was some evidence of my endeavours the night before on the bottom sheet. He screwed up his face and stripped the bed.

"Come and get your breakfast first," sang out Simon, "You can wash your evil bodies afterwards."

We both scrambled into shorts and tee-shirts and paraded into the kitchen where we had a heaped plate each of the most delicious fry-up. I apologised about the mucky bottom sheet and Dick made some comment about young lads who couldn't control themselves.

"Bloody hell," said Tom, with his mouth full of sausage and egg, "Listen to the old fella. He was certainly ready and willing this morning. But I suppose at his age he needs to see if everything still functions!"

"I'll give you age," said Dick, waving his fork across the table at Tom, "It's the experience as well that counts. You wait until you reach the great age of twenty, the future looms large then and even more so as the years roll by. Anyway, I saw Marty McMillan yesterday and he thinks you two would be OK for his Medics Intra Mural team if you're willing and able. Simon and I are in it but five have left so there's room for you young'uns. That is, if you've got the stamina to keep up with us older, more experienced men."

"Oh, yes, we met him when Archie first came in," I said, ignoring the gibe, "Obviously he recognises talent when he sees it, doesn't he, Tom?"

Dick snorted, "Conceited young bugger, You wait until the Agrics get you, they'll tear your hairy limbs apart.... I could tell you..."

Dick was interrupted by a chorus of "Oh God, here we go again!", "Tell us another one do!", "Once upon a time..." and a general collapse of all into hoots of laughter with Dick leading the cacophony.

After breakfast Dick had to go off to try to finish his report so by the time Tom and I had finished in the bathroom he was packing up a briefcase of notes. We both thanked him for having us in the flat. He said he'd enjoyed having us around and everything Simon had told him about us was true. He rushed off after that so we had to attack Simon who ended up cowering in their bedroom. We let him be and only tickled him until he cried for mercy and then we sat and chatted until about ten o'clock. He said they were so pleased to have had us and, if we wanted, we could have the flat below for our second year. The present occupants would all be in their final year when they came back off vacation and the place would be empty when they finished. I think Tom and Dick had hit it off in the same way I felt that Simon was a great friend. Simon did whisper to me when he was checking that we hadn't left anything in our bedroom that I was very lucky to have found someone like Tom.

S17: Back to Home

We walked over to the hospital and saw a much more coherent and happier Archie. He was full of the fact that when he'd had his dressings changed that morning he'd been allowed to inspect himself with the aid of a mirror. He said he was rather black and blue but he did have two balls. The left one, although false, was larger than his right but looked quite natural. He said he had to keep the dressings on until Sunday then have the stitches out on Tuesday. He was a bit concerned about this as the Community Nurse was his mum's younger sister and she might tell his young cousins about his artificial ball. We laughed and said he should be proud he'd been given a big one because the Prof obviously thought he was a growing lad still and, anyway, we would need to check him out too once he was home.

While we were having a laugh at this Dr McMillan, Marty to Dick and Simon, came in and we said that Dick had offered our services. He grinned and said he was glad and he would put our names down. He then said that Archie was to have his chemotherapy injection on Thursday morning and if the blood tests were OK he could come home on Friday, with a check-up in November. We arranged that he would see Archie onto a train to Fort William and we would pick him up there and ferry him home. He then gave us a note for his parents and another for Aunt Margaret and asked us to deliver them.

As we said cheerio to Archie I said he'd better not check anything until he was home. He whispered back that Wilf had told him to wait a week, if he could!

We went back to Simon and Dick's flat, thanked Simon for having us and loaded the car with our bags. We set off in good time and I negotiated the exit from Edinburgh very well even with Tom sitting beside me. We did a detour off the motorway and had lunch in Dunblane and Tom took over the driving.

We didn't hurry back and got home to find Wayne busily finishing putting the `carcase' as he called it in Stuart's room as he'd already finished the same in our room. Nosey sod wanted to know if we'd had a good time in Edinburgh and how was wee Archie Ferguson? We said he was OK and would be home soon. We didn't say any more as we knew old motormouth would broadcast any news to all and sundry. He said he would be back in the morning to finish off but he wouldn't be able to start on the doors and fittings until the next week. We did tell him there had been a message for us inviting us to lunch on Monday at the laird's. He was rather impressed. That news would soon get round we thought.

He was still busy when Stuart's school bus arrived in the village. He rushed in demanding news and we were able to say all was well so far. He said all the kids at school wanted to know where Archie was but he hadn't said why he was in hospital. I raised a finger to my lips and pointed to his bedroom where it had gone ominously quiet. He grinned and shut up.

Later Tom and I went to see Archie's parents and his grandfather to tell them what had happened and to give them the letter. We glossed over the ball removal and the replacement, or `prosthetic' as Marty McMillan called it, and said the operation had been successful. His parents were very grateful we would also pick him up from the station as they were working until six o'clock on Friday.

During the evening I asked Tom if I could see the file of Ghazi's letters, he gave it to me when we went to bed. I leafed through the fairly substantial file and was amazed at the detail Ghazi had gone into about our life, and mine especially, at Kinloch. He must have spent his Sunday hour, when we were all supposed to write letters home or to friends, writing these missives to Tom. I was so overwhelmed by his kindness. I was rather puzzled though by something and as Tom came back into our room I asked him.

"Tom, I think these are wonderful. He even says I only did twenty-five reps one afternoon and he managed thirty. But what I don't understand is the tick at the bottom of this page after his signature." I riffled through until I got to letters he'd written more recently and the ticks got more abundant. "There's more here, look, there are five here and seven there."

Tom snorted. "Flip, sometimes I think you're mentally deficient or suffering from loss of memory."

I looked up startled. What did he mean?

"Think!" he said and then began to laugh.

The penny dropped. Each tick represented an occasion when Ghazi and I had some sort of sexual encounter.

"Oh, Tom, what must you have thought?" I got up and flung my arms about him. "There was me, and Ghazi, and you knew about each time."

"You are a bloody fool, Flip, of course I knew. There wasn't much I didn't know about you while you were at Kinloch. Ghazi swore he'd tell me everything and we made a pact that he would keep you safe for me. Don't forget, Ghazi's my friend as well."

"But, Tom, there was I all happy with someone and you were all alone here."

"Oh, Flip, you and Ghazi didn't bother me." He chuckled. "In fact, I had to work hard to keep up with the pair of you."

I flicked the pages, there were lots of ticks and thinking about it, in our final two years it was generally every night.

Turn the tables!

"But Tom, you're such a randy so-and-so surely you could keep up with these?"

He laughed. "Yes, I did, but you have to remember each of those ticks means it was you and Ghazi, two! I had to keep up with both of you!"

I wasn't quick enough to catch him and get him on the bed to tickle the life out of him. He flicked at me with the tee-shirt he was holding and told me go and wash then he would show me what I was really missing!

That night I held Tom's balls and was thankful he was so well endowed and randy enough to keep up with two, I thought equally randy boys, as he fucked me quietly and sensuously and filled me with his boycream. As we lay in each others arms afterwards I reminded him of our name for it and how we had pulled Ghazi's leg about the fact that we were producing mancream before him. But boycream was how I still thought of it and mine was later carefully sucked from my ever willing shaft. There was a great tick in my mind for that night's experiences..

Tom had caressed my rod with his almost prehensile tongue, touching that spot where ridge joins shaft with such tenderness that my orgasm was, as ever, earth-shattering. I was in a state of post-cum euphoria as he slid up the bed and shared my spunk with me. He nuzzled my neck and was whispering.

"Oh, Flip, your prick is so ergonomically perfect."

I mumbled something and he licked the tip of my nose.

"That shaft..., rock-hard..., and straight as a die...,"

I licked him back.

"Um..., That lovely ridge...,"

I murmured something about how his tongue had caressed that heavenly area under the ridge.

"Um,..." he whispered again, "That lovely ridge..., beautiful..., so perfect..." He paused. "It stops my tongue from sliding off the end!"

To be continued:...............

Next: Chapter 14: Flips Tale S18 S23

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