Flying Blind

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Oct 31, 2006


I do not know nor do I claim to know any of the celebrities that may wander through these pages, and I do not know, or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or their sexual preferences. This story is a work of fiction, and the character of Caleb is my own creation, therefore, any use of him outside of this story must be done so by first gaining my permission. If you are under 18 years of age, or it is illegal for you to be reading this where you live, or you are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two or more men, then you had better go and find something else to read on another website.

Congratulations to Maggie and Peter on the birth of their daughter, Ramona on Oct. 3, weighing at 8 lbs., 3 oz. Congratulations also to our favorite uncle Jake..... Check out the Gyllenhaal Chronicles web page at It's run by Avy, author of Jakes Cowboy, and there's a lot of neat stuff there. If you haven't yet, go check it out, you'll enjoy it. And now, without further ado, part 3 of Flying Blind.

"Okay, I think that just about does it," Caleb said as the tape recorder shut itself off.

"You mean we're done already?" Diane Lane asked, sounding very surprised, and just a little bit sad.

"I'm afraid so," Caleb replied, beginning to gather up his things. All in all, the interview had gone quite well. Shortly after Adrien had shown up, Diane, Ben Affleck, and Bob Hoskins had arrived, been seated, and Caleb started right in, stopping only when Paul came to take their food and drink orders. Periodically Jack would get up and move around the table, taking random photo's of each of them. Occasionally Caleb would feel someone's knees brush against his under the table, and one time, one of then even boldly inserted itself between his, moving up and down suggestively. He would have dearly loved to have seen the look on Adrien's face when he closed his knees together, momentarily trapping the other man's knee between both of his.

Message sent and received.....Loud and clear.....

Jack decided he wanted one last photo, a group shot, and found the perfect spot near the "lake". He placed Diane in the center, with Bob and Ben on her left, and Adrien and Caleb on her right. Sheila lay quietly at Caleb's feet. Adrien had one arm around Diane's waist, and the other draped casually across Caleb's shoulders.

When Jack decided he had enough photo's to accompany Caleb's article, Adrien's hand dropped down and slid into one of Caleb's back pockets momentarily.

"When will the article come out?" he asked.

"The magazine will be on newsstands next Thursday, the day before the movie opens, but the four of you will get an advance copy on Wednesday," Caleb replied.

"Cool," Ben said as he reached into his front pocket to pull out his phone and flipped it open. "Hello?"

"Probably Jennifer," Adrien commented quietly as the group headed back to the table where Paul had been keeping watch over their belongings.

"I think he's become more centered since they had the baby," Caleb replied.

"Having kids does that for most people," Diane said as she came up to them as the three of them watched and listened as Ben quietly talked on the phone with his wife.

"So, what are you doing next Thursday?" Adrien asked. "How would you like to come to the premiere?"

"Oh yes! Please say you'll come!" Diane implored.

"Okay, sure why not," Caleb replied.

"You have to come to the after-party too," Adrien told him.

"Boy, you two just don't give up, do you?" Caleb asked with a smile.

"Nope," Diane answered, smiling in kind.

"Okay, so what time?" Caleb wanted to know.

"We'll send a limo. Call me with your address," Adrien said as he shook Caleb's hand before leaving.

"How am I supposed to call him when I don't even know his number," Caleb muttered to himself as he reached into his back pocket to get his wallet. There was also a folded piece of paper.

"Okay well, I guess that solves that problem," Caleb said quietly as put the paper in his front pocket. "So Jack, how did the pic's come out?" he asked.

"Well, I'll have to edit them a little bit I'm afraid," Jack replied.


"Mmm-hmmm. Our friend Mr. Brody was packing some major wood, and not making any effort to hide the fact....."

"I say run the photo's if you think you can get away with it. If not, do them from the waist up, or better yet, if it can be done, you could kind of fade things away below the waist, so that's kind of hidden by the text, but still visible?"

"I know just what you mean, and I think it'll work out just perfectly. Sort of like hiding in plain sight," Jack said with a smile.

"Exactly," Caleb said with a smile of his own as he pulled out the VISA credit card that Harry had given him to pay for the lunches.

"So, any idea's for a title for your articles?" Harry asked over the phone.

"Hell if I know.....I don't want to call it 'Lunch with Caleb Stephens and.....' That sounds too cliché. I'm flying blind here Harry.....I've always written copy for other things before, never mind writing my own articles. Well, except for the two that I did on myself....."

"Well don't sweat it kid, you've got the weekend yet to figure things out."

"Hmmm....." Caleb was mulling over his conversation with Harry, and going over what he had just said in his own mind. "Harry, I gotta go, I just had an inspiration!" he said, fingers suddenly itching to get down to work.

"Okay, you go knock 'em dead Caleb," Harry said, smiling over the sudden excitement he heard in Caleb's voice.

"Yeah, sure, I'll talk to you later," Caleb said distractedly as he closed his cell phone and set it down on the desk. The computer that Caleb had was a model of hi-tech wizardry. An extensive keyboard that had numerous keys, all of which had a Braille symbol as well as the corresponding letter and word. After turning on the computer and getting everything set up just how he wanted, Caleb plugged a pair of headphones into his mini-tape player and turned it on, and his fingers began flying over the keys, going from memory, and by touch, he typed out the words that would be the start of a whole new life, speaking them at the same time.....

"Flying Blind with Diane Lane, Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, and Bob Hoskins.....By Caleb Stephens....."

"Jesus Caleb, this is fantastic!" Harry said enthusiastically the following Monday afternoon. He had just finished reading Caleb's multi-focal interview with Adrien, Diane, Bob and Ben. "Fan-fucking-tastic! Jack showed me the pictures he took and explained what he wanted to do! You do realize that you and Brody will probably have half of the 'Hollywood Wives' creaming themselves under their hair-dryers at the salon's!"

"I don't know why they're going to get excited over me.....Anyone who read the articles I wrote about myself knows I'm gay....."

"It's the fact that you're openly gay, and that the jeans you're wearing in the photo display a very nice, shall we say, package. They will probably think that they can 'convert' you. And Brody's standing right next to you with a raging hard-on that he's making no effort to hide!"

"Yeah.....that's what Jack said....."

"Just one quick question for you. Do you plan to wear them for every interview?"

"I thought I might, why?"

"Well then you better pack 'em up kid, 'cause you and Jack are booked on a flight to New York tomorrow morning."


"Your next assignment."

"Um, Harry, I've sort of been invited to the opening of 'Hollywoodland' this Thursday....."

"I know that kid, Jack already explained all of that. You'll be leaving tomorrow morning, stay over tomorrow and Wednesday, and fly back Thursday morning. The interviews are set up for Wednesday."

"Great. So, why New York, and who are we interviewing?"

"Another group session, but two interviews."


"Julianne Moore, David Duchovny, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Billy Crudup. You'll be interviewing all four of them on 'Trust the Man', and then Maggie for 'Sherry Baby'."

"And Maggie's too pregnant to be flying.....Okay, sounds good to me."

"I thought it might."

"Okay, well I better get off here and start packing," Caleb said as he stood up and stretched.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later on in the week kid. Have a good time back there."

"Will do. I'll talk to you later, bye." With that Caleb closed his phone, and then turned and summoned Sheila to his side and headed off towards his room to start packing for his trip.

While he packed, Caleb picked up his phone and scrolled thru the list of numbers until the voice announced Adrien's number, and he hit dial. It was picked up on the third ring.

"Hello....." came the tentative greeting.

"Hi, Adrien? This is Caleb Stephens."

"Oh! Hey, hello!"

"I wanted to apologize for not calling sooner.....I wanted to get the interview written and sent off."

"Cool, so how did it turn out?"

"Well, if my boss' reaction is any indication, it's very good, and the accompanying photo's are really good."

"Hmmm,' Adrien replied, remembering the last group pictures that were taken, and the fact that he had been fully aroused and hard as a rock, thinking about the very person he was now talking with.....

"The main reason I'm calling is to let you know I'm still interested in going to the premiere on Thursday, but I might be cutting things a bit close time-wise."


"Yeah, I just found out I'm flying out to New York in the morning for my next two interviews."

"Hey that's great! I'm actually there right now! I'm doing 'The View' tomorrow and then the New York premiere tomorrow night. Why don't you give me a call tomorrow afternoon when you get settled in your hotel, and maybe we can get you in on the New York opening as well....."

"That would be great! I'll pack a nice suit."

"That's all you'll need."

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then, after we get in....."

"Great, I'll put your number in my phone book. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again," Adrien said.

"Okay then, I will talk to you tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to get off here so I can finish packing, and I'll see you tomorrow. By the way, happy Labor Day" Caleb said.

"Thanks. Tomorrow then....." Adrien replied.


"Good bye, Caleb."

"Caleb closed his phone, and set it down on the night stand, and continued packing. When he was done, he picked up his wallet and phone, and with Sheila leading the way, he went back down the hall to the living room.

"Anyone heading out? I need a lift....."

"Where to?" Michael asked.

"The mall, I wanted to check the jewelry store for something before I left tomorrow morning."

"Okay, let's go."

Entering the mall, Caleb walked with a purpose, Sheila at his side.

"So, where exactly are we headed?" Michael asked.

"Halo's Body Shop," Caleb replied.

"Do I dare ask why?"

"I'm looking for a particular tongue ring. It looks like a capital 'Y', and it has a split rod with three balls instead of just two like the standard tongue piercing. Provides that extra little bit of stimulation....."


"Think on it. It'll come to you eventually."

"Oh.....Oh!! I so did not need to know that!!!" Michael exclaimed.

"Well, you asked....."

"We're here," Michael said, and the three of them entered the store to their right. Caleb headed straight for the counter.

"Hey Caleb," said the young girl behind the counter. "What can I get for ya today?"

"Hi Angel. I'm looking for one of the new 'Y' shaped tongue rings?"

"I've got some right here. Surgical stainless-steel, right?" Angel asked.

"Yup, good memory," Caleb replied.


"Oh, and can I get some extra balls?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"I'll take a pair of 'Fuck You' and a pair of 'Fuck Me', if you got 'em."

"Coming right up," Angel said as she reached under the counter to get the requested items. "Will that be everything?"

"That'll do it," Caleb replied.

"Are you actually going to wear those?" Michael asked.

"Of course!"

"You mean you've never had someone with a tongue ring go down on you?" Angel asked, shock apparent in her voice.

"Certainly not!"

"You should try it sometime....."

"I don't think so....."

"I could bring Karen in to get her tongue pierced," Caleb offered.

"Don't even think about it!" Michael said threateningly.

"Kill joy," Caleb replied with a smile as he pulled out his DISCOVER card to pay for his purchases. When he was done, they bid Angel farewell, and headed back to where Michael had parked and then headed home.

The following afternoon, after Caleb was settled in his suite at the Plaza, he sat down on one the sofa and after kicking off his sandals, put his feet up, and stretched out with his phone to call Adrien. He had hung up his jacket in the bathroom and turned on the shower and closed the door, and then quickly un-packed the rest of his things.

Flipping open his phone, he listened as the female voice went through the names in his list until it reached Adrien, and then he hit dial, and waited while it rang on the other end. Adrien picked up after the second ring.


"Hi, it's Caleb.....I made it."

"Where are you?"

"At this very moment? I'm kicking back and relaxing on a sofa in what I assume is a very nice suite at the Plaza."

"What number?"

"I'm in suite Fourteen-twenty-eight."

"So, how was your flight?"

"Highly un-eventful. I listened to my ipod pretty much the whole flight, and I think all three of us slept for at least part of it. Flying Business Class does have some perks....."

"Yup.....So, what were your plans for the afternoon?" Adrien asked.

"I thought I might take a short nap, then take Sheila for a walk in the Park. Why, did you have something better in mind?"

Before Adrien could answer, there was a discreet knock at the door of his suite.

"Hang on, there's someone at the door," Caleb said, getting up from his comfortable position on the sofa and allowing Sheila to lead him over to the door. "Who is it?"

"Room Service," came the muffled reply.

"What? I didn't order anything," Caleb said, opening the door.

"How about if we stay in for the afternoon," Adrien suggested from out in the hallway.

"Works for me," Caleb said, opening the door wider and stepping back out of the way.

He felt Adrien take hold of his right hand, and he closed the door, effectively shutting out the rest of the world. He felt Adrien pulling him closer, felt his breath tickling his ear as he whispered, "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes," Caleb said, nodding his head at the same time, and then Adrien's lips were covering his in a searing hot kiss.....

Caleb had been waiting for this moment since lunch last Thursday when Adrien had insinuated his knee between Caleb's and moved it up and down, and now here they were, alone together in Caleb's suite, their mouths locked together, tongues sliding against one another, hips grinding their cocks together, quickly bringing them closer to the edge. Adrien tore his mouth away from Caleb's to whisper raggedly in his ear, "Where's the bedroom?"

"Through that door," Caleb said pointing towards an open door across the room.

Adrien quickly and carefully led the way to the bedroom where Caleb paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Shower! I need to turn off the shower!"

"I'll do it, you start getting undressed," Adrien told him.

Caleb slowly made his way toward the bed, pulling off his t-shirt as he went. When he reached the bed, he stopped and undid his belt and jeans and slid them and his underwear down over his hips, and down his legs. At the same time he finished stripping off his socks, he heard Adrien's sudden in-drawn breath.

"What?" he asked.

"You're incredible!"

"I---thank you!" Caleb said, as he turned and made his way around the side of the bed, and turned down the covers and got in. He was joined several seconds later by Adrien. He rolled him onto his back, his body following, as deft hands parted his legs and Adrien settled down between them. He was rock hard, and Caleb was touched to feel the protection he had used to keep them both safe.

He reached up to bring Adrien's lips back down to his, and whispered breathlessly against them, "Now! Do it now!"

He raised his hips gladly to meet Adrien's first thrust, glorying in the feel of his strength as it filled him. His legs were wrapped around his lean, plunging body as he met him, thrust for thrust, the rhythm washing over them in waves of spiraling desire. His hands caught Caleb's hips, his fingers digging into the muscular flesh as he drove in more deeply, totally bottoming out. And then he was lost, his voice calling Caleb's name in a deeply masculine groan as Caleb's own orgasm hit, his cock shooting between their sweat slickened bodies.

Caleb was the first one to speak a short while later. "I hope this doesn't sound like some kind of sightless come-on, but, may I feel your face?"

"Sure," Adrien said as he shifted to lay on his side. "Just a second," he said, as he reached down to remove the used condom and throw it into the waste-basket beside the night stand. "Okay," he said when he was once again laying on his side facing Caleb.

Caleb reached up with both hands, and began to gently trace the contours and features which made up Adrien's face.....

Caleb and Adrien had spent the rest of the afternoon in bed together, getting up only when they had to get ready to leave. Caleb found his first trip down the Red Carpet to be very interesting.

"I never thought to ask, but, exactly how do you 'watch' a movie if you're blind?" Adrien asked.

"I've been lucky enough to be able to get what amounts to an actual shooting script, in Braille, with all the dialogue, and descriptions of actions that are going on, so I can pretty much follow along with what's going on up on the screen. Like during the fight sequence in King Kong. I read both the prequel, and the book. Having read the prequel, the scene where Naomi drops down on the snout of the V-Rex made more sense."

"Oh? How?"

"Well, keep in mind I only had my imagination, the two books, the Braille script breakdown, and what I could hear, to go on, but, in that scene, Naomi drops down onto the snout of a V-Rex, and she grabs hold and it's like she's riding a wild horse. After reading the prequel book, it made much more sense. Before Ann got the part in that Stage Review, she was a Horse Diver on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, and she had a natural affinity for forming bonds with animals, sort of like a 'Horse Whisperer'."

"I'll be damned!"

"Come on, let's go watch your movie," Caleb said.

"Wait a second. Stick out your tongue!" Adrien requested, and Caleb complied, waiting patiently while Adrien read the balls on his tongue ring. Caleb had put one of each of the two new balls on his new tongue ring, so that one said "Fuck You", and the other said "Fuck Me".

"Oh my god! You're crazy, you know that?"

"Yeah, it's all part of my charm. And we can do either one later. Or both....."

"Oh Jesus!"

"Just a little something to think about....."

"I'll give you 'a little something' later on....."

"What you gave me earlier was definitely something, and by no means little!" Caleb said with a smile.

Adrien blushed.

"And I've got something for you later.....I think you'll like it.....Very, very much....."

"Hmmm, yeah....." Adrien said, looking around the Theatre lobby where they were standing, and turning even more red than he already was. "Well, it looks like they're ready to begin, shall we go on in?" he asked, placing his hand in the small of Caleb's back.

"Of Course," Caleb replied, using his cane and allowing Adrien to steer him in the right direction.

"Oh sweet Jesus!" Adrien muttered as Caleb took him close to the edge once again. They were in Adrien's suite this time. They had put in an appearance at the after-party, and then left after Adrien had felt they had stayed long enough. When they got back to the hotel, Adrien invited Caleb back to his room, and Caleb accepted. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Adrien gently backed Caleb up against the wall, and brought their lips together in a heated kiss, his tongue gently probing Caleb's lips, which parted and allowed him entry.

They continued kissing and grinding their cocks together until the elevator came to a halt on Adrien's floor, and they pulled apart, and Adrien clasped Caleb's hand in his and lead him down the hall to his suite where he unlocked the door and they went inside.

Inside the room, Adrien lead Caleb into his bedroom where they both proceeded to get undressed, and Caleb told Adrien to lay down on the bed.

"It's time for your surprise," Caleb told him, gently rubbing the other man's thighs, which he parted and knelt down between.

Grasping the base of Adrien's cock, he lifted it until it was pointing straight up, and stroked up and down it a couple of times.....He was steel sheathed in satin, and about seven inches, if Caleb's guess was correct. "Are you ready?" he asked as he continued to slowly stroke Adrien's hot, hard cock.

"Jesus Christ!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Caleb said. Then he stuck out his tongue and flicked it across the tip of Adrien's cock, gathering up the glistening bead of pre-cum that had formed there.

"Oooohhhhhh!!!!" Adrien moaned, his hips bucking up. He wanted nothing more than to bury his cock as far down Caleb's throat as possible, but he refrained from doing so, instead, allowing Caleb to do whatever he wanted to do.

"You like?"


"Good," Caleb said, and then took Adrien completely into his mouth, his tongue with the new "Y" shaped tongue ring slid sensuously along the sensitive underside of Adrien's cock as he slowly took the older man in, all the way until he could feel his pubic hairs tickling his nose, and he held him there for a few glorious seconds, before moving back up as slowly as he went down, beginning what he hoped was the blowjob that Adrien would remember for the rest of his life, and to which all others would be compared and found wanting.....

"I'm getting close," Adrien muttered raggedly.

Caleb abruptly pulled off, and said, "Hand me a condom and some lube."

"What?" Adrien asked, suddenly worried about what Caleb had in mind.....

"Don't ask questions, just do it!" Caleb ordered.


"Oh, fuck it!" Caleb said as he impatiently moved up so that he was straddling Adrien's hips, and reached back to position the other man's cock, and then quickly lowered himself down on it.

Both men gasped simultaneously, though for different reasons. Caleb at the sudden sharp pain, and Adrien at the absolute heat and rightness of it all. He had never felt anything like this before! The feeling was indescribable!

"Now take us home, Brody!" Caleb urged, and with a sudden burst of energy, Adrien rolled them both over and proceeded to do just that, thrusting in and out of Caleb's quivering hole, slowly at first, then setting up a steady rhythm, which soon had them both calling out one another's names. He stroked Caleb's own hard and dripping cock with the same steady cadence as his cock moved in and out of the younger man's welcoming body, and soon they were both cumming.....Adrien filling Caleb's eager body, and Caleb shooting up between them.....

Later on, after they had both recovered their equilibrium, they took a quick shower to clean up, and Caleb finally finished the blowjob he had started earlier.....

"I really hate to spoil the moment," Caleb said quietly, his head resting on Adrien's smooth chest. "And I don't mean to imply anything, but neither one of us knows the other's past 'romantic' history. I did something earlier that I shouldn't have, and I know better, I just couldn't help myself.....I think we should both get tested....."

"Are you.....?"

"What? No! My last serious relationship was back in college.....I've dated a few guys since then, but I've never.....met anyone that I had any chemistry with, at least not until recently, and certainly not enough to do something like this!"

"Are you saying I'm the first guy you've been with since then?"

"Yeah, pretty much....."

"I'd say we're both pretty safe, but it never hurts to be one hundred percent sure. I get tested every three months, so it's just about time again anyways....."

"I'll call and make an appointment after I get home. This is one time when ignorance is definitely not bliss....." Caleb said.

"Totally," Adrien agreed.

Caleb and Jack met with Maggie, Billy, David and Julianne the following afternoon at an outdoor cafe in the East Village. Once again he wore his tight fitting Levi's, a white long sleeved shirt, black jacket and cowboy boots. This interview went pretty much the same as the previous one did, with Caleb asking random questions, and Jack moving around taking the occasional photograph. Once again, Caleb got a lot of good information. His interview with Maggie would be slightly different, focusing more on her thoughts about her impending motherhood, and her thoughts about children working in the industry. They decided to meet in the park later that afternoon, and Caleb was somewhat surprised when Maggie arrived later that afternoon accompanied by Peter, her fiancée. As they talked, Peter would add an occasional comment to the conversation.

Before they knew it, Caleb's tape recorder had shut off for the final time, and Maggie's reaction was pretty much the same as Diane Lane's had been--almost disappointed.

"So when do we get to read it?" Maggie asked as Caleb busied himself putting everything back in his book-bag.

"Two weeks. My interview with Diane Lane, Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, and Bob Hoskins comes out tomorrow."

"I'll have to check it out. Are you going to be talking to Jake?"

"Probably. I think that that interview is still in the process of being set up. I'm sure it'll be another multi-participant one. Right now, that's what they seem to be setting up for me to do, but I'm kind of enjoying it."

"Well that's the important thing. So what's your dog's name?" Maggie asked.

"Sheila. She's been with me for just a couple of years now, but I think we've finally gotten used to all of each others quirks," Caleb replied

"Well, she certainly is a beautiful dog," Peter said.

"Thank you."

"So what are your plans for the rest of your stay? You mentioned earlier that you're flying out to the Coast in the morning?" Maggie asked.

"Well, I was planning to order in Room Service, and get a head start on writing all of this. I figure if I can get the first one done tonight, I can do yours on the flight home tomorrow....."

"Oh no! You're not going to spend the night cooped up in your suite! You're coming to our place for dinner! I won't take 'no' for an answer!" Maggie stated emphatically.

"Is she always this bossy?" Caleb asked with a smile.

"I've learned that it's best to just go with the flow," Peter replied.

"Do I have a choice?" Caleb wanted to know.

"No!" Maggie exclaimed, tired of being talked about as if she wasn't there.

"Okay then, where and when?"

Maggie gave him her address, and then they all parted ways.

Caleb made his way back to his Hotel where he used the time to get most all of his things packed for the following day's flight home. When he was finished, he went back downstairs to catch a cab to Maggie and Peter's apartment, where he spent an enjoyable evening with the couple.

Returning to his room several hours later, Caleb placed a quick call to Adrien to make sure that they were still on for the following evening, then called down to arrange a wake up call before crawling between the sheets and slipping into a quiet slumber.....

The phone ringing brought him awake, and Caleb made his way into the bathroom, where he took a quick shower before shaving and getting dressed. He took out his tongue ring, and put in the spacer, and then zipped his suitcase closed. Making a quick one-handed search of the nightstand, he grabbed up his wallet and cell phone, and headed out into the living room with Sheila leading the way, to wait for Jack to show up.

There was a knock several seconds later, and Caleb made his way to the door, quietly inquiring as to who was on the other side. When he heard Jack's voice, he opened the door.

"I brought someone to get the luggage," Jack said.

"Great, let me get my carry-on, grab Sheila, and I'm ready to go." After Caleb had his carry-on slung over his shoulder and had a hold of Sheila's leash, Jack made a quick last check of both rooms via the connecting doors, and they were off on their way.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" asked a voice to Caleb's left. He turned and lifted his head in the direction that the deep, masculine voice had come from.

"Nope, go ahead, take it, it's yours....." he replied, listening while the as yet unknown man took the seat next to him and fastened his safety belt. "Caleb Stephens," he said, extending his right hand to the stranger once he was sure the other man was settled in his seat.

"Eric Balfour."

"I thought your voice was familiar.....I was bummed when 'Convictions' didn't get picked up for a second season. I liked it."

"Thanks. Nice dog," Eric commented.

"Thank you. This is Sheila, she's my eyes....."

"Right on. So Caleb Stephens, what do you do?"

"I'm a features writer for 'L.A. Lifestyle' magazine. My first interview comes out today."

"What are you doing in New York then?"

"Work, what else? I went to the premiere of 'Hollywoodland' on Tuesday night, did two interviews almost back to back yesterday, and then I'm going to the L.A. opening of 'Hollywoodland' tonight."

"Hmmm, maybe I'll see you there?"

"Anything's possible. I'm going to the premiere and after party with a friend."

"Cool, I'll look for you."

"I'll look forward to it....."

At that point, the flight crew began going through their safety speech in preparation for take off. The extra space between seats meant Caleb was able to keep Sheila with him. It was the main reason that Caleb preferred flying Business Class. When the flight crew was done, Caleb and Eric picked up their conversation, and spent the whole flight talking and getting to know one another. As the plane began its final approach into LAX, Caleb asked Eric if he would be ok with some of their in-flight conversation being used as the basis for an up-coming article. Eric replied that he had no problem with it, and reached over to give Caleb's thigh a friendly squeeze, his hand lingering there when he was done.

Finally they were back on the ground, and taxiing toward the terminal. When they came to a halt, both men un-buckled their seat-belts and stood up, Caleb leaning his lead to the left.

"Here you go," Eric said, handing him his book-bag, and then standing back out of the way so Caleb could disembark first. Caleb took hold of Sheila's leash, and she lead him off the plane and up the jet-way and into the crowded airport.

"Okay, so I'll look for you tonight?" Eric asked.

"I'll be the blind guy with the cane," Caleb said with a smile.

"Cool, I'll see you later then," Eric said, and then he turned and disappeared into the throng.

"Okay lover-boy, let's go get our luggage and go meet the car," Jack said from behind him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, and even if I did, I'd never admit it," Caleb said with a grin. Jack just laughed.

Upon arriving at home, Caleb went into his bedroom and pulled a navy suit out of the closet and laid it out on the bed, and then kicked off his sandals and headed down the hall to the bathroom. He stripped out of his clothes and jumped in the shower where he made quick business of getting cleaned up, and then got out and dried off, walking back to his room with the towel wrapped around his waist. Opening up his suitcase, he took out the box with his tongue rings, and took out the new one and set it on the bed side table, and then set about getting dressed, quickly getting out some socks and underwear and putting them on, and the pants from the suit. Picking up the tongue ring, he went back into the bathroom, and felt along the back of the counter until he found what he was looking for, and un-screwed the cap from the plastic bottle. The smell of the peroxide reached his nostrils, and he wrinkled his nose. Holding the tongue ring over the sink, Caleb poured some of the hydrogen peroxide over it, feeling it run over his fingers. When he was done, he turned on the tap in the sink, and rinsed off the tongue ring before he un-screwed the bottom ball and inserted it in his tongue and screwed the ball back on.

When he had removed it the previous day, he had made sure to put on both of the "Fuck Me" balls. When he was done, Caleb brushed his teeth, and applied some anti-perspirant and went back to his room to finish dressing and call Adrien and let him know the address.

The limousine pulled up about forty-five minutes later, and Caleb grabbed his folding cane, wallet, phone, and some condoms, which he stuffed in his pants pocket, and headed out, bidding everyone a hastily uttered "good night" as he went out the door.

The second trip down the Red Carpet was much easier, and Caleb had his fair share of people calling out his name, since the interview had come out that day.

The movie was much more enjoyable this time for Caleb, and when it was over, everyone who was anyone headed off to SPAGO for the after-party.

It was there that Caleb heard a familiar voice behind him saying, "Fancy meeting you here."

"Eric! Hi!"

"You two know each other?" Adrien asked

"We actually just met for the first time today. We ended up sitting together on the flight back," Caleb said. "It was nice to have someone to talk to on the flight."

"Good interview," Eric complimented him.

"You read it?"

"I managed to get my hands on a copy of the magazine. Nice pictures too," he said. "Hey, what do you guys want to drink?"

"Champagne for me, I feel like celebrating," Caleb said.

"Brody?" Eric asked, stopping a circulating waiter and grabbing a glass off the tray and handing it to Caleb.

"Nothing for me thanks. I'm actually going to make it an early night. I have an early call in the morning."

"Okay, just let me finish this, and then I'll be ready to go," Caleb said as he took another sip of his champagne.

"No, you stay and have a good time. I'll send the limo back. It'll be here whenever you're ready to leave."

"Are you sure?" Caleb asked.

Adrien took hold of Caleb's arm and directed him over to a quiet corner.

"Listen Caleb, I knew that you and I would only be a short term thing.....Eric hasn't been able to take his eyes off you since he showed up on the Red Carpet. Hell, he's probably mentally fucked you at least a hundred times already since you guys met on the plane this morning.....So go and see if the real thing is as good as his imagination....."




"Go already!" Adrien said taking him by the shoulders and spinning him around. He leaned in to whisper in Caleb's ear, "He's straight ahead. Just go and enjoy tonight and see what the future has in store for you, whatever it might be. Somewhere out there is the right guy for you. Maybe it's Balfour, maybe it's someone else, but whoever he is, you won't find each other if you're with me, now go!"

"Thank you Adrien," Caleb said as he squared his shoulders and unfolded his cane and started across the room.

Eric closed the door of his apartment and immediately took Caleb in his arms, their lips crashing together, tongues waging a war of wills as they slid against one another. Eric backed him against the door. "What is that?" he asked, breaking off the kiss.

"Tongue ring," Caleb replied a bit breathlessly, sticking out his tongue so Eric could read what was printed on the tiny acrylic balls.

"You got it!" Eric said, stepping back to begin removing his clothes. Caleb followed suit, pulling out a condom, and within seconds, both men were completely naked. He handed the foil packet to Eric and listened as the other man tore it open and rolled it down his cock, and then Eric was raising him up and slowly and gently lowering him down onto his cock, easing his throbbing shaft into the tightly muscled heat.

Caleb wrapped his legs around the older mans waist, his arms around his neck and shoulders, and brought his lips to Eric's once again as Eric held him upright against the door with a capable hand on each hip, and pulled part way out before thrusting back into the hot eager place he now possessed, letting the wild ride begin.....

"Fuck me!" Caleb whispered hoarsely.

"Oh God!" Eric replied, slamming up into the younger man, trying to bury as much of himself as he could up there in that tight heat....



Eric moved suddenly, crossing the room to the dining room where he sat Caleb down on the edge of the cloth covered table and swept the bowl of oranges off onto the floor before he pulled the younger man's legs from around his waist and laid him down on his back, pulling Caleb's legs up to rest, one on each shoulder as he began to move in and out of the other man once again, his cock hitting Caleb's prostate on each inward thrust and ringing it like a bell.....Caleb flung his left arm up over his head and grasped the edge of the table while he took his cock in his other hand and began stroking it in time with Eric's thrusts.

"Aaahhhh! Close!! I'm so close!!" Erick muttered hoarsely. "Hang on!!" He released Caleb's legs and guided them back around his waist with shaky hands.


"Bed! Hang on!" Eric repeated, and he was once again lifting Caleb, and they went into the bedroom where Eric somehow managed to lower both of them down onto the bed without losing his place inside Caleb, and then he once again set up a steady rhythm, and Caleb moved wantonly before him, his hips taking up a primitive dance of their own as he sought the release that Eric was denying them both. Finally Eric could stand it no longer, and began slamming in and out of Caleb's eagerly clutching ass. He laced his fingers through Caleb's and locked their hands together, and lunged forward one last time, bottoming out, and burying his cock in Caleb's ass to the hilt, hitting his prostate one last time as both men surrendered to a mind numbing orgasm that had both of their eyes rolling back into their heads and nearly passing out.....

Three times.....Three times Eric entered and pleasured him. And Caleb knew from his body's writhings and the little nonsense words he gasped in his ear that he had pleasured Eric mightily in return. After that third time, there wasn't an ounce of energy left in either one of them. Just serenity as they lay on the bed trying to catch their breath. When they finally did, Eric went to fetch a warm damp washcloth so that Caleb could clean himself up, and they pulled the covers up and went to sleep.....

Caleb and Eric got together several times over the next several weeks, but they both knew that they weren't heading towards anything permanent, and decided to remain friends. Things went the same way with Adrien. As September drifted into October, Caleb kept asking Diandra when he would be able to at least take a look at his loft, just to check the progress, but she kept putting him off, until it was finally approaching Caleb's Birthday on Halloween, and Diandra wanted him to come by the loft before they met Michael and Karen in town for dinner.

Getting off the elevator , Caleb immediately noticed a different feel to the space. Where it felt wide open before, it now actually felt closed in and confined. Sheila stopped and wouldn't go any further.

"What's wrong, girl, huh? What's wrong?" Caleb asked. Suddenly feeling uneasy, he reached out in front of himself with one hand, and took a shuffling step forward. He took another small step with his hand out in front of himself when he felt something heavy and wooden.....A door. Two doors, and one of them was cracked open, and Caleb felt his unease grow as he pushed it open. Had he gotten off one floor below by mistake? He was just about to back up and get on the elevator when he heard the unmistakable sound of someone saying, "Ssshhh!!" and he decided to brazen it out and pushed both doors open and asked, "Is anybody there?"

He was nearly rocked back on heels when he heard a multitude of voices yell, "Surprise!!! Happy Birthday!!!"

Well, that's it for Part 3! I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Halloween! My email is, Yahoo messenger is twains_fan_03, MSN messenger is, and AIM is Guyoregon8. Thanks for reading and writing. Be sure to include the story title in any emails.


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