Footballers Work Out

By ku.oc.liamtoh@scmak

Published on Jul 22, 2010


DISCLAIMER: Firstly, if you feel you shouldn't be reading this for any reason, whether that is through age, religion, location etc. then you probably shouldn't read it!

This story is complete and utter fiction and therefore not true (as far as I know!) This story does not intend to imply the true sexuality or relationship status of those mentioned.

This story involves two football/soccer players who play in the English Premier League for Arsenal Football Club. The two footballers involved are Nicklas Bendtner, a Danish international striker who is 22 years old and Aaron Ramsey, a Welshman who is 19 years of age. He's a promising midfielder who unfortunately broke his leg in February 2010. This story also makes reference to Ryan Shawcross, an English footballer who also plays in the English Premier League for Stoke City.

I seriously recommend that you read my two previous stories from the same series, if you haven't done already. In order these are "Footballers Work Out" and "Aaron's Revenge" This story you're about to read will make much more sense to those who have read the other two beforehand.

Nicklas' Dilemma.

It had been nearly a year since Nicklas Bendtner's fling with his teammate, young Welshman Aaron Ramsey. Obviously, it had been a struggle to keep it secret from the rest of the Arsenal team and things got difficult when Aaron got so badly injured. The relationship broke down, as Aaron had to spend some time back at home in Wales recovering. In that time Nicklas had met his now fiancé and was loving playing the step dad role to her children. He wouldn't have been surprised if Aaron had met someone else too. On the rare occasion that they saw one another in training there was still a spark between them. Both didn't really want it to end but they knew it was for the best, and they were still the best of mates.

Nicklas had recently found out he was to become a dad, news that fully delighted the young Dane. He loved his fiancé immensely and treated her kids like they were his own. Everything looked perfect for him, but he felt there was something missing, something that she couldn't provide.

Pre-season training had not long got underway. Nicklas was still on holiday after a disappointing World Cup campaign with Denmark. He was due back in the coming days and was looking forward to seeing some of his teammates again. While most of the squad were in a training camp somewhere abroad, Nicklas and the other players at the World Cup were to be assessed, back at the training ground. Nicklas was still recovering from an injury and therefore required longer assessment. As his groin was still not 100%, he agreed with the coach that for now, gym work was all he could manage. He left for the gym while the others worked on their fitness outdoors.

Upon entering the gymnasium he was quite surprised to see Aaron in there. He'd totally forgotten that he would be doing as much work as he can in his rehabilitation process at the training ground, the gym in particular. Aaron hadn't heard Nicklas come in and was still working with some weights with his back to his former lover. "Hi." The accent was unmistakeable to Aaron, who turned round to see Nicklas standing there, looking quite nervous. It was the first time in nearly three months that they'd had any form of contact, the last being at Arsenal's final game of the season where all the players were doing the lap of honour. "Hey, you alright mate?" Nicklas loved Aaron's sweet Welsh accent, he'd missed it in fact. "Yeah, not too bad. Gotta do gym work, as the groin isn't up to scratch just yet. How's the leg?" "It's getting much better thanks. Won't be long before I'm running and everything!" "That's great news." "Speaking of good news, I've heard you're gonna be a dad! Congratulations!" "Yeah, thanks. I can't wait." Nicklas was so pleased that Aaron was ok with everything. He was nervous to what he might think with it being such a short period of time since they'd ended their relationship. "How long have you been in here?" the striker asked. "Not long. I got here just after you did. I noticed your car so was kind of expecting to see you today."

It was just Nicklas and Aaron in the gym. Most of the squad were at the training camp, and of those who were at the training ground, the rest were all taking advantage of the sunny July weather and were doing their bleep tests and the rest outside. Neither Aaron nor Nicklas were able to run just yet so were stuck in the rather hot gym. Aaron had gotten up from the weights station and wiped his face with his shirt. Nicklas had noticed that Aaron's body had certainly improved since the last time he saw him. "I suppose all those hours in the gym have paid off." Nicklas thought to himself. Both players went to sit on the exercise bikes next to one another where they began to chat, whilst exercising, about pretty much everything: Aaron about his rehabilitation and all the messages of support etc; Nicklas about his time in South Africa at the World Cup and both of them about their holidays.

Time had flown by and it had been a good couple of hours since Nicklas arrived at the gym. Both had been on the exercise bikes, rowing machines and the weights and in the heat had both gotten rather sweaty in the process. They both progressed to the training mats where they both did some abdominal crunches etc. This brought back memories of the lads first time together for Nicklas, it was there on those mats where Aaron had began to get turned on those many months ago, which ended up leading to the best sex of Nicklas' life in the changing and shower rooms. Nicklas' cock began to stiffen slightly. "Does this seem familiar to you?" Nicklas asked Aaron. "Haha, you read my mind. I was having a déjà vu too!" Aaron laughed. "That was a great day, wasn't it?" "Yeah, it really was. I'll never forget that." "Never forget how you legged it cos you got a hard on when you saw me shirtless!" Nicklas joked "Hey! Leave me alone." Aaron replied pushing his teammate over in a friendly manner. Both men were laughing and looked at each other. They both stopped laughing for a second and looked into each other's eyes. Nicklas had that same feeling he did the very first time, when Aaron looked at him down in the changing rooms.

"You alright boys?"

Moment's over. The coach had finished training with the rest of the players and had come in to check up on the injured pair. "You appear to have worked hard today, both of you. You're both free to go. See you tomorrow."

Both, feeling dejected from the ill-timed disturbance, got up pretending nothing had happened. They made their way down to the changing rooms where the rest of the players were getting undressed and heading for the showers. Both were trying to avoid one another and showered, then got changed, at opposite ends of the room. Before long they were the only two remaining in the changing room. Aaron, already dressed, walked over to where Nicklas was busy styling his hair and sat next to him. There was an awkward silence which seemed to last forever. Aaron broke the ice. "Looking good!" "Haha thanks." came the reply. "You've always had a great fashion sense." "Yeah well, I try. But you always preferred me with no clothes on at all." Then followed an uncomfortable laugh by both. "Erm... I was wondering if you'd like to come back to mine, if you're not busy, for a drink and a catch up maybe?" "I can't straight away, gotta pick the kids up from school. I can pop round later if you like?" "Yeah that's fine" "Great! Around six-ish ok?" "Yep, absolutely. See you later then." "Later Aaron." and with that Aaron left, leaving Nicklas to finish grooming himself.

Aaron drove home in a panic. Did Nicklas get the impression he was inviting him to do stuff? Did he himself invite him round to do stuff? Aaron's current partner Ryan Shawcross of Stoke City was, funnily enough, in the same country as his Arsenal teammates. He was happy with Ryan, but seeing Nicklas again brought back all the memories of the good times (and good sex) that they both had together, and if it weren't for Ryan injuring him so badly, he and Nicklas might still be together. But now it was oh so complicated with Nicklas now engaged and with a baby on the way. He didn't want him to get the wrong impression. He wasn't sure what impression he intended to make himself!

Nicklas was also a bit apprehensive as to what Aaron's intentions were. There was defiantly a connection between them in the gym, and if it weren't for the coach coming in, something probably would have happened. Truth be told, as mush as he loved his "happy families" role, he'd severely missed Aaron. Both men knew that their relationship wasn't ever meant to be a serious one, but Nicklas had fallen for Aaron big time. He was devastated when Aaron had ended the relationship after he broke his leg. Nicklas wanted to be there for him, look after him and the rest. He was almost heartbroken. While he was with Aaron he was seeing someone, almost as his cover up. She'd cared for him during bad patches, especially when his fling with Aaron had ended, unknown to her of course. A bad run of form in the Arsenal team followed as a result and Nicklas' girlfriend stood by him. They got close and before long they were engaged. In truth, he proposed partly as a way of getting over Aaron. Once Aaron had heard about this he'd started seeing Ryan. Nicklas thought he'd got over him but the moment during the gym session confirmed he hadn't. Things were very complicated now he had a child on the way too.

With so much on his mind, he'd almost forgotten to pick up his fiancé's children up from school. He told her about going round to Aarons that night, which she was fine with. He told her not to wait up either. He warned her that he might even kip on his sofa if he has too much to drink (or if anything else happens). Now the little things were playing on his mind. Things like "Should I take some alcohol with me?" "Will we be eating anything?" Or "What should I wear?" and "Should I take my training stuff for tomorrow?"

At around 5 o'clock, Nicklas' phone began to vibrate in his trouser pocket. It was a message from Aaron reading, "It's a hot one tonight! Got the BBQ on the go for when you arrive. Bring some shorts or something if you fancy a dip in the tub too. See you at 6! X" This again got Nicklas thinking and worrying if he was encouraging him. And the kiss at the end of the text... "Nah, I'm just being silly!" he concluded to himself.

Nicklas continued to prep himself for the next 30 minutes. He got out his best designer clothes, from the shirt, to the shorts. Even as far down as his boxers. He wanted to look perfect for the guy he still had such strong feelings for. At around 5:45 Nicklas left his home for his evening at Aaron's. Aaron only lived around 10 minutes away so Nicklas, wearing sunglasses in hope he wouldn't get recognised, stopped off to pick up some beers at the shop before arriving at his destination.

With minutes to go till Nicklas arrived, Aaron was feeling extremely nervous. He didn't really know what he wanted from the night. He just wanted to spend some quality time with his teammate. Aaron was wearing a white shirt; the buttons open quite a way. The thin material meant that Aaron's tanned body was pretty visible through it. He'd got on a pair of dark brown combat shorts and some flip-flops. Aaron was in the process of getting the barbeque started as the doorbell rang. He took his time to answer. "Hey mate!" Aaron greeted Nicklas, who was in a black shirt and jeans, his sunglasses now hanging on his shirt. "Hi, you ok?" "I'm great thanks. Come in!" Aaron led Nicklas through to the decking area of his garden. "I bought some beers along with me too." Nicklas said while handing them to Aaron. "Thanks. I'll go pop them in the fridge. Do you fancy one now or?" "Can I just have a glass of water for now, if you don't mind?"

"Sure." Aaron replied remembering that Nicklas usually drank water from when they were together. He got Nicklas his drink and sat down next to him on the swing sofa. "You look great tonight." "Thanks man. You look great too. I mean you always look great, but I've never seen you look so good!" Nicklas said. Aaron blushed a little. "Right, You hungry? I've got burgers or hotdogs?" Aaron said getting back up, hoping to change the subject as quickly as possible. "I'll have a burger please." "I'll join you." Aaron placed two burgers on the barbeque and opened a can of beer. While they were cooking Aaron and Nicklas again engaged in World Cup related conversation. Before the food was done Aaron was already on his second can and was starting to feel a bit tipsy. Nicklas had not long started his first.

Aaron plated up the burgers and went to sit next to his teammate again. "Tuck in!" he said, licking his lips. "This looks great Aaron, I never knew you could cook." "You haven't tasted it yet. Anyway, we spent far too long in the bedroom to - Shit!" Aaron had taken his eye of the burger in his hand and ketchup had dropped onto his crisp white shirt. "Fuck's sake I'm gonna have to change. Be right back." In no time Aaron had removed the stained shirt and was making his way to the kitchen. He turned round. "Carry on eating Nick, I'll be back in a sec." That was the first time in months that he'd seen Aaron without a shirt on, and he looked fantastic. His body so perfectly tanned and his six pack much more defined from before. Nicklas concentrated on his food before he started to get turned on again.

Aaron had changed into a t-shirt, put the other shirt in the washing machine and was back with Nicklas in no time. "I'm so sorry. My best shirt as well." "Don't worry mate. You don't have to feel the need to impress me cos I'm here. I'm here to spend some quality time with you "have a catch up" as you put it. Plus, you've had a bit to drink already." "I just wanted everything to go smoothly and I've fucked up." Nicklas put his arm around Aaron. "Aaron, tonight's been great. You really didn't have to go through all that effort for me." Said Nicklas comfortingly "And, your food is delicious don't worry mate." Nicklas let go before he held him for too long" "Thanks." replied Aaron, disappointed with the night's events. "C'mon, eat the rest of your burger mate." "Not that hungry now to be honest." "Well at least have another drink. You take mine and I'll grab another one out of the fridge." Aaron let him. Nicklas was all too familiar with Aaron's house as it was. "Just popping to the loo."

Aaron had finished Nicklas' drink by the time he'd come back from the toilet. "Hey, Do you wanna go in the tub now?" Aaron asked, slurring his words slightly. "Yeah, sure. I'll just go change." with that, Nicklas went inside and started removing his shirt, shoes, socks and jeans. He followed by removing his tight black boxers and replacing them with a pair of white swimming shorts. He made his way back outside to find Aaron's clothes thrown on the grass and Aaron already in the tub. "Hurry up Nick!" Aaron encouraged. Nicklas quickened his pace and approached the tub to see Aaron in a pair of bright green shorts, similar to his own. "Get in!" "Ooh, someone's eager!" Nicklas laughed. Aaron blushed again.

Both players relaxed in the pool before the conversation got onto relationships. "Have you been with anyone since me?" Nicklas asked his former partner, the one question Aaron was hoping to avoid. "Erm yeah. Soon as I heard that you'd got engaged I thought "that's it for us" so I ended up with someone else." "Another guy?" Aaron nodded. "Another Footballer?" he nodded again "Who?" Nicklas sounded disappointed. "Don't judge me or anything but... I've been seeing Ryan Shawcross occasionally." "WHAT! You mean the guy who broke your leg, the guy, who meant that we had to end our relationship cos of what he did?" Aaron had never seen Nicklas so angry "I thought you hated him." "So did I. I hadn't had any sex, since you, since before my injury. I only intended to get back at him for what he'd done. And I thought we had no future. You were happy with her and her kids. You hadn't even contacted me! I enjoyed it with Ryan. It was never meant to be more than a one off. But I liked it and kept going back. I'm sorry, but we were finished for good as far as I'm concerned." "I loved you Aaron. I really did. It was horrible being away from you. And you never contacted me either! If anything, I proposed to her to help get over you. I didn't want to get over you, that's why I never called. Cos if I tried to get you off my mind I thought I could get over you. You ended it, remember?" "Yes, and I wish I hadn't, but you didn't give us another chance. You didn't fight for me. So I thought you weren't that bothered." "Of course I was. I just didn't want to get hurt again. You broke my heart and it was hard. She was there for me when I needed her. I love her, yes, but not half as much as I loved you, as much as I still love you. Today, in the gym, I felt it again, that feeling from our very first time together. And I know you felt it too. I thought I was over you, but I'm clearly not. Now everything's complicated and my head's a mess. I need some air." With that, Nicklas began to get out of the pool. Aaron grabbed his arm to stop him but Nicklas was too strong and broke free.

He made his way out of the garden slowly, but instead of going inside he sat on the sofa swing and broke down in tears. Aaron had never seen Nicklas cry before and it was a sight he hated to see. Aaron never stopped loving him and now they were both paying the price. He got up out of the hot tub and progressed to where Nicklas was sitting. The crying man didn't react to his teammate sitting next to him, or his arm around his shoulder, but he did react to the hand planted on his still damp thigh. He looked at Aaron, who looked at him, and ever, ever so slowly, Aaron leant in until his lips touched Nicklas'. They both kissed passionately for a while before Aaron broke off. "I'll never forget our first kiss. It was exactly like this but with it being the other way around. When you put your hand on my leg before in those changing rooms and looked into your eyes, I knew I wanted you. I still want you, and I know you still want me. I love you Nick." Aaron was the only person who called him Nick. "I love you too, but it's so complicated with my fiancé and the baby!" "I know, but forget about them for now. It's just you and me and I need you right now." Aaron placed his hand on Nick's and guided it onto his hardening cock. "He needs you right now." Nicklas needed no further invitation and leaned in to kiss the teenager. They kissed for what felt like hours, both footballers' hands roaming each other's damp bodies. Trying not to break off the kiss Aaron led Nicklas back to the hot tub. And carefully got in. he pulled Nicklas in on top of him and they carried on kissing in the water for some time.

Both the boys began feeling the other's swelling dick through its owner's shorts whilst still kissing. They both got up and sat on the edge giving Aaron a great opportunity to explore Nicklas' body further. He began by kissing the striker's neck before moving down the older man's body to his nipples, which were too becoming erect. Aaron had missed hearing Nicklas' soft moans as he did this. He sucked and nibbled on one while pinching the other, swapping over after a while. Further down Aaron went, now kneeling in the tub kissing Nick's abs and teasing his bellybutton with his tongue. Aaron's head was nearly underwater as he got face to face with Nicklas' bulge. He gently massaged it to the other mans approval. His moans were getting louder. With the shorts being so wet, he was unable to tell if his cock was leaking precum. He was sure it was though. Nicklas always leaked a lot when horny, well with him anyway. So eager to get face to face with Nick's the Welshman started tugging on his lover's shorts, almost ripping them. Nicklas lifted himself off the edge of the tub to allow him to remove them properly and before he could sit back down again, Aaron's lips were already around the head of his throbbing member. It was a quiet neighbourhood with no onlookers so they could be as loud as they wanted.

Although Ryan had a bigger cock, Nicklas' was thicker and much better feel in Aaron's mouth. He continued to suck how Nicklas' loved him too. It'd been nearly 5 months since they had any sexual contact but Nick knew Aaron hadn't forgot what he liked. The teenager swirled his tongue around the head of the cock. Precum oozed out of the tip and he lapped it up. He'd missed the taste of Nicklas' juices too. He then licked down to the base of his cock right down to take Nick's balls and took each one in his mouth at a time and then both together before licking his way back up to the tip and taking the whole cock in his mouth. Slowly Aaron took it further and further down his welsh throat. "Mmmmm. Aaron, you're still amazing at giving head!" Aaron just carried on. He still knew when his lover was getting close and stopped accordingly. He kissed back up the Dane's body before kissing him on the lips, letting him taste his own cock, a taste he loved.

Aaron got out of the water and led Nicklas back into the house and up towards the bedroom "Just give me a minute." Nicklas asked. Still naked and hard, he text his fiancé informing her he'd be stopping the night, before following Aaron up to his room. Upon entering, he was faced with Aaron still in his soggy shorts, bulge ever noticeable with his arms out wide. He wanted nick's arms around him and Nick was more than happy to oblige. They stood there, just kissing and hugging for ages. It was nearly 10pm already but neither of them cared about the time right now. Nicklas wanted to prove that he still knew how to push Aaron's buttons and began to nibble on his neck. Something he loved. "Oh yeah Nick" Aaron's accent was even more of a turn on when moaning and Nick wanted to make his lover feel better than he'd ever felt before. He began to admire Aaron's body. It was far more toned and tanned than it was the last time he'd been with him. "You look better than ever Aaron. Fantastic!" "That's what loads of hours in the gym do for you. Obviously it's the only training I can really do with my injury." "Sorry." "Don't worry. Forget about that and carry on doing what you were. I've missed you so fucking much Nick!" He needed no further invitation. He knew Aaron really enjoyed licking his pits, but had never done it to him. He wanted to show Aaron how much he wanted him so began to extend his tongue into the warm cavity. Surprisingly he loved the taste, and the smell. It was pure Aaron and that to him was perfect. Aaron was in heaven too. He loved feeling his pits moisten and his moans told Nick that.

Nick moved further down to Aaron's pert little nipples. He kissed them, licked them squeezed them and playfully bit them. The feel of Nicklas' touch on his sensitive glands drove him wild. He was so gentle and loving in the way he went about his oral exploration and the Welshman couldn't get enough. The Dane moved further down, now on his knees, to Aaron's abs. Each muscle had the same treatment as his nipples. Nicklas had never put so much effort into pleasing the midfielder than he was currently. Nick's tongue then invaded his little navel, something else he knew the Welshman above him loved. "This is new." Nicklas said as he ran his finger up and down Aaron's light brown treasure trail. "Yeah I always used to shave it before. I thought that's what you liked." "I much prefer you with it." Nick informed as he began kissing and licking his way down the trail till his nose was within centimetres of the teen's impressive tent in his green shorts. He looked up at Aaron who had his eyes tightly closed, before massaging the backs of Aaron's legs, his hands moving upwards till they were on each of his teammate's ass cheeks. He squeezed them to loud Welsh moans. He was sure he saw Aaron's tent grow a bit bigger as he did this.

Before long Nicklas had decided that Aaron had had more than enough teasing. He didn't want to make him cum without even touching him, so he slowly cupped his hand over the bulge in his mate's shorts and carefully squeezed. Aaron yelled loudly with pleasure. He grabbed his lover's head and pushed it towards his hard cock, trapped in his shorts. He'd clearly had enough foreplay. Nick opened his mouth and began to suck at the bugle in front of him. Aaron was scared of Cumming himself and made nick stop for a moment. He pulled him back up and kissed him again, till he was able to control himself again. Nick went back down quickly, hands on either side of Aaron's body, before finally taking down his shorts as he went. Aaron's cock sprung out and slapped the lad's chest before halting at a 90-degree angle. Nick hadn't seen Aaron this hard before and he looked so much bigger than he had been before. Aaron had a big cock anyway but it looked far more impressive tonight.

He cupped Aaron's sweaty balls in the one hand while he wrapped the other lightly around his lover's throbbing tool. While massaging his balls in his hand, he started to stroke Aaron's cock agonisingly slowly. Aaron didn't usually have much precum but on this occasion he was leaking loads of the stuff. It had dripped down Aaron's shaft and then onto Nick's hand as he stroked upwards. Aaron continued to moan as he did this, eyes tight shut. He opened them as he felt a tongue licking at his slightly hairy balls. Nick loved the musky taste of them and continued to lick and suck at them whilst still slowly wanking the teenager's dick. He put them in his mouth one by one, and then both together. He didn't mind the hair on them at all and kept doing that for another few minutes.

Aaron was on cloud nine. He'd wanted this for months and months and right now, nothing else mattered to him. Ryan was completely unknown to him at this moment in time. Nick's tongue had began to make its way up the base of the rock hard seven and a half inches, lapping up precum as he went. He got to the throbbing purple head of Aaron's penis and took it into his mouth. He locked his red lips around tip and began to take more and more of the cock in. Before long his nose was brushing against Aaron's pubic hair and his cock was right at the back of his throat. Nick encouraged Aaron to fuck his face slowly. His interpretation of slow, however wasn't what the Dane had in mind and he soon found himself almost gagging on the Welshman's thick cock as he forced it further and further to the back of his throat. Aaron loved it when Nicklas gagged on his cock. He felt in control, and for him being the younger of the two, that was a major turn on. Nick eventually slowed Aaron down and began to take control again over his mate and began deepthroating him how he liked. After a while, he took the cock out and began wanking the saliva-coated tool again while going back to Ramsey's balls.

After more sucking and licking of Aaron's balls, he resumed deepthroating Aaron's cock again. Aaron had never had a blowjob like it. While Nick sucked away his hands travelled up the backs of Aaron's lightly hairy thighs to his fluffy ass. He caressed it to further moans of approval and then ran his finger down the crack, gently tickling his tight pink hole. Aaron was amazed he hadn't cum yet and wanted to hold on as much as he could. There was only so much the young man could take and as Nicklas began to push his finger through his tight ring, Aaron could feel his balls tighten and he knew there was no going back now. "Nick, I'm gonna cum!" Aaron warned. Nicklas carried on probing the lad's ass whilst still sucking his meat intently. "Nick!" Aaron cried as he started to orgasm. Nicklas pulled his finger from Aaron's tight hole and used his hand as support to the quivering teen, while wanking the lad off with the other hand right up against his face. Within a matter of seconds, warm thick creamy beads of cum erupted from Aaron's throbbing cock hitting Nicklas' face, some even hit him in the eye! Shot after shot of the stuff coated him and hit the back of his throat. Aaron was moaning loudly throughout and his orgasm seemed to take an age to subside. Nicklas squeezed the last few drops of cum from Aaron's cock onto his hand, which he then licked and swallowed along with the large amounts of cum already in his mouth.

Aaron sat down on the bed he was standing against, breathless, heart pounding and sweating buckets with Nick still on his knees, face still covered with his jizz. "Fuck me Aaron! I've never seen you cum do much in my life!" Nicklas announced, still amazed at the cumshot he'd been hit with. "You must have gone days without cumming!" "Five!" said a shattered Aaron. "That was the most intense orgasm of my life! I've never cum like that before either. That was fucking incredible. Thanks Nick!" "You don't think I'm finished with you yet do you?" the Dane smirked. "I've still got this to get rid of." Nick, now standing up and slapping his still rock hard cock in his hands. Aaron smiled slightly. "Give me a chance to recover first!" "Don't worry, sexy, I was planning to." Nicklas gave Aaron a wink and went to sit next to him, his head now resting on the bed. Aaron looked at his lover and kissed him. His lips were still covered in Aaron's tasty juices and Aaron transferred them to his own mouth when kissing. He also began to lap up the rest of his cum on Nicklas' face. He loved the taste of his own cum and always made sure he didn't waste a drop, even when wanking.

Nick got back up and rolled his lover onto his front. There was a mirror on the wall in front of Aaron so he could see himself and Nicklas behind him. Nick returned to his knees and again parted his lover's arse cheeks. He looked up at the Welshman through the mirror, who was just smiling, still getting his breath back. He also looked up at the clock above, which read 11:32pm, before turning his attention to the soft fluffy ass in his hands. He stretched his buns even further to get a better view of Aaron's tight pink hole before spitting onto it. The cold saliva on his hole made Aaron moan and his hole twitch as he did this. Nicklas then licked up the spit from the hole with his tongue. He spat it back on his hole again and did the same. Taking it back again whilst rimming him. He did this a third time, this time sucking it back up. He spat a fourth and final time and progressed to rim him the way he knew best.

Aaron repositioned himself on all fours on his bed, meaning the tall man could kneel more comfortably, not only for that reason though as Aaron too had become uncomfortable as his cock and now risen to it's second erection of the night. Nicklas' tongue was made for pleasing him sexually, Aaron thought while the man behind him expertly licked at his willing hole. Aaron was finding it difficult not to wank his own cock as Nick was doing this. He'd got his breath back and could now fully enjoy the older man's' tongue invading his ass. Nick was far to busy satisfying his teammate to even notice that his throbbing dick was leaking large amounts of precum all on Aaron's rather dark bedroom carpet. He loved the smell and more importantly the taste of his ass, as well as the few little brown hairs around his ring. He could have rimmed him all night, and he knew Aaron wouldn't stop him, in fact he was being encouraged with moans of "Ohh yeah, lick my ass Nick." and "Push your tongue right in, that's it." as well as the noises of approval. After a good 15 minutes of rimming, Nicklas brought his hand round to Aaron's face where he guided his fingers into his mouth one by one. After being coated with Aaron's saliva, Nick removed his fingers and started tickling Aaron's moist hole. The murmurs of approval told him how much Aaron loved this, and he continued for a minute or so before slowly pushing his index finger into Aaron's warm ass. His tight ring clamped around the finger as the Dane moved it in and out, in and out, finger fucking the Welsh midfielder slowly. Aaron's moans increased in volume with the addition of a second and then a third finger.

Nicklas began rubbing his precum over his cock as lube and then spat in his hand and wiped that all over his cock too. He removed his fingers slowly and asked Aaron if he wanted to face him when the inevitable happened. "I wanna watch you in the mirror." came Aaron's reply. Nick stood up and got into position. He put his left and on Aaron's shoulder for support, and his right hand holding his seven-inch cock. He playfully rubbed it up and down Aaron's crack and pushed it against his hole a few times "Are you ready Aaron?" Nick asked "I've been ready for the last 5 months!" Aaron replied. Nicklas needed no second invite and as he pushed at his lover's hole again, he applied a little more force and guided it slowly past the lad's tight ring. Both Arsenal players moaned in unison as Nicklas' cock travelled further up Aaron's ass. "This feels fucking amazing Aaron. I've missed doing this to you so much!" "I've missed it too. I've missed you. It's been so long without a cock inside me!" Nicklas was about to mention Ryan but he didn't want to ruin the moment they were sharing. The Dane began to pick up a rhythm and now began fucking Aaron slowly and passionately, moaning in time with the man beneath him. With his hands on either side of Aaron's waist they both watch themselves in the mirror, moaning, panting and sweating. Seeing both their facial expressions turned them on even more. Aaron's cock was again leaking precum, a rarity for him remember. Nick began to wank Aaron at the same time and speed he was fucking him, his chest now up against Aaron's back. Both lads' sweat made it slippery but they both loved this.

Aaron told Nick to stop wanking his dick. He wasn't ready to cum for a second time tonight just yet. Nicklas' moans were soft. He was never really a loud lover, only occasionally. Aaron was normally the loud one. There was no change there tonight as he continued to moan. Nick started feeling Aaron's balls and then his chest. It was a hot room on a hot summers night and both men were now sweating uncontrollably. The moist on both of them was clearly visible when looking through the mirror, their bodies now with a shiny coating. Nicklas started tweaking Aaron's nipples while slightly increasing his pace. Nick had been rock hard for a good few hours without cumming and he knew before long he was going to orgasm. He stopped for a moment, pulled out and flipped Aaron over. He kissed him passionately while climbing onto the bed. He then lifted Aaron's sweaty legs over his shoulders and it was Aaron who guided his teammate's cock back into his ass. He began slowly again, moving in and out while kissing the other man. After a few minutes Aaron encouraged, "C'mon Nick. Fuck me hard and fast. I need your cum in my ass!" Nick began to quicken his fucking motion. He was rather reluctant to go too fast as he wanted to remain passionate with Aaron. He loved him and wanted it to be gentle and not wild. He wanted to make love to Aaron.

Nick was going as fast as he really wanted to but he could see in Aaron's eyes he wanted him to go faster, they both knew he could. Nicklas conceded defeat and quickened even more. Every time he pushed in he hit Aaron's prostate causing loud moans from the Welshman. Aaron's legs were getting too slippery with sweat to rest on nicks shoulders so he had to keep them raised in the air. His cock was now forming a small pool or precum in his navel. Aaron had stopped moaning and was gazing into the striking blue eyes of the Dane above him. Nicklas lowered his head to kiss him once again. " I love you Nick. So much. I'm sorry." "I love you too." They continued to kiss and they stayed close together. The sweat and the body heat between them meant that the bed sheets were now pretty soaked. Sweat was dripping off Nick's face onto Aaron too. Aaron loved it and he wanted nothing more right now than for his lover to cum inside him. "Cum for me. Please." Nicklas again increased his pace. Aaron was relatively quiet now. Moaning gently as Nicklas fucked his tight teen ass. His balls were now slapping against his butt cheeks as Nick was getting closer and closer, and after no more than a minute more, he began to climax. "Ohhh yeah Aaron. I love you so much, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum in your tight ass!" Aaron tightened his ass muscles around nick's cock one last time and that took him over the edge. Nicklas was now moaning loudly as he emptied his juices into the Welsh stud. Aaron could feel himself filling up with it. Nick too seemed to have cum gallons in Aaron's mind. His ass was burning and as soon as Nick's orgasm subsided he collapsed on top of his lover.

"That... That was fucking incredible!" Aaron breathed. Nicklas didn't say anything. He was too out of breath to do so. Aaron kissed Nick's forehead, which was coated in sweat. Both were soaked in the stuff. Their faces, their bodies, legs, even their hair was dripping with it. "You enjoy that?" Nicklas whispered, his cock still partially in his lover's ass. "Do you even need to ask that?!" They both laughed with whatever energy they had in them. Nicklas got up, pulling out of Aaron in the process, began to rim the Welshman again, licking and sucking his own cum from the lad's ass. The tongue on his ass stung a bit but he still loved the feeling. Even after the fucking of his lifetime and at half twelve in the morning, he still had the energy to do that. He swallowed some and then fed some to his lover, from his own mouth to his. Aaron loved the taste of Nicklas' cum; he could never get enough of it when they were together. "I'm sorry, I've always wanted to do that!" Nicklas said apologetically. "If you've always wanted to do that, I'd love to know what else you've always wanted to do!" Aaron laughed in his gorgeous welsh accent. Nicklas laughed too.

With his ass emptied of cum thanks to Nick's' amazing tongue work, Aaron got himself up of the sticky bed sheet and began to suck the remaining drops of cum from Nicklas cock while he just lay there. He managed to sit himself up only to be told to lie back down again. Aaron's cock was still hard and there was no way it was going to get back no normal on its own. All the hours doing upper body work at the gym seemed to have paid off as, with relative ease, he flipped Nicklas over onto his front. Aaron wanted to give his Danish delight a great rimming of his own. He knew Nicklas preferred gentleness to roughness, so he carefully parted Nick's sweaty ass cheeks and licked all the way up his hairy crack. He was already good to go in reality, as he was so sweaty. He continued, however, to rim his lover's hole. He was being very delicate with his licking, so much so that nicklas brought his arm around his back and pushed Aaron's head in further. Nicklas for once was being very loud as Aaron buried his face in his ass. He pushed his tongue into his mate's hole and probed it. Nicklas was encouraging Aaron to push in further and faster. Aaron loved how horny Nick had become. He continued to please his man and abide to his orders before he replaced his tongue with a finger. Aaron was now teasing Nick by going really slowly, knowing Nicklas wanted him to finger-penetrate his hole harder and faster. He added a second and third finger and even pushed a forth in. Neither man had tried using four fingers before, something that Nicklas adjusted to surprisingly well. He was moaning loudly, not caring that they were now well into the early hours of the morning. Not even thinking about his pregnant fiancé and her two children who would all probably be fast asleep while Nicklas was getting fingered.

Aaron removed his fingers and walked round to Nicklas' front and forced his again throbbing, precum oozing cock into Nick's willing mouth. Not for long though, Aaron was already pretty horny and he only wanted to be lubed up. Aaron once again flipped the Dane onto his back, held on to both his feet, which were now almost either side of his own head and with no warning he pushed his big cock into his ass. He started off slowly, as normal allowing Nick to get accustomed to the seven and a half inches inside him. He leant in to kiss his man and nibble on his ear and neck. Aaron sped up a little making Nick's moans louder. Aaron wasn't moaning though. He was concentrating on fucking the older man below him, his tongue sticking out of the one side of his mouth. He lifted Nicklas' legs onto his shoulders so he could get closer to him. The pace increase even further and now Aaron's face was beginning to turn red. He was looking into his teammate's eyes the whole time and was getting closer and closer. Nick's cries of "Harder! Faster!" only encouraged Aaron and before long he was fucking his Danish ass like he never had before. Seconds later Aaron began moaning for the first time, sweat poring off of him. "Oh Nick, I'm gonna cum, Ohh fuck yeah, I love you so much. This feels fucking amazing!" Nick braced himself for another big Aaron Ramsey cumshot and moments later; the red-faced man began shooting more and more jizz inside him. Aaron was moaning loudly again as he climaxed. Nicklas loved having Aaron cum inside him and tonight he certainly impressed.

Aaron kissed his teammate passionately for a few minutes while getting his breath back. Both men were hot sweaty and well and truly fucked after that bedroom session. Aaron pulled out and wiped his softening cock on the bed sheet. Neither caring that Aaron's cum was probably leaking out of Nick's ass onto the bed sheet too. Both guys were knackered. Nicklas spoke first. "Aaron Ramsey, I fucking love you so much." "I love you too Nicklas Bendtner." "Can I ask you something?" "Anything." "What did you mean when you said you were sorry before?" "Oh, I'm sorry for ending it with you before. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time and I was so, so wrong. And now you've moved on-" "And so have you." Nicklas interrupted. "Ryan doesn't mean anything to me. Not compared to you. I refused to let him fuck me because the only cock that has been inside me was yours, the only cock I wanted in me was yours. It's far more complicated for you now. I blew my chance with you and I hate myself for it. You can't leave your pregnant wife to be, and certainly not for me." "Aaron, listen to me. I love you. I love you more than anything. I love you more than my fiancé; I love you more than my unborn baby. I want to be with you too"

Nicklas and Aaron lay, hugging each other on the latter's sweat and cum-soaked bed, having both just had the best night of their lives. Neither man knew what the future holds for them both, or if they have a future at all... "So what are you gonna do?" asks Aaron. "I don't know. I really, really do not know."

To be continued...

First and foremost, I'd like to thank you all for reading this. I know this was a very long story and I genuinely congratulate you if you're reading this now, having got to the end. This was a very difficult story to write, especially the ending. I really wasn't sure were to leave off. I hope you've all enjoyed this third instalment of Aaron and Nicklas' story.

I'm undecided as to whether this will indeed be the last chapter of their story. (I know I've put "To be continued...") Right now, I am clueless as how to write another instalment. Everything is so complicated for Aaron and Nicklas at the moment in their situation and I wonder if it's best that the series is left there. I'd love to have feedback from all readers as to what you reckon. Should or should I not continue this series and what ideas have you got if I chose to continue.

If this is indeed to be the last in this series I'd like to again thank you all for reading all three, these were my first three stories (and three very long ones too) so I appreciate the time taken to read. I hope you've all enjoyed the series and again I'd love to get some feedback from you, not just from this story but also from the series as a whole. I really do appreciate any feedback received, good or bad. Knowing my stories have been read and enjoyed gives me inspiration to write more. Sorry this series has been so long coming, but with other commitments, finding the time, and the mood to write is difficult.

As always, I am open to any suggestions that you may have as to what characters to include in future stories, whether it is following on from this series, or be it for a new series/story. I only write about footballers/soccer players and prefer for them to be realistic situations (to some extent).

I will reply to any feedback received and want to thank you a final time for reading the series. I hope you've enjoyed it. (so far?)

Please send all feedback to

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