Force of One

By Dash Jarrod

Published on Aug 12, 2003


Disclaimer: The characters of the X-men belong to Marvel comics. I do not know the sexual preferences of any of the characters herein except for those I made up. This story is complete fiction; any resemblance to real life is sheer coincidence. I do not know any celebrity that may be included in this story may or may not be gay. I also do not personally know any of the celebrities. If you are under 18, please don't read any further.

I thank my friends Dustin and Alex for allowing me to make them into characters. Also thanks to all of you who have written me about my story. I have enjoyed writing it; I just hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much.


Since I was one of the first people transported to the other side of the wave, I saw the whole thing happen. It seemed to happen in slow motion in front of my eyes. When the last people, except for Matt, were over the top of the wave, the mutant we were after must have put more power into it. I say this because the wave got bigger and then it crashed over the top of Matt's telekinetic wall.

As that happened, I screamed because I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it. When the water hit him, I knew he was knocked unconscious because the wave then continued along its original path.

When it did this, I started to take control of the team. The first thing I did was to get Ryan to teleport him back to the Blackbird and then stay there with him to make sure he didn't get any worse. With that taken care of, I made sure that we continued with the mission. I did this because Matt would have wanted us to finish it.

Since the mutant had put so much energy behind that wave, we took advantage of the lull in the action to get to the island. As soon as we were on it, we entered the back of the building the mutant was holed up in. When we were inside, we heard a huge boom that we figured was Cyclops blowing the front door in.

With both teams in the building, it didn't take us long to find out what room he was in. When we did that, Jean took the opportunity to knock him out mentally. As soon as he was out, Cyclops called Ryan and had him bring the Blackbird to pick us up.

As soon as Jean got on board, she noticed Matt just lying there not moving.

She then said, "I was wondering what happened to him because I lost contact with him. So, what exactly happened to him?"

"Well, while you guys were busy with something from our friend there (pointing to the now unconscious enemy), we had a huge wave to deal with. Matt, being the good leader he is, came up with putting up a wall of telekinetic energy so that we could figure out what else to do. He then had Ryan and Hayden get everyone to the other side of the wave while he held up the wall. As the last of us got over the top of the wave, he (pointing once again) put more energy into the wave and it came crashing over Matt's wall. When it did this, Matt took the full brunt of the water on himself. All of that water coming down on him knocked him unconscious."

I said all of that through my tears. I spoke in broken sentences but was finally able to get the full explanation out. The only coonsolation I had was that his healing factor was already working on fixing him.

When we landed in California, the first thing we did was call an ambulance.

The ambulance took him to the nearest hospital. Once they figured out what was wrong with him, they came out and talked with Jean and Scott about something.

They then came over and related what the doctor had said. He had said, "He seems to have a few minor bone fractures all over his body, which is lucky for him because I have known some cases like this to come in with every bone in their body broken. Also, your friend is comatose for now, there is no way to tell when or if he will wake up."

As soon as I heard that news, I just broke down and started sobbing. It took me quite a while and a little help from Jean to finally calm down. When I did, I asked if I could see him. Jean said that only family was allowed in at the moment.

"Does his family even know what happened to him?"

"While you were getting calmed down, Scott contacted the professor and he is probably in contact with Matt's parents right now. I am sure that Professor X. will be bringing them out here as soon as possible. But, in the mean time, you should get some rest"

With that, I went over to one of the chairs and quickly fell asleep. I was woken up when his parents and the professor showed up. As soon as I saw them, I ran over and gave them a hug.

When we finally broke apart from the hug, they led me over to Matt's room with them. I stood at the back while they did what they needed to do. Then, they did the same for me.

When we exited his room, Ryan came over to us and told them that they could stay with him for as long as they needed to. I, on the other hand, was going to go back to New York with everyone else. I was doing this because if I didn't do something, I was going to go crazy.


Exactly three weeks to the day after the accident, I started to show signs of life again. It started out with a fluttering of the eyelids and of course, ended with my waking up.

The first thing I did was call out for Bobby, both vocally and mentally. I did it both ways because I wasn't entirely sure where I was. I mean, I figured I was still in California but I wasn't sure.

All the way across the country, Bobby got my call for him during dinner. As soon as he heard it, he ran up to the teacher's table and told Professor Xavier. He then hurried and told Aaron and Jake while the professor went to his office to call Ryan.

Of course, by the time Ryan received the call, both him and my parents knew I was awake. In fact, when the call was forwarded to Ryan's cell phone, he was in the room with me. The professor just wanted to make sure I was awake before him and Bobby flew out here.

When Ryan relayed the conversation, I was surprised that Bobby had heard my call. I guess my range has increased. Either that or Bobby and I are linked mentally now. I will have to ask the professor what he thinks when he gets here.

While waiting for them to get here, I asked Ryan to fill me in on how the end of the mission went. He said he had stayed with me after I got knocked out but that he would tell me what he heard. We then spent the next hour talking about the end of the mission.

After that, I had to rest for a little while. The nurse says that that is normal for people who just had surgery or just woke up from a coma. I guess its because we have been immobile for so long that any long period of activity tires us out easily.

When I woke up, the doctors had to check me out. They did this because they couldn't do anything about my fractured bones while I was comatose. The results of the x-rays baffled the doctors because I was fully healed and there were no signs of the fractures whatsoever.

Considering there wasn't anything wrong with me anymore, they wanted to keep me over night to make sure that I didn't lapse back into my coma.

After the tests were completed, I contacted my mother to let her know I was awake again. I did this because if she wanted to come back and visit again, she could. Of course, she did come back to visit.

During her visit this time, I told her about what happened at school since my birthday. She also wanted to know how my relationship with Bobby was going. I told her that our relationship was perfect, and that I couldn't be happier. While we were talking, I got a message from Professor Xavier saying that they were on their way.

While my mother and I waited, I contacted Ryan. I did this so that he and my father would be here when Professor X. gets here. I also figured that the professor would want to talk with both of my parents as well as Ryan.

Almost directly after my dad and Ryan got here, Professor X. and Bobby arrived. When Bobby saw me, he ran over to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. Of course, no one in the room cared that he did this. Although, I think it kind of shocked Ryan. Even though he may have been shocked, he didn't seem to mind our display of affection.

After the professor said how relieved he was that I was ok, he took everyone out of the room. He left Bobby in the room with me. While everyone was outside of the room, we just sat there staring into each other's eyes and holding hands. When they were done talking in the hall, they came back into the room, but we didn't notice this.

Of course, no one wanted to interrupt our moment so they just stood there watching. That was until I got a mental message from Professor X. letting me know they were once again in the room.

When we finally looked up, Professor X. asked, "How are you feeling Matthew?"

"I am feeling fine. The doctors said that there was nothing wrong with me.

There was no sign of the bone fractures that I had when I was admitted. This, of course, stumped them as to how that could be possible. The only reason I am staying here tonight is because they want to make sure I don't lapse back into my coma."

"I see. It's a good thing I had Scott go and get us some hotel rooms close by. I will see you when you are allowed to leave in the morning."

With that, everyone left. Of course, before Bobby left, he gave me another kiss. As soon as everyone was gone, I went to sleep.

The next morning, after the doctors checked me out again to make sure I was ok, I contacted the professor. I also contacted Ryan and my parents. I contacted all of them because my parents and I are leaving with Bobby, Professor Xavier, and Scott. I contacted Ryan so that I could thank him for letting my parents stay at his house while I was out.

After we all said our goodbyes, and I gave him my sn to keep in touch, we had to get going. Since not everyone could fit into the cab that was waiting, Ryan had to drive out to where the jet was parked. When we got there, we once again had to say goodbye. And then we were off for the east coast and home.

During the plane ride, I oonce again decided to do some meditation. The same things happened this time that happened on the way out. But, this time, I was aware of the people staring at me. I am sure that my parents were very shocked to see the stream of telepathic energy as well as to see me floating a couple of inches off of the floor. See, my parents have never seen me use my powers before, although they have heard me use one of them.

As soon as I was done meditating, I had to ask, "Professor, do you think the reason Bobby heard my telepathic call all the way across the country is because my range is that big or that we have a psychic rapport between us?"

"I honestly don't know the answer to that question Matthew. I would say that the reason he heard you is probably a combination of the both of your options. The reason I say that is because you are one of the strongest minds I have ever known and your powers aren't even fully developed yet. So basically, I don't think there is a limit to how are you can possibly reach with your telepathy."

His answer shocked everyone who was listening, which was everyone on the plane. After we all let his answer sink in, everything went back to normal for the rest of the trip. We all ended up chatting the whole way back.

All too soon, we were landing where my parents were picked up. After Bobby and I said our goodbyes, we boarded the plane again. When we were in the air, everyone was quiet because we were all waiting in anticipation of getting back to the school.

When we landed, I just wanted to go back to my room and hang out with my team but I was pulled toward the dining room. When I realized where I was headed, I didn't mind because I haven't really had anything substantial to eat in weeks. However, as we neared our destination, I could sense a great host of people in the room. So, when we actually entered the dining room, I was a little bit suspicious as to what was going on but was still surprised to see the party waiting for me. I don't know if I will ever get used to how nice the people at this school are.

The welcome back party lasted for hours. It was a good thing it was the weekend because the whole school went to bed late that night. Not that it would have made a difference for me. I would, of course, attend some of my classes but I don't know if I would have made it through all of them.

Each day, my strength kept getting better and better. I have a feeling my daily meditation helped out some. I was getting restless though. I couldn't wait to start training using my powers again.

It would be a few more days before my strength would be back to normal. Each day, I started using some of my powers again. The only two I could sue without causing any damage to anything around me were my telepathy and my telekinesis. I was in almost constant contact with either Professor X. or Jean during my recovery.

As soon as I was back to full strength, I was down in the danger room working out with my powers. I was like a kid again when I was able to do this. It didn't take me long to get back to where I was when I went out to the west.

I was also using my time to plan out how I was going to propose to Bobby. When I was comatose, he was the only thing I thought about. I don't know what I would do without him in my life. That is why I want to make him a permanent fixture in my life.

With all the time I spent in the danger room, planning my proposal, and going to class, I was pretty busy. Of course, I still spent as much time with Bobby as I could. We spent many an evening together doing something or other.

Before I finalized my plans to ask Bobby to marry me, I made sure to ask some people if they thought I was doing the right thing. My mom thought it was sweet what I was planning on doing. Jean thought it was a smart move but made sure to ask, "Have you read his mind to see what he will say?"

"Of course no. I will not read my loves mind unless he asks me to. I also will not read anyone's mind who I consider a friend without their permission."

"I am glad to hear that you wouldn't abuse your power. Plus it wouldn't be very fair of you if you knew what he

"Yeah, that wouldn't exactly be very trustworthy of me now would it. If I did that, I wouldn't want him to say yes."

With that, I went and finalized my plans. Of course, I needed Professor Xavier's permission for part of it. But, hopefully, Professor X. won't have a problem with what I plan to do. As it turned out, he was all for what I was planning on doing.

That Friday night, I took Bobby out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Of course, I made sure that the restaurant was ok with homosexuals. As soon as dinner was over, I got down on one knee right in front of him. When I did this, I pulled out a ring box that contained a silver band with his birthstone in it. When he took the ring out of the box, I asked, "Robert Drake, will you do me the honor of being my husband?"

When I asked that question, he got all teary eyed. I just hoped that they were tears of joy instead of sadness. When he could finally speak, he said, "Yes Matthew, I will."

With that, we embraced in a huge hug. As we broke apart, we walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. Bobby, of course, couldn't take his eyes off of the ring I just gave him.

When we got back to the mansion that night, I got two telepathic messages one right after the other. I, of course, gave both of them the happy news at once. The next day, I planned on calling my parents and having them talk with their future son-in-law. But for tonight, we only had to tell two more people.

As soon as we told Aaron and Jake, our two best friends in a giant hug surrounded us. Of course, they both wanted to see the ring I got for Bobby.

When they saw it, they both said it was a very handsome ring.

That night when we went to bed, I gave my future husband a very big kiss. After the kiss broke up, we both got ready for bed. And then I pulled him into bed with me. It was fitting, of course, because we would be spending the rest of our nights together in one bed.

Well, that is it for another chapter. I would appreciate some feedback from you this time, so please send me some emails. The more emails I get, the sooner the next chapter will be written and posted. You can send criticism, or praise, either is acceptable to me. My email address is Also, my screen name for AIM is spdyeagl. If you want to give me feedback that way, I am all for that. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 16

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