Forever We Three

By Jim Cruz

Published on Nov 16, 2003


Forever, We Three

Chapter Two: Todd's Cabin: The First Night and the Next Morning

I want to thank everyone that wrote to me with their comments. I really appreciate the feedback. It's nice to know that someone is really reading your story. Please drop me an e-mal anytime if you want to comment. I'd also take some suggestions for further activities to possibly work into the story. Anyway, thanks again.

The usual disclaimers apply.

We jumped back into the water, took the beer bag with us, and swam back to the shore. It had gotten late. The afternoon sky had become overcast and it looked like we were going to have some rain tonight. Todd and I got more beer and replaced what we drank while we threw away the empties in the recycling bins on the side of the house. Jim picked up all our clothes from the shore of the lake and the 3 of us went into the house with our arms around each other. I just couldn't shake the feeling that before this night was over, I would experience things with my best 2 friends that I had never thought of doing with a guy before tonight.

As we went into the cabin, Jim said, "Hey, I have an idea! Let's stay naked the entire weekend. We're here alone and we aren't expecting any company, so let's just hang out naked with each other all weekend."

Todd and I both readily agreed. It was going to be our weekend to celebrate the new level of intimacy that our friendship had attained.

Todd went into the kitchen while Jim and I were hanging out on the porch having another beer. When Todd returned he had a couple of steaks that we brought with us. He fired up the barbecue and started to cook the steaks. The three of us sat on the front porch of his cabin, naked and drinking beer and not saying a word. We were all concentrating on what we had done a little while ago and what that meant about our friendship. I was the first to break the silence.

"You know guys, that this moves our friendship to a new level, a level of intimacy among us that we can share forever. I'd like to make a proposition, that no matter what happens in our lives outside the three of us, we make sure that we remain friends forever."

Todd replied saying, "I had never thought about doing anything sexual with another guy before, except maybe jacking off with some friends in 8th grade. I have been thinking about what this means for me, and us, in terms of how we consider ourselves. Are we now gay or bi or what? I never ever thought that I would have considered doing what we just did. And yet, I am so sexually charged right now. I can't help thinking about how attractive you both are to me and I have the feeling that I'd like to explore this side of myself a little more with the both of you. What do you think?"

Jim and I were silent for a moment thinking hard and long about what Todd had just said. Jim and I looked into each other's eyes and then at Todd who looked back deeply at us. Jim stood up and I followed. He went to where Todd was sitting and pulled him up from his chair. Jim took Todd by the shoulders, looked deeply into his eyes and kissed him on the lips. Todd didn't resist. He opened his mouth willingly and took Jim's tongue into his mouth. They kissed for a minute or so and then they broke it off and looked at me. Todd pulled me close to where he and Jim were embracing. He turned to face me a little more and moved his face closer and closer to mine as he went to kiss me. I too did not resist and Todd and I kissed long, hard and deep while we were both embracing Jim.

I broke off the kiss with Todd and turned to Jim. Jim opened his mouth to take my tongue in as soon as I turned towards him. Our kiss was long and passionate. His tongue swirled around my mouth. I sucked on his tongue and pushed mine back into his mouth and he sucked on my tongue. Then we both faced Todd and the three of us attempted to kiss each other at the same time. Tongues were thrusting in and out of each other's mouths. Sometimes there were two tongues in one mouth. Sometimes, someone kissed the other's neck and sucked on his ear while the others were kissing passionately.

The crackling of the barbecue brought us back to our senses and we broke apart. Todd went to tend the fire while Jim and I sat down again. I could feel the beardburn I got from kissing my friends. I had never thought about how kissing a guy would feel and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. There was definitely more to come this weekend. What exactly I didn't know, but I knew our explorations had just begun.

When the steaks were done we went inside and had a great meal. Since we had been drinking a lot, we were all buzzed. Todd said, "I have to take a wicked piss. These beers have my bladder expanded to the max."

"I need to take a leak really bad, too. I feel like I will explode if I take another sip of anything!" I replied.

"Me three," said Jim, "I gotta go bad too. But I have a suggestion. Why don't we all go outside and take a piss together. I have to admit, it turned me on when you guys pissed on me this afternoon."

"I know what we'll do," I said, "Let's go down to the lake and we can all piss at the same time by the shore."

We all agreed and off we went to the lake. When we got there, I led the way to the muddy area where Todd had wanted to tie up the beer. Todd and Jim followed me. I walked into the mud and waved the other two to stand next to me in a circle. "When I say 'piss', everyone let their bladders go and we'll piss together," I said. "Ready? Go!" I said and the three of us started to pee. Jim had aimed his piss at my feet and they were getting a nice warm hosing. I turned to Todd and started to piss on his feet and then worked my way up his legs until I stopped at his cock. I pissed long and hard on his pubes. Todd turned to Jim and did the same. Then Jim aimed at my crotch and soaked my pubes and hand that I was using to aim. We all took turns pissing on each other until we were dry. Since we had drank a lot of beer that day we had enough piss in us to last a long while as we let our golden streams flow over each other.

I don't know how it happened and neither Jim nor Todd would admit who did it but somehow I ended face down in the mud that we had just pissed in. The smell reminded me of a men's restroom and I was strangely attracted to it. Jim and Todd stood there laughing at me. I tried to get up but I slipped and this time landed on my back. I was covered in piss-mud now, front and back, head to toe. This time Todd and Jim roared with laughter. "OK guys, you want to help me out of this?" I said to them.

They each offered me hand to pull me back up, but I had something else in mind. As I took each of their hands, I pulled them both down into the mud with me. They both landed face down in the mud just as I had. Now I was the one laughing. They both turned over and looked at me and we all started laughing together. Jim picked up some of the mud and threw it at me. I returned fire and got Jim square in the face. Todd was still laughing as Jim and I both threw some mud on him. I got him in his crotch and Jim hit his face. Now Todd was throwing mud back at Jim and I. We were having a blast! It was as if we were having a snowball fight except we were using mud that the three of us had just pissed in.

It wasn't long before we got tired and just laid in the mud for a while longer. Then I got up and jumped in the lake to rinse off. Todd and Jim followed and soon we were splashing each other as if we were kids again.

As we got out of the water, Jim said from behind, "Greg, you have mud still stuck between your buttcheeks."

"Great," I said sullenly, "You guys got me really good. Let me see if you and Todd still have any mud on you." Todd and Jim let me examine them. It was a little weird, but I pulled their buttcheeks apart to check. They too had mud still between their legs and in their crotches as did I. "We better hit the shower when we get inside," I said.

We all got into the big shower that was in the master bathroom. It was really big. The three of us fit in there with no problem and there was still room for more. There were shower heads coming out of each of the walls except the one the door was on. Todd adjusted the water to the right temperature, handed us each a bar of soap, and we got down to business washing ourselves. As I was bending over washing my legs, I felt a hand slide up my butt. I turned to look and I saw Jim standing behind me. "Just thought I would give you a hand washing your back. You know, I'll wash your back if you wash mine," he said.

"Well you're a little low to be saying that you're washing my back," I replied, "But don't stop. I'm sure there's mud in there and besides, it feels good too."

My cock was hard as Jim slowly ran his hand in between my legs and up into my cheeks. He told me to spread my cheeks apart so he could have better access to clean. I did as he asked and he gently washed my butthole and worked his way down to my balls. Then he told me to turn around and he started to wash my hard cock and my pubes. It felt great as his soapy hands were running all over my cock and balls and between my legs. I closed my eyes to savor the experience and I felt another pair of hands soaping up my chest. Todd had joined in and was now washing my pecs. He gently took each of my nipples in his fingers and gently squeezed them till they were pointing up. I reached over and did the same to him. Then Jim turned to Todd and told him to spread his cheeks. Todd did so and Jim made sure everything was squeaky clean between Todd's legs. Then Todd and I took turns on Jim. I washed his chest as Todd washed between Jim's legs. The three of us were doing something we had never thought would happen. We were all hard as we washed each other. I started stroking my cock. The soap made my cock feel real slippery and I just kept stroking as I looked at my friends. Jim and Todd started stroking themselves too.

Then I reached over and took Todd's cock in my hand. I never had felt another guy's hardon before and this felt great. I got Todd's cock nice and soapy and started to jerk him off. Jim reached over and grabbed my cock and was stroking me nice and good. Then Todd reached over to Jim and took Jim's cock in his hand. There we were, the three of us jerking each other off in Todd's shower after we had just mud wrestled in the mud we had all pissed in. God, I felt great at that moment.

"I'm gonna cum soon," said Todd.

"Me too," agreed Jim.

"Let's all shoot together again," I said.

"Yeah," said Todd, "But I have an idea. Just follow my lead. Todd reached over and turned to water off in the shower.

We all continued to stroke each other and without warning we all shot our loads simultaneously, as if we were somehow connected and knew when the others were ready to shoot. My cum landed on Todd's chest and some of his landed on my pubes, but Jim got the brunt of Todd's load. It hit Jim square in the face and right on his lips no less. Jim licked his lips and swallowed what he could of Todd's cum. Jim had unloaded equally on Todd and I. Then Todd licked his fingers clean rubbed all the cum on him, including Jim's and mine, all over his body. Jim and I followed suit.

Todd got out of the shower and we followed. "Let's not towel ourselves dry," he said, "Let's just hang out a little while and let ourselves air dry. I want our jism to soak into my skin." Jim and I agreed and we went into Todd's bedroom and laid down on his bed while we watched some TV before we all fell asleep together.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the birds and crickets outside. It was such a soothing sound and I felt so rested and refreshed. I was sandwiched in between Jim and Todd. I was spooning Todd and my arm was over his chest while Jim was spooning me and holding me tight. I had my usual morning hardon and I had it right between Todd's buttcheeks. And apparently, Jim was doing the same thing to me. I could feel his hard cock slightly rubbing my butt and it felt great. I leaned over Todd and checked to see if he too had a hardon. He did. I reached down to hold it. I was really surprised. It felt so right, so comfortable being in bed naked with my two best friends.

Todd stirred and I looked up at him as he opened his eyes. "Mornin' buddy," he said.

"Mornin' to you too. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Never slept better in my life! I feel great this morning, and no hangover, considering how much beer I drank," Todd replied.

"What about you? How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Pretty much the same. I've never felt this good before when I wake up. It's an incredible feeling being in bed with my two best buddies. It's like it's the right thing to do." I replied.

"I know how you feel," piped in Jim who was now awake too, "I've had the best night's sleep ever and I can't believe how great I feel this morning. Most of all I can't get over how good it felt playing around with you guys yesterday."

"I gotta pee badly," I said. "Let's all go down to the riverbank and piss in the mud again. But this time, no wrestling. Let's save that for another time."

Todd and Jim agreed so we all walked down to the lake to the mud pit we had played in last night. It was still pretty muddy, maybe more so than last night as it appeared to have rained last night. After we had pissed long and hard together again, I said "I have an idea. How about, whenever any of us has to take a piss, we all take one together and we do it down here in the mud pit?"

Todd looked at me a little strangely and said to me "Ya know, you're kinkier than I ever would have imagined, but I like it. I agree let's make it a pact."

"Before yesterday, I would never have dreamed that I would be doing this with you guys. I never even thought about doing it alone. I don't understand what is going on among the three of us, but I am enjoying it," I said.

"I'm in too," said Jim. "As kinky as either of you gets, I'm gonna be right there with you!"

So we all agreed that we would always piss together this weekend and that we would always do it in the mud pit.

We went back to the cabin after having relieved ourselves and made some breakfast. Nothing fancy, just some fried eggs, bacon and English muffins. And lots of hot coffee, the fully leaded kind, you know, not decaffeinated.

As we ate the subject of yesterday's activities came up. Jim was the first to mention it.

"I never would have believed I would do the kind of things that I did with you guys yesterday. I'm not a prude by any means, but I never thought about fooling around with guys. And I certainly never thought I would have played piss games with you two. But what fascinates me the most is that I am really enjoying myself! I have never felt closer to anybody before then I feel about both of you. I know my life has changed forever and I know it's a good change. I also think that if we can keep this among ourselves and get a chance to come out here alone every once in a while that we could have the most awesome times with each other," he said.

Todd and I were silent for a moment and then Todd replied, "I know exactly how you feel. And I am in complete agreement that we should do this again, whenever we have the chance. And of course, this place is always available for us. I feel like you guys are my brothers. Whatever I have is yours."

"I am in total agreement with you guys," I said. "I never thought I would feel this way. I always thought that I was completely straight and that messing around with other guys was wrong. But I never thought that when we were fooling around yesterday. I felt like it was the most natural thing to do with both of you. I think we have taken our friendship to a new level and I like it."

"I've been thinking," said Jim. "Yesterday Todd you said that you wanted to explore more. What if we agreed that we would all try whatever anyone wants to try this weekend? No one could say know and anyone could suggest whatever they wanted no matter how kinky or weird it sounds. Whadda think guys?"

Todd and I looked at each other and then back at Jim. We smiled and Todd said, "I'm in! Let whatever may happen, happen."

"Sounds good to me too," I said. "I just want to be with you guys this weekend no matter what we do. I'm right in here with you guys!"

After breakfast was over and the dishes and stuff cleaned up, I went into the room I had chosen and found my bag. I didn't know if Jim or Todd had ever smoked weed before, but since we were all about the same age and all went to the same college, I figured they at least had tried it. So, since we made our agreement, they were going to try it again or for the first time, whichever was true. I took out my pipe and my baggie filled with about a half an ounce and went into the living room. "Hey you guys!" I called. "I got a surprise for you!"

When Todd and Jim came into the living room, they first looked at the bag of pot and the pipe, then looked at me. Then they looked at each other. I couldn't tell what they were thinking but I knew they would partake because of our agreement.

"So, tell me fellas. Has either of you ever smoked pot before?" I asked.

Jim burst out laughing. "I was the biggest pothead in college," he said laughing. "I was the guy everyone came to, to get weed."

Todd started to laugh too. "I always thought that you looked slightly familiar, Jim. Now I know why. I used to buy from you!" Todd said trying to contain his laughter enough to speak.

"OH, MY, GODDDDD!" I screamed. "Did you have really long hair and full beard and dress like a hippie in the Eighties? Dude! Could it be you? If it is you, man, have you changed!" Dude was the name of the guy in school that you could always count on to get some pot. He was not into the styles of the times at all back then. He dressed something like a hippie from the Seventies. When everyone else was into the new music of the Eighties, Dude was listening to the Dead. He even would follow them on concert during the summers. Wherever they were playing, there he was. I even got my first set of tickets to a Dead concert from him.

Still laughing hysterically, Jim tried to say "Yep, that was me! Good Old, Dude! And now I know why both of you always looked a little familiar to me too."

"Well, sit your asses down here next to me," I commanded. "We're about to get a little stoned."

Todd and Jim sat on either side of me. I lit the pipe and took a long drag. Holding it in, I passed the pipe to Todd. He also took in a long deep drag and reached over me to give the pipe to Jim. The three of us sat there in the living room and got stoned.

Smoking pot always made me horny. There I was sitting between two really good looking men who were also my best buddies and we were all naked! I don't think I could have prevented a hardon at that moment no matter how hard I tried. "Boy, do you always have a boner?" Jim asked.

"Only when I'm sitting naked between my two best buds," I said.

Jim and Todd both laughed as they started to sprout wood also. Between tokes on the pipe, I would reach over and grab both of their cocks. When we'd had enough to smoke for the moment, I took both of their cocks in my hands and started to jack them off. As I was stroking their cocks, I had very funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then I realized I was thinking about what it would feel like to have another guy's dick in my mouth. Stoned as I was, I let go of both their cocks, stood up, and told them to sit close together.

First, I went over to Todd. I spread his legs a little so I could get in between them and I took hold of his cock once more. I stroked it gently watching the silky skin move up and down over the head of his perfectly shaped cock. After a couple of strokes, a drop of precum appeared on the head of his dick. I looked Todd in the eyes and not breaking our gaze, I leaned down and licked that droplet off his cockhead. It tasted salty and sweet at the same time. I liked the taste and wanted more. Todd looked at me excitedly. As I continued to stroke his cock, more and more precum was leaking out of his slit. I greedily licked it all up and savored the flavor in my mouth.

Then I moved over to Jim. I spread his legs also and started stroking his cock, gently at first, then harder. As his precum leaked out of his cock, I looked him right in his eyes as I licked up all the precum flowing from his hard dick. He had a lot more precum than Todd, but it tasted just the same, salty and sweet together. As I stroked Jim's cock and licked up his precum, I reached over with my right hand and started to jack Todd again. He moaned in pleasure as I started to stroke him harder and harder.

Then, I don't know what it was that made me do it, but it seemed so natural that I leaned down to lick up Jim's precum but instead of just licking his cockhead, I took his cock into my mouth. At first I took just the tip of his dick into my mouth. I swirled my tongue all around the head of his cock and especially at that place where all the nerves seem to be located.

Jim moaned as I began to blow him. Slowly I took more and more of his cock into my mouth. I had never sucked another cock before but I just did what came naturally. I knew what felt good when I had gotten head from chicks before, so I did the same thing to Jim. Soon, I was bobbing up and down on his cock and he was moaning louder and louder.

Then I stopped abruptly and moved over to Todd and took his cock as far into my mouth as I could. I was bobbing up and down his cock and licking it all around like a piece of candy cane or a lollipop. Todd was obviously enjoying it as he was moaning with pleasure. It was feeling marvelous to me, too. The feel of the warmth of his hard dick in my mouth and the knowing that this was my best friend made me excited beyond words.

As I was sucking Todd's cock I had continued to stroke Jim's. They were getting about ready to shoot their loads. All of a sudden, Todd pulled his cock out of my mouth and pushed me on my back on the floor. Then, without any hesitation, he sucked my stiff dick all the way down his throat. He was sucking my cock for all he was worth. Up and down on my shaft, faster and faster, he went. Jim got off the couch too and pushed Todd over enough so that he could suck Todd's cock while Todd blew me. As a result of getting Todd into that position on the floor, Jim's cock was now in front of my face. Without even thinking, I took his long hard cock into my waiting mouth. There we were, the three of us, in a daisy chain sucking each other's cocks.

It seemed like hours passed. Every time one of us would feel the other getting close to cumming, we would stop until the feeling passed. This happened several times as we played with each other as long as we could. Then when no one could stand it any longer and the three of us were all ready to cum, we shot our loads down our best friend's throat and took the other's in return. It was amazing! I had never tasted cum before and Jim's tasted great. It was a little salty and slightly bitter, but it really tasted good.

We cleaned up the others' dicks and sucked till no more cum was left. Then we flipped onto our backs on the floor and rested. It was the first time any of us had given another guy head. And we were all quite content. No one made any motion to get up. No one moved at all for a while. I looked at the clock on the fireplace mantel and realized we had been at it for over two and a half hours! I never lasted that long before. But then again, I had never sucked a cock before. A lot of new things were happening to me that I didn't understand but that I liked and wanted more of.

Todd spoke first. His voice quivered a bit but he managed to say, "I love you both very much. I don't mean like you love a good friend. I mean the way you love your lover. I can't understand how I can feel like this since I had never thought about doing these kinds of things with anyone until yesterday. I really mean it guys, I love you!"

Jim and I moved over to where Todd lay. We got on either side of him and dropped our heads on his chest. We just lay there a while until Jim lifted his head to speak. "I'm not going to try to figure this out. My brain can't work that hard. I also never had dreamed of doing what we did yesterday and today. All I know is that I like and I want to try more and I want to try it with you two because you are my best friends and I love you deeply."

Then Jim put his head back on Todd's chest and it was my turn to say something. "We are having an experience here this weekend that goes beyond anything friendship means. Sharing our entire selves with each other so completely has made me feel like a different man. I can understand completely and how deeply you guys feel love because I feel it too. Think about it. Everything we've done together this weekend, so far, has been great for all of us even though none of us would ever have considered doing the things we have done. I love the both of you too!"

Chapter Three coming soon.

If you have any comments or would like to make any suggestions to the storyline, please feel free to drop me a line at

Next: Chapter 3

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