
By Amy Redek

Published on Jul 4, 2012


This story is for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered.

Part Twenty Five

The sea was quite choppy, so it took us an hour to get near to the island, and it was another hour before we spotted the seaplane with Stephen come and overtake us. He waggled the wings as he swooped low over us and continued on to find the ship.

About ten minutes later he came back into sight and gave another waggle of his wings and went off at a slight tangent to the course we were currently steering. So we turned accordingly and followed him for another hour before we sighted the drifting freighter.

She was wallowing in the swell but at least the water was less choppy on the leeward side. She looked huge when viewed from sea level and I wondered if I'd gone a bit too far in my eagerness for the salvage. She was listing to port and her rails were only about ten feet from the water instead of about thirty odd.

Wesson stripped off down to his underpants and a line was tied round his waist. I'd wanted him to be the first aboard so that there wouldn't be any problems about our claim to the vessel. The man steering our boat, who was on our payroll anyway, got in as close as he could, leaving Wesson to swim about ten yards or so. The cables from the ship's davits were down at the water-line, but the angle was too great for him to climb up and swing onto the ship, but we were prepared for that.

Wesson went over the side and shuddered, saying that the water was cold, but he struck out for the ship and was soon clinging to the hanging cable. While he was swimming out, the dinghy was put over the side and two men got in with some of our gear. Wesson meanwhile, tied the line he carried to the cable while the other end was fixed to the dinghy. Another line from the dinghy was attached to our boat. The men then paddled over to the ship and made fast to the cable as Wesson climbed in.

Then a grappling hook was thrown up to catch on one of the ship's rails. The rope was knotted at intervals for handholds and soon Wesson was up and on the deck. One of the other men then climbed up and the two of them hauled up the gear they had carried across. The second man then untied the dinghy before he climbed up so that we could pull the dinghy back to us for the next load.

Meanwhile, Wesson dried himself and put his clothes back on and, with one of the two men, went and looked round the ship to see if there was anybody aboard. Then two more men went across with gear and they were soon on board. Wesson reappeared and shouted that the ship was deserted and that it was in our hands. Mentally cheering, I climbed into the dinghy with the last two men and what was left of our gear and paddled across the short stretch of water.

I didn't have to climb the knotted rope thankfully. As I held on, two of the strongest men just hauled me up as though I was a feather. It was an exhilarating feeling to climb over the rail and know that this ship, though temporarily, was all mine. The deck was wet and slippery and it was wise to keep a hand tight onto something solid or risking breaking a leg by sliding down to the ship's side railing. So the first task was to rig safety lines as this side would be used to haul up our supplies when they arrived.

While we transferring ourselves from the boat to the ship, Stephen had been circling round us, and now that we were aboard, he flashed a light at us.

`What's he saying?' I asked Wesson as I joined him at the top end of a cargo hatch where we could stand properly.

`What now? He wants to know what to do next,' he replied. He had a signalling lamp in his hand waiting for my answer.

`Ask about his fuel first. If he's got enough, guide the other boat to us and then go and refuel. I've already asked him to check our rate of drift so that he'll know where to find us in the morning and then guide the tugs in to us.'

Wesson kept the lamp aimed at the plane as he clicked out the message in Morse and got a flicker of light back which I took to mean that he understood. Then with a waggle of the wings, flew off.

Well it looks as if the ship will stay afloat,' Wesson remarked, providing we don't have another storm.'

`Let's hope that the two tugs will be enough to tow us to Nassau. Let's see if we can find the ship's manifest to find out what she's carrying.' Three men were detailed first to stand as lookouts and call us if anything was seen. The other three were to go below, not too far, they were warned, to find any food or drink.

Wesson and I went up to the bridge, hauling ourselves along the deck by the starboard railings. I think it strange that on a tilted ship, you tend to move about at the highest point as though our weight would stop it from rolling over.

We climbed up the ladders that led upward but closer to the centre of the ship till we up on the bridge. Most of the glass windows were smashed, so they must have taken quite a beating in the storm and sea water was still sloshing about to the ship's movements.

The chartroom behind the wheel was a shambles. Charts and papers were a gooey mess on the port side deck with pieces of china, pencils and other debris moving in the sludge. Off to one side was the Captain's cabin, and it was here that we looked.

The cabin looked as though vandals had ransacked it. Clothing, glass, books and papers were scattered everywhere in utter chaos. A couple of the drawers had got wedged shut by the ship's angle, but Wesson soon broke them open to go through the contents.

What's the name of the ship?' I asked of Wesson. I didn't really take the time to look.'

`The "Patrick Henry", he answered as he kept on rummaging.

`Who was he?'

`Not the slightest idea.' We found out later that it was named after the first Governor of Virginia, and when we found the manifest also discovered that the ship was American, registered in Newport News, Va.

Here it is,' Wesson exclaimed, and we examined it in the half light of the cabin. Tin by God! It's nearly all tin that they've got in the holds. It must have shifted in the storm. No wonder they thought it was going to sink. There must be a fortune down there.' I almost clapped my hands at this. The rest of the list I didn't notice as all I could think of was that tin was very expensive and worth a hell of a lot of money to the owners.

`Paydirt,' I breathed out.

Sir, sir,' a voice called to us from outside. We went out and one of the men was pointing out to sea. Someone's coming.' Sure enough, there, coming towards us was a cutter, moving very fast through the water.

`Coastguard, I think,' said Wesson, shading his eyes from the sun. It was too and it came round and hove to near out boat.

Ahoy there,' a metallic voice hailed us, and I could see on the cutter's bridge, a man holding a megaphone. Who are you and are you in need of assistance?'

Tell them we are G.F.L. Salvage out of Nassau and thank you, we don't need assistance, and our tugs are on the way,' I said to Wesson, and let's hope they are. Don't say that last bit.'

Wesson shouted out our message and as luck would have it, Stephen came roaring overhead waggling his wings. We got a wave from the cutter and it left us, heading I think, for Nassau. Then came a blinking light from the plane.

`Boat coming what now?' Wesson spelt out the letters as he read them.

`Ask him where the tugs are,' I said to Wesson, who put the words into Morse code.

`Tugs want five hundred a day plus one per cent, each,' Wesson read out.

`Agreed,' I said. Two per cent was peanuts of this ship load.

`Hold, he says. He must be speaking to Nassau,' Wesson said as we watched the aircraft circle round us. Then the light started blinking again.

Expect tugs first light stop. See you in morning,' Wesson read out. Well that's it then. The boat's obviously quite close to us and we'll see to the tow in the morning.'

`Boat coming sir,' one of the lookouts called. We turned and there was "Wesson" bouncing through the waves towards us. At this point, the three foragers came and reported that the food lockers below decks were locked, but they managed to find a little amount of food and quite a bit of drink from various officers' cabins. I looked up at the sky and saw that darkness was approaching.

`We'd better rig up some kind of lights to show that we are a disabled vessel in case of any other shipping comes our way during the night. What are the signal lights for that purpose?' I asked of Wesson.

`I'm a soldier, not a bloody seaman. I don't know. If that marine engineer's on that boat, he should know.' We then turned to watch our other boat come up alongside "Francis". They then took over the line of the dinghy to let her go back home while they took up station on our lee side. I sent two men over in the dinghy to see to the supplies and also to paddle the engineer over. He came over on the first trip and he was hauled up onto the deck.

Better late than never,' he grinned as a greeting as he came aboard. Rather exciting, what? My name is Simon Dentre. I think it's French, but I haven't found anybody who can tell me for certain. So I wander the seas trying to find another who might be able to tell me.' Oh Christ, I thought, we've got ourselves a wimp of an engineer, but he was to prove me wrong. I stepped forward to greet him and he held out his hand. `You must be Mr. Lyon.'

`Sir Gervaise Lyon,' growled Wesson, stressing the word sir, looming up beside me.

`I do beg your pardon sir. I wasn't expecting to find nobility out here getting his hands dirty.'

If you're being sarcastic,' Wesson growled again, moving forward, I'm going to toss you over the side and you can swim back, contract or no contract.'

I do beg your pardon once again sir,' he said, addressing Wesson as he stepped back a pace. No offence intended I'm sure, but I did wonder in the circumstances. How did you happen to come across this vessel?' he asked turning towards me.

`I was sunbathing on my lilo when this fucking heap of shit disturbed me. Oh for Christ's sake, what do you think I'm fucking doing? I'm here for the bloody money. Now if your what you're supposed to be, get fucking cracking and tell me if I can get this ship towed into Nassau or not.' I think he saw that I was getting steamed up, so he gave me a small smile.

Sorry sir. Well, it's still floating. Sorry,' and he gave a sheepish grin, and suddenly I found that I was liking the fellow. It's about thirty thousand tons and has about an eighteen degree list to port. Cargo has obvious shifted. What is the cargo?'

`Mostly tin,' I answered.

`If it's raw, I can understand it. It was one hell of a storm. Bet the buggers couldn't get off it quick enough. Must have been rolling like a cow's son. Let's go and look below.' Now he seemed business like and seemed quite adept at walking on the angled deck as he made his way down the port side towards an entrance that led into the interior of the ship. He held a big flashlight and switched it on as we entered into the darkened interior.

He seemed to know exactly where to go, and led us down into the very bowels of the ship. He led us into the engine room first, seeming to handle the difficult job of getting down the steep ladders with ease and seemed to be impatient at the length of time it took Wesson and myself to navigate this minor obstacle. I couldn't see how big the engine room was with just the two flashlights we had, so I just stumbled along behind him.

His light fell on the engine room telegraph and I could see that it was pointing at full astern.

Significant,' he muttered as he then swept along the port side, the light showing all the pipe work and hull as it went from fore to aft. No breaches of the hull here. Let's go into the forward cargo hold.' This took us quite some time to navigate our way in the dark to a hatch on the starboard side.

`I've come this side of the ship because the other hatch might be jammed by the shifting cargo.' He unclipped the dogs that held it shut and it clanged back with an echoing sound as it fell back on its hinges. His lamp and that of Wesson's swept this hold and we could see this mass of what looked like rocks piled up on our left.

`Well if the other holds are like this, no wonder she's almost on her beam. I noticed as I came aboard that they had also been carrying some deck cargo that has obviously been swept overboard.'

`Boss? You down there?' It was one of the men from up top calling down.

`We're here,' Wesson shouted back, moving out of the hold so that the man could see the flashlight.

`It's getting dark up here and we still haven't got any lights up yet,' the man shouted down.

Oh I forgot,' I said turning to Simon. We need lights put up somewhere to show we're a disabled ship.'

`Of course. I'll see to that. Let's get back up topside. I've seen enough down here for now. Careful now. Just follow me.' I had to because he had the light and I didn't. It was damned difficult climbing those angled, almost sheer ladders in the dark. Simon kept playing the beam of light down at me to show me the footings, but it was still a hard climb.

We got out into the fresh air and it was almost dark now and I was glad to see that all our gear was aboard. The wind had freshened and the ship was beginning to wallow a bit more than when we first boarded it.

`Do you think we'll capsize during the night?' I asked of Simon.

`No. She's stabilised herself. We can ride out fresh winds like this, but not a storm. Now I'd better see to those lights before the light completely goes. I think we should see to bedding down in the starboard crew alleyway for the night.'

`I'll see to that,' and went and asked two of the men to find any dry mattresses in the crews quarters and drag them out into the alleyway. Two men were posted at either end of the ship as lookouts and the other two helped Simon rig up some lanterns he had brought with him. Wesson and I carted the food and blankets along to the alleyway that we would be sleeping in.

Mattresses had been wedged in the angle of the floor and bulkhead and we tossed some blankets on each one. Then set about sorting out some food and I realised I was starving. The others must be too, so I started to sort out the bags of food that we had. It was all in thick plastic bags that kept it all dry and I couldn't resist breaking off a piece from a loaf of bread as we unpacked the bags. It was difficult doing it with only one flashlight until Simon came with a hurricane lamp and hung it up giving us much better light.

I made sandwiches for the two on watch and sent along a hot mug of coffee from the flasks that had been brought along. They were to stand watch till midnight when another two would take over till four and then the last two till daybreak. When we all had eaten I saw that it was nearly eleven o'clock and I felt really tired and realised that I would have to sleep in my clothes.

Up till then, I hadn't given it a thought that I'd been wearing a suit all day. It was now dirty and grease smeared and I chuckled when I thought what I would have looked like being hauled up onto the deck wearing a dress.

The men below would have seen everything underneath it as I still didn't wear panties. The men drifted off to settle down for the night and Simon said that it would be better if we left the lamp burning so that the watch keepers didn't tread on anybody when they changed the watch.

Simon went to his mattress leaving Wesson and myself alone as it were, under the slowly swinging lantern. I couldn't help myself from singing "Lili Marlene" very softly so that only Wesson could hear me. He squeezed my hand as we sat together on a mattress.

Better get some rest Francis,' he said softly. You've had a busy day and you do look as though you could do with the sleep.' I smiled and returned the squeeze. That had to suffice instead of our usual good night kiss. He moved off onto the next mattress and settled himself down as I did the same. I thought I was too excited by the day's events to sleep, but I went out like a light and it was well after dawn when I woke up.

Everybody was already up and out on the deck, a bucket of sea water already up for washing purposes. The after end, portside had been designated as the latrine, and you had to hang your backside out over the water for a crap. Somebody had already found toilet paper, which was conveniently to hand, and another bucket of water to wash your hands with. No luxury of a towel though.

The wind was fresh from the south, so the ship still rolled with the swell and I wondered how far we had drifted during the night. I looked out and saw that our boat was still there and I could see the two men moving about on her. They must have been awake all night I thought, but they will like the bonus at the end of the job.

Wesson had made me a sandwich when I returned after my ablutions and we still had some hot coffee left. I then made some notes of what we would also need to be brought out to us for the boat to take back when the other one arrived to take up station. I heard a shout from on deck and went out to see that Stephen had arrived, and was making a tight circle round us. The lamp was flickering out a message, which Wesson was reading as I went up to him, and I waited until the lamp switched off before asking him what Stephen had said.

`Good morning, tugs one hour, boat two.'

`Ask for the names of the tugs. We don't want another company hooking us up, otherwise we'd have to share the prize money,' I said. Wesson duly sent the message and the reply was hold. Then a couple of minutes later the lamp started flickering again.

`Titan Two and Four,' Wesson spelt out, as Simon joined us.

`When they arriving?' he asked.

`Hour or so,' Wesson replied.

Well I better have my look below before they get here,' he said. He saw my look and explained. I want to know why the engine room telegraph was at full astern, so I'm going over the side to have a look.'

He walked off towards the stern, taking his clothes off as he went. He called to two of the men and asked for a strong rope as he took the last of his clothes off except his underpants. Then expertly knotting the rope round his middle and making sure the rope was long enough and securely tied to the rail, climbed over and dived into the water. The rope hissed over the rail as he entered the water with a big splash going right down out of sight.

He was under for a couple of minutes before surfacing, gasping for air and shaking his eyes clear of water. He made signals for him to be pulled up. As the two men grabbed hold of the rope, I hurried back to where we had slept and grabbed a blanket for him. He was just being hauled over the rail when I got there and he was already really shivering from the cold water.

Wesson untied the rope as I draped the blanket around his wet, cold body. Wesson hurried him back to the alleyway as I picked up his clothes and followed them. Wesson poured him out some coffee, which he took with shaking hands.

S'bloody cold down there,' his teeth chattering as he gulped at his hot drink. But I was right. The prop lost a blade during the storm. The ship would have started to swing broadside to the waves and the Captain ordered full astern to try and prevent them broaching, but it was too late. She must have turned and took a big wave that pushed her over hard enough for the cargo to shift. Christ, it must have put the shits up them. I bet the portside rail went under the water and they must have thought she was going to go over. I wouldn't have liked to have been aboard that night.'

`So that's why they abandoned ship,' I said.

Beam on to a heavy sea with the cargo shifted and the rail disappearing under water, I think would be a good reason to get off,' Simon answered. I was rubbing him down with the blanket as he talked, drying him and trying to get some warmth back into his body. He smiled his thanks and I knew I had been wrong in my first assessment of him. He grabbed a shirt off of the next mattress and rubbed his hair with it before putting his clothes back on. Now I'd better see about getting ready for the tugs,' he said.

We went back out on deck just as the lookout shouted that a tug was coming up to us. We stood and watched as it came close and I turned to Wesson and asked if the message had been right. There should have been two of them. He confirmed that and we watched as it came within hailing distance.

`Stand by to take the line,' a voice shouted from the tug and there was a puff of smoke from the stern before we heard the bang of a gun being fired. Then we could see this rocket thing come twisting through the air with a line trailing behind it.

`Make fast and then haul in the rope,' the voice called again as the line fell across the forward deck.

Leave that line alone,' I roared out as I suddenly shot forward to stop the men from touching the line. Don't touch that rope,' I shouted again, and they fell back at the force of my voice.

`What's your name and business,' I shouted across the short space that was now between us.

`The "Peabody" of Fort Lauderdale. The owners have instructed us to tow you to a safe port,' the man shouted back, and I could now hear that he was an American.

`Well you tell the owners that this abandoned derelict is now in the hands of G.F.L. salvage company of Nassau. Now stand off. Our own tugs are just a few minutes away.'

`You can't do this,' the exasperated voice shouted back.

`I bloody well can, so the owners will have to wait until the Court of Enquiry decides how much she's worth. They can speak to us through our office in Nassau,' I shouted back. I saw the man shake his head and he shouted some instructions to the men on the after end of the tug who began pulling the line back again.

That was quick thinking sir,' said Simon who had come up to stand beside me. I would have taken the line and then I would have been really in trouble, wouldn't I?'

Damn right you would have been,' growled Wesson who had also joined us. Sir Gervaise would have killed you and thrown you over the side. It's quick actions like that, that saved me from getting killed. You don't think he got knighted because he's pretty to look at, do you?'

`No sir, sorry sir,' he stammered.

No harm done, so don't worry about it,' I said, giving him one of my best smiles. Let's just check the names of the tugs before we accept help. Which I do believe are in sight as we speak.' There, in the distance, were two small tugs coming towards us.

Their size belies the huge power that they have to push or pull ships a hundred times heavier than they were. When they were in hailing distance, they proved to be our two tugs and now it was time for the men to use their muscles.

Lines were shot up over the bow and stern and the men heaved the first light line in and then the heavier one and finally the huge thick towing cable. This took all six men to heave it inboard and getting secured under the supervision of Simon. This was all done on the starboard side, the higher side so that they wouldn't pull us under. We finished up with two cables both fore and aft and it was lunch time before we were securely held.

Then came the slow pull against the wind and current to slowly drag us south towards Nassau. Our boat had cast off and kept out of the way, shadowing us. They kept switching over this duty, bringing us containers of hot drinks, soups and coffee as well as fresh fruit and more food. Simon spent most of the time on deck constantly checking the tow and only took snatches of sleep during the day when there were more of us on deck to keep an eye on things.

It took us six days to reach Nassau at our snail's pace, but we brought it home. Sam had organised a crew of men to handle the berthing of the lopsided vessel as it had to lay with its high starboard side towards the quay. Also the thick towing cables were released for the ship to drift slightly on its own. They then nudged it from the port side till it touched and held it there while cables were passed through hawseholes, across the decks to the port side.

Two of the big shore cranes then hooked onto the poor ship and heaved it up, scraping the starboard side of the ship against the stone quay. As the big cranes lifted, the men hauled on the other ropes, keeping it secure. This took nearly all day and we watched it from the safety of the shore as it slowly was dragged upright and firmly tied up with nearly thirty cables to keep it like that till the contents of the hold could be shifted.

Our job was now done. It was up to the lawyers now to start their business of negotiations as to the value of ship and cargo. I got Sam to gather all our crew together and gave them a speech of thanks and told them it was a job well done. Sam would see to their wages and when we knew what our payout would be for the ship, they would then be in for a bonus. They were happy with this and all shook my hand and that of Wesson and Simon.

It was too late to head for the island, so we went off to the Hilton for a bath, which I was absolutely dying for. A week in the same clothes was like being back in the army at war.

Come and have a drink with us first,' I insisted of Simon. You've earned a large one. We all have. The bath can wait for another hour.' I told Sam to see us in the hotel in the morning to have breakfast with us. He didn't really want to, but I insisted. He went off to pay the men whilst us three went for a well earned drink. After four stiff drinks, we were ready to call it a day. Simon went off and Wesson and I ordered a big meal to be sent up in an hour's time.

I fell into his arms as soon as we were alone, and kissed him.

Thank you Wesson,' I breathed. You were a tower of strength out there. I must smell pretty awful.'

No, the credit's all due to you,' he said as he held me tight. God, you were magnificent with that tug boat,' he laughed. `and you smell just lovely to me. I think we are both using the same perfume.' We stripped off our clothes as the bath was filling and he kissed me again before we got into the bath together. His cock was rampant through lack of use and I played with it as we soaped each other to get rid of a week's worth of sweat and grime.

`God I can't wait to get you into bed,' I said as I climbed out of the bath and wrapped myself in a robe. Just in time to let in the waiter with our dinner on a trolley and a couple of bottles of wine. I tipped him and called out to Wesson that hot food, our first for a week had arrived. So in robes only, we devoured all that was there as well as drinking both bottles of wine. We then went to bed and made up for lost time.

In the early dawn, I coaxed him into another erection and I rode him this time as he lay flat on his back. It was glorious and I didn't want to get off of him, but nature called. We went down for breakfast and Sam, much to his reluctance to eat with whites in the hotel, ate with us and told us that we were all the radio news could talk about. One of the men had given an interview and it sounded as though we'd actually had to repel boarders to keep the ship. It made us laugh when we heard one of the broadcasts ourselves.

As we hadn't thought of bringing other clothes with us, we left the hotel in what we had arrived in, much to my annoyance, because the press were waiting for us as we emerged from the hotel. My only consolation was that we were clean underneath our grubby suits. I gave a short interview saying that it was for the local people that I had embarked on the salvage operation. They were the true heroes and let it go at that. A car was waiting for us, and it whisked us off to the airport where Stephen was waiting for us.

Congratulations Sir Gervaise,' he said as he greeted us. A fine job indeed. We're all proud of you, and I made sure that they got some pictures of the plane with the logo on for the publicity.'

Well done Stephen,' I said, you were a great help, and there will be a bonus in it for you when we get paid.' That pleased him I think. This time I sat in the back with Wesson to enjoy the short flight to the island. I could just hear Stephen radio the island to say that the pride was airborne with an e.t.a. of fifteen minutes. So that when we touched down in a welter of spray, I could see that a lot of people had gathered on the jetty.

The news had proceeded us and there was a lot of hand clapping as we left the plane and walked to the hotel. It seemed all the guests had turned out to see us arrive, in the forefront were Penny and Lou. Wesson and I both got big kisses from the pair of them.

Wesson then made the proper introductions of myself to Victor and his wife and I apologised for my haste when we first landed. He said that it was understandable in the circumstances. With this done, I allowed him to show me round the island, a duty I had to perform as this was supposed to be my first visit here.

`My sister told me that there is a shrine here.'

`Yes sir,' Victor said, and took me to it where, as my shirt was already ruined, I pulled a button off the cuff and put it down, and said a small prayer of thanks.

Then it was lunchtime and the girls wanted the whole story of what we had done. I left it to Wesson, who, it was to be expected, embellished the whole affair. He told a good story that didn't bear any resemblance to what we had done, but it was well received. Even the guests at the adjoining tables applauded when he'd finished with his fairy tale of us fighting off the giant corporations of salvage. We hadn't even been up to our room, so we were still in our dirty clothes, and this was a good excuse to leave the dining room.

It had been a bloody exhausting morning so far, and the girls wouldn't leave us alone, coming into our room while we changed. They insisted that we went down to the private beach to relax after our ordeal. Wesson and I couldn't help but grin and give in. So we changed into some clean clothes and went downstairs and collected some soft drinks before heading for the nudist beach. The girls couldn't wait and were already stripped naked as soon as we reached the sand. We picked up their clothes as we plodded on a bit further before we stopped and undressed ourselves.

I was surprised to see that there were at least ten couples already sunbathing there in the nude. This must be quite a highlight of the holiday, and as I recall, I don't think there were any nudist beaches in England at that time. Well definitely not in late October, too bloody cold.

It was nice to relax in the sun and let the strain of the past week start to ease in the body and mind. I couldn't resist reaching out my hand and stroking that of Wesson.

`This is the life,' he muttered as his hand stroked my leg. I gave myself a smile and fell asleep. It was the wet, cold water that woke me as one of the girls swung her head, the hair spraying the droplets over me. I grabbed the nearest leg and pulled so that she fell over in the sand. I rolled on top of her and found that it was Penny.

`That's a bad way to wake a man up,' I said, feeling myself get a hard on.

Well it certainly has woken you up,' she panted, in more ways than one,' she giggled.

`Look what she's done to me,' I said to Wesson as I rolled over, my cock as hard as the little blighter could get.

It did the same for me watching them,' he grinned, and I could see that he was in the same state as I was. Let's go and cool down and save it for later,' he said getting up. The two girls giggled as I got up too, our cocks sticking out in front of us. I was glad that we were far enough away from any other couples on the beach. We ran down to the surf and I loved to see the way his cock bounced as he moved and I would loved to have grabbed it there and then and given him a blow job. As it was, we ploughed into the sea to cool off, and it wasn't as cold as I thought it might have been. I suppose it was because we were close to the shore because it certainly was cold when Simon had dived in. I giggled at the thought of what he would have looked like without underpants when he was hauled up, all shrivelled and wrinkly. Then after swimming a few lengths out, I found that it was cold, and so it was back to the beach, with my cock down to its normal size.

Back on my towel, the girls told me how they had all listened to the news bulletins to hear of our progress over the past week. That reminded me that we were only supposed to have been here for a week, so when Wesson joined us, I asked him to contact Frobisher and ask for another week.

`Tell him that something came up and we lost a week of our holiday. I think he'll understand. There's not much that we do that he doesn't know about as soon as it happens. The bastard has got ears everywhere.'

`That's why he's good at what he does,' Wesson laughed. We later put our clothes on and trooped back to the hotel and Wesson stopped off to make the request of Frobisher while I went up and had a shower.

He knew all the details,' Wesson said when he came in where I'd just come out of the shower. He rubbed me down with a towel as he told me that we could have another week. He seemed so pleasant about it. It's not like him to be so generous with leave.'

I knew he would agree,' I said, knowing why. Come on, your turn for the shower. I'm getting dressed and going down with Lou to see to the hotel's accounts.' As the girls were occupying the Leopard suite, we kept the connecting door open between that and the Lion suite.

`Coming through,' I called as I went into where the girls were, and by now we were used to seeing each other naked. Penny was bare assed as it were, while Lou was just getting dressed.

Let's go and see Victor before dinner,' I said to Lou, and ask for a quick rundown on the state of the accounts.' So we left Penny to go for her shower and I let Lou do most of the talking and found that the hotel was just breaking even at the moment which was gratifying as it was only just over half full.

Dinner was excellent, and I think the staff knew that I would have been most upset if it hadn't been. We'd watched the sunset earlier with cocktails and the meal topped off the evening. Then it was to bed for another glorious night with Wesson.

Many of the staff did comment on how much I looked like my sister. Identical twins, just look at the portrait behind the bar was the stock answer, and that seemed to satisfy them.

We spent the mornings sunning ourselves by the pool after breakfast and used the private beach after lunch. A couple of nights later after a good fucking by Wesson, satisfied and contented, I lay in his arms when he asked if I fancied a change.

`No, I'll keep you,' I said, snuggling ever closer to him.

`Not another man, I meant one of the girls,' he said.

`Not really. I'm happy with you. Why? You going off me or something,' I said moving out of his embrace to turn and face him. I could just make out his features in the dim light of the room.

`Not at all you goose. It's just that Penny said she wouldn't mind an exchange for one night. A sort of "well done the hero" kind of thing.'

`I suppose Lou is in favour of this?' I asked.

`Well I assume so, or Penny wouldn't have asked,' he replied.

Well,' I started, and then I thought of how my body reacted when I rolled on top of her in the sand the other day. Well if you want a taste of Lou, I'm not going to say no. I'm not your keeper.'

`So you don't mind then?'

`Of course I bloody mind. But if you want Lou, have her then. You can have bloody Penny as well if you've a mind to be the filling in the sandwich,' I said, and rolled away from him. He rolled over to me and stroked my arm.

`If you say no Francis, then it's no. It's no big deal.'

I know it isn't,' I said, rolling slightly back towards him so that I was flat on my back. His hand was now stroking my chest, each time it was moving lower downwards. It's just that we don't want to start something with these girls that we can't control.' His hand had since passed my stomach and now encountered my erection.

`You mean this?' he asked as his hand firmly grasped me. I couldn't help but give out a giggle.

That too!' I said as his hand moved slowly up and down on me. It's you I want all the time really. Your hand doing what it is now. Your cock inside me. Your mouth on mine or round what you're holding. That's what I want all the time, not somebody else's. But if you want a piece of Lou, then I'll accept having a piece of Penny.'

I heard him sigh and then he slid down under the sheet and I felt his breath on me as he took me into his mouth and started to suck and tease me with his tongue. My hands went down and stroked his hair as he played me with his mouth. I then gripped his head as I started to bounce my hips on the bed as I face fucked him. I came with some force and he swallowed it as he had been taught to do. Pulling every last drop up with his suction until I was dry, and after a gentle teeth nibble, he let me go. I could feel that he was grinning at me as he emerged from under the sheet, and I hugged and kissed him.

`My turn now,' I whispered before slipping down the bed to service him. He was hot and large and I just loved that smell of him and the taste as I took the head of his cock in my mouth and gently chewed below it as I sucked on him. Why it's called a blow job when all you do is suck, I don't know, but I loved doing it. Feeling that hot, hard shaft throb and pulsate both in hand and mouth as both worked in opposite directions. To feel that extra little bit of stiffening as the sperm shot up the tube inside and exploded into my mouth. Then to roll it round in my mouth, getting the taste before swallowing it, and sucking hard as I squeezed him to get the last drops. That was another part of heaven for me. I made him fuck me properly in the morning before we got up.

He must have told the girls after breakfast, because Lou and Wesson seemed to pair off and I had Penny in constant attendance on me for the rest of the day. Even lying down naked next to me on the beach during the afternoon, her hand occasionally touching mine and she would give me a lovely smile when she did so. Dinner was great again and soon it was time for bed and it just seemed so natural for her to come into my suite with me and undress and get into my bed. She smiled up at me as I too, undressed, and I saw her eyes stray down to see my erection jutting out before I got into bed beside her. She snuggled up close to me, her hand coming to rest on my chest.

`I'm glad you said yes,' she whispered as her hand stroked me.

`So you didn't mind when Lou suggested the swap for the night then?' I asked of her.

`Lou? Well she did ask Wesson, but it was me that asked her to ask him,' she said.

`You?' I said astonished.

Yes. That afternoon when you rolled on top of me and got hard, I knew that I wanted it so badly that I pestered Lou to speak to Wesson.' Her hand had gone down and was now holding me in her fist. You're not mad at me for wanting you, are you?'

No,' I said, rolling onto my side and giving her a kiss as I brought my hand up and cupped a breast. I think Wesson needs a break from me and I'm pleased that you wanted me.' She smiled and pushed me back so that she could move down the bed and take me into her mouth. I let her suck and fondle me for a few minutes before I pulled her head away from me.

`Don't let's waste it there,' I said as she surfaced and then I pushed her flat and went down under the sheet. I kissed from her neck down over those lovely breasts, nipping the nipples to hardness before kissing her stomach. Her legs parted as I moved lower for me to get in between them. Her knees came up and her legs widened as my mouth and tongue began to probe inside her vulva. I gave her as good head as I could, bringing her up and through an orgasm as I licked and sucked upon her clit.

She was gasping as I slid up her body and entered the sopping wet cavity, her legs coming up and holding me inside her.

Oh Francis,' she moaned. This is heaven,' and she rocked me atop of her. My hands moved up under her shoulders as I leaned up on my elbows and pulled her down onto me as I thrust up towards her. I managed to keep up a steady rhythm as I fucked her, holding myself back till she began to squirm and groan before starting to thrash about the bed, and then as she began to shudder, I came so that the two fluids could join as she came in great gasps.

That was marvellous. I came twice,' she said after several minutes of chest heaving, her big breasts seeming to swell larger with every deep intake of breath. Let me clean you up,' and pushed me off, my still erect cock slipping out of that wet warmth only to be taken into her hot mouth as she sucked the residue from me as well as a coating of her own juices. I got a wet kiss when she had finished and we laughed as she smeared my face too. It seemed strange to go to sleep holding a soft body in my arms instead of me being held in the strong hard arms of Wesson.

I woke up only because Penny was back down under the sheet sucking on my morning's erection. I revelled in the sensation for a little while before pulling her head forcibly up off me, not wanting to come that way. She threw back the sheet, her hair wild and disordered as she smiled and bid me a good morning before moving up and sitting astride my body. My cock now having the appearance of coming from between her legs as sat on my thighs.

`Now for your morning exercises,' she said as she lifted my prick upright as she raised up her body. Then she placed the tip at the entrance to her vagina and then slowly sank down onto it, shuffling her legs slightly to get what length I had, deep inside her. With a toss of her head, keeping it thrown well back, she began to move up and down on me. I liked the sight of those big tits jiggling about as she moved and the fuck she was giving me. My hardness seemed to be getting harder and stronger and I closed my eyes and gave up my body to the sensation.

It was the sound of the door opening that made my eyes fly open and I saw Wesson come into the room. Penny froze in mid bounce, her eyes wide open in fright.

Don't mind me,' Wesson laughed as he passed through. I like to see people enjoying themselves. Didn't you hear the buzzer announcing the coffee?' he said as he left the bedroom. I looked up at Penny who still seemed to be in some state of shock.

`He saw us!' Her voice somewhat strangled as she still sat petrified astride of me. Her breasts were quivering and I put my hands up to stop the movement and caress them at the same time.

`But Penny, they've probably just finished doing the same thing.' and I gave her a grind with my hips and this movement triggered in her mind as to what we were supposed to be doing.

I was just on the point of coming when he walked in,' as she began moving again. Now I've got to start all over again.'

Lovely,' I said. Let's start all over again,' and I held her tits tight as she brought both of us to a magnificent orgasm. Penny's body went rigid as she shuddered on top of me and I felt her juices began to slide down my thigh before she collapsed on top of me. My arms went round and held her as she breathed deeply whilst lying on my chest.

I nearly had a heart attack when I heard his voice,' Penny said when she got her breath back. How can you be so calm about it?'

`It happened. There's nothing we can do about it,' as I held her tight and rolled over till I was on top and still inside her.

`As we are now,' she smiled sweetly up at me.

`Now don't start getting ideas above your station,' I said.

`But I like fucking with the boss.'

`But the boss doesn't like to be fucked about, but it's nice that you wanted me,' I said to take the sting out of my words, and it was to some regret that I rolled off her.

Wesson came back into the room with the tray of coffee and put it down on the bedside table.

`I never heard the buzzer,' I said to him.

`Maybe because you were too preoccupied,' he smiled at me.

Then we heard the buzzer go off in the other room.

Well there's my coffee being delivered,' he said and went and peeked through the other door. She's gone. See you later,' he said and disappeared back into the Leopard suite.

Penny and I had some coffee before having a shower, soaping each other and then the rubbing down with the big towels. I nearly slipped up afterwards by picking up her dress and realised that I was Gervaise and not Francis, therefore I had to look for some pants and trousers. When we were both dressed, we went down to breakfast and Lou seemed to bubble over after her night with Wesson. This made it more certain in my mind that this was not going to happen again, I couldn't afford to lose him to our two bit secretary.

As it happens, we only had one more night at the hotel before it was time to go back to London. I made sure that I lavished much love on Wesson and let him give me a right good seeing to in bed on our last night there.

We left just after breakfast because I wanted to spend some time with Sam and the lawyers, whom it must be said, didn't like being turned out of their homes on a Sunday morning.

The world doesn't stop turning just because it's Sunday, and neither does business stop,' I said as sweetly as I could, though I was a bit peeved. You are making a lot of money out this, so stop quibbling about losing a few hours of a Sunday morning.' Then it was down to work to sort out our claim to the "Patrick Henry", and what we could expect from the ship-owners.

I left them at lunchtime to sort out the details, giving Sam carte blanche to act on my behalf. Everybody had been paid out of the petty cash that he held, the bonuses plus percentages for the tugs would be sorted out after we were paid for the ship.

This took several months, but after all settlements had been made, we cleared well over one and a half million dollars for one weeks work. The new plane that was still being built was now paid for.

But this was still in the future, and it was now lunchtime, but it was Sam who did the treating. It was to a typical Bahamian restaurant that served only local dishes, and it was superb. It was a trifle spicy, and I wondered if I would be able to taste it after it had passed through Wesson's body. If he took too much salt with his food, it was definitely apparent in his sperm, and I wondered if it actually killed the sperm or not. I never did get round to asking anyone knowledgeable enough to give me an answer to that question. But, as I said, it was a delightful meal, washed down with the local beer and too soon it was time to depart. Farewells were said and we boarded our plane for the homeward run.

`Welcome aboard Sir Gervaise. You certainly are one for surprises. The whole city has been talking about you and Mr. Wesson. I kept back a batch of newspapers in case you hadn't read them. I'm sure the news has been reported in London,' our stewardess said as she fussed to see that our belts were properly fastened.

`Who are they?' I whispered to her, indicating two other couples already seated in the plane.

`They were guests at the hotel and are now going back home. Didn't you see them while you were there?' I didn't answer because I hadn't recognised them.

`What are their names,' I whispered again, and she told me, so that when we were airborne I wouldn't look a complete fool as not to know them.

Welcome aboard Lyon Air,' came the voice of the pilot. We'll be taking off in a few minutes and expect to arrive in London at six a.m. local time. Dinner will be served in one hour's time before we reduce the cabin lighting for you to get some sleep. Anything that you require, do not hesitate to call the stewardess.' Naomi then did her take off safety routine and we were then airborne for London. The meal was excellent and after that, the girls went off to their cabins first and Wesson and I retired to split up to meet again in the main one.

I pity the other poor souls,' I said as I flung myself down onto the bed, sitting up all night trying to sleep in their seats. Maybe we should have a plane that has more beds than seats so that everybody could sleep comfortably.'

`Nice thought, but not financially viable,' Wesson said as he started to undress. I gave this some thought as I too undressed, and soon we were in bed together. Having him close and being in his arms drove thoughts of other people out of mind as we kissed and made love in our own aircraft. There was some lovely air turbulence that seemed to enhance the fucking that I was getting from him and I was more than satisfied when he came. I went to sleep sucking on his cock under the covers.

A persistent buzzing woke me up and found that it was the phone. I groggily answered it to be told that we would be landing in an hour and that breakfast was about to be served. It still gave me time to be serviced by Wesson who said that this was a great way to travel as he fucked me before we had a quick shower. Then dressed, he left the cabin by going through the connecting door to the other cabin while Penny came into ours.

They too had been woken up and were ready when we were to enter the main cabin to take our seats for breakfast. The other four passengers took this opportunity to come and ask for autographs, saying how thrilled they were to be travelling on the same plane as the owner and hero of the salvage operation. I almost kicked Wesson for the irreverent words he used as they left to resume their seats for the breakfast being served.

There must be a lot said for paying the staff decent wages. I didn't have to ask for a car to be waiting for us. They'd already informed ahead of our arrival so that one was waiting for us as we landed. I thanked the crew before disembarking and said how pleased I was at their expertise on both trips. This brought huge smiles from them and was wished a safe journey into London. We were waved through passport control after just a brief glimpse at our passports and customs didn't even stop us, so we were soon on the road to the city.

Palmer appeared genuinely pleased to see us when we arrived home. I went straight indoors and left him and Wesson to see to the luggage, I don't think the Perkins saw me enter as Gervaise. Wesson kept the car waiting downstairs as he put our bags in our rooms.

I'm going straight to the office,' he said. We'd slept a good five hours on the plane, so we were reasonably fresh. Are you coming?'

No,' I replied. You don't know how I've longed to get out of these constricting clothes. I want to luxuriate in a hot bath and make myself all feminine again. You go on and I'll make myself comfortable till you return.' So with a quick kiss, he went off and I got undressed for my bath. It was lovely to wallow there in the scented water and give my hair a proper wash. Then I saw to waxing my legs and attacking the slight growth of facial hair with tweezers. What with also shaving under my armpits, this took up all of the morning.

Palmer had fixed me a light lunch, which I ate while still in my robe before getting dressed. It was lovely to pull on my stockings and fix them to the suspender belt, getting an erection again as I did so. Then I paraded myself before the full length mirror as I put on my bra, really wanting to masturbate before selecting a dress to wear, but decided to save myself for when Wesson was home, which was quite early.

It was nice to be back home, sitting down to dinner with Wesson all to myself. It was also nice for him to compliment me on how beautiful I looked, making me preen. I asked about the office and he said that my desk was piled high as usual, other than that, all was normal.

I sang and danced a little for him after our meal before we went into the bedroom. There he slowly undressed me, kissing the parts of my body that he uncovered and I did the same to him, revelling when I pulled down his underpants to see that he was up and ready. We made slow, slow love that lasted for several hours before, sated, we finally went to sleep.

My heart sank when I saw my desk next morning, but knuckled down and started to read. It took me all week to get down to the current day's paperwork and was glad when it was finally Friday afternoon. This was the routine for the coming weeks. My 21st birthday came and we celebrated in style. What with the presents from Wesson, Frobisher, Smith, Palmer and the Perkins, there were just too many to mention. Then Wesson took me out to dinner and the theatre that made it to be a very happy birthday indeed.

Christmas soon loomed up and I brought presents for everybody that I could think of, when Wesson surprised me.

I shouldn't really suggest this as it's against my own interests, but I think you should spend some time over Christmas with Diane and little Francis.' That surprised me enough to render me almost speechless. Well?' he asked.

`I...I don't know what to say. I was just going to send their presents down.'

`Well you can take them in person. They deserve to see you sometime during the year.'

`What about you?'

I have you nearly the whole year round. Pun intended,' he smiled. I'm sure I can survive for a couple of days.'

`But it's Christmas!' I replied.

`All the more reason to go and see them, bearing gifts.' I saw what he meant and silently agreed with him. I should spend some time with them, I was married to Diane and little Francis was my son.

Okay,' I said, I'll go, but I'll be back here for the New Year.'

So I phoned Diane and she seemed genuinely delighted with the idea, so it was agreed that I would be down there on Christmas Eve to spend a few days with them. I duly turned up, loaded with parcels and I was greeted with smiles and kisses. I'd hired a car and gone down dressed as Gervaise.

`Francis! It's great to see you,' as she kissed me. I couldn't really return the kiss until I'd put down the parcels. Only then could I take her into my arms and kiss her properly. Little Francis came toddling into view, but stayed close to Diane's skirts as he looked up at me. It took an hour before he agreed to sit on my lap, casting many a look at his mother as he did so.

She smiled her encouragement and soon he was smiling as I talked to him. The presents had been put under the decorated tree and I commented on the choice of Christmas decorations that adorned the room. Diane was pleased and said that little Francis had helped her because his Daddy was coming home for Christmas. I helped her with the washing up after a lovely meal that Francis was allowed to stay up to eat with us, before he was bathed and put to bed.

We only stayed a short while in the sitting room before we too went to bed. It had been a long time since we'd last been to bed together, but it was like coming home to get into bed with Diane, seeing and feeling her naked body against mine.

The softness was a definite contrast to the hardness of Wesson, in all departments. It was still a delight to run my hands over her full breasts and then kiss and nibble on the nipples before following my hand down across her flat stomach. Then came the silky fur that was unlike the stiff harsh male pubics I was used to and the absence of a hard penis. Just the soft touch of velvet that went between her thighs and they opened to my touch for my fingers to explore the inner delights.

My mouth and tongue replaced my fingers to tease and excite her and her own fingers kept running through my hair as I pleasured her. With her gasping and writhing, she pulled me up the bed and begged for me to enter her, which I was intending to do anyway. She was wet and ready for me to slide in and it was indeed like coming home. I tried to hold back to make it last but her passion was such that I exploded at the same time as she did.

We were awake before dawn on Christmas day and made gentle love again as the light slowly stole into the bedroom and before Francis awoke. It was a delight to watch him tear open his presents later before breakfast. He then seemed to find the boxes more fun than what they had contained much to our amusement. Diane was pleased with the selection of French lingerie that I had bought for her, not telling her that I'd even bought some for myself. Her present to me was a silver pen and pencil set in a monogrammed leather case which must have set her back a pretty penny.

The Christmas dinner was the traditional turkey, which I carved, not very elegantly I must say, but Diane and Francis didn't seem to notice this. We took it in turns to feed Francis and he seemed to delight in this special attention from two grownups. He seemed to like the custard more than the steaming Christmas pudding for his afters.

We sat and listened to the Queen's speech after the meal and while Francis had a sleep, we sat and dozed away the afternoon on the sofa. Diane curled up next to me with her head resting in my lap as I stroked her hair abstractedly as I gazed at the fire. Supper was just a matter of picking at the small plates of food that Diane had prepared, all of us still rather full from the lunch. Then it was into bed for another night of loving, slow and gentle this time that lasted well into the night.

I slept with Diane for four nights that Christmas and she was as avid for my body as I was for hers. Though this didn't mean that I'd forgotten Wesson. I still craved for what he could give me that Diane couldn't and I missed holding his hard body as I held the softness of Diane. So it was not with reluctance that I said my goodbyes to Diane and Francis. Diane held him in her arms so that they could both wave as I got into the hired car to take me back to London.

Wesson gave me a big hug and a kiss when I got home, or was it a hug and a big kiss. Whatever. I think he was glad to have me back as I was to be there. Then we went to bed and I was gratified to see that he had a beautiful erection which I couldn't resist to kiss and fondle. I turned round so that he could use it where I wanted it most, and I wasn't disappointed as he ploughed my furrow. To feel his hardness inside me was enough to make me drool onto the sheet as he held my hips in a firm grasp as he fucked me, twice that night. It was nice to snuggle up to his firm body and to smell the maleness that was like perfume to me as he held me till I fell asleep.

I loved Diane and little Francis, but not as much as I loved Wesson. He was my reason for living, my world, my man, and I loved him for it. I often wished as he smoothly slid in and out of me that he could make me pregnant, that I could bear his child. Have a small replica of Wesson, to love and hold, but then I would sadly sigh as I knew that it would never happen.

Our New Year party was good and I think we were all, Palmer and the Perkins too, slightly the worse for drink when midnight came and we saw in 1953. Then it was back to the dull boring job of reading the French newspapers and other snippets of information that daily came across my desk. It was only Wesson that kept me there, for if he'd not been sitting opposite me, I certainly wouldn't have stayed. Nothing of note crossed my desk, though Wesson did have some that came to mean something as we found out later. It was the beginning of April that Frobisher sent for us and bade us to sit down before him.

Wesson,' he started off. I've pulled out some of your reports that have since been corroborated, and I'm pleased to say that you appear to have been right.' This pleased Wesson as he sat up a bit straighter at these words.

You pointed the finger, if you'll forgive the pun, at this clique in Germany that calls itself the "Five Fingers". The German desk missed it at first, but has now found out more about them. It seems they meet at a place that you both know well. The "Blue Angel" in Berlin.' We both looked at each other at this. Also, we have an inkling of what they are aiming to do. It would have very grave consequences if what they propose were to come about.

They, so it would seem, are planning to disrupt the coronation of our Queen by assassinating the German Chancellor and others and cause as much chaos and carnage as they can.' We both gasped at this affront to our sovereign and nation.

`Now what I want the pair of you to do, is find this group and find out if this is what they plan to do.'

What do we do,' Wesson began asking Frobisher, if we find them and that is exactly what they plan to do?'

`Eliminate them!'

We both gasped again at this bald statement. I know I could kill, I had done that in Rome, but I was angry and it was a question of them or me. But this would be murder! I didn't know if I could do this, and said so. Asking why couldn't they just be arrested and brought to trial. Frobisher went on to demolish this idea by saying that we could only apprehend them on British soil and then we would have to have proof of what they intended first.

`Onus probandi,' I said.

`Eh?' Wesson asked looking at me.

Burden of proof,' Frobisher answered for me. Not only would we need proof, but it would also be costly to the Government to bring them to trial. What I want you to do is find them, the proof, and then execute them, saving everybody time and money.'

`What do you propose sir?' Wesson asked, cutting off my protestations.

Something similar to the last time you went to Paris, Hamburg and then Berlin. Francis,' he smiled at me, has been booked at these same clubs as last time. Again, it will be for two weeks at the "Blue Angel". Observe and see if you can infiltrate the group and obtain the proof we require.'

`So I'm to be Jacqueline Duvall again?' I asked.

`On the stage, yes Francis. Wesson will use his alias too.'

`When do we leave sir,' Wesson asked.

`Next week. Francis is booked through the usual agency to start on the tenth at the club in Paris. The seventeenth in Hamburg and the twenty fourth in Berlin. That will establish your bona fides. Any questions?'

`No sir,' Wesson had said after kicking my ankle to keep me quiet.

You beast,' I said to Wesson after we had left Frobisher's office. I'll have a bruise on my foot for a week.'

`It'll be gone before we leave for over a month out from those desks. Isn't that what you wanted?'

`Yes, but not to go and deliberately kill people,' I protested.

`Didn't you kill people in Korea?'

`Yes, but they were trying to kill me! I was just fighting back.'

`As a knight of the realm, you'll be in the Abbey when our Queen is crowned. What if they use bombs? You might be one of the victims.'

`I hadn't thought of that,' I answered.

Well you damn well should,' he said fiercely. These people are animals! Wild animals that should be put down. When a mad dog attacks, it's shot. It's a matter of survival.'

`When it attacks!'

`The intent is the same thing! If the intention is there, then the mad dog must be shot! Can't you see that?' I couldn't answer, because I knew he was right. If the intent was there...

We went back to our desks and I looked at my papers without taking in the contents, my mind trying to grasp the orders that we had been given. Find this group, somehow get them to admit their intentions, and then kill them. It seemed preposterous and wondered if we could really be given such an order.

But then, Frobisher was a law unto himself. He only thought of his country, to serve and protect it by whatever means he had at hand. Wesson and I were at hand to do his bidding, knowing that we had killed before. If we didn't undertake the job, he'd find somebody else who would, though they wouldn't have the advantage that Wesson and I had of knowing the place of rendezvous.

The week soon passed and I spent the time repairing my wardrobe and replacing the odd item. It was strange, but I was really looking forward to the trip, blanking out the possible outcome. Being back on the stage, the make-up, stale sweat and the cramped dressing rooms. In the evenings, I would run through my repertoire for Wesson and revelled in his applause as well as the reception I got later in bed.

Then it was off to Paris and my first engagement for over a year. I was all a tremble, but suddenly felt at home when I entered the dressing room where I had smashed the nose of Rose as well as breaking the arm of her arse licker.

`Jacqueline!' a voice screamed out as I entered the cramped room, and it took a moment for me to recognise the screamer.

Paulette!' I screamed back and we hugged across the bowed back of another artiste. Fancy bumping into you again, and here of all places.'

I almost live here now,' she/he said, laughing in the spirit of all transvestites. But that's changed now. When I heard you were coming, I made it my business to find out where you would be performing. So I'll be only here for the week, and then it's Hamburg and Berlin.'

`You crazy cow,' I laughed, loving this man who only played at being a woman.

`I know, but I love it. Here, you can have the top seat again. Suzy! Shift your arse. All of you! Shift down one so that Jacqueline can have her rightful place.' Paulette made everyone move so that I could have the corner seat at the long mirrored table. There were some mutterings, but I think that Paulette had already told them of Rose, so they all moved their make-up kits down for me to take the top place.

Paulette couldn't stop talking as I changed and sat down to do my face. Asking where and what clubs I had been performing at since we last met. I threw a few names at her, telling her that they were all in England, but I hadn't done any work for six months. But that I was glad to be back, especially as she was here.

Have you still got that big brute of a man with you,' she asked as I was putting on my lipstick. I could only nod in answer to that. You must be good to keep a man that long. What's his tackle like?'

Like himself. Big and strong,' I replied, patting my lips with a tissue. He more than satisfies me.'

`God, I'm jealous. I've had four men since we were last here. I'm just about to get rid of the current boy friend. Maybe I'll find a good one in Hamburg, or in Berlin. A change is as good as a rest.' I laughed with her as a voice shouted that show-time was about to start.

The show went down very well and I was most pleased with my performance in front of an audience again. I got the biggest ovation, which boosted my ego no end. Paulette made it quite plain to her boy friend that she was packing up with him by pointedly sitting at the table, during her break, where Wesson sat. I trusted Wesson, so I didn't make any comment on it.

That's how it went for the week in Paris, the three of us sitting together during the breaks, laughing and joking. Wesson didn't mind Paulette knowing that he was fucking me, and politely declined her overtures for him to take her on as well. At the rate that I used Wesson, I didn't think he would have been capable anyway.

At the end of our week stint in Paris, Paulette accepted our lift to Hamburg. She was really full of laughs and kept us in stitches for the whole trip north. Word had preceded us, which I think was Paulette's doing I think, because the top two seats in the dressing room were already vacated for us. Here again, not being too modest, I was the star of the club, and I really sang my heart out to rapturous applause.

Paulette managed to secure a boyfriend for the week, so he and Wesson shared a table every night to watch the show. Though she was staying at the same hotel as we were, they went off together to leave Wesson and me to make our own way back.

It was a fun week again, doing the show every evening, and then going back to the hotel to have Wesson get behind and prove to me that he still loved me. We'd spend most of the day in bed, making love to each other, and only leaving it for the toilet or to get a drink.

Too soon, we were heading south for Berlin. No matter how many jokes Paulette cracked, I couldn't get out of my mind what Wesson and I were supposed to do there. We did the trip in one hop and booked into our hotel and then went straight to the "Blue Angel". We were the first ones into the dressing room and took the top two seats, telling each other that the others would have to be superstars to get us to move out of them. Others slowly drifted in as we were getting dressed and introductions were made. The last one in gave me a shock, for it was Rose.

Well look what we've got here,' Rose sneered, but taking the one vacant seat without a challenge. The queen and the consort who's not fit to wipe my arse.'

Had another nose job done Rose?' I said quite loudly, because you look uglier than when I last saw you.' There was some tittering from the others who quickly shut up when Rose glowered at them. She looked flabbier and older since the time of our fight and she gave us a venomous look down through the mirror.

`I think we'd better watch our backs with her,' Paulette whispered. I wholeheartedly agreed with her on that score. But all in all, we managed to keep out of her way as she kept out of ours. Though we did have one coming together'

`Watch yourself bitch, because I'm going to have you before we finish here,' she snarled at me.

`You won't be quick enough,' I answered her.

Wesson, in the meantime, sitting out in the club, was keeping his eyes and ears open for any clues as to this group that were supposed to meet there. It was on the Wednesday night that he said that he thought that he had them spotted. It hadn't taken him long to spot who were regular patrons of the club because they tended to use the same table on each visit.

He'd noticed that towards the end of the evening, some men come in but didn't sit at any of the tables, but went straight up to a room on the next floor. He also learned that there was only this one room apart from the manager's office up the stairs, so it was most likely to be them that we were seeking.

They didn't come during the weekend, so it was likely that they only met once a week, but we wouldn't know if this was true till the following Wednesday. I wondered if we would have to extend our stay at the club if they didn't show up. The Wednesday came and I was all nerves during the show, checking at each break if Wesson had spotted them. It wasn't until the last break before our finales that he said that two of them had arrived.

Now my stomach was all of a flutter during my last song, but managed to get through it okay. As we trooped off the stage at the end, Wesson confirmed that four men were upstairs. I suggested that he went and got the rear door of the club open so that we could slip back inside. That was because we had to be seen leaving the club with Paulette and her new boy friend.

I managed to drag out the cleaning off of my stage make-up and getting dressed to leave so that Paulette and myself were the last to leave the dressing room. The bar had closed and the grill was down and locked and only Wesson and Paulette's man were the last punters left in the club. I went and put my arm through Wesson's as he stood up.

`Did you get the door open,' I whispered.

`Yes,' he whispered back, taking me out, as Paulette walked out with her man, closing the self locking door behind us.

`See you tomorrow Paulette,' I called out as we turned towards our hotel. She acknowledged by a wave of the hand and went off the other way. We strolled along till they had turned the corner and then we turned back and went round to the back of the club. The door was open as Wesson had said it was, and we slipped inside.

`It's the room to the left at the top of the stairs,' he whispered.

`Have you got a gun?' I whispered back as we crept up the stairs.


Well I haven't, so I'd better go in first. They will see that I'm unarmed.' I was wearing a dress that was quite tight and a gun would have shown. Wait outside till I call or you hear shots.' I squared my shoulders and went into the room. It was lit by a single lamp above the table where five people sat, half clouded by cigarette and cigar smoke. The startled faces turned towards me and the man nearest the door pulled a gun out from inside his jacket.

`Well if it isn't the "Angel" herself,' Rose sneered.

`What do you want here,' the man at the far end of the table demanded. I was surprised to see Rose there, but then realised that this was exactly the right place for a bully. She was sitting to my left, the man who'd spoken was opposite me and the other three were to my right. He'd asked me the question in German and though I didn't know the words, I guessed what he had asked. I told them that I spoke French and English, but not German.

English then,' he snapped. We all speak some of that language. What are you doing here?'

`I've come to tell you that you've got a traitor amongst you.'

This got their immediate attention. I'd run through several scenarios for this scene, and this seemed the best one to choose.

`My friend, who is just outside the door, and I have been chasing this traitor for the past couple of years. The traitor amongst you betrayed a diamond heist and the gems were stolen from the courier, a girl, who wound up dead in the sea.'

`That was Helga Schwatz,' one of the men breathed out.

`Yes. Helga Schwatz. And the man outside is her half brother.'

`I didn't know she had a brother,' the same man stated.

`Herr Schwatz fathered Otto long before he met Helga's mother. Then last night, Otto spotted your traitor talking to a British agent. He waited till they had parted and then followed the agent. Needless to say, he caught him and used, shall we say, a little pressure to find out what you have in mind.'

`Gott in Himmel,' another man at the table said.

`Don't worry about the agent. He won't be telling what he knew. I should worry about the one who told him.' The faces all kept turning to look at each other, faces set hard, the eyes, worried. I took this opportunity to grasp the wrist of the man holding the gun. Pressing in the right places, I paralysed the nerves in his hand and took the pistol from his nerveless fingers. They looked startled as I now held the pistol in my hand.

`As you don't seem to know who it is, I'd better tell who the man is, or should I say woman,' as I turned towards Rose. Her face contorted as I lifted up the pistol and shot her in the head.

She flew backwards out of the chair, the back of her head spraying out blood as the wig went flying off at a different angle. The sound of the shot echoed round the room and seemed very loud to me as I swung the gun round to cover the stunned men at the table. I could see fear in their eyes as the cordite smoke slowly cleared. I backed towards the door and opened it.

`Come in Otto. Didn't you hear the shot?

`Yes, but only just. The room must be sound proofed.'

Gentlemen. Let me introduce you to Otto Schwatz, and that Otto,' I said as I pointed to the spread eagled-body of Rose. That's the traitor who betrayed Helga. Is it the same one who spoke to the British agent you killed last night?' He nodded in answer. `There you have it gentlemen. So now there's only "four fingers" to do the work planned for London. You do still intend to carry out the assassinations in the Abbey?'

Of course,' the leader said. If you've shot the traitor and killed the agent before he reported, why shouldn't we? Or is it that you two intend to turn us in,' he sneered.

`Oh no. We won't turn you in,' I said as I raised the pistol and shot him in the head and turned the pistol to the next man and shot him too. Wesson's gun barked out at the same time taking out the third man before he shot the last one. The noise had been deafening and the room was full of the stink of cordite.

The bodies had been flung all over the room from the close shots. My knees were trembling, but they had admitted that they had intended to cause chaos in the Abbey, so I was absolved from killing them I told myself. Wesson then went through all the pockets of the dead men to find if they carried any documents or papers. He'd left the man that had been sitting at the head of table till last, and after pulling some papers from an inside pocket, grinned at me and waved one, which he put in his pocket.

Now let's sort them out so that it looks as though all shot each other,' Wesson said. He dragged the man whose gun I'd taken to where I'd been standing. He then took the pistol from my hand and placed it in the dead man's hand and squeezed off another shot. In case they look for powder stains,' he explained.

He then went over to Rose and put his gun into her hand and fired off a shot into the ceiling.

Won't they trace your gun?' I asked, and what about prints on the bullets?'

They can't trace the gun to us and I cleaned each bullet as it was loaded.' He straightened up and surveyed the room, nodding to himself. It'll do. It looks as if these two killed the others and then managed to shoot each other. Let's go,' he said as he wiped the door handle as we left, closing the door behind us before going down the stairs. We slipped out of the club's back door, making sure it was fully closed. Then he put his arm round me and we made our way back to the hotel.

`You were magnificent,' he said, giving me a hug as we walked along the quiet street. I'm glad he was holding me because I think I would have staggered otherwise. I was glad when we got to our room where I could get a drink and sit down. We undressed and got into bed where I savagely attacked his cock, sucking on it as hard as I could. When he was hard and solid I begged him to fuck me as hard as he could. I wanted to be raped. Raped to prove that I was still alive and not lying dead in that room. He slammed himself into me and then kept ramming himself up tight to my rear as he fucked me.

After he came and cleaned up, he didn't object to my doing the same to him. Working the tension out of my body by fucking him as hard as I could. I was sobbing by the time I came, and he cleaned me up before holding me in his arms to cry myself out.

We've still got to go to the club tonight,' Wesson said next morning, and act normal. We left with the other two and that's all we know.' I agreed with him, and so when it came to the usual time, we went off to the club.

There was an armed policeman at the door and stopped us from going in. Wesson spoke to him and the officer called into the club and we were ushered inside. There were several of the other performers already there, sitting at tables and several policemen talking to them and taking notes. Another policeman spoke to us, in German, and I understood that we were to sit down and wait. As we waited, I saw Paulette come in with her boy friend, and they were obviously told to sit down and wait too.

`What's up?' Paulette called across.

No idea,' I replied. We've only just got here ourselves.'

A policeman came over and said something to us, and Wesson nodded and answered him.

`We've got to stay quiet and not talk to anyone other than the police he said,' translating for me.

`Ask him why,' I said. Wesson asked the question and got a reply.

`We'll find out in a minute,' Wesson said.

A few minutes later a policeman came and sat down at our table. He began to speak to us and Wesson listened while I shook my head.

I just told him you don't speak German. Only French and English,' Wesson said and turned to the policeman. I can translate if you want for I can speak English.'.

`I understand you work here?' the officer addressed me in passable English.


`Your name and nationality please.'

`Jacques Duvall and I am French. I dress like this because it is part of my act where I go under the name of Jacqueline. This is a transvestite club.'

`That I know,' he said curtly with a look of disgust.

`And you?' he asked of Wesson.

`Hans Feldmann, German, from Hamburg.'

`Why are you here Herr Feldmann?'

`I'm paid to be the escort of Jacques, and bodyguard,' he added as an afterthought.

`Why would Mr Duvall need a bodyguard?' he asked.

`Have you ever visited one of these places at night?' Wesson countered.


`Well the people who come to see the show are, well, interested more in the performers than in the show itself, if you know what I mean.'

`No I don't know. Please explain.'

`Well...a lot of the men who come to this type of club are, er, of a

special kind. They, er, like to pick up these men who dress and act as women and sleep with them.'

`Do you sleep with Mr Duvall?'

`That's none of your damned business,' Wesson said hotly.

`It is my business when we're investigating a murder,' the policeman said as fiercely as Wesson had spoke.

Murder?' I said, making my eyes go wide. Who's been murdered?'

`It's my business to ask the questions, not yours. What time did you leave the club last night?'

`I don't know. When the show finished. About two, I'm not sure of the time.'

`Did you leave together?'

`Yes. I said goodnight to Paulette. That's her, over there. Then we went back to our hotel.'

`Did you stay together all night?'

`Yes. We sleep in the same room if that's what you mean.'

`The same bed?'

`Damn it, yes. But if you think we had sex together, it's none...'

Of my business,' he finished for me, grinning. Okay, you can go now.'

`Go where?'

`Back to bed for all I care, to do what is none of my business,' he laughed as he left the table. I saw that the policeman that had been at Paulette's table had left too, so I got up and went over. Wesson followed me and we sat down.

`What happened?' I asked her as we sat down.

`It seems that some people were killed here last night after we left. Rose was one of them.'

Rose?' I put a shocked look on my face. Why?'

`We don't know. Some sort of fight. They wouldn't tell us anymore.'

`Well shouldn't we get ready for tonight's show,'

`No show. Club's closed.'

`How long for? I'm only booked here for tonight and tomorrow. How do we get paid?'

`That's a point,' Paulette said getting up from the table. She went across to where the club manager was sitting, his head being held in his hands. There was a fierce argument and so much shouting that an officer went over to see what the ruckus was about. Then the three of them disappeared upstairs to the manager's office.

Paulette told me afterwards of the slanging match they had up there. The manager hadn't wanted to pay for the full week because the club had been closed. She'd argued that it wasn't our problem, but his. We were booked for the whole week and should be paid for the week.

You wouldn't believe the size of the wad of money he had in the safe. Then the police officer said that if he didn't give us the week's money, he'd take all of it for us to share out.' She laughed. You should have seen his face. He couldn't count out our money fast enough. What's more, he even gave us Rose's wages.' She laughed again, `So we'll just split it all five ways,' as she handed me my share.

`So do we work tomorrow or not?' I asked as I took my share.

`Well I'm not now I've been paid,' she retorted.

`So what do we do now then,' I asked.

I'm going home and Fritz is coming with me,' she gave me a big smile. The police said we could go. You go and ask for them to let you go too. Look Jacqueline. Don't leave it so long next time before coming back to see us.' She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. `Don't forget. If you ever break up with that man of yours, tell him to get in touch with me.' Her partner Fritz gave her arm a yank at that remark, so she patted his cheek as she waved goodbye to me.

`Wesson. Please go and ask them if we can go too,' I asked of him. So he went and had a few words and came back with a smile.

`We can go, as long as we leave a contact address and phone number.'

`What did you tell them?' I asked.

`The hotel here in Berlin of course.'

`We're not staying here, are we?'

Not at all,' he said, taking my arm. We're taking the first plane out of here. They're at a dead end, so they won't bother checking up on us,' he grinned.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 26

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