Friends and Lovers

By Purple Raven

Published on May 11, 2000


Hey .... Okay the next part is here.. and for those who don't read my other story, my keyboard was fried.. so sorry for the delay.. Raven

Friends and Lovers


Disclaimers: Hey once again this is not real... Illegal if you are under eighteen.... all the other stuff as well.. BSB are not Gay....

Notes: This is for Tera, tell Kevin to stop looking at me. (Her picture of Kevin stares at me when I'm over there.)

: Okay.. Now the stuff in the story about Raven is all FICTION... it is NOT REAL.. so please do not be shocked or sad as you read it.. IT never happened.. and I have no problem putting her (Me) through it... Raven is just a character that I have in my mind.. and she writes this all for me.....

They all went back to the hotel to have a nap, or shower before the concert, knowing that Brian was in his room, Nick opened the unlocked door.

"Bri, It's me." He called.

"I'm in the bathroom."

"Whatcha doing?" Nick asked walking over to the door.

"Come and see." Brian said, standing with his back angled away from the door.

"Yeah." Nick said from behind him, Brian turned and quickly kissed him, leaving a ring of shaving cream around his lips. "Here you need this." Brian handed him a towel, Nick cleaned his face.

"You are so cute," He chuckled handing the towel back to him. "There done" Brian whipped his face clean and turned to Nick, grabbing him and kissing he deeply, "that was much better." Nick nodded, pulling him out to the couch, and into his lap. They kissed again this one with more passion, their tongues wrapped around each other. Nick pulled back "We'd better cool it."


"Because, we should make sure that this is what we both want that we are ready for the ramifications of this."

"Nick I want to be with you."

"Wait, until we, wait until I'm sure."

"Okay." Brian looked at him sadly, "no touching?"

"Little touching." Nick compromised, taking his hand in his, rubbing his fingers across the back of Brian's hand.

"Can we sleep together?"

"Yeah, we only sleep." Nick agreed squeezing his hand. They stared into each other's eyes lost in the love they saw there, until the banging on the door woke them.

"Brian, Nick let's go" AJ yelled at them through the door.

"We still have over an hour." Brian called back,

"We are meeting in Kevin's room, there has been a change of plans." AJ yelled through the door.

"Kay we'll be right there." Nick yelled back, pushing Brian off of him as he stood. **********************

The five guys all met in Kevin's room. They were too tired to go out for supper, they didn't want to deal with the fans and this way they could hold each other, and be all mushy.

"Thanks" Nick smiled at them, he knew that this was their way of showing them that they were okay with them being together. They ordered room service and Kevin let them order junky food in honor of the occasion. They sat and chatted, laughing at each other, until Kevin finally had enough and looked at AJ "Hey man you know that I love you like a brother, but the hair has got to go." AJ looked at him and raised an eyebrow as if to say why? "You look like you have sun beams growing out of your head." Kevin laughed, causing the other three to laugh as well. "Hey you are my husband you have to support me." AJ said, poking Howie in the ribs. " Honey I love you, but come on you're going to keep me up at night glowing." Howie chuckled, hugging him close, telling him with his actions that he loved him. "At least I'll never lose you." Howie laughed, AJ turned to him, "See it's growing on you."

"I guess it is." Howie conceded.

"Goody I get to keep it." AJ cried. Howie smiled and looked at the guys apologetically, "Sorry he's just to cute to say no to."

"Oh great, your kids are going to be spoiled," Nick laughed at them. The two of them looked up at him. "Our kids." Howie stuttered.

"Yeah, your kids." Nick said again.

"Kids." AJ smiled at the thought.

"You have never thought of it?" Nick asked.

"No, not really." Howie replied. The five of them sat in silence as they pondered the idea of their married couple having a few kids.

"I like the idea." AJ whispered in Howie's ear, he just nodded, so did he. ********************

The concert went off with out a hitch, and the five of them rushed to crash afterwards, they were tired and only wanted to be by themselves. AJ and Howie cuddled on the bed, talking about the possibility of them having a child, as Nick and Brian fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing that they were in love.

Kevin laid on his bed, alone in his thoughts, she should have called him by now, he was worried about her, he missed her. Kevin stared at the clock it was too late to call her now she was in the middle of exams, and needed her sleep. Just when he went to turn out the light, his cell phone rang, only his family, Raven and her two best friends knew the number, and his mom wouldn't be calling this late at night. He picked it up.


"Kevin it's Tera, have you heard from Raven, she hasn't called any of us."

"No, should I be worried?"

"I don't know Kevin, it's not like her, you know that."

"Yeah, you haven't heard from her?"

"NO, neither has Keik."

"Her father?"

"No, he called me to see if I knew where she was."

"Tera, could she be hurt somewhere, and we don't know about it?"

"No, she always carries her identification and emergency contacts on her."

"Tera there is a call on the room phone, just a second."



"Mr. Richardson?"


"I have a young girl down here who says that she is your girlfriend."

"What did she say here name was?" He asked, normally he wouldn't but he had a feeling.


"Let her up." Kevin said before hanging up.

"Tera, she's here."

"She's in Paris."

"Yep, she should be in my room in a few minutes."

"Tell her to call me." Tera said as she hung up, if Raven was there then it was serious, and they could talk latter.

"Kay" Kevin said, opening the door to wait for the love of his life. ************************

Raven stepped onto the elevator and waited, she needed to see him, this could only be done in person, she knew that it was the right thing to do. She stepped off the elevator and saw him; her resolve was almost gone when she saw the look of relief on his face as he saw that she was okay.

"Raven, why? How?" He asked, pulling her into his arms as she reached him, holding her close to his heart, she felt so safe, and secure like no one could hurt her, but she knew that wasn't real.

"I needed to see you. I have to tell you something."

"Can it wait until tomorrow we have to fly to London in the morning at 7. Can we talk on the plane?" Kevin asked, he was tired and all he wanted was to hold her in his arms that night.

"Yeah it can wait." Raven agreed, she needed to feel safe and being in his arms was the best way to accomplish it, that she could think of. They slept together, Raven for the first time in a long time slept the whole night through without a nightmare, she actually didn't have to use the sleeping pills that the doctor had given her. Kevin just enjoyed holding her in his arms, feeling her against him, and knowing that it wasn't a dream. The next morning, when Brian opened the door to wake him for the flight, smiled as he saw Raven, her bright red hair was unmistakable.

"Cousin, Raven wake up we have to catch the plane in a hour and a half." Brian called to them from the door.

"Kay we're up." Kevin replied rolling out of bed, "speak for yourself" Raven mumbled, hiding under the pillow.

"Breakfast in Nick and my room." Brian said as he closed the door, he wanted to give them some privacy, turning he saw Howie and AJ walking towards the room.

"It's in my room." Brian said pushing the half awake Howie in the right direction; he knew that AJ would follow him.

"Kay" Howie mumbled, he was still tired they had stayed up all night talking about the idea of adopting a child. They decided that they were not ready yet. ***************

When Kevin and Raven joined them, the other four guys were wide-awake and ready for the plane ride.

"Raven when did you get here?" Nick asked from Brian's lap.

"Last night, okay when did you get together?"

"You aren't shocked?" Brian asked.

"Should I be?"

"No, yes" Brian replied.


"Because only a few people knew."

"Nick you look at him like he is the greatest thing on earth, it doesn't take genius to figure out that you like him." Raven had away about her, she could just state the obvious even if it wasn't obvious.

"Okay I was completely blind." Brian muttered to himself.

"No, we didn't now either." AJ said speaking for the other three. Raven chuckled she was at home here, she was safe here all her fears were gone just being in the same room as these five men. "Raven are you coming with us?" AJ asked.

"Where to next?"

"London." Kevin replied as he knew that they had probably forgotten their schedules.

"Kay sure, do you have any time off?" She asked leaning over to grab Kevin's bacon off his plate, she was starving, wouldn't her doctor be so happy, she was taking proper care of herself.

"Hey that was mine." Kevin reached to grab it back from her, "So you have to share with me, its a couple thing." She replied, laughing at him as she ate the warm greasy food, the idea of that much grease turned her stomach, she raced to the nearest bathroom. The food all came up, and she knew that unless she took the drugs the doctor ordered she would continue to lose all the food she did actually eat unless it was bland, and tasteless, and strong food made her sick to her stomach.

"Honey are you okay?" Kevin settled on his hunches beside her, running his hand soothingly down her back.

" I will be, I'm getting over a strong bug, only bland food agrees with me." She explained, not wanting to upset him and herself, at that moment she decided that she couldn't tell him, she could never tell him, that the small life she was carrying, their child, was killing her slowly. Even with drugs she would not live, and it was certain that she would lapse into a coma, for the last three months. Because she was diagnosed with breast Cancer, she was going to die. Abortion was never an option and telling him that she was dying was not either.

"Are you sure? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"No. Kevin I promise that I'll be fine." Raven smiled at him, she wanted to spend her time with them being happy, before she had to leave him, in three months. "You have a plane to catch," She pushed herself to her feet and him out the door.

"Boy's let's hit the plane."

"We have a private plane." Howie started to chant, over and over again. Raven laughed as he danced around the room.

The plane was waiting for them as they arrived and were rushed onto it, the entire band was on it, as the boys refused to be treated any different than the people who worked for them. The group of them were laughing as they recounted stories of past tours and pranks for Raven. "Guys, come on no more" Kevin pleaded wrapping his arms around her hiding his face in the crook of her neck. The rest of the guys were egging them on, for once they were not the center of the stories, especially Howie and AJ. All the compromising positions that the band had found them, in.

"Okay leave my cutie alone," Raven said, turning her attention to the other members of the group. "Oh no, Kevin distract her." Nick pleaded. "Why you didn't" Kevin replied, he was looking forward to this. The band however had different plans, and quietly left the area. Leaving Raven alone with the boys and their own stories.

"Raven aren't you supposed to be in class."

"I got a leave because I caught a icky bug about a month ago. The University is letting me write the exams next semester." The boys accepted her explanation, well all except Kevin.

The couples split up for the remainder of the trip, Howie cuddling close to AJ as he slept, knowing that AJ was writing a song and wouldn't talk to him anyway. Nick and Brian sat alone in a corner talking holding hands.

"Bri, can we make this work?"

"Nick we love each other of course we can," Brain soothed, pulling him closer to him, resting his head on his, kissing him as gently as he could.



"Would you kiss me?" Nick asked, looking up at him. Brian pulled him closer, pressed his lips on his young lover, his best friend. "You never have to ask" Brian said as he pulled away, looking into his eyes, seeing that Nick wanted to kiss him, but was holding back.

"Nick you can kiss me."

"I'm afraid,"


"That is I kiss you, you'll pull away, that it will all be a bad dream."

"Oh Nick why do you think that?"

"You just realized that you are bi, mainly because I told you that I loved you."

"And?" Brian pushed he wanted all of it so that they could deal with it.

"And, you are only doing this because you feel you have to."

"Nick. I LOVE YOU!" Brian yelled, standing up he walked to the center of the plane where everyone could see him.

"I have an announcement to make." He yelled getting everyone's attention.

"I Brian Thomas Littrell LOVE Nickolas Gene Carter. I love him with my body and my soul, he is the reason that the sun rises for me each morning." Nick looked t him as though he had lost his mind, he face red. Brian turned to him and opened his arms, Nick stood slowly and walked towards him, he wanted to run but stopped himself.

"I love you." Nick reached him, and put his hands on his face, leaning down he captured his lips and kissed him deeply. The first kiss that he had given him, the first of many. Howie chuckled as AJ began clapping, the rest of them joining in.

"Stop you are going to embarrass them." Raven pushed the two of them out of the room, they were still lip locked.

"Raven come sit with me." Kevin asked, rather told, but she was used to his controlling habits he was really a loving man, but he was still getting used to not being in charge. The guys had taken over slowly for him when they found out that they had almost broken up because of the time that he devoted to the business side of the BSB. They all felt really bad and vowed secretly to take more and more responsibility for the group giving him the time he needed to patch things up and be with her. The whole situation was playing itself over and over in her head, as she cuddled up to the father of her baby, the only parent that she or he would ever know, other than Tera. She had already wrote the will giving parental rights to her, as she would probably be the only mother figure that the baby would have, until Kevin learned to love again.

Kevin watched her, as she settled in his arms, the love he felt for her made the life he led, almost not worth it. But he and she knew that he would be happy doing only two things and flying fighter jets was out. As her thoughts drifted back to that time his followed.

The night that he called and she was short with him, he passed it off telling himself that she was tired and cranky because of exams. He couldn't believe that she was reacting to how he had been acting. Not until Tera had called him one night as Raven was there and in tears, this was before she transferred to the University of Colorado.

"Kevin what are you thinking?" Tera yelled at him over the phone.

"What are you talking about?"

"You promised her that you would never hurt her, that she would come first."

"Tera I haven't hurt her."

"Yes you have, she is crying here."

"She's with you, she was coming down to see me." Kevin exclaimed.

"Not anymore."

"Tera I love her, she has to know that."

"I don't think that you do."

"What does that mean?"

"Kevin has to made an effort the past five months to talk to her."

"We talk."

"When was the last time that you called her and didn't have to go and handle someone's problems."

"I^ÅI" Kevin stopped as he realized she had a point, he had been taking her for granted, she was the best thing in his life and he was pushing her aside.

"Kevin she knows that you have a lot on your mind, but she needs to feel loved and she doesn't."

"Tera can I talk to her."

"Over the phone?"


"NO Kevin you have to fix this and the phone is not the way to do it."

"Tera I can't just drop everything and leave."

"Then you lose her." Tera said as she hung up.

"Tera I love him." Raven said reaching for the phone to call him back.

"Raven you are my friend and you are not calling him."

" I need to."

"No he has to make the next step." Tera said, she wanted her friend happy, but she also wanted to see what Kevin was made of what his feelings were really like. After Raven lost her parents in the plane crash she had come to live with her family they were more like sisters than friends.

"Tera, he has responsibilities, he can't just drop every thing and come running."

"He has four other members of that group, they are able to handle things are they not?"

"Yeah, but Nick is only 18 and well AJ and Howie just found each other."


"Heart problems, but he is feeling better."

"Good. But the two other ones. Not Nick but the other two should help him."

"They are in a new relationship."

"So are you"

"Tera, he won't come." Raven walked away she knew in her heart that he was too busy and had too much on his plate to rush to her.

When the doorbell rang the next day she was so surprised to see him their shivering in the cold Calgary weather.


"I love you. I need you in my life."

"I love you to."

"Good then don't leave me."


"I need you, I'm sorry that I've been pushing you away and brushing you off."

"Kevin you have responsibilities"

"I have four other people to help me. Howie took over for me."

"They don't want me to lose you either."

"Kevin you haven't lost me." Raven pulled him into a kiss.

Raven smiled as she remembered that night, it was their first as well as the night that she decided to transfer to Colorado, so that she was closer to him, yet close to her family, the family that she built with Tera and her family. Looking over at him she saw him asleep, his hand held firmly in hers.

The end for now.

Comments welcome..


Next: Chapter 8

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