Friends Forever

By TJ Boyce

Published on Nov 25, 1999


Friends Forever

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the characters involved, but one can wish, can't we? Please don't read this if you shouldn't be reading it. Or atleast, don't get caught in the process, okay? :-)

In the first chapter, I will try to deal with the characters before getting into the good stuff. :-) So stick with me, it gets better, my friend. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.

I have friends, but friends are only good for certain things. I always thought that friends were there for company, or maybe like a brother or sister to me. Enter Randy Junkins. I will attempt to describe him to you, but words do not do him justice. He is 5'11. 150 lbs of muscle, dirty blond hair, and baby blue eyes. He has a great voice, and an even better personality. He is my best friend. We often joke about having our brains cut in half and they have been switched, because we think so alike. We finish each others sentences. We like the same things, we can talk about anything to each other. We do everything together. Randy is more of a father figure than I ever knew growing up. After 4 years of knowing him, I think I can say for sure now. I am in love with him. But it isn't for the sex, as one might believe. The catch to this fairytale plotline is simple. Randy isn't gay, or atleast I didn't think he was. Just last year I turned him on to the music of *N Sync and The Backstreet Boys. Now he sings it to me and my heart melts. But he doesn't know that I feel this way about him.

Randy has always been there for me, I will always be there for him. Only as friends. But in this next story, I will attempt to explore a life much different than the one I live now. And don't worry, the Backstreet Boys and *N Sync play a big part in this one. If you've stuck with me this long, through the boring crap, I think you will like what you read. Anyways, let's begin this little journey we call life, okay?

T.J. awoke in his bed and glanced over at the alarm clock. It was blinking 4:28... 4:28.... 4:28... 4:28. T.J. rolled over and started to drift off to sleep again... then his eyes slammed open. He bolted upright in bed and immediately ran to the window. The sun was up, and looked like it had been for some time now. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and walked over to the phone. T.J. dialed a number that was written into his memory and hoped against what his brain was telling him. The phone rang once.... twice.... three times... "Dammit, pick up the phone, please," he pleaded with the phone. After the fifth ring, he decided that nobody was home. Just as he was about to set the receiver down, somebody picked up... "Hello?" A groggy voice at the other end said. "Randy, it's T.J. Get up! Do you know what time it is?" T.J. asked him. Randy looked around his room to the clock. "It looks like the power went out or something." T.J. continued into the phone. "Man, we have to get moving right now, or we are going to be late!" Randy jumped into action and sprang out of bed.

Along with two other classmates, Randy and T.J. had started a band. Not only were they good, they were recognized by the local public. Today was a great day in their lives. They were scheduled to play a charity event in a small outdoor festival. That was great by itself, but the best part was, *N Sync was also rumured to stop by briefly. The event was scheduled for 2:00 and all bands had to be there by 12:00. But who knows what time it is now? Certainly not Randy or T.J. While talking on the phone, Randy had gotten half dressed and T.J. was nearly done.

"We can't be late! I want to meet *N Sync so bad!" Randy yelled into the phone. "Me too, Randy, me too" T.J. said. But T.J. had wanted to meet *N Sync for a different reason. T.J. had been a fan of Justin Timberlake for as long as he could remember. A big fan. Ok, truth is, T.J. was hooked on Justin Timberlake. Infact, Randy reminded him a lot of Justin Timberlake.

An hour later, all four members were at the site. They were scheduled to perform just two acts infront of *N Sync, who would be closing the show. Fast Forward to the time where the bands begin to perform. The crowd was three times bigger than they had expected, and most of them were screaming girls. "Look at all the people" T.J. said, looking out over the crowd. "Look at all the girls!" Randy said with a smile. T.J. pretended to care and turned the other way. When he did, Justin, J.C., Lance, Chris, and Joey walked by behind them, preparing for their performance. T.J's jaw dropped when he saw them, especially Justin. Randy was still looking over the sea of girls and didn't see them. T.J. thought about telling him but decided against it.

Then came the time to go out on stage. They got a great welcome and many of the girls there started screaming their heads off when they saw Randy walk out on stage. T.J. again just turned the other way and pretended to not notice. Randy was soaking it up, though. After performing their most well known song, "The December Wind", they walked off stage; most of the girls continued to scream. Randy sighed, "whew... that's a relief. Did you see all the people out there?" T.J. grabbed a towel and cooled down. "Yeah, I noticed. Did you hear the girls screaming for you?" T.J. said, partly jealous. "Aw, come on. They are here for *N Sync, not me. Why would you think such a thing?" He shot a stern glance at T.J. "Give me a break, Mr. Lady Killer. You were enjoying every sec..." He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked behind himself quickly and what he saw nearly made him faint.

Justin Timberlake was standing there with a bottle of water in his other hand. "Great job out there guys, we really like your sound" he said as J.C. and Lance walked up behind him. "Th.. thanks" T.J. managed to stutter out. "Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Justin, this is J.C., and this is Lance." He pointed to the guys. Of course, T.J. knew who they were, but he didn't want to interrupt Justin. "Yeah, you guys have a unique sound." J.C. said while Lance nodded. "We appreciate your kind words," Randy spoke up, "we really do." T.J. looked at Justin and their eyes met. T.J. felt embarrased and looked away. Justin cleared his throat, "Hey maybe you guys could hang with us after. We have a little time off" T.J. couldn't believe what he just heard. Justin Timberlake was inviting him to spend time together. Of course, Randy would be there too, but just the same, he would be with Justin. "I'd love it" Randy said and T.J., speechless, nodded his approval. "Great then. We have to get going, we are up next. So, we'll see you guys tonight. Meet me back here after and I'll give you the address to our hotel." Lance said. "Great" Randy and T.J. said at the same time. "Catch ya later." Justin said as he offered his hand out to T.J. When he took Justin's hand, a bolt of energy shot through him, like nothing he had ever felt before. Justin, J.C., and Lance then walked away. T.J., still in shock, turned to Randy. "How cool is this?" He asked Randy as the music to "I Want You Back" began playing.

*N Sync went out on stage and performed like they always do, and twice Justin looked back at T.J., or atleast to the area around him, but T.J. thought it was directly at him that Justin's gaze was directed. He was in heaven watching Justin sing and dance with such grace and beauty. The song ended and the guys walked off stage, with the screaming girls now louder than ever. Ten minutes later, T.J. and Randy caught up to the guys and got an address, room number and all. "Meet us there at about 8 tonight, if that's ok." Justin smiled. "Yeah, that's perfect" Randy said. 'Just like you, Justin' T.J. thought to himself, or atleast hoping he thought it to himself and didn't say it. He looked around quickly. 'Okay, I'm in the clear, this time.' The guys went their seperate ways.

As 8:00 rolled around, Randy and T.J. were in an elevator heading up to the fifth floor of a very large hotel. As the door opened, Justin was standing there. The guys were a little surprised to see him waiting for them, but happy that he was. Justin shook their hands again and he led them to a room near the end of the hall. He opened the door and walked in, with Randy and T.J. right behind. The rest of *N Sync was in the room and Randy and T.J. walked down the line and introduced themselves again. They talked about each other's music for a little while until is was getting late. "Well, I think I'm going to turn in for the night." J.C. said, with chimes of 'me too' coming from Lance and Chris. "It was great to meet you, but I'm dead tired" Joey said as he got up, shook their hands again and went to his room. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" Randy asked Justin. "Sure. It's right over that way" Justin pointed to another hall with a door in it. "Alright, thanks" Randy got up and headed over there.

Justin got up and walked over to T.J. and sat back down next to him. "I really like your music a lot, I think you are really talented" T.J. said. "Thanks, you flatter me too much" Justin said with a ridiculous English accent. T.J. began laughing and Justin joined in. As the two were laughing, Justin put his hand on T.J's leg. He looked at Justin and stared into those baby blue eyes for what seemed like an eternity. "I have something to tell you" Justin began, "I think I'm falling in l..." The door at the end of the hall opened. "You know you're out of towels?" Randy shouted to them. Justin jerked his hand back quickly from it's previous spot. "I'll have to call down and tell them that." Justin said as he began to blush.

"Well, I think I'm going to turn in for the night too." Justin said as he got up. "It was great to meet you" Randy said. "My pleasure" Justin's charm was in full effect. Justin walked T.J. and Randy to the door. Randy stepped outside of the room. Justin grabbed T.J.'s arm and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. T.J. just stood there for a second, then he rubbed the spot where Justin's lush pink lips had touched. "If you're not doing anything, meet me back here tomorrow night." He whispered into T.J.'s ear so Randy couldn't hear. "I'd love to" T.J. replied. He walked out of the room, feeling like he was floating. Tomorrow night he had a date with Justin Timberlake. Justin had kissed him! "I'd love to what?" Randy questioned T.J. in the hall. "What?" T.J. said. "You said, 'I'd love to' before you left. You'd love to what?" Randy kept prying. T.J. tried to think of an answer quick before Randy became suspicious. "Uh, well... I told him that I'd love to meet him again some day, once our band has made it to the big time, you know?" He lied to Randy. "Uh-huh" Randy said and shook his head with uncertainty. The rest of the ride home, Randy didn't ask anymore about that, thank god.

That night, T.J. couldn't sleep. Justin was running through his head. 'I was kissed by Justin Timberlake. Me! I can't believe it.' "What if it was an accident. Maybe he didn't mean to kiss you." A voice spoke up inside of his head. "How could he not mean to kiss me? He pulled me back in and he told me to meet him tomorrow night. It was no accident. He wants to see me again tonight. I hope I don't screw up." And he wouldn't, either. Over the next 24 hours, his life would be changed by a series of events.

**That's it for part one. Please excuse me for the slow beginning, understand that it was necessary to give you the proper background on the characters. There will be much more going on in the second part of this story. Please e-mail me your questions or comments at

Thank you for reading and don't forget, "love, above all else will remain strong forever."

I'll see you on the flip side.

Next: Chapter 2

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