Fuck Boy

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Feb 8, 2012


Fuck Boy - Chapter One

NOTES: Here we go with Chapter One! I hope you enjoy. And do drop me a quick email if you like what you read - or if you have any suggestions - your messages always motivate a quicker next chapter! Email josharmstrong2007@gmail.com. I have two other stories on here too (Contracted To Justin and Working For Darren), both told from the sub's view. One day I'll finish them both. Also - if you like this story - do read 'Bred Slave', an all time Nifty fave of mine, and 'Levi And Noah' too, a recent favourite.


Fuck boy had now been kneeling for two hours on the wooden floor of my play room, naked, hands behind his back, legs apart, cock and balls nicely on show. As he had stripped down and assumed this position, following my immediate command to get naked and choose a pose that would please me, his dick had become fully erect, with his sticky pink cockhead poking out of his tightly stretched foreskin. It stayed that way for about 15 minutes, but then his erection started to subside.

The sexual thrill of his arrival, my firm command, and his sudden nudity, was short lived. As his cock subsided, to semi, then simply slightly stiff, and finally to its most flaccid state, his face reddened, and then frowned. Horniness had given way to fear, and then doubt, and then, one would hope, a little bit of self-loathing. What had he done? Why was he here? What would this man do to him? Was this really what he wanted? All these thoughts would be going through his mind. Just as I had intended.

I only entered that room once during those two hours, to place his clothing Ð shoes, socks, jeans, t-shirt and hooded top Ð into the kitchen bin I had deliberately left in there. His only clothes were now soaking in the juices of a week's worth of rotting food waste. Other than during that brief entrance, fuck boy had spent two hours totally alone, to relish in his fear, and his enforced nudity. There was no clock in there, so to him it almost certainly felt like longer than it really was.

I know about his subsiding cock and reddening face because he was on camera. There were cameras in every room in my apartment, and in that room Ð my play room Ð there were six. Where he had chosen to kneel meant I could see him from the front, back and above. Only one spot in the room was better suited for observing my subs on camera, and he would be punished for not choosing it.

I didn't watch him constantly for the whole two hours, but I had footage from the three most useful cams constantly streaming onto both the Mac in my lounge and the large screen in my bedroom, so I saw most of his ordeal.

The first thing he noticeably realised, a few minutes in, while his cock was still hard, was that at the end of this room was a large window. In his rush to comply with my command, he had foolishly chosen to face it, meaning his cock and balls were pointing towards it, on show to anyone who looked in. My apartment is on the third floor of a block, but there was another block of flats just the other side of the small communal garden.

As it happened the net curtain covering the window meant that, while he could see out, no one could see in. Unless it went dark and I turned the lights on. He presumably knew that was the case, but even the slight chance someone in the neighbouring apartment block might see him in this exposed state Ð now or later Ð would have intensified that fear already brewing deep inside about his sudden enforced nudity.

As the two hours passed he began to look around the room and take in what was stored in there. Moving his head in this way was against the rules, of course, and the fucker would have to be punished for it later. But seeing the paddles and canes, whips and chains, weights, dildos and candles, attached to hooks and stored on shelves all around that room, will have added to that mounting fear deep inside fuck boy's gut. That fear certainly contributed to the subsidence of the hard on. And however inexperienced fuck boy was of the BDSM scene Ð and he was very inexperienced Ð he would have seen all of these implements used in the videos I sent him links to, so he'd have a vague idea of how each could be used to cause him pain.

While keeping an eye on fuck boy's meditation, I had a pretty productive two hours. First, I responded to some work emails. I work from home, and love going about my professional business while one of my pathetic cunt boys is suffering next door, or even better in the same room. Taking a long work phone call while your sub sucks your balls or works his tongue into your sweaty and, preferably, shitty asshole is a real turn on, not least because it tells the bitch that Ð just because he's worshipping your body with his faggy tongue Ð he has no right to be your primary concern.

Second, I emailed another dom I know, big dicked Michael, who works weekends at a pizza place. We agreed that I'd order pizza from him by phone later that evening and have him come into the apartment and make use of fuck boy as his tip. It was a set up of course, that's what the email was about, but to fuck boy it would look like I was letting a stranger into my home to see him in his exposed naked state, and that I was then letting that stranger fuck his mouth instead of paying a tip. Brilliant. And while Michael was always a pretty mediocre dom, I did enjoy watching cunt boys choke on his 10 inch monster cock and, like me, he always pissed into his subs after unloading his spunk (whichever hole had been used).

Third, I unpacked the rucksack fuck boy had brought with him. The fifty quid was in there and a large hard back history text book from his university's library. The cash was to cover my costs. As a student, fuck boy was presumably of limited means, but there was no way I was subsidising this cunt's weekend of fun, and I'd laid out for candles, a heat rub gel and three cans of dog food. Plus there was the pizza I'd eat and the beer I'd drink. The library book would make a nice alternative to my paddle and belt for beating his ass, plus if I decided to let him cum this weekend, he'd spunk his load into the pages of this text book, and then take it back to his uni library on Monday.

Most of the bag was filled with the underwear I'd demanded he bring with him at the last minute. Every pair of boxer shorts he owned. There were 25 in total and, to my delight, 22 were dirty. It must be nearly laundry day. Even better, many of the dirty pairs had the very stains I'd been hoping for. Fuck boy didn't always wipe his ass or shake his cock quite as well as he should after shitting or pissing. Four pairs also had cum stains. Dirty boy.

This was better than even the optimist inside me had expected. I may have agreed to fuck boy's request to keep shit out of our relationship, but by my rules licking his own skid marks didn't fall under that arrangement. And the taste of the shit stains in his own pants would prepare him well for the taste of my shit, that I was still adamant he'd experience at some point before he left my apartment tomorrow, albeit at his request.

After two hours fuck boy's physical discomfort Ð his knees were starting to feel the pain that kneeling on a hard wooden floor for two hours will deliver Ð was starting to match his mental agony. At about ninety minutes I'd feared he was about to get up and come and find me, or maybe even try to leave. But he didn't let me down. He simply lifted the pressure from each of his knees in turn a few times and then resumed his position. Presumably the pain from kneeling had got too much. Cheeky fucker, how dare he think about his own comfort when he should have been focusing on how to please me? He'd be punished for that too. The punishments were mounting up pretty nicely already.

And then, it was time.

I was confident fuck boy would wait at least two hours, despite his confused naked state, but even he would give up eventually. So I needed to get things going. Plus, having drunk three bottles of beer on top of the two coffees I'd had before fuck boy's arrival, I was now bursting for a piss big time.

I removed my trousers, shoes and socks. I was going commando so was now naked from the waist down, though my long t-shirt covered just over half my dick. I usually like to be fully clothed while tormenting newer subs Ð it really emphasises their nudity, and your ingrained superiority to them Ð but I suspected that this was going to be fuck boy's first experience of drinking piss, and he was going to take the first few gulps direct from my cock. That kind of thing can end pretty messily, and I didn't want him splashing my piss back onto my trousers.

Being bare foot I could enter the play room real quiet this time, meaning I was standing in front of him before he even realised I had entered. I made sure he could see the bottom half of my cock below my t-shirt. I'm a good six inches flaccid. I'd noted that his cock had shrivelled into a tiny little thing over the two hours, despite being averagely sized when fully erect. This also pleased me greatly. It's not a prerequisite for me that my sub's cock be dwarfed by my own, but it's generally better if the dom is better endowed, and while when erect my dick was about two inches bigger that fuck boy's, in the flaccid state my cock was monumental next to his small lump.

"In a moment you are going to tilt your head back and open your mouth" I said. "I need a piss. It's going to be a long, strong piss, and you are going to drink it all in one shot. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" he said, visibly shaking, his intense fear now audible and visible.

"You'd better not spill a drop. My piss is precious, and it's an honour for a pathetic fuck like you to even be in the same room as it, let alone to actually drink it".

I paused, long enough for fuck boy to realise he was meant to respond. Ten seconds of silence Ð he pulled a confused face - and then, finally, another ten seconds later "thank you sir".

"Thank you for what, you ungrateful cunt".

"Thank you for honouring me by letting me drink your valuable piss?" He said it like a question, in a squeaky girl-like voice, confusion now doing battle with the fear and embarrassment that dominated his mind. I let the poor delivery pass for the time being.

"OK, tilt that head, and open your piss drinking hole".

I always start by pissing into my sub. Partly because it's one of my favourite kinds of domination. And partly because it sends an important message into the retard's tiny little brain.

Some doms only piss into their subs after cumming down their throats first. I do that too of course, no fucker gets the glory of consuming my cum without taking a helping of piss to wash it down. The way I see it, that's what nature intended. Every cocksucker is a piss drinker too, simple. Otherwise why did God make it that you always need to piss ninety seconds after cumming?

But when it comes to full on subs, for me it's important piss drinking isn't just something that happens at the end of a blow job. Otherwise it becomes a sexual act. Piss drinking is not sexual. It's a disgusting act that only low life cunts like fuck boy do, not for enjoyment, and certainly not for sexual fulfilment, but to reaffirm their status, as worthless beings that exist only to amuse and serve better men like me.

Of course some subs do get a sexual thrill out of gulping down your piss. This is frustrating, but tolerable. You just move those fuckers onto shit eating sooner, and if they get off on that too, you just make them eat so much of the stuff Ð including their own Ð that they end up vomiting for a week. I only ever had one sub who truly enjoyed the shit thing, and even he went flaccid once I had him redigest his own vomit. That was too disgusting for even me to watch, so I videoed him being ass fucked by another sub while he ate a bowl of his own excrement and sent the tape to his wife. We never spoke again.

Fuck boy, I'm pleased to say, remained flaccid throughout that first piss drinking session, and never really got turned on by any of the toilet stuff that became a key part of our relationship. Which is further proof that my recruitment process works.

I placed my cock head into his mouth, paused for five seconds, and then let a slow stream of piss flow. As expected, he didn't swallow as I pissed, instead letting his mouth fill with my strong warm liquid. Actually that made it worse for him, because this was strong piss, and as it rose around his tongue you could see his face frown as the taste started to register. Just before his mouth was full he had to let a shot of it down his throat. The rest tried to follow, causing him Ð by reflex Ð to cough, jolt forward and involuntarily spit out what was still in his mouth.

I was ready for this. Firstly, I'd already shut off my flow before this happened. And yes, that is a great achievement on my part, given how much piss was in my bladder. But I'm highly skilled at this kind of thing. Fuck boy, needless to say, didn't make the effort to remark on those skills, let alone commend me for them. Yet more strikes to add to his punishment score. He was going to get quite a beating.

Anticipating the spillage I took a small step back Ð I might have removed my trousers, but I wasn't that keen about getting piss on my legs either. More importantly, I raised my right hand high, brought it down with speed and slapped fuck boy's cheek hard. Not so hard as to knock him over, but hard enough to hurt. My timing was perfect, his brain registered the slap before realising his fuck up. To his credit he didn't move his hands to try and shield his face or rub his now burning skin. Before he could think of any words, I spoke, fiercely and loud.

"You ungrateful, arrogant little fuck. How dare you, you ungrateful little cunt. Lick it up, and don't you dare let a drop go to waste".

By this time I was pointing at the small puddle of piss, mixed in with his saliva, now on the floor by his knees. Actually, there wasn't much of it, although he'd only swallowed a little shot of my piss, most of that which he had spilt had splashed onto his chest rather than the floor. Nevertheless, there was a little pool ready for licking.

This time he did try to move his hands to aid his balance as he licked up the spilt piss. "Keep your fucking hands behind your fucking back, you cock sucking mother fucking cunt". We'd exchanged very few words since his arrival, though my initial commands had been firm but polite. So it was great to have a reason to totally lay into the little bitch with such verbal force.

He knew he was being tested this weekend, and despite the two hours of embarrassing and unnecessary alone time, and the immediate jump into something as unpleasant as piss drinking, he was still desperate to pass that test. So it was good for him to know how badly he was doing, partly because he'd try harder, and party because it would add to the fear. And you know how much I like the fear.

"OK, back on your knees" I said, no longer shouting as such, but in a harsher tone than my original commands. "And this time, you useless fuck, swallow, don't spit".

I placed my cockhead back into his mouth and let out another short flow of my valuable urine. Again he let his mouth fill, but once full he slowly let it into his throat, shot by shot. His throat made loud gurgling noises as he fought the reflex to gag. The taste clearly disgusted him, and having to control his throat in this way caused great discomfort. Perfect. I gave him a third mouth full of piss.

It was clearly a monumental struggle, but fuck boy had managed two mouths full without any spillage. On the fourth go I didn't stop pissing when his mouth got full. Now a little more in control of this throat, he tried to keep up, put piss started overflowing and running down his face. I stopped pissing, and slapped him again, this time while his mouth was still full, resulting in the remaining piss that was in there flying out of his mouth onto the floor. This spillage was bigger, and the puddle went further. Though ever the athlete, I managed to ensure none of it went on me.

"You shit hole, you absolute shit hole, I've never, ever É why aren't you licking it up, you fucking useless cunt".

He quickly bent down, remembering to keep his hands behind his back this time, and got about licking up his mess. It took a little bit longer this time and I took the opportunity to grab a pint glass and bright pink drinking straw I'd left on the table by the window. I then waited for fuck boy to finish his clean up and resume his position.

"OK, so you're a totally useless, completely incapable, entirely ungrateful cunthole", I said, back in my calm but harsh voice, "now we know. I'm not sticking my magnificent dick into the mouth of a useless bitch boy who can't even swallow a few shots of piss. So, we'll have to get it in you another way. But don't think that just because I'm letting you do it the easy way for now that I'm OK with that. If this is you trying hard to impress me, well, what at total waste of space you are".

As I was saying this I put my cock into the pint glass and started pissing. There was still plenty of piss in my bladder. When the glass was nearly full I put the pink drinking straw in it and held it up to his mouth. "Suck" I said. And so he began to down a pint of my piss, having already choked down and licked up well over a half pint of the stuff. I deliberately used a childish looking bright pink straw for this task Ð the innocence of the straw somehow heightening just how disgusting it was to chug down another guy's urine.

To be fair he drank the pint of piss pretty quickly. He clearly knew he'd fucked up big time when I'd tried to piss into him directly, and that he really needed to impress me now. He failed to hide how much he hated the taste though, and grimaced throughout. But he paused for breath only twice. And then, there we were: with a pint and half of my piss inside him, we were ready to get started properly.

"So you think this is a pose that will please me", I said, having placed the now empty pint glass back on the window table. I gestured in a way to show that 'this' referred to the way he was currently kneeling before me. Still trying to adjust to the strong piss taste that remained in his mouth, it took fuck boy a few seconds to realise I was referring to my very first command: "Get naked, put your clothes neatly on the floor, then adopt the pose you think will please me most".

"Well, fuck boy, this does not please me. Not at all. Things aren't going very well, are they?"

"I'm sorry sir, I am trying sir, I'm really sorry, please, let me make it up to you sir".

"Oh don't worry, your ass and your balls with be making it up to me later. Now stand up and I'll show you the pose a proper fuck boy would use".

Next: Chapter 3

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