Fucked Up

By moc.loa@102rrraoR

Published on Jan 21, 1999



written by: Roarrr201@aol.com All rights reserved.

Warning: If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex between men, you should stop reading now.

This story is a fantasy. People frequently have unsafe sex in it - please don't feel encouraged to do the same. You might risk your life.


Part 4

I was stark naked - and horny as hell. Sturdily my hard dick rose from the forest of cockhair between my thighs, arching high up into the air. It was thick, throbbing and drooling. To tell the truth it had been achingly hard all the time since the biker had ordered me to undress myself; it had been drooling pre-cum while the members of the bike gang stood around me and discussed who should fuck me first; it had even been hard when I made my desparate run to escape them. So why did I ran away? My mind reeled when I realized that I didn't knew how to answer that question. Okay, I had been frightened, very frightened, but I had also been excited, excited beyond all measure by the prospect of getting fucked, bent over, a big, fat dick stuffed into my asshole, of being taken by a man, by a whole bunch of men, each of them screwing me, ramming his huge, hard dick into my ass, driving it into me up the hilt, slamming it home relentlessly, eight men fucking me in turns, cumming in me, shooting load after load of hot, churning cum into my ass, filling it to the point of overflowing with sticky man-juice, and then fuck me again... and again... and again...

Panting and gasping with shame, excitement and frustration I had to admit to myself that I felt disappointed: disappointed that the bikers were gone, that nobody ordered me around anymore, told me to bend over, to spread my asscheeks for getting fucked, to prepare myself for a gang-bang. My dick became even harder and it jerked up and down erratically, slapping against my flat stomach, smearing the skin with my own pre-cum. I touched the throbbing shaft and closed my fingers around its smooth firmness. It felt hot, so hot that it seemed to scald the skin of my palm. Holding the pulsing shaft in a tight grip I began to jack off, spreading my legs wide to give my aching balls room to swing back and forth between my thighs.

The warm summer morning had turned into a hot noon. Sweat began to coat my whole body, caused as much by my ever increasing sexual arousal as by the heat of the burning sun. I closed my eyes and images men and dicks appeared in my mind, images of Jepson's giant dick, exploding with a long stream of white jism, drops of his cum hitting my face, leaking down my cheek, images of Chad, the biker, slapping my face, forcing me to take his huge dick in my mouth, fucking my face hard, moaning and groaning, writhing above me, cumming in my mouth, holding me tight, ordering me to gulp his cum down, images of the other bikers, standing around me, staring at my naked body, at my throbbing dick and at my ass with mean, hard eyes, their muscular, hairy chests heaving with excitement, big bulges tenting their soiled pants, their dicks straining to be released, hard and throbbing, ready to enter my asshole, to fuck me... and fuck me... and fuck me...

My hand moving fast up and down on my drooling dick I felt that I could cum any second and prepared myself for another shattering orgasm but suddenly the voice of a man waked me from my hot reverie. It came from behind me, the angry, hard voice of a yelling, screaming man:

"Now I have it with you guys!! Drivin' around with your fuckin' bikes, scaring people, soiling everything! I told you to fuck off, but here you are again! Get off my land, you fuckin' bastards!!"

Jumping from surprise I let go of my achingly hard, throbbing dick and turned around, hiding my dick awkwardly behind my hands. I saw two men walking up to me from the edge of the clearing. One of them was carrying a rifle. He had the confident stride of a man who knew for sure that he was absolutely right; the other guy followed him somewhat hesitatingly. I shouted:

"Hey, calm down - the gang is gone! There's no-one here than me!"

They stopped short in their tracks when they heard me speak and looked around to make sure that I told the truth. Slowly both men came closer. Frowning at my nakedness the one with the rifle threateningly pointed his weapon at me. Acting on impulse I quickly raised my hands in a defensive gesture and thus exposed my erect dick that arched upwards out of my crotch hair. Somehow it refused to go down but stayed as rockhard as before.

Both men gasped at the sight of my hard, throbbing dick and retreated one or two steps. Clearly surprised, shocked and confused they stared at me with bewildered eyes. The guy with the gun stuttered "What the fuck..." under his breath but then his voice trailed off. Softly the other man went like "I told you they would be gone" and then fell silent too. He blushed and turned his face partly away from me but his eyes remained glued on my cock. So were the eyes of his companion.

Judged from their appearance I dealt with a farmer and his hand: both men were dressed in dirty dungarees and wore heavy boots that were completely soiled with crusted earth. The guy with the rifle was in his forties, bearded and ruggedly handsome. Since he wore no shirt under his trousers I could see not only his bull-like neck but also a great part of his strongly developed, hairy chest, the hair concentrated between the bulging masses of his hard pectorals and spreading out onto his broad shoulders and running down his thickly muscled arms. His well-tanned skin gleamed with a generous layer of sweat; his breathing was somewhat labored as if he had run too fast. The other man, who stood a few yards behind his mate, was much younger, twenty-something, and he looked more than a little bit dumb with his plain face, his wide-eyed stare and gaping mouth. He was not as big and burly as the older man but still very solidly built: broad bare shoulders and sinewy arms, his chest wide and full. One of his huge, bulging biceps was adorned with a tatoo: an intricate ornament, shaped like a bangle, ran over the skin and highlighted the massiveness of his upper arms. He too sweated like a stallion in heat.

They stared at me in silence as if they had suddenly lost the ability to speak and much to my amazement I realized that they desparately waited for me to say something, waited for me to act. Although I had not spoken a single word since they had first set eyes on my hard dick something had happened between me and these two men. Most likely they would have been - just as me - unable to explain what exactly had happened, but I was suddenly sure that we all knew by instinct that in a twinkle of an eye a bond had been formed between us: a hierarchy had been created.

It my sound strange but somehow the three of us were connected by the bond of power and I realized that this power was mine. They were together - I was alone. They were armed - I was without any weapon and also stark naked. But still the power was on my side and those two big, strong men were confused, even frightened and anxious - anxious to receive orders. Suddenly I knew that; I just knew that by looking at them. I saw their hungry, pleading eyes, their heaving chests, laboring with excitement, their gaping mouths, and I saw their dicks, clearly delineated in their tight trousers, hard and rigid, tenting the dirty fabric, soaking it with pre-cum. I felt their nervousness and their yearning just as Jepson and Chad, the biker, must have felt that I was ready for them only some moments before. A wave of excitement washed through my body that was so strong that I almost came without even touching my achingly hard cock. I experienced POWER and I realized for the first time how strong this aphrodisiac is.

Flexing my buttocks hard I made my dick jump up deliberately. It jerked up and down in front of my stomach for some moments until the fat shaft once again found its equilibrium. Slowly I dropped my hands and moved forward one step. Both men looked even more confused and their eyes darted nervously up and down between my face and my throbbing dick. The shaft seemed to become even thicker and harder, swelling to still larger dimensions.

"Drop that gun!," I ordered, surprised by the firmness of my own voice.

"Listen, man...," the breaded guy said while he retreated still another step but I interrupted him right away.

"Drop that gun, bugger!"

The young one tried to help his mate out.

"We only came to see if those bikers..."

"Shut up, asshole!," I heard myself bark and my dick jerked again impressively, moved as much by the effort of screaming as by the excitement of hurling insults at these two heavily muscled, sweating men who couldn't take their eyes from my rockhard, free-swinging cock. I had never felt stronger and better in my whole life.

The older man gulped down hard and his hands trembled visibly but still he clung to the rifle. Feeling suddenly very bold I was in front of him after two or three swift steps and reached out for the weapon. There was no real fight - he let go off the gun right when I touched the rusty barrel - but still we kind of wrestled for a second or two. I managed to push him with my free hand and he fell to the ground. Immediately the young man turned and started to run away while the bearded guy tried to raise to his feet again.

"Freeze!," I yelled and they did although I pointed the rifle at some point up in the sky and not at one of them. Right at that moment I knew that the gun was important - not for me because I never intented to use it as a real threat. It was important of them since they could use it as an excuse for that what each of us knew would follow.

Both men had turned around again and stared at me with heaving chests. The bearded guy, still squating on his haunches, began to move again.

"Stay on your knees, you bastard!," I snarled. "You told you to get up, uhh?"

I walked slowly up to him and stood before him, my dick throbbing and pulsing right in front of his face. Nervously shifting around on his knees, shivering in anticipation, he looked up into my face with large eyes of an almost childishly deep blue. His full mouth was open; occasionally his tongue swept the sensuous richness of his lips with excitement. Sweat ran down his face and his neck in small rivulets and gathered in his dark beard and in the thick mate of hair on his strong shoulders and on his wide chest. His young companion watched us from a distance, staring motionless and holding his breath.

"You told you?," I repeated more calmly but stern.

"Nobody told me," he answered slowly while his eyes roamed erratically over my naked body, focussing finally at the huge column my throbbing, rockhard cock, standing straight up from my crotch, massive and meaty. Clearing his throat frantically for several times, he licked his lips and looked into my eyes again.

"I..., I...," he stammered and I interrupted him again.

"Shut up, you prick! Did I gave you permission to speak? Did I?"

Now he knew the rules: silently he shook his head.

"Answer me! Now I want to hear your fuckin', feeble voice!"

He obeyed, trembling with excitement.

"No, you didn't give me... permission to speak..., Sir," he said, adding the last word deliberately after some hesitation in a husky voice. The word seemed to please him immensely: he almost choked on it and it generated gooseflesh on his mighty shoulders and his broad, heavily muscled back.

Still somewhat insecure at my newly dicovered role I was suddenly at a loss what to say next. I decided that actions were better than words.

So I just graped his head and jammed his face into my crotch, forcing all seven hard inches of my drooling dick into his mouth with only one thrust, pumping the fat shaft into the man's tight, gulping throat. I heard a stiffled cry and a loud moan and it took me some seconds to realize that the moaning did not come from the man who knelt before me, impaled on my rockhard cock, but from the other one who watched us with bulging eyes. I grinned at him and thrust my hips forward to drive my cock even deeper into the the hot wetness of the kneeling man's mouth, making him gag but holding him firmly in place when he tried to back off my dick. The young guy smiled back at me, obviously delighted that his mate was treated really rough.

"Suck my dick, asshole! Move that mouth and tongue on my cock!," I ordered condescendingly, sneering in my upstanding superiority, my left hand arrogantly posed on my rocking hip. Instantly the man gulped and slurped juicily, his eyes closed, his head bobbing back and forth, as the long, thick inches of my excited prick pistoned in and out of the depths of his throat.

"Suck it, man! Give head!," I snarled at him and eagerly he increased his efforts. He gripped my hips and thighs with strong hands, drawing me into his mouth, moaning and swiveling his tongue round and round my deep-driving cock-shaft, consuming my hard dick with a surprising intensity. The young man chuckled to himself in wonder.

"Come here," I said to him while I fucked the face of the kneeling guy with long, viscious thrusts. The wiry hair of the man's beard scratched at my balls and at my thighs each time I drove my throbbing dick deep down into his mouth. He made gurgling sounds but still cooperated enthusiastically, swirling his tongue around and around my pulsing, bloated dick. Hesitatingly the young guy stepped forward but still he kept himself at a distance.

"He your boss?," I said.

He nodded, suddenly frowning contemptuously.

"He's an asshole,?" I asked, arching my body forward, burying my cock up to the hilt in the man's throat, pressing his face into my crotch, lurching against him hard, enjoying his stiffled groan as much as the tight hot wetness that closed around my throbbing dick.

The young farm-hand nodded again.

"Come here, man," I ordered.

"Come here and see how your asshole boss sucks hot cock, taking all my fuckin' seven inches in his aching throat. Come closer, man, and watch this cocksucker at work, slobbering at my fat dick, groaning and moaning, begging to be fed hot, hard dick, licking up my pre-cum, whimpering for my jism, eager to milk a stream of hot, sticky cum from my balls, ready to gulp it down. I bet you've never seen your boss like that before, uhh? On his knees, straining his jaws to open up his fuckin' mouth, his tongue swirling around my big joint, sucking my cock like he was born to suck dick. Come here, man, and watch him close, real close! I'm sure he'll like that, he'll like being watched by you while going down on me!"

Blushing and trembling with excitement the young man approached us. Slowly, very slowly he bent down and brought his face on the same level with the bobbing head of his boss until it was only a few inches away. His brown eyes gleamed as he watched the kneeling man closely with unblinking eyes, watched him sucking on my dick, breathing hard, head tossing, growls and groans punctuating the movements of his strained lips on my rockhard dick. After some moments a broad grin appeared on the young man's plain face and he said dryly, his mouth right beside the head of the farmer:

"And he's married, you know! And so sure of himself! Preachin' all the time. But look at him now! Can't get enough of your fat dick. Hungry, I'd say! Really hungry for your hot tool! Starved for a big cock up his throat! Look at that fucker, our bossy boss, givin' orders all day long, treatin' people like shit, never listenin' to nobody... and now... I can't believe me eyes... but it's real... right before me very eyes... now he's here on his knees... obeying your orders like... like a well-trained dog... sucking your hot dick for all it's worth... and you're hung, man... hung like a fuckin' horse... but Leason's takin' it all... up to the hilt... all that hard, fat inches of cock-meat... ridin' in and out... deep down into his fuckin' mouth... up his throat... your balls slappin' at his chin.... each time you drive it home... hard... real hard... but he's takin' it... not even gagging... came here to boss around those bikers... with rifle and all... 'I'll teach them a lesson' and stuff like that... and now... now he's suckin' dick... enjoying it... yeah, the fucker's enjoying it... no doubt... I can see that... he's into cock-suckin'... yeah, he sure is!"

Suddenly he roard with laughter and it took him some time to calm down so that he could speak again.

"Can't wait to tell the other guys... can't wait to tell them that our boss likes to go down on a guy... that I've seen him suckin' a man like a pro... now, that'll make a difference... much of a difference... no more dreary handjobs for all of us guys from now on... not anymore... from now on I'll just pull my dick out when I'm horny and wave it before his face... like you did... and he'll drop to his knees... and open but his sweet mouth... no more preachin' from now on... only cock-suckin'... milkin' us dry... yeah, Mr.Leason, from now on you'll be my personal cock-sucker... at my service... you'll suck me off anytime when I want to get my rocks off... that'll keep you quite busy... I get horny a lot... really horny, you know, Mr.Leason... severeal times in a day... and I always shoot a huge load... really huge... enough cum to drown you... you'll like that, Mr.Leason... and than there are all the other guys... they are a hot bunch... their achin' balls to be drained... I'll spread the word... and they'll come to you, too... to get their rocks off... shoot their loads into your mouth... when they are horny... again and again... you'll be quite busy from now on, Mr.Leason... down on your knees... do you listen to me, man?... don't pretend that you're deaf... open your eyes, man... look at me... look at my face... right besides yours... while you're gulping down this hot dick... bobbing your head... I'm watching you, Mr.Leason... watching you very closey... I want to look into your eyes while you're sucking this man off! Look at me, man!"

Blushing like a virginal bride the bearded farmer opened slowly his eyes, still sucking thirstily, slurping my drooling, convulsing cock deep into his mouth. I watched as the eyes of both men locked, those of the young farm-hand gleaming with a mischievous joy, those of the older man misted by lust and embarrasment, while I still pumped my dick into his throat, slow and easy for a short moment, but then again deep and hard, taking long strokes in and out, screwing his face, short-hammering, plowing my ramrod in and out of his mouth. The young man rejoiced in his victory.

"There you are, Mr.Leason! Lookin' at me... like you were told to do... like I told you to do... lookin' at me while you're suckin' dick... strainin' your jaws to get as much cock into your throat as deep as possible... lookin' at me, your hand... at no-good-at-all Jeff... dump Jeff... so dump you can order him around all the time... dump Jeff with that horrible tatoo... that made you so upset when I got it... you know, man, I've always wondered about you... staring at me whenever you got a chance to... at my chest and at my chrotch... frowning... like you were disapprovin' of me... but now I know that you've been hot for me all the time... wanted to suck dick... but never dared to ask... no problem, man, you'll never even have to ask from now on... I'll tell you when and where you'll go down on me... suck me dry... gulp down my load... preferably right before dinner time... so that the taste of my cum will be still on your tongue when you say grace at the table... sittin' opposite your fuckin' wife... and your breath will smell of my cum... yeah, you'll be kneeling before me whenever I tell you... I'll make you squeal and groan around my dick... lots of hard inches of big, fat cock for you here in my pants... you know, watchin' you takin' that dick makes me all horny... might as well try out our mouth right when this guy here is finished with you... when you've gulped down his cream... then you'll take my dick too... your eyes bulging, almost popping out of their sockets, when I drive my thick cock deep down into your throat!"

The young hand seemed to be ready to ramble on like this for ages. Annoyed by this shant that spoke of too much spent-up frustration I decideded that he too could learn a lesson or two.

"Oh shut up, you nerd!," I snarled. Easing my hard dick free from the clamping lips of the bearded farmer I grasped the head of his mischevious underling in a thight grip and guided his face sternly in a swift move in front of my crotch and thrust my hips forward, drilling my dick, gleaming with spit and pre-cum, into the young man's gaping mouth, slightly open since he had wanted to go with his dirty talk, separating his slack lips, driving the fat shaft of my rockhard dick into that hot wetness, plunging all seven hard inches deep into his tight, spasming throat. My balls slapped at his stubbly chin with a loud, juicy 'SMACK' and he cried a muffled groan into my chrotch-hair, gurgling in surprise, his nose crushed against my hard stomach. Naturally he tried to push me away with sweaty hands but to my surprise and to his too he found his head held unyieldingly in place by Leason who pushed his face with both his strong hands relentlessly into my lap as if he wanted to choke the man with my pulsing, steel-hard dick.

Now it was the farmer's turn to talk dirty - and so he did, his heavy, excited breathing rasping in his throat:

"Yeah, you bastard, take that big dick up your filthy mouth! I always knew that you're a big-mouth... and now I see the prove of that right before my eyes... cute, sexy Jeff with the great, sexy bod stuffed with a huge, fat dick... a big cock stuffed up his throat! Who's watching whom now, uhh? Who's squealing now, you fucker? Stop whimpering, asshole, and take it like a man! We'll see which one of us will go down on the other... we'll see that... most likely you'll sit down at the table with the taste of my cum on your tongue... or, come to think of it, with my cum up your ass... your sweet, tight ass... I hope it's still tight... or do you spread your asscheeks for the other boys each night?... have they taken you?... do they fuck you silly with their big dicks night after night after night?... I saw them droolin' over you... staring at your ass in those fuckin' tight jeans... ready to tear them apart... their dicks twitchin' and jerkin' in their pants... you wigglin' your fuckin' hips before them... to make them hot... like a whore... like a slut beggin' to be taken by a man... yeah, that's what you'll be from now on... our farm slut... to be taken by all the real men... whichever way they like to have you... mouth-slut or asshole-slut... here's the word that I'll spread: Jeff's takin' all comers!... no holes barred... anytime... anywhere... just tell him to open up his mouth or spread his ass... maybe he'll need a little bit of 'encouragement' ever so often... but after that he'll be happy to serve... doin' all the work too... bouncin' up and down on any man's big, hard dick... hungry for cum... and for more cum... and still more cum... till he's drippin' with it... soaked with cum... don't worry, man... you'll never have to worry about cum... there's gallons and gallons of hot, sticky cum on the farm... from me and from all the other men... and it's all for you, baby... just for you to gulp it down... and to take it up the ass!!"

Obviously this fight of dirty words was to end in a draw. Hot as this filthy shant was I had other things in my mind than to listen to it for hours on end. I dropped the rifle and pulled the face of the bearded farmers once again into my lap till his mouth met the point where my hard dick disappeared between the well-stretched lips of Jeff, his young hand, who struggled for air around the thick shaft of cock-meat, squirming and groaning. Holding them both in place I backed out off Jeff's hot mouth in one swift move and crushing their heads against each other hard I had both their lips locked around the base of my hard, drooling cock, Jeff's clamping mouth at one side, Leason's at the other one. They struggled half-heartedly for room, panting heavily around the pulsing shaft, their breath whistling in their noses. Then I gave my order.

"Okay you guys, I don't care what you do to each other once you're back on that fucking farm - but right now and here the orders are coming from me and I want to see some action on my dick of both of you - and at the same time too! Let me see some co-operation! Suck me off, men! Move your tongues around my hard dick, lick up that spit and that pre-cum with your fuckin' tongues. Let me see you kiss around that dick-head of mine! I want you to gulp down my dick in turns! One after the other! Take it down into your throat and suck hard and then make way for your mate and wait for your turn! Suck me off, men! There's enough cum in my balls for both of you, enough to drown you both. Go ahead, men! Start movin' that tongues around my big cock, you pricks! Let me see some action now!"

Hesitatingly they obeyed: both men started to lick and lap at my throbbing cock that arched proudly high up into the air between their heads, tongues darting out while they worked slowly their way up on the whole length of my pulsing manmeat, finally meeting at the head where they eagerly began to slurp up the generous flow of my pre-cum, their tongues lapping and licking at the smooth skin, meeting enviously before the gaping piss-slit in my dickhead, trying to push each other away, eager for the next drop of the salty fluid.

I realized that they needed some 'encouragement' and shoving their heads against each other once again forced them to kiss around my drooling, throbbing cockhead. At first they were displeased and I heard muffled cries of protest but then they seemed to get the idea. I felt their tongues darting out, battling with each other around the head of my dick that was encased by their clamping mouths, and they began to moan, their tongues swirling around each other and around the sensitive skin of my dick, laving each other, ramming into the other mouth as deep as possible. I let go off their heads and they went on to kiss passionately with clamping mouths and swirling tongues around my huge, throbbing prickhead, encircling it again and again. After some moments they began to suck at my dick in turns, slurping avidly, each of them gulping the huge shaft down into his throat in one swift movement, holding it there for as long as possible, sucking at it hard with fast-moving, circling tongue, while the other one licked at my aching balls and at my hairy thighs, the tongue rasping at the sensitive skin, waiting eagerly for his turn to suck all of my long, hard dick into his throat, then ride almost all the way up the head, holding it between clamping lips, and then back down all the way.

I liked their performance:

"Yeah, guys, that's the way to do it... that's what I call 'co-operation'... two guys goin' down on me... at the same time... two tongues at my dick... two cock-suckers waitin' for my cum... waitin' for me to shoot my load... you two bastards squirmin' under me... sucking hard... trying to milk my load from my balls... ready to gulp me down! Yeah, men, suck! Take that stiff dick and swing on it... swing on it good... and hard! My balls are full of hot juice... hot man-juice meant for suckers like you two... who are frantic for man cum! Suck me! Suck me off! Suck my dick hard! Suck it deep! Deeper! Get that meat hot! Real hot!!"

And I went wild: Grabbing their head in my hands once again I started to fuck their gaping mouths hard and fast, driving my throbbing dick first into one wet, clenching hole, then into the other one with all my might and strength, my hands vise-strong on their aching skulls as I held and fucked and pumped my fiery cock into them, long-dicking their throats in turns with my huge, hammering ramrod, trying to drive it right through their heads, ripping their jaws apart. I groaned and moaned and so they did too, their heads bouncing helplessly, twisting and squirming in all directions, breath whistling thickly on the air, as they tried every angle to get my deep-driving dick more completely imbedded within their bodies.

Babbling, delirious with excitement, I cried out:

"Ohhh yeah, this is so hot! So hot! Watch out, assholes... I... I'll drown you with my cum... hot, sticky cum... boilin' in my balls... hey, cock-suckers, get ready... get ready now... ohhh, shit... have to have it now... I'm close.... goin' to cum... now... ohhh, men... watch out... watch out... here... it comes... here comes my load... for both of you. Ohhhh yeeeaahhh!! HERE! HERE!"

Every muscle in my body tensed as my achingly hard dick throbbed, expanded and swelled, jerked and then throbbed again, finally, as the first burst of hot cum shot out of balls and traveled up the long way to the gaping lips of my cockhead, and I closed my eyes and, writhing with exctasy and holding my breath, prepared myself for another shattering orgasm. And that it was, a truly shattering climax - but a climax with a difference.

Right when I had exclaimed my final, triumphant "HERE" and right when I felt that the cum began to spurt out of my madly throbbing cock, bouncing heavily with hot passion, while I rotated my hips, tensed and relaxed my quivering thighs, I felt myself grabbed hard by two strong hands from behind and hurled around. My eyes flew open just in time to see that my body was brutally pulled around while my dick still blasted cum high up into the air, shooting a long stream of white jism, and writhing in the agony of cumming I came to face a big man clad in black from head to toe. I couldn't see any details because my eyes were still glazed with lust and moist from the effort of cumming hard but I saw that my cum spurted at the man, striking his chest, his crotch, his legs and his shoes. Squirming in the painfully strong grip of two hands that held my arms I watched as a cascade of cum splattered on the man's wide chest and another one on his crotch and on his long legs. Beads of jism clung to the fabric of his trousers, dotting it with an erratic pattern of white spots that trailed luminescently down. Several especially thick, creamy globs of cum hit the man's black, shiny shoes. I whimpered as spurts of power-driven sticky cum shot again and again from the swollen lips of my cockhead, soiling the man's clothes and his shoes more and more, my body vibrating helplessly with each blast of release in the strong hands of some stranger who held me from behind, until the torrent of cum that erupted out of my throbbing, jerking dick eased off to a steady stream, dripping down from my now rapidly deflating cock into the grass in huge globs.

I slumped weakly, held on my feet only by those strong hands at my upper-arms, and then, after some moments, when my breathing steadied, when I could summon enough strength to return into the real world and when my vision was clear again, then I realized what I had done and I felt like I would faint. I didn't knew what exactly had happened but I could see the results:

I had shot my cum all over a policeman!

And I could tell from his face that he was totally pissed off!

(to be continued)

Comments are welcome; constructive criticism is appreciated and encouraged. Roarrr201@aol.com

Next: Chapter 4

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