Full Circle

By Mel J

Published on Jul 30, 2023


Disclaimer! This has no reflection on the members of Nysnc and it is fiction!

Sorry this took so long to update.. life has been pretty hectic lately.. I hope you like this chapter!-Mel

Full Circle-Chapter 5 By Mel 2001

A kiss. It should have been easy to forget. But it wasnt just a simple kiss. It was a passionate one, full of tongue, lips and teeth. Lance just couldnt put it out of his mind.

He tried to keep his mind on Chris, helping him and keeping all of them together, but his mind kept straying to that kiss.

He had no way of knowing that Jc couldnt either. Jc hadnt spoken to him since. At least not directly. Now on top of everything else, he was afraid he had lost Jc's friendship.

He could live without his love, Lance told himself, but he couldnt live without his friendship.

Jc felt exactly the same way. The kiss occupied his every waking thought. So he stayed far away from Lance, hoping that Lance would eventually forgive him. So instead of talking, they drifted further apart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What is going on with Lance and JC?" Chris asked, watching Justin putter around the room. Chris had been released a couple of days ago, and Justin who still felt guilty, had been hovering constantly.

Justin stopped in mid motion. "Nothing. Why?" Justin's eyes darted around the room nervously. They had all decided without saying that they would keep any problems far away from Chris. He had too many of his own.

"Justin. Tell me, I might be out of it, but I am not stupid." Justin's anger flared.

"Your not 'out of it' your a drug addict, Chris and you should be thinking about rehab, NOT about the group."

Chris was silent, tears pricking at his eyes. Rehab. It was a place for losers right? He wasnt one of those.. was he? He looked at Justin's eyes, the pain and anger there, and knew he was. Oh god.

"Alright." his voice was soft. Justin blinked.


"I'll go to rehab." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Joey waited. Justin was late. He frowned. More and more Justin hung around Chris. He hated for feeling jealous, because he knew that Justin loved him. But he couldnt help it.

Justin was the golden boy, the one everyone wanted. He never quite knew what Justin saw in him.

Then the doorbell rang. Joey opened the door, carefully hiding his insecurities. His heart sank. It was Jc. Plastering a smile on his face, he gave his friend a hug. "Hey, JC, come on in." Jc smiled back, but his eyes were sad.

Joey sighed. He had a feeling it was going to be another session of Jc asking what he should do. He already thought both Lance and Jc should just fuck and get all this out of the way.

"So.. what's up?" Joey asked, sitting down next to JC.

"I miss him." Joey took a deep breath.

"Then tell him that. You know I am just about to throttle both of you." His own frustration about the situation, plus his worries about his relationship with Justin came tumbling out.

"Just tell him your in love with him and get it over with!!" He practically yelled at his friend. Jc stared at Joey open mouthed.

"Your in love with who?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Both Jc and Joey turned to see Lance in the doorway. Shit, Joey thought. He must have left the door open. Jc went pale. Joey elbowed him. "No one." Jc said through clenched teeth. Joey glared at him, finally having enough.

"He loves you. And you love him. Just stop this and TALK to eachother, man you are such idiots!" He yelled, throwing up his hands and stalking out of the room.

They could hear his footsteps pounding up the stairs and then a door slammed.

"Is that true?" Lance asked softly, walking slowly toward his friend. Jc clenched his fists, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"Yeah. And I am gonna kill Joey." Lance's heart beat faster.

"Dont do that, because he is right. I love you too." Lance put a hand on JC's shoulder. "I was scared to tell you, I never dreamed you would feel the same way. " Then Lance waited.

Jc's hand came up to cup Lance's cheek. The skin was so soft. Thier eyes met, and held, green to blue. "Lance." It was a mere whisper. This time the kiss was warm and soft, tender.

It was a good beginning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Justin let himself in to the house a couple of hours later. He and Chris had talked late into the night about rehab and wich one and so forth, he was exausted.

"So.. You did plan on coming home." Joey's voice made Justin jump.

"Joey." He said weakly. He knew he could have at least called. "I am sorry. I got talking with Chris and time just flew." Joey flipped on the light.

"Well I am glad you two had a 'talk' he said, his voice strangly flat.

Justin looked at him strangly. He thought at least Joey would be mad.. but he almost seemed that he was indifferent. "Yeah, " he said cautously, "He is going into Rehab on monday." Justin watched as Joey seemed to relax, the light coming back into his lover's eyes.

"Good! I am glad you finally talked some sense into him." For the first time, Joey came over and pulled Justin into a hug. "Come on.. let's go to bed. I want to show you how much I love you." Justin shivered, and his cock hardened.

Much later, after Joey had brought him to the hights of unbearable pleasure, after Joey had made him scream, Justin watched his lover sleep. He still couldnt put Joey's flat expression out of his mind.

Something was up, and he was determined to find out....tbc...

Next: Chapter 7

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