Gay 4 Pay

By Adam Jabbar

Published on Feb 13, 2011


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts, voyeurism, and themes of incest. If this content offends you or you are under the age of 18, do not continue reading.

Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading or sent to a friend. If any party wishes to re-post the story on a separate website, please contact the author for permission. Feedback to the author is appreciated.

First Published 2010, Revised 2011 (c) Adam Jabbar. All rights reserved. The author may be contacted at

Gay 4 Pay - chapter 1

By Adam Jabbar

I was slouched in my office chair with my pants unzipped and my hardening cock bulging in my underwear. I was getting ready to go online in my home office to start looking up some man-on-man fucking. I needed relief quickly, and jerking off to naked men is the only thing that makes me happy anymore.

My wife and I just had a fight about money and our son Nick. Both he and my daughter are away at their separate out-of-state colleges, but Nick seems to go broke faster. Nick called my wife for the second time this week asking for more money. My wife figured I'd "spoil" him so I was never told. She said, "we're not going to send him anymore money-and that's that."

She left the house about 10 minutes ago to meet with her sister. I never wanted to marry my wife. I got her pregnant during a keg party when we were in college. She had to drop out to raise our daughter. Her family guilt tripped me into marrying her. Then Nick was born shortly after. Before I knew it I had a family.

I had full intentions of transferring money to Nick after I was done jacking off. Perhaps I have stepped up the affection for Nick lately. I've been denying it to myself, but I think it's because I'm finding him more attractive now that he's developed into his adult body. I can't help but notice his tall physique, muscular shoulders and chiseled chin. I've got good genes.

I've always preferred men deep down. In college, I got a lot of action in the men's room and with my roommates when we got drunk. I fooled around with random guys through the years, mostly at saunas and at the gym. When I was free from the family, I'd visit men-only parties. I've had many butt-banging good times with other married men. So far I've never gotten caught. Not bad for a 21-year marriage with kids.

Men are all I think about now that the kids have left. When I can't sneak away to find a truck stop glory hole or hang out at the bathhouse, I lock myself away with my password-protected computer. God bless Internet porn! There is nothing more perfect than bringing hot and hung men into my home with the click of a button.

I have a whole list of porn sites that I signed myself up for. My favorites include,,,, and

I found a website recently that I just The concept is simple-younger straight guys jack off on camera for cash. As the clothes come off, they're offered to step it up to do more kinky stuff with other guys for more money. I'm always surprised how quickly a straight guy is willing to drop his heterosexuality for money.

Now that I'm alone in the house, I've decided to go to that website. It's updated frequently and they always find the hottest college guys. is a nicely designed site with all their models posing around the logo, then they list the videos by most recent. If there weren't any new videos, I'd probably go check out a video with one of their regulars named Skyler.

For a supposed straight guy he's on the site a lot. He's a hot-bodied, 20-something student with shaggy black hair and green eyes. He's got a large tribal-looking tattoo on his upper back, and a multi-colored tattoo on each arm from his wrists to his elbows. He's got a piercing on his lip, his eyebrow, and his left nipple. I think he's half Latino because he's skin is a nice, warm maple color.

In all honesty, I'd be pissed if my daughter brought him home, but I think I'd like that edginess for myself. His cock is amazing, going almost 8 uncut inches, accompanied by two fat, bouncy balls. And his dick is a pistol, firing out cum like salty bullets.

Just thinking about him made me want to go straight to one of his videos to see Skyler in action. I started to scroll down, but immediately stopped. There was a new video updated after all. I did a double take. I looked hard at the newest model. My stomach churned and I had to gasp for air. The newest video featured a kid named Evan.

But that wasn't any Evan I knew-it was my son Nick!

I found myself with both hands on the desk, my face inches away from my screen. My eyes scanned the face over and over. It was Nick. Where was this website based? California-where Nick was going to college. Not good, not good at all. Doesn't he know what they do on this website?

Then I remembered he was in need of money. The picture showed a bright-eyed smile on his face, almost like his graduation picture. Something wrong with this, yet I was full of interest. I've imagined what he looked like bare and exposed. And here I am-with no one in the house. This was my chance. I needed to know, if only just once. I clicked on Nick's image and waited for the upload. I stared hard at the screen eager and afraid.

"Hey there, we have Evan joining us," said an unseen older male voice from behind the camera.

The shot opened with Nick sitting comfortably on a red couch with one leg tucked under the other. His arms were spread wide on the top back of the couch. He nodded cautiously to the camera. He was a wearing a thin blue t-shirt and a black pair of jogging pants that he had since high school. He was wearing those stupid skater shoes that were practically cloth tied with laces.

"Can you say hello, Evan?" asked the voice.

"Hi, I am Evan." Nick was obviously a little nervous.

"Looking to get a little money, right?"

"Yup, I guess so." Nick just continued to nod like he was instructed to be cool.

"Have you told your girlfriend that you were going to do this?" asked the cameraman.

"It was her idea," Nick said.

I didn't even know he had a girlfriend.

"She sounds supportive," said the cameraman.

"Yeah, she's kind of a freak herself."

"Is she? What's she like in bed?"

"Oh, we fuck around a lot. She likes to blow me in places where we shouldn't be having sex."

"Really?" asked the cameraman.

I couldn't believe I just heard that. Who was this whore girlfriend?

"What's a place where you two did it?"

"Like in an elevator. I remember at the mall, we were only going up a few floors, but she got down to unzip my junk, and she started sucking as fast as she could."

"Did you get off?"

"Nah, she didn't have enough time before we got to our floor."

The more candid the questions the more comfortable Nick got in front of the camera.

"Any time when you actually got off... I mean in public."

"Yeah, like at our library."

"Your library? You mean at your university?"

"Yeah, when you tell a girl at school 'let's go study at the library,' it really means 'let's go fuck.'"

"Fucking great..."

"And let me tell you-girls' assholes are tight," Nick said with glee. "That was three nights ago."

I figured my son lost his virginity at some point, but when the fuck did he graduate to butt fucking girls in the library?

"That was the last time you fucked your girlfriend?"

"I fucked my girlfriend last weekend."

"I thought you just said you fucked three nights ago in the library?"

"Who says I fucked my girlfriend in the library?" Nick smiled. The cameraman laughed.

"Alright. It's clear you're in a sexed-up mood," said the cameraman. "We want to see you do your thing today. Just watch this movie we got going on for you. Get comfortable and we'll just roll. Okay?"

Nick took in his instructions carefully and turned his head to watch some porno flick that was playing off camera. While he did that, the camera hovered around him slowly, documenting his spread out arms and getting really close to his neck. I could hear slight panting in the background coming from some girl getting it good in the porno movie.

"You can start touching yourself whenever you want," the cameraman said. Nick did so by rubbing his chest with his right hand. The camera took a step back to get his full form on the couch.

After awhile, Nick looked at the camera as if he wanted to ask permission for something, but instead just went for it and took off his t-shirt. He went back to rubbing his bare chest.

"Can you flex for us real quick?"

Nick liked the idea and stood up and started flexing his arms and pushed out his chest. His body was still hairless aside from a fuzzy trail of brown hair below his navel. I could see a patch of brown hair underneath each arm when he lifted his arms to flex. When he sat down, he went back to the movie and massaged himself. I could see he was getting into it. He watched porn like I do-breathes it in with deep breaths and gives it all his attention. The rubbing is something I'll consider adding to my own repertoire.

He inched his jogging pants lower and lower until he was exposing the two shallow grooves on his lower abdomen that pointed to his crotch. I watched intently till I finally saw some of his dark brown hairs below his waist.

But there was something on his upper right thigh that caught my eye. It was small and bluish black. I leaned into the screen to make sure I was seeing what I saw. My son had a tattoo! It was a small five-point star. When did he get that? Why did he put it next to his crotch? Why did he put it at all? This was too much. I'm learning too much about a kid I thought I knew everything about. He used to watch Sesame Street for the love of God.

Nick's pants stopped at his pubes. He slid his hand down in his pants to work himself some more. His pants went up and down with the bouncing of his hand.

"Okay," said the cameraman, "let's see your cock."

With that, Nick finally slid off his pants down to his knees. His cock popped out with a pair of two round, pink balls. I eyed it up and down, examining it. He had to be an average 6 and half maybe. Cut of course. His Baptist grandfather insisted on that. The head of his cock reminded me of mine, wide at the top. There were no visible veins. His brown pubes weren't thick, but enough to encircle his crotch. I could also see his legs got fuzzier. He stopped pulling his pants down at his knees for a second, but then decided to go all the way down to his ankles.

"How about we just take everything off?" the cameraman suggested. Nick pulled off his shoes one by one and slipped his pants right off and left them on the carpeted floor.

"Socks too?" Nick asked.

"I'll leave that up to you."

I was kind of glad when he leaned back and left his socks on. With a smirk on his face, he spread his legs apart to show off the full extent of what he's got. A long and lustful "Niiiice" was heard from the cameraman. I almost felt like I wasn't getting enough credit for this display. Here some perv with a camera, who's probably no older than me, is going to profit off of my son. One side of me wanted to get on a plane to shove this guy's camera up his ass. Another side of me was jealous.

"Do you have that glide stuff?" Nick asked. Someone off camera that I didn't even know was there then tossed a purple bottle of lube next to Nick on the couch. So other people were in that room-watching.

He uncapped the lubricant and squeezed a good portion in his hand. Nick wet his cock with the goo. His hard dick started to shine from the lighting in the room. Nick stroked his dick like it was careful work. He closed his eyes and breathed heavier. My own breathing was intensified. I was impressed and delighted and disgusted all at the same lustful time. He was my Nick from the neck up, but everything below was a young, toned delicious man.

The camera swooped down in between his legs looking up to his cock with his bouncy balls close to the lens. I could see the dabs of hair on his nuts and the dark trail of fur that led down to his butt cheeks. I wanted to see if Nick had a fuzzy ass. I wanted him to turn around. Show me your ass son.

While I was in lustful curiosity, the cameraman stood up and stepped back. Then he started to speak.

"Okay Evan, you're doing good. I actually want to improve things with the flow that we got. How's about we make this more interesting?"

Nick stopped jerking and looked curiously at the cameraman, waiting for an explanation.

Oh no, I thought.

"See this guy over here?" The camera turned to the right. It was Skyler, the boy I sat down to jack off to originally.

"This is a friend that stops by," the cameraman explained. "He actually has worked for me before. His name's Skyler... go ahead and step into the shot."

Skyler stood closer to the couch where Nick was sitting. He was wearing a grey muscle shirt, a baseball cap, and those cargo shorts the kids wear so low. Nick had concerns as he looked up at Skyler who stood with his arms crossed so confidently.

"Skyler here is a pro at sucking dick. How would you like to get your cock sucked?"

"Whoa! Whoa! No!" Nick got to his feet. He covered his genitals with one hand and put his other hand to the camera. "That's not going to happen. I'm not gay, I won't do that."

The cameraman laughed it off as he tried to move the camera away from Nick's hand. Skyler just took a step back to give Nick some space, but he looked like he expected this.

"It's okay, Evan. Skyler isn't gay either."

"But I said I'd only jack off, I never said anything else!"

"We'll pay you more." The cameraman waited for Nick's attention. "You need money, right? We won't let you leave empty handed. I'll give you $200 more to include with what I'm already paying you."

There was a pause in the room as Nick looked right into the camera. Then it snapped to me that I could very well watch my son get a blowjob from a guy. And not only me, but everyone who subscribes to this website!

"Come on. How hard can it be to get a blowjob? And you get paid for it. And guys give better blowjobs." Skyler gave a thumbs up to the camera, which made Nick nervous.

"I don't know," Nick said shaking his head. "I don't know, I mean..."

"$200 is easy money. You're already naked. He's just going to suck on your dick. Plus $200."

"But he's a guy," Nick whined.

"He's a guy that's going to give you a blowjob and get you $200. Come on, don't you see he's bored standing over there."

"I thought he was your lube handler."

I couldn't tell if Nick was serious or joking, but the other two guys laughed.

"So we're good, right? You're going to do it." The cameraman was pressing Nick and I could see Nick was thinking hard. He was already this far.

"Okay, I guess," said Nick.

The cameraman excitedly gave new instructions. Skyler walked in closer to Nick who was still standing, covering himself. Nick eyed Skyler like he was a bee about to sting him. Skyler put his hands up and said "chill." Nick seemed to respond well to the word "chill."

"Just sit down, and Skyler will take over," the cameraman said. Nick did so and Skyler followed down to his knees. Skyler had to pry Nick's hands from his goods. I get to watch Skyler in action after all. I've lusted for this young man, and the same young man is about to suck off my son.

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Next: Chapter 2

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