Gay Army Guys

By DJ Paul (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 2, 2000


Chapter Six All the Excitement is over.

So, I went downstairs to the cafeteria and got a sandwich and a cup of coffee. It was ok nothing special. I of course was sitting there thinking about Todd. What would I do without him? I love him so much I would be crushed if he would die. I started to get myself overworked with emotions so I talked myself out of the feeling that I was having. I finished my coffee and sandwich and headed upstairs and go back in and see Todd and see if he heard from the doctor. When I got back at his bedside the nurse was just changing the bandage on his chest. " So, Todd did you hear from the doctor yet?" "Yes Russ he was here. He told me that when they took the biopsy they put it under a microscope and found that it was just a deer tick that got stuck in my chest. And it got so red because they carry a bad infection with them. So he told me that I had nothing to worry about. And he said he would give me some medicine for the infection. And to come back and see him downstairs in his office next week." " Oh, Thank God Todd I was thinking of the worst things while I was down stairs. I am so glad that you are going to be all right." " All I could think of that it was one of those red spots that you get when you have aids and I thought that you were going to die on me. I don't know what I would do without you." " Hey Russ I am glad that you brought me here or else I probably would have thought the same thing."

Well seeing as though they made him put one of those stupid gowns on because they were going to do the biopsy he had to get dressed so I told him if he needed me I would be in the waiting room. " Oh, Russ please stay and help me get dressed. I don't want you out of my sight right now." "Ok, Todd I am here and I won't leave. Can I help you get dressed? If we were in a different place I would be asking you if I can undress you but that time will come." So I helped him get dressed and we waited for the nurse to come over to give him his instructions to take care of the wound on his chest. I sat on the edge of the bed and I could feel Todd reaching under the covers and pinching my ass. " Hey silly what are you doing down there?" " I just wanted to show my affection for you and that is the only place where no one else can see." " Hey thanks sweets but lets be careful until we get into my car." " All right Russ but I owe you big time and your going to get it." " Sure, promises, promises that's all I ever get." Todd was laughing so hard I thought he would pee his pants. Well in any case I took Todd back to his barracks and made sure that he was all right and then headed back to my barracks. I had decided that if Todd really wanted to that at the end of our enlistment I would offer to marry him. We love one another so much it is a shame that we can't enjoy one another's company. Well enough excitement for today. I am going to crash and burn in my cot and get some zzzzzzzz's. Todd and I were due for another pass in two more weeks so we were anxiously waiting for the time to pass. Well off I fell to lala land.

I woke up the next morning with a headache. I guess all the excitement from yesterday caught up with me and I must have been dreaming about Todd during the night. What a banger I had. I was afraid to open my eyes because the sunlight would make it even worse. I decided to send a message to my class with one of the other guys from my barracks to tell the instructor that I was feeling good and would miss class today. You usually can't get away with that in the Army but this is the first time that I have done it so I was sure that it would be all right. As usual I woke up with a huge boner and had to make my way to the bathroom. So I barely opened my eyes and made my way to the latrine to take a piss. I finished up and went back to my bunk. I had a little trouble getting back to sleep but sooner or later I was off to dreamland. I woke up and found Todd standing at my bed. "What are you doing here?" " You didn't show up at the mess hall so I figured there was something wrong. So after class was over I came here to see if you were all right." "Wow, Todd I had the worst headache I woke up with it this morning and I could barely open my eyes. I sent a note with one of the guys in my barracks to class to tell the instructor that I wouldn't be there today. I never expected you to show up in my barracks when I woke up." " Hey Russ I was just concerned because I didn't see you today." " Hey Todd, can I ask you a very personal question?" " Yeah, sure Russ anything." " When we get out of here for good would you ever think about marrying me?" Todd started to cry. " Oh my God Russ I never thought that you would ever ask me that question. Of course I would marry you. I love you." Todd looked around the room and the barracks were empty and he came over and gave me a big hug and kiss. We were afraid that we would get caught so we just kissed one another and then Todd got up off the bed. All I could think about was spending the rest of my life with Todd. " Hey Russ how about I throw you one better. How about we come out and tell everyone here that we are Gay and then they will throw us out and we can get married right away." " I know I just woke up Todd but I am awake and can't believe what I just heard out of your mouth. You want to throw all this knowledge in the garbage and just get kicked out of the service just to get married." " Well, Russ it was just a thought. I didn't mean to upset you." "You just took me by surprise that's all. If you are serious about it I will think about it and get back to you." " Yes Russ I am serious why shouldn't we be able to do what we want. Were not freak's. We just love men. And I don't see anything wrong with that. As far as I am concerned Russ I would do it right away just so that I could spend the rest of my life with you. So we have to go get jobs and a place to live, we could do that." " I guess your right Todd. I will tell you this, I will think about it tonight and get back to you tomorrow with my decision." " Well Russ at least you are willing to think about it.

So, Todd left and went to his barracks and I told him before he left that I would see him in the mess for lunch tomorrow with my decision. And then I straightened out my bunk and went back to sleep. At least I got rid of the awful headache. Not that I didn't get enough pressure yesterday with me thinking that Todd was going to die. Now I have to try and go to sleep with this question sitting in my brain. Should we quit and just go and get jobs and a place to live. And consider getting married to one another. It's not that I doubt my Love for Todd its just a lot to ask considering how much time we have in the service. But on the other hand we have so much time left before we can get out of the service and enjoy our lives together. Well this is a tuff one but I will definitely think about tonight while I am lying in bed. Well I laid down and tried to fall asleep but all I could think about was the decision I would have to make overnight. I tossed the idea around most of the night and then I finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning pretty much with my mind made up. I had decided that if Todd really loves Me and he is willing to get married then I will do whatever he decides. I am pretty sure I know what he had decided. So off I went into the shower and get ready for class. I got to class with about 5 minutes to spare and the instructor was there as asked me why I didn't come to class yesterday. And I just told him that I had a migraine headache and that I sent a note to the class for him with Jim Reilly. He said he didn't get the note and was wondering if I had quit the class. I told him no that I was just not feeling well enough to come to class yesterday and that I would check in with Jim to see why he didn't give him the note that I sent yesterday.

Well after getting a grilling from the instructor I really made my mind up to quit the service. I guess your not allowed to be sick. Well class had ended at 11:30 and I went to the mess hall to try and catch up with Todd before we sat down for lunch. I saw him coming across the grounds and I ran to him so we could talk without anyone else listening. " So, Todd what have you decided?" " Well, Russ I have decided that I am willing to give it all up so that we could have a life together. And what did you decide Russ?" " As for me I look at it this way. If you are willing to throw in the towel and you will marry me when we get out of here I am willing to do the same. Are you willing to marry me Todd?" " Of course, there is no doubt in my mind that I would marry you right now if we could get someone to do it." " All right then, we will have to take time tonight after dinner to discuss this in more detail. And we have to figure out how we are going to do this and when." " I agree with you so I will meet you at the canteen around 7." " That sounds good to me. See you then." We went into the mess hall and took our seats, which were on the opposite side of the room. As we don't eat together so we don't get anyone's attention.

The rest of the afternoon seemed like it took forever. But finally, classes were over for the day and I went back to the barracks. I was hoping that when I met Todd at 7pm that he would have an idea on how we can get out of this place for good. I laid down on my bunk and was trying to think of who we should go and talk to. I thought that maybe I should go to my sergeant and explain but I didn't think that he was high enough on the food chain to be able to help me. Then I thought that maybe I could go to my captain, but I never really see him much. That the light went off in my head. I know the perfect person to talk to. I will recommend that we go and see the army Chaplin. If anyone could help us and try and understand what we wanted to do it would be the Chaplin. So I decided that, that would be my suggestion to Todd unless he had a better idea. I wanted to do this with as little humility that we could.

So, after deciding about whom we should talk to, I started getting excited about the idea of just spending the rest of my life with Todd and how wonderful that was going to be. I can picture us both working a full time job and coming home to OUR HOME and sharing the responsibilities of the house such as cooking, cleaning, Laundry and so forth. I can't wait to get away from here so that we don't have to sneak around off base just to show one another's love for each other. I really Love Todd with all my heart and I would do anything for him just to make him happy. And I am sure that he feels the same way. We have discussed in the past about when we get out of the army and the things that we would like do but I never realized that it would be happening so soon.

Well it was about 6:30 and I decided to walk over to the P/X to get some gum before I meet Todd at the canteen. I walked into the P/X and low and behold who was in there but the camp Chaplin. I so wanted to just go up and talk to him but I thought it wouldn't be right. And, that I should wait for Todd and we could go together. So I picked up my gum and went to check out. Just then Todd was walking through the door he was coming in to pickup the Newspaper. He was into current affairs and stuff in the News and it just wasn't my bag. So, I motioned to him that I would meet him next door at the canteen. I went to the checkout and paid for my gum and went into the canteen. Todd soon followed with the paper tucked under his arm. He reminded me when I was kid how my Dad would always come home from work. One hand had his briefcase and the other had the newspaper tucked under his arm. Well I found a booth in the back of the canteen and it was away from all the other tables so that we could talk privately. Todd came over and sat down and I could see that he was excited. He had a smile as long as the George Washington Bridge on his face. He was just gleaming. " So, Todd did you think of how we could go about doing this." " Well, Russ I had an idea about going to talk to the army Chaplin since he was supposed to be neutral." " I can't believe that Todd I had the same idea. How are we going to approach this do you have any ideas about that?" " Russ, I think the best thing that we can do is just go into his office and tell him that we are gay. And that rather than us getting humiliated by staying in the army that we would like to find a way to quit." " Wow, that sounds great Todd. Now when do you think we should do this." "Well there is no sooner time than the present Russ how about if we go and talk to him now?" " Do you think that he will be able to talk to us now? Don't you think that we need an appointment?" "What have we got to loose all he can say is that we have to come back another time. So, lets get our buns going here and go and try and talk to him now." " Sounds like a plan, let's go."

So, we headed over to see the Chaplin. We knew he was there because there were lights on inside his cabin. I knocked on the door and I could tell that Todd was getting nervous. Not that I wasn't of course. But he was almost trembling. I had to calm him down before we went in so I said; " hey relax will you. Your shaking like a leaf." " Sorry, I am very nervous I will try to control myself." The Chaplin came to the door and asked who it was and I identified myself and Todd and he opened the door and asked us to have a seat. " Well, gentlemen how can I help you?" Well, Sir we are here to discuss a delicate subject. You see Todd and I are Gay and we are tired of having to wait to get a weekend leave just to show one another how much we love one another. We came to you to ask you if there is any way that we could possibly quit the army rather than, stay in the service and ridiculed by our peers. Can you help us Chaplin?" Well gentlemen, that is a tall order. I can almost guarantee you that you are not the only ones with this dilemma. I have talked to many Gay Army Guys who have the same problem. Yes, there is a way to get out of this Army but it requires a lot of red tape. First of all, just so you don't forget, once you decide to do this it will be a permanent mark on your name. You see the only way that you can get out the Army without finishing your hitch is to get a Dishonorable Discharge. And that will be on your record for life. There is no way that you could ever have that expunged from your record. I really think that you should take more time before making such a rash decision." "Chaplin, we have discussed this and we have decided that in the best interest for Todd and I that we would take the discharge if that is the only way that we can get out of the Army." " All right then gentlemen if you have made your decision then I will begin the paperwork. Just remember there is no changing your minds once this paperwork is submitted to HQ." "That's fine with Russ and I Chaplin we understand everything that you have said and we would appreciate it if you would start the proceeding. Can you tell us how long of a process this is? How long we will have to wait?" " Well gentlemen once the paperwork get to HQ and they process it you should be out of the army in 24 to 48 hours. However you will have to be patient because writing up these documents takes some time. Maybe, a week. You know how the Army is everything has to be done in duplicate and triplicate so I will get started on this first thing tomorrow morning. I think that you should check back with me in a couple of days just to see how things are going." "Thanks so much Chaplin." "Yes thanks Chaplin." "Well gentlemen I hope that you two are going to be happy with your decisions and that you get to enjoy your lives outside of the military." "We will Chaplin and thanks again."

We left the Chaplin's office and decided to go back to the canteen so that we could talk some more. It was getting late and we didn't have much time to talk but that was the only place where we could go and talk privately. So, we went into the Canteen and the same table was still available. So we went and sat down and starting talking about what we just did. "So, Todd are you excited?" " Of course, Russ I can't wait to get this over with. The sooner, the better. How about you Russ?" " I can't tell you how happy I am. I am going to show you." So I got up and went and sat down next to him and gave him a hug and a kiss. " What have we got to loose now. I love you will all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Then Russ reached under the table and put his hand on my penis and rubbed it. Of course as usual it got up right away. I couldn't wait to be able to have sex with Todd again. So we decided that as much as we wanted to jump each others bones right there in the canteen that we would wait for our weekend pass and then have a fuck fest. I gave Todd a kiss goodnight and of course he slipped me the tongue the whore. So I said goodnight and we went back to our barracks. So now we started playing the waiting game and we kept going to classes just like there was nothing wrong. We didn't want to draw attention to ourselves until the paperwork was filed. After that we didn't care one way or another whether anybody saw us together.

Writers Note: Well folks that is the end of chapter 6. There will only be one more chapter to this story. And I think that you will agree with me that this was the best way to take the storyline. Maybe someday when the people in this world stop all the Homophobic stuff people who love the same sex will not have to make any more sacrifices. Until then there will be a lot of people in the closet. As usual I am expecting responses good or bad about this chapter.

If you haven't been there yet my website address is: there are three of my other stories. And there are 3 stories that a buddy of mine wrote. I hope you enjoy the stories. Please by all means email me and tell me what you think of the stories whether or not I should continue with a story or not. Email me at: with any comments good or bad about these stories. And by all means please sign my guest book so I can tell whom you folks are.

If you want to be informed about when the next chapter of this story is due out then just email me with your email address and I will email you back so that you have advanced notice.

Thanks again, DJpaul

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