Gay Devotion

By Stewart Ransom (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 2, 2000


The Cost of Love

Part 4

The varsity student centre was buzzing as the predominantly male crowd greeted friends entering the foyer. Ross, waiting at the door, immediately attached himself to Eric. Mark led the way into the hall to one of the many tables that circled the dance floor. The shrieks of several dizzy queens in drag pierced the noise of the animated conversation. Andy and Mark said they would get drinks and were given preferences. Bob looked about him at the noisy crowd. There were many good looking guys, some very handsome, others he would not give a second glance. He had expected to see more effeminate guys though several were quite flamboyant. The DJ announced a selection of popular numbers and invited everyone to dance. Ross immediately persuaded Eric to join him. "How about it brother?" Andy asked. "I'm not much good," he replied as followed Andy on to the dance floor.

Many of the dancers were not much better than Bob but what they lacked in skill they made up with energy. After a while Mark took Bob's place and he returned to their table. He checked out many of the dancers then those still sitting at the tables. There was one guy sitting on his own whose gaze frequently fell on Bob. He was about the same age, dark, well groomed and smartly if casually dressed. Their eyes met several times until Bob held his gaze and he turned away. Bob took his part empty beer mug with him as he went over to him.

"Hi would you like to dance?" Bob asked him.

The guy blushed, "Thanks, I would." He followed Bob on to the dance floor. For some time he would not look at Bob. Bob put his arm around his waist, took his hand and, as they danced, guided him between the dancers. He bent over him as he leant him backwards and swept him into an energetic twostep. Realising Bob was in control, his step synchronised with Bob's as he also put all his energy into the dance. They were perspiring and puffing as they returned to the table.

"I'm Robert Wilson, who are you?"

"Max Ferguson, man I enjoyed that dance, you certainly move."

"What are you drinking?" Bob asked as he emptied his glass. He returned with two large lagers. "I guess you are a varsity student?"

Max told him he was a first year student taking a law degree to which Bob told him he had similar intentions for next year. They seemed to click and were soon exchanging information about each other. Bob liked Max's friendly manner, his cheeky smile and warm personality. He learnt that his major interest was sailing.

"Would you like a sail?" he asked.

"I return to Feilding on Sunday so it will have to be soon."

"Tomorrow, if it's fine?" He was eager to get Bob's agreement. "I'll call you."

They spent the evening together talking between dances until Andy approached them to tell Bob they were about to leave. Bob introduced his brother.

"Are you Andrew Wilson the opera singer?" Max asked.

"That's me, I hope you have got at least one of my albums."

"I've got them all. So you are Bob's brother?"

"That's right, my little brother. He is so shy, I'm surprised he tried to seduce you."

Max grinned. "No such luck, but we're sailing tomorrow, he still might."

Bob blushed and punched Andy's arm. "We are not all as randy as you."

"Thanks for a great night," Max said then kissed Bob's cheek.

As they were leaving the hall, Bob turned to give Max a wave, he was looking forward to the sail.

The phone rang when Bob was still at breakfast, it was Max to tell him that the weather was ideal for sailing and that he would meet him at the entrance of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club at 10. He would need to bring old clothes to wear for it would be a very wet experience. Eric drove him to Oriental Bay and left him at the entrance of the club telling him to phone if he needed a lift home. Bob saw Max in the distance walking towards him with a duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Hi, it's good to see you, have you walked far?"

"No, we have an apartment on the 5th floor of Tudor Towers," he pointed to a 10 storey apartment block in the near distance overlooking the bay.

"I'm a member of the club so we can use the facilities and change before we rig the boat."

He opened the door for Bob to enter a spacious foyer off which was a passage to the changing rooms. They changed into old shorts and T-shirts then Max liberally coated his arms, legs and face with sun block telling Bob to do the same. They descended narrow stairs which opened onto a concrete path the length of the many boatsheds with a continuous launching ramp. Max unlocked shed 11 and raised the door. An idle-along and a Scorpion catamaran, sat on trailers, with their masts, sails and rigging stacked on top. They wheeled the catamaran out of the shed onto the hard where, guided by Max, Bob helped him to rig the boat . Max handed him a life jacket and a stained canvas hat with a broad brim before donning the same himself. Once the cat was launched, Bob wheeled the trailer back to the shed. He scrambled aboard as Max released the boat from the mooring. He pushed down the center boards and rudders and as he headed into the light breeze, he pulled on the mainsail sheet. the cat immediately surged forward, the jib stopped flapping as he tightened the sheet and the speed increased even further. Max's skill as a skipper was apparent as he weaved his way between the many large keelers and launches to the entrance of the marina. Once they were free of the congested moorings into the wide expanse of the bay and the harbour, Max asked Bob whether he would like to take the tiller. For the next hour he was shown how to steer the boat and control the sails. The breeze stiffened and the cat scudded across the short waves. The bow waves broke across the hulls soaking them. At first Bob felt cold but soon did not notice it as the exhilaration of the speeding boat dominated his senses. The breeze became a strong wind and the cat came alive going ever faster. Max had to spill wind from the mainsail to reduce the speed. They crashed through a large wave and spray swept over them and surged up through the net of the trampoline between the hulls.. Max shrieked as the wave hit them. Bob felt the hull on which they were sitting rise above the water, they were flying above the surface of the sea. It was extraordinary, the thrill of speed, the wind whistling through the rigging, the pounding of the waves on the hulls, it was more exciting than anything he had previously experienced. Max slackened the mainsail sheet and the boat settled onto the water again.

"This is great, quite wonderful," Bob said delighted, "it's better than orgasm."

"I wouldn't know." Max replied.

"Come on, I don't believe that." Max grinned but made no comment.

Suddenly the wind ceased, not even a breeze disturbed the complete calm of the harbour. The sails hung listless. They were becalmed and drifted with the outgoing tide towards Somes Island in the middle of the harbour. There was little shade from the sail and it was getting warmer. Max took off his life jacket and T-shirt and lay on the trampoline. For the first time Bob now saw that he was quite hairy. A mat of black chest hair and pubic hair protruded above his shorts to his navel contrasting strongly with his light tan. His legs were also amply covered. Bob was unable to avert his eyes, there was only the view until he saw the inter-island ferry leaving the terminal. Even so Max was much more attractive.

"There's no need to continue to hold the tiller," Max said, "you will find it too hot sitting in the sun."

Bob sat in what little shade there was beside Max and removed his life-jacket and T-shirt.

"Is this your first sail?" Max asked.

"It is and it's something I will never forget, it's terrific."

"Would you sail with me again?"

"I'd like to very much." Bob wondered whether the invitation would stand until he returned at the end of the year. Eric and I return home on Sunday and it will be after Christmas before I return to stay with Andy.

"Oh so long." Max looked disappointed. "I wanted to see you again before then."

"This is Wednesday, could you come to dinner tomorrow night?" Bob quickly added, "and stay over if you wish."

Max blushed. "I like you, I really do and I want to get to know you, can I call you at home?"

Bob felt confused, he was uncertain whether he should confess that he had similar feelings towards Max. "So will you come to dinner?"

"I'd like to," then almost in a whisper, "and stay over."

Bob grinned. "Of course you know you will have to sleep with me."

"Now he's telling me! Of course that's why I accepted the invitation." Max sat up and lay his hand on Bob's chest and stroked it gently. Bob's hand pressed it firmly sliding it across his stomach to the top of his shorts, but Max did not accept the invitation. He kissed Bob, "later I like to keep the best 'til last."

The sail flapped against the mast, then again and again, then more frequently. "We will be moving soon, see the change in colour of the water," Max pointed to the south. "There is the approaching breeze." He put on his T-shirt and life-jacket as did Bob. The sail filled as Max brought the boat about, pointed it into the wind and began to tack.

"Have you had enough? We could go home for a sandwich."

Bob agreed. He looked at his watch, it was 1.30, they had been out more than three hours.

As soon as they had unrigged the boat, Max washed it down with a hose before loading it with the mast and rigging and returning it to the boatshed. There were showers off the changing rooms where they were able to remove the salt. Bob now saw that Max was truly beautiful with clearly defined muscles, broad shoulders, a narrow waist, thick thighs and long legs. He had a thick growth of pubic hair which nearly hid a thick cock. Below hung a large scrotum with heavy balls. He was completely tanned.

"Where do you find nudist sunbathing?" Bob asked.

"I'll show you one day, but you need a car."

"Now that's another reason for me to return soon, Max I know you and I can have lots of fun." Max's smile showed that he felt the same.

It was a short walk to Tudor Towers. Max used a swipe card to call the lift. "Mother is out for the day so there's no one at home," he said as the lift ascended. At the 5th floor the doors opened onto a foyer; Max opened the door into the lounge, a large room with landscape windows with a view of Oriental Bay and the harbour with the city towers beyond and Tinakori Hills above. A ferry was leaving the terminal. The room was beautifully furnished with contemporary furniture, modern paintings and a few small sculptures. The crystal chandelier and grand piano were its main features.

"Do you play the piano?" Bob asked.

"Often, I love it, all kinds of music from jazz to classics."

"Then Andy and Mark will be really pleased to meet you." Bob looked at the title of the sheet music on the piano, it was 'Killing me softly with your song.' "That song is a favourite of mine, do you sing it?"

Max grinned, "I try to, it depends who I'm thinking about at the time how well I succeed."

Bob was serious when he said, "I hope it is going to be me."

Max blushed, "We'll go into the kitchen." Bob followed him into a very modern kitchen, there was a table beneath a large window again overlooking the bay. Max made a plate of ham and tomato sandwiches with a pot of tea. He sat opposite Bob as they ate and talked.

"My parents are certain to want to know all about you," he sounded apologetic. "I'm 20 but they still want to be in control of my life." There was a bitterness, an irritation as he spoke.

"Do they know that you're gay?"

"Hell no, I'm sure they wouldn't approve."

"So what happens when they find out that I'm gay, as are my other friends? Maybe it is not a good idea that I be a friend of yours."

Max looked upset but sounded determined, "that's a risk I have to take."

"Do your parents know Andy?"

Max thought for a while, "I'm not sure but I do know they knew his father. He and my Dad were directors on the board of a large company."

"Perhaps your parents might like to dine with his sons. We should also invite Paul Jensen, Andy's godfather who is also a director."

Max laughed. "You are a scheming clever dick."

"My dick's got nothing to do with it, well not intentionally. I want them to be introduced to the family, to discover that gay relationships can be very happy and successful. Mark, Andy, Paul and I are all gay. Max, I want to help you to get out of that closet. Would you let me help? I have a good reason for wanting to do this which I will tell you one day."

The sound of the lift doors opening made Bob pause. "This will be my mother," Max said as a tall slim middle aged woman entered the kitchen. She nodded at Bob.

"Mother this is a sailing friend, Robert Wilson." Bob stood and offered his hand which she limply took.

"I'm always pleased to meet friends of Max, and where did you meet?"

"At varsity, I was attending a student function with my brother. Max kindly offered to take me sailing."

"So what degree are you taking?" she asked as if the reply did not much matter.

"I'm still at High school. Feilding High, it is Andrew my brother who is taking a music degree in performance, he sings. I'm told he is quite good, he sings in operas."

"Not Andrew Wilson, the tenor," Mrs. Ferguson at last sounded interested. Before Bob could reply she added, "Did you say you are his brother, I thought Philip and Celia had only one son."

"So you knew my father?"

"We were friends, close friends."

"Then you would know Andrew's godfather, Paul Jensen?"

"Oh yes he was on the board with my husband."

"This is wonderful, meeting more of Dad's friends," Bob sounded quite excited.

"Would you and your husband have dinner with us before I return to Feilding, we very much want Dad's friends to be our friends as well."

Max was trying to hide his smile and found a 'comfort stop' necessary .

"Thank you Robert, I'll consult my husband and see when we are available. Has Maxwell got your phone number?" Bob told her he had.

Mrs. Ferguson left them to change." She's puzzled that you are Andy's brother. Mother will be accepting your invitation." Max chuckled knowing his mother would be determined to satisfy her curiosity. They stood looking at the view with Max identifying landmarks, the Beehive, the University and Weir House the student hostel. "Dad's office is in that black tower which is the Bank of New Zealand. He should be home soon, usually about 4.30."

Bob could hear Max's mother on the phone. She interrupted Max. "Are you able to join us for dinner tonight Robert, Leonard, my husband, would like to meet you."

Bob thought it sounded more like a command than an invitation, but he accepted for he wanted to meet this friend of his father. Max was grinning as she left them.

"What did I tell you, Mother and Dad will be grilling you tonight."

"Well don't let on that I'm gay, you'll discover why if they need to know how I learnt I am Andy's brother."

Bob glanced through the magazines on a coffee table while Max was out of the lounge. Among them were the season programmes of the symphony orchestra and the opera as well as several sailing magazines. Andy was named to sing Orpheus in a varsity production of Gluck's Orpheus and Euridice. He drew Max's attention to it.

"When you come to dinner ask Andy about this, his answer will show your parents how he and Mark help each other with their careers."

Leonard Ferguson's warm welcome and friendly manner soon relaxed Bob. He offered Max and him a whisky which they both declined preferring lager.

"Mrs. Ferguson told me you were a friend of my father, tell me about him," Bob said. Leonard Ferguson looked surprised. "You should know that I am Robert's half-brother. Our father had an affair with my mother, but her fiance still wanted to marry. She died recently and in a letter attached to her will, she told me who was my real father."

"I can't believe that Philip Wilson was a philanderer," he replied.

"We will ask Paul Jensen who was also a friend of my father to come to dinner, you may know him, he can tell you more."

"Yes I know Paul, I am still one of the directors on the board of your father's company." He was suddenly silent. "My god, I wondered why a large block of shares were transferred from Andrew's portfolio to someone named Robert Wilson, it was you."

"The trustees of the estate with Andy's agreement decided I should inherit half of my father's estate."

"You must have changed your surname."

"That's right, it was previously Dickinson."

Leonard's eyes widened, then he said, "your mother was murdered recently." Bob turned to look at the view, he still found it difficult when remembering those events. "That's incredible. My god you've been through a terrible time, your father committed suicide. Robert I am so sorry.." He put an arm around Bob's shoulders. "So that's why you changed your name."

"Partly, Andy was insistent and I also want to change my life completely. I will be living with Andy and Mark after Christmas. Of course everyone is puzzled by my arrival."

Mrs. Ferguson called that dinner was being served. Leonard led the way to the dining room. Bob felt Max take his hand as they followed him. Leonard guided the conversation during dinner to Bob's sporting interests and learning about his friends Eric and Luke and the successes of the first XV. "No wonder he is built like a brick," Max said., "he must make a formidable half-back."

"Do you sing too?" Mrs Ferguson asked.

"No, I don't even play an instrument. I'm wondering how I will survive for music dominates that house all day, every day, they are forever practising, both Mark and Andy."

"Your brother has a marvellous voice," she said.

"Mainly due to Mark, Andy is lazy and Mark makes him practise at least three hours every day. Mark accompanies him at all recitals and is also a concert pianist. Andy sings Orpheus next year and is already practising."

"Where are you living at present?" Leonard asked.

"With Eric and his parents until I move in with Andy at the end of December." Mrs. Ferguson looked puzzled. "Both my parents died recently," he told her.

"I understand you have invited us to dinner with Andrew and Paul," Leonard said.

"That's right and of course the invitation includes Max."

"Of course." Leonard smiled then winked at Max. "Was it a good day for sailing?"

With a mouthful, Max nodded. "It was wonderful," Bob replied, "really great. I don't mind crewing for Max anytime."

"In that case you will have to join the crew of El Paradiso, our keeler, "Leonard said.

Max groaned, "that's hard work. It's a good thing Dad is too busy to take it out very often..

Bob did not stay long after coffee. Max's offer to drive Bob home he was pleased to accept.

"Was all that you told Dad true?" Max asked.

"Every word and there is more which no doubt Paul will tell him. I hope I will get that call soon so that I can fix the dinner date and brief Paul."

"Your shareholding will be important to Dad, it will encourage his interest in our friendship. Max sounded cynical.

"Look Max you are the one who is my friend and matters most. I enjoyed today and I'm hoping it is the beginning of something special."

Max stopped in the car-park beside the house. He leant over and hugged Bob then kissed him long and hard, his tongue seeking Bob's. They were soon in a passionate embrace.

"I can't stay, not this time, later I want to very much," max said as they broke apart.

Bob waited for the rear lights of the car to disappear before he entered the house. He was on top of the world and it showed. Mark looked up from his book. "He's in love, look at him Andy, he's still got a hard on."

Bob flopped into an easy chair. "I am and I don't care who knows it. Now I want your help. In a few minutes there will be a phone call, I have invited the Ferguson's to dinner. Leonard was on the board with Dad and Paul and he and his wife were friends of Philip and Celia. They are very inquisitive about my appearance and family membership so I think we should also invite Paul and he can confirm what I have already told them."

"Of course this has nothing to do with Max," Andy said with a smirk.

"Its got everything to do with Max, they don't know he's gay, he's closeted and a very frightened bunny.. I want to show his parents that it's Ok to be gay, we are not monsters but very pleasant friends. Mrs. F is one of your fans, she loves opera. Give her an aria or two if we must sweeten her." Bob laughed. "God her son is so beautiful."

Mark grinned. "Careful, you may be infatuated, its only 24 hours since you met."

Bob shrugged. "Maybe, he feels right for me. It's going to be a long time before we can get together seriously."

The phone rang and Bob answered it. "Will Friday be suitable for the dinner party? He asked Andy. He an Mark agreed that it was. When Bob confirmed it, Leonard said that thy were very much looking forward to the visit. Bob immediately called Paul to invite him to the dinner. He admitted he had other motives as he raved about Max and his involvement. Paul was highly amused. He confirmed that he knew Leonard Ferguson and that he was a friend of Philip's. Bob told Paul that he was free to tell him as much about himself as thought desirable.

When Eric got home he noticed the change in Bob. "Max seems to have made quite an impression," he said. "I'm glad. I feel the same way about Ross. He wants me to move in with him next year, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Bob thought how much easier it was going to be for Max to stay over.

Next morning, as soon as Max had an opportunity to be alone he called Bob. He was as excited as Bob about the dinner and said he found it difficult to appear to be indifferent in front of his parents. He had the impression that his parents liked Bob and were looking forward to seeing Andy again.

Andy turned on his most charming manner for the dinner. He and Mark welcomed the Fergusons giving Max unobtrusive bottom pats much to his delight. Paul was introduced by Leonard to his wife as a board colleague. They had visited Andy's home before when Philip and Celia entertained the board members. While Mark served aperitifs, Andy indicated the small changes he had made to the house. Then Mrs.Ferguson grilled Andy about his future opera commitments.

"We graduate at the end of next year, then Mark and I leave for London for further study when I hope to get opera roles," Andy replied. "Then Bob will be here on his own. I hope he will find someone for company."

Elizabeth had prepared a first class meal which Andy and Mark served while Bob kept the glasses filled with one of the best wines from Andy's cellar, It was when coffee was being served that Leonard asked Paul if he knew about Philip's philandering.

"I did, he wrote to me about Bob's mother but his love for Celia and Andrew meant that he would have to discourage her affection. He did not know that he had made her pregnant."

"Are you sure Philip is Bob's father?"

"We had Andy and Bob's DNA tested. The tests confirmed he is the father of both of them."

Bob took the brown envelope from the dresser and handed it to Leonard. "Philip sent this photograph to Paul. The woman is my mother." Leonard carefully scrutinised the photograph.

"She is very beautiful," he said before passing it to his wife.

"May I see it Bob?" Max asked. "I did not know your father." His mother handed him the photo.

"Why did your father murder your mother?" It was like a bomb exploding followed by a silence awaiting the appalling effects. Max was horrified by his mothers audacity. Leonard was clearly embarrassed. No one spoke waiting for Bob to reply. He looked at her.

"Mrs. Ferguson it was because Dickinson could not accept the fact that I am gay. He blamed my mother for producing a pervert that he had to claim as his son."

She looked astounded but this explanation was not enough to satisfy her curiosity, she was determined to be fully informed. "How did he know that you are gay?"

"A member of the rugby club told him in a letter, he asked me if it was true and I did not deny it. He threw me out and told me never to return. Eric and his family took me in."

No one commented, everyone waited. Then Bob looked hard at Mrs. Ferguson.

"Would you do the same to a son of yours?" He looked at Paul. "What's wrong being gay, a guy does not choose to be gay, can I blame my father or my mother? Why did my father blame my mother?"

Tears were streaming down his face. He left the room immediately followed by Max.

"Anyone for more coffee?" Mark waited with the coffee dispenser. Leonard handed him his cup followed by Paul.

"Bob is still very fragile," Andy said, "It's going to take time for him to recover. He hates his father, can't forgive and grieves bitterly for his mother. He is not proud that he is gay. We have to show him that it's Ok to be gay, to be proud to be gay. It will take time, but with supportive friends he'll make it, as we did."

There was a cynical laugh from Mark. "Of course wealth and success helps."

"You are quite right, I couldn't agree more, what say you Paul?" Leonard appreciated the irony of Andy and Mark's situation.. Paul nodded.

"The membership of the Gay Association of Professionals confirms that. I've no doubt Bob will be able to buy a profitable partnership in a law firm once he graduates."

Max had his arm around Bob's waist when they returned. Bob looked strained as he sat down. He turned to Mrs Ferguson. "I'm sorry if I have distressed you, as you can see I am still vulnerable. I hope I have not upset any of you."

"I believe you are an opera fan Mrs Ferguson?" Andy interjected, "would you like to hear my arias from the next production?"

Mrs. Ferguson had been very subdued, she brightened at this invitation. "Would you Andrew, that would be lovely."

Mark and Andy went to the music room followed by the others. For the next hour, accompanied by Mark, Andy entertained them as he sang the arias from Orpheus and other operas in which he had appeared. Mrs Ferguson gushed over his performance. Leonard looked at his watch and decided it was time they left. He turned to Max. "Perhaps Bob might like you to sleep over tonight." Max looked at Bob eager for his reply. Bob smiled and nodded, then placed a grateful hand on Leonard's arm. He understood.

Paul helped Andy and Mark load the dishwasher. "I reckon Bob's set the cat among the pigeons," he said. "Leonard knows the score and senses that his son and Bob feel strongly about each other. Mother is a harridan and can't acknowledge that Max is gay, but she knows it. Bob hit her hard tonight. Did you notice, she was shattered when he as good as told her Max is gay. Wow, what a night!" Paul continued to chuckle as he thought about possible future developments and conflicts between mother and son.

"Eric is sleeping with Ross again tonight," Mark said. "He called to say he would not be home. Just as well, Bob needs his bed."

Max sat on the side of the bed and put his arm around Bob. "How do you feel? I'm sorry mother pushed you so hard."

"I'm not, I wouldn't have been so forthright and said so much. She touched a raw nerve and I as good as told her that you are gay. Did you see her anger? I'm sorry I may have created more problems for you."

Max did not seem to be much concerned. "Dad surprised me when he suggested that I stay over with you tonight."

"I think he knows you are gay, he's been watching us closely. What signs could there have been, we have known each other barely 24 hours? I need more time to be sure."

"To be sure of what Bob?" Max wondered if Bob was somehow uncertain about him.

Bob stuttered. "That you really are important to me. The next few weeks until Christmas will tell whether distance really does make the heart grow fonder," he grinned. "we will soon know."

Max was silent for a few minutes before he said, "You are important to me, I know a song with words that says it all, 'all my life I've been hiding, now that you're here, now that you've found me, deliver me.' I felt that deliverance began tonight"

"It could be that tonight will also deliver you from your sexual hang-ups." Bob looked serious as he asked, "have you ever slept with a guy before?" Max shook his head, "well relax mate, I'm not into heavy sex not after tonight, it could have been different this morning."

Max laughed, "didn't you notice my erection, it was certainly a come on?"

"Just as well I didn't, no I was more attracted by your hairy chest."

They were soon in bed snuggling into each other with Bob's fingers combing the hair on Max's chest. Max's hand stroked his back, then his buns and his thighs. Then Bob's hand reached for Max's cock and stroked it until it was rigid, he began to slowly pump it. Bob pushed back the covers and took the long thick cock in his mouth and slowly sucked it, then eased back the foreskin to free the head already weeping precum from the slit. Bob wiped it with his tongue then circled the corona. Max moaned as waves of excruciating sensations surged through his every nerve. He pushed his cock deeper into Bob's throat. Bob's lips pressed harder around his rod and he pumped faster. Max's hand pulled his hair as he felt the emerging orgasm. Max exploded, his cum filled Bob's mouth to overflowing. He swallowed quickly but the torrent spilled onto Max's pubic hair. Once the ejaculations ended, Bob licked off the globules of cum clinging to his bush. He kissed Max so that he could taste his cum.

"You are nectar, so sweet, your cum is delicious, there's never going to be enough for me. Max there is so much more to learn about you and I want you to discover me also; when you are ready, touch me, trust me as I do you."

Max leant over him and kissed his chest. His lips caressed his nipples, then his biceps sucking, lightly biting, then stroking them with his tongue. Max lay on top of him and Bob's legs wrapped about him. Bob stroked his back and buns while Max pressed his crotch against Bob's. He came spreading cum between them. Bob followed soon after. Still embracing they lost consciousness.

Bob awoke to hear 'Have I told you that I love you' being sung in the shower. He could not think of a better way to greet the new day as he got out of bed to join Max. Bob's torso pressing against him startled him, with delight Max turned to wrap his arms about him. They washed each other then Bob dropped to his knees to give Max a blow job. He was quick to come.

"There's no need to dress for breakfast," Bob said as they towelled. "We always eat in the raw."

Max laughed then whooped. "I like it here, you guys are so uninhibited." He slapped Bob's bum, then with "I'll race you to the kitchen," he sped out the door and down the stairs with Bob close behind. Andy and Mark, both naked, were at breakfast.

"Help yourself," Mark said to Max as Bob filled his plate with cereal. "Did you sleep well?"

"Perfectly even though it was my first time with a man." Max replied.

"I guarantee it wont be the last," Andy commented.

"Not of it's with Bob, no sir."

Bob grinned. "Its too bad we leave on Sunday and it's a long time to Christmas."

"I bet you Eric will be returning for weekends with Ross," Mark said. "Now you could accompany him, and we can arrange for Max to stay over, what say you?"

Bob laughed with delight. "It's on, Ok Max?"

"It's on, make it soon." Max took his and Bob's plate to the dishwasher and returned to attack the plate of toast. "I'll have to find an excuse that will allay mother's suspicions."

Max intended returning to the bedroom but he noticed the piano in the music room and went to investigate. He sat at the keyboard and began to play and sing 'I can see clearly now that the rain has gone,' by Neil Finn. He could be heard in the kitchen and Mark stopped loading the dishwasher to listen. The song ended and was followed by Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Mark went into the hall but kept out of sight. At the end of the first movement he went into he music room and stood behind Max.

"You play and sing very well, you have had a good tutor."

"For the piano, mother always made sure I got the best. I enjoy it, also singing, popular songs anyway. I also play guitar." Max could not resist stroking Mark's hairy body.

Mark grinned as he pressed against him. "I hope Bob likes bears."

"Oh he does, that's one of my attractions, but you are even more so."

"Well I hope you can improve his musical education, he's a Philistine and he can't escape music in this house."

They did not notice Bob arrive until he asked Max "would you like a swim in the pool?"

"Max sings and plays well," Mark said. "If for no other reason, you guys have to stick around Bob, Max and Jerry need to get together, they could make a good combination for some new music."

"Maybe, remember Max is mine."

Mark began to laugh. "Don't worry, Aaron is the only one who interests Jerry."

Max grinned as he hugged Bob. "I'm yours, I'm not interested in anyone else." He kissed Bob. "Sure I'd like a swim." He held Bob's hand as he was taken to the pool.

Sunlight streamed through the floor to ceiling glass onto the pool, the water reflecting changing patterns of light onto the ceiling. Bob dived in followed by Max and they swam length after length until Bob was exhausted and rested on the rail along the side. Max swam to him and gripped the rail.

"This is a great way to keep fit each day," he said.

"There's more, much more, there's also a small gymnasium that we regularly use." Bob put his arm around Max. "Would you like to live here with me?" Max looked surprised. "I'll be on my own when Andy and Mark leave for London at the end of next year. I mean it so do think about it."

Max hugged him. "If I can sleep with you, I'll think about it." Max sighed contentedly. "Mm, you feel so nice, yes I'll seriously think about it."

Max swam several more lengths before leaving the pool. He heard Andy practising with Mark at the piano and recognised 'Nessa Dorma'. He stopped to listen. Mark suggested changes which Andy made in a repeat rendition. Max quietly continued up the stairs. He was standing at the bedroom window looking at the wide expanse of lawn and several beds of annuals ablaze with colour. He did not hear Bob and was startled when he felt his arms encircle him. He turned, gave him a quick hug and then pushed him away.

"We have to talk. The way I feel about you is serious," Max said. "Here and now I want to know more about you and you certainly should also want to know more about me. Come on let's take a walk in that beautiful garden." He dressed then waited for Bob at the door. They sat on a wooden bench under a walnut tree each waiting for the other open up until Max said

"Last night I got the impression you have not had a very happy life which ended in tragedy, is there more you want to tell me?"

Bob hesitated then took a deep breath and turned to face Max. "There is, and because you seem to have become very important to me, you should know what it has been liked." Bob leant back and for more than an hour told Max all about his early life, his wonderful mother and indifferent father. Max asked few questioned as he listened. When he told him about his father's rejection, his expulsion and his mother's distress he was in tears. His grief overwhelmed him as memories flooded back. Max took his hand, kissed the palm and held it as Bob continued with the deaths of his parents. He then talked about school and rugby, of his friendship with Eric and Luke and of his acceptance of his sexuality encouraged by Eric.

"I thought I was in love with Eric but since I met you, I know that it was gratitude for his support and need for his sympathy that I mistook for love. Anyway he has now smitten by Ross, and I don't mind." Bob grinned. "You are much more attractive."

Max asked a few more questions but seemed loath to reciprocate with his own life story. Bob did not really want to press him but he wondered why he was so hesitant. He waited, it was clear that he was expecting Max to respond. Bob became annoyed and said to him

"What skeletons are you hiding that you don't want me to know about?"

"Ok, Ok, I know I should be as open as you have been but there are things I would rather not talk about."

"That's alright, I don't want to pry, maybe some day you will want to tell me but today do tell me a little more about yourself."

Slowly Max opened up. He was the youngest with an older brother and sister, both living in other cities, "to escape mother who takes charge of everything." They were all educated at private schools and had never lacked for money or the good things of life. He felt they were always expected to impress others to benefit mother's reputation so were pressured to succeed in whatever they did. Mother approved all choices and insisted on participating in their decisions. She was not affectionate, often manipulative and demanding. His father was the opposite encouraging independence and initiative with his support. Conforming to what his mother thought society expected had to be the priority. Max had grown increasingly rebellious resulting in frequent disagreements with his mother which usually ended with terribly rows. He also felt he had to escape. Max worshiped his father and fretted when he was away, which was much too often. He was not sure that his parents loved each other for he had never seen any evidence.

"If she learns that I am gay, there will be a terrible scene. She will never accept it and will demand that I change. I doubt that she will accept you. I bet there will be a scene when I return home because I stayed over last night, and that already Dad has felt her disapproval." Max looked desperate but determined. " I also have to leave home and be true to myself. If you get involved with me, you are likely to find life very difficult. Mother will make it hell, believe me."

"If we are important to each other, we will weather those storms," Bob replied. "I know we can survive together, whatever happens. I like you too much to want to leave you, we have to keep in touch until I am living permanently here next December. It's not long. We'll find a way."

Bob hugged Max who quickly embraced him. "I wish you were not leaving tomorrow. I will be in touch, believe me. I have a cell phone I can use when mother is out of the way." Max's cynical laugh showed he would outwit her somehow. Mark called from the house that lunch was ready and with arms around each other, Max and Bob followed him indoors.

The entire return journey was spent by Eric telling Bob about his time with Ross. It was boring and Bob's thoughts kept drifting to memories of Max and the time they were together. Eric's enthusiasm about Ross's attributes, his sexual prowess and rugby skills convinced Bob that Eric was besotted by his new man. Not once did he ask Bob about Max or how he spent his time during his stay. He now knew that Eric's remaining interest in him was minimal. Ivan and Doris warmly welcomed their return and were keen to hear about the holiday. Bob was amused that Eric was reticent about telling them much about his. Ivan handed Bob a large brown envelope labelled Justice Department. It was the change of name certificate which he immediately showed them.

"That was a good decision," Ivan said, "now that must be shown to the Head at school as well as your bank as soon as possible. "I've also got good news for you, your house has been sold for a good price, $200,000. We were able to get a private sale so there are big savings."

Bob was very pleased and felt grateful to Ivan for his help and success.

"I am so thankful it's sold and very much appreciate your help Ivan. I want you to accept 10% of the sale price, you know I can afford it for I am now a very wealthy man. Please don't object."

Ivan looked at Doris. "Should we accept?" but Doris would not give him an answer. "Thank you Bob, we appreciate your generosity. The new owners take possession in 2 weeks so you will need to decide what to do with the few things that remain in the house." Bob decided to visit the house after school the next day.

The Head's secretary took a photocopy of the name change certificate then Bob looked for Luke to tell him. Returning to his old home was not easy. He wandered from room to room, most of them now empty. There was a heaviness, a sense of loss and an ambivalence about leaving this place forever. Memories of his mother flooded back but those of his father he seldom recalled. All the furniture was gone except for a bookcase on which there were still familiar books, photograph albums and a box containing his mother's treasures, her jewellery and keepsakes. He packed them all into cartons separating out those books he no longer wanted. A teddy bear sat on the end of the bath. He held it to his chest and wept. The tears fell unrestrained as if cleansing him from the tragedy that ended his life in this place. Once he had recovered he loaded the cartons into the boot of the Toyota, locked the door of the house and sat in the passenger's seat beside Ivan. Ivan squeezed his knee and without a word, drove away.

"I'll store the cartons in the garage until you take them to Wellington." Bob mumbled his thanks, still feeling very depressed.

That night Bob received a call from Max, his mother was out. They seemed to have lots to share taking half an hour on the phone but nothing of any consequence that Bob could later recall. He knew they were both loath to end the call when they promised to call again soon.

The pressure of exam preparation, revision and cramming gave them little time to call each other. Regular, if brief, calls nevertheless continued from both Max and Bob until the final exam was held. That same evening Eric called Ross and they agreed that Eric would spend the following weekend with him. This was the opportunity Bob sought to see Max again. He called Andy and suggested that he and Max spend that weekend with him and Mark at Raumati as he would be able to take advantage of the available transport.. They agreed it was a good idea. Max would be invited by Andy to join them for the weekend. No sooner was Bob off the phone, when Max called him. Bob told him to expect Andy's invitation. "Your mother need not know I will be there."

Max chuckled. "How right you are, she has decided you are the pits. My god, how I have missed you."

Bob was not at all concerned about Mrs. Ferguson's opinion of him, it was Max that mattered.

"It wont be long, the next few days will soon pass."

The days seemed to pass so slowly. Every evening Ivan gave Bob a driving lesson in the Toyota. He had no difficulty mastering the skills and soon knew the road code, often testing Eric with questions. His learner's license was issued the day prior to that when they were to go to Raumati. Bob drove slowly strictly observing the rules of the road and without taking risks, a learner's label was attached to the car's rear window. Max was the first to greet them as the car turned through the gate. He yelled a welcome and when Bob left his seat, grabbed him in a mighty hug. Bob buried his face in Max's hairy chest then kissed him passionately. Max's kisses were equally unrestrained.

"Don't we get a kiss?" Andy asked. Bob broke away to give Andy and Mark similar if less demonstrative kisses, then immediately returned to Max to hold him tightly. Eric was highly amused. He kissed Mark and Andy then commented that Max should watch it or he might be raped.

"Bob has been like a dog that has lost it's favourite bone," he said.

"Well there will be much nibbling and gnawing tonight," Andy replied. "Lunch will be more nutritious, are you hungry?"

"Ravishing," Eric said looking at Mark.

"Thank you," Mark replied, "I always knew you had an appetite for me before you met Ross." Mark pecked his cheek, "Now I'm scared Andy might notice, you know he can be so jealous."

"Liar," Andy shouted, "I don't mind of he finds a dishy guy, so long as he shares him with me." He called to Max and Bob, "it's time to eat, Eric will you stay for lunch?" Eric refused the invitation, he wanted to see Ross as soon as possible.

They spent the hot sunny afternoon in the surf and sunbathing. The sea was more calm than usual so it was possible to swim. Andy warned them about dangerous rips that could unexpectedly develop so they kept within the safe areas designated by the flags. Mark frequently commented on the great physique and tan of several of the lifeguards. Andy teased him about his permanent erection. Bob and Max had attention only for each other until Max felt that their disregard for Andy and Mark was reprehensible and tried to involve them. "We understand," Mark said, "we were once a couple of love sick loons, just like you two. Its been a long time for Bob, he's aching to hold you in his arms." Bob blushed . "It's time Andy and I had another swim." Mark trotted down to the surf with Andy close behind.

A cool breeze came through the open ranch-slider door as they had coffee after dinner. Mark had cooked an excellent meal and the wine was very pleasant.

"How about a stroll along the beach?" Max asked Bob, "there's a full moon and with perfume of the lupins, it is impossible for me to remain indoors."

"Now come on Bob, you can't refuse that romantic invitation," Andy said. "What a pity there is no orchestra to enhance the setting."

"Shut up drip," Mark said giving Andy a gentle punch. "I'd go too but the beach is not private enough for me. I prefer to make love in bed."

"Sex is not love." Andy sounded argumentative.

"Ok, but you and I know it helps." Mark fell on top of Andy and began to tickle him. They were soon invading each other's pants.

"Coming?" Max held his hand out to Bob.

The hiss of the waves sweeping inshore and the roar of the distant breakers were the only sounds as they walked slowly along the beach hand in hand. The water was warm as it swirled around their bare feet with the odd wave a little deeper from the incoming tide. For much of the time they were silent, delighted in each other's company, sharing a joke, opinions and 'what if', as they speculated about changes when they could be together. After an hour, they turned and retraced their steps. The sound of a speeding motorcycle grew louder as it came loser, then of a gun being fired. They turned to look at the approaching machine. A man on the pillion held a gun and was indiscriminately firing it at the sand-hills, then towards the sea. A shot rang out as it passed them and Bob fell onto the wet sand.

"My god, I've been hit," he said as he grabbed his left thigh.

Max yelled, "you bastards, you bloody bastards " and was answered by raucous laughter as the men on the bike passed him. Blood was oozing through the leg of Bob's shorts and dribbling down his thigh and across his knee. Max put his hand below Bob's armpits and dragged him away from the tide onto drier sand. He folded his handkerchief diagonally and tied it around the top of Bob's thigh then, with a piece of driftwood to create a tourniquet, wound it tightly to stem the flow of blood. Max took his cellphone from his pocket and dialled 111. After calling the ambulance he called the police.

Bob's face was white and he grimaced with pain as Max loosened the tourniquet before tightening it again. He heard the siren of the ambulance before he saw it's flashing light as it turned onto the beach. Max waved his arms until it drew up beside him. He was telling the two paramedics what had happened when he saw Bob faint. Immediately he was given oxygen, placed on a stretcher and taken into the ambulance. The siren and flashing blue light announced the arrival of the police car. Max was still reporting what had happened when the ambulance began to drive away. Max yelled and stepped in front of it. "I'm not leaving my mate, you'll have to call me later," he said to the police. The police offered said he would go with them. As the ambulance sped to the Raumati Medical Centre, Max continued to answer the police officer's many questions. The duty doctor at the Centre was most concerned about Bob's wound and decided the embedded bullet would have to be removed by a surgeon at Wellington Hospital . He called the air ambulance. Bob was now again conscious and relieved to see Max still with him. The doctor, told Bob what was happening and that Max would be going with him to the hospital. While they waited Max phoned Andy to tell him what had happened, to them and that he was staying with Bob. He asked him to inform Ivan and Doris. Andy told him that he would see him at the hospital.

The sound of the arriving helicopter ended the call. The paramedics soon had Bob and Max aboard the air ambulance and they were lifting off. The noise of the rotors made conversation impossible. Max wondered if the description of the motorcycle and it's occupants was sufficient for the police to apprehend them. He was so angry and desperately wanted them caught.. Max held Bob's hand; he had been given pain-killers and was barely conscious. The flight was not long and Bob was soon being wheeled along the hospital corridors to the operating theatre where the staff were waiting for him.

Max was asked to take a seat in an adjoining room. He was anxious, frightened, worried that Bob might be permanently disabled by the injury. It seemed an age before the doctor appeared to reassure him that the operation had been a complete success and without problems as they extracted the bullet. Bob had been lucky that the bullet had not struck the thigh bone for it had passed very close. He would be able to see Bob as soon as he was conscious. Half an hour later, Max was taken to the recovery room, relieved to see Bob's eyes open. His eyes filled with tears of relief and delight as he went with Bob to the ward. It was now midnight.

"You might as well go home," the nurse said to Max. "He'll now sleep for a long time and will be a lot better when you visit him again in the morning."

Max reluctantly left. He walked slowly through the long corridors then saw Mark and Andy approaching. "How is he," they both asked looking very worried. Max told them what had happened and that the operation was a success.

"Of course you're coming home with us," Andy said. Max felt that this expectation showed he was now considered to be a part of the family, he nodded.

Andy called the hospital before they sat down to breakfast to hear that Bob had slept well, was in little pain and progressing fine. He asked the nurse to tell Bob that they would be with him soon. Just as he left the phone, it rang, Mark answered it. It was Leonard. The Morning Report on National Radio had reported the shooting and named Bob but not his companion. He sounded worried. Was the other person Max? What happened? How is Bob and where are they? Mark told him Max was with them and gave the phone to Max He told Leonard about the events of the previous night and of Bob's recovery. He admitted he was the companion and had been with Bob right through his ordeal. Max reassured his father that he was alright, that Bob was out of danger and that he would be staying with him until he had fully recovered.

"That could be some time" his father said.

"It's very likely but that makes no difference, I'm not leaving Bob."

"Your mother wont like that, she expects you to come home."

Max's voice sounded determined. "You can tell mother that I'm now making my own decisions. Bob is special, I want to care for him."

Leonard hesitated before replying. "I know that, I understand, your mother is unable to accept what is obvious, you are in love with Bob." Max could not believe what his father had just acknowledged. "We have to talk about it son, quite soon. Take care and wish Bob a quick recovery from your mother and me."

Max dwelt on his father's reply to his adamant insistence that he stay with Bob. Did he know that he is gay. Had he accepted his affection for another man?

Bob's smile and cheerfulness seemed to diminish the seriousness of his injury and the trauma of the previous night. Max, Andy and Mark found him enjoying the care and attention of the nurses and doctors. He told them that the house surgeons examination of the wound indicated that it was healing well and that he could be discharged the next day. The police had interviewed him earlier that morning, when he was told the culprits had been arrested.

"You will stay with us to recover," Andy said to Bob. "Ivan and Bob don't need that responsibility as well. Ok?"

"Ok, I guess you're right."

"I want to be with Bob," Max said. "He'll need help for a while, is that ok?"

Max's requested sounded more like a desperate pleading. Mark put his arm around his shoulder. "Ok nurse, now this is strictly a professional service, no sex, no erotic behaviour, the patient needs complete rest."

"I was told I was to give my thigh some exercise once the wound healed," Bob said with a grin.

"Now what kind of exercise might that be that's not too strenuous?" Andy pondered the possibilities.

Bob grinned. "Let me make that decision. I'm sure nurse and I will be careful. Isn't she beautiful, so sexy." He began to laugh

"It's time they sent you home Bob Wilson, you're much too healthy for hospital," a passing nurse said as she straightened Bob's bed.

Max visited Bob again that afternoon,

"We have rented a wheelchair and got a shower chair for you, so we are prepared for your return home," Max said. Bob was impressed by the effort to make things comfortable for him.

"I suppose this is largely due to you. I can see you really do want to care for me, why?"

Max blushed then stammered, "well, you know, you need me."

"Do I really?"

Max was embarrassed then he took a deep breath, "to be honest I admit your convalescence is an opportunity for me to be with you longer."

"Hey man, you really do have a crush on me." Bob laughed then grabbed Max and, unconcerned by the presence of the other patients in the ward, kissed him. Max's eyes were shining,

"Of course I have. I think Dad knows. I refused to return home, to leave you, in spite of mother's insistence. I sense there is stormy weather ahead and I don't care."

"Well I could be a bad patient, very demanding, very frustrated by my immobility, hard to please, a real bastard. Do you still want to be my care-giver?'

Max grinned. "Not really, have you got some other sucker in mind who'd put up with you?"

Bob chuckled, "no sweetie and you know it, anyway I'd much rather have you around at my beck and call. I love your tender loving care, I'll try not to be an arsehole."

Max gave Bob a chuck under the chin then a quick hug. "We'll collect you in the morning. I must go, and stop flirting with that dishy house surgeon, I saw you."

Bob and Max's bags had been taken to their bedroom, including Max's guitar. He took it from it's case, tuned it and began to play the adagio from Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez. Mark heard him as he was passing and stopped to listen. He was impressed, it was the performance of a very competent musician. When it ended, Mark went in.

"That was really good Max, will you play some more for us after dinner?"

The evening was spent listening to Max playing Flamenco dances, Bach sonatas and pieces by several Spanish composers. "Do you think Bob might be interested in learning the guitar?" Andy asked.

"I intend to find out, I would like to teach him for then we would have more than sailing to share."

Andy took the more roomy BMW to the hospital to take Bob home. His doctor had earlier called Andy to tell him that Bob was being discharged that morning. He had to rest his leg and attend the clinic the following week for a progress assessment. Bob was in a wheelchair waiting for them when they arrived. Max pushed it to the car followed by Andy carrying a pair of crutches. Using a slide-board, Bob transferred into the front passenger seat.

Mark was waiting with the wheelchair when they arrived home. As he pushed Bob into the hall, he told him that he was to use the stair-lift when he wanted to go to his bedroom. "It was installed for Andy's grandmother when she was living with the family."

They were about to have lunch when the phone rang, it was Mrs Ferguson wanting Max. "There is no need for you to stay, Andrew and Mark can provide all the help Robert is likely to need," she said.

"I've already told Dad that I'm staying here with Bob, didn't he tell you?"

She did not reply. "I don't think you should stay at the home of those deviants, think of your reputation, and ours. You must consider what others will think when they know that your friends are homosexuals."

Max felt his anger rising and disgust at his mother's attitude.

"I'm not concerned how you or your friends feel about my friends, I'm remaining here with Bob. If you think they are deviant then so am I. Bob is my best friend and I shan't leave him until he has fully recovered." She tried to interrupt him. "Mother, I'm not coming home."

"Did you not here me?" His mother loud emphatic voice reflected her annoyance. "I insist that you come home immediately."

"Mother, I make my own decisions, not you, I wont be home." Max's decisive tone indicated there would be no change to his intentions.

There was an ominous silence before his mother replied. "If that's going to be your attitude, maybe it's time you found another place to live. You and I don't seem to be able to agree about much these days."

"You're right mother." Max felt this was the opportunity to tell lay it on the line with his mother. "I'll find myself digs somewhere else when Bob is better."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, you'll come to no good associating with queers and you may not be very welcome here either."

"Is that Dad's opinion as well?" She did not reply. "Tell me mother, does Dad agree with you?" He shouted into the phone, "does he?" There was still no reply.

"If you are not home by this evening, I will not expect you, ever." He heard the receiver being replaced.

Flushed with Anger Max returned to the dining room. His silence spoke volumes, he was very upset. He addressed his plate as he sat down.

"That was the final declaration of war. She's not going to control my life any longer. I'll decide who will be my friends even if it means I'm not welcome at home."

Mark looked at Andy as if to warn him not to seek an explanation.

"Your mother is not pleased you are with me," Bob said.

"She's not at all happy, she thinks my queer friends will sully my reputation, and hers,. My god how puerile, how despicable she is. Well I'm not going home, Bob you've got me now for sure." He gave a bitter laugh. "I get more affection and understanding from my father than I do from her."

"You do know you can stay here as long as you like, don't you?" Andy said.

He nodded, there were tears in his eyes when he looked at Andy. "I know, thank you, I hope bob won't find me insufferable for a while."

Bob found Max's tirade understandable, it reflected how he felt when he suffered his father's rejection. Max had very little to say during dinner, his thoughts were far from the topics and the others let him dwell on them.

"Bob have you heard Max play his guitar? Last night he showed us that he is very good. Max do you feel like giving us a tune or two?"

"Come on Max, I can see I have still more to learn about you," Bob said.

Max fetched his guitar from the music room as they went into the sitting room. He began with 'Greensleeves' then numbers made popular by the Shadows and Jimmy Hendrix. Bob listened intently, tapping his right foot to the rhythm. The Flamenco dance that followed was stirring music, exciting and exhilarating that had Bob on the edge of his seat. Max's flying fingers and control of his instrument showed he was a very competent musician.

"Max you're terrific," Bob said delighted, "that was wonderful. I wish I could play like you."

"Do you mean that? I could teach you if you seriously mean it."

Bob thought for a moment. "Yes, I really do want to be able to play like you., will you teach me?"

Max was pleased and hugged him. "Sure, but I'm very demanding, there'll be a lot of practising, regular practising like I have to."

"Join the club," Andy said sounding pessimistic. "If Max is like Mark, you are in for a tough time, he's a perfectionist."

"The end result is a great voice and brilliant performances which is making you famous," Max said.

"So when do we start?" Bob asked.

"In the morning from 9 to 11."

Mark said to Andy, "I like that no-nonsense attitude, it gets results. Bob will soon be as busy as you."

Bob looked tired and said he wanted to go to bed. They all wanted to help him. Using the slide-board Bob got onto the seat of the stair-lift while Max carried the wheelchair to the top from where he pushed Bob into the bathroom. He supported Bob as he stood to piss then helped him to take off his pants. Max was soon in bed beside him.

"Are you ok?" Bob asked. "My father also told me to leave, I know how you feel."

Max turned away and hid his face in his pillow. His shoulders shook as he silently wept. Bob put his arm around him and held him close. The embrace continued until they slept.

Bob's determination to learn the guitar was evident from the start. He worked hard at the instrument guided by Max and encouraged by Any and Mark. For two hours each morning and afternoon Max taught him how to play it and read music. The afternoon lesson on the day following Bob's discharge was interrupted by Leonard's visit. Max took him into the study and hugged him warmly.

"I suppose mother has told you that I have refused to come home?"

"Yes. I don't agree with what she wants. She is dogmatic when it comes to homosexuality and I abhor her attitude. I know you are gay, you are also my son and I love you. I also know your mother's expectations of you are intolerable now that you are a man. Your sexuality is your own concern, not ours, and you have to make your own decision about the consequences. So far as I am concerned, Tudor Towers will always be your home. I also think it's up to you to decide where you want to live. Bob is a fine man and I hope he will always be a great friend. I'm not surprised that you want to be with him, it's obvious you are fond of each other."

Max's look of relief and delight showed as he hugged his father. "We will still see each other often?"

"Of course, let's make it a regular lunch together and be sure Bob comes sailing with us." Max kissed his father, his eyes were moist from emotion.

"We're about to have coffee, will you join us?" Leonard was warmly welcomed by the others as Max took him into the sitting room. After expressing to Bob sympathy and wishes for a speedy recovery, he said,

I promised you and Max a sail to the sounds, we must go before the summer and fine weather ends." He then asked Andy and mark whether they would like to join them. Mark enthusiastically accepted the invitation but Andy was not so sure. "I get seasick, it's not much fun." Leonard tried to be sympathetic.

"We'll take Andy out on the cat first," said Max.

"Oh no you wont," Andy said, "Bob came home wet as a shag, it sounded horrible."

The visit to the clinic provided a good report. Bob was told to exercise his leg regularly with swimming and walking a little more each day. Max was constantly with Bob, exercising with him and learning the guitar. Bob's enthusiasm for the guitar never waned, practising whenever an opportunity offered. He seemed to be a natural impressing Max with his rapid progress. Their constant involvement meant that their appreciation and understanding of each other also increased immeasurably. The relationship blossomed and their love grew stronger. They became inseparable. By mid December, Bob's wound thigh had healed and he was growing stronger. Often he sailed with Max on both the catamaran and the idle-along and was able to handle both boats.

Jerry often visited Mark to get his opinion about one of his new compositions. One afternoon when he had brought the draft of an assignment he had to submit the following year for the stage 3 composition course, he asked Max and Bob whether they would mind playing a few bars.

"I'm writing a piece for 3 guitars, a mandolin, harp, two pianos and a small choir and I want to hear how it sounds," Jerry said. "I want to hear whether my ideas work." Max was quite interested and carefully looked at the copy of the score that Jerry gave him.

"Take it from bar 93 to 120. Max take the part for 1st guitar, Bob take the part for 2nd. Mark and I will take the two piano parts. Max saw that the lounge piano had been moved into the music room. Mark played a few bars to give them the key and tempo, then the bars before the entry of the guitars. Although it was a little rough, they managed to play the extract well enough. Mark looked pleased. Jerry was scribbling on his copy of the score as he said, "Thanks guys that's helped me a lot, you played it well for a first time."

Bob grinned, "come on, I'm a learner."

"I mean it, it was quite good."

After Jerry had gone, Max asked Mark why he was involved.

"Jerry has composed all of the songs that has made Andy such a success on the charts. From the beginning he always got my opinion and, together, we made modifications often from my suggestions. He is very talented and since taking a music degree, he is producing exciting compositions. He still feels he has to have my opinion and support even though I can contribute very little now. This new work will be a stunner."

"Is Andy still singing his songs?"

"Not many new ones but his hits are still in his repertoire. I expect there will be a solo part for Andy in the score of this new one."

Mark and Andy were cuddling on one settee as were Bob and Max on the other while they watched TV in the sitting room. Mark kept switching stations until frustrated that all the programmes were equally poor, he turned it off.

"Play us your most recent album Andy, " Max said, "I haven't heard it yet."

Mark put the CD on the stereo in the music room and the from the speakers in the sitting room came Andy's voice singing his most popular song 'Time to say goodbye'.

"Surely that song should be at the end?" Bob said.

"It helps to sell the disc when the hit opens the programme," Mark replied.

Andy's strong clear tenor voice full of emotion had Bob completely enthralled. It seemed to add another dimension to his feelings about Max. He stole a kiss. The increased pressure of Max's embrace indicated that he too was affected. There was strong sentiment and appeal in Jerry's songs that spoke volumes in Andy's interpretation. They were well suited his temperament reflecting the romance and devotion of lovers.

"No wonder you are such a hit," Max said. "How do you manage to convey feelings so positively?"

Andy grinned. "You can blame Mark. He's always on my mind and I am singing to him all the time. It's the same with opera."

Mark grunted. "Oh boy, it's scary. Then he comes home and fucks me as if there was no tomorrow." Bob and Andy roared with laughter.

Max stroked Bob's naked body as they lay in bed. "Andy really does have a tremendous voice, it's no wonder he is so much admired."

"I suppose we will be expected to be also talented, especially me, his brother," Bob replied. "Well I'm not competing, one famous artist in the family is enough."

Max snuggled into him. "I prefer to make music with you in other ways, and I don't mean on the guitar." He felt for Bob's cock and played with it. You have even more desirable attributes." "You have too." Bob pressed his face into the thick black hair on Max's chest then nibbled his nipples. Soon they were passionately making love.

Max enjoyed strolling among the beds of annuals ablaze with colour, to sit in the shade of the trees at the edge of the lawns. In one corner a grotto had been built with water cascading over rocks into a pool where goldfish swam. He sat on a shaded bench calmed by the sound of water falling into a series of rocky basins. The changes in his life felt good. In spite of his mother's objections, Max knew that he had made the right decision to break away from her suffocating control. Bob meant much more than family, loving him now dominated his life, his total being involved him. Max closed his eyes and thought about how much Bob meant to him, never before had he felt so happy.

To be continued.

The author Stewart Ransom invites comments. NB New E-mail address:

Next: Chapter 14: Cost of Love 5

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