Getting Eric

By Bart Hanks / jocktime (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Sep 10, 2010


Chapter Five - The Rest of Sunday

My mind was whirling as I drove back to work. My experience with Kevin's Uncle Max Bockstrop was enough to derive me insane. I was getting blamed for things with Kevin that were far beyond my control. Plus the guys at work kept making me do things that could derail my career, and I was constantly on my guard.

When I got to the store I could see the parking lot was only one third full. I was glad it was Sunday afternoon since the store would be slow. I was sure my jock would keep me in, and so far there was no problem. My balls felt really relieved after I had been forced to empty them in Kevin's uncle's office.

Once back at work I went straight to Mr. Penser's office. He seemed pleased to see me.

"Did you make your purchase?"

"Yes, sir, I did."

"May I see it, please?"

"Sir? I mean, I'm wearing it."

"Then may I see it?"

He just sat there at his desk, looking at me through those wide rimmed glasses.

I took a deep breath and started pulling my trousers down. When they were at my ankles I stood up straight so he could see. The only embarrassing thing was that my penis did reach the top of the waistband, and it was sort of noticeable peeking out.

"There. See?" I felt like a little kid standing in front of his parents.

"May I see it, please?"

"You want me to walk around to your side of the desk?"

"No, I want you to show it to me, just as if you had taken it out of the package. I want you to hand it here."

I couldn't believe it. I just looked at him, and he calmly and with perfect poise just looked back.

It could have been a standoff but finally I broke. "Please, Mr. Penser, don't make me take it off in front of you."

He looked sad. "When I sent you on that errand, didn't I tell you to come show it to me when you got back?"

"Yes, sir."

He gave a deep sigh. "Eric, lately you seem to think rules and orders are just whatever you want to make of them. Look at how you disobeyed me about the underwear the very next day after I called you down about it."

"I'm sorry sir, but actually -"

"Eric, that's a problem for you, isn't it? Making excuses?"

I was still standing there with my pants around my ankles, feeling like a fool. I didn't know what to say.

"Come around on my side of the desk and take that thing off so I can see it."

I walked sort of funny because my pants were catching at my ankles. Anyhow I got around to his side.

"Now take that off."

"Can't you just look at it -"

"Eric what have I been saying about excuses? Either you take it off or I will. On second thought we're wasting time, here I'll get it."

He reached over and with one hand grabbed the waistband and with the other reached into the pouch and began pulling it downward. With that pill still in my system, all it took was his fingers to touch me in that pouch.

I had to step out of my trousers, kicking them aside, and then reach down and step out of my jock. I handed it to him.

"There. That's wasn't so hard now, was it, Eric?"

My dick was starting up. There was nothing I could do about it. Fortunately by now Mr. Penser was enjoying playing with my jock strap. He pulled on the elastic and stretched the pouch, totally absorbed in it.

"Good and sturdy. That ought to do. There'll be no unfortunate bulges now." He mused, "I remember when I bought my first athletic supporter. My grandfather saw it and called it a jockey strap. He said they were originally designed for jockeys in horse races and derbies. Interesting, isn't it, what uses they've had since then?"

I sensed trouble coming. My dick wasn't totally hard, but it was hanging longer and longer. Now it was beginning to rise. Apparently Kevin's Uncle Max was wrong when he said that clearing all the cum out would keep it from getting hard again.

Mr. Penser looked up, saw how I looked, and practically fell back out of his chair.

"Eric! What's happening?" He was thunderstruck.

I reached out for the strap but I guess he thought I was getting too close. He put up a hand.

"Get back with that thing, Eric. I had no idea! No idea at all that you had such a problem."

"It's not a problem if people leave it alone, Mr. Penser." I had stepped back.

He jumped out from his chair. "What do you mean? Are you accusing me of fondling you, of molesting you?"

Around that man things seemed to get out of control at a moment's notice. I kept backing away, still holding out my hand so he could give me my strap back.

"No sir! I only meant when you reached for the jock strap, it sort of jiggled me and got things started."

He seemed relieved. But then he had another thought. "You mean anything at all can get you suddenly erect?"

"No sir."

"Than what do you mean?"

"Please sir let me get my strap back so I can put it on and pull up my trousers."

At that moment, there was a knock on Mr. Penser's door. I almost died on the spot. I knew the door to the office was always unlocked. In fact Mr. Penser made a point of bragging about how 'available' he was to all his staff.

"JUST A MINUTE!" he called.

I had never heard him raise his voice like that. I was grabbing for my jock and pulling it on. My dick was pretty hard again now, and I was having trouble getting it in the strap, even pointing it up. It pushed out the top of the waistband. I had to just pull my trousers on over it, even though there was a noticeable bulge in front.

"Come in" he called in a milder but authoritative voice.

The door opened and Robby said, "I couldn't find Eric and there's a problem - Oh, Eric. Sorry. I didn't know where you were. There's a drunk guy in produce who keeps playing with the fruit and making off color remarks. It's bothering other customers. He keeps playing with a cucumber, waving it around and saying 'I've got one like this.' He also points it at women like he's going to poke them with it."

Mr. Penser sighed. "All right, Robby. Eric come with me and we'll see what we can do.

We headed out, Mr. Penser walking ahead. Robby walked beside me. He nudged me, looking at the front of my trousers, and asked "What was going on in there?" To make matters worse he gave me a quick pat on the butt. I hate that. If there's one thing that can make me get hard quicker than anything, it's having someone, anyone, touch my butt. Now it just made my dick bulge harder. I have never figured out why one guy would want to touch another guy's butt.

I could hear this guy's voice as we got closer. I thought maybe it sounded familiar, but it wasn't until we got near that I realized it was the drunk guy from Friday night. Fortunately he didn't recognize or remember me. He was waving a cucumber at produce shoppers. "I've got one of these. My girl friend doesn't think so, but I do. Just as long. Just as hard."

After our time in the office, I don't think Mr. Penser wanted anything like this. He took the man by the arm and began leading him out of the store.

The man said "My name's Gordon. I shop here a lot. I want to show my wife this cucumber. I have one just like this. We saw one Friday night..."

I knew what he meant and I didn't want him to remember too much or he might recognize me. Oddly enough, the man didn't try to fight Mr. Penser. It was like when he saw authority, he accepted it.

"I think this is just my size" he told Mr. Penser. Mr. Penser looked like it was the last thing he wanted to hear. The man was still waving the cucumber, but at least he was quieting down. When they got to the door, Mr. Penser asked if there was someone he could call to come get him, since he was in no condition to drive.

"Oh my wife's outside. She wouldn't come in."

I wondered if he meant girlfriend. Or maybe he didn't know the difference himself.

"Let's be sure" Mr. Penser said. We walked out with him. He waved the cucumber in the air when he spotted her in their car.

"Look what I got, honey! See what I mean about size?"

I could see her. She was the same pretty blond who had handled my erection on Friday night. I felt a real twinge when I remembered that. I started to harden up again.

Then as we turned to go back in, he said "Hey I forgot to pay for this thing."

"Keep it" Mr. Penser said in a relieved tone.

Once inside he sent me over to produce to see how Robby was doing and if any harm had been done.

Naturally Robby received me with a smirk.

"So what really was going on in that office? You blowing him or vice versa?"

Since he didn't know what had happened at lunch with Kevin's Uncle Max, I figured he was thinking of how they made me and Yancy jerk each other Friday night. I gave him my best look of disgust.

"Only you would think of something like that. No, Mr. Penser was showing me my evaluation since I'm due to finish my probation period at the end of the week." It was a lie, but I was pretty proud of thinking up something that quick that would be convincing.

Robby practically cracked up. "You mean you got a bone just from looking at your evaluation? How conceited is that? I always knew you were in love with yourself, but this takes the prize."

"I wasn't boned."

"Yeah? Let me check that pocket."

I tried to move away but he was too quick. My heart sank as I felt his probing fingers.

"Yes, and you're boned up in your new jock strap. Nice pouch too," he said as I doubled over. We were behind one of the produce displays so no customers were within range. I was glad of that. I pulled his arm out of my pocket even as he tried to pull my pouch along with it.

But he went on, "I meant to tell you we've got some new cucumbers you might enjoy. They're 12 inches long and seedless. I figured that it's just like you - long and seedless."

"Damn, Robby, you turning gay or something?"

"Listen, with the pictures we have of you and Yancy, you're not in any position to be calling anyone gay."

The hitch was that with the effects of that pill still in my system, even the things he did were enough to get me nearly ready to explode. My balls kept churning and I had that hungry ache inside that meant I needed some kind of relief. I wanted to get away to the bathroom. The worst part was that I could still feel his hand inside even though he had pulled it out and wasn't even standing beside me.

Robby's cell phone rang. I turned to go but when I heard him say "Hi, Kevin, what's up?" I stayed to listen. He glanced over and looked at me while he listened. He made comments like "Is that so?...That's interesting..." And then out of the blue he looked startled, pulled the cell away from his ear, and then clicked off.

"You're going to love this, Kevin says he has some news about you he wants to tell me. But he got interrupted."


"His brother Dexter apparently just heard about whatever went on at his place last Friday night and was pitching a fit. Walked in on him raising hell from the get-go."

I was glad and hoped his neighbor reported stuff to him too. I knew it was important to appear very natural about any of this, so I tried my 'manager' attitude. "Well I'm working. You're supposed to be too. Why wasn't Kevin at work?"

"He never works on Sundays."

What griped me most was that Kevin always had this fresh-faced way about him, like he was some super clean all American guy. The dark hair was always messed up giving him a youthful appearance, the kind parents always want their daughters to marry. And he didn't need to always be so damned cheerful about things.

I suddenly had a thought. "Hey Robby, you remember Elwood Johnson?"

"Turkey? Yea, what made you think of him?"

"Nothing, I guess. His name just popped up in my mind."

He gave me a funny look and shook his head. "You're weird sometimes, you know that?"

"I just want to pass my probationary period this Saturday. I don't want anything to mess it up."

Robby smiled. "Well just do what we say and you won't have a thing to worry about. Which reminds me, if you don't want to keep wearing the same pair of pants every day, you need to cut the right pocket out of another pair."

I started to tell him the hell with that, but instead I turned and went to the meat department.

Marcus Garner greeted me with a smile. I knew he must be up to something. He motioned me behind the counter, and when nobody could see he put his arm around me and shoved his hand in my right pocket.

"Ha! So it's true! You want to be able to get at it right away, correct?"

I was twisting to get out of his gasp, but his fingers were playing hell with my dick. He wouldn't let go and he kept pulling the pouch down which released that much more of my shaft. I was doubled over but he had me too tight to wiggle out.

"You like that? Hmmm? You like that, don't you?"

"No. Stop it Marcus."

"You and your little friend, you like to play with dicks, right? Yes I can tell. You are wet on the tip, I can feel it on my fingers. You want to smell my fingers?"

He started pulling them out and then although I was standing up now I couldn't get free until he held them in front of my face.


"No, Marcus. That's really out of line. Kidding around is ok but this is going too far. What if Mr. Penser should come up?"

"Yes" a voice said. We both flinched. But it was Ted, his blue eyes twinkling. Marcus never lost a step.

"Feel in his pocket" he said.

"Never mind, I've been there before."

"But not like this. Feel how damp he is."

I wished they would both shut up and leave me alone. Anyhow I drip a lot when I'm hard, but it has to be that pill to make me drip this much like it's doing now.

Ted just smirked. "That's ok, I'll take your word for it. I just wanted to tell him that Jerry is coming in early and wants to see him before he goes home."

Jerry was in charge of the stockers who worked at night when there was little traffic in the store. He was a great friend of Ted's. He also was the guy in the other car who drove out of the parking lot leaving me to Kevin and his guys Friday night. I wasn't anxious to see him.

I went away and got busy with other things. That's one good thing around here, when you want to avoid people there's always plenty of work to get busy on. A little later Mr. Malcolm, the manager of the seafood department came by and said he was leaving early. I remembered he hadn't been well lately.

"Got anybody to cover you?"

"Yes, Mark's coming back. He's good about that."

Then he asked me, "Did Mr. Penser tell you we're doing a joint seafood display with Bunker's Supermarket? That's the one you played against Friday night."

"No, it probably slipped his mind. What will you do for it?"

"I'm turning it over to Mark. He's real creative about seafood displays."

I remembered the shrimp in my butt, but I said nothing. I went to take care of other things, but that pill was still in my system and I could feel it in my balls as well as my shaft.

"Who's their counterpart on the project?"

"Either Smeltzer or his assistant, the Latino guy."

My heart sank. "Rico?"

"Yeah, I think that's his name. He said the guy can be real creative. And Mark sounded anxious to work with him."

I thought to myself. 'I'll just bet he did.' One more thing to worry me. I was glad my folks had moved to St. Louis last year. I'd hate for them to come across any of the stuff that's been happening to me lately.

It was almost time to get off when Robby came up. "I talked to Kevin" he said.

"I know you did."

He almost giggled. "Kevin said somebody gave you a Viagra today. Is that true?"

I turned red. I didn't want people knowing about it. I just nodded.

"Who? Come on, you can tell me. Tell me who."

I was disgusted. I don't know why he should think stuff like that was funny. Besides, I really don't like being laughed at. I was just glad Kevin hadn't told him I jacked off in his uncle's office.

I turned to go when Robby said, "Jerry's here in the back. He came in early because he wanted to see you about something."

Reluctantly I went back into the storage area where the stockers would begin their arduous job within an hour. Stocking at night kept the aisles free of stockers in the daytime. The stockers were a burly bunch whose shoulders took up a lot of aisle space while they worked. And Jerry was the burliest.

I had not noticed Robby following behind. Jerry stood in the middle of the stock room, wearing his usual tight t-shirt for his bulging muscles and his cargo pants that encased his beefy legs.

"Greetings, Jerry. What's up?"

"I didn't get my share of fun Friday night, and I want it now."

With that, Jerry jumped me and Robby grabbed my legs as I went down. They threw me over a waist high stack of vegetable boxes, and as Jerry held my arms Robby pulled my trousers down. Once he got them and my shoes off, all the fight went out of me.

Jerry unbuttoned my shirt and threw it in the corner. I was just there in my jock and nothing else as Jerry leered at me.

"I want to do stuff to you that'll make you think twice before you mess up our season like you did with our last game."

"It wasn't me that messed up in the game. It was you and the rest of the team that wanted to lose so I'd have to pay the forfeit to Kevin."

"That was because of your stupid bet. Now I'll have the chance to show you what we do to people who louse up our softball season."

Robby was thoroughly enjoying this. He couldn't have been happier if he had another cucumber with him.

Jerry has big hands as well as broad shoulders, and it was obvious that he could do whatever he wanted with me now that my clothes were gone. At least I was still wearing my jock, sweaty though it might be.

"Get those nips!" Jerry said, as he grabbed my right pec. Robby went to work on my left. Jerry was above me at my head, and Robby was leaning across my legs. Unfortunately that put his stomach across my jock and as he wriggled and moved, my dick was getting a massage.

I twisted from the nipple pain, and struggled to get free. When I got loud, Jerry clapped a big, and possibly unwashed, hand across my mouth.

"This hand goes in your mouth the next time you make a sound" he said. Then he removed his hand and I went silent. My nipples felt like they were on fire, but then suddenly they started feeling something else as well. I had never thought there was anything sexy about my nipples, but in their hands that became the sexiest experience I had gotten.

They kept this up and then Robby felt my bone poking him.

"Hey he's hard."

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" Jerry said bitterly.

I noticed Robby didn't stop leaning across me as he did a nipple. In fact he seemed to be doing more than before.

"Now get his jock and we'll dump him out on the loading deck and lock the door."

This was a nightmare. Broad daylight on a late Sunday afternoon. Even though I'd be out back, cars still circled back there sometimes, and beyond the loading dock was our rear parking lot and a practice field just after it. Even though it was summer, there'd be kids and others playing ball back there. I'd be on display worse than anything so far. I couldn't take that.

I fought back with all I had, but before long my jock was yanked off and they were pulling me to the big double door.

"Don't! Don't!" was all I could say. Jerry used his free hand to grab my erection and pull on it painfully. I doubled over which I guess is what he wanted because he was moving me faster toward my doom.

"Look at that damned thing! It's disgusting! Just wait until my guys get him striped in the parking lot some night and we'll fix it so he won't want that thing out in public for a long time."

We were at the doors. I don't know what would have happened, but the intercom suddenly barked "Robby Walker to produce! Robby Walker to produce."

Robby jumped like he'd been shot. He let go and dashed away, anxious not to get caught away from his station.

Then the announcement came "Eric Tucker to the front. Eric Tucker needed up front."

Jerry let go. "Yep, I'm definately ask Penser to assign you to the stockers one night this week. We'll finish this then."

I pulled my clothes up and straightened myself. I knew I was red faced but I couldn't help that. I gave Jerry a dirty look. He just looked back at me. As I went out he said "See you sometime soon...with my crew."

I don't know if Mr. Penser knew anything was up, but when I got up front he just nodded and went back into his office. The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. The best news was that my dick softened. It still hung long, but it wasn't hard. But inside things were churning. I had always figured that pill made your balls get active, but I hadn't expected it could make the whole shaft so sensitive. Well when I got home I was sure I could take care of things.

Just before I left, I got a text from Mark saying he wanted a picture of me tomorrow, hard and primed. Well actually he didn't say 'hard and primed,' he said 'jacking like crazy' but I figured it'd be a cold day in hell before I gave him a picture like that. I didn't answer it or anything, I just clicked it off. It was time to go home.

The drive home was fierce. After all I had been through today, I was so charged up inside I was about to bust. After I sat down behind the wheel, the waist band of the strap started pulling on my dick and the head was rubbing against my trousers. The whole thing was so incredible I could hardly stand it. I couldn't wait to get home and take care of business. The whole thing felt numb like it had turned to glass, and yet tingly like I wanted to grab it and use it. Much as I hated that pill, it sure did great stuff for me right now.

I had just gotten out of the car at the curb when Scott Moss jogged by, doing his late afternoon exercises. With a sweat band on his forehead pushing his wet hair up, he looked like he'd been at this a while.

I spoke and he came beside me and this time he completely stopped. Bending down he began to catch his breath, then leaning against my car he did some stretching. He seemed to be in perfect condition.

When he looked over and saw the way my erection was pushing against my trousers and how the head was making a definite bulge against the material, he shook his head.

"That damned thing just won't stay down, will it?" He was still getting his wind back.

"I guess." I didn't know what to say, so I put my hand in my slit pocket and tried to push all of it closer to me. That was a mistake since it gave me such a charge I gasped. He grinned.

"Man, you've got it bad, haven't you?" With that he reached over and poked my trousers where the tip of the head was pushing so hard. I nearly went into a convulsion.

"Hey! Hey! Easy, fella. Easy, man." He put his hand on my shoulder. That didn't help. It gave me really weird feelings, like when I was with Yancy.

"When you come for spaghetti supper with me and Susan, you don't want to look like that. She's a nice girl."

He must have thought I was in a bad way. I got control of myself and said "Sorry."

I turned to go, wanting to get inside and 'take care of business,' but he tightened his grip on my shoulder.

Moving even closer so that he was practically talking into my ear, he said "I'll tell you something that happened on my last tour. The Taliban were in the mountains and we were holding down an outpost. One of our guys, a big strapping guy that thought he could take care of himself, stepped outside the perimeter one night. I don't know why. Maybe he had a girl he was secretly seeing, maybe he just wanted a smoke, I don't know.

"Anyhow we found him missing. He had been grabbed and taken to an Afghan village in a remote spot on the other side of the ridge. There was a woman there. Listen, Eric, there's always a woman. Whether it's for good or bad, there's always a woman. Anyway, the natives stripped him, and at gunpoint they made him get himself hard. When he was hard, this woman came up to him with a thin hollow glass tube about six inches long. There was no lube on it, no moisture, just this dry tube. While they held him she inserted it into his dick, all the way down the hard shaft. He was screaming from the pain, but that was nothing compared to what was to come. She smashed the tube in his dick. His channel had hundreds of pieces of shatter glass. The pain was enough to drive him insane."

I couldn't believe it. "Oh man, that's the worst thing I've ever heard."

Scott continued. "Somehow he managed to get back to us. We waited for a copter to evacuate him, but there was a delay of six hours. During that time he had to take a leak. We had to hold his arms back to keep him from hurting himself when that happened. He was screaming his head of as the piss flowed out along with blood and some tiny bits of glass."

He was so close it was like he was going to hug me. I was stunned. "That's awful. What happened to him after that?"

"We never knew. He was evacuated out, but we don't know if they were ever able to really make him whole again."

I could feel his breath on my face. But I needed to get inside. I had to get some relief. That pill must be producing gallons of cum. It was unbelievable. He looked directly into my face standing close. So close I could feel the heat emanating from his body.

"You need to control that thing. Remember what can happen. Just think about that when you get this way." Then without warning he pushed his hand against my trousers as he said "You need control."

That was all it took. His hand was rubbing or pushing me there, and I lost all control. I must have shot gallons. I was gasping and shaking and the stuff came out in such a load that my trousers were wet and it was dripping down my legs. I collapsed against him.

He just looked at me. When I could catch my breath I was about to say goodbye when he grabbed my shoulder really hard and said "We need to get you inside. Come along now."

I guess the sexual high was just too much, because I didn't fight him or anything. We went upstairs together to my apartment. When we got inside he grabbed me by the shoulders and put his face in front of mine.

"Eric, you're a mess. Get yourself cleaned up. Those clothes need to be washed."

It didn't occur to me then that he was ordering me around in my own apartment, until he snapped "Hand them over, right now!"

I was too dazed from the whole experience to put up much of a fight. "Ok, I'll just go in here..."

"No. Drop them now! Right here! That's half your problem, you don't have any discipline. You don't know how to take orders. Well I'm going to remedy that."

I turned my back on the picture window which was wide open. As I pulled them off I asked, "Could you pull those curtains closed?"

I stepped out of them and turned. The curtains were still open and I was standing there with nothing on. Anybody passing below could see me, if they looked up. I started to get out of view when he came up behind me and grabbed me by my shoulders, pushing me forward, closer to the window.

"Get some courage, man. Look out at the world! Don't be such a chicken."

Of course it was easy for him to say since he had clothes on and I didn't.

"Scott, no" I said twisting to get away.

Scott turned away in disgust. "Man, you need to grow up. I bet you never have any fun in life, right?"

I decided to end this now. "Scott, thanks for helping me but I need to get cleaned up, wash some clothes, and do stuff."

"That's why I'm here, man. I'm going to get you cleaned up right now. Let's go back to your bathroom."

The nerve of that guy! He started leading me into the back. "Come on now, which way is it? You need to get that cum off before it dries. Cum will take all the oil out of your skin if you leave it on."

That was a piece of information I didn't need to know, whether it happened to be true.

He spotted the bathroom and led me in. I couldn't seem to shake loose of the guy. He pushed me over to the shower.

"Get in. I'll have you fixed up in no time."

"Scott, I know how to take a shower. Thanks for your help, but if you want to stay you can just sit up front."

"Not on your life. You're too messed up to be left alone. I don't know what you might do."

I had no idea what he meant by that but he had already reached in and turned on the water. He shoved me under it, then stripped down himself and got in there with me. There wasn't that much room but he grabbed the soap and went to work.

Scott was not quite as tall as me, but he was compact. He had blond hair bleached by the Afghan sun, and the hairs on his arms and legs were bleached white as well. But even more disconcerting than his soapy fingers playing all overt my body, was the heat coming off him. I remembered when I was a teenager some guys just seemed to generate heat, but it always went away within a few months or so. Not Scott. Whatever was inside him was making his body like a little furnace well into his twenties.

"Hey, what's been going on with your chest? Your nipples look swollen, and your pecs are almost bruised looking. What goes on at that place where you work?"

I didn't answer, but he reached up and touched a nipple and I winced. "Feel good that way?" He was grinning into my face. There wasn't enough room to step back.

"Nothing, Scott. Don't do that. Let me just shower in peace."

"I'm just helping you. No wonder you're so messed up. You are afraid for a guy to even touch you. What's all that about?"

Suddenly he was soaping my pubes and dick, and I bent double.

"Straighten up" he said in the manner of a drill sergeant. "I'm trying to get you clean, something it looks like you really need. I don't know what you've been up to today, but you really need to get cleaned up." With that his hands were all over me. He was rough but he was scrubbing my body as if I had never been clean before.

Even though I had had two orgasms already today, my dick was suddenly hard from Scott's touch.

He looked down at it. "Your friend likes me. That's not a good sign, Eric, not at all."

"Hey, Scott, you were washing it. I couldn't help that."

He looked at me very seriously. "Let's get something straight. I was trying to help you. Are you accusing me of anything more than that?"

Now I looked down. There between his legs his dick was hard.

"Your dick's hard too" I said. I don't know what's up with people these days. They do something to me and think it's ok, but when I call them on it, they get all riled and start claiming I'm trying to accuse them of something.

I continued to look at his dick.

"You're looking at my dick, Eric."


Then he was even closer to me, talking in my ear while he soaped my dick like he was jacking it.

"Why are you looking at my dick? Is it something you want? Do you want to touch it?"

"No. I was just looking at it. Just looking. Nothing more. But you, on the other hand, are definitely jacking my dick."

His voice changed. "I know when a guy wants my meat, Eric. I've seen it too many times in the service. I've been on patrols too often with guys who want my dick. I can spot them a mile away. And I'll tell you this right now, nobody gets my dick unless I want them to. So don't ever try anything, ok?"

This was totally weird. He must be some sort of psycho. How can a guy change so quick from one mood to another? And his voice, right now it was menacing and cold as ice.

He was now soaping my crack. His hands kept digging into my butt channel, poking and reaching. I jerked from the sensation but he told me to be still.

"I wouldn't want to have to tie your hands to the shower head to keep you still. Now let me get into that dirty crack of yours."

I didn't say anything but his fingers were probing deeper and deeper. Then he paused, saying "You need to exercise your butt muscles. I'll show you some squats ands crunches while I'm on leave. But it'll take working your part too."

"I exercise, Scott. I played football in high school and people think I'm still in pretty good shape."

He looked up as he went back to working my chest. "You know what you problem is? It's your dick. Your dick and your balls."

His own dick was at a 45 degree angle, fierce and rigid. It was probably not more than five inches, maybe five and a half, but it was like a piece of stone. When he bumped against me it was like he had a piece of pipe there. I wondered if he used it to dig trenches and foxholes over there on duty.

He started soaping my dick and balls again. If they weren't clean by now they probably never would be, but that didn't stop him.

He went on like he was talking out of a dream. "And women. They want my meat too. It's normal and wholesome but I don't let them abuse it. To get it they have to earn it. Even Susan. Yes, she means everything to me, but when it comes to a guy's meat, that has to come first before anything else or anybody else."

His eyes sort of glazed. I realized I might have a psychopath in the shower with me. He had my dick hard as a board. I couldn't believe I had that much stuff in me after all I'd been though today. Then he let go and without warning started back on my butt. His fingers were in my crack and I tried to move. His eyes flashed back into action and he turned me around.

"Finish showering and get back in your bedroom so we can set some rules" he said, and stepped out. He toweled off, his dick staying at that same 45 degree angle the whole time, like a small guard dog ready for attack.

I wondered if I should call the cops. But I told myself that after all, I had let him in, even though he sort of pushed me into it. When I got to the bedroom he had dressed back into his jogging shorts and was sitting in a chair at my computer. He seemed calmer. I saw my computer was on.

"I bookmarked a couple of sites that have sexual information to help you with your problem." He smiled as he said that, but it seemed genuine. Then he went on. "Tomorrow night I'll come by and check out how you're doing. You need to get that thing of yours under control."

I thought that was pretty funny coming from a guy whose five incher was still pushing out from his shorts.

"Scott, a guy fed me a Viagra this morning at work. That's why I've been so sexed up today. He threatened to give me another one tomorrow."

"That's no reason not to learn control. It just means you have an obstacle to overcome. But with my help you can overcome that and anything else."

Somehow I didn't recall asking for his help on anything. I had a towel wrapped around me. I needed to wash my jock and my trousers to get that cum off them. I couldn't wait for him to go. He kept looking at me.

"You're still hard. Even after that massive orgasm you are still hard."

Well he had been washing me in my most private places. I think that might explain it.

"It was that pill. It was lots of things. It was..." I couldn't go on. I just looked at him.

"I'll bring something tomorrow night that will let you learn how to keep it down." He stood up. "I can't waste more time on this. I have other things. But I'm not going to let you go. There's hope for you, and I intend to see you get it." He had that strange tone back in his voice again. I walked him to the front door. I was glad when he had gone. I locked the door securely and drew the curtains. I wondered if I ought to stay away tomorrow night if he was going to come by.

Before I went to sleep I suddenly thought of Yancy. It's weird that images of that time in my car keep coming back to me. Then as I drifted off, I wondered if I could find a way to get with him tomorrow night and really escape Scott.

(End of Chapter Five)

I'm sure Eric's happy that today is over. But tomorrow is Monday, and who knows what that can bring? Scott Moss certainly acts like he wants to take over Eric's life, and Jerry sounds like the stock crew will be gunning for Eric when he has to work with them. A bunch of guys chasing you across a parking lot buck naked doesn't sound like fun, at least not to Eric. Comments and reactions are always appreciated. -

Next: Chapter 6

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