Gladiator Charm School

Published on Jul 31, 2011


Gladiators' Charm School 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

I arrived at Julius' villa in the early afternoon. I needed to find out what exactly he wanted and had planned. Of course, I generally knew what he wanted, a wild sexual romp. This was un Roman. Romans see sex as power. It is important that men act as men. While fucking a woman for her property and status is ideal, fucking is good in general. Women are preferred but there wasn't any real problem fucking men as long as you were the top.

Taking the bottom is a sign of effeminacy or low status. You can fuck a slave boy and still be a man. Having the boy's cock in your ass is problematic. Fucking for tension release is understood. Fucking as an expression of affection or love is bad.

I assumed Julius' friends would be upper class men. My gladiators were not. Julius took Corsi's cock and seed, but that was a private affair. This was to be a party with several guests. While the Greeks had no problem with a party ending in an outbreak of man on man sex, Romans did. I wasn't sure how a Roman Patrician maintained his status as his friends watched him take a common man's cock.

Julius knew that once the gladiators were in you, there was no way to avoid taking the sperm too. He was embarrassed and uneasy when he left my small villa. I assumed that as he reconsidered the event, the pleasure of the gladiatorial penetration far outweighed the embarrassment of consorting with lower class men.

Gladiators were popular celebrities, famed for their masculinity and strength. They were ordinary, common men, strong, brutal and exciting. They were very much a forbidden pleasure. This would be exciting for a pampered Patrician with a needy asshole. Meeting a gladiator in a remote villa was vastly preferable to having one in the house. Servants talk. It is best if one is far from the home hearth, with strangers. Of course, having sex with a man was also an easy secret to keep. One the cock had shot its load, the fucker pulled out, the hole closed and there was no tell tale trace of sperm or passion and no chance of a baby.

Julius' villa was small, but well appointed. I noticed the staff was all male, and I assumed this was a favored get away from the pressures of a public life and the demands of a wealthy landowner. I realized this was a secret get away. There were no indicators of Senatorial rank, and no indicator of the identity of the owner at the house.

The exterior was simple, and one could easily mistake it for the residence of a modestly prosperous farmer or a local merchant's summer place. Julius greeted me wearing a rustic tunic, not the toga of a great man. "Welcome friend!" he said. "I see you have brought your servants." I had the Gladiators dressed in ordinary traveling tunics. Two men carried chests with costumes and props, should Julius want a more elaborate show.

We entered the cool, atrium. To the rear was a colonnaded garden. Heavily shaded and cool, it was a welcome retreat from the heat of southern Italy. Several older servants brought us wine. The older servants wore loincloths. Younger servants were naked. I saw no women. I noticed the servants were free men, not slaves. This was an all male household.

Julius told me the servants were farmers and their sons. "I found some men who shared my tastes and relocated them here to help me. It has been a good arrangement." I later found the sons were unrelated to their fathers, except for sharing common sexual tastes.

We talked as my men went off to a room in the rear. I planned for the Persian Panther to serve as a master of ceremonies for my crew. He appeared in his Panther costume. I asked Julius if he wanted to inspect the entertainment for the night. He certainly did.

The Panther came forward when I snapped my finger. He wore an impressive headdress of an actual panther head, and little else. I had modified his loincloth to be little more than a ball holder. His uncut penis was exposed. As I hoped, the Panther's lavender gland excited Julius. Any situation with sexual potential excited the Panther so a bead of his sex juices quivered on his slit. The foreskin normally hid it from view, and normally one would only see the gland when a man was sexually aroused. It titillated Julius.

The Panther did a little dance, and then introduced the British Bruin. "While the Panther comes for the easternmost border of the Empire, the Bruin comes from the misty western frontier," I said. The Bruin wore a collar of the sort used to restrain wild animal and blue paint, typical of the Picts. He was otherwise naked. His massive head and beard of red hair provided all the costume he needed. The Panther led him in to disguise his near blindness.

While the main collar was on his neck, a second collar bound his genitals. This gave them additional prominence. Julius clapped in pleasure.

"And now from the southern frontier, the Ethiopian Elephant!" I exclaimed. The Nubian appeared in tribal regalia. He was a most impressive man as he did a wild primitive dance.

"You say, "This elephant has no trunk! Well look here!" I added. The Panther pulled a string and released the Nubian's loincloth exposing his long, trunk-like penis. Julius was almost rolling on the floor with laugher.

The Danube Donkey appeared next. He was nothing like the superb masculine specimens I had before him. I said, "Who is this? Who is this ill formed creature who ruins my show of man at his most developed, my giants of the Arena?" The Donkey did a comic dance that was both funny and athletic. In the course of the dance, he managed to expose his fully erect organ in all its glory. Julius was dazzled.

"And now from the icy northern frontier is the Chieftain!" I announced. The Corsican Cheetah led him in. The Chieftain was clad in chains and nothing else. Both men were handsome specimens of man flesh. Both had been badly injured but the scars only serve to make them look more masculine.

"While the Chieftain was defeated in battle once, he had never found a Roman who can take the relentless pounding of his huge cock long enough to make his erupt. Notice I said erupt. He is a Gothic Vesuvius; his man's seed pours like lava from his monster organ. He doubts any Roman has an ass big enough to contain his potent man seed!" Julius was overjoyed.

I knew one of the announcers in the arena who told me about something he called the fool's hook. The fools hook was a combination of words, boasts and impossibilities that would excite the weak minded to attempt feats they were clearly incapable of doing. I wondered how many of Julius' guests would end up with the Chieftain's cock in their ass. I frankly wondered if Julius himself would attempt it.

His guests began to arrive in the late afternoon. I noticed they came without retinues and several came by foot with only a single servant. I was in the house, but my gladiators were in a small farmhouse to the rear of the villa. They were to be a surprise. The first to arrive was a Greek named Apollodorus. He was older than me but quite fit and spoke perfect Latin. He was an importer of artworks. The next guests were Maximus and Flavius. They gave no occupation, but I knew they were soldiers. From his air of authority, I assumed Maximus was a general and Flavius was an aide. Flavius was younger a deferred to the older man.

A trio made of Marcus, Paulus and Alexander came next. They struck me as typical wealthy patricians. They looked quite ordinary. The last guest, Quintus was very quiet and no one made an effort to find out who he was. I assumed that meant he was either a nothing, or very important indeed. Some of the men knew each other but Alexander, Flavius and Quintus were new to the group.

I was surprised at the small size of the party. The fee was high and the men few. This was a special party indeed. Of course Julius was a wealthy man, but this seemed extravagant. I had assumed several of my men could hide in the background as the other's frolicked. That wasn't going to be the case. I was most worried about the Nubian and the Chieftain. Both were sometimes unpredictable. The Danube Donkey was along to provide comic entertainment. He had superb sexual skills, but he wasn't handsome or as masculine as the other men. The guest might feel shortchanged.

I worried and fretted. In the Donkey's defense, he was well, if not over-endowed. Men are men and that might make up for his deficiencies in physical attractiveness. I also worried my men were too big for easy sex. Would they over stretch the guests' patrician ass holes? Julius had no problem with Corsican Cheetah's cock and he certainly didn't complain about the show he had just watched when we arrived.

It was a hot day and the guests retired to the baths. I was alone with my worries. The party began as the sun began to set. Julius said it was going to be an informal dinner, and the men could dress for comfort. He provided loincloths. That would have been a shocking informality, but the loincloths were embroidered in gold. They were barely modest, almost transparent, but clearly luxurious. Servants rubbed all the guests in aromatic oils, so that and the skimpy loincloths set the tone.

Julius' servants all were naked now, dressed only in a gold ribbon tied around their balls and cock. The ribbons presented their genitals to advantage. Apollodorus was the most bold of the guests. He fondled several of the servants. The servants didn't object in the least.

The guests seem to appreciate the servants. They were normal men with average equipment. Several men were handsome. None had the snarl one finds so often in household slaves today.

We sat for dinner and wine began to flow. Most Roman banquets try to impress you with the sheer amount of food. Julius impressed by the quality rather than the quantity of food. Every morsel at his event was a delight, choice and beautifully seasoned. The wine was of the highest quality, but no one over ate or over drank. The main course was sex with a gladiator. Julius didn't want his guests bloated and overstuffed.

The conversation was cultured and polite. I did note Apollodorus tended to lick the cock of any servant who got too close. That caused some amusement but no embarrassment. Apollodorus was a vigorous and enthusiastic man. With a hairy barrel chest and big beard, he was all man, but wasn't shy at all about his taste for cock.

He licked and then sucked another boy and got a mouthful of sperm. That caused polite applause. Apollodorus gave the boy a coin and returned to dinner as if nothing happened. A servant came to me and said it was time for my Gladiators. I left the table and got the men ready.

Julius rose to speak. "When I invited you here tonight I said I had something special planned. I will not tell you any more about it, other than to say you are all overdressed!" The men roared in laughter. Apollodorus got up and did a funny dance as he removed his loincloth. He was erect from his interlude with the boy, and the boy's sperm glistened on his beard.

"You have boy spunk in your beard!" Marcus called out. Apollodorus stuck out his tongue and licked it up. I was shocked and titillated. While I had sucked up my share of man seed, I had never done with an audience.

I clapped my hands. The Persian Panther appeared and started the introductions. The guests had taken enough wine to be happy, but not so much as to be sloppy. The guests greeted each of my Gladiators with great enthusiasm, even the Danube Donkey. The lamplights showed his organ to best advantage. The Panther was an intelligent man, he oiled my men's cock to show them to best advantage. The organs shimmered.

I had no plan for the transition between my show and the sexual escapades that were to follow. That was up to the guests and Julius to work out. I assumed it would be Apollodorus after his escapades at the table. Maximus, the general took charge. He wanted the Chieftain and took him. It was confused when the guests rushed to claim a playmate. Flavius claimed the Cheetah, Marcus coupled with the Bruin and Apollodorus took the Panther. Alexander and Paulus shared the Nubian. Quintus took the Donkey.

For some reason, I suspected Quintus didn't get stuck with the Donkey; he wanted him. Quintus had good instincts and he seemed to sense the Donkey's sexual prowess.

I tend to worry and had tried to anticipate every way things might go wrong. I did not consider what might go well. The Ethiopian Elephant liked to fuck and liked little else. With two playmates, he could fuck to his heart's content. His long ebony probe seemed to turn Alexander and Paulus into mush. They loved it and the Nubian's single-minded drive to fuck matched their desire to be plowed by a semi-barbarian black man.

The chieftain and Maximus were perfectly matched. Maximus was the only man in the group who could have defeated the chieftain in battle. He had the scars to prove it. The Chieftain noticed Maximus' arm was scared and he had almost lost it. That seemed to establish kinship as far as the one-armed German thought.

Maximus dropped to his knees and sucked the German's semi-erect cock. They may have been enemies on the battlefield, but the Roman General knew how to make friends. The Chieftain loved it. My training paid off.

Germans lack Roman baths and tended to regard bear fat as a perfume. Cock sucking was an ordeal in their native lands. When I first sucked the Chieftain, he was terrified. While cock sucking was little known, they regarded biting off your enemy's genitals as the ultimate humiliation. Fortunately, old Didimus, my toothless former butler was willing to help out. The Chieftain relaxed with a toothless man. Didimus thought he had died and ascended to the Heavens. He hadn't sucked a hot stud in years. He also hadn't forgotten his oral skills.

He actually made the Chieftain shoot off using only his lips. The German was uneasy about this too. It was important for a German leader to be impassive and one can only be so impassive when you are draining your balls into another man's mouth. I assumed the Chieftain could tolerate this as long as the orgasms were good enough. Didimus taught me how to "shoot the arrow, as the old man described it. You licked the underside of the cock head where it joins the foreskin. That spot was sensitive enough to make him shoot.

Soon enough the Chieftain mounted the General and all was well. Obviously, the German's cock fit well. Since the General spoke only Latin and the Chieftain some Gothic language, they couldn't communicate. Their cocks did all the talking that was needed.

As the Chieftain pounded Maximus' ass, Flavius took the Cheetah. I was uneasy about this since the Cheetah had been my personal playmate for a year or so. Flavius' appearance made it worse. He was a young Apollo; a young man who would be considered a beauty if he hadn't been so manly. I am realistic about myself; I am neither young nor a beauty.

Making the situation worse was seeing how young and handsome the Cheetah was compared to Flavius. I bought the Cheetah just after he was wounded in the Arena when he was in poor condition, indeed near death. I nursed his back to life and took him for my own. I still saw him as a wounded gladiator. When he was with Flaviu,s he was a handsome man with a limp. The men obviously enjoyed each other. Flavius had average genital endowments, but clearly possessed a commodious ass. The Cheetah's organ slipped in easily with Flavius clearly enjoying the experience. He looked as if he were in a sexual trance.

My Persian Panther was wedged between two great mountains of man flesh, the Bruin and Apollodorius. It was hard to tell who was in whose ass. At first, I thought the Panther was in Apollodorus' hole as the Briton fucked him. The next time the Panther seemed to have switched positions. The third time I looked I saw the Panther sitting on the Bruin's thick organ as Apollodorus sucked the Persian's clipped cock. All was well there.

In a corner of the room, Quintus was on his hands and knees as the Donkey prepared to fuck him. I must admit that to say Donkey fucked a man is too crude. Donkey's cock was a magic tool created to explore man's ability to feel pleasure. It poked; it probed; it massaged. He used it to penetrate your ass and seek out any place capable of feeling extreme sensations.

Quintus was an ordinary man, balding, quite hairy, muscular, but not exceptional. I oiled his hole and had serious doubts Donkey's instrument would enter him without great pain. His ass was tight and there were no signs of recent use. Donkey could easily pass for being ugly and wasn't the sort to inspire a man to endure a rough fucking.

I misjudged Donkey. He had his ways and his cock seemed to exert an attraction like a loadstone. Eventually Quintus was on his back, moaning in pleasure as the Donkey's huge organ rubbed his insides. So far, the party was a great success. I had no idea if the guests would stay with their playmates or switch to another.

At one point, most of the guests were on their back or knees getting the fucking of their lives. I assumed the party would wither away as the relentless pounding forced men to release their manly seed. I knew from my own experience my men released their loads frequently.

Luckily for me, an orgasm or two barely dented my men's enthusiasm for sex. In the past, many had been chained and in cells for long periods. When they had an opportunity for sex, they took it.

Julius announced the baths were ready. We trooped to his extravagant baths. Everyone cleaned up and relaxed. After this short interlude, my men went on the prowl.

Apollodorus had only taken the Persian Panther's modest member. The Chieftain liked big men so he went after the Greek. Apollodorus seemed very outgoing, but I suspected he was a bit timid when it came to heavy sex. The chieftain didn't care. The Panther had a vial of lubricant, so he coated the Chieftain's cock. Apollodorus squealed and begged for mercy as the German forced entry, but of course, the German didn't understand or care.

While I assumed the Greek's cries were for dramatic effect, I had a sudden concern he might be in real pain. I thought it might be bad, but the German seemed to like the feel of Apollodorus' ass. The Greek began to moan and eventually beg for harder thrusts and deeper penetration. Apollodorus was the first to lose all sense of propriety. He became the barbarian's sex slave.

The British Bruin's thick butt plug had the same effect on Alexander. Alexander was a tall, thin middle-aged man, not at all muscular. The Bruin's cock was as thick as his wrists. For a man as big as the Bruin, his cock went wherever he wanted it to go. Alexander had no say in the matter.

I later realized the men wanted to feel a gladiatorial cock rammed up their asses. The discomfort was incidental. When the Bruin bellowed, "I'm shooting!" Alexander shot his load too. It was a beauty. He asked the Bruin to leave his cock lodged in his ass after the orgasm. That was fine with the Briton.

The Nubian was in Maximus' ass. The Nubian stayed rock hard and it was fun to watch the black shaft as it parted the General's pink ass. The Cheetah found a way to take Maximus' organ as the Nubian pounded away. The General moaned. Afterward, I was sure some sperm with the rank of general was in my lover's ass.

Later the Cheetah's organ found its way into Quintus' hole. I noticed sperm oozed out of the ass as the Cheetah entered. The Donkey must have truly filled the hole. Since all of my men had fucked me many times, they were use to a sperm filled hole. While they were use to it, they all responded well and it still exited them.

The Donkey was nice enough to fill the host's needs. He was deep in Julius's ass and he seemed to be intent on turning the man into his sex toy. Julius too lost his formal air.

By the end of the night, everyone was satisfied. All the formalities of class and rank had vanished. For every open ass, there was a hard gladiatorial cock. My men had disposed of the contents of their balls. The Panther and my Cheetah had a taste for patrician seed. Even they were fully satisfied. The guests carried the Gladiatorial seed in their rectums. Most had ass holes that were a size or two bigger than they had been that morning, but no one was complaining about that. I returned to my villa a much richer man. My Gladiators were happy too.

Next: Chapter 3

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