Golden Cockerel

Published on Sep 25, 2000


Golden Cockerel 5

By Bald Hairy Man e mail or at If you have any comments, please send them to me at

This is a fantasy, for men, not kids, not for anyone who got to this site by accident, not expecting to find gay stories. No effort at realistic or safe sexual practices has been made.

I had relaxed some from my near orgasm, so my cock hung low and oozed the cock honey that had filled it for the abortive climax. I had watched Butter Ball being screwed on the deck, but most of the other activity took place in the shade of the tarp. John and I went to the main deck and joined the group.

Wolf got up and let me take his seat. He looked at me with uncertainty. Normally he sucked me first. He felt it was his right as the informal leader of the crew, but I guessed that John was on his mind. John was big and had greatly impressed him.

"Wolf." I said. "Don't just stand there, show our new crew member your hospitality." I smiled as he went down on John's horse meat. John wasn't hard yet, so its full magnitude was unknown by the crew. When I sat down, Otter attached himself to my cock.

Poor Butter Ball was still being fucked by Pistol, but had regained his composure and was speaking nonsense again. Bob was next to me and I played with his cock. He seemed to relax and soon he and I were cock to tonsils, with Otter eating my ass. Badger came over and helped himself to Bob's ass. I don't think that Badger could have done much more than lick Bob's rosebud when Bob's cock gave my tonsils a man seed bath. An hour earlier Bob had been uneasy about being naked with the crew as we swam in the sea. He had just shot his load into the captain's throat.

I had his cock deep in my throat and he tried to pull away, but I held him there. It was a goodly display of vigor as he shot over and over again. I normally like to lick the slit as a man shoots, since the cock head gets almost raw and the man goes mad with passion, but Bob did well. Badger enjoyed the display too. I released Bob's cock slowly and savored his cock head. He twitched as I ran my tongue around the head.

Bob and I broke apart and Otter replaced him. Badger worked on Otter's hole. Otter and I had been in this position many times before and we found a way to suck for hours, always excited, but just short of shooting. I settled in for a long afternoon.

"Do you miss your momma?" I heard Old Tom speaking with Kit next to me.

"It's been two years. My father died and we were left alone." The boy said. "She had too many mouths to feed. The twin babies were the only ones of us to get fed."

"Two breasts, two babies?" Old Tom said, almost whispering.

"Yes." Kit said. "With nothing left for me. They were sucking the life out of her. I ran way, I figured it was better to starve on my own than have her watch me starve. The first month on my own was hard, but I can get along on my own." Kit was small and slight. I had guessed he was thirteen, but he could have been as old as 17 or 18. No food makes it difficult to guess a boy's age. Tom was a big man, bull like in his prime. He had a bushy white beard and a breastplate of bushy hair on his chest. He was gruff and unexpectedly friendly.

"You're a hard worker. You should do well." Old Tom said. "If you do what I tell you." He paused. "You think about sucking a lot, don't you?" Kit nodded. "You see what these men are doing?" Tom asked. Kit nodded again. "Do you think you could help Old Tom out?"

"But there's no milk there?" Kit said, whispering.

"There's cream, boy. There's cream." Tom said. Kit was on the deck at Tom's feet so he turned and looked at Tom's soft cock at eye level. He leaned in and took the tip of the foreskin into his mouth. " Just work your tongue into the pucker. There is something sweet for you inside." Tom said. "You're making me a happy man." I looked at Tom and he winked at me. Kit looked content. He had discovered a new family, and Tom was his father and protector. Old Tom liked boys. He helped them, and they helped him. It was a good arrangement.

My mouth flooded with seed a second time. Otter's cunningly wrought scheme for an afternoon of cock sucking bliss failed.

"Sorry Sir." He said. "You were too good today. I couldn't hold it back." There was a blood curdling scream. Pistol had finally shot off and the whole ship knew it. This set off a new round of ribaldries, all at Butter Ball and Pistol's expense. It was hard to believe that there were that many ways to combine the words, cock, ass hole, fucking and cum together, but the crew must have found them all. I found myself unoccupied, and went on the prowl for another mate, when Peter, who was in the crows nest, cried "Sail on the horizon!"

The crew was dressed and at battle stations by the time I reached the wheel. In this modern age of discontents you were never sure which country you were at war with. While France or Spain were usually a good bet, alliances, treaties, leagues and confederations could quickly change. Our beloved Virgin Queen complicated the situation by rarely declaring war on anyone. She might condemn an overt act of war to the Spanish ambassador on one day, and knight the rogue sailor at Greenwich the next.

Wolf went to the crow's nest to look. Peter was too new on the ship to be able to recognize the sails of different nations. After a tense period, he shouted that the ship was Portugese. That was the best of the possibilities. Regardless of official policy, the Portugese were anti Spanish. They had a large fishing fleet that they wanted to be undisturbed, and we had the same. Even if we were officially at war, they were lackluster and uninterested in causing any problems if they could be avoided.

We were ready for any eventuality, but our battle preparations were disguised behind the dressing of a merchant ship. As the ship got closer, their captain signaled that the wanted to talk. Old Tom spoke the lingo, and a small boat came up to our side. A young but beaten up captain came aboard.

They had encountered a large Spanish Gallon heading to the new World. They had commandeered much of his crew and water and left them under manned and with no water. Could we spare a weeks worth, he asked? That would be enough to get them to Opporto.

I didn't want to give up any of our supplies, but the man was in genuine distress. "We have twenty passengers from Angola. The women and children are suffering greatly." He said. Tom told him we would think about it, and then asked what we might get in return. This, he did on his own. The captain looked despondent. "We were looted!" He murmured. I sent him back with Otter, so that Otter could give me a true report on the ship and its passengers.

Later we signaled for the Captain to return. When he arrived, Otter gave his report. The ship was indeed looted and crew and passenger were starving. There was nothing to be got.

"Two of the young girls offered to come over to meet our needs." Otter said. "Pretty ones, not old hags."

The captain understood enough English to protest. Apparently the girls had done it on their own, not as part of the negotiations. He was shocked. He didn't realize the extent of the desperation on his ship.

"We will give you what we can spare." I told him. "It's a week to port?" He nodded. Old Tom took him to our store room and, with the cook, carefully arrived at the minimum we could spare. We couldn't be generous, that was too dangerous. The captain appeared to be a gentleman, and was grateful without being servile. He handed me a folded parchment as he returned to the ship.

I opened it in the cabin and John translated the Latin. It was a safe conduct granted to the bearer by the Spanish and Portugese governments, signed by a Papal Legate. I realized that the passengers on the ship must have been high born. But for it, they would have been raped and murdered by the crew of the Galleon, I supposed.

The Portugese ship sailed away, but it was time for the evening supper, and the games did not resume. Some of the men had gotten off, but most had not. I expected that after dark, we would correct that inequality.

I felt good. The men had done well, not just in the games, but in the encounter with the ship. I was uneasy about helping the Portugese ship, but would have been more uneasy if I had let them go off to die. I told this to John,

"They were Christians, if Papists." He said. "The story of the Good Samaritan made it clear what we had to do. They were undone by fellow Catholics and saved by Protestants. The parallel is exact." He seemed satisfied by the encounter. Mac agreed.

"And that paper may save us." Mac said. "It's a mighty impressive document."

"I'm not sure that anyone would believe it was intended to protect us." I said. "We are an English vessel."

"The agents of that Scottish bitch are everywhere." John said. "They may well be supplied with safe passages on their secret missions."

"Mary Stuart is a vile whore!" Mac stated violently. "I'd rather die than be though of as her lapdog!"

"Given the choice of being mistaken for a lap dog and being burned as a heretic, I will play doggie!" I said. Mac stared at me, then laughed.

"You're right, Robin." He said. "Revenge is for the living! That woman and her mother ruined my family and destroyed my father. I only pray that I will live to see her head on a pike." Mac never spoke about his past or family, and I did not try to find out any more about him. He would tell me when he was ready.

Someone knocked at the door. Will, our playwright cabin boy answered it. Wolf and Otter came in.

"We came to apologize, Sir." Otter said. "We didn't do it right." I didn't know what they were talking about, then it dawned on me. Wolf had once told me that it wasn't sex until man's juice spurted. I had taken Bob and Otter's loads but the Portugese ship appeared before I shot off, and apparently Mac and John were still fully loaded too. "We want to finish it!"

"You've cock the pistol twice, but forgot to pull the trigger!" I said laughing.

Wolf smiled. "We didn't forget. We just didn't have time!"

"We have a whole night to play." Mac said. "Will, get the men some wine. We need to take care of unfinished business." I had almost forgotten my desire in the excitement of the day and the worries about the Portugese encounter. My dick hadn't forgotten. As soon as Wolf and Otter made the offer, my cock accepted. My mind wasn't sure, but the cock knew.

Will brought wine and we settled down to an evening's play. It was hot so we stripped and let lust take control. Mac, Otter, Wolf and I were old playmates, but John and Will were new. John's cock drew men to it like a loadstone and iron. Otter attached himself and as it grew he tried to get the whole dong into his mouth.

Will ended up sucking Mac. Mac had not appreciated my selection of Will as cabin boy. Will knew this and tried to be as accommodating as possible to win Mac over. Will was inventive, willing and agile.

I had a liking for Wolf's cock, or rather, his foreskin. It was long and could hold his cock and my entire tongue without difficulty. The six of us were soon fully loaded and cocked. Poor Otter was having trouble taking John's horse meat. John picked him up, turned him up side down and lowered the small man onto his cock. This was the right angle. Otter looked like he was a roasted pig, stuffed with cock rather than apples.

Otter was long trunked and short legged and since Otter was up side down, his cock was at John's mouth. His bushy beard merged with Otter's pubic hair as John explored Otter's baby making machinery. John sampled the cock balls and hole.

I explored deep into Wolf's cock. There was the taste of sea salt and man milk. His long skin kept the ooze fresh and slippery. I seemed to be the only man on the ship that liked his skin. The first time I sucked him. I discovered a magic spot on his cock. When I licked the underside of his cock head, deep inside the shin and he turned from a gruff ruffian into a needy spaniel. I had found the secret passage to his heart.

I never did it to him in front of the crew, it would undermine his authority, he thought. But he was willing in the Captain's cabin. This was the only time he wanted to get plowed, and usually Mac screwed him while I licked the cock head. I looked over and Mac was occupied with Will.

Will must have been an acrobat or clown in addition to his writing plays. He was on his back, with his legs tucked behind his head, impaled on Mac's tree trunk. Will was double jointed! Mac pulled out, picked up the bundle of playwright and cock, sat down on a chair and then sat Will back on his prong. I thought that stretching the ass hole made it tighter for the fucker and exposed the inner organs to more easy assault.

This confirmed that conjecture. Will had no control. He was merely a living cod piece. His member was bloated to the point it looked like it would burst. His back was arched and mouth open gasping for air. Mac rotated him around so that he was slowly spinning on Mac's thick cock. John lowered Otter so that Otter could help steady Will. I was worried that Mack might lose his grip and Will would fall and break his cock off!

I caught John's eye and he came over to Wolf and me. Otter had sucked John to full erection and the randy scene between Will, Mac and Otter did nothing to reduce the pressure. John was wondrously huge. Wolf guessed what I had planned and looked worried. He wasn't a natural bottom. He knew that once I hit the magic spot he would open wide and take whatever forced its way into his hole he would take.

I whispered to John and told him of Wolf's secret spot. He was game. John immediately sucked Wolfs skin so that his tongue was enveloped in it. It looked like a sausage with a tongue filling. John's tongue was as big as the rest of him and I could see it wiggling as he sought out Wolf's cock head. I watched as the tongue caressed the head then found the magic spot. Wolf was transported.

I oiled my meat and then forced it in Wolf's tight hole. He fought it, but I finally popped through and Wolf began to cry in ecstasy. He cried like a baby and John tried to comfort him, I made him stay sucking Wolf's cock. Otter had told me that Wolf's ass was virgin except for me. Otter was his best friend and even he had not topped the wild man.

Wolf had a small, muscle-bound hole that could resist the most determined assault. His early experiences on a ship as a boy had been painful and had poisoned his interests in being a bottom. I was the captain, so he felt it was my due. His sense of propriety wasn't offended by taking the captains cock. But the first time my cock rammed the nut inside his ass, he was in heaven.

It was a cruel trick of nature to put such a tender organ of delight inside such a tight ass. I vowed never to force him again after the first time. I though I had hurt him, and another man's pain is no aphrodisiac for me. He came to me a week later and begged me to do it again. I was shocked. I did and he was just as uncomfortable.

I tried finger fucking him. Unfortunately, my cock was the perfect instrument for titillating his nut. The finger didn't hit it right. That is when I discovered the passionate spot on the underside of his cock head. It opened the door to his ass. It was never wide ope, but it was at least cracked open a bit. Mac would suck him and I would fuck him.

Wolf began to convulse and John pulled off. I told him to hold Wolf's skin tight. The cum would stay fresh inside the skin tube. I puled out and let Wolf calm down. On the other side of the room Mac had cum and had relocated Will on the bed so that Otter could screw him. Mac had unwound the playwright, and licked the young man's cock. That was enough to pull Will's trigger. Will shot an ocean of cum and Otter popped.

I was as hot as I had ever been and still hadn't cum yet. John was in the same state. I laid back in bed and open my legs in invitation. John was ready. Wolf stopped him briefly. He released the seed stored in his skin and coated John's monster with it. The milky liquid was the perfect lubricant. The battering ram slipped in easily.

"Damn it Captain." Wolf said. "I can't believe you can take it. Look at that fucker slide in!" Mc and Otter came over to watch. Apparently Mac and John's play hadn't included this, so Mac was fascinated.

I was shocked that John got in so easily. My ass peeled back his thick skin and exposed his huge head. It popped through my sphincter easily and traveled down my chute. Suddenly I felt as if I had melted on his cock. I must have been much more relaxed that I had ever been before, because John went deeper and I was where Wolf had been minutes before. I didn't know where I was. I was floating on John's cock in a sea of man seed.

It was my seed. I shot volley after volley of cream into space and the warm fluid covered me. Otter and Mack spread it all over my chest. John pulled out and began spraying me with his cum. I opened my mouth to catch it. The next thing I remember was waking up the next morning. It had been a good night.

Next: Chapter 6

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