Gothic Gotham

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jun 26, 2016



Written by Eugene Marvin –aka-


With a new crime wave hitting the city [bank robberies, arsons, drive-by shootings, etc.], police were under a lot of pressure to clean up the messy streets of Gotham and keep its citizens safe! But the police couldn't be everywhere at once! Where THEY couldn't reach, Batman & the Red Robin could...!



The Royal Flush Gang was the newest gang to hit Gotham City since Batman's semi-retirement over a year ago [after Dick Greyson (the original Robin left)...]! Its members dressed in red & white [baseball like] outfits, but with the noticeable labels of handheld playing card symbols embroidered on their uniforms [Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, & Spades], each `Hand' led by its own General: Ace Of Spades; Jack Of Hearts; Queen Of Diamonds; & King Of Clubs! Heading up this band of misfits was none other than The Joker himself [Jack Applegate], and his merry henchmen 2Face [aka: 2 Of A Kind], and The Harley Twins [also known as:: Deuces Wild]!

They went through town scaring and harassing citizens, destroying property, vandalizing, stealing expensive cars [to chop up and/or sell on the black market], and trying to make a name for themselves in the criminal underworld as a force to be reckoned with!

Even some of the criminal Heads [Heads of crime families] were affected by The Royal Flush's actions...

"That damn JOKER guy needs to GO...!" declared Angelo Bertinelli [one of the Heads of The Gotham Underground]! "He's stepping on toes, muscling his way into already occupied territories, and invading MY chop shop franchise!

"I say we get one of the contract killers to get RID of him!"

"He's not bothering me...!" said one of the other Heads [Frank Sullivan]!

"He WILL...!" argued Bertinelli! "Trust me, we wanna CUT this freak off at the knees BEFORE he gets too big...!"

"His Royal Flush Gang already has over 200 members, and growing...!" said a third Head [Lew Moxon]! "If we're going to act, we need to act fast!"

"Okay..." conceded Sullivan, "...WHO we gonna get...?"

"BANE would be our best bet..." suggested Bertinelli! "...he's very thorough...! And he's come THROUGH for us before!"

"He's also highly unstable..." argued Sullivan! "...especially with those mystery chemicals he had coursing through his veins...! I say we find someone else!"

"But THAT'S what makes him the perfect man for hire..." challenged Bertinelli, "...his being unstable could work to our advantage should The Batman get in the way...! Bane HATES Batman!"

"Bane hates everyone!" said Sullivan!

"And if he FAILS...?" asked Moxon! "That means that madman JOKER will be coming after US next...!"

"WHO says he wouldn't be anyway...?" asked Bertinelli! "Do you really think he'll STOP without coming face to face with one or ALL of us...? Trying to TAKE our territories?

"The Joker's plan is to TAKE OVER Gotham, not just a few streets!"

"Okay..." said Moxon, sensing a WAR coming...! "...Bane it is then...!" he agreed, as The Underground went into action...!



In the gated community of Chestnut Hill [the wealthiest part of town], is where billionaire mogul Bruce Wayne's family estate resides on 15 acres of land [which includes its own lake front, guest house, horse stable, and infamous underground Bat Cave]...!

The staff [6 maids, 2 chauffeurs, a world class chef, and an endless number of cleaning and garden crews] were all run by Bruce's family's long time trusted butler: Alfred Pennyworth [of British descent]! Alfred is the only member of the house-staff that is aware that his employer Bruce Wayne is actually The BATMAN! He helps keep Bruce's secret by keeping the staff clear of areas that may trigger secret entrances, exits, or any signs that anyone other than Bruce and his young protégé [Jason Todd] reside there!

While the bulk of the staff [maids, cleaning & grounds crew] go home after 3pm, there is always 1 maid and 1 chauffeur residing in the house [on call] at all times! They live in the servant's quarters [where Alfred resides] on the far side of the house, away from the house' residents!

"More wine, sir...?" asked Alfred, appearing by Bruce's side, pulling a vintage wine [from Bruce private stock in the cellar] from its icy cradle to pour him a fresh serving...!

Bruce remained unmoving, his hands poised on either side of his plate [elbows off the edge of the table (as taught through fine etiquette], one hand holding a butter knife and the other a fork, as he chewed his food at least 30 times before swallowing, while staring at the young man seated at the other end of the informal dining table [pushing his vegetables around on his plate with his fork]...!

"Is something WRONG with the food, Jason...?" he asked [in a polite but stern fashion], as he cut at the tenderloin and pearl potatoes and broccoli on his own plate...!

"I don't like broccoli!" said Jason, refusing to eat it.

"You didn't eat your peas at lunch, nor your asparagus at dinner last night...nor the turnips, OR the kale & Brussel sprouts a few nights ago...!" recalled Bruce, between bites!

"What can I say...?...I'm more of a meat and potatoes kinda guy...!" stated Jason [flipped], pushing his plate back across the table!

"The doctor recommends a least ONE healthy serving of vegetables per day..." informed Bruce. "...they help prevent cancers, clean your colon, regulate your digestive system, reduce blood pressure, AND..., -and I'm sure Alfred can attest to this..., makes your semen tastier...!

"Am I right, Alfred...?"

"That you ARE, sir!" agreed Alfred [pushing his serving cart over towards Jason's side of the room]...! "And might I say YOURS is the tastiest I've ever encountered!" added the man servant [removing Jason's unfinished plate]!

Jason smirked...

"Jarvis's never complained about the taste of MY nut...! Right Jeeves?" he asked, looking up at the older man!

Alfred smiled...

"Pineapple slices could make your seed THAT much tastier, master Jason...!" said the servant [getting a quick frown from the 16yr old], before walking away...!

"He's only saying that because he's YOUR man-bitch!" snorted Jason!

Bruce lifted the red wine to his lips...

"His NAME his: Alfred, Alfred Pennyworth...!...NOT Jarvis, not Jeeves, not Mr. Belvedere, not Benson, and not Jeffries...! If you can't call him by his correct name, then don't call him at all! He deserves our respect!"

"Our respect'...?" asked Jason [sitting slouched in his chair], "From the man that takes his dentures out to suck your cock...? Really...? WE double-fucked him up the ass, and you're worried that I don't call him by the correct servant' name...?" laughed the boy!

Bruce lowered his wine glass...

"Alfred ALLOWS us to have sex with him..." corrected the billionaire, narrowing his eyes! "...only HE knows of the REAL stress I endure, and not just as Bruce Wayne! He takes CARE of me! Of US! In ways that FAR exceed his duties as caretaker of the house! So YES..." said Bruce, standing at the end of the table, making SURE Jason got a better look of the seriousness on his face...! "...I expect you to give ALFRED the same respect you would give anyone who cleans up after you, feed you, wash your clothes, and make you orgasm like its your FIRST time, every time! Understand?"

But before Jason could respond, there was a priority alert that buzzed on Bruce's Rolex...! He tapped the crystal surface, and a mantle slid into the side of a wall, showing an elaborate computer/monitor system hidden behind...!

Bruce rushed over...!

"Commission Gordan...!" he said, as a picture of The Police Chief came online!

"Batman...!...thank god you're in...!" said The Commissioner! "Are you watching the news...?" he asked [sounding greatly distressed]!

"No!" answered Bruce!

"Let ME show you want the news is reporting...!" said The Commish, posting the latest news feeds! "The City's being over-run by a street gang calling itself The Royal Flush Gang..." said his voice over the footage of arson, and bat wielding forces holding off police, firefighters, and terrorizing innocent citizens...! "...and they're being led by none other than..."

"Jack Applegate...!" said Bruce!

"Yes..." said The Commissioner [coming back online]! "...but he's calling himself The JOKER now! And he'd waged WAR on Gotham! Our police reserves are already at its max...!...we NEED The Batman!"

"I'm THERE, Commissioner!" said Bruce! "Batman out!"

Jason walked over, watching the mantle return to normal...!

"The Commissioner KNOWS you're Batman...?" he asked, as Bruce rushed to the grandfather clock in the foyer; which automatically pulled away to reveal a fireman's pole hidden behind it...! Bruce leaped onto the pole, then quickly descended some 200 feet straight down into the dark caves hidden beneath the grounds...!

"No..." he answered during the descent, "...the computer automatically makes whoever answers that particular alert LOOK like Batman!" he explained, as he ran to the vault to retrieve his costume!

"WHAT do you think you're doing...?" he suddenly asked, watching as Jason also started to don his Red Robin uniform...!

"Helping...!" said the boy [already half dressed]!

"No!" said Bruce [firmly]! "Dick TOLD me what happened between you two...!" he informed [referring to when Jason raped Dick Greyson during a training exercise (last chapter)...]! "I can't TRUST you in the field...! Not yet!"

"Whatever he told you was a LIE!" argued Jason! "Nightwing's just JEALOUS that I was a better fighter than him...! He'd SAY anything to keep me from showing that I'm a better Robin than HE ever was! I can HELP you! Honestly! There's WAY too many gang members out there for you to tackle on your own! I can HELP round them up! Keep them occupied while you go after that Joker guy...!"

Bruce hesitated for a minute..., indeed he could use the extra help stopping some of the gang members and helping police and fire rescue DO their jobs...!...but Jason already proved himself hotheaded and aggressive, simply by the way he talk to and handled Alfred...! Bruce really didn't like the way the boy treated his employee! Alfred was MORE than a man-servant..., he was FAMILY!

"C'mon Bruce..., PLEASE...? Give me a chance...!" pleaded Jason!

"Alright..." said Bruce [giving in]! "...but you LISTEN to my orders! If I find you deviating from the plan, it'll be another 6 months before you wear that uniform again...!


"Understood!" agreed Jason, slipping on his boots and grabbing his weaponry before rushing to the Bat Mobile...!

A few moments later, a secret passageway [like an enclosed bridge] arose automatically out of the lake surrounding The Wayne Manor property..., and out of it came soaring the sleek armored Bat-Mobile, shooting through the air at high speed, landing on 4wheels before tearing up the road like an Indy 500 Race Car...!...heading straight into Downtown Gotham!



Ciaos was everywhere! People ran MAD in the streets, trying to escape the craziness surrounding them! Members of The Royal Flush Gang speed through the streets of Gotham on dune buggies, throwing homemade cocktail bombs at parked cars, setting them ablaze just for the kick of it! When a marked police cruiser [sirens blazing] tried to stop them, their cruiser was firebombed as the 2 Officers occupying the vehicle leapt to safety!

One of the gang members was hanging out of the side of a dune buggy, poised to threw another cocktail, when the Bat-mobile came screeching out of nowhere, skidding around the corner and crashing into the side of the buggy, causing the gang member to accidentally drop the cocktail in the backseat of their vehicle! A fireball blew out the back, setting the rear of the buggy on FIRE! The Bat-mobile continued speeding down the street, as the buggy exploded [with the 2 occupants still inside!

With several more buggies in front of them, Batman easily knocked them off the roads by bumping into them and sending them careening into parked cars and other roadside hazards! A couple of members tried burning The Bat-mobile by throwing their cocktails at The Mobile directly, but the car was fire-proof [covered in dark armored]! Red Robin rolled down his passenger's side window and tossed a couple of marble grenades their way, blowing up their vehicles on the spot, as The Bat-mobile sped by!

Seeing a row of buildings on fire, and the fire department unable to put the blazes out because The Royal Flush Gang had much of the block surrounded [keeping firefighters at bay], The Bat-mobile broke off into 2 parts, becoming something of two 2wheeled buggies themselves...!

Batman ejected himself from the seat of his buggy [his black bat-winged cape spreading ominously through the air, signifying his terrifying return], then started tossing gas pellets into the gang crowd, sending many of them running with burning eyes! He landed on his feet and started to physically BEST other members with his extensive knowledge of the martial arts and hand to hand combat...!...unarming many of them with only a few moves before knocking them unconscious! Police in riot gear joined in on the fight, with firefighters finally moving in to put out the blazes and recuse survivors!

Red Robin continued on with his pursuit, chasing the final dune buggies across Gotham! He'd just caused the last buggy to crash into the side of a vacant building, when he noticed Gotham City Bank being robbed by costumed villains!

"Batman..." he called on his com-link device! "...the riot's a decoy! The REAL target's Gotham City Bank! I see several characters ducking into 2 white vans! I'm in pursuit now!"

Wait for ME, Red Robin...' insisted Batmen, still fighting the crowd! ...that's probably The Joker in one of those vans!' he radioed!

"That's a negative, Bats...they're leaving NOW...! I HAVE to follow!" informed Red Robin!

`Robin, DON'T...' yelled Batman, as Jason switched off communications and continued his pursuit!

"DAMN that kid...!" snarled Batman, ending his fight with the gang members by hitting them [unexpectedly] with a sonic devastator [found in his utility belt], which when activated released a high energy sonic wave that incapacitated his enemies by making them writhe in agony...!...rendering many of them unconscious and easy targets for police to round up!

Batman leaped back into his Buggy Mobile, then took off in search for Robin!

Red Robin pursued the 2 white vans as they sped down the streets of Gotham, causing havoc by slamming into other vehicles on the road and causing hundreds of accidents! Red Robin sped by the accidents [leaving them for paramedics to attend], keeping his sights focused on what was ahead of him!

He saw the back doors of one of the vans open, then saw 2 twins with big guns open fire on him! Red Robin's first instinct was to swerve to avoid the bullets coming his way, but the Bat-mobile was fortified with armor, making his Buggy bullet-proof!

The Harley-Twins [otherwise known as: `Deuces Wild' to The Royal Flush Gang] had a ball shooting up Jason's vehicle, despite causing zero damage to his Buggy! Carl Harley [the slightly older twin] was the first to use the rocket launcher on his gun, firing it straight at Jason's Buggy and causing the ground in front of him to explode on impact..., sending Jason's Buggy sky bound, leaping over the debris before landing on both wheels!

Liking the havoc his brother just caused, Casey Harley also launched a rocket, blowing up a parked car after Jason quickly dodged the missile [still in pursuit]! Jason pressed a series of buttons on the control panel in front of him, causing the grill of his Buggy to drop down and automatically fired percussion blasts at the van in front of him...!...the impact causing the back of the van to lurch upward, knocking the twins on their asses!

The 2 vans split up...! going West, and the other East!

Jason followed the one heading East..., determined to get the 2 that had fired on him! He fired another round of percussion blasts, knocking out the back ties of the van and causing it to swerve out of control! Going at a high rate of speed [80mph] it swerved on 2wheels, then crashed through the side wall of a parking structure, crashing into several cars!

Jason pulled his Buggy in for a stop, then exited the vehicle with his trusty nunchuks [ready for a fight]! Seeing no movement, he rushed into the crash site [finding the van all dented in from the accident] and peered in back to find it filled with bags and bags of loot from the bank heist, -but the boys that fired on him were missing! Jason quickly went to the driver's aid to find him dead on impact [having smashed face-first through the windshield]!

"He's a GONER..." echoed the voice of one of the young teens [with a hint of Spanish accent], putting Jason on alert! "...and couldn't drive for SHIT...!"

"But WE'RE still alive, Robin..." said another voice, echoing through the structure...! "...catch us if you can...!"

"The name's RED Robin, not Robin!" snarled Jason, heading in the direction he believed the voices where coming, pulling inferred googles from his belt to see in the dark spots!

"You're getting WARM, R&R...!" teased one of the twins, as Jason reached the second level parking structure! He saw someone ducking behind a vehicle, and immediately ran over, leaping over the hood to land on his feet in front of them, -his nunchuks poised on BLAST if any sudden movements!

A frightened woman lay crouched on the ground, clutching her purse [after working late at the office]! Jason quickly realized the woman wasn't his pursuit, and placed his forefinger up to his lips [shushing her cries], before silently motioning for her to `get the fuck outta here' with his head gestures! The woman ran off, heading for the stairwell [and safety], when Jason was suddenly attacked from behind by one of the twins!

Casey Harley leaped onto Jason's back and put a chokehold around his throat [trying to render him unconscious by cutting off his air supply]! Jason quickly rammed Casey Harley back into one of the parked vehicles [causing the car alarm to go off], then reached back and gripped a handful of the boy's dark colored hair, and threw him up overhead and across the trunk of another parked car!

Carl Harley quickly jumped in, fly-kicking Jason in the chest and causing The Red Robin to fall backwards onto the ground! But Jason used the momentum to roll back into a tumble and back on his feet [in one swift move]! With nunchuks in hand, he quickly disarmed Carl Harley [by knocking his weapon out of his hand], then clocked him with a spin-kick to the side of the head, knocking the boy to the ground!

Carl Harley tried to get us, but found himself stuck bent over with his ass in the air and his head to the ground [his head still spinning from the kick to the head]! Jason was easily distracted when he noticed the lowriders the boy was wearing, falling lower off his ass to reveal the THONGS he wore underneath...!

Casey Harley jumped back over the trunk of the car he was originally thrown across..., and landed on his feet behind his brother! He was ready to continue the fight with Red Robin, until he noticed him staring at his brother's ass...!

Casey got an idea...

"Like what you SEE, Robin...?" he asked, shoving his hand down the back of his brother's pants, rubbing his fingers along the sperm-slick crevice of his ass crack, feeling for his asshole...! "My brother has a NICE ass, doesn't he...?" asked Casey, forcing the pants down lower, exposing the whole ass!

Jason didn't answer, but the large growing erection in the leg of his parachute pants made it obvious that he indeed liked what he saw! "Actually we're TWINS..." informed Casey, straddling his brother's back as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his own lowriders and quickly shoved them down off his ass to expose his own tan colored backside...! "...which means WE BOTH have great asses...! Right...?" he asked, bending forward over his brother's back to expose BOTH of their Puerto-Rican asses [one atop the other]!

Jason dropped his nunchuks as he walked up behind the boys..., taking off his gloves so he could molest their asses barehanded!

"Do you LIKE them...?" asked Casey, looking back over his shoulder [as Jason squeezed the cheeks with his hands, pulling them apart to gander at the hidden holes]...!

"Yeah..." said the boy [almost zombie-like], mesmerized by the boys' firm asses!

"Do you want to FUCK us...?" asked Casey, climbing down off his brother's back, opting to fall to his knees to service Robin's cock...!

"Hell yeah...!" answered Jason, watching as Casey Harley started to grope the erection mound in his pants!

Casey opened the zipper, then loosened the pants as Jason's 10" ivory cock popped out into existence...! "Wow!" said the 15yr old, before licking his pink lips hungrily and leaping IN to suck the fat cock in his mouth!

Jason stifled a moan, not wanting the boy to know his mouth was already starting to GET to him! Jason has had sex in the field many times while fighting crime [solo], raping drug dealers he knocked out in fist-fights; fucking gay and tranny prostitutes that offer sexual service to the hot looking teen when he's roaming the streets without his older counterpart; and the occasional drunken civilian who he figured wouldn't remember the fucking when he sobered up the next day anyway [even though his asshole would be soar for DAYS to tell the story]..., so getting HEAD in the middle of a fight [while new], wasn't totally out of the norm for him [perks of being a superhero]!

He watched the cute looking Puerto-Rican trying to swallow his cock whole, twisting his face into painful expressions to achieve his goal!

Carl & Casey Harley was originally Sanchez', they're mother remarried when they were younger, becoming a Harley! Their mother mistakenly believed marrying a white man would end all of her financial troubles..., but it only opened a whole other can of worms when Thomas Harley [her husband] started abusing her sons! At first it was verbally; calling them racial names, sounding as if he didn't like people of Spanish decent...? Then he started abusing them physically, beating them for missing curfew or not putting out the trash in time...! Lidia Sanchez-Harley never learned about the sexual abuse he put on her children..., fucking them and making them give him and his friends HEAD whenever they wanted! They molested the boys from ages 6 to 14, when the boys finally decided to run away from home, changing their names to Harley' to keep from being found by their parents...!

Casey managed to sheath Red Robin's entire cock down the back of his throat [thanks to living with The Joker, 2Face, and The Royal Flush Gang], getting plenty of practice blowing multiple cocks back at the hotel! Jason felt the boy's tight throat wrap around the girth of his cock, and couldn't resist grabbing the back of the boy's head and forcing MORE cock in his mouth, fucking his throat good! Casey could HEAR the suction vacuuming through his throat every time the cock withdrew [pulling backwards]! Jason locked his fingers in the boy's slick black hair, then fucked his upturned face as if it were free pussy! Thanks to the chronic throat-fucks from The Gang, Carl & Casey were now expert cocksuckers at a mere age of 15! Casey deep throated Robin's cock to the base [several times], but Jason's eyes were focused on Carl's brown-eye staring back at him!

He pushed Casey aside [after several deep throated thrusts], then made his way over to Carl [who was still crouched in fetal position (ass up, head down)...]! He noticed the boy's anus was glossy with cum deposits inside..., and RAMMED his immense 10" cock straight up the boy's bared backside without ceremony or warning!

"URRHHHHGG...!!" grunted Carl Harley, feeling the intense SMARTING of his anus as the cock suddenly shoved in deep, taking up temporary residence in his rectum! He didn't fight back or protest as Jason grabbed his waist [locking him in place] and started fucking, giving his bowels NO time to get used to his cock invading his vitals!

"Yeah...take that cock!" hissed Jason, loving the feel of the boy's creamy bowels wrapped around his rod! He could easily tell the boy had been fucked numerous times, by the volume of sperm oozing out around his cock as he fucked in and out! The rectum was saturated with it! Every inward stroke of his mighty cock caused MORE sperm to ooze out around the dick base, coating his cock, balls, and pubic hair in strange semen!

Indeed the boys had been fucked by various men in their gang, from the top members [Joker and 2Face] to the lowly ranked members, giving their tender holes to anyone who wanted to fill them! 2Face fucked the boys in the back [during the heist], so excited over the loot they were steal [and successfully getting away with], they pulled the boys in front of them and speared them on the ends of their cocks, fucking them right there in the bank's vault, depositing a load [each] in their young asses!

Casey knew NOW was his best opportunity to escape [while Robin was distracted with his brother], OR to knock the bat-boy unconscious and escape WITH his brother...?...but he couldn't tear his eyes off the fucking happening in front of him!

Not to be outdone by his brother [Carl], Casey re-straddled his brother's back, presenting his own ass for Robin's pleasure as he offered him TWO asses to fuck at his leisure! Seeing the second ass on display in front of him, Jason couldn't resist pulling out of ONE brother, and shoving into another..., gripping Casey by the waist as he started pounding HIS ass like he did his brother's!

"ARRHHHH...! ARRHH YEAH...! Fuck me! Fuck me, boy-wonder! Give me that big bat-cock!" he groaned, loving the way Robin's rod stretched his fuck-hole!

"Oh, I'll FUCK you alright...!" threatened Jason, gripping a fistful of Casey's dark hair, yanking his head back and his used the hair to physically pull The Harley Twin back ON his thrusting dick!

"Yeah! Oh yeah! Get rough with me! Fuck me, bat-boy! Ram that big man-cock through me! Use me! Pound my ass!" encouraged the Puerto-Rican, loving the heavy pounding the white boy was giving him!

Jason fucked Casey extra hard, making it tougher on him as he jammed all 10 inches in and out of his ravaged rectum! Like his brother [Carl], Casey's manhole oozed the remnants of all the loads shot in him earlier, the excess semen coating Robin's cock like a thick paste, making it super-slick and slimy! Jason fucked Casey for a few more rough strokes, then yanked himself OUT of his ass and shoved back into his brother...!

"Urrrhhhh...YEAH...!" yelled Carl, hoisting his ass higher for a deeper probing! Like his brother, he too liked being ravaged by cock! He lay with his face resting against the dirty ground, his brother leaning in overtop him, while Red Robin fucked his hole deep and hard, leaving no space in his fleshy bottom untouched!

Jason fucked Carl Harley for a full 3 to 4 minutes before pulling out and going back to Casey, trying to figure out which twin would get the honor of taking his load...? He liked Casey's verbal skills, cursing profanities and practically ordering him to fuck him harder..., but the other one was slightly tighter, giving a firmer fuck! Jason was torn as he went back and forth, sampling ass after ass, both sucking at his shaft as if they wanted that load planted inside them!

"OOOHH...! Oooohhh...I'm gonna cum..." announced Jason, not knowing WHICH hole he was currently residing in...?

"Give it to me!" pleaded Carl, pushing his ass back to receive even MORE cock!

"No! Give it to ME...!" pleaded Casey, wiggling his empty ass, trying to get Robin to re-fill it!

"UHHH..." moaned Jason, closing his eyes as he fucked erratically...!...banging his pelvic bone repeatedly into the ass in front of him...!...hammering it HARD as his cock swelled and the first spray of semen suddenly SHOT from his body...!

"...ARRHHHHHHH..." he grunted as it burst into Carl's ass, coating his entrails in a spray of white gushing cream...! Jason kept his cock buried until he came again..., "...ARRHHHHHHH..." shooting his second wad directly into the older twin's bowels! He yanked out and physically squeezed his pulsating cock about the rim of the head, trapping his next wad inside as he aimed up to the second ass [Casey's] and rammed all the way IN with one plunge...! "...ARRHHHHHHH..." he grunted again as the third wad rung from his body, shooting directly into Casey's rectum, lubricating it with more sperm! "...ARRHHHHHHH..." he groaned again as the fourth wad shot forth, going even deeper than the last as he ground himself against his lover's ass!

Casey could feel the big cock pulsing inside him, losing part of his load inside him as Robin tried to seed both holes at once...! "...ARRHHHHHH...!" he grunted again as the fifth wad spat from his balls, adding MORE seed to Casey's milking cum collector!

Jason was bucking behind the 2 boys [in the throes of an intense orgasm] when he was suddenly attacked from behind...! The twins jumped up and spun around when they heard the unmistakable laughter of The Joker behind them...! They were both stunned to find The Joker and 2Face [who had been in the OTHER white van] standing there with Red Robin's throat caught in 2Face's grip [his feet dangling off the ground]...!

"Harley-Twins..." called The Joker [dressed sadistically in a purple flowered sundress, purple wig, grandma shoes, white-faced with red lipstick]...! "...go downstairs and LOAD the loot into the other truck...!" he ordered, as the twins left [reluctantly]..., doing as told!

Jason could barely breathe, as he struggled to get himself free...! "And as for YOU my young bat-friend..." said The Joker, turning towards Red Robin...! "'re NOT Batman...! WHO might YOU be...? `Red-Bird'...?" he joked [not knowing how CLOSE he was to being right]! "But I suppose you'll HAVE to do...!...for NOW!" he added, just before 2Face slammed him back against a pillar [knocking some wind from his lungs]! Jason was still reeling when he felt himself being slammed face down atop someone's car hood..., the ass of his pants being yanked off at once!

"We had intended THIS for Batman..." informed the psychopath...! "...but his precious SECOND IN COMMAND would DO quite nicely!" he added, before using his long boney fingers to smear spit all over Jason's tender roost, moistening it for 2Face's cocks...!

"NO!" pleaded Jason [head smashed down against the cool car hood], feeling the head of 2Face's erect cockhead kissing against his puckering anus! "No! Don't! Please...!"

"Yeah, BEG..." smiled Richard Lowes [the meaner of the 2 faces]...! "...I like it when they BEG...!" he added, just before ramming forward with his hips, burying the head in his tight anal grip!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!!" screamed Jason [passing out], feeling his anal ring breeched against his will! Richard Lowes groaned [erotically] when he felt the super-tight anal muscles clamp down on his cock, trying to repel him out! He held fast his position, as he pressed in further, penetrating MORE of his 8 and 1/2 inch cock up the boy's shocked and fighting ass!

Joker had taken Robin's utility belt, and was wrapping it around his waist as an accessory!

"Pack it up, 2Face..." ordered Joker, after realizing the boy had fainted...! "...we'll continue THIS later when he's awake...!"

"But I want ass, NOW...!" argued Richard, ramming ALL of his cock up Robin's backside!

Joke grabbed Richard's muscular arm...

"I'm sure The BATMAN is on his way..." he warned! "...if you'd like to continue with the boy..., I suggest you withdraw and pick this up elsewhere...!"

"He's right, Rich...!" agreed Harry Fontaine [the other-half of 2Face]! "We had a PLAN, and it's working! Don't blow it now!"

"FUCK!" cursed Richard Lowes, wanting to BUST Red Robin's ass right there and then!

He yanked his cock out of the boy's asshole, losing a trickle of blood from the breeched rectum [falling to the parking structure floor]..., then picked the boy up and physically tossed him over his shoulder before following Joker back down to the second white van...!

The BATMAN arrived 5 minutes after The Joker vamoosed...!...finding the crashed van [empty of cash] and it's dead driver! "ROBIN...!" he yelled aloud, hearing his own voice echo through the parking structure! He ran up to the second level when he noticed a FIGHT had occurred! He noticed Red Robin's nunchuks lying on the ground! Getting down low to the surface [searching the floor for evidence], he could tell that Jason had been in a fight with TWO men...! Evidence on the floor showed he'd had SEX with at least ONE of them [there were semen splattered about the floor]!

Batman took samples, as he searched the rest of the level to see that Jason had been overpowered by someone else! The dent in the hood of someone's car showed where Jason had been slammed down...! His drool would indicate that he had probably passed out [overwhelmed by his assailant]! And the droplet of blood on the floor was further indication that didn't set well with Batman! He had an unsettling feeling that Jason was in danger [if only the boy hadn't disabled his com-link]...!


If you would like to read MORE Gothic Gotham, hit me up @ with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


____________________________ This story written by EUGENE MARVIN aka

Next: Chapter 7

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