Grand Encounter

By Clive

Published on Nov 28, 1999


Thanks:- Again thanks to Tonny for his support and I have made some additions to the writing style after talking to him about he last part. Finally I would appreciate any comments (good or bad) to: Thanks and hope you enjoy the story :)

Disclaimer:- This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the group NSYNC or any other person involved in full or in part. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.


Chapter Two :

On the way back to the hotel that the guys were staying at there was mixed emotions coming of each one of them. Lance, who had consumed a fair amount of the 'free' drinks was no where near drunk buy very merry, Joey was inwardly smiling about the two phone numbers that he had got off those fine women that worked the boxes. Chris was looking towards Justin with slight concern in his eyes as he noticed that Justin hadn't said a word since they left the Grand and finally there was JC who also sat in silence but with a slight smile as he watched the world pass by the window.

The Rolls started to slow down and pulled into a private road that lead onto the front of the hotel and then came to a full stop. All five in the back looked around the limo at each other almost as if mentally fighting about who would be the first one to get out of the comfortable seats. At that point the side door nearest to JC (the one they had all gotten in through) was opened up by the limo driver, again a tall gaunt man wearing the driver get up. JC was the first to move followed by all the others, they thanked the driver and began to tip him when the driver stated that he was Clive's private driver and that they need not pay him any fee. Lance just grinned and looked towards the others before thanking the driver and slowly moving towards the door that was by now being held open by 2 doormen. Chris made his way to the front desk and after exchanging the usual pleasantries picked up 5 key cards and then made his way to met the other 4 who where already at the gold elevator doors. They all got into the lift and made their way up to the 10th floor that they had exclusively to themselves for the next 4 days that they were in town. As the doors opened from the large padded elevator the 5 men walked out and all turned to their right, looking down the hallway that led off to their respective rooms you could see the fine carpets and the high ceilings that would also had several hanging chandeliers, in- between the doors to each room. As they walked along the hall they reached Joey's room first which was on the left and all said night, whilst Lance's room was almost opposite on the right side of the hall. Next they reached Chris' room and he turned to his door inserted the silver key card and he hurried into his room not wanting to stay out in the hall with JC and Justin any longer than he needed to. Now it was just JC and Justin in the hallway as they started to walk to the end towards JC room (who had the largest of them all, this was because at each stop they rotated who got the best room)

"Just, do you want to talk?" JC said turning slightly to face Justin.

"I'll only take a min of you time, can we do it in your room Josh?" Justin asked in the same childish and insecure tone that he had used with the bouncer and with Clive earlier on in the evening.

"No problemo, let me open up here" JC said turning around, and as Chris had done, inserted the silver key card into the door. Hearing a click he slowly pushed down on the door handle and pushed the door open. The room was spectacular, decorated in gold and silver and again with high ceilings. The door opened up into a reception room with a three piece suite in the middle of the room near an open fire. To the right of the sofas was a large 52" rear projector TV screen that was hidden inside of a large oak cabinet. To the left of the room was the bathroom that was fitted in pure marble and to the other side of the room was the bed room with a single 'double queen size bed' four poster.

"Wow!" was all Justin could say looking around the rooms, "are you sure that it's not my turn to have the 'nice room'" Justin said with a slight laugh. JC just looked at him dropped the left side of his lip, and raised his right eyebrow at the same time giving a regal look to his persona.

"Go on... what ya wanna talk about then Just?" JC said taking of his coat showing of his lean build that he held under the dark blue shirt that look too long for him as his hands were only just visible at the ends of the sleeves.

"I... I just wanted to say thank you for this evening," Justin started off before trailing to a quite whisper that was only just audible.

"Just man what up, you seem pre-occupied!" JC said standing up in front of Justin, and placing his first and index fingers under Justin's chin to guide his head to look towards JC's eyes. It was apparent from looking into Justin's eyes that he was about to start to break down as his eyes had started to tear over.

"I can't... I just can't" was all Justin said as he started to pull his head down to the ground again and cry within.

"Just you can tell me anything! you know I have always been here for you and will continue to be here for you. Now what the problem" JC said again lifting Justin's chin but this time meeting resistance from Justin's head. Slowly his head raised and he could see the concern in the older singers eyes.

"I think I'm..." Justin started before turning around abruptly and running towards the door "Oh my god I can't do this" was all that JC could hear as Justin rushed out the room. The door closed, not with a slam, but with the doors that they had in this place JC didn't think that you could slam them if you tried. Instead as JC was left in the room there was an eerie silence and he tried to collect his thoughts before slowly moving toward his door, picking up the key card and placing it in his back pocket of his trousers. Stepping out of his room he headed back down the hall and stood outside Chirs' room and debated whether he should speak to Chris about all this or turn to Justin's door. After what seemed like an eternity JC turned his body to the left and knocked lightly on Justin's large oak door. He could hear some muffled crying in the room but after nearly 20 minutes of calmly waiting JC resigned to waiting till the morning to speak to him, after all it was almost 5:00 now. So he turned back to his room and headed off to bed.

RING! RING! RING! "Good morning Mr.Chasez" a cheerful young women said on the end of the phone, "this is your morning wake up call".

"Err... what time is it" was all that JC could stutter out in a half sleep full daze.

"9:30 sir as you requested, every morning" replied the receptionist still just a cheerfully.

"Thanks... yeah thanks!" was all JC said not in a cold tone just in a sleep full tone.

Now that he was awake, well at least up, JC decided that he better go and shower, clean up and then head out and meet the others for breakfast. He stood up wearing only his blue silk boxers and moved his right hand over his tight stomach and moved it upwards to his left nipple before slightly stoking it. With his left hand he slowly ran his fingers through his hair whilst thinking to himself of all that had happened last night. To be honest it was a typical night, even for NSYNC... 'Oh god I almost forgot about Just' JC thought to himself and then made his was to the bathroom to make himself look more presentable to the outside world.

After 20 minutes in the shower and another 20 minutes making himself look pretty JC walked out of his room and headed towards the others rooms. He decided to wait and talk to curly later on, for now he would just go and see if the others were up.

"Good morning Mr.Kirkpatrick" JC said through the wooden door in the best English accent that he could muster, "This is your personal wake up call!"

Chris stood up slowly and couldn't believe his ears, he, like the others had cancelled his wake up call now that they were on a brake and wasn't particularly happy that they had forgotten. Saying that they usually just rang up, Chris slowly thought to himself. As he opened the door he saw JC standing in front of him all dressed and looking ready for what the day had to through at him.

"What are you doing up so early JC" Chris said with a yawn interrupting are regular intervals.

"I forgot to cancel my wake up call so I thought that as I was awake I would see what you are all up to!" JC said laughing at the sight in front of him, "But I can see that you aren't quite up yet so I will head out and let ya get back to bed... I'll see you later on o.k.!" JC said turning around still laughing to himself.

"Where you going to be at?" Chris said slightly more awake but not much.

"Don't know but I got my cell if you need to get me."

JC stepped back in to the elevator this time by himself and put his hand into his pocket to check and see if he had any text messages on his cell when he realized that he actually didn't have it, but he had picked up all stuff from the table that he took to the club last night after he had emptied his pockets before going to bed. Then it hit him, he'd left the phone in the corner of the box that they had used last night. After several minutes of debating whether to go back to the hotel room and phone the club or ask some one to go get it for him he decided that he might as well take a trip over to the club this morning and pick it up himself. He expected that the host that Clive had called Julie would be back there and would be getting everything sorted out from last night. As JC reached the lobby he could hear a lot of commotion going on behind the doors, the gold doors slid sideways and JC stepped forward to see several hundreds your females screaming, luckily none of them had noticed him yet but he was sure that it wouldn't last like that if he stood still for long so walked forwards and then around the side of the lobby. Making his way past the main reception desk he wasn't noticed because he was on his own. He stood leaning up against a marble pillar just out of sight of the crowd and then heard a familiar voice.

"Are you alright Mr.Chasez?" the young receptionist asked with slight concern at seeing JC hiding and in deep thought,

"Sorry... you!" JC realising who it was that he was talking to, "Joey will be pleased..." JC continued looking around the corner of the pillar to check out the situation.

"Ah, yes, I didn't mention this is the side of my life, I only work at the club part time to make a little extra cash" Claire said almost embarrassed that JC had remembered her.

"Can you do me a big fav?" JC said now looking directly at the young waitress / receptionist

"Yes Mr.Chasez" she replied in a business manner.

"I need to go back to the club. Is any one going to be there yet?" JC asked sure that the answer would be yes but still not 'totally' sure.

"Of course but I couldn't tell you who" Claire said turning around hearing the girls start to scream louder as they thought that they had seen one the group NSYNC walk into the elevator. "Do you want me to get you a ride and get you out of here?" she proceeded to say.

"That would be great, thanks" JC said back at her, with a slight smile.

Claire arranged for the hotel limo to be brought round back and for JC to be shown to it, she gave JC the phone number of the private line in the club so that if he couldn't see anyone around he could ring it and someone would let him in. He thanked her and then proceeded to make his way towards the club. After a 25 minute drive because of the traffic the limo pulled up outside club and JC couldn't see any activity even though by now it 11:40, so he decided to try the phone number that the receptionist had given him. Picking up the phone inside the limo he dialled the number slowly and was relieved to hear a familiar voice at the end of the line.

"Hello", was all that Julie said in a hurried fashion.

"Hi... Errm this is JC from last night, can I speak to you now?"

"JC" Julie thought to her self for a second before continuing "JC, yes sure where are you love?"

JC seemed surprised by Julies wording but didn't think much of it and proceeded to explain that he has outside in a limo.

"I will be down in a sec, se you then o.k." Julie stated before hanging the phone up. Again JC was surprised but got out of the limo and thanked the driver who just nodded and started to move off. Almost immediately after the limo had pulled away JC heard Julie behind him calling his name, he turned around to see her waving towards him to indicated that he should come inside. Once inside JC looked around the front of house and somehow it looked different than it had last night but he wasn't sure why, maybe it was because there wasn't hundreds of people pushing and making their way to this and that place. He turned to Julie and couldn't understand why she looked so pleased.

"Have I got something on my face?" he asked her getting self- conscious of himself.

"No silly." was all she said in reply before heading towards the main club doors and pulling them both open. JC was slightly surprised because it had taken two of them the night before to push the doors open but he put it down to some alcohol and that they were tired. As they stepped into the main club JC could see a figure standing at the far end by the stage were they had the performer last night and as they got closer he could see that it was Clive going through a lot a paper work...

"Hey wat's up!" JC shouted over the empty room

"Hi ya, didn't expect you back quite so soon but nice to see ya!" Clive replied as a equal tone but laughing at the same time, "What can I do for you my little friend" he said looking down at JC from the stage, even thought he was a lot taller than JC anyway with him being on the stage he towered over the small man.

"I will leave you two alone" Julie interjected looking at Clive and winked before turning around and making her way back to the front of house where they had just come from.

"Thanks" JC said towards Julie before redirecting his glare towards Clive.

Clive stepped down off the stage and now stood directly inform of JC and moved his gaze up and down the smaller framed individual standing in his field of view.

"Like what you see?" JC commented tilting his whole head up to the left looking towards the box that they had been in the night previous.

"Seen better" was all Clive said tuning his head to the right and also looking up to the box in the same pose that JC had been holding.

"vain ass" JC quipped back at Clive now looking at the 6'6" beast in front of him.

"but what a firm ass it is" Clive said smiling to himself and turning to face JC straight on. "What was it you really wanted?" Clive questioned still smiling within.

"Errm... Oh yeah, I left my phone here last night I think..." JC stated again looking away from Clive's glair and up to the 1st box.

At that Clive turned towards the stage and picked up some keys and turned around almost before JC had time to look back at him, outstretching his hand he held onto the 'tiffany silver' key ring and let the set of keys drop down so they were dangling. "I'll still be hear, you can go look for it yourself right?" Clive said not with the same smile he had been wearing but now showing off a small smirk.

"Sure, back in a minute" was all JC said reaching for the keys and lightly brushing Clive's hand as he untangled Clive's index and thumb from the key ring. He then headed over towards the steps that lead to the boxes on the left hand side of the old theatre.

Whilst JC was searching, firstly for the key to the box and then secondly for his phone, Clive had stepped back onto the stage and thought to himself that he felt like showing off just a little of his talent and so, walked to the back of the dancers stage and brought out his favourite electric-acoustic guitar (that he kept for occasions when he was alone in the days because the acoustics in the large open stage were almost unbelievable) and started to finger pick the opening refrain of Eric Clapton's 'Tears in Heaven'. As the first phrase rang from the nylon strings on his guitar Clive began to hum along to the sequence that he was picking. JC began to stand up from searching for his phone and having found it opened up to the atmosphere and the sounds he could hear. He moved to the edge of the box where the others had stood dumb-founded the night before and watched in awe as Clive played the whole of the song that he obviously felt was close to him emotionally. Listening to pure sound of the stings being masterfully plucked and then, out of nowhere the angelic sound that vibrated from the voice of the Clive brought ironically tears to JC eyes. All to soon though the sounds ended and JC was left standing in the box watching Clive slumped over his guitar. JC could see that not all was fine and decided that instead of showing his approval from the top he would step down out of the box and go to where Clive was sitting.

When JC reached Clive he looked up to him once again and could see the signs that Clive had been crying, not much, but lightly. He reached his thin manly hand and placed it on Clive's knee and was met with a sigh from the recipient of his touch.

"That was beautiful, when you told me last night that you could play and sign 'sort of'" JC said quoting Clive "you didn't tell me that you were that good!" JC beamed up towards Clive but with a slight tear forming in the corner of his right eye.

"Well that's your own opinion. I have passed be teaching grade in both playing and singing but never done anything with them." Clive returned explaining to JC and now looking at his admirers face. Seeing the formation of a tear in JC eye he moved his left hand to brush the single solitary tear away using his thumb, and receiving no rejection from JC he smiled and moved his hand away back to the neck of the guitar.

After JC had persuaded Clive to play several songs for him he asked if Clive knew any of 'their' songs. Clive just smiled to himself and began to pick out the notes to 'Thinking of you, I drive myself crazy...' soon JC started out on the first verse and then Clive harmonised along to the part that Justin would normally sing. As the first chorus ended JC's part also stopped and Clive continued to sing pitch perfectly along to Justin's verse but with his own tone. By now the two of them were singing along with each other staring into each others eyes. Again the song ended (too soon for Clive's liking but it did) and JC started to speak

"Are you working all afternoon?"

"Nope I am free..." Clive started, looking down at his watch, "NOW!" he said laughing, "reason?"

"I was thinking that if you didn't have anything planned you might want to come back to the hotel and chill, or something" JC said still looking into Clive's eyes and for the first time noticing that they were not one single shad of colour, in fact they were brown in the middle fading to green and then to blue on the outsides.

"I'd love to" was Clive's response (almost a bit to quickly said he thought to himself but never the less true)

Both of them stood, Clive returning the guitar to the stand at the back of the stage and then making his way down to where JC was standing. Together they walked out to the front of the house and there they saw Julie smiling constantly as she proceeded to say that she and all the staff there at the time had heard to two of them singing and playing and said that it was like an angle was in the building. Clive shook his head and blushed slightly before ringing and asking for the limo to be brought round front. JC said his goodbyes and thanked Julie for her help and then moved off with Clive towards the waiting limo.

When they pulled up to the hotel the screaming horde of girls were still out front and JC quickly informed the driver to carry on and move round back as JC had an access card for the back door.

Once inside the hotel JC and Clive moved over to the pillar that JC had met Claire at earlier.

"I've got an idea," Clive started to explain to the JC, "I'll go order the lift and you wait here. On my signal you make a dash for the lift and we will head up. Sound go to you?"

"It's worth a try" was JC only comment, not sure whether it would work or not but he would try it.

Clive stepped out from behind the pillar and saw his objective the gold doors. Stepping up to them he pushed to pearl button besides the door and almost instantly the doors opened and he was greeted with a mirrored surround and a cushioned bench at the rear of the lift. Stepping half in he turned around and shouted towards the crowed of girls that NSYNC were behind them. Almost in unison the girls turned around apart from a few and at that JC began his advance and ran for his life towards the lift, but before he made it to where Clive was waiting the girls who hadn't turned around were screaming his name and charging past the hotel security. As JC entered the lift Clive had to almost fend off several now hysterical teenagers before the doors silently closed shut. The trip to the floor that JC was staying at was a quite one with only little conversation. On arrival JC stepped out first and gestured for his guest to follow him down the corridor towards his own room. With it being almost 3:00 now all the members of the group were up and sounds could be heard coming from all the rooms, but as the two walked past Justin's room the door opened and out stepped a tired looking Justin. Upon seeing the other two in the corridor Justin flew backwards meaning to enter his room but turned abruptly and slammed in the solid oak door. With an almighty crash Justin's head made impact with the unforgiving door and a slight muffled scream was heard before he fell backwards to the ground again hitting his head but this time landing on his right arm and the sharp snapping sound could be heard before all was quite once again.

Clive moved quickly to aid Justin while JC just stood inactive. Clive called over to JC who seemed to not have heard the first time so he repeated it again but louder

"Go call an ambulance... NOW!"


If you want to know what happens to JC, Clive and Justin then you will just have to look out for the next part. SORRY :)

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Next: Chapter 3

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