Grandpas Mirror

By CraigsMyth

Published on Jun 28, 2023


+++++++++ Grandpa's Mirror - 5

Like all stories, this is fictional. All characters are fictional. Nothing is real.

Keep the server forges burning.


Free falling naked while clinging to trying to hang onto a flying horse, I feel the hair slip from my fingers. If it keeps up I won't have a hold of the flying horse at all. Matt. I don't know why his name is Matt. He does something with his wings. I can't see. My eyes are watering. I scream again. I feel his back materialize under me. I open my legs and I find purchase somehow. Gravity comes back. My legs squeeze so hard and I regrip my hands in his mane, the long horse hair is course and I begin to feel a little more safe. He starts to gallop before his hooves hit the ground.

The galloping noise starts and I open my eyes. We land on a road. He slows and comes to an abrupt stop. The momentum makes my crotch slides forward and drives my junk into his mane. I keep going after I run out of horse to slide on. I launch over him. I summersault in the air and land on my back. It knocks the air out of me. I want to yell at him, but breathing is required. I hold my chest, my crotch and roll around. The hooves gallop away and then silence.

My breath comes back and I moan. The throbbing from my groin subsides too. The pain isn't fun, but I think it should be worse. I pull myself off the road and walk a little. Plim hasn't made this trip very fun at all.

I take an inventory of what I think. I think this place makes little to no sense. I think all horse things hate Pim. I lost Bogota. He's in a city. I need clothes to get into the city. I'm really far away from Plim. I think that Bogey broke some imaginary magical rule that I didn't know about by wearing clothes while crossing over. Nothing has gone to plan so far. I have no plan.

And I look around. Yeah. I have no idea where the city is. I better get Bogey back. Then I think about being stuck here. What would happen? Would they find a naked horny kid in front of the mirror back in my world? Would my boner hold? Would Grandma and Grandpa come in and see me catatonic, naked and standing in front of the mirror or is my body really here? Or would I be a missing kid on the milk cartons spread across the country? Do they still do that? Is Bogota behind me wearing jeans? Or did we physically transport here. My body and bruises think I'm here now. I think I vaporized there and materialized here. I rub my junk. It doesn't hurt so much. Maybe I am here.

Worrying about what is and what is not won't help me here and now. I can guess at the magic that makes the mirror work, the world work, and guess and nothing will change. I need to do something.

I pick a direction on the road. I walk. I think maybe an hour has passed. I catch up to a wagon. There's some kids walking. A boy and a girl. The boy is my size, the girl is older and her breasts are awkwardly pushing her blouse out. I expect them to see me. They don't acknowledge me. A man is sitting in the wagon holding the reins and a woman beside him.

"Hullo!" I call to them. I expect their necks to snap around and see me. I have my junk cupped. I don't want to cause a ruckus. I'm surprised. Niether one turns their head. They don't say anything. I go over to the girl who is walking beside. I walk backwards in front of her. I shake my head. She doesn't see me? I think? I uncover my sex and let it flop out. I wave my arms and yell.


Okay then. I add invisible to my inventory. The horses pull the wagon, the parents ride in front and the kids walk in beside. I need clothes. So I walk around to the back of the wagon and pull myself in. There's a bunch of vegetable and a chest. I open the chest. They have clothes in there. I rumage through. I find some pants that look like they belong to the boy and a shirt. They are ugly, but theives can't be beggars. I foist them over my shoulder and hop out. The wagon doesn't slow and the kids don't notice.

I pull on the pants. It feels nice and yet being free has become familiar. The shirt chaffes, but what little instructions Plim did give should be followed. I follow the wagon at a good distance and notice another wagon coming up from behind. They can't see me, so what does it matter.

The wagon from behind catches up to me. I am about to step aside when I hear the man shout, "OY. Boy. Move off. We are in a hurry."

I point at my body with both hands, "Me?"

"I don't see any other boy around. Move. Or I'll use my whip on more than my horses." He brandishes a long leather whip. I step off to the side and recieve glares and eyebrows from him and his wife as the horses step the wagon past.

I guess I can strike invisible off the list along with naked. My bare feet still pound the road and I am still guessing I am walking in the right direction. There are more wagons on the road now. People are walking and I just follow the crowd.

Along the road I spot some people drinking from a well. I guess you have to lower the bucket down the hole with a rope and it fills with water. I lower it and pull it up. It's heavy. I struggle and as it gets to the top I find my wee muscles burn. I set it on the ground and stick my face up to the surface. I'm about to take a big drink. Pim's green eyes reflect back.

I yip and jump back in surprise.

Pim's face laughs back. I can hear is voice as his face is reflected in the water, "You need to free him tonight. And take off his fucking pants. When you wear clothes, they can see you. When you get out of the gates, whistle. Larry will give you a ride. Don't tell him I told you or he will kill me. He hates me."

Before I can reply, Pim's face is gone. I stare at a bucket of water. It is cold and delicious. I am guessing that the magic critters can't help in a non-magic city. I am also going to guess that Pim, Plim, Pen and other man type creatures were in a different spot in this other world. I am on my own, I think.

The city, it turns out, is filled like other cities in my world. The people bustle, it's business and money and streets lined up with vendors looking for money. The people were boring and focused on themselves. Still, there were kids running in the streets, some of the little boys were nude. The people ignore them and I can't tell if they are invisible by magic, or if they are just invisible because no one cares.

I make my way to the main square. I have no idea how cities work and imaginary cities that exist in a magical realm are especially ellusive. There was a knot of people gathered around an interested something. I hear someone yelling. He's mad. He is hurting and upset. Something about his voice makes me listen more and then I'm drawn to the voice and the crowd. They cheer and jeer and are really interested in something. I spot some jean material in the throng, just a flash, and then it's gone.

It's him.

I make my way to the middle of the crowd. They are all circling Bogota. I don't need to see his face to recognize him. He has no shirt and his muscles are working. The crowd is jeering and throwing things. Bogie is locked in some sort of wooden thing. It's a pole with a board that is designed to be a torture thing. There's a hole for his head and two smaller ones for his hands. They have him bent over. He is bent over, his head and hands held can't move. His juicy ass sticks out, his jeans are mostly on, but have holes where some bare flesh pokes through. A boy gets brave and runs up and pinches his bum. Then a girl runs up and gives him a good shot to his nards. I groan. I shuffle back. A filthy boy runs up and opens Bogata's fly and digs out my cousin's wiener. It is an impressive beast, but a girl runs up and gives it a good slap.

This is not why we came here.

There is nothing to do, but wait till sundown. I can't watch the slow beating that the people give him. I don't understand these people. I move off onto the other side of the city town square. The afternoon shadows deepen and the people are bored of picking on Bogata. He stands slumped over, his back ripples from his muscles.

No one else approaches him. The sun finally get's low. A guard approaches him, at least I think it is a guard, he carries a club one hand. He doesn't feel threatening. He gives him a drink of water and a couple mouthfuls of food. I study the contraption that has his head and hands locked in. It has a simple latch that isn't even locked.

My plan, wait till dark. Open the lock and get Bogie out of his pants. We will both be invisible. Run. We will run out of the city and I will whistle. Whatever Larry is, will pick us up. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

The crowd seems to be home for dinner. The square is nearly empty and no one has poked Bogey for about an hour. The sun is still hung in the sky. I decide to chance contact. I walk over to him. He is looking at the floor. My crotch lines up with his mouth.

My stomach is in knots, but I pretend to act casual, "Hey Bogie."

The string of cussing is a surprise. He ends his tirade, "Now get me fucking out of these fucking handcuffs and take fuck me home fucking now."

"So you can talk. Wow. I never knew." I reply

"Of fucking course I can fucking talk. What the fuck did I just tell you to fucking do?"

"Leave you here with these wonderful people and hope they don't rape you too hard?"

His cussing is redundant.

I continue, "I did have a plan to free you so we could get on with the sex stuff. But, I guess it's your choice." I move to the back. His pecker is still hanging soft and it looks like his jeans are pinching things down there uncomfortably. I look around. The swearing tirade didn't raise any attention and no one was giving a shit about Bogie. Except me. I figure, at this point, what's he going to do? He can't get out of his locked head and hands and he's already cussed me a new asshole.

I play my hands down his back. My fingers enjoy the muscles under his skin. I reach around where his goods are all squished funny leaking out his pants. I fully open his fly and spend a couple moments working down his pants and underwear at the same time so it's part way down. He stops talking and doesn't wiggle any more. I get his ass mostly showing and I stop.

I walk around to his front again, "Listen Bogey, you stupid shit. I'm here to help you, free you and apologize for all of this. None of it was supposed to happen. I feel really bad. But you got to trust me. I have a plan to get you out and maybe the sex part will still happen. You weren't supposed to wear pants. It screwed up the magic. I didn't know. I never asked. I just come through naked and horny and that's how I am." I stop and pause for a long time. I hear him breathing. I see bruises on his back and I pet him. I feel so bad.

He sort of looks into my crotch, "Okay. Please get me out. I'll do whatever you say."

I like that. I notice people are starting to notice me hanging around Bogey, "I'll be back. It will be okay." I say before I turn and leave my poor cousin with his pants half off in the rape position, his hot muscular ass sticking straight out. I stay almost close, watching everyone trying to get some kind of an idea of what goes on. I see a long stick that reminds me of a broom stick. It sits against the wall. The guards have short bats they carry around. They were probably the ones to leave bruises on Bogey.

The square is completely empty as the sky above fires red. It will be minutes till dark. A single bat weilding man decides to come up to Bogey. He is acting kind of odd. He reaches into his pants and gives himself a few strokes as he pretends to be casual. I am hiding in a shadow accross the square keeping very still. He comes up to Bogey and strokes his back like I did. My hackles go up. I'm a thirteen year old kid and this guy is super old. He's like 23. He's probably a trained guard. I hope he just strokes Bogey's back and moves on.

The guy's hands move downwards to the half up half down pants and he works Bogey's bum right out. My mind races. I'm not a fighter. I don't fight. I might have had a slapping fight in grade four, but my agression factor is like, two out of ten. And yet no one was going to stop Bogey from the impending unwanted sex. I try to think. I get fragments of thoughts and nothing comes out that's useful.

Grandma's word ring in my head, "'Blood is blood... He's family'" and all logic runs away. Fear still lingers as I pull myself out of my hidey hole. I walk over to the stick like I'm taking my dog for a walk. I don't have a dog. If I did, I think that's how I would walk. My hand closes around the stick. I pretend everything is normal and it's like walking to school. I'm tempted to whistle, but that might be overselling it.

The man has his pants down and is lining up his big man hard flesh piece into Bogata's hole. I lift the stick like a bat. He finally looks up and notices me. I drop the stick as hard as I can. It takes forever for the long stick to make the arc and hit fucktard on the head. The crack hits is pretty loud as the stick connects to his head. I expect him to get up and wallop me with his little bat. He drops to the floor. I don't chance it, I give him another shot with the big long stick. He's out, maybe dead. I don't care.

I go over to the pillory, or stock or whatever the fuck it's called and undo the latch. I hinge the board off of Bogey's heads and hands. I am expecting he will crack me in the jaw for getting him in the first place. He jumps up and waves his hands around a bit and then I find myself in a big bear hug.

"Thank you." He says.

I hug him back. He lets go and tries to pull his pants up, "No! No! You gotta take em off." I almost yell. He looks at me and lifts an eyebrow.

I start pulling my stolen clothes off, "Trust me. remember? You promised."

He pulls them down and they land in a pool on the floor. I don't have time to drink in his godlike beauty. A bell starts to ring and people yell. People are appearing everywhere. I grab his hand and pull. We run. He has no problem keeping up.

I am pretty sure that we are both invisible without our clothes, but if I'm wrong, well, it would be bad.

I dodge the people that run randomly in the streets. Pretty soon there is hardly anyone out and about and the city wall looms. We run outside.

I whistle. Larry should be picking us up. I have no idea what Larry will be, but I hope he's fast. I am breathing so hard. I have to double over. I finally catch my breath.

Bogey grabs me by the shoulders and looks me in the eye, "Thank you so much. I thought I was going to die."

I breath a couple more breathless breaths and say, "Grandma says your family and we have to stick together. I listen to Grandma."

He hugs me and I feel him crying. His bigger naked body against mine is at first a comfort. I feel his love and then, of course, his big fucking dick. He's uncut. It's pressed into me above all my sex and I feel it stir a little, maybe. I know I'm sure as fuck stirred. I grow a stiffy as I hug him back. "There he is!" Someone on the wall says. I guess the invisible line that Pim gave was just a way to get us out of our clothes.

The someone on the wall yells, "Shoot!"

Arrows fall short of where we stand, but still, someone is shooting fucking arrows to kill us? How fucke is that?

The galloping noise is getting louder. The horse is glowing silver. The muscular horse outline is impressive. If horses were boys, he would be like Bogey, perfect. Each line glows a little silver. He has a single horn growing out of his head that is a little brighter than his body.

"That's Larry." I say.

Larry doesn't come off his gallop, but only slows a little. Bogey grabs my arm and tells me to hang on. I hang on. Larry slows a little more and Bogey takes a leap. I follow because his iron grip on my arm nearly yanks its out of it's socket. Bogey found his purchase on Larry's back, and I awkwardly, but finally end up sitting behind him. Larry slowed down enough, it would seem. Arrows fall around us as Larry put's on some speed. The air begins to glow silver around us. I look down at the Unicorn. He is naked. The skin under my bum, my legs, my crotch is soft and sensual. The speed of the land reminds me of driving in a car. Everything begins to blur. It's probably airplane speed.

The silver glow gets brighter till I close my eyes and bury my head behind Bogey's back. Bogey is fucking strong, a stick of muscle that is at one with the horse, or whatever Larry is. I hang on as my cheek presses into his flesh and I squeeze. Larry begins to slow and soon his gallop is barely a gallop. I open my eyes. Larry is stopped. Everything is gray as far as the eyes can see, in every direction.

"What the fuck?" I ask no one.

"Larry says we have to get off." Bogey says.

"I never heard him." I reply.

"He says we have to hold each others hand, and don't let go.

"Ok-ay." I don't believe him.

"I trust you, now you trust me." He tucks his arm behind his back and holds it out. I grab it and hold it.

He says, "Now you can jump down, but don't let go of me." I look down. There is ground. I look up, the up and down and every direction looks the same pale of gray. Only Larry's darker silver naked skin and of course Bogey's back and legs look like they are real. Everything else looks gone, or not there or a single color of gray. Down seems to be objective at this point. I hold onto Bogey as I peel myself off the Unicorn and I fumble the dismount. Bogey holds me up with one arm and I dangle, my feet wiggle. I see Bogey laugh as he jumps down. Our hands are stuck together as our feet touch the ground. The grass materializes as well as the rest of a grassy dell. Trees appear. The Unicorn and all the gray vanishes. I hold onto Bogey's hand and he gives me a big smile. Some flute notes float on the air and we start walking.

Bogey swings my hand as we stride. I try not to look at him too hard as we go. His chisselled pecs sit above his chiselled abs. His perfect ass nice hips and his bicepts are huge. For a change, I shut up and just enjoy the moment. We walk and of course, my little dick grows to flap against my stomach. Horny teenagers are horny teenagers.

He doesn't look at it or let go of my hand or say anything.

Pretty soon we come over a hill two piles of flesh. In one pile, I see the goat man fucking a woman. In the other pile, a little blond haired ten year old has his dick burried balls deep in what looks like a dark skinned boy, though, the tangled mess of flesh it's hard to make out at first. Plim has the woman from behind, he shoves his ample meat into her pussy as he pumps her faster and faster. She begins to moan. She looks up and we lock eyes.

I recognize her and freeze for an instant. Bogey looks at me. We are still holding hands. He looks back and she's gone. Plim is now furiously raping the air and he spunks. We are far enough away I don't get any on me this time. He laughs as he jizzes and grabs his flute. I look over to the love making boys.

Without any warning a flash of lightning comes down and hits Pim. The little boy vanishes in a flash of heat and power. We are blown back and find ourselves with ringing ears and laying down. Bogey lets go of my hand.

I run over to the boy he was fucking. He's confused, naked and oddly familiar. I grab him and pull him to his feet. His eyes focus on me and he looks confused. My ears stop ringing instantly as I hear flute music.

After a few notes he stops and says, "Sorry boys. Larry hates Pim." Plim looks up at the sky, "Not very nice Larry! But I understand."

The scorched earth smells burnt. The new boy says, "What the fuck?"

I want to run over to check to see if The new boy's dick was inccinerated.

Bogey says, "Pim is a nasty little shit. I take it the blown up kid was Pim?"

Plim smiles, "Him and his family ate equines in his other life. Wooo wow, let's just say the taste hasn't quite disappated from his pallet."

"Equines?" I ask.

Bogey replies, "Horses."

I say, "Ah. That makes sense."

I turn to the new boy and give him a once over. His boner is long gone, but he has nice shapes. His face triggers a memory from home. He is a half breed, half black and half white. His dark skin and mixed heritage was the theme of a TV show and here he is in 3-fucking-D.

"I know you." I say.

"He recoils. I don't believe it." He says.

"Yeah. You are on Maximum Max. You play Max."


"See. You are. And that woman that was here, the one getting fucked from the side by Plim, she plays your Mom."


"And you were fucking Pim before he got blown up by the lightning bolt."

"That part you caught me doing."

"I really like the show, well, a couple years ago. I'm surprised it's still on the air it got so bad. I did masturbate to your third season, where you were shirtless and supposedly showering."

"It pays the bills." He admits. He sticks out his hand to introduce himself, "I'm Royce Harding."

I grab his hand and hold on to it. He expects me to shake it. I just grab it and then my other hand gets a hold of it, "I recognize the name now that you say it. I put my arm around him and make sure our bare thighs touch.

"Bogey." I say, "This kid is a movie star. That woman he was with that vanished plays his mom on a TV show. Strange that we meet over here eh?"

Bogey holds out his hand to shake as I grab his shoulders. My other hand reaches over and touches his boy meat.

He doesn't pull back for a couple of long moments. Long enough for his dark meat to get hard.

"Hey. You can't just grab me like that." He jerks back. I'm completely surprised as he puffs out his chest, "You can't just go around and sexually assault me!" Then the thoughts hit me and I laugh and say, "So you came over here just to Masturbate yourself? You Pim was just an accident?" I didn't think, it just comes out, "Your actress Mom came over with you? How long have you two been fucking?"

Royce's face is abject horror. His mouth opens and he pretends to make words. Bogey touches my shoulder. His face tells me I'm being mean.

My anger moves it out of my mind, "You are, what, fifteen? My guess is season three episode twenty. I mean, yeah, you are a hot fucker, but you fucking came over butt-fucking naked with your fucking pretend Mom to fuck a ten year old and not be fondled and have gay fucking sex with fucking strangers." I instantly regret all my words. His shoulders crumple and I find myself hugging him. Skin to skin hugging is power to both of us. He instantly feels my regret and I feel his bones regrow. "I'm sorry. I just love you." I say. I know I don't know him, and he hears it all the time, from all his fans. I am never going to admit sending him a love email a couple years ago. Our tension instantly dissolves. I feel Bogey hugging us. He's like the older of us and has the biggest equipment all the way around.

Bogey asks, "Where'd she go?"

"What?" We break hug, and Royce asks, "Who?"

"The woman who vanished." Bogey replies.

"Back." I say and think to explain a little more, "When you come, you have to come to go. At least in our mirror."

Our hug broken I reach over again and grab Royce. He has a long one that is eager to be hard. The touch is all that is needed. I squeeze him a little and the pole goes full boner. I explore. He is silent. He's got a little bit of pubic hair on the top, but smooth balls.

"How do you cross over?" I ask Rocye. He's enjoying the attention my hand is giving.

He is opening his mouth to answer and Plim butts in between us all, "Stop. No. Wooow wooowwee wow. No no no. Mustn't talk about he other sides secrets. That's what makes this place so, woweee wow wowser, special. But now Royce here, but nice smooth balls. And muscle Bogey, he is delicious all around. And, yes, Carter Carter McCoy is sprouting, fresh hair on top, fresh meat, spunk that is potent. Yes. Pim will be back in fourteen breaths. We should do sex?" Plim's honey voice, at first was panicked, but sooths us, mesermizes us, and I think hornifies us more? We are not in reality and can indulge in our fleshly desires with no repurcussions. I reach over to Bogey and take his member into my hand. He doesn't say no. He doesn't say yes. I still think he's just putting up with me, that he loves girls. I don't know how I know, but I feel it. But we have no girls and he doesn't ask for any. He reaches over to Royce. I let go. Royce is all boy. His dark skin goes over his ass. He has a slight tanline, curly hair and is smooth, hairless except for three patches, his armpits and above his stiff-as-stone boy. I lean over and let him in my mouth. His precum doesn't taste like fruit. I put up with it. I enjoy the heat of his member in my mouth and I bounce it, in and out and in and out. In. Out. The earlier argument of not touching him has fled the world.

"Let's sixty nine." He says as he peels my mouth away.


He lays down. I guess I'm going to be the nine part. It's not hard putting him back on my lips as ge grips me with his. His neck only moves so far as I work him. His desire for more for me lasts so long and with a little gasp I am kneeling on the grass, mouth open, penis engorged, fucking the air.

"Come as you go." I whisper to myself. I look up. I want to see Bogey, but he is burried ball deep in Plim Bogey's head is back and he's deep into the rut.

Pim runs into the dell. He's smooth and his soft little man bounces over his smooth balls. He has no hair anywhere except the blond full shock on

his head.

I grab him and hug him, his little smooth body against me makes me stiffen, more. Can you stiffen more if you are already there?

Bogey's fucking muscular ass is pounding the goat boy. I want the front. I take the back. He's not easy to get in, but I find my way in. It squeezes hard. Bogey is moaning hard. I feel Pim on my ass. His little boy is nothing but an itch, and then a pleasure. Bogey cries. I can feel his ocean of pleasure, wave after wave.

I don't feel him pull out, but I hear Plim, "Boy cum isn't as fun in here as out there. Wait..."

His words are lost as I see a small flash and feel me spurting against the mirror. I spurt pleasure after pleasure. I feel someone's arms against mine and a presence behind me. After I get up off my knees, I see Bogey with a blank look on his face and pants on his bottom.

"Oh shit."

Next: Chapter 6

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